tv [untitled] March 1, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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french officers are reportedly to take part of the uprising in syria as government forces retake the rebel stronghold in the city of. massive protests and rallies across the e.u. about the cuts affecting millions but a question mark at the brussels forceful demands for security. israel faces international criticism over its policy of detaining suspected palestinian militants indefinitely and without the chance of a trial. also as russia's presidential vote means we take the streets of moscow and move the people in the rest of the country recently woken from political slumber. and in the business let's end federal reserve chairman ben bernanke he stops sort
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of announcing the task injections in march says that this night of a trade is too i mean about ten times the market a little bit bigger. internationalising comment live from moscow this is r.t. with you twenty four hours a day the syrian army is allowed the international red cross to enter in the embattled city of homs government forces have retaken the area from opposition fighters and syria is now waiting for the arrival of coffee and earn the new u.n. an arab league envoy who's failed to stop the killing and start. what is more of a notion it is in damascus. we are hearing that the army has entered homes in order to regain control over the city which has been seen to survey clashes between the opposition and the authorities for months now syrian media reports that you're in
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this operation french officers have been detained reports say that the american fast they were captured by the opposition fighters but failed to clarify why they were in syria we also here in the france has already reacted to the claims by returning in some better to damascus these reports follow the free syrian army members claims that it's already received weapons and missiles from u.s. and french sources earlier the arab league has refused to rule out giving arms to the opposition here in syria if the violence and the killing doesn't stop this in contrast to the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton who admitted but only in the rubbles here in syria could be very dangerous as one could and potentially in the hands of al qaida while this is issue here on the ground is very tense and complicated the u.k. says it is now if i create an embassy here in damascus citing security concerns revolve peaceful after us are also taking place here joint u.n.
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arab and boy syria kofi annan has said that he will be heading to the conflict on country country very soon trying to negotiate humanitarian access to the affected areas kofi annan has also voted to persuade between the opposition and the authorities on the war inside claiming that the talks are referring to and the violence here in syria. come all of a contributing editor with online magazine syria comment says the desire of some foreign states to push for president assad's departure could. mediation mission. by sunday kofi annan who was. accepted by is almost a friend to assert in the past they've negotiated on many things they are trying to be a little bit more friendly than to have been until now. we'll see if that opens the door for later but i think i know they're not ready yet you have qatar and saudi arabia state wanting to arm the opposition rather than to talk and present
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ourselves at the end of the day syria is too big to fail it's not a lebanon because they cannot afford to have chaos and they're going to thirty years to i cannot imagine them being able to live with scales in syria so they will try to increase the temperature for the regime that will send more arms even if it goes to say that it's now missed for a while and i think that was right that's. what we discussed the intricacies of america's relations with syria with the former u.s. attorney general ramsey clark and you can watch our interview with him in the next hour here on. the second day of strikes across europe has walkouts paralyzed transport from athens to rome there's some of the biggest public demonstrations in recent history protesting against desperate government cuts to budgets designed to appease international paymasters but the measures are taking their toll and result he's talking about reports that you'll start the sentiment is reverberating across europe. in belgium protests saying austerity cuts have gone too far in cities all
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across france and especially big demonstration in paris with the same message thousands of students on the streets in spain wanting to reverse cuts in education spending there and huge demonstrations in portugal spain and portugal people there really feeling the pinch share as their governments try to balance budgets and cut spending but left it really exposed to this debt crisis and no more so than here in greece in the parliament behind me lawmakers have once again sat late into the night having to really make savage cuts to their spending all across the sectors of the economy a twenty two percent cut in the minimum wage has been made thirty two percent if you're under twenty five in greece and half of greeks under twenty five are employed we've seen doctors coming out in a twenty four hour walkout massive cuts made to health care spending and to
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pharmaceutical spending there's many more examples everywhere you look in the economy lawmakers are having to take very painful steps to try and force a greek government spending down all of this linked to the one hundred thirty billion euros second bailout that's being dangled in front of greece's nose here there's a real human in parts to all of these economic measures greeks are being forced on sort of streets just like people in spain in portugal in italy in france in belgium all with the same message these austerity measures are having a really harsh human cost now. reporting that a little earlier i spoke to brussels veteran and she's in many from the u.k. independence party she told me that ultimately european governments have no choice but to abate the will of the e.u. . governments are you know sort of in a very difficult situation because they have to abide by rules imposed by the
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european union or let us say by germany and they have to abide also or take care of what people are saying in the streets but eventually the money comes from the european union so the power lies in the european union to put pressure on the countries member states to comply with the austerity measures now obviously you can do us much as you can do and some countries like greece our own diverge of collapsing they have already lost their sovereignty are losing their pride you know there is not much more that can be asked for greece and other countries will follow and i think the u.k. should learn the lesson from these. these latest protests karmazin hugo's for yet another summit starting no brussels correspondent tells us it has more the trials
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and tribulations still ahead for europe's eight. today is the start of that summit yet another wonder for the readers still discussing the same old thing but today the main thing that go they're going to do is to the signing of that fiscal treaty that we've been talking about for months this essentially means a new budgetary rules that countries are required to strictly adhere to no excuses at this time and if they if they don't follow those rules there will be automatic sanctions so it's expected that about twenty five of the twenty seven in new nations are going to sign on to this fiscal compact with two countries that are not going to do this or the u.k. and the czech republic we've heard prime minister david cameron said in the past that he's going to be watching very closely to make sure that this is not undermine the single market however signing this treaty is not going to quell that string of questions that will arise and still are arising will be introduction of this
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agreement as well as other issues that still need to be dealt with here is more about if previous east summits are anything to go by the bickering among leaders is usually long and painful. to. have a new. game. lasts limits. and. a little less drama no one any harm. the main agenda signing the fiscal compact agreed in december of last year putting into place tough new budgetary rules and automatic sanctions to get everyone to clean up their act all but two countries are expected to give it the go ahead event needs to be ratified by at least twelve years old nations before it could come into effect something seen as a done deal but the main question is is it going to work and what we have to see
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now to which extent remember strange liable to respect it because it's easy to convene them here and agree on all those principles. the only country that is likely to have a balanced budget soon is germany this balancing act will not be easy to pull off reducing deficits to the three percent level required by the e.u. means having to squeeze already dry public coffers in several countries. and this is what could keep happening in big and small numbers. even mention that. you can maybe take time off every piece you can while workers demand pro growth policies international observers have another approach to the crisis beefing up of the euro zone's financial farwell's meanly increasing the permanent fund the e.s.m. from its count of five hundred billion euros would germany has opposed such
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a move yet another euro deadlock they don't feel the urge you see anymore and that's because of the success of the. injections of liquidity from the european central bank as economists were really look to see that the e.c.b. central bank operates too much because their own markets ease and that is the politicians don't feel that can see any more for real reform for now the e.u.'s plan is to impose these structural reforms and watch like a hawk while they may see such fiscal consolidation as a necessity in fixing the root of one problem another one maybe or it's head further down the road and these member states will rule sovereignty in the field of budgetary policy i'm not so sure that all the ducks are going to be happy about it
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or one of french i'm very sure the french are going to be unhappy about this at this point one may be hard pressed to find anyone who isn't. r t brussels well from the onset of the euro crisis keeping greece afloat has been trumpeted as a communal effort by the e.u. and not spirit one hundred sixty german tax collectors of volunteered to help our friends in tax collection one of nine hundred thirty g.m.t. because a report looks into just what that hope really entails. the german government is prepared to send a hundred sixty financial experts to greece to help the country overhaul its tax collection but actually this is the british math and of imperialism they would send people to help the poor indians they would send people in to missionize and help kenyans you know this was the method of colonization it's mine not that it's
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you don't have the sound of the tanks there are no turnings because this is a financial war and a credit default swap and the derivatives are the blips big destroyed greece with naked credit default swaps and paulson lloyd blankfein of goldman sachs big big destroyed another scar going up and serving it up to the germans who were their local raj we're going to be managing these poor schmucks down there in athens while they get ready to invade spain tenderizing spain they're going to help spain oh excuse me they're getting ready to help spain. cause a ripple coming away a little later here in r t israel is locking up suspected palestinian militants giving them no idea how long they will be held or what they were accused of international concern when one prisoner came close to death for sixty six days on
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a hunger strike but he's in an english car went to meet his family. hundred lines wife wishes she could forget the day she was arrested but it's a memory the just want to feed but every day of. the soldiers came to our house around two am to my husband out of the bathroom and let him away there were many of them all of dogs they all acted like animals. israeli authorities had already arrested hundred eight times before believing him to be active within the palestinian islamic jihad a group israel regards as terrorist how that no one was put under administrative detention meaning no trial and no charges being brought a practice widely used by israel in prisons like this one that hundreds of palestinians are being held suspected of terrorism but accused of not doing their prison can last for years with no formal charges being brought against them it's also can last up to six months but there is no limit on how many times it can be
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renewed at the moment more than three hundred palestinians are in the street of detention but during the height of the second intifada or uprising just over a decade ago thousands were put in jail without trial and many of them youths of their aziz who was just sixteen when he was arrested. but used to frighten us terrifies by screaming eagles pushing us and forcing us to the ground but keep us in cells for two or three months in order to take confessions by force we were so frightened imagine a free young person who suddenly finds himself in jail israel insists it's doing nothing wrong and that it's necessary to protect informers identities but human rights groups both here and abroad back to differ slightly not only is extreme but also because israeli authorities applied all too liberally towards palestinians it's one of the basic moral principles that we you know that our society founded on that if you deny a person's right to freedom you have to have
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a very good case and have to have a trial and you have to let them defend themselves against these accusations. when palestinians are placed under administrative detention they're not told what they're suspected of there is little charge sheet and there's no trial as long as family now waits his really silly parole. for that service you never know what it's like with hunger strikes it could end well but at the same time you cannot explain to your children mother and father look so amazing when they sign on his hospital bad he cried. how did not answer his sixty six day hold a strike was not in self interest but to draw attention to other palestinians in similar circumstances has a hospital the moment i'm able to walk in has been fed intravenously but there is already talk of moving him back to prison while he recovers his lawyers say that at least his shackles have been ticking off even if only for the time being here goes carty israel. less than a fifth of israelis support
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a military strike on iran while the vast majority are against an attack in fear of the consequences that's the result of a poll taken ahead of a crucial set of meetings between u.s. and israeli officials a belt to iran's nuclear program or film director sean stone the son of all of us stone is a recent convert shares the concerns of most israelis. that's the point is to prevent or stop but i think it's we are walking into world war three at the moment between syria being destabilized and iran it's on this border being threatened by its own america to me it's a very dangerous time and we don't recognize what the causes consequences will be not only not only regionally but to the world what's happening is we are now in a state of martial law and war a global everything is now it could preconditions for a total war state i mean you can call it for the whole of america becoming part of the so-called battlefield that america's our battlefield earth is about the field so we're already at war with iraq you can engage people diplomatically if you're
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already trying to isolate them and what do you basically creating is more radicalism on their part because you're trying to push them into a corner by the way if you missed any of our stories you can always log on to our website r.t. dot com to bring itself up to date and here's what else is there for you at the moment stirring up the public presence sparked outrage saying world war two veterans who fought alongside nazi troops are not criminals and deserve respect more reaction to that online plus. the occupy wall street movement heads out of the winter months says hundreds take the streets to stage more protests all out of the dot com. russia is gearing up for its begin action when the people choose their next
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president but this year's race has already brought huge changes in the political life of the country here that has seen some of the biggest demonstrations in its history i think you could greaves also to the streets of moscow to check the pre-election temperaments. once upon a time there was a notion that russians weren't all that well that about politics but now that seems to have changed this year's race for the presidency has caused intrigue and i ever since vladimir putin announced he would be running different words have been splashed about characterize the campaign so far and here are some of the most distinctive p. is for public who seem increasing number of people take to the streets both for and against the government this marking a growing sense of civil activism these rarely as these flash mob sounds a powerful signal not only the we're going to put in but all the russian politicians that message in a sense that they help understand that the site has
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a vacant political what is. stands for reform on the back of demonstrations president medvedev has put forward a number of electoral changes stretching as far as how parties are registered and who could be on the ballot is oligarch we can help record has garnered bars media coverage and is the only can they not be backed by a party in the duma owner of n.b.a. team the new jersey nets and netting and estimated eighteen billion dollars these are by far the most cash to splash on his campaign as message is business orientated often stood out for his riches and murky past struggling to resonate with public twitter it and other social media have been crucial for all denies him demonstrations in bodies the very public and spontaneous nature of some of the opera felt around russia he stands for election commission the ruling body
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overseeing voting day its head phantom a chair of has been in the spotlight after allegations of electoral fraud or met with inaction. force the brevity a buzzword. prime minister vladimir putin's campaign so far seen by many as so it will restore economic order after years of hardship but the power of this words resonate just how popular man still is. testing the splits his popularity it's been a difficult period for vladimir putin a two time president not used to such discontent moscow and some petersburg in the big cities the million ikey these are not really his territory anymore and he i mean maybe he'll get them back but it seems to me that he's sort of thinking that he has to rely on the other russia strange face for putin the russia of the region why he would probably manage to win with the you know from the majority of the
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selection is that one of the best slogans from the pro put in camp is if not putin who. three other candidates are also seasoned political veterans struggling to convince voters they can deliver change and all those stands make this the most definitive word so far in the election campaign marked by mass there a strange sense protests regardless of the winner and the results on the fourth of march these guys are how best they impact on russia's future do you agree the moscow. know before we cross over to k.g. in the business newsroom let's check out some of the other news making headlines around the world to turkey. where a remote controlled bomb exploded in. fifteen police officers and one civilian was mounted on a motorcycle and one of close to the headquarters of the country's ruling party as
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a police vehicle passed by the blast comes amid calls from turkish kurds for autonomy and a crackdown on the turkish rebel group p k k. next hours of protesting in new delhi is the indian government prepares to meet with the chinese foreign minister to improve ties to demonstrate this is discussing the true country should be held until beijing is freed in exchange for their ongoing unrest in the region is expected to feature in the tree. so as promised at twenty three minutes past the hour let's cross over to katie all the latest market news for us because of bad news. stop the money press is that right that is right actually and he's not very popular with traders with investors because they were hoping that he was going to announce a new past injections help boost the markets to say that there's no need for one as the u.s. economy is on a bump a but steady growth
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a road to recovery. yes i think the u.s. economy is very much in recovery mode and let's not forget that it's because of that fight mr bernanke he was able to announce yesterday that the prospects for a third round of quantitative easing were less than they might previously seemed so it's not that the absence of q is going to choke off the recovery it's rather that the facts of recovery is going to choke off q.e. . let's see how the markets are doing then we'll see how the u.s. markets are performing at this hour as you can see both the dow jones and the nice like are indeed in positive territory at this hour is a great different picture for the russian markets though they finished in the red today as you can see stocks falling from a seven month high i listen with the individual chairman's as you have read as you can see just. luke all closed in the red after reporting its net income rose
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to the third ten billion dollars on the back of high prices but the result. which is why you're looking at a red color russkie vote was the top before the fall of a disappointing finish let's head over to europe and see how they. they are indeed . i believe we're going to take a look look at europe and see how they're doing they are indeed they are are just by news that the e.u. jobless rate has hit a record high of ten point seven percent ok so investors aren't sued for that at the moment. they're still encouraged let's move on to start exchange rates how the dollar is recovering as it gives no hint of the stimulus as we were saying for traders remain wary of eurozone weaknesses same story for the variable is lower against the greenback and higher against the euro that gold gold is still up it's still going further into positive territory actually after pulling back from
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a fortified. fans of the previous session a silver is also doing well after choppy day of trade oil remains strong u.s. is increasing pressure on iran to halt its nuclear program the light moves as you can see over a hundred and seven dollars per barrel the bread's over one hundred twenty three dollars for ground. and in other news will stick with oil the u.s. exported more gasoline diesel and other fuels on it imported in twenty eleven for the first time in six decades the country's refiners exported wreck order amounts of gasoline heating oil and diesel to meet higher global fuel demands while u.s. fuel consumption. will stick with the u.s. stories for now secretary of state hillary clinton is this congress should lift the jackson panic amendment in regards to brush up as it is joining the cause is the moment vision is first and trade discrimination rules and now may disadvantage u.s.
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