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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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live from moscow this is r.t. hope policy on our top stories french officers are reportedly detained in the heart of the uprising in syria as government forces retake the rebel stronghold in the city of homs. massive protests and rallies across the e.u. about the concept taking millions and putting a question mark over the process for. israel faces international criticism over its policy of detaining suspected palestinian militants and definitely and without the chance of a trial and more or less stories and other developments in less than half an hour from now with me here in r.t. in the meantime max carson stays you haven't focused on what they call global
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colonise ation that but big corporations who are far too cozy with pandering politicians that's next week on r.t. . biomass cows are welcome in the gaza report nobody is doing any checks and balances . the out of control rogue banker types. they are becoming worse they're mutating into out right well we'll talk about a more space here which only more max we see colonization all around the world and colonization often happens through missionaries and all of those there to help you who repo man direct their urges fans to pirate a bunch of my stuff right away so repo man director alex cox was interviewed and he said of hollywood it is so corrupt now they want to have longer copyright periods
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because they say the young artists are relying on this money so how they would is there to help the young struggling artist but of course behind all their help for you they're actually destroying your culture or that they say they are trying to protect the young artists never see any money alex cox continues because they sign away that money to big media corporations like universal and viacom we the artists lose all of our rights to these massive corporations who then come down heavy on these kids for downloading films and music that we never see a penny from it's complete b.s. i want to encourage your audience to go and pirate a bunch of my stuff right away yes actually i do pirate my film as this director is suggesting as we get into now occupy all the wood or the hollywood spring as some are calling it copyright regimes are totalitarian it kills innovation it kills creativity the hollywood system is bloated it's like the move barack of industries
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and now people are rising up there pirating as an act of civil disobedience and they're doing so rightfully so and a copyright system is dire need to be completely reform go back to one nine hundred seventy six where the it was i think forty eight years instead of bell lifetime plus seventy years that's a slave copyright slave state so the propaganda to the average person is that we're helping young artist struggling musicians why. in fact it's universal and viacom that are reaping all of the benefits from their labor another musician of course is bob geldof who often goes affair with bondo and tony blair and says we want to help africans so we're going to give them monsanto see so that they could never be free again or in somalia britain leads dash to explore for oil and war torn somalia britain is involved in a secret high stakes oil in somalia with the government offering humanitarian aid
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and security assistance in the hope of a stake in the beleaguered country's future energy industry so they speak to their hashi minister for international cooperation in punch line northeast somalia where the first oil is expected to be extracted next month and he said we have spoken to a number of u.k. officials some have offered to help us with the future management of oil revenues they will help us build our capacity to maximize future earnings from the oil industry has she in charge of brokering deals for the region's oil reserve also said somalia was looking to b.p. as the partner they wanted to quote help us explore and build our oil capacity you know since help us help us and he then goes on to say and the only way we can pay them of course is to give them our resources once again i mean it's a all the elements that we've been tracking for quite some time now in this somali
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story somalia story you've got first of all somalia was already victimized by these g. twenty nations that overfished the country to bear their force the population some of the population go to this piracy business now they've got b.p. who is an ecological hole the cost provoker who is responsible for the deaths of billions of life forms and a lot of people as well who are now going to help somalians with their business. and extract all of the well thank you very much i'm a repeat again of the same tactics we've seen over and over again but you're right they go in there bob geldof leading the charge we're going to help you except we're going to steal everything and leaving for dead somali prime minister. mohammed ali said his government had little choice but to entice western companies to somalia by offering a slice of the country's natural resources which include oil gas and large reserves
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of uranium the same thing here we're trying to help the young struggling musician but destroying all other competitions whether it's mega box or its you tube or anywhere else they don't want any of the struggling musicians actually have a choice but to use universal here to use b.p. your only option if you're an oil rich nation is you have to use b.p. or exxon those are the two that's your choice. b.p. holywood these are all dying all of dinosaurs of the of the previous regimes and they're all flowing as you mentioned the fish off the coast the fish stocks have been depleted through western overfishing and it's also the coastal waters are totally polluted from toxic pollution that is just dumped there because there are no regulations so you'll have ships coming from italy dumping toxic waste nuclear waste right off the coast of somalia which then leads to this militancy the same
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you see in the financial sector our economies our financial systems have been destroyed by toxic derivatives and because of that you see riots in greece in athens you see riots in london as opportunity is destroyed not many people who get a point of risk pollution in a risk that illusion beating derivatives toxic derivatives that are so that are gushing forth from the investment banks polluting the global economy and nowhere more so than in london. show some backbone x m an ass chief tells firms to defy militants on work experience scheme so again there's a new scheme in the u.k. david cameron's government has said that any you know under twenty four's who receive benefits must work in these all volunteer schemes now originally it was kind of pitched as like they would work for the community but it turns out they're working for meter multinationals like marks and spencers m. and s.
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in this case or burger king or tesco but not getting paid the taxpayer was subsidizing the profits of these corporations but the floor boss of marks and spencers yesterday told firms to show some backbone and stand up to anti-capitalist protest over the government's work experience scheme the scheme in which youngsters on jobless benefits are invited are invited to volunteer for work experience placements of up to eight weeks that's not capitalism of federalism and let me explain something here the bank of england pumped hundreds of billions of pounds into the economy if it were capitalism that money would go into both houses of price appreciation and wages. that's called inflation but because of the financial engineering that's taken place because of the re architecting the global economy in favor of the top one percent of the top one percent that money pump like of irrigation sluice project it goes into asset prices like oil this is why the price
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of petrol is at the highest it's ever been in the u.k. never been higher because of the money pump but wages are flat in fact going down in fact there are people that work for nothing so if there were capitalism it would be competition this is not capitalism this is feudalism this is the return of the dark ages and these people who are saying oh they're anti-capitalist are completely wrong it's not capitalism little well it's corporatism you know they the way corporatism snout in is they use the we're the government and we're here to help you that was the scariest words in the english language well you know when you merge the corporations with government it is no better and as we see over and over in this story about the free labor being provided to these corporations chris grayling the employment minister then goes on this is fascism here is prepared to discuss forms concerns about sanctions attached this scheme which means that benefits can be withdrawn if youngsters who have not opted to leave
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a placement after a week fail to turn up without good reason or are rude and uncooperative if they're uppity little workers there chris grayling says quote i don't think any employer wants to be in a position where somebody behaves badly and faces no consequences so you're putting these young kids into free labor at tesco or burger king and if he's uppity they want to be able to withdraw this young person's benefits you know just my ring. go off and to the workhouse essentially what is the return of the workhouse and it's a shame that the word fascism has become like the n word you know if i say chris grayling it's a fascist of course people like oh you can't say. fascist that word died in one thousand nine hundred five you can't use the word fascist it doesn't exist anymore it doesn't it doesn't corporatism maybe that's because a fascist he's no different than mussolini he's a fascist and it was so that world war two was
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a joke what's the point you start with the blitz to fight what you have chris this guy committing state fascism you know all the people or service people have by now and then i did so in vain because the country's done nothing to stop a song from being invaded by frickin fascists well you know speaking of fascists and demanding consequences germany offers to send taxman to greece remember so all of this fascism corporatism and colonization happen through we're missionaries were just helping you we're helping you so malia by taking your oil we're helping you libya by taking your oil we're helping you young artists by taking the rights to your work here the german government is prepared to send one hundred sixty financial experts to greece to help the country overhaul its tax collection use all these words help all of this is just helping young people enter
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the work force in the u.k. are helping somalia to exploit their resources number six months ago when i was the first international broadcasters to just the germany had an you know it was not innocent in all this business going on with greece there wasn't the i.m.f. and the world bank so much e.c.b. as really germany looking to repeat the whole expansionist right german right four point zero model now suddenly people just accept the fact that germany is setting in one hundred fifty jackbooted accountant accounted to to run the country voluntarily like poland volunteered to have germany you know like a chuckle seductive poet volunteer to have germany well. actually this is the british method of imperialism they would send people to help the poor indians they would send people in to missionize and help kenyans you know this is the method of colonization it's one method it's you don't have to send in the tanks because it's
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it doesn't work in our twenty four hour news cycle tanks look bad to most people but accountants who are just there to help you with your taxes it's just all jolly good the story here is that there are no tanks because this is a financial war and a credit default swap and the derivatives are the blips they destroyed greece with naked credit default swaps they just greece is a four hundred billion dollar company and they just drawing with nine hundred billion dollars worth of toxic the rivet a bank paulson lloyd blankfein of goldman sachs big they destroyed great another scarfing up and serving it up to the germans who are the local raj we're going to be managing these poor schmucks down there in athens while they get ready to invade spain there is tenderizing spring they're going to help spain oh excuse me they're getting ready to help spain all right since you never will thank so much being on
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a cause report thank you max don't go much more coming why so stay right there. well. it's technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. i max kaiser welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to bangkok and talk with j.s. kim of smart knowledge you dot com john welcome back to the kaiser report thanks
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lomax's. alrighty j.s. kim the financial community is abuzz with warren buffett's claim that gold is value lists and unproductive holding and he likened today's mania for gold to earlier bubbles and tulips internet stocks and houses your thoughts well this is an example or you know it's hoping this book because i never really understood now it's all hero worship i think it's just silly what so many people put so much. basically one person because they were in this whole mess as far as the global financial system because people can't think for themselves anymore i mean people should just make up their own my puppet i still recall looking at the facts not listening to one person yeah it's surprising that somebody who has a reputation for speaking in a no nonsense kind of way would it would purposefully obvious kate the truth by stating lies possible would indicate that there's over ownership in the sector less
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than one percent of the globe's financial assets are invested in precious metals is clearly not over own plus the gold itself is outperformed berkshire hathaway stock for the past ten years by a factor of five hundred percent if you had just bought gold ten years ago and not nurture hathaway stock you'd be five hundred percent ahead of the game and also i mean warren buffett let's face it he missed the biggest stock of the last decade apple computer i mean eventually got into i.b.m. recently but he missed the biggest the biggest capitalized stock in the world apple computer the biggest gainer of the world apple computer so he's overrated basically i mean yeah his overall look twenty year track record thirty year track record is better than most but he's the only. you can say my work often he's not overtly criminal he's more behind the scenes criminal and i guess in america that constitutes a hero these days are let's talk about ben davies who's also widely quoted he says
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the central bank buying of gold has gold shorts trapped do you concur and for the audience explain what it means that gold shorts trapped and what you expect to see in this case max i actually don't concur with. that in the sense that gold shorts are going to get over on in you know because shorts again what that means is that people your bags are short gold and if you choose market as a gold price rises basically you know no way out besides going along to counter it out and the reason i say that's because remember back then so was that everyone said st big that silver shorts were going to get run over but as we've seen in the past that bankers can come up with some kind of scam to overcome that so in the case of silver that's i'm just go to c.m.e. there is an issue all maintenance margins to crash silver that can change laws or in the event that you all say they do get over what prevents them from just faulty as we saw in m.f. global rate there is nothing to stop them from doing whatever they want so in that
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sense i remain just a little bit skeptical that it can get over on i really imagine so over let's talk about silver reportedly an attempt an attempted paper silver raid last week when one hundred two million paper answers were dumped on the market within seven minutes it didn't succeed this time in driving down the price john so the follow up on what you're just saying there in terms of the paper market versus the physical market the attempt by the paper bugs as i call them to manipulate the price down last week they tried it was so really dumped a hundred seven million people around says it did not drive the price down your thoughts but all of those are people are catching on so do it again because actually earlier in the year they basically dumped us. i think i believe it was two hundred fifty million ounces in one minute which is ludicrous because two thousand and ten the higher annual my production was only about seven hundred thirty five million ounces so the comix shay's about one hundred billion ounces per year so
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it's even a greater ratio big goalposts in the cold because market you know they trade about a hundred times more people gold actual real physical gold that exists so it's about one hundred thirty five times more but what's even more astounding is when you look at you know the total solar cells by two thousand and ten when you add in scrap metal as well so the annual my production you look at about seventy percent of that is used up rape or just your purposes so if you thousand and ten there's only about one hundred million ounces of silver left for best mates or per monetary purposes so again you never actually said one hundred billion galaxies trades on comix right so thousand times more sister project in market yeah and you know it's interesting at this warren buffett trying to down talk down gold meanwhile in the troika in europe what's the first thing they did when they got greece to sign off on the memorandum when it's practically losing their sovereignty they now have a claim on greece's gold one hundred eleven tons of gold and of course this is now
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a factor in the troika's land grab an asset grab all over europe i guess they're looking for at least twenty four hundred tons of gold at some point and now the troika believes that they've got a claim on greek all and this appears to be the trend even though gold apparently is overvalued how do you see it in asia and the rest of the world are these gold assets going to increasingly be the subject of massive state intervention and banking terrorism but it's hard to say at this point because i think asia is it each of the central bank pieces the money is all different from the western central banking system right because you know we have right now the currency dangers either collapse of the euro or collapse of the. u.s. dollar so on the other hand say in china the chinese government has been you know poor so a couple of years now after several years have a carriage ing all their citizens to buy it because over so by pissing all gold you know you've been running state sponsored commercials in the country to do so then
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asia has a history of thousands of years of bowing and gold and silver as money so i think you know asia will protect i think the asian governments will protect its citizens more in that sense than the in the western governments because really this whole ponzi scheme right axis forces all global monetary system is really the western bankers buster banking and this issue yeah it's interesting the dynamic within the euro the dollar and what's going on there people assume that the year i was the weak and weak link in the in the global currency outlook but of course china is much more sympathetic to seeing a strong euro than they are the u.s. dollar making it into that a little bit for us j.s. cam sure i think as a great point max because i've always felt that it's you know u.s. dollar sort of you know better off and your old all the media attention seems to be on you know the weakness and your right now certainly the euro is in your country
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is a newer currency only coming to his assistance a thousand two thousand and one does not there's not how the volume of the u.s. dollar obviously is their national currency so big that only weakness in europe in the u.s. dollar are going to impact these economies economies not going to be able to escape it so you know late like you said before if you look at what the creditors to greece are desiring you know the desire to take greece is gold you know you have to look at what the actions are of these politicians or the central banks and not what words they say because the action through b.-o. truly you know what they value so by they maybe say gold is a barbarous relic or other central banks maybe denigrating gold in india if you look at their actions you see you know central banks all. around the world scores like you have purchased internet purchasing is is our own gold you know for the past couple years yeah absolutely the trend toward the central bank is to increase their precious metals position the confidence of the dollar is weakening the
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business model the u.s. which is to invade a country to spend a lot of money on weapons to try to boost g.d.p. seems to have run it's course. but i want to get back to the eurozone for a second clearly the story grace is now finished there they lost their sovereign say there was a moment when they weren't all that they would be deprived of voting on a referendum when that and by the troika so their sovereignty that was the moment that if they were going to stage some counterrevolution that would have been the time to do it but they never did so we can we can just kiss good greece goodbye it's now part of euro disney well let's look ahead to the next front again of the the paper versus physical assets the the war against the financial terrorism it seems like what's happening in spain is heating up now the people in spain i just saw some reports coming out of spain are really preparing now for a fight with these terrorists that destroyed greece. do you
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have your ear to the ground there in spain and pick up on some some movement there oh bit following it a little bit not perhaps as closely as you but i do believe as you pointed out earlier that you know this is the point that people have to take a stand they have to take a stand against you know this corrupt criminal global banking cartel you know once you preserve be able to preserve it well this generation but for future generations as well well we tell people in greece to buy gold and silver those people are going to survive the other that everyone else is going to parrot unfortunately let's get your thoughts now going forward for twenty twelve in the precious metals markets what do you see kind of developing actually it looks like gold and silver just broke out so i do believe that this year will be a banner year for gold it for silver will see more of a divergence between the paper price and the seller price but it will also not be
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one without volatility i think we're going to see great volatility in the gold and silver prices especially as you know the banking cartel struggles and the. it's to keep and just to suppress the price so you're still going to see a lot about so in this year but i think it's going to be over our very positive year yeah well you know it seems so odd to me because getting back to warren buffett story here's a guy who has a big piece of wells fargo bank and by extension a huge piece of the banking industry the paper bug industry who is advocating this multi-trillion dollar pump by central banks of course his stock is going to benefit his wealth is going to benefit but at the exact same time while prices and precious metal prices are going up concurrently which is having the effect of making the poor even poorer and the rich are richer so going forward you know i think it's important for people to understand that if they listen to warren buffett it's
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a ticket to poverty you know even if you're on a stock which has gone nowhere in ten years well i think people have to see more but for who he really is right max i mean he is part of the. elite he has people that are power i mean we saw that way you struck that deal with goldman sachs right that by our billion dollars of preferred shares and i read that he made almost six hundred million dollars in profit off that it's going to saks paid him a. way back by the way sixty five billion dollars so you know he does have access to fuels that you and i can't get max out basically ensure him or profits he does benefit from the current monetary system the current moral structure of a crashing reserve banking system so he's part of the people that benefit from this system so it's not a surprise to me that he continually denigrates gold he can see a great sober and this is a man who's been wrong for ten years and he's been denigrating gold since as you know reserve from two hundred fifty dollars an ounce to seventeen let it out now
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seven hundred sixty about it silver from four dollars that are over thirty five so he's been wrong for ten years running why would you listen to this man. right you made the goldman sachs by now i think the second thing of bank of america trading on inside information all right. thanks so much for being on the kaiser report ok it's been my pleasure max all right i'm going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert are like my guest j.f.k. and of smart knowledge you dot com there are some e-mail please do so at kaiser report at r t t v are you and don't forget to follow me on twitter i'm trying to get the fifty thousand followers so next time next guys are signed by all. three pretty three. three. three. three. three. three.
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