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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm EST

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not from the russian capital this is alex he would be twenty four hours a day top stories now russia and china have joined the un security council members immediate humanitarian access to syria calling for cooperation with assad's government to facilitate the provision. and process leaders decide that greece has met all requirements for the delay once again until the country's private credit has confirmed that final agreement to write off more than half of the greek debt. israel faces international criticism over its policy of detaining suspected palestinian militants indefinitely without the chance of
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a trial. with more on those developments particular concerning syria a little later in half an hour from now in the meantime the special report for you switched at birth it's the moving story of two baby boys swept by mistake and a maternity hospital and didn't meet their real parents until eighteen years later stay with us here on our team. twenty years ago there was a maternity hospital in this building victoria will mugger gave birth to her first child here. through this window i showed my husband terrorist on and three for the first time. after a long sleepless night of heavy labor under it was born he had a small injury from the difficult birth so he was brought to his mother for
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breastfeeding already wrapped up after which doctors wouldn't allow her even to hold her own child. i looked at the film and the strange thoughts came to me could it be that they had brought me a different baby. a mother of three sons victoria bill maher has never really given much thought as to why her eldest child is so much unlike his parents and siblings victoria a main concern has always been to make sure that the boys were well fed properly dressed and happy. husband nicholai treated all his sons equally he never played favorites also any of them as an ugly duckling so when his son was just two years old nicholas drew this picture on the wall of the house only years later did he realize it had
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a much deeper significance. once when we already had kids my wife and i were looking at this picture suddenly it dawned upon us the two white swans where younger children cullen invicta both of them are blown and then there was the black swan a dark haired and dark eyed boy on the day after this happened. peace in the family was nearly shattered when the parents discovered that they had spent the past eighteen years raising someone else's child. it turned out this one was not hers. it was from another flock. and mom and dad told me that i was not their son so. there was another one. i did not believe at first. i was immediately fended and shocked. not know how to react. to run away from home but. i
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talked to my friends calmed down and came back. a shakespearean drama began to unfold in the full knowledge of family when andrew took a mandatory blood test to get a passport he turned out to have the rare title deed loaded with his father and mother with type and pay respectively the result surprised even the most experienced doctors. every told me that it was impossible to have a different type of plant like your parents i took an interest in genetics i found out what i color hair color would inherit a child from his parents then i calmed down for a while. till i was haunted by the idea was not my child then where was my son. let's look at the most commonly used block type group which is like
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a the old system a.b. o. has four different types one which is zero eight which is to be three and a d. which is four for example in our case we have mother who is type. two and she has either a illegal or a day or a zero the father is type one and the father has only zero zero the child in question has blood types three which can be either b. b. or b. zero either the father or the mother or both of them are not the biological parents of the child. for victoria discovering the blood type was just the tip of the iceberg searching through the family's files at home she found old documents that had been untouched for years and those of their song when andre turns one month i
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went to the doctor to measure his height and weight him i was very surprised the baby weight or three hundred grams at birth but when his charge from hospital his away it was three thousand two hundred fifty grams. his height was fifty six centimeters but a month later it's worth fifty two centimeters back then when i was young i thought that my milk was so bad. the oldest son in the bulldog family has always been an introvert always reserved and silent he was nothing like his occult going parents and didn't kick up a fuss like his brothers. when the two younger sons were born we began noticing that he was somewhat different and did not sit down at the table together with us he refused to eat what we ate it would stand up and walk off without saying anything now people often told us he's very unlike you and to laughed it off yes he is more like our neighbor. nicholai in victoria began
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a private investigation they gained access to the archives of the old maternity hospital and found something startling on the exact same day that andrea was born another woman had given birth to a boy at the same hospital she lived in a neighboring village for the couple was too late she had already left with her only son. i was given a copy of the pictures of this boy and his mother but i looked at humor and could hardly believe my eyes i put the boys picture next to mine and andre's picture next to that woman's picture and is it all became clear to me and when i saw a picture of the father there was no more doubt in my mind andree and his real father grigori were like two peas in a pod. serious grigori and here is. the role most sixteen years victoria's son lived in a neighboring village his name was field and he had blond hair.
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it's not easy for him to remember his childhood his upbringing was difficult at best. with repeated poverty is everywhere here as you can see i had to work take care of the cattle. and chop wood. field it was an only son but for some reason he always felt as though he didn't quite alone. so the parents were always quarrelling. my father even beat my mother little is of course mom told me once that the neighbors around used to make fun of her. saying that her son did not look like her at all so as i was too blunt with you. every day be tory and look into the faces of the boys who bought tires from
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a kiosk in the city market. she hopes that someday her first biological son would come to buy something. and that she would recognize him. or use of the. i went to a neighbor who worked at the market and i took this picture with me and. i told her that our response had been switched to the hospital. i showed her the pictures they knew it was my son. and she said that she knew him as he had come over there. they did see each other at the market many times and victoria's heart still takes it of the water but she used to take money from her own son for the pies. what only later i remembered that boy with something out of the ordinary in his
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eyes he was poorly dressed and very skinny. when fyodor turned sixteen his father died together with his mother feel the move to russia to the northern city of your course six thousand kilometers away. two years later when feudal turned eighteen he learns that his was not the same blood as the people he thought were his parents. victoria and nicholai eventually found the phone number of the woman who may have been raising their son nicholas called and it was fielder who answered the phone. it was about three in the morning. i was living in your coats got the time when you're some i'm cold. he said we had a mutual friend. benny asked if i looked like my father and mother i said something rude to him in response something like why are you asking such questions who are
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years old and why are you calling me at such an hour. to me if he'd ever been told in his childhood that he'd been swapped at the hospital i explained to him that we had raised a son and recently learned that he was not out. when he heard this his voice changed at once. i realized that my son was crying at the other end of the line. the incredible story was first published in the newspapers but it soon came to be attention of t.v. journalists the drama of the two families finally meeting after eighteen years in which to speak on live television thank you. thank you thank you when the blood brothers met the boys could barely hold but it's serious to say nothing of the father thank you of course it was
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a shock when i saw my brothers i felt as though i had phoned my soul mates and they were very deep emotions welling up inside me. thank you but what looks like a happy ending for everyone involved was in fact just the beginning of the real drama . it was interesting how it would go and was. all about the he got into his car with that turned his head away and drove off from which was so hard to part. we seem to have found her son again and again he was not around. but we comforted ourselves with the thought that he would come back to us. three months after that meeting field or came to visit his biological parents just for
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a few days to get to know them better but he ended up staying there for eighteen months in the cold city of you could skip the woman who had raised him to be left alone. as russia votes for president r.t. looks of the five running for the kremlin top job the candidates are. limited to see the two time presidents naturally prime minister and face of the united russia party. on the record putin points to stability he secured after the chaos of calcium years praised for overseeing a booming economy the establishing of russia's presence on the world stage. for the presidency modernization fighting corruption maximizing russia's impact in
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international affairs controversy criticize decentralizing power in russia and staying at the helm too long. no role. for personifying the problems positions and aspirations of modern russia. presidential election two thousand and twelve r.t. . if. you believe.
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this frail woman works at a car park as a gatekeeper under her watch she make sure strangers stay off the premises and keeps a strictly count of the cars coming and going till they return on time. she doesn't get paid much it's just enough to keep her going there is spinoza's only thirty eight the child she brought up for eighteen years went to his real parents while her biological son refused to come to her. on the little. furder told me that he would go to the mall dog her to visit them. to see how they live yet six months passed. that i asked him about when he was going to come back. and he said
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that he was ashamed to leave his parents. oh you feel ashamed. aren't you ashamed after i have been raising you for eighteen years. well ok. of course it hurts. what can i do. well i thought if i was there probably entre could come to me little by little we would find a common language but it did not work they. told me they would come to visit me but i do not know when it will happen.
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fielder's real parents have never had money troubles just like many other people in moldova nicholai sells homemade wine victoria meanwhile makes pastries. here we go. to new family often feel everything he lacked in his childhood a comfortable life with a quiet family and blood brothers. i saw that i had the same character traits as my biological parents when i arrived in moldova and got to know them better i realized that i was just like the parents who had raised me i got it straight away. i never thought they would not love me anymore i know my parents they love me. but i was afraid to talk to them i don't know why but i was afraid. found himself in
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a difficult position having to welcome the person whose place he had been occupying since childhood. he was not going to step aside because a field i'm going under is very jealous should be reproaching about anything he immediately takes offense and does not want to talk. guys you want some juice and they want some. yeah ok. for the parents a meeting with their biological son also meant the possible loss of a son who played ray of the. country told me once mom i'm going to you could answer that she was eighteen already and he could go wherever he wanted. them to spend to always cry you know walking around the house so that he didn't see me crying. i got so scared. that he didn't leave.
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the field a year and a half with a new family felt like a month of that time back in your court merriest been patiently awaited her gifts only the occasional phone call brightened the loneliness. furder. hello. how are you it's futile who calls maria time after time a true son andree never dials her number only occasionally does he take the receiver from his brother. and. it's mom. a lot. and i'm not expecting anyone anymore because i know that no one will come. it is my fate. maria has often seen her whole life as a real tragedy deceased husbands believe their son was born as a result of her adultery he beat her and turned her out of the house together with
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the baby it never struck maria that the doctors of the hospital could mistakenly have given her the wrong child. i gave birth to my son on the way to the hospital and was unconscious for almost three days that is why i did not see the baby and the first brought a dark haired baby to me but then he said it was not mine it's not and to try to another one to me. the task of finding those guilty and this mix up was fruitless the prosecutor's investigation found that the doctors who'd be on duty that day when andre and fiona were born had already quit their jobs or time there was no one to remember what happened that day. we made the decision not to initiate criminal proceedings because of the lack of evidence under the article on the exchange of babies. everything that happens has been classified as negligence you
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have the right to apply to court for compensation for material and moral damage. before they were able to claim for compensation from the hospital the belmont a family would have to take d.n.a. tests because the lawyers would be unable to accept a family resemblance as solid evidence physical appearance can be a good indicator. of this and people throughout the ages these traits was used to show whether a particular child is the biological threat or particular parent however it's not a definitive answer it's rather an indication of a possibility or parental non-parent age if you look at for example you can see that. the child has white hat for example but it is also possible that two people with dark hair have
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a child with a fair that actually will darken with age but also if you look at the other case. the. for example with his brothers when he was little it is actually quite tricky to say that he is not. a children i mean. you can but if you look. over his no special the burra trees for d.n.a. analysis goes have to send their blood samples abroad to have the results returned by mail. there was one vital person missing from this table on whom the moment of truth depends the family decided to take a d.n.a. sample from the second one of the sons had to go to her.
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after six thousand kilometers and more than twenty four hours feel the returns home to the woman he once called his mother in childhood when she saw her son through the window in the rear was still struggling with feelings of resentment and could not hold back the tears. hi mom. mom. why are you crying. what happens it's ok. if you look at how do you recognise his own mother she has lost twenty kilos over the past year it seems that maria still believes field or is her son. and perhaps with the help of this test everything will go back to the way it was and her beloved child will never leave her again. what we did to be analyzed
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d.n.a. profiles from maria and a few water to see whether mary is the biological mother or the future or not jetted data indicates that maria is excluded from being the ability of a mother or thought of what we did next is be obtained d.n.a. profiles from victoria bill maga nicholai will marga and their alleged son on draper's mother and in this case we how to exclude biological parental i the parents so andrea is not the biological child of either nicholai or victoria. afterwards you took d.n.a. profile from florida and compared it with d.n.a. profiles from victoria and. in this case the uptake. not explicitly indicates that biological parent to both parents it's possible and the probability of this political power and disease ninety nine point nine nine nine
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nine nine nine eight percent which is almost run hot at the sentence indicates that . actually the biological child will give toria a nickel and not the village of the child of maria. maria the storks trying to persuade field or sister she understands now that she has no such rights. if you don't officially is with his biological parents he just decided to leave the area and move to moldova most likely never to return. she's far away and little she's suffering. since then so it's hard for her to be without us she feels abandoned and of course i feel bad about it.
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but nothing can be done. we will try to help her somehow. the parents organized a party to celebrate their son's return to moldova the whole family gathered together for the occasion nicholai and victoria were confident the funeral was their son regardless of any d.n.a. test on trade is still the boy who they raised for eighteen years as if he was their own he will always remain and dear to. your village but now i think showed as my brother i can't call him a stranger with all my brothers. my mother you know it is certainly joys that we have found our son and as we have never ever thought of abandoning un tree. and i explained to my younger son scott could be due to ever say to andre that he's not your brother even if you quarrel was always remember that he's your brother and
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love him just like you always have. and i'm. quite recently another boy appeared in the home of a family nicholai in victoria of knowledge opted flat that was abandoned by his parents. will lead up. to. the warmth of the family fireplace is what unites everyone in his home in the parents rests the spark of love for each child. but one who has no child to love is maria she's
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left all alone in a fun northern city of your cook school.
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