tv [untitled] March 1, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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to the. it's. trying to report suspicious activity he's a little worried. it's that sees something say something mentality that's causing a rift within the u.s. neighbors spying on neighbors people constantly looking over their shoulder as opposed to terrorism threats around every corner are we really have to say for our have the us become the country back right well. and president obama is locking up your freedom them throwing away the key and it was assault on american liberty is a right to a free and fair trial well tell you how the scope for suspected terrorists is large and the margin for error is even larger. overtrained friends or colby day because
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why those outside of the site this is not politically correct america will be careful what you say it could cost you your candidacy in this politically correct country today and the average sex scandal to a harsh dose of economic reality are americans ready to hear the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth from a blunt politician. it's thursday march first four pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our team. well today it seems we live in a world where constant surveillance is becoming the norm and it doesn't help that the government encourages it encourages you and i to keep a very close eye on everything and everyone around us but aside from obvious alarm bells the department of homeland security and f.b.i.
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encourages people to report so-called suspicious activities including paying with cash travelling long distances shipping a beard or changing your hair color having a politically active or religious beliefs or even wearing backpacks those are just to name a few so as fear mongering runs rampant our citizens being stripped of their right to privacy are these more uniform and i have faith look at how these days almost anyone can be considered to terrorists. the united states of america is home to over three hundred thirty million people we are a country known for freedom. that was then this is today it's. sure for suspicious activity of war already the land of liberty is fast becoming known as the land of fear and suspicion there are individuals in the united states who seek to carry out acts of terrorism
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a post nine eleven slogan born in new york city has been adopted nationwide don't assume it was left by accident if you see something say something right there see something say something american campaign depicts terrorist scenarios and encourages members of the public to keep watch on well other members of the public according to f.b.i. pamphlets distributed to local businesses potential terrorist activity indicators include always paying with cash wearing backpacks in baggy clothes and the discreet and prolonged use of cameras or not taking in the cybercafe owners are encouraged to keep a watch on any customers overly concerned was probably a c. even just trying to shield your screen from others can make it was suspect. first thing government policies or making anti-war statements can also land citizens on the u.s. watch list as a two thousand and nine the us defense department categorizes public protests as
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low level terrorism related in a military dominated. the people who are on or. perish with the french and on ryan eleven is clearly never a fear has been exploited and. sustained by encouraging a state of public surveillance some new yorkers accuse the government of storing more paranoia and security well we are and i will say or we are isolated just because someone is paying cash doesn't mean you know that there are terrorists people is watching yeah no i don't agree with that at all it's too far reaching the n.y.p.d. under fire again for its intelligence gathering campaign involving muslim americans . and illegal surveillance scandal erupted in the big apple after police officers recalled spying on mosques and muslim communities according to the associated press thousands were under surveillance with no evidence or even allegations of criminal
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behavior we have to keep this country safe this is a dangerous place many in the u.s. fear that with america's escalating definition of suspicious activity the government's expanding powers remain the biggest threat to the people security were not artsy new york and to talk more about the growing trend of spying and surveillance in the nation i'm joined now by george hamon for founder of survive and thrive t.v. welcome george do you think america is becoming too paranoid. i think america and the politicians of run this country are forcing a. new era of told terry an ism and spying on fellow americans and with the economic collapse that that's our plates right now you can kind of expect more polar terrorism and more spreading of fear and fear mongering by or government
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carriage said totalitarianism is a very extreme word would you go as far as to use that word well i mean yesterday i covered the occupy movement they actually closed down a distribution center wal-mart distribution center for six hours and the government is now arresting leaders of protest movements across the country and they shut down those. the occupy movement basically with a coordinated attack and if that isn't a attack on freedom of speech and our liberties i don't i don't know what it was it also came out recently that they're part of homeland security has been. monitoring the occupy wall street movement how do you feel about a federal government agency keeping tabs on protesters i think it's atrocious i think the bureaucrats that we pay with our tax dollars should actually be going
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after real terrorists then actual citizens that have grievances with the corrupt politicians and the corrupt financial elites in this country instead of trying to shut down free speech instead of arresting these young kids and pepper spraying them and arresting them they should be addressing their grievances and take a look at wall street and take a look at the big corporate business and try to right the wrongs of the inequality in this country. earlier we saw what activities count as a specialist changing your appearance paying with cash and star so forth because i think that almost everybody does at some point in time as almost anyone there are qualified to be on a terrorist watch lists. i actually read the twenty five flyers that the f.b.i. underneath the communities against terrorism passed out and they actually encourage people to call paul in at any number and mention
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a secret phrase tripwire so it's reeks of kind of the secret stasi reporting on your fellow citizens and here's some of the businesses of a targeted with those fires hobby shops if you're interested in remote controlled aircraft if you're at a hotel and you don't want need service if you're at a mall and you will ride with a group of individuals split up but are still communicating by phone that could be a dry run for a terrorist activity i feel like a lot a lot of us are guilty of some of those things that some point in time. watch next time you go to the car rental shop and you rent a car watch the questions they ask you i've talked with a couple of my subscribers of my you tube channel they want to know where you're going they want to know what you're doing and they're going to question you if you pay cash these are not anyone's concern with your private movements in a vehicle that you're renting this is just overreach of authority and over reaction
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to so-called terrorist threat and you are good looking at the other side of the argument i mean. what's wrong with being asked to report suspicious activity of law enforcement gets used within permeation so be it as long as it keeps the public safe. well that's the balance you know the balance that we have to come to in this country is safety versus security and when you give up your liberties and you give up your freedom and you know your privacy for safety and security i say you've given up your freedom in general and you've lost the whole point of it the it's keeping a balance it's keeping a balance of keeping the public safe without infringing upon our rights that are guaranteed by the constitution that's that's the that's the tricky part and i also brought a lot to light recently of the new york police department monitoring muslims this includes keeping a close eye on muslim mosques muslim students simply due to the fact that they are
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muslim and so are certain ethnicity is that religion is more likely more likely to fall back down to spying sure i mean they may be modern monitoring muslims right now that you may not have a problem with you know i have a problem with the civil liberties aspect of violating that but soon they may be monitoring people that happened to own guns legally i mean if you look at those twenty five flyers they talk about martial arts and paint ball you know modern if you go put paint ball and you this is quoting the flyer if you're converting large parts of rural land to paint ball fields or military style training camps you could be a low level terrorists i mean the n.r.a. should take up the issue with some of these issues i mean this affects the left and the effects the right it's an overreach by the f.b.i. and government authority i guess we all better watch our thousand when we're in the paintball field carts thank you fairway again that was george hammond our founder
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of survival and pride t.v. . still ahead of you have the rights to remain detained indefinitely that is of course if you are suspected of terrorism but if protesters fall under that umbrella so what ever happened to american liberties that story next. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through made who can you trust no one who is your view with noble mission would see where we had a state controlled capitalism school nationals when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. great but just burn gerard's right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual paper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything you could buy
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absolutely thousands of times stronger than any one of the. well president obama has made some tweaks to the controversial indefinite detention law the national defense authorization act or n d a sparked outrage over its provision that allows the government to detain american citizens indefinitely without due process this week the president issued a directive that would not make it a requirement for the military to detain suspects but it still gives them the authority to detain suspects indefinitely so do the changes really help to restore civil liberties that were stripped in the original bill or is it simply a p.r. move to help answer this and more david seaman journalist and host of the d l show welcome to the show david so president obama's response is it too little too late.
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it is too little too late this is a national emergency this is actually a national crisis because this is not something that you know could be signed into law this is not conspiracy theory or fantasy this was signed into law by president obama on new year's eve and over the past couple months very few television networks other than you guys and a couple of others have covered this issue in depth and so it was signed into law on new year's eve and now it is actually active it takes effect today we're now living in day one of post and da america and his only response is to produce this directive a waiver which is not really legally valid this is what he plans on doing but it doesn't bind future presidents and even i mean we have to admit that at some point there will be another president obama's not going to be president for all of eternity and even he can turn around and change his stance on this so the directive
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is totally unacceptable he should not have signed this in the first place so on the surface it seems like the president is trying to make an effort to address some of the concerns over the bell did spark a lot of outrage and i said you see this as more of a p.r. move to make it seem like the president is taking action to address those concerns it absolutely does seem like a p.r. ploy last night on twitter and on facebook we saw all tens of thousands maybe even millions of people just freak out about this and so that you know they go to google and they search for m d a ok and when they see an article comes when they see an article it comes up saying obama is addressing this and he has produced a policy directive they go oh ok obama's got this but the fact of the matter is obama doesn't at this this is treacherous this is really scary this is like driving down a highway at seventy miles an hour and you have with the tire you don't keep going you pull over immediately this is not something that should be addressed next week or next month by congress this is some of these to be addressed right away and i've
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been told. here is this on my show. you know you have to tell everybody you know on facebook or twitter or whoever goes for your phone contact list on your cell phone and tell your family members about this this is really happening right now and very few media outlets in the u.s. are covering it at all much less and. and they have it and they want to ask you but of any attention to the other side of the argument here the press threat lee thousand president obama said quote a raid had any practical requirement to place suspected terrorists into military custody but undermine national security interests so what do you make of the argument that something needs to be done to make it easier to take to detain bella's that do pose a danger to the u.s. well i mean who are these people out there like it hasn't been properly defined and we had a guardian there was a guardian op ed that came out the other day written by not only worth and in this
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op ed she calls and being signed into law actual treason i believe that everybody in congress who voted for this thing and knew what they were doing they need to be removed from office peacefully but they need to be removed we need to vote them out or have a recall or some other measure and president obama's administration has to be held accountable as well for what they knowingly signed into law there is a piece that came out i believe yesterday or the day before representative blackburn in forbes magazine and she's saying that now the t.s.a. is going to expand their grass to highways and maybe even bus depots and that was an agency that was originally intended to just do airport screening that was the whole point of the t.s.a. was just screen passengers before you get on an airplane and now they've turned into something very close to this weird secret police force they have uniforms they have metal badges and things like and yeah they just confirm the fears that people
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have. out there that we are turning into this police state and there's no other way to describe it now david you and many critics of any a want to see change you can say you want to see members of congress that allowed this to happen step down or be voted out but in reality what do you think is the likelihood that if law or some of the more controversial aspects of the law can get repealed it can definitely be repealed the problem right now is that the vast majority of americans don't even know about this i was talking to a lawyer yesterday and she had never heard of it and you know when you tell people on the sidewalk about this first they look at you like you're crazy and then you say no check out the article about the new york times check out the piece about of the guardian then they believe you but they go there's nothing i can do about this and that's not true what you have to do is. put pressure on those in congress to support things like representative ron paul has
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a bill that would do away with this and i believe it's less than two hundred words long it's not some sneaky bill all it is is to repeal the most egregious sections of the n.d.a. and there are a couple of other bills out there that do similar things all you have to do as a you know as the public is tell our congressman this is completely unacceptable it needs to be repealed and then we're going to hold you accountable afterwards because you actually did get away with this and you thought that we weren't looking and we were all right david thank you for coming on the show that was careless and host of the d.l. show david seaman thank you. well we witnessed the downfall of a fair share of politicians from extramarital affairs to alcohol or comments it seems there is little tolerance for those that fail to remain politically correct but as our to correspond on a southie a turk and i explore it sometimes but it seemed as except the goal of earth is unacceptable doesn't make much sense. the potential politician country as
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a whole is getting much more educated plus a blog with sex jokes and tweets on part devices this equation work in the u.s. if you're going to be offensive you should be making a greater statement or at least making people laugh he was just the kind of frat boy. that was sickly if you're a man works an example of a successful businessman launched a run for u.s. senate but dropped out of the race after a barrage of attacks for not mincing his words online we've actually had politicians are politically correct almost the entirety of this country from ben franklin to many of the senators and congressmen as you see today march double standards applied to being p.c. depends on who they are basis i think when you're new and when you're rick santorum as we thought at the debates like you want to get an applause and say something totally offensive brag about how many people you've killed say that people should be left to die if they don't have health care insult a gay soldier like the more mean spirited you are the better you do in the polls
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with republicans these allegations far far from bill clinton to eliot spitzer i sincerely apologize to anthony weiner i did not send that tweet scandal walks hand in hand with american politicians it shows you that behind the surface you know the very near of propriety veneer of you know of respectability there's some really pretty kooky pretty kinky people that are out there you know once you begin to unmask them you know you know people are shocked it's often not what's said or done but the way it's reacted to and followed up on that impacts the politicians career if bill clinton said yeah i was having an affair with my insurance she's really cute what can i say my wife she goes you know you see your ice princess she's not but now i mean you know impeachment would have never happened secretly a lot of people men and women would have been like finally some. keeping it real similar episodes with politicians abroad can often get no more than
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a chuckle in america going outside the line can be extremely criticized other countries look at us and think were ridiculous i think there's a lot of accuracy and moral then o'connor is running for us congress a lot of my change friends they call me egg because i white on the outside and go on inside this is not politically correct but america he says political correctness is merely a tool in the hands of those using it there are certain topics that can't be brought up just because the mit media won't figure their hands on the run that if your opponent gets their hands on a bill run with it will really try to use it against you from sex scandals to raunchy gloss to absolve this or that comments are watchful eyes of the media and opponents pick and choose what molehills to turn into mountains and causing expectations of public political correctness many americans may no longer care about privately and artsy new york. so what drives the discourse in the
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media today and why are some talking points off limits while others want the airwaves to talk more about this. the rector of grassroots political consulting l.l.c. welcome danielle so what do you think is there an obsession with being politically correct in the us and is it getting out of hand depends if you're talking about the electorate or those in d.c. so there's a disconnect between mainstream media and those here on the build way and what the electorate want and we have recent history is an example of the appeal of the obama campaign changing the tone of d.c. to sixty three new members of congress in eleven state legislatures changing in two thousand and ten to more recently the desire to his day in this late for indiana governor daniels or new jersey governor chris christie to get into the republican race at this point time shows you the desire from the electorate for straight talking politicians results oriented but not here right herman cain we saw the
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downfall of hem because of his extramarital affair or multiple affairs a lot of air time being spent on that but you know in europe in other countries. those kinds of things aren't that big of a deal so at the end of the day does it one's personal actions that really affect their professional fitness to do the job well it depends on how egregious a good slate katie anthony wiener in herman cain's case except for a but. i don't know if it plays a factor in a little way even in europe with the personal political scandals of many politicians but i think it's more on the reputation and whether it's an egregious example like the ones we've discussed or if it's something down to a divorce. something that is much more mainstream these days than it used to be meanwhile a lot of attention recently is given to this guy we have
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a clip to show you here. well you know i've had two hundred fifty tea party come to my office wanted me to. defer certificate on the electorate sure i decided to do it i have my cold case posse volunteered cops lawyers no clothes no car sort of taxpayers so we have been working on this and that was arizona sheriff joe arpaio like he's been working on is trying to verify president obama's birth certificate is indeed authentic why is even the time of day well i think he is given the time today more for what he's done on correction reform the prisons that he's put in these are for term sheriff in maricopa county which is the bedrock in heart and soul of the illegal immigration issue for this country and the being a border state in all of the problems that are incurred. there coppa county is the
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central place that's affected by that on crime in the coyote's and different things like that i think that's more of why he gets credibility this issue to me is a little bit of a sideshow a sideshow we should point out also that it was just found breaking news possibly probable cause was found that obama's birth certificate is a fraud i think donald trump saw of this issue about a year ago i think it was spring of this year a year ago something like that and you know i'm not sure how much more validity their conversation needs to be given that's what i thought so but it's still part of the conversation takes the characters' posse there but you know we also see issues like birth control newt gingrich and he was talking about moon colony is and and much time being spent on these issues we see a lot of times actually there are going to g.o.p.
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debates but when it comes to someone like ron paul going he talks about cutting back on military. spending and you know. but wars overseas he's. extreme and oftentimes he shot and what do you make of that well that's why i go back to these examples of the strong disconnect between look at capitol hill congress still has nine percent approval rating which is just staff and family those receiving the paycheck basically the electorate is so frustrated with the lack of results lack of bold things that need to be done to get this country on track and goes here on capitol hill seem to be the president included just gimmicks status quo nothing big being done and the mainstream media plays along ron paul's appeal the entire movement he has nationwide and ironically amongst the military and youth more than almost anybody. said the desire here for chris christie mitch
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daniels to get in this race even this late in the game mean people want these solutions oriented people that can talk through and speak plain english about the problems we face and what needs to get done but they're not given the credibility appear because there's a lot of people up here that don't want things to change so you think there's a disconnect between i believe on capitol hill and the public amongst the establishment now the establishment is not just g.o.p. it's on both sides of the aisle there are those look at senator ron wyden and paul ryan working together on a medicare plan gave camp and why didn't working on tax reform together. and there excoriated all over the press. here for the same. or just out of time coming on the show that having a cigarette that was. to back their grassroots political consultant i'll see. and that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered you can head on over to our team doc cobb black usa and you can also check out our you tube page
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if you tube dot com slash or if you america you can also follow me on twitter liz wahl we'll see you right back here and half hour. wealthy british scientists sign. on to the title. market why not. come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars or there are no holds barred look up the global financial headlines tune into cars report on our. mission and free cretaceous three times for judges is free to make humans free is
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