tv [untitled] March 1, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EST
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video on demand keys money for old comes in for a sense feeds now with the palm of your. question on the call. oh and some are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture george bush wanted to attack north korea president obama chose a different approach how his traditional the policy of the president score a major win also just when you thought it couldn't happen good now the bush people are going to the white house and google has eyes in the sky and on the ground how is the internet giant invading your privacy on a daily basis. you
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need to know this ten years ago president george w. bush laid down the proverbial gauntlet this is what he had to say in his state of the union address. north korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction while starving its citizens. iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror while an unelected few repressed the reigning the people's hope for freedom in iraq and change the slightest hostility toward america and to support terror states like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil arming to threaten the peace of the world. axis of evil even though they don't even talk to each other it's an axis north korea iran and iraq at the top of america's hit list after nine
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eleven even though none of anything to do with nine eleven which went after iraq first and it was a total disaster it led to almost a decade of war from the longest wars in the history of the united states going always back to revolutionary war longer than world war two longer than world war one longer than the civil war on anonymous more than forty four hundred u.s. soldiers are dead hundreds of thousands of iraqis are dead many of them noncombatants and innocent civilians four to five million absolutely innocent civilians in iraq we have been displaced about half of them internally in the country but half wouldn't have fled the country we've spent a trillion dollars so far on this and there's probably going to be another trillion we have to pay for the long term health and mental health consequences to our soldiers and that's not even you know doing anything about the damage we did to iraq what do we have to show for iraq is still on the edge and still unstable
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meanwhile what were the other two axis of evil nations up to now it with iraq out of the picture iran's influence group show a military force in iraq because iran's a push ahead with developing a possibility of building a new iraq war shook up north korea to date sped up their missile test and set off their own first. so this was bush's approach to foreign policy the so-called axis of evil a costly war and major steps backward in other rogue nations but obama's foreign policy has been different he did something in north korea the bush was unable to do in eight years he got them to stop enriching uranium for nuclear weapons and got them to stop testing missiles that could deliver them didn't require one soldier one spanker one cruise missile none at all it was food humanitarian aid when it comes to carrots and sticks bush use sticks with disastrous results and sticks all the new obama used carrots with much better results so what do we do with the rain
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so we go with iraq approach like new g.o.p. candidates the war chicken hawks and the fox news folks who want to do or do we stick with the plan was to go she said carrots the way president obama has already neutralized north korea president bush open the gates of hell for millions of iraqis and left that nation devastated with depleted uranium let's not do that again to. move it out of the campaign trail mitt romney shouldn't be celebrating too much from his primary victory in michigan on tuesday night yeah he got more votes than rick santorum in the wolverine state but he didn't win any more delegates that's because michigan builds of the delegates based on who wins each congressional district and santorum and romney each won seven districts and each got most each got fourteen delegates but last night the republican party in michigan decided to award the states to at large delegates to romney giving them a slight edge so despite being born in michigan and despite outspending rick
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santorum six to one and despite spending more than two hundred thousand dollars per delegate mitt romney walks away from the primary collecting only two measly delegates more than rick santorum as someone who's made a living trying to determine cost effectiveness romney can't be happy with his performance. but looking at the big picture of the republican race the michigan primary highlights an interesting possible scenario on the horizon what happens if romney and santorum keep splitting delegates like this ron paul keeps grabbing a few his share too and no one in the race ends up with the number of delegates needed to secure the nomination and have either another bush and ends up in the white house before your head explodes was turned over to ross baker investigative journalist and author of the book family of secrets the bush dynasty and editor of the website who what why dot com tersely has a piece up explain how bush might win the white house this year ross welcome. thanks great to have you with us given how this race is played out just how likely
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is a brokered convention and why jeb bush coming out of that. well i don't know how likely it is i mean there's certainly a possibility. the way that romney is going very well not have a majority and then you have a situation like you did with wendell willkie now in that case with all of the candidates wounded from what you can describe as a kind of circular firing squad you might have to bring someone else in and the governor of maine a party favorite was quoted the other day as saying that he supports that he thinks there might be a dark horse in the offing in the point that we make on this new new article on who what why dot com is that it it may actually be jeb bush now people might say oh now come on that couldn't be but the fact the matter is to bush is very very well positioned he's made himself out to be a kind of an elder statesman for the party he's criticized the candidates for their
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attacks on each other and he's trying to make himself more appealing on a kind of a general basis that's the sort of thing that works at a convention that's the sort of thing that works for a republican kingmakers who are concerned about having a viable candidate in the general election so i think that's something we have to look at i'm also deeply interested in meetings that have been taking place between the bush family and barack obama that have not been properly covered the the old man george h.w. bush and jeb had a private meeting with obama when he first went in office they had another one recently in a deeply intrigued as to what kind of conversations they are having i thought you know i think you may be on to something here last week in dallas and jeb bush said i used to be a conservative and i watched these debates and i'm wondering it's a little troubling when people try to appeal to people's fears and i was i was what he said to a group in dallas just a week ago was that his set up for the general election i mean that's that not the kind of language you could use if you had to go through the hoops of the primaries
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which you know where it's all right wing wacko doodles but for the general election that sounds like the kind of the kind of talk that really would work and as a follow up if jeb bush is no longer a conservative what is it. yeah you know he amended that later tom and he said i still am a conservative but i think he's he did that deliberately he's he's trying to go for a general election appeal and i think the bush family game plan and the game plan of the people who back them and as you know in my book family of secrets i'm very interested in the sort of known history of the people who back this family and why they back them and the long term efforts they have to maintain power i think what's going on here is they've got a two part play one is it's jeb against obama and if that doesn't work out which it may not then it's two thousand and sixteen and you know people are tired of the democrats now obama served out his term and it swings back to the republicans and then jeb is supremely well positioned particularly if he takes
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a run first because it seems like one of the republicans typical things is you know whoever whoever was unsuccessful in the last primary wins the next one i mean whether it's reagan or any of this has been repeated over and over again rick santorum was asking for democrats to vote for him in michigan coming from a progressive perspective i was on the year advising democrats not to do that not to go down to mess with the republican primary in michigan and to do the whole operation chaos kind of thing because romney is pretty badly damaged goods and it seems to me that romney would be much easier to beat then jeb bush or chris christie or marco rubio if they came out in august september it was just a few months to to you know it's not really enough time to drive up their negatives the way romney's negatives are already so high is this this is a political science to you. well it makes political sense historically because you
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have to remember that michigan has as has had a very strong kind of a conservative blue collar strain in the state george wallace did quite well there in one thousand nine hundred seventy two and i know that's many years ago but i think that's that element is still there and i think that's what santorum was appealing to but of course a lot of democrats want to vote for him because they're betting that ultimately he's more of a loose cannon than romney and what you're writing in some ways he's stronger he also faces some bigger risk well i was my take on that was that the wise elders of the republican party would simply never let rick santorum be the candidate that there's no possibility to be the candidate and and that if he continues to move along on this thing he raises the probabilities and particular democrats help and it raises the probabilities of a brokered convention out of which could come a bush christie ticket for example which i think would be a real challenge for obama to. that's that's very very true and in fact bush has
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been positioning himself on a whole bunch of things he's he's on the board of the project for a new american century you may remember the one who. some people think predicted the nine eleven attacks and he's deeply involved with a whole bunch of companies his latest venture is he's he's merged his outfit with one that does privatized disaster relief so he's cashing in across the board on the privatization of government that is his brother expanded on so much that really has got himself tight with the you know the kind of the one percent of the one percent that really does run the republican party it has as i point out in our article that is not the gingrich people and that is not the santorum people in the in the minute we have left here russ the the way that jeb bush portrays himself you know kind of an average nice guy married to
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a hispanic woman and nice family you know speak spanish fluently multicultural friendly that's not the bush family that's not jeb bush you say. you know tom they've been so brilliant at selling bad image and the five years that i spent researching them just staggered me that there could be so much dirty stuff that had never come out about this family and jeb really is cut from the same cloth we see it with his very close relationships with the people in florida some of whom were convicted of terrorist acts his involvement in and getting them very short prison sentences or getting them pardoned or exonerated and doing business with many questionable figures accruing a great amount of wealth himself under a quest of all circumstances so if he does run i think suddenly people are going to find that he's a much more interesting character than they realize and listen most there's not enough time for all the news to get out there russ baker thanks so much for being
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with us. my pleasure still a bit too early to tell of a brokered convention was smoke filled rooms is on the horizon but frankly i'd be shocked if republican party officials don't have jeb bush on speed dial. coming up after the break and google can take pictures of you with your pants down oh else can they attack your right to privacy. just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old until the truth. sets in and i am going to get a sense that i love rap and hip hop music i'm pretty. yesterday . i'm very proud of the world with its place.
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screwed news imagine you went out in your garden to relieve yourself in a photo was taken of you and shared all over the internet that's the definition of a bad day but that's exactly what happened to a very unlucky frenchman recently discovered his activity be ation prominently displayed on google maps street view after he ridiculed by his neighbors that freshman is now suing google for going to privacy and runs his image taken off google maps google's lawyers are calling the case implausible but aside from this
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case in which google camera trucks are snapping pictures of people and sometimes unfortunate situations the kind of privacy should we expect when we go onto the web in the privacy of our own homes per sample the occupy wall street movement is realized have. on the internet with individuals within the movement using it as an essential organizing tool they have privacy from say the department of homeland security tracking them apparently not discovered within the wiki leaks stratfor document leaked this week as a five page report written by d.h. as about the occupy movement its tactics and its demands information pulled mostly from social networking sites the d.h.s.s. was tracked of course the sort of file inside the department of homeland security shouldn't really surprise anyone but my question is are there similar files about the tea party movement and its members who waved around firearms just across the river from the white house made that kind of doubt it may be but let's assume you're not painting your garden you're not an activist and you just use the internet the same way every other american uses watching you tube videos checking
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email google searching whatever you find interesting then you expect some privacy. that's because today google's privacy policy or new privacy policy or lack thereof takes into effect under the new policy google will be able to share user data among all of its services from you tube to its search engine to its e-mail service giving online advertisers an even more detailed look at who you are and what you like to do on the internet japan of the european union have come out by the last in the new privacy policy saying that it violates their was so what more do we need to know about this and other internet privacy developments in the news joining me from the electronic privacy information center epic ginger mccall epix open government counsel and i p i o p director and david jacobs attorney and ethics consumer protection fellow welcome to both of you thank you thanks for being here what is going ginger let's start with definitions legally what is privacy and why is it important that the pens on what you're talking about as far as privacy if you're
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talking about privacy the government privacy is that the private corporations let's let's define both so what the government you would probably be talking about the fourth amendment the freedom from search and seizure. unreasonable search and seizure with private corporations it gets a little more difficult as far as what the laws are regarding private corporations right now we don't have a good comprehensive privacy law we need good comprehensive privacy regulation david. with regard to private corporations. where he would let me take you back to this day just as apparently hired some private corporations to snoop on people and. you know and so does the fourth amendment. perrier transport true to that or you know is this whole what's the what's the significance of that or the consequences i mean i think the consequence of that is that people had often assumed or at least were not aware that the
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information that they posted and disclosed to social media networks was subject to being monitored by not only the provider of the network facebook or google for example but also by the government and often without a search warrant search warrant is not usually a record. and the legal issue here also is that the department of homeland security there's a statute that defines what the department of homeland security is permitted to do what its mission is and in that statue congress has delegated to the agency certain responsibilities that statute limits what the agency can do and the statute says that the agency can participate in the sort of situational awareness but only when there is a natural disaster or a manmade disaster or some sort of national security book a legitimate terrorist threat or national security kind of carry. on the fourth
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amendment you know reasonable probable cause and. you know and what we've seen here we received documents about the department of homeland security monitoring and apparently there were more documents received recently by another group on occupy wall street being monitored by the department of homeland security this is entirely outside of what the department of homeland security is supposed to be participating and they are monitoring for legitimate first amendment assembly and speech activity they're monitoring for criticism of the government they're monitoring entirely nonviolent groups who are participating in legitimate first amendment activities back in the sixty's. s.d.s. which we discovered after the fact was not only infiltrated the sixty's and seventy's but not only observed but was infiltrated and there were provide. it's worse in some cases is there any evidence that v.h.s. is doing them like that and we've seen stories in the past about law enforcement groups infiltrating useful asked by war protester groups and then classifying
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people within terrorist screening center databases or fusion center databases. david what are your thoughts on google's new internet privacy policy well i think the new privacy changes are going to make it harder for google users to control the disclosure and use of their personal information can you can you describe what the old policy was or what the new policy is that would give it the differences sure under the old policy information that google collected from its users about their use with respect to a particular google service was kept separate from information that google collected about users who used a separate google service so google's monitoring of your youtube searches was separate from what google knew from your use of google plus from your use of an android smartphone for example now under the new policy all of that information is
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going to be combined together into a comprehensive profile of each user are they also looking at gina. they are looking at g. mail. g. mail has actually been. read by try google in the sense that it deploys on automatic scanning technology that it scans the content of your email or presuming for spam and well fishing and actually it's usually used to target advertisements so the advertisements are targeted based on the content of your email you sent an email to someone. you know the dentist going to see ads for related products so you send an e-mail about that down to school reads your e-mail and you go to google search and you search. you know my neighborhood and i had for down a spot so. that's that's the difference now the ads are are no longer can textual
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they're based on a profile of you a profile of your behavior the way you use each google service so these searches you do or. might use not only might this not be you know it's the old. joke about you know somebody sitting at the office typing away and suddenly you know a porn screen pops up or something like that but you know if if somebody is talking about something a lot an e-mail or has is doing something a lot of harm or whether it's something embarrassing my porn or something and oculus like nascar whatever. suddenly all of their coworkers if they just watch the kind of ads that appear on the screen when they're doing their normal work they're going to know what that person is all about what they're into what they're interested in you know whether it's you know bikini's or soccer or something that's . do i have that right that exact concern was actually raised by members of congress who said look if i'm searching for incontinence am i going to start seeing
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ads for incontinence rugs google's privacy policies or diapers says that. they will not target ads based on sensitive information however that doesn't mean that the data isn't collected and in one who defines what sense of right well health information for example i think was included in the profile but there's actually a related issue which is that even if you are not collecting sensitive information if you collect enough non-sensitive information you can make very accurate inferences about sensitive information about information that you might want to keep hidden perfect example of this was actually just group build a few weeks ago when there was a story on target's profiling of users trying to figure out which shoppers were pregnant or about to become pregnant and you could tell based on
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their purchase history who was pregnant in many cases even before the members of the family knew what ginger the minute we have left europe is reacting to this what's tell us about that well actually i think david probably more well for some european privacy laws europe europe has reacted to this the french data protection authorities sent a letter to google saying based on its preliminary investigation these changes a period of violate european period of protection law. it's unclear at this point whether further action will be taken but i think that in the case of the european authorities that's that's likely. it's less likely that the federal trade commission for example in the u.s. is going to take enforcement action is much more lizard for all of us it is although they do claim to be monitoring the situation interesting ok to ginger and thank you again for being with us tonight thank you as the founders of america knew
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you can't have a functioning democracy and a politically involved electorate if people can't have privacy and anonymity this is a really big. diehl keep an eye on how this develops. crazy alert now you see them now you don't tend to see in ronald sellers called nine eleven last week complaining that there were intruders in his home stealing his possessions and police arrived to search the house sellers told him that the intruders had fled into the woods behind his house in point of the exact position where the thieves were standing and police on nothing but air sellers kept as the police don't see him each time the police fail to locate the elusive intruders turns out they were never there sellers told the police he had used bath salts earlier in the night and the intruders turned out to be just hallucinations leading it was to say this is a welcome revelation for the battle brigade a policeman after clearing out the situation police arrested sellers for public
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intoxication and for fear of his own safety but while there are no photos of mr sellars bizarre bad behavior we're thinking it may have looked something like this . coming up after the break next week is the one year anniversary of the fukushima disaster what has america learned from that degree of crisis and we prepared for a similar disaster and later in tonight's daily take new reports suggest we have more oil than we know what to do it so why are republicans still screaming drill baby drill.
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we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old until the truth. i mean i am an old get of friends that i love driving him nuts is a pretty. he was kind of a yesterday. i'm very proud of the world without you it's place. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then he glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture
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