tv [untitled] March 1, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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and we're still reporting from some outlets right now if you can hear behind me a loud explosion really. really i mean it. gave me a. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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especially poignant debate after the citizens united ruling corporations are people that are free speech in our elections to the downsides of personhood like accountability for those apply as well so do you think that corporations should be responsible our producer for treason essential to the streets of d.c. to find out what she had to say. i'm on the streets of d.c. to tell people in the nation's capital what our viewers on twitter facebook and you had to say and we're going to see if they want to keep or delete your comments. should major corporations be held accountable in u.s. courts for human rights violations that they committed in another country so marina on facebook said it definitely of corporations are accountable at home why not abroad keep it or delete it i would say keep it i would say if you're a corporation and you want to your business overseas represent your company but you
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also represent american values and we have to keep that nationwide and also worldwide down on you tube said if global corporations are not responsible to the whole world then it appears that big companies are in charge and can do whatever they want no they should be held accountable back to what said big corporations need to be allowed to cooperate with any government in any country where they have interests even if the ruler is a ruthless dictator because it's about money no morals. every corporation has a responsibility to be held accountable in any country in any place. no matter if they are operating in the us in africa in asia most people are outraged that a big corporation can be accused of a crime and never see a day in court all it's up to the supreme court now to let this case go forward. well thanks for your responses as usual and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we discussed a new report from human rights watch takes
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a look at the more than three hundred youth serving life in prison without parole just in the state of california now are the only country that has that kind of sentencing for juveniles so we want to know what you think should juveniles be able to be sentenced to life in prison without parole and so we think on facebook twitter and you tube and you know as a response just might make it out here. are now yesterday we told you that i'm filing a freedom of information act on myself for requests to find out about myself because it just never know what you're going to get when you actually file what you could find information about how to partner homeland security monitor social media and thanks to a four requests filed by the electronic privacy information center we actually did the documents obtained from that for a request contained a list of words of the d.h.s.s. as monitoring on sites like facebook and twitter so some of the words seemed pretty obvious the word were the airplane but some of the words a lot less conspicuous so the list kind of just got us wondering just how easy it
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would be to make an innocent comment on a site that might draw the attention of the t.h.s. so for instance innocent facebook comments made by a sorority girl maybe somebody who might need a few more semesters of a spanish class last class before spring break was cancelled time to black out before heading to mexico with my sorority sisters totes excited for margaret is on the beach with that says unfortunately for kelly here that message is just riddled with a flag words things like oh let's see canceled black out mexico a little messy there and of course love the. so basically just one little mistake your definite articles in spanish and you just absolutely tied yourself to the one of the most powerful drug cartels in mexico so have a nice trip and speaking of trips what about this airport observation made by randy on twitter randy said if i was smart i would become a body scanner operator of hot chicks in line of the t.s.a.
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yeah unfortunately for randy the words smart lobby it are and at t.s.a. are also all on this list now what about just a really little simple tweet about a trip to the store so he goes to soak the last box of white powder donuts a target not the pregnant lady next to me was going to attack how much tag sheer terror. you guess or there's a few in here to the words white house or the word target and obviously attack and terror all those words are going to draw attention of the h.s. to your twitter feed and then of course there's always those late night after a few hours of the club those could be a little bit dangerous to them he said freaking with a fat mama last night britney spears toxic and noticed a suspicious package hash tag pale hash tag not in to do so you guessed
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it the words freaking at the word toxic and of course the bishes package made because it is well and of course last but not least we had fun with these if you can't tell what about putting a funny quote from a friend on facebook so that you never ever forget it how about put down that mudslide grow some balls and take an irish car box that's a quote from dave right before we have to take him to the emergency room over what is probably getting get you in trouble just for using the words my flight for using the word. car bomb and unfortunately the word emergency as well so basically what we've learned from this entire list year is that pretty much anyone in any scenario can accidentally post or tweet a sentence that has multiple words that all draw the attention of v.h.s. and also the mashing together of the words on the list can bring you an afternoon of fun but seriously if you don't lobby out already snooping around on your social media profiles those are just a few of the words on
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a long list that i'm sure grows every single day that you should avoid like the plague and i think i just use like free the words right there. well whether you like it or not the new unified google privacy policy is here when into effect at midnight march first so the basics are that google's new privacy policy allows the search giant to take its more than sixty free services on line from search to g. mail to you tube on line from all under one policy to make tracking your activity and preferences easier and according to google treating you as a single user across all of their products will mean a simpler more intuitive google experience sounds harmless right some privacy advocates don't exactly see it that way so let's get into exactly what the changes will mean for the average user and if there's a way around that and for those that are really bothered by this new policy we'll explore the unthinkable quitting a google all together you might think that it's no big deal but just think of all the you tube videos that you miss and here discuss this with me is ryan rattie
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associate director of technology studies at the competitive enterprise institute thanks so much for joining us tonight let's just start with the basics basically of what's going on here people think they google's going to be conducting or excuse me collecting more information about you but it's not the case as it. no this new policy is about google using the information you already has collected and combining it with the services that they already offer can be targeted toward what you're doing are different service so the amount of information being collected doesn't change one bit with this new policy ok and so if i have a google account let's say i use g. mail as it can affect me more than a fax others just average internet users of somebody uses hotmail or something well if you're not using google service there's a different company that's collecting that information a lot of the other competitors to google have fairly similar policies of course if you do use google and you don't like this chain there are
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a lot of ways that you couldn't address it which include as you mentioned the google and tire ok so let's go through before we get to quitting google entirely because that seems like kind of a drastic step but i think that some people might not exactly become whether it be ready for you know there is a list of things that certain people have suggested that people can do for example clear hugel web history there's a way that you can do that online where i've been if you click your google web history does that mean that that only clears stuff password from here on out they still track it or you know what exactly do we get out of this if you clear web history what that means is that google will no longer have. records of where you've been on the web link to your authenticated account which is your unique id your e-mail account whatever comes before dot com so this information will still be on google servers tied to your internet protocol address but that's not as identifiable as far as our ongoing basis if you're logged into google they are
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going to be collecting this information but you can at any time clear data that you don't want either on a granular basis or on a i divided basis and i don't basis ok how about i do not track feature you know that it's not out there yet right they just said recently but it's going they will comply with it but once do not track is available that's not going to for us that's really going to affect what google could left them or other companies like facebook and yahoo when you're everywhere on the internet it turns out that when you see those facebook like buttons or the google plus one button on a lot of sites that's actually putting let's call a third party cookie on your computer which can know what you're doing across the web site this do not track header what it's called is about making it so users can opt out of being tracked all around the web but it doesn't mean that google is not going to be say scatting the contents of your g. mail messages for ads which they have long gun locked out of that or top out of
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google tracking your search queries that's a different issue i are there any like real nightmare scenarios with this new google privacy policy that people haven't exactly experienced yet or thought of you know you mention of they've always searched through perhaps what you might be writing in your emails but they also be taking some of the information i say sell it to an advertiser might they sell it to an employer that wants to look up information or the habits of somebody before they hire them. certainly google has a lot to gain one hand by doing so really huge amount of data that a lot of employers and advertisers would love google can't do that under their policy they don't sold out of the third parties they only share under limited circumstances why is that i think is because google realizes that the best way to send users elsewhere is by selling the status of all the money that google makes advertising is a advertisers with the user in a way that doesn't allow the user to know that you're alone or all the advertiser
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knows is that you search for a specific term or that say you live in washington d.c. they're not getting any personally identifiable information about you google's not allowed to sell or share that data privacy policy so basically you're saying it's just still going to be as if i have to deal with something that i wrote about but it no one no one is actually knowing i guess no person is knowing all that much about me but then why are certain people willing to go so far as to toy with the idea of quitting google altogether is that even possible i mean i guess are there other alternatives out there in terms of a web browser right there are other alternatives out there in terms of email but it just seems like everything is so connected to it not to mention you tube our favorite being which we have a little compilation of clips that just imagine living without these guys.
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ok are you willing to give that up rate how hard is it going to be to quit google quitting quitting google entirely is going to be tough sure there's another male company and another web search engine but you tube is in many respects tucker place but remember you don't have to be logged into the google service when you use you to sign out they're not logging information that's tied you can also use as google mentioned in a letter to congress a different browser for you to have been used for other google services so you don't have to necessarily give up google entirely to reduce the amount of information they're trapping about you ok so the number if there's
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a few things that people should remember about how they can get away with this is me put privacy settings on your browser or just don't sign in to your google account anything else if you just if you really if you're really paranoid you can use what's called an anonymous or of virtual private network service something like hotspot v.p.n. or or. spider roque these are services that allow you to anonymize your ip address so google can't necessarily tie that information back to you if they get a court order which of course is one type of disclosure that even google isn't allowed to decline all right well that's getting that's getting complicated now thank you so much for joining us tonight. our guys it's our last break of the evening well we come back rush limbaugh thinks the women to take birth control are sluts so he was archibald's i'm more and on happy hour your name joe or matt so count your lucky stars and is obama a fedora wearing latte drinker one so they're certainly think so all that we found
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you guys it's time for side school time award ads and i are getting into one of the most obnoxious voices in the american political conservation rush limbaugh uses his radio show to spit hate on obama women and lefties commun is is the way whoever else he decided to focus on that day usually we stick nor it over the past couple days so it's a little too far even for my liking when he's discussing contraception remember a few weeks back when dare i say i had an all male panel hearing to discuss birth control pill to save the absurdity of excluding females from testifying on a panel about a women's health issue was a loss on everyone and that the males on the committee made sure the ice knew it. what i want to know is where are the women when i look at this panel i don't see one single woman and the general.
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rules mr chairman that only one mr chairman we've been denied the right to have a would be more to the right to make a parliamentary inquiry now specific email that wasn't allowed to testify that hearing was thirty year georgetown law student sandra fluke i would have to close the house of her own an official here in just a short time later and she did allow flew to testify so enter testimony last year explain how expensive contraception is and she opposed the blunt amendment we told you about previous in the show so hearing this rush limbaugh just had to throw in his two cents on the hearing and on flukes testimony this is. a college coed susan fluke. who gazer for congressional committee as he surely says that she must be paid to have sex lose it. right he's a prostitute she wants to be paid six giving so much sex she can't afford the
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congress and she wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex what is it like. for the pimps. because the student talks about the expense of birth control the need to provide affordable options for students that makes her a prostitute and a slut who wants to be paid to have sex and i would try to deconstruct the logic there but it just even doesn't make any sense it's really laughable except for how disgusting it is that rush limbaugh has the nerve to go on the radio calls to miss a lot to millions of listeners for supporting birth control which i don't maybe rush is in aware of but it's something that ninety nine percent of women of you so i guess that makes us all so lucky. now i wasn't the only one pissed off by his comments but the outcry didn't cause him to take a step back apologize oh no no no he just doubled down he kept his narrative and this time he directed his hate directly at sandra fluke and the feminazi. look interest you feel that she was the deal if we are going to be for your kind of
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step. for you to have sex we want something forward and i'll tell you what it is we want you to post the videos online so we can go watch. that actually just makes my skin crawl i just picture a russian old fat man sitting in his radio booth propositioning a stupid to post sex videos right after calling her a slut. newsflash for rush no one is asking you for anything you rush or what is wrong with this entire conversation so far it's time to get a little woman for standing up against lawmakers that are trying to dictate how we should handle our bodies rush limbaugh is tonight's trial time where. our guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening r.t.
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correspondent christine for south and a classmate and there she for reason t.v. and reason dot com is still with us i know. so let me know when you come down on the birth control. and his show everybody this really messed up car that had to be taken away from target the next time you think of dating a bad boy consider whitney houston that's all that i'm going to say. i'm really. well this was put out before she passed away and everybody knows i mean it was water cooler conversation that bobby brown was a jerk he was a bit of jerk at her funeral and i mean he has to be escorted out of that goes against me you know it's funny that this is kind of the flip side of if we insist that our celebrities be role models you know what can you say then you know. why i just i don't think necessarily dating a bad boy always comes along with you know addiction crack it doesn't always go
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that back basically what herman cain asian about your hard work like was it a section was it in like break ups in sympathy for you so you're marrying a bad boy. i don't know what you know about that quarter you certainly deserve. let's actually listen to something that senator orrin hatch said today which is just not president obama. was a. hard lunch bucket category of the democratic party for a hipster football or. put liberal environmental dreams ahead of the economic reality the working class americans have been struggling with for years. so this is in regards to the keystone x.l. pipeline idea had no idea that all environmentalists are hipster doorway people that drink latte especially. if anybody is the quintessence or the second
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coming over i mean it's it's obama he wears on my. sleeve and i mean he's no. i don't know about that but i just think politically speaking this is an attempt and it was kind of a successful one they did with nancy pelosi sort of always calling her the san francisco liberal trying so i think it seems to me that they're just trying to put him in that category of people that the majority of americans just can't relate to there are a lot of hipsters out there but you know if they're even though they were very tight jeans they get caught in a single gear bike they can't make it through the door before the election day i do think this is the shame of this kind of stupid political rhetoric and it's also by the way it's clear that orrin hatch has no idea what a latte is or for your or a head start but you know it was a you always do you know no one said to me was what is or is half of state but i think it was a big mistake not to put the keystone pipeline through from obama's own ideas
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because it could be environmentally and said you know it and i that tar sand oil is going to go somewhere anyway but also it was the type of shovel ready project that he's been talking about for three years and hasn't delivered it but it's not environment and fire mentally ready yet. because no the you point is there wasn't a debate in the sense of where they were going to put it in a basket and what areas they would go through and so have you ever go there and see the way they were is used in the way of the reports were conducted so let's wait sorry. i should we move on to more fun time gigs where you are if you're talking about ok i thought it's pretty exciting. this one either i guess. or something but you know parents go through there's a lot of twenty minutes i assume i don't know yet picking your child's name. have requested me to help them find the perfect name for this they first that pick think of leading experts in various fields that i write academic and come up with
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a great game so one of the rules that's very important is easy to spell but not too popular you know decorative names we don't want the first name having a chat we don't want or in our we don't want the first name to enter the last three like it sounds strange. oh makes me hate people when i was close but this is all about a new study that's come out that turns out that the more simple your name is easier to pronounce it is then the more chances are that you're going to get promoted so i guess so good now we do know they haven't been able to hear you the one who's going to know you really can't pronounce are there if your names and you seem to be doing quite well let me put it this way i don't but i have some consistently from time to time so you know these types of studies i mean it's always funny when people come up with other what other people consider stupid names and all names are stupid from
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some perspective but you know when the fault lies not in our names but are so i think there's something psychologically to be said about somebody who grows up especially when they're very young having a really unique name they feel like they're different and sometimes that can be good and sometimes it can be bad and so when you feel like you're an outcast if that is the case which sometimes it is i can see that sort of being a blockade to your path of success and straight a's and all that kind of stuff but i'm real far reaching here that's and i know that's what my parents will have a good point there but it goes along with what makes says which is that you either you know let it affect you in negative ways or you embrace just very different they're very. good at their first day and he'd already be in a second term as president well. are you guys thanks for joining me tonight to put a night so thanks for tuning in and they can come back tomorrow meantime to forget the. the family want to shop facebook to create a follow on twitter if there's anything ever missed you can catch all the games you've got com slash the on a shelf or you'll find the interviews as well as the show in its entirety and from
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your facts the points. of. it are sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . the admission of free accreditation free zones for charges free arrangement free. three stooges free. zone free blogs just plug in video for your media project
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