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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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someone is going to step up at some point and they're going to say we've had enough of this the real issues are not being addressed in the race to the white house that while the donkeys and elephants duke it out then it's time for a dark horse turns so are americans ready for a third party candidate to shake up the political system we'll explore. nobody's announced a war young lady so. well nobody has announced a war against iran yet but with pressure from both the israeli lobby and the republican lawmakers that stands might not be so steadfast after all we'll show you how the u.s. is stuck between iran and a hard place. and talk about
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a failure to launch from security lapses to gross mismanagement nasa space and predicts that back in the last couple years and computer hackers have dealt yet another blow to the once mighty american space program we'll tell you how control codes for the international space station have been called. well it's friday march second five pm in washington d.c. and christine for is now watching our team. so going off this hour let's talk some politics course this weekend there are republican caucuses in washington state and super tuesday is just a few days away and let's be honest these last few months have been a little bit of a roller coaster ride with fluctuating polls among the candidates sharp jabs traded over cable networks and way too many g.o.p.
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presidential debates so what are we left with now well in the eyes of many it's a field of republican candidates that few people seem to be excited about a former member of that field republican jon huntsman who dropped out said this last week about what needs to happen in this country. i think we're going to have problems politically until we get some sort of third party movement or some alternative voice out there that can put forward new ideas and that ain't going to be me by the way i think the next question i'm not interested in that but someone is going to step up at some point and they're going to say we've had enough of this the real issues are not being addressed the rights of this is not a new concept of course it's often no considered to be on the fringe so what did it take to have a viable third party candidate eliot ackerman is the chief operating officer for americans elect twenty twelve i know your group would probably agree with john
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huntsman that a third party candidate could be really helpful in this country talk a little bit about where you guys are trying to do here. we're not trying to form a third party what we're trying to do is give more choice for americans on the ballot so what we're doing and parents alike is inviting every single registered voter in this country to participate in an alternate nominating convention so they'll be able to have their voice heard in order wins that convention of may in june is going to be on the ballot right next to the republicans and democrats and it's not about creating more special interest and more goofy ideologies that we have in the party system it's about creating more choice a ticket that comes out americans elect can be a republican running with a democrat a democrat running an independent this is about getting real leadership like governor huntsman mentioned that can put the interests of this country ahead of the interests of the party i think of the important point i mean even you know politicians that have been around forever a long time politics and they say they have never seen things more polarized never seen this is decisions made more in the prism of you know black versus white red
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versus blue and they do today congress of course has a very low approval rating people seem frustrated at the current system and yet it's rare to hear people like you people calling for a major change in the system why do you think that is. well we've got a system is dysfunctional you know why as citizens are we surprised when it dysfunctional system has dysfunctional results and we should all be concerned if you know we have today senator olympia snowe announced choose when to step down from the senate she's one of one hundred senators very successful three terms when her last parting words are this chamber is dysfunctional we should be concerned so we just functional system needs a systemic change and that's what we're offering americans elect by putting more choice in the balance two thousand and twelve presidential election and also opening up a ballot and being able to run folks in two thousand and fourteen as well but again not as a party we're not trying to replace special interests we're trying to put more choice on the ballot for americans so they can know what it best republicans
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democrats and independents who don't have to come through by frankly a corrupt and two party system but i mean it seems to me eliot what you're saying is going to be pretty difficult to do i mean we are as you say we have a system that's dysfunctional but it is a system nonetheless that has been in place for generations and it's a son backed with a whole lot of money and power how do you change that. we're changing right now the way you can change this you open up about it and you open up about getting folks across the country to sign petitions to talk more choice some about so we had over to want to happen only in american sign or petitions that americans elect and some work choices on the ballot and that's why there's going to be a third ticket in two thousand and twelve because all of those americans have stood up you know these are people you know we can you tell you talk a little bit about the republican race these are people as we go into super tuesday who are dissatisfied with their choices but the people who are willing to give up and so they want to see real leadership emerging two thousand and twelve and
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they're not ready to just wait till the next election in the next election after that it got real issues we need to stand together with people and deal with and they want to do that through having you know the choice americans elect so break the sound for me then i'm going you say in november of twenty thousand people have to the polls there's going to be something different that they see on the ballot based on what you guys attack. exactly so here's all you can do to americans like that or you can sign up to four to save the convention that's going to be held the day in june when elected then she will get a line on the ballot in all fifty states and every single citizen in this country will be all of those or it's it's pretty simple but once you open up about you can introduce some real official. one about i mean let's just kind of talk about the system in general eliot i mean we saw this past year or very recently released a case in the supreme court the citizens united case that is basically i mean we're
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seeing it manifest itself just in the last few months during the primaries in the super pacs and how much money is being put out there is keeping candidates alive whether who otherwise how do you change a system that already. has been put into place by the justice system here in this country that money is going to play a major role in the years to come your way the way you deal with that system if you come at the root of it which is how we elect our leaders and that's what we're doing for americans elect is fundamental to this the idea that if we can change the way we will monitor leaders we can change the way of a daughter so if all of the leadership in this country has to go to the finals of the two major parties then we're not going to have any type of systemic change and the idea that after this election we're going to start what's being estimated a billion dollars in stinking wadded each other no one's going to be able to govern and nobody's going to be able to deal with crucial issues of the day so that americans are like what we're offering is every registered voter
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a chance to have their voice heard and putting another take on without it we have work choices in every other facet of our lives it's just for us i want to keep it in our political lives i mean the bottom line though is that that's not necessarily i mean most people i think you said you've got two and two million signatures i think a lot of people would agree with the ideology here but i want to just speak about realistically here about the system that is in place and doesn't seem to be changing at all i mean how do you compete with that not just american rights but anyone who wants to take part in the system and not be sort of tax down to one side or the other. you provide people choices real choices you're either with a choice. and i think that's going to be a problem choice for america because right now you know you don't know if you don't or in the streets to realize this politics that we have right now is not working for everyday americans right ellie ackerman chief operating officer for americans on act twenty twelve it's. so i don't r.t.
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two countries one with nuclear weapons the other without one who started wars before the other was never in a shared aggression which would you be more afraid of what if i told you one was iran and the other was israel about change your opinion i'll tell ya the us is stuck in a nuclear tug of war. thanks. to the counselling i'm more interested in. right there just bring gerard it's right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's
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a food product essentially. it's much stronger than anything it's used by others who used thousands of times was stronger than any one of the multiple you ever put you know. if you just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old i didn't get all the fruit. i confess and i am going to get a friend that i love rap and hip hop is what i'm pretty good. at it was kind of yesterday. i'm very proud of the all the belgians here it's boy.
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all right well this weekend thousands of people will be heading here into washington d.c. for the annual apac conference and pac is the american israel public affairs committee and both israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and american president barack obama will be speaking at the conference they've also scheduled a meeting with one another on monday and no doubt that discussion will be dominated as will the conference by talks about iran the u.s. and israel of course longtime friends but at least in public there is a disagreement about what to do when it comes to iran's nuclear rumored nuclear program the u.s. seems to prefer sanctions to action but israel seems to want to america's assurance that it will stand by israel if it decides to take action. i'm joined now by robert naiman naman policy director for just foreign policy and i know robber you've done
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quite a bit of writing about this and i want to put up a poll for our viewers that you point to this this poll shows that forty two percent of israeli people living in israel support an attack on iran if the u.s. backs it but just nineteen percent of you israelis say they would support that attack if it's not approved by the u.s. and then thirty two percent of people in israel actually oppose an attack all together now the poll also found that people in israel believe that this would not be a short war if it did happen. shortly we're going to teach you a lesson or twenty nine percent say months twenty two percent say it would actually last two years and just eighteen percent say it would be days so robert it seems to me that this goes against this long standing argument that you know standing against the war with iran is standing against israel talk about that. you know very striking results in the poll conducted. shipley tommy of university of maryland and
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brookings in because she was in this really research center in the newsroom and it didn't indicate that maturity is really actually even a situation very similar. to the statements of us couple were strictly about that you know these recent u.s. treatment of officials like general dempsey. saying this is really exact we do not even and want to see. you know. military u.s. soldiers really goes there is that the problem are you could make worse the israeli officials and leaders of the american israel or precisely why leaders in congress like senator lieberman ground game and try to attack with issues a lot of it's really striking image rudy is really actually greet the general
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dempsey and administration officials more than the agree with this really prime minister netanyahu what's going to go skeptical of the benefits of going and worried about the likely cause i think it's a really important point that you bring up i think that you could say the same thing about the majority of american people although i don't have all numbers for that in front of me in terms of this desire to support israel in an attack on iran but if so many people in israel feel if i have so many people in the united states feel this way what's going on with the messaging war here because everywhere you seem to turn at least on the mainstream media you hear obama criticized for being weak on iran and you hear you know again and again iran nuclear program is you know one step closer to being dangerous. well one huge piece of the story is if their master u.s. political story the republican presidential candidate is not run the other
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republican presidential candidates and republican leaders in washington have chosen this the foreign policy issue to attack president obama as the longstanding republican strategy attack democrats again we on a national security letter they can attack in iraq because the majority of americans are only too delighted to see u.s. troops come on iraq it was a long time again exactly my afghanistan there's a majority of americans want to see u.s. troops some of them in and they can go back to my dear is a kill or a directive a killing of some of them not terrorist acts and us so they've chosen that kind of big issue of the iranian threat mannix agree remember that it's kind of. his thing to attack president obama because you know issues not sought and also the crime scene and there are powerful political actors in it well funded and
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like shown gentlemen from the gingrich's campaign it supported really hard so that this really big pieces let's drag another be peace with driving it is it is netanyahu in this really right now this is a long standing problem in the point that and. to keep focused on iran we channel changer keep it away from what israel's two thousand use was being. taught and pressure. frac not at all clear it also there's anything that you know the military believed it was a military threat has to be credible even though many people don't actually in his you know news that don't actually think that the israeli government has a credible. let's talk let's talk about a real quick about about this weekend certainly you know the conference starts is going to be a lot of discussions. about the future of iran and what to do about it and at least
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as of now there is sort of a disagreement between israel and the u.s. leaders about what to do about it i want to show something from last night this is president obama speaking and he was interrupted by a woman it's hard to hear exactly what she yelled out but it was something about a war with iran i let's have a listen how you respond there's. this change of nobody's announced a war young lady so of what we're pushing the sentiment. was all right so president obama making it clear you know no one's announced a war. what do you think about this incident i mean do you think president obama is just sort of reacting to these trying to send a bigger message year. well look it's no mystery why people in united states are concerned about this return and there's all this probe war rhetoric it's good news for ten years of war already wars in iraq and afghanistan
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a risky political observer but all this progress there were wrecked the right to be concerned the right to pressure president obama and other u.s. officials say no no war no way. that president obama is being the reason we're. at thirty it's good for him to be pushed to reassure people that he has no plans what i mean that's you know that's not exactly a word that you. pressured me that it is responses that. was happening this weekend is going to be a lot of rhetoric i think to watch here the israeli government under lieberman is back at the pressure president obama is trying to remove the so-called red line. obama administration is not going to allow iran that we went through it was that they have no evidence that iran is trying to get
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a nuclear weapon so that you know that's the red line. reason. his real. name was the red line to be if you have a nuclear weapons capability which i don't need a lot of domestic terrorist things to watch and so we've argued on the ministration as a given. and among the people who are pretty angry about that certainly prime minister benjamin netanyahu and yet when he comes every single time he comes into town he always draws a very very big crowd and there is talk that he's doing everything he can to try to make sure president obama is not reelected housey just real briefly about. the reaction received by prime minister netanyahu every time he comes to washington. this conflict is to be expected. no question that the american israel public interest and we have tremendous influences in congress because of their role in the
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school with campaigns log. says the thing to watch is not the rhetoric but there is you know if there is any movement underway issues when it is just thinking to work earlier through they can get ninety five percent of congress to wear his clothes and when it comes to having a war with iran a lot of members of congress are not on board with that and are very concerned about the event you watch certainly a lot of us are reading between the lines to do a big conference that always draws a whole lot of people and brings out a whole lot of issues robert naiman policy director for just foreign policy. and still ahead on our team houston we have a problem now officials are dealing with a possible security breach after all laughed ha ha supplied with top secret codes for the international space station was stolen so is it really rocket science for africa compromise the space program. r t is
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the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to the u.s. . people calling like you said for free and fair elections. canada you're still reporting from the. you can hear behind me allowed a pretty good sense.
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i mean. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions break through that sort of if you may who can you trust no one who is your view and with a global missionary see where we had a state controls capitalism it's called sat. when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question morning. all right so here's the disturbing the last couple of years four dozen high tech computing devices at nasa have all gone missing have been lost or stolen or something this is revealed in congressional
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testimony this week by nasa inspector general now among the items that have disappeared a laptop that contained the code needed to command the international space station . very interesting funding for nasa has of course meant to cut back in recent years but nasa still spends around one point five billion dollars every year on i.t. related activities and that includes about fifty eight million dollars on security so i want to talk about this and to help me do that i'll bring in our cyber expert in chief andrew blakers also part of our web seen here at r t i had a bit more of a graph about all this than i do. all right no biggie though i mean this is nasa so of course i would imagine that most of the information on the computer some sort of stuff at least would be encrypted right i mean though that would make sense because the thing is in common species that they would want to protect these things so what happened this week was inspector general to try before congress and said you know there's a couple different problems with nasa right now and they were very big problems not
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only did you see that there was a slow pace encrypting use but he just admitted done right the that nasa is incredibly vulnerable to cyber attacks that only are the incredibly volatile cyber attacks but he said they are constantly bombarded with cyber attacks and there's been. over five thousand instances were malware or unauthorized access is somehow corrupted their files and they're aware and they say that oh well we've been trying but they still managed to give away the code that controls this eighty billion dollars thing that flies around the world in a built not even just a bar that's a very valuable space station is kind of important thing yeah absolutely and i know just yesterday the f.b.i. director robert mueller was speaking to a group of sort of cyber security experts and he warned that cyber attacks in the next few years will actually replace terrorism as the most serious threat facing
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the u.s. so if that's the case why aren't i is that nothing more fully protected and what do you think he's trying to get out there plus the money. and the owners comment could not have calmed at a worse time because coincidentally the former head of the cia also this week. was really that good stuff not one of the fellow that there corrupted the iranian nuclear program a few years ago he was the former head of the stairs said you know that was a good idea that worked that was great so we have the series saying he going after the first grams of other governments that'll work and we have the f.b.i. see. that this is the actual threat and then we have learned. the massa say hey this is happening and there's nothing we can do about it right back to what you were saying i mean i was reading up on this a little bit and you were saying like our computers our system actually gets hacked i think i found fifty four hundred computers have essentially been hacked i know
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that he said security incidents occurred that resulted in the in installation of malicious software on these computers or on authorized access into systems i mean what could happen with this. will be you know just a happier clip control the international space station. or. nasa has a bunch of rockets i think and other sorts of cool stuff so it's not it's not something you want to just put in their hands of anyone it's different than what we've been seeing with anonymous what they do lots of docs ing and d.d. o. s. attacks with the bill take down a website it will cripple a government website where they'll go in and they'll go to a local small time or even big time law enforcement agency and publish a bunch of e-mails that it's not a case of stratfor yeah it's not just correspondence and it's not just home addresses since it's code for the international space station and it's not even that they're not encrypted now so they admitted to congress inspector general that
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they kind of just have been making mistakes actually discovered it over the last few years there were at least ten instances where. and now so want to go take their old computers and sell them off to the public but kind of just forgot to erase the hard drives oh my goodness yeah this seems like. the opposite of rocket science now to make a horrible joke but this seems like you know even when elementary schools have drives for computers they make sure that this doesn't happen i mean and with what we know about cyber attacks i've been to a few conferences here in d.c. where it where it really is made the biggest deal of it that every organization whether it's a news organization or government organization needs to be worried about cyber attacks i mean there's nothing barest about the absolutely sure the i.q. security is such a huge business in america and internationally that the there is no reason for this to be happening and not to mention they spend fifty million dollars on security
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a lot and security out of a one and a half billion. together so it's it's not good looking about us and i mean are they going to is nasa going to get smarter is this are people going to learn a lesson from this or no no no absolutely not but it is so that they've done all of its for the last several years and they regularly find mistakes and we try to fix them but i don't know that the the smart guys are just getting smarter. now nasa is losing the bunch of codes have they said anything i didn't see in terms of this laptop that was missing that happened information to the international space station i mean have they gotten it back or it's still out there somewhere they haven't actually gotten into that but they also said that there is a good number of things that they actually can even try to keep track of because when when mobile computing devices are loadout to employees the employees are responsible for keeping track of them and if an employee misplaced or something out of a system of thousands of computers they don't necessarily have to report that something
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happened to them so there's only forty eight laptops in this thing that they're aware of but it's only through told the national space again which i read that they weren't even sure exactly what information was on those computers an interesting story i think it's an important one to get out there to show that even nasa is vulnerable and what does this mean r.c. web writer andrew blake interesting stuff thanks so much thank you and happy friday i'm sure to stick around to be a lot of salads coming up at the top of the hour treasury secretary tim geithner spills the beans on the big bankers. we have to say about the financial crisis and how it's all street fat cats were calling him maybe for help and this rush limbaugh story the mainstream media going crazy on along as gas takes a look at the issue and argues that the real problem plaguing conservative men today is to remain relevant all that and a whole lot more coming up on the a lot of so in thirty minutes here on alt.


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