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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

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are you ready to rumble joining me for today's big picture of rubble matthew the senior editor at the capitol research center and author of the book subversion. amanda beadle reporter and blogger at think progress and brian darling columnist of human events and director of government studies at the heritage foundation welcome to all of what have you all with us with the job numbers improving and contraceptive arguments kind of falling flat republicans have shifted their line of attack against the president to gas prices as predictions that will hit five bucks the summer and maybe that war more by election time yesterday the president came
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out the last of those who want to turn this into a election issue. what does it say. about the college coed susan. who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex what does that make her now i know this is hard to believe but some politicians are seeing higher gas prices as a political opportunity you're shocked i know but it's true right in the middle of an election year who would have thought so recently the lead and one news story said and i'm quoting here gasoline prices. on the rise and republicans are liking their traps now for the record the first guy wasn't the president although some republicans have treated him as if you were in any case we do not have a shortage of oil we actually exported more oil products than we have imported for
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the first time in sixty two years and doesn't love it and continued to president obama has reduced our dependence on foreign oil or oil each year he's been in office in fact the number of operating oil and gas rigs in the united states has quadrupled in the three years since he came into office the u.s. now has more operating oil and gas rigs in the rest of the world combined which was very much not the case when obama came into office and we have the lowest demand since one thousand nine hundred seventy highest highest in fact our number one export right now is gasoline all manufactured goods we export more gas than cars and computers than anything so isn't it quite obvious that this is just political you know that this is this is being churned by well in fact let me let me just add to this and then also in my soliloquy here. is driving billions into oil futures seventy three percent of all trades for the week ending february seventeenth were by the banks seventy three percent a year ago it was only thirty percent typically it's kind of parties and speaking
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of the business times coke executive david chang said in the physical business purchases of crude oil from producers and storage offshore and anchors allow us to benefit from the contango market they're buying gasoline and shipping it off shore so that they can drive down available quantities and drive up prices it looks to me like the gas prices are being manipulated by the republican party donors like the koch brothers big oil and wall street they're all making the human spirit is what i was he laid out in order to brighten confederacy for helping to put all this production on line because president obama doesn't want to produce more oil domestically he doesn't want to drill in anwar is shut down drilling in the gulf of mexico after the oil spill and then he turned it back on again yet it took him so long to end george bush on a draw. either. and president obama has has there's work permits out there that aren't being use that are being used in its own x.l. pipeline is a great example of the president shutting down oil production that would have been refined to do that wasn't my question my question is why with gas prices going up
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as a result of these guys manipulating the markets how can you blame this on obama matthew well i'm not i'm always delighted to take the statistics that you present whenever i come on your show because the always seem like they're coming from another world i don't know that it's necessarily true so actually from the wall street journal well all journalists all journalists are liberal even if they're with the wall so you. know i was with the bonfire you'd think that they would like markets they didn't. i find it very hard to believe that gas prices are rising as a result of a conspiracy regarding futures contracts that's just that's just so far out if they have it in two thousand a. contract but i mean whether you want to call it a conspiracy or not the fact is still that there is rampant speculation in the oil market that is that is driving the price up at the same time that there is an arrest in the middle east so you're seeing problems in production the fact is that
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there are all of these different factors that are feeding into the fact and rising gas prices there's nothing to be proven that he started going to lower those prices there's nothing proven that even drilling in anwar would fix those prices that at that point are destroying part of the environment for no reason for the idea that twenty years or not we could have lower gas prices for the and beyond that why are we having debates in the united states right now about transporting oil a nineteenth century energy product basically early twentieth century transport will rapidly across the country instead of high speed rail transporting people rapidly if that's been set right when they've made the point is that ok we need to look at all options right now short term long term look at everything you can't just say. we're going to build the keystone pipeline that's going to take that everything because they bought it because look at what they have done is that the president can't take credit for increasing prices with all the problems we have in the mideast when you look at what happened in libya i mean could you not say that we've had to disruption and while production in libya and many of these middle
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eastern countries are you're all worried about here we x. already more petroleum products that were if this were george w. bush helped to get more oil produced on line but that may be but if we're exporting more than we're importing then it seems like the price should go to you guys one of the prized you would a lot of good prices because then you can move for your miracle fuels bio fuel prices high the president doesn't get reelected so no i don't like that but he was on record saying he wants gas prices to rise he just doesn't want them to rice quickly enough that causes political blowback but of course he wants to get gas prices steve that he was in yesterday i said you don't actually like it across to the externalities associated with the gas the oil companies are not paying the cost of our military to protect the shipping grounds but let me move a lot to speaking of foreign policy this week president obama disarmed one of president bush's axis of evil and he didn't drop a bomb and didn't put a single troop on the ground in exchange for food aid to north korea not only agreed to stop enriching uranium shut down their nuclear program they agreed to
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stop testing missiles and delivery systems just that's it no more so bush handles iraq the axis of evil one of them four thousand forty four hundred dead american troops hundreds of thousands of iraqi civilians dead by a million internal refugees a trillion dollars of american treasure gone. barack obama takes out one of the axis of evil with a phone call well that's not true i mean do you really trust this new twenty something leader of north korea to follow through with his promises yeah if he doesn't his own people are going to kill him well i mean these are plans with authorities people but they were that far in. life that he has continually and i i think it's as important i mean it's a communist dictatorship it is not it's not a communist it's just that they you know it is a common scenario they call themselves that but it's whatever i mean there are sort of. looking rogue the globe we're we're looking at the moment president obama i
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mean it's been a miserable failure throughout the globe we're looking at the wagon brotherhoods taking over in libya you say you say didn't you when he goes to egypt and he says and he says terror on these dictatorships and they do it oh so you things are going to get better in the next five to ten years and you could try me over the next twenty to thirty years try to pick when we leave you have to look we're going to look back on a same way that we look back on ronald reagan same teardowns that we're not because they're not going to have a stable democracy ok matthew no matter we have a desire to say no there's no reason to believe north korea is ever going to honor its obligations it has by a leader these agreements repeatedly over and over again this is distorted in the record where they want food because basically north koreans eat bark and grass and each other actually in some in many cases they did they've been running this scam for a long time so i don't know why is it you doesn't i mean why you think that just because they've agreed to take food this time this is really the beginning it really works better than bob's point does humanity kick it up point is the fact
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that why they're not we just go back and there's no promise but the fact that there is improvement there are signs of improvement and there are signs that we can the u.s. will be providing food to a starving nation basically it's ok. and we have a clear difference of opinion here sondra the floor i guess is. katie was to testify when it was going to want to testify before darrell ices committee on contraception although he decided only to have men testify so she testified today before a democratic committee and her testimony had nothing to do with her sex life it was never mentioned i mean she could be a virgin for all we know never had sex for a life she talked about her her friend her roommate we had a poly susteren poly cystic ovarian syndrome and this young woman who is testifying as a law student here at georgetown. is the birth control pills are preventing sis from growing on her ovaries she was denied coverage under the assumption that she wanted
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it for birth control so she started to pay for herself and was a hundred bucks a month until she couldn't afford any more then she stopped in a massive sister ovary forcing a hysterectomy and now she's been thrown into menopause at the age of thirty two unable to have children and has an increased risk of cancer or heart disease that was the story this is what rush limbaugh said about. what does it say. about the college coed susan fluke. who goes before a congressional committee you essentially says that she must be paid to have sex does it make her it makes you a slut right and here's what he had to say today. and comes forth with this frankly whole leary's claim that she's having so much sex and her buddies with her that she can't afford it and not one person says what would you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have so there's
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a clear disconnection between what lynn was talking about which he's apparently hallucinating and what actually happened a is it time for him a part to apologize might this be the end of rush limbaugh b. is he back on drugs. more than anything it proves that they're it's almost turning into a war on women but it's it's not shaming it's the idea that you can bash women to the point that it into thinking that it's a bad thing but it's not it's if she's not it never has that been mentioned in sandra fluke testimony that it's you know we don't know that's what she's talked about the health benefits that her friends if it's even out the problems that it's a health benefit for women it is a necessary part of health care and she should catholics be forced to fund sterilization abortion drugs and contraception if it's against their moral beliefs so you're in you're in favor of reading shari'a law into into america that's
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catholic could call us ism is not true the law well shari'a law is from islam and if you are you can't pick religions if you say that anybody when you have we don't give you a law that says you can exclude people based on your morality and religion then you are imposing sharia law in america you're imposing sharia law in the sense that you're having the government say you must buy this you can't buy this we have a government top down system where the federal government is distracting the employer to be able to impose sharia law on their employer i think the employer should be able to make moral judgments about what they pay for with that money now if you go to jordan should really should we should employers be able to impose catholic law or shari'a law on their employees. i don't like the employer sponsored health care system and i don't think you do either so i'm not really sure how to answer that question i think we should have a free market in health care get rid of the state the state barriers the interstate barriers so you want to hold three high interest entirely to the tender mercies united health care and i want a big zarak your medicare party everybody of you want to impose it on everyone that
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is correct ok but ok all right we have to wrap it up thank you all for so far will come back with a quick fire with more more on the rubble after the break and into night steely take how we need to give back some kindergarten principles in order to save and rebuild our economy. we just put a picture of the need for those like nine years old and she told the truth. i think that's and i meant. that i was proud of him because he's sick and. he was kind of yesterday. i'm very proud of the world without can see it simply.
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you know sometimes you see the story and the scene so you think you understand it and then you live something else you hear see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture .
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around the big picture rubble our panel tonight matthew senior editor at capital research center and author of the book subversion inc amanda beadle reporter and water at think progress and brian darling columnist of human events and director of government studies at the her tits foundation ok quick fire last question we've seen our fair share of right wing conspiracies floated around recently so the question is which one is your favorite a courtesy of michael savage and world net daily breitbart was murdered by the obama administration has. let me ask my audience the question. what do you think do
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you think he died of natural causes from overwork exhaustion got a heart attack and died or do you think it's possible that he was executed assassinated by some nefarious forces in america or be courtesy of america coppa county sheriff's department and joe arpaio that president obama's birth certificate definitely is a forgery. lose its invasion of the. we're here to the sea eagle leaves. who was it says he defeated or injury and brought me have been committed or courtesy of fox business channel that very serious is a propagandist attack in american business the movie set to be released nationwide next month is about i would learn creature who speaks for the trees and finds rampant industrialism. so matthew what you
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think. i'm not a fan of the theory i was just hanging out with him so friend of mine in friday and in michigan and he looked he looked pretty healthy. yeah pretty pretty hard for me to be light hearted about it yeah well is there anything in any other theories. i think you just overworked himself and he was an inferior. i agree with john you know any man's to diminish is me. a man of your thoughts on a lighter note i got to go with b. and the fact that joe arpaio is now trying to argue that the president is not actually us that if him because we cannot have the birth certificate is about as laughable as the pink underwear that he that he is paraded around arizona to try to prove the lack of civil rights that he has and what i mean what i find out about the whore pio thing is he responds to for not investigating child sexual abuse charges against hispanic children and instead he's taken his resources and created this committee to you know maybe we'll all be wearing magic underwear is president
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if when president romney takes office he made. this is a true conspiracy of rush limbaugh and grover norquist actually do run the republican party ok actually true there you go and my theory my favorite conspiracy theory is that the pigeons from outer space are trying to take over. this is an actual movie that's coming out this is what you're seeing on the t.v. screen this is the cover but i've been saying this for nine years on the radio that what do you have whenever you have powerful people meeting together anywhere in the world. have you ever seen a dead pigeon you know ever seen a baby because you know they're robots on the planet xenu they drop them down here they spying on us every six months the mothership comes brings them you know plays back the tapes drops them again so i might agree with you. i haven't been able to find. anybody who can rebut that i cannot remember any of you ever seen
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a dead pigeon or a baby i've never seen a baby. they don't think so but there are robots in the play it's not a trick that's it. i'm surprised and thanks so much for being with us that i think that any great to have you all here will be very. grassroots activism is alive and well in america like it hasn't been since the one nine hundred sixty s. from rooting out corruption in government to ending the one percent's domination of our economy to turning off our war machine movements are capturing the hearts and minds of americans from coast to coast compelling them to get out there and get active or really this is just the first step it's what comes next that we need to start thinking about after we take back our democracy what sort of new economy we
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want to built what are we going to replace corporate capitalism with for an answer that we have to look inside ourselves literally inside ourselves into our d.n.a. your research in the journal science points to one of the main differences between humans and chimpanzees that has let our species dominate the planet and that is our ability to share researchers to groups of four year old children and compare their ability to solve puzzles together with groups of chimpanzees working on the same puzzle where most of the groups of children completed the puzzle after a few hours none of the chimpanzee groups could do the same the reason why was not intelligence. but sharing intelligence the children learn from each other and communicated what worked and didn't work and copied each other as the study said teaching communication observational learning and pro-social ality all played
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important roles in human cultural learning but were absent or played an impoverished role in the learning of chimpanzees this is what the researchers described as humility of culture essentially the gathering of knowledge to advance a culture or society and spur technological improvements we as humans do this really really well whereas our animal counterparts don't so the question is this if it's in our genes to share and that has that's what has pushed our species to advance the way it has been why don't we apply the same standards to our economy after all if there's one thing our current corporate capitalist culture hates it's sharing in fact even the word sharing is a bad word on corporate media outlets like fox so-called news if you dare say the words share the wealth you're immediately labeled as a communist leader what happened in two thousand and eight when obama said it to joe wurzelbacher the guy instantly became famous as joe the plumber for being
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offended c.e.o.'s don't share profits with workers they pocket profits collecting salaries that are hundreds even thousands even tens of thousands of times bigger than their employees corporations don't share tech not technological infrastructure like cell phone towers and underground wires so that more and more small businesses can get in the game and give consumers more choice they control them to maintain their own profits the entertainment industry doesn't share its movies and music they lock them down and lobby for laws to throw people who call themselves file sharers in prison. sharing seems to have no place in our economy but as corporate capitalism continues to ride out our democracy and how our middle class we've got to come up with something else luckily the transition to a sharing economy is already underway that take it take a look at what's happening in chicago where workers are occupying the republic
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window and door factory three years ago bank of america cut off a loan to the factory forcing managers to shut down the republik five hundred workers didn't budge and eventually got enough support from the public the bank of america backed off giving them time to find a new buyer unfortunately now republic windows and doors is in trouble again and rather than looking for a new buyer the workers are saying screw it we'll do ourselves we'll own the plant and we'll run it they're trying to set up a worker owned co-op a business model that's now catching fire across the united states of america you can see it in places like madison wisconsin where i was last year to keynote the fighting bob i got picked up in a taxi cab by a lawyer so why is the lawyer driving a cab you might ask because he makes good money and has great benefits since he works for a company that has embraced the sharing model he worked for union caps which is a worker own to co-op so he also along with about two hundred cabbies dispatchers
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mechanics is an owner of union cans. co-ops are different in corporations because instead of a small group of shareholders of the c.e.o. owning the company calling the shots and and pocketing all the money all the workers own the company and all the workers have a vote in how the company is run and all the workers share the profits that the company makes and he's the wealth is shared and people still have an incentive to work hard because the harder everyone works the more profit everyone makes the only difference is we're no longer competing with each other we're cooperating and the union kept cooperative model is working it's one of the largest of forecast fleets of medicine with the most cars of the best service and employ intention at retention rate of eighty five percent with most workers sticking around for more than five years in fact there are nine other co-ops just like union can have all within five miles of the state capitol in madison from bakeries to engineering
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companies to pharmacies they employ over four hundred people and they're doing thirty million dollars worth of business a year and all across america there are roughly thirty thousand co-ops in all sectors of the economy including three hundred workers including including including over three hundred worker co-ops only more than three trillion dollars in assets bringing in five hundred billion dollars in revenue and employing over two million workers it's obvious co-ops are alive and well in america as well as in the rest of the world for over three d. billion people rely on interact with a co-op according to u.n. estimates. so instead of building an economy that goes against our nature as humans it suppresses our desire to share why not embrace who we are we've been able to survive and grow as a species for thousands of years not because we competed with each other but because we shared with each other over the last few decades as billionaire funded think tanks that promoted greed is good austrian economics and selfish
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libertarianism is good things and reaganomics has created a lottery economy made the rich richer basseley richer and the poor poorer and destroyed the middle class we've forgotten what it means to share and look where it's gotten us we now stand in the midst of an economic collapse social instability and enormous wealth inequality with all the social programs that come with problems going to become without so let's go back to doing what we as humans do best sherry and once again build an economy that's simple and natural principle. this is just or stuff out of twenty it's fewer than thirty six i think is twenty four twenty five states now have laws is the charter laws that allowed you to start a co-op corporation or sometimes are referred to as being corporations benefit corporations corporations that are of benefit to the community we need to make sure
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that every state in the nation allows the creation of co-ops this is legal form so that that can work and you know if you're active in your state get active in in making co-ops work there that's the big picture for well more information the stories we covered visit our web sites it's our free speech dot org and also check out our two you tube channels or at once it's our dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast that i'd civilians and in that's how hard i've come to download the audio podcast of our daily in the three radio show and we have a free time i have an eye for an i pad out of the abstract and since feedback on twitter it's probably score hartman on facebook at tom underscore hartmann on our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at tom hartman dot com and don't forget them ocracy begins when you show up when you participate get out there get active. your it will see as soon as we.
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