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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2012 8:30am-9:00am EST

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live from moscow this is. headlights a day of silence campaigning and political ads are cleared from the russian airwaves as voters shake off their political apathy and prepare for what's expected to be the highest presidential election turnout in decades. yet another suicide bombing strikes in syria it's the latest in a chain of attacks against government supporters of the syrian national council currently residing in turkey to fuel the fighting. plus the u.s.
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president barack obama is caught between those against a military strike on iran's nuclear sites and those who are for it this comes just as he prepares to face my sweet israeli lobby. targeting the big corporations and what if anything they might actually have in common with what i was you watching arts. our stars are welcome to the kaiser report remember a couple of weeks ago we were talking about the richest towns in america being within an hour's drive of washington d.c. and then most of those towns specialized and essentially spying on americans there is more. macs yes this is the data industrial complex otherwise known as dick and these dicks are in the news this week we have the hackers on one side and
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the hackers on the other side really strapped for is a joke and so is we keep leaks for taking it seriously so we know we have this big data don't from wiki leaks which was data from strat for five million e-mails hacked by anonymous well the atlantic says the corporate research firm has branded itself as a cia like global intelligence firm but only julian assange and and some over paying clients are fooled a friend who works in intelligence once joked that stratfor is just the economist a week later and several hundred times more expensive as of two thousand and one a stratfor subscription could cost up to forty thousand dollars per year fix industrial complex. yes and charge a lot for the rehashing the economist magazine and who is the primary buyer of this rehashed information of course wall street you know wall street spends billions of
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dollars a year buying research which is another huge wall street's strength anyone can pushing all up and say they do research and somebody in washington will buy it if they think that they're getting so. that's why i think this headline is wrong max stratfor is a joke and wiki leaks is a joke for taking it seriously yes stratfor is the bimbo of the dick community. but the fact that our publicly subsidized them backed banks like goldman sachs and j.p. morgan take these guys seriously you know obviously the cia you could see in the e-mails treat these guys as a joke that you know these guys who think they're like super high tech spies for googling perhaps are drinking a martini shaken not stirred while googling and that's what they think is like how a spy is put remember the in the case of wall street who buys the research these are the these are the wall street banks to get bailed out by the taxpayer exactly
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so the taxpayer paid good build out of goldman sachs or without without the largest of of warren buffett of the taxpayer and insider corning information volver sized have been bankrupt already but because of all the money that's thrown at them they can use those money the money to buy worthless research the fact that it doesn't mean anything as worthless as a motorist up their money that they're spending their spending our money as you see in this next headline massive insider secret dealings scheme with strat four in g. sachs maybe so the e-mails show that in two thousand and nine then goldman sachs managing director shame moran's and stratfor c.e.o. george friedman hatched an idea to utilize the intelligence it was pulling in from its insider network to start up a captive strategic investment fun what struck cap will do is use our stratford's intelligence and analysis to trade in a range of geo political instruments particularly government bonds currencies and the like they said geo political instruments countries are treated like afshan like
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derivatives and they use bogus information from. a wanna be to put on algorithm trades high frequency trades and if it doesn't go right to outcomes they get the sucker taxpayer to belmar be they just blown the country they just destroyed the country they'll go into iraq and goldman sachs will overhead an agenda. side million good care because it's all priced into the stock price and the other reason why i give for why we should take this been vocal many stratfor seriously is look what happened with m.f. global was john corps lines intelligence that it was a sure bet to bet on portuguese and greek and european debt was that from this bilbo company. well yes this is they go to these retreats where as the head of these banks they take off all their clothes they go into a sweat laws they smoke cigars and they blow smoke up each other strange thing and
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they pretend to be masters of the universe and exchange inside information the start of the iraq war based on inside information that you can do a leveraged buyout of iraq you probably got it from strat for it some don't turn around goldman sachs proprietary task and it was the result a million dead innocent people because of these freakin sadist and insider traders on wall street so the fact that goldman sachs is using stratfor we know stratfor source of information is google so we know therefore that j.p. morgan if j.p. morgan were a real competitor to goldman sachs could just create an algorithm to trade against the publicly available information on google to trade against goldman sachs exactly and this is where algorithmic trading and i frequency trading is that big. bourse wants to curtail algorithmic trading high frequency trading what they call capacity restraint trading where you've got these computers that are programmed not to make a market as lloyd blankfein argues but to break
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a market so they program the computer to attack the market like a stick attacking opinion and they just attack it with hundreds of millions of trades per second to try to shake the candy out free money that they did not work for whatsoever is beyond even rent seeking it's just it's computerized extortion well max another hacker is in the news we had anonymous hacking strat for here we have. james murdoch quits as executive chairman of news international so just like stratfor of the bimbos that were hacked by anonymous here james murdoch has been hacking e-mails in order to get the stories of bimbo's around the world and now finally all of this information has come down that in fact the trail leads right up to james murdoch he did in fact know about the hacking the eight thousand people on jerry mole carer's notebook and he was apparently handing over transcripts every single day of all these phones he was hacking and we were jerry mulcair work for
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a company called southern investigators kind of like the strat for and it was x. policeman who is allegedly also an axe murderer and james murdoch is sitting there because he knows that he has dated a cell he's basically pushing advertising what's incredible is that of julius own ran a hedge fund and he used all this data to trade with inside information and algorithmic trading he'd be a billionaire today and people would accuse him of claiming on inside information but he would buy his way out of any legal problems and he would claim like lloyd blankfein of goldman sachs that he's making the market he's adding liquidity and they would say well you just do so if you're a hedge fund genius we won a stupid or feelings legal precedent thing because your dog but then of course because he shows the information with a public good berkshire of the press he's vilified because he's telling the truth
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and sharing information with the public these are the enemy prisoners who are truly is an enemy what's around what is force the breasts flacid sunday audience hoping you can score with some transvestite somewhere in some dark alley that could make you look like this right yet if you're anonymous if you choose to remain anonymous. most likely you're the most valuable of the advertised to audience advertisers want that eighteen to thirty four year old male market that's the price primo thing that's why we're doc is a failed enterprise ok he failed that my space where people willingly give you information and data about themselves and yet he failed at that company so he can't compete in the market where people the participants willingly give them the data so he has a strong arm or leg break and send the axe murderers to go hack to the phones of
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little murdered children he can't make money even though it was given to him these are the the my space or was initially made for hundreds of millions then of course as we know from the facebook i.p.o. people giving you information for one hundred billion dollars or more in my space was before facebook people were giving him information he thought was a way to promote his stupid movies at fox he didn't know what exactly what business he was even in now justin timberlake a pop singer what i spaced out of pregnancy for like five bucks in the garden it's already out you know it's already bigger than than than the wall street journal in terms of a business but the point is max i pay your data as facebook is proving as google is proving its worth something your information is works worth something and here's rupert murdoch his little son james murdoch and their acts murdering hackers that were stealing your information and they didn't want to pay you
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a fair market price for your information flows like dr evil he isn't even about getting a fair market price he would people were giving him the information goods with it sort of going bankrupt like years now but he's like who i want to prove for love. well let's look at how the comparison here is rupert murdoch he's clearly breaking the law but there's no we can't find any information the f.b.i. hasn't arrested him there's coolly. evidence that murdoch right now to day james murdoch right now today should be in the custody of the f.b.i. who is in charge of arresting people for foreign corrupt practices act the man has obviously brought foreign officials police officers and politicians in the u.k. but he's not arrested was interested because he's connected he's an oligarch listen to how somebody who is not one of these oligarchs is treated suspect a celebrity hacker case sorry for all of this christopher chaney thirty five a nobody from jacksonville florida is accused of hacking into the accounts of more
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than fifty celebrities including movie stars scarlett johansson a meal a coonass and singer christina aguilera a grand jury indicted chaney and nine counts of computer hacking for again eight counts of aggravated identity theft and nine counts of illegal wire tapping if convicted of all twenty six counts cheney would face a maximum of one hundred twenty one years in federal prison here's rupert murdoch who has been hacking celebrity accounts for over a decade quite clearly and what does he face nothing absolutely nothing is rewarded there's lionized he's considered a pillar of society exactly so and it's all because as long as he's part of the data industrial complex he's a dick he's one of these data industrial complex scum and he's allowed to get away with it because as long as you're selling this data to the advertisers and you you
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know are part of this game now finally speaking of advertising max i have this graffiti art here from the invader famous prison for feeding our here's a closer look at her oh yeah oh it's really much. and i have a headline again from another. anonymous stranger the i know of this but i liken it banks see an advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours people are taking that out of you every day they bought into your life take a cheap shot at you and then disappear they lirot you from tall buildings that make you feel small they make slipping comments from bosses that imply you're not sexy enough and that all of the fun is happening somewhere else they are on t.v. making your girlfriend feel inadequate they have access to them with sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it they are the advertisers and they are laughing at you thanks see he understood this is ahead of
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the curve yet or says they value being anonymous and telling the truth but that's why i think that anonymous is under attack because they are anonymous they are remove themselves from the advertising grid they are not advertised to though they are the crime audience for advertisers the young male i love it but i stated i would thank so much for being on the kaiser report thank you all right i don't know what say right there what's more coming your way. us some stand shoulder green and one form or another socialism has spread the shadow of human regimentation over most of the nations of the earth and the shadow
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is encroaching upon the frontier. to leave early twenty first century military bases a network of military bases all around the world forms that believe empire that the united states is trying to build it's astonishing most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million or more than two hundred fifty thousand u.s. troops stationed on these bases all around us. we don't have a problem bases in america we don't have any british base we don't have any korean base we don't have any french bases or you know we just all american bases in there in our bases of on it or the noises i would often doesn't bother us at all because they're all bases but for other people it's almost like a cancer here for them speed. since the into world war two the spaces i've been.
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working here to provide safe and secure environment for everybody. to be questions real thing else get everything you needed. time now to get to new york city and speak with andy barack obama's former executive down at gallup polls in the u.s. chamber of commerce. only as part of the yes man of course you can find his work at the yes man and his latest film the yes man fix the world is available on d.v.d. and the pickle bomb welcome to the kaiser report i think all right any book about for those who don't know for the international audience who are the yes man and what do they do in a word what the yes men try to do is make hoaxes make funny stories to give journalists an excuse to cover important issues that aren't getting covered enough
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. so we come up with whatever scheme we can that we think is funny that we think other people think is funny and we do it with the audience being journalists who will then take the information and make a story out of it getting more coverage for the issue in two thousand and four when we posed as dow chemical thanks to b.b.c. error we gave a lot of journalists an excuse to talk about the twentieth anniversary of the bhopal concerts or fiji the biggest industrial disaster in history that has never been cleaned up dow chemical never took responsibility for the still even though it bought the company responsible for the spill and the victims in india meanwhile has gotten practically nothing in compensation for a lot of thousands of people and they've gotten practically nothing and the site has never been cleaned up right so the ballpark disaster famous incidents you are
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on the b.b.c. they mistakenly went to the website and this brought enormous attention to this catastrophe in a way that cut through the media chatter it's everyone widely seen sees this as really a remarkable example of i guess what some would call culture jamming as well as unique form journalism but now the estimate of come up recently because according to the latest wiki leaks dump the yes men were monitored by strat for a. company that's you could say isn't impersonating a global intelligence company they seem to be like a shadow cia so tell us about the fines and why you were mentioned in strat for stratfor seems to be a really creepy. there's a lot of really shallow we stuff that came out in the wiki leaks dump you know e-mails with the c o n structuring operatives to control their subjects sexually psychologically and financially in order to extract information even if
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that's what you're analysts usually do they claim to be a journalist and a media company but they have these incredibly shadowy practices there's also what seems to be a really flagrant nasty example of insider insider trading where strapped for creates a thing called strata cap in collaboration with goldman sachs to capitalize on the information that they obtain presumably through psychological sexual and financial control of their subjects. but with us it wasn't nearly so glamorous they were just monitoring public reports that we were putting you know the journalists were writing or the you know some some students were writing at colleges where we would appear and speak twitter feeds they they just monitored very carefully everything we were doing for years but yet it didn't surprise us we don't have much of
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a security culture we don't really care who reads our stuff we would prefer people not to read our private email although that seems to be a given that they're doing that as well but certainly reading public reports about us and trying to figure out exactly what we're up to is just the height of flattery really and we're we're very flattered well any big obama on the same day as these wiki leaks revelations we learn from the leveson inquiry in the u.k. that rupert murdoch's news corporation having gauged in a systemic wide scale. bribery of corrupt police officers corrupt government officials in the u.k. so here you have rupert murdoch doing all the bad things then everyone is up in arms about in terms of what is being revealed through wiki leaks but somehow through word rupert murdoch's organization there's not that level of outrage your thoughts on the role of the media in maintaining this this dual standard system where murdoch is given so far
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a slap on the wrist for doing things for doing is spying illegal spying corruption or is wiki leaks which is doing actually in the public good service is seen as somehow in bed with the terrorists will it certain certain very big forces or typing wiki leaks it would seem. the u.s. government for example there are you know people who really don't want we keep leaks doing what they're doing they're a major threat to something and that's why you see the blockading any payments they can't you can't pay you can't donate money to wiki leaks through pay pal mastercard anything like that all of those companies have mysteriously decided that we can lease must absolutely not receive any money they were getting hundreds of thousands of dollars a day in donations that went down to zero immediately because of this very effective blockade so somebody is very afraid of them and that might have something
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to do with you know why there's. not more outrage i don't want to get conspiratorial i don't think that's really the case but there is some something going on there but speaking of systemic fears and systemic. issues you know why is we can look such a threat it might not be just their immediate targets with us in the e-mail trove that they uncovered it seemed that. the dow. people or at least the stratfor people who were doing work for dell were really obsessed with one question and it wasn't so much were we going to mount a protest against dow for the bhopal issue they didn't seem to be too worried about that at least there isn't that much discussion about exactly what are they going to do i don't know is something coming up it was more are they going to broaden the issue to an overall systemic critique of corporate power if they didn't use those
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words but you know a broader issue question extending from both paul to other both poles to a bigger question of corporate power a corporate problem they use that word there's a lengthy email discussion about that and you have to wonder why why are they so interested not in their clients' bottom line per se but in the question of what kind of critique is this going to. turn into and it's not just us that they asked the question about they asked the question about amnesty for example the twenty fifth anniversary why didn't they expanded into this big critique of corporate problems why didn't any of the big n.g.o.s they ask these questions again and again and i'm not sure exactly why or what that indicates but it would seem to indicate maybe that that's a threat to them but the idea that the way that the rules can be changed and they
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could seriously impact the bottom line of a lot of their clients including would be if there were a real popular upswelling of anger against the corporate system such as we have it that could lead to rewriting of rules and financial impact probably this very tightly issue based focus on on bhopal and specifically doesn't have that kind of possibility to affect anyone's bottom line you know doubt. could technically. as we've said many times they could technically just pay some money and be done with the bhopal issue once and for all. it's not it wouldn't be that they could an impact on their bottom line but what it would do if they did that would be set a massive precedent that would mean that other companies couldn't do things like this i'm speaking about that and the big picture issues and how we really have to rewrite the rules of the game and not just go after individual companies anymore.
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talking about rewriting the rules of the game i think is is frightening for a lot of people who would rather the rules stay just as they are mainly the way occupy wall street has been so effective and so frightening to so many people and refuse that refusing to adopt a simple list of demands and you know precise targets has been probably the wisest thing that any movement could do to st know there's a serious problem here we have to rewrite the rules that allow corporations to get away with murder quite a little literally and a lot of lesser crimes as well oh it's a racket so you've got whether it's down jones or rupert murdoch they're part of the syndicate they're part of the mafia they're part of a racket that is connected at the hip to goldman sachs and wall street because goldman sachs applies the money the financing to the racket so that's a systemic risk that anybody who is looking at any individual component of the racket is being dirty they look at the the racket of goldman murdoch citi group you
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know the real mafia the real terrorists they see there anyone who's challenging that is a snitch and of course if you snitch on the mafia you know that's the worst thing that can happen because then you don't rattle the entire unholy racketeering and war profiteering and basically you know what they've been able to do is to operate as a as a force and to overthrow and destabilize entire countries like greece for example who's now having to suffer austerity to pay for the the crimes the racketeering the mercenaries the financial mercenaries so it's just you know it's not so much of that you mention this conspiracy angle as relates to murdoch i think really read them the bigger question is why wouldn't a wise murdoch we worded for his criminal activity he's allowed open the sun on sunday you know his press is a failure he just shows women's breasts that's the sum total of his journalistic
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ethics but he's reward. for this where is wiki leaks and julian assange was is doing the genuine work of journalism the genuine work of the fourth estate they're being penalized now you live in the united states you live in new york is it palpable this this this feeling of a democracy being shattered by corporate interests of course democracy hijacked by corporate interests or are shattered definitely the way you put it the mafia it's exactly right there are very powerful people who want the system to stay the same and will do anything they can to make it stay the same it works very well for them as figures over the last ten twenty years have shown this incredible boon for the one percent and higher than the one percent and stagnating or dropping levels for the rest of us. and you know that is
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a very real conspiracy i mean there are these real conspiracy is such as you've pointed out and that's why i it's a bit frustrating when when people try to go finding far fetched conspiracies and spend a lot of time inventing scenarios that can't be proved because there's this real conspiracy that is plain as day can absolutely absolutely be proved no one's denying it there's tons of evidence and so everywhere and that's what we've really got to be fighting we've got to change the rules of the game that allow this conspiracy to exist and there is a lot of. anger and a lot of outrage at this and i think we're just going to see it increasing over the spring and put the bomber out of time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert and i thank my guests and if we could bomb all of the yes men if you want to me now please do so a kaiser report and artsy t.v.
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argument so next time actually i'm just saying.


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