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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EST

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will. it's technology innovation called the least of elements from around russia we've gone to the future. seven thirty pm in moscow these iraqi have lives russian people voting for their next president will take the reins for up to six years all five candidates as well as more than half of all actors have cast their votes under the watchful eye of hundreds of thousands of observers of the live web cams doing every ballot box. now we're recapping the week's top stories calls for a syrian cease fire grow but reports of war are the smuggling and the arrest of more than one hundred mercenaries spike fears of international interference damascus claims its apprehended arab and european governments including several
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french nationals. all but two leaders signed tough new budget controls to prevent nations from running up huge debts struggling people across europe unite against the cuts being imposed to save or coming. up next in spotlight the challenge of making russia's presidential elections free fair and transparent it's coming up next. closer is that so much of. which of course he's running for the voting for the future in two days' time russians will go to the polls to elect their next president what is the nature of russia's political system how is it changed.
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hello again the spotlight the interview shall r.t. . my guest on the show is. only a few hours that left until the start of the most high tech presidential election in russia the polling stations are already by now and so are the two hundred thousand words that will draft has the power to live on the internet it has been a very ambitious and costly project how the russian government. insist it will be worth the life thing just put it is idea great will be election process transparent than ever before so it was a difficult to build such as network in such a short time and all their fish were ready to face. of the state machines will discuss it with one of the projects master my deputy communications minister in the uk. the december parliamentary election in russia caused huge public outrage and
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made allegations of drinking as a response to the protests the government decided to make voting in the presidential. parent two hundred thousand cameras have been polling stations across russia so anyone can watch the ballot casting online it was a huge job to set up a system that works we built an existing ones were innovated and the price was. about half a billion dollars. welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us well first of all congratulations for as i understand you're you're you're you're nearly there you nearly did it because because the the english is gone. was to cover the entire country with web camera equipped polling station two hundred thousand we have cameras around the country so is it done yeah yeah it's under. it's always done it's about
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ninety five percent already with the. running board and by the start of the election there will be a hundred and it will be very important if we we we connected them to the network and we each. camera we see more school because it just occurred to me you had to do it in the winter because the prime minister came up with this idea in the winter in december and fifteenth of december december it's russia it's siberia it's cable's you had to dig it it's christmas and you literally had to dig. yeah yeah it's incredible and what we found it's new for me as well so. that in temperature around minus fifteen. up to go people is blocking usually and i've seen by myself so it's
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sometimes people where heating the cable before putting putting it on the ground here you brought with you an example of what they will have on the polling station so says so here we have here we ever had our sound so so this is your camera can you show yourself. or higher or i can i can see myself in the camera like this or a photographer so as we can see as we can see on this on this monitor the picture is pretty good so what are so is this the picture i will get on my monitor you will get the leading bit bigger picture. in terms of color to some of this quality and so what will i be able to marja the pictures on my home computer what else is it if you listen to it you can. the quality of the picture allow me to see what to see the names on the papers the protocols what can i see what i can see just like in a supermarket like the shadows. there will be two kinds of small camera with shows
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the entire place where the elections go so that you can everybody can count for example number of people came to the to get the ball and another another camera will show the place where the ballots. in english and. the put the. belts and after the end of the election process and the police we have a box with staying. there will be the police with. members of execution committee. will start counting the votes so they won't put it out putting a table onto the counter will not do they can. sort of like this and yet the people will be counting and what will be down here is really isn't that kind of physical
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you know think there will be under your eyes of the camera and everybody can see it and very important and very well we are proud to so far in good luck or a surprise the way. that after finishing the counting the chief executive of this world committee or what he's showing to the camera enlarged of the protocol did you have to change the law or do you have to change the instruction for the for the election commission so they have to do this they have to go and count them under a camera and not elsewhere they have to show the product of how camera like this so we did not use the loo again and they had to do it right now that there is a clear instruction from the central election committee. and if they have to do so this whole procedure has been written yes and if somebody breaks the crew c.g.i. will be punished and polis know what. he's saying follow every poll results of all
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the. controlling members so your people people who control the people there will remind you where they will remind people from different candidates and different parties so everybody. process of installing the cameras and is done in a very open way. a very interesting thing one where we're talking now where there's one literally hours before before the upcoming elections there was lots of criticism in the world in the russia itself about the about the manner in which the previous election was conducted i mean the parliamentary actually said yeah yeah. so this is true but in three months time now russia will run the most transparent election that ever took place in the world. in my opinion yes. it certainly looks this way. yes. it was intentional the prime minister to
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shoulder balder we do most world war clearly actions we are well transparent boxes with scammer investors parent process i know you're a more technical person than a political person but still i want to ask you this just your opinion why do you think mr putin was so interested in having these transparent elections why he's so interested there's no fraud in the upcoming presidential election is it because he wants to be like like clear like a saint or is it because he was worried that there might be fraud against him. i think current political situation is a. will show that some small fractures can can be brought in the big picture like we've seen some there are war to where they know that much tension
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that is. described by the media and the same. well all the same. to me not approaching to but saving could be kept and we can watch and have careers they will question so i think the prime minister decided to to have to show that. there is no questions in about democracy in russia or all this is this just knowledgeable thing or silly little smart move ok listen human history here you talked about well these two hundred thousand cameras digging digging in siberia. the cold temperatures and so when you spend a great deal of money when you have to count to somebody to the parliament to the prime minister to some other body to lead. to the great amounts of money you know that yourself of course well there is a start from the beginning of the project we asked accounting chamber to join our
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team and to control all the spend so. we of course will report to the government and to the parliament. i think hearings. on where we have spent. almost a it's not so much money that. we spent less than five five hundred million dollars and if you take into account the number well the science of russia and that is the level of tool communication we have unfortunately in some places and we are going to we didn't have an electricity where we put a camera so by the way. the energy away we had to bring out with this project there will be quite good internet connection by the way through quotes about one meter bid for sick it's perception to be collected and in there is
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regions with there will be no such connection in forthcoming five for ten years. and will this project be. fashion would pay back so now will you will you will you be able to sell this technology i mean we're. going to grow all of the interest. i think you know and i think it's called itself built very simple but very. old also too is written in russia and has no clout and we see the potential for this project. but for russia as well we see a lot of opportunity where we can use this in order to win the elections. here between the elections go in our society for example there is a big questions about. exams. you know
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unifying to examine. the way it was done in some. in secondary school the reason i'm asking about about this being official and being back is that you may know that the person who actually did this congestion charge system like you never can tell me i'm saying i haven't here i mean he doesn't have to think about about money he and his family ever said your travels around the world and you know he made enormous amounts of he's very very rich and happy because he came up with the system so you don't something similar with the system belongs to the us telecom which is partially owned by government and increase will our governments will gain such technology and then can be more reached you know why i'm not asking who will get the money and i'm just saying that the system like this may be a fish it may sell it may have it because this guy this and this i have got his name he's just travelling around the world telling others how to do this and that's got a major. problem and it's the living's not residing right. here i. feel
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is the culpable not right now i just reminded that we're talking. indiana so deputy communications minister brush spot life will be back shortly after great self stay with us they're going to. we all make choices sometimes it's tough. but it can be an easy. choice be left to fate. or if can be. limited. reach on the cold. shows that. it's always personal. except one day when
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choice matters to everyone. resistance is not a party but a culture. this could. put some. cultures of resistance and. welcome back the spotlight on now not just to remind that my guest on the show today is ileana deputy communications minister of russia we're talking about the new and new system new electronic computerized system that will help.
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everybody around the world especially in russia you can see it right now here and i think we'll see how the election process will be taking place in russia during the presidential election in your myself as the man is the mastermind behind this whole system we've talked about how it's working now a couple of short maybe yes or no specific questions first of all is filming inside the polling stations absolutely legal that it's absolutely legal because we. it's done by government and that. there is a building big sign for all the participants and citizens that the risk filming is the. filming instance. but still can a person and train a comin station to vote. and cognito i mean if he doesn't want to be filmed is it possible to himself somehow not to get on screen ok well i think.
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first of all we have four. all the cameras just a little bit quiet in the room so that it's. filming from the bottom to the from. the bottom. as a person in case kill people after a little bit lower something ordinary. it will be not noticed but very important that there is online consolation consolation confirmation and. he's nor will be in north very public let's say so what you're seeing not very probably i mean that everybody everything that was transmitted and then will be filmed taped and kids kept inside your ministries and right it will be kept in the us to look on warnings i mean it's not well if you really have to go to those who have been especially. responsibility for this or we will
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allow to some citizen to. be fully responsible yes who will be one of the person who will the minister music ministry will be for the minister himself to be fully responsible because there are so is there a possibility that that the archive can be tackled with you know the something may be done with the archives. well there will be two archive scorpion one in each notebook written down as in the. they will be some criticize someone and so sometimes. it's a very t.v. event so you know years it's very difficult to compromise well in online. film. facility that you know well not always no cattle no. i don't think that the anybody will do will the quality will we see the quality now
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we see it here on this laptop but when we start working with paper. for example how this piece of paper to a camera and i tried to i tried to see gray can we read what's written on this paper on your particular approach and not know but on the protocol there will be a large quarter of the throttle and. conclude we have only five hundred parts and you can see where the cross is yes. so so so if i hold the protocol right like this then there will be five like people and very importantly there is a sound recording as well and chief of election committee will release that out loud and show you who's approaching. the question least central electoral committee was quoted as saying that there were cameras will not show faces now then how will it be possible to identify a person they're responsible for
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a fraud because fraud is what we are looking for in the transmission so if someone does the fraud but we polls he's faced so. much correct but it's not system will not show. more than more than a half of the screen so those it will show faces but not been watched. and. fraud in the election is one of the more swirls legally prosecute. persecutor both saying and currently if you see the police can find their criminal using the web cameras installed somewhere in the streets we. can see anything with this much better. two hundred working simultaneously and many many hours in
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a row does that mean there is a possibility of internet collapsing i don't rush and. around the beginning on the beginning of the project we really were afraid of the collapse of the internet through russia but right now we i'm quite sure that the internet will some wife and . this two thousand cameras of course there is a technical fault that could be called to one or two percent more that. we have ninety five percent of the people would talk to your minister here in this studio he said that. many people know millions of people me like to watch that sound so that maybe you will have to subscribe to a couple of days before the election actually to be able to watch that they do that and you are for example i did subscribe to this that means that on sunday morning i can switch on the internet and try to get this picture. and to see on the force of
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march as a picture you have to subscribe. to it it will go through and scrape it's quite easy you can use any of social networks i.d.'s any of. agent and use like google mail. or phrase little deadline for the first instruction or your surprise and all sort of sort of my fears that suddenly we step as a sort of model just to be prepared to the force and peace we will see the system can so wife. scribed. we were going ok now is it would be possible for a person that subscribed to get this picture would be possible for him to record. on his computer it's computer equipment so you can it's easier to report you you can use print screen or something like this stuff like. used on
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a paper or. windows p.c.'s so it's very easy knowing something thousand polling stations around the country does your system allow me to switch between the stations and choose which around what you can go and you can go to using by using map or using a search engine. any polling stations in the country. and the pictures if you see zoo map of russia was number of polling station so you will. be breaks in transmission of commercial breaks or something it will be from the beginning to the end and so until the final protocols are signed well like nonstop . the translation will go on television transmission will go in between nine o'clock in the morning and nine o'clock until nine pm local time
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zone local times and then the jews due to the fact that. russia has nine time zones. one three elections process the stork for example and far east the transmission was put on that process. will be played only on nine pm by moscow time so so so so it's well it won't contradict the law because because you're not allowed to show the results of the last polling station in your list i see. if somebody wants to wants to. disrupt the work of those webcams here if i enter the polling stations and somehow tamper with the webcam and try to stick cheering about it on whatever is it a criminal offense then of course it's hooligans. because in the so you use local brewery very quickly this system is already part of the election process
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and it's protected by a long and all the police policemen science to. controls . another question maybe insensitive political questions but still will these recordings later be available to the media will they be available. to act as evidence in courts for example how well our opinions are it will for example currently. juge can. a new video material and materials as a quaint he may take this material officially or even. if they can they can use it as evidence and all the parties and candidates can use it. and will the courts accept it as legal evidence.
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there is no law. no possibility to not accept that will there be a procedure to make these recordings later really before us for journalists for media. i think well we will think about it but look the archives there is a. personal data so we've come through election process with your wife will be easier. i say yeah girlfriend than a lot of stuff going in the personal life of the people so ok ok thank you thank you very much for being with us and just to remind you that right yesterday was the silk deputy communications minister of russia and that's it for now for all of us here strike light we'll be back with more first on common fund was going on and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take your.
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russia votes for president r.t. looks at the five running for the kremlin top job the candidate jealousies you gonna love sixty seven turns to achieve most of communism from before his time on the record second in all presidential elections since the end of the u.s.s.r. the two thousand and twelve votes will be his fourth plan for presidency free education and housing polish illegal immigration and introduce ethnicity stance in passports controversy to colors communists usually vote with prudence party on the big issues known abroad for exploiting soviet nostalgia with pensioners the discontented industrial working class. presidential election two thousand and twelve on parts of. the.


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