tv [untitled] March 5, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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my policy is not going to be one of containment but also use prevention of iran obtaining nuclear weapons. yes very much speech when i say all options are i mean. joy thank you very much president obama is walking the line this week on one side an increasingly powerful israel lobby demands action against iran on the other his own reluctance to volunteer american troops for another war so who is really driving the foreign policy the us or israel. are used to frighten us cheerfully. pushing this unfortunate. he keeps us in cells for two or three minutes in which to
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take confessions. and won't prime minister netanyahu diverts attention to tensions with iran human rights groups are crying foul over israel's treatment of its palestinian prisoners we'll show you how justice israel is a relative term and israel. rushing presidential elections drove it millions to the polls over the weekend resulting in one clear victor and many more humorous the videos from election polling centers the security cameras are no laughing matter are put in place to ensure a fair election as the twenty's while the u.s. elections approach could we learn something from russia. it's monday march fifth of four pm in washington d.c. and christine they're watching our team now as most of you know we are are to
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america which means we focus on what's going on here in the u.s. as well as a larger international stories so if you're looking for in-depth reports on the russian election results from over the weekend it won't be seeing it here but you can however go to our team dot com for continuous international news coverage with several stories on the elections themselves and on a lot americans victory. but here we'll be talking about the latest on a differing perspective about what to do about iran over the weekend here we heard time and time again that the clock is ticking that's according to many leaders both here in the united states and in israel as well as much of the mainstream media here that something must be done soon about iran's alleged nuclear program in iran was the central topic at this year's american israel public affairs committee conference apac hosted many high profile speakers including president obama israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will speak at apac tonight but earlier today the
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two leaders met to continue the discussion a few would argue against the notion that president obama is kind of walking a fine line here both trying to make it clear that a war with iran is nobody's first choice but that iran is a dangerous place and needs to be kept at bay there's a little bit about what he said during that meeting today we do not want to see a nuclear arms race in one of the most volatile regions in the world. we do not want. the possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists and we do not want to regime that has been a state sponsor of terrorism. being able to feel that it can act even more aggressively or with impunity as a consequence of. its nuclear power while president obama has been criticized by many conservative leaders here in the u.s. as well as in israel for not being tough enough on iran i say you seem to be trying to make it clear that no matter what happens that you countries are in this together here's president prime minister rather and some innocent. americans who
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that is really the united states your common values that we defend common interests that we face common enemies iran's you know that to you know for them. with a little safety. we are you and you are us. so we want to talk more about the rhetoric and the reality today and how to do that i'm joined by max cleland all writing fellow with the nation institute and that's what's going to break this down i know there have been many instances since president obama came into office that people would say you know israel says jump and the u.s. says how high that's the perspective of someone other people say you know president obama is you know not trying to do everything that he's been told by israel what's going on here i mean do you think that israel does in fact drive u.s. foreign policy with respect to iran it's driving it right now but it's not driving
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it to its is as far as it wants to it's not able to move the red lines to where it wants to go we heard benjamin netanyahu tell barack obama you're you and your us i mean it's a bizarre statement but it means we're basically our interests are the same that is not true with respect to iran iran poses no threat to the united states militarily and four and the obama administration is acting on assessments from the cia from the military and intelligence apparatus that tell him that that a war with iran would be disastrous israel is seeking to use the u.s. as its proxy to attack iran through a pac and what a pac is doing in congress right now is it's given congress and ask meaning they're asking congress to authorize a resolution declaring that the red lines should move meaning that the u.s. will go to war if iran crosses these red lines and the red lines will be that iran has nuclear capacity and not a nuclear weapon and obama has said iran has to get
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a nuclear weapon before we decide to act militarily so they're not the u.s. is not them and they are not us there seems to be that is an important distinction to make between the two countries and their interests and what they've said sort of outline is we hear a lot of course from you know leaders in israel we hear a lot from apac and some of the voices. they sort of put out into the public to make their case we don't often hear from iran so i think it's important to point this out i know a little more than a week ago iran's supreme leader ali how many i gave a foreign policy speech and as part of that speech he addressed the issue of nuclear weapons and here's what he said he said the iranian nation has never pursued and will never pursue nuclear weapons there is no doubt that the decision makers in these countries opposing us know well that iran is not after nuclear weapons because the islamic republic logically religiously and theoretically considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believe the proliferation of such weapons is senseless what do you
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think i mean is how many lying i think of the iranian regime i would agree with anyone who says that it's a terrible authoritarian regime and that they're not fully cooperating with the international atomic energy association which israel refuses to allow inspections from israel also refuses to sign the nonproliferation treaty but. according to u.s. joint chiefs chairman martin dempsey iran has practical concerns it is going to act in its own best interests own best interest is not to launch a nuclear strike on israel even tinier pardo the head of the israeli mossad intelligence service says that and mayor de vaughn the former head of the most has said that so it's really benjamin netanyahu and acting through a pac which is like their shadow government in washington to alter american policy and move it against american interests and they've already done that with sanctions you obama administration has fought sanctioning iran central bank because they knew
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that it would raise gas prices and oil prices inside the u.s. congress passed the one hundred to nothing this apac resolution and now we have high gas prices and americans don't really understand why and now they're pushing us war for israel through a pac so you're saying that iran is not you know a sincerely genuinely nice guy. country but you believe that they're not pursuing nuclear weapons they may be pursuing nuclear capacity all i know is they're not complying with the i and that they even according to senior members of the military intelligence establishment in israel and the united states are not inclined to attack israel or the us is about regional power it's about consolidating consolidating their role as a regional power and i think an older israeli government that was more clever might have allowed them to get nuclear capacity so they could port portray themselves as a little victim in the middle east but netanyahu seems so messianic and so
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influenced by a neo conservative line of thinking but he's taking israel down this path of self-destruction. hyping war rhetoric and pushing the united states attempting to corral the united states into a war that could be catastrophic according to the world renowned economist nouriel roubini a war that could cause a global recession if this is not good for israeli interests either and i think that there are a lot of big players in the u.s. itself that are concerned about exactly what you just said that the neo cons are sort of pushing this into and i want to pull up something that just in case you missed it was a full page ad today in the washington post and we'll put it up on the screen basically a picture here of president obama and netanyahu various quotes here by top officials current and former secretaries of defense the chairman of the joint chiefs all essentially saying the consequences of attacking iran are too grave now is not the time asking the president to resist the pressure for a war with iran. and wondering what kind of impact do you think visuals like this these full page ads in the newspaper i mean do you think that people will start to
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realize hey there's another perspective here and what we're hearing from you know senators john mccain lindsey graham and joe lieberman what's important to make the case against war in public and barack obama has not made the case for diplomacy enough with george w. bush was making the case for the war with iraq he made sixteen major speeches before the war began barack obama has mentioned it. well missy for the first time. at apec so that's that's significant but what we're seeing is a constant drumbeat for war it's influencing american opinion a pew poll that just came out of public opinion shows that most americans say they don't know very much about the dispute over iranian nuclear weapons and they're not getting information from the mainstream media and at the same time most americans say they favor a military strike on iran that's incredibly dangerous apac is capitalizing on american ignorance and the media's dereliction of its duty to inform the public about what this means and who are the players influencing this drive to war and certainly many aspects on this road in the stripes
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a war that we could probably talk about for another hour i want to take this in a different perspective so i want to keep you here and we'll talk about it so let's turn to another story now on something not being discussed at apac but it is bringing about quite a bit of discussion as well as criticism for israel and that is the practice of administrative detention basically the practice of holding people in prison for months or even years without charge or trial and the issue is gaining more widespread attention internationally after a palestinian man came close to death after a sixty six day hunger strike a protest against his own imprisonment but more so against israel's practices in general let's go to a report now put together by our correspondent arena and then i'd like to bring back max to talk about this for. how the old man's wife wishes she could forget the day she was arrested but it's a memory the just won't fade but. some of the soldiers came to our house around to my husband out of the bathroom and led him away there were many of the house dogs
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they all acted like animals. israeli authorities have already arrested hundred eight times before believing him to be active within the palestinian islamic jihad a group israel regards as terrorist hundred nine was put under administrative detention meaning no trial and no charges been brought by practice widely used by israel it's imprisoned like this one but hundreds of palestinians are being held the status of terrorism but accused of not doing their prison can last for years with no formal charges being brought against them it's attention can last up to six months but there is no limit on how many times it can be renewed at the moment more than three hundred palestinians are in the street of detention during the height of the second intifada uprising just over a decade ago thousands were put in jail without trial many of them youths. who was just sixteen when he was arrested. or used to frighten us terrified space creaming
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is pushing us unfortunately. they keep us in cells for two or three months in order to take confessions by force we were so frightened. of free young person who suddenly finds himself in jail israel and sisters doing nothing wrong a little slow sorry to protect informers identities but human rights groups both here and abroad they have to differ slightly not only is extreme but also because israeli authorities applied too liberally towards palestinians it's one of the basic moral principles that we you know that our side founded on that if you deny a person's right to freedom you have to have a very good case and have to have a trial and you have to let them defend themselves against these accusations. when palestinians are placed under administrative attention they're not told what they're suspected of there's no charge and there's no trial as long as family now awaits his really sell april a lot of service you never know what it's like with hunger strikes it could end
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well one of the same time it cannot explain to your children whether father and son may see it when they saw him on his hospital bed he cried i've covered none said his sixty six day hunger strike was not in self interest but to draw attention to other palestinians in similar circumstances is a hospital the moment unable to walk and is being fed intravenously but there is already talk of moving him back to prison when he recovers his lawyers say that at least his shackles have been taken off even if only for the time being illegals carty israel and the west bank. so again hotter on case is just one of many has hunger strike calling attention to a larger problem of people being arrested and held without charge or trial with no opportunity to defend themselves and there is a growing movement of various efforts to protest and then a straight attention again this was something not brought up at the attack and has
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not been o'reilly dealt with or publicly discussed among prominent israeli leaders so i want to bring back the little back into this discussion max i know you've actually spent time at this prison this affair military prison talk about what it's like and who gets arrested and put their welfare a military prison is a prison for primarily palestinian political prisoners who are arrested by israel in the occupied west bank go for a military prison is situated on highway four forty three which is an israeli's only road it is an apartheid road and the practice of administrative detention is consistent with the israeli practice of apartheid in its relationship with the indigenous palestinian population and i have a friend who is in a fair a military prison in by sometime me he comes from a village called now be selling you saw some footage from that in the occupied west bank they have been organizing an armed protests and an armed resistance because the settlement has been planted basically on their land and taken their only well
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it's taking their land and bus them to me is a leader of this resistance movement first what israel does and not be silent as they arrest the children so they arrested a fourteen year old boy named islam to me in his own bed dragged him out of bed and then psychologically tortured him in a fair military prison frightened him at five in the morning and got him to issue wild confessions including that there was an al qaeda cell in this village then they use that information to arrest people who are the village elders like some to me who has organized this specifically nonviolent movement they were in the israeli army has responded with pure force killing another member of this village shooting them in the face at point blank range with tear gas mustafa ten. me and doesn't to me linger is an unfair military prison like so many other palestinians and still waiting for his trial still waiting to be charged with something and legally speaking one of the arguments that the israeli justice system seems to give is you know they can't they don't have to give this evidence to the prisoners they don't
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have to tell them what they're going to be the evidence that's going to be brought forth against them so that those prisoners can defend themselves they say because sometimes they get it in cohorts with other palestinians whose you know they can be put in danger if they give that information talk a little bit about sort of the legal back and forth and how you think this changes its secret evidence it's actually a practice that's been normalized in the united states against muslim americans and israel uses it to convict palestinians without them even seeing the evidence presented against them in othera military prison and in military prisons in the west bank there is a ninety nine point nine seven percent conviction rate of palestinians and so you basically have israel ruling over two million people with an undemocratic system with no interest in giving up control over them and that's the problem that a pack is faced with and that's why it's using so many propaganda is propaganda stick techniques to either silence this conversation suppress it or put lipstick on
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a pig but it seems to me max i mean. certainly you have kind of your top officials not addressing that there is a lot of discontent within israel even within a lot of people that live in israel. about these practices saying like something needs to change here or else it's going to get bad i think that the israeli public there is a sector of the israeli public of a few hundred people who are directly protesting these policies there is a large much larger sector that doesn't like them but complies with them and participates in the army but the israeli public has elected the knesset that is. authorizing legislating apartheid for instance they were. that lead banned west bank palestinians from marrying in uniting with palestinians inside who are citizens of israel this is the only technically democratic country if the extent that it is a democracy but has this practice of the israeli supreme court which is supposed to be the bastion of liberalism in israel validated it the israeli supreme court
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recently validated the practice of using taking palestinian land in the occupied west bank and making them that into israeli quarries so the occupation is being legislated democratically through israel and we can conclude that the israeli public supports it to some degree and certainly we appreciate your perspective especially having been there on the ground knowing people inside this present and important discussion i think that needs to be had not just with us here but also you know while we have some of these major leaders in town from israel maybe they should take the time to address that probably not going to happen right now and that's blumenthal writing fellow for the nation institute thank you so much. well as we mentioned at the beginning of the show russian elections took place this weekend and there were some changes this year including a three hundred million dollars program to help monitor elections with more than ninety thousand cameras installed at polling stations around the country this was in part a response for calls by many for more free and fair elections there and r.c.
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correspondents have discovered having those cameras installed at voting centers meant more than an opportunity to try to catch people breaking the rules and also meant hours of good entertainment it was only. full. to use it. but the lections were also about these video cameras here but to make them play and transparent and into at least gave was hours of unexpected intertainment from ordinary russians. these people became the true reality stars of the election even though the world was watching closely they thought no one was looking president elect about him a putin had web cameras installed in almost ninety one thousand stations across the
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country now he wanted to make sure that the elections were transparent and we're fair those cameras cause almost thirty billion rubles but he didn't bargain for was that the cameras would give us a glimpse of other people's lives around the country from chechnya. there's a certain voyeurism behind anonymous filming. do we enjoy big brother watching. the extensive monitoring implant exhausted many of russia's resources this police officer decided she needed time out of the lustful cameras capturing her every. now this video has over two hundred thousand hits on you tube so casing michael jackson's oh no moonwalk brought back to life you see an observer looking at this man and he puts on a show for the cameras and for us. this
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on mars. all right so a little bit of a humorous look there we would also look at this from a more broad and serious angle here in the u.s. we are think into primary election season to determine who will be the republican nominee for president to face president obama in november of course tomorrow is the biggest day yet all eyes are on what happens tomorrow putting taking place in ten states so we want to talk about how our own elections are here and what if anything needs to change to make sure things are as free and fair as possible i've got longer and journalist tim curry in our studios in moscow to talk about this and let's talk. that we just showed in these new web cams what did people in russia think about them. oh god if you look sions well it's definitely a mixed bag you know i personal lot of people who feel that there's been a travesty that this is the beating of revolution and i feel and i know
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a lot of people who are very satisfied by this kind of a split but there's also living life through the moscow filter and in moscow there's a lot more people who are more good more liberal they have a more sort of look to the west more as sort of like a bastion or like a moral principles and all that so there is sort of that i phone crowd that is more present in moscow than other places. you know it's it's hard to see the world think that that's one thing we can compare the united states with russia is that the united states there can be some goofy aspects to the electoral process and in russia there are two big united states everyone believes that every time and russia they never believe it ever so it's a lot of a question of faith in a lot of ways what about these grab cans i mean here in the us we're pretty technologically advanced country and yet the voting machines that we have some of those machines there are somehow unable to offer voters a printout of who they selected at the end it was barely more than a decade ago we were stuck with many months of too close to call because of hanging
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chads i mean what do you think about the technology here and about these web cams we just showed this report of them in russia do you think they benefit us here. oh yeah in a way it would go it's very hard implements even for the differences in russia there's a federal electoral system so basically the federal government here has the power to make elections the same everywhere to cameras the translucent bins for the ballots and all that but in america the elections are a power reserved to the states which allows every state to conduct elections pretty much as they see fit you know what i mean and that's part of the problem because some of the united states. the same parties don't always appear on the ballots so the one thing is that there might be need to be some kind of major legislation maybe even perhaps an amendment idea or say amend the constitution which is usually blasphemy but something that would see that the states have to pick a solid method so each state at least at least in each state everything is done
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exactly the same in every place because having some with the paper some with the guy build machines which are very i don't know risque to say the least a you can't mix systems it's just absolutely confusing and it's not translated to print the ballots. it's not just the voting process of course it's on changes in the electoral system here in the united states i know that in the past year fourteen states here and already passed measures to make voting a little more strict some places will require voter i.d. . others are scaling back on the early voting even others make it so convicted felons can't vote even after getting out of prison i know i need to start a blog about your experiences in russia and about. the elections but about what do you think about some of these changes. well you think about the convicted felon things that's absolutely ridiculous because what you serve your time you're done and you get a free clean slate so that's absolutely absurd and it's very anti-american at its core but nowadays you know who cares about the constitution cares about laws. about
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some new things it's hard to say it again it goes back to a problem where it's like every little community can try to do it the way it wants to and that's kind of part of the problem. you know i think people really need to demand more it's really a push of the people because if people demanded their every ballot were the same party as the united states it probably would be that way but no one cares you know they need even in this recently as two thousand. with the minority of the vote in a very close race that was decided by the supreme court which is written nowhere in the constitution in the law that the supreme court is the president that i could find maybe i'm an idiot apologize wouldn't i am so that's absolutely bizarre and people really just need to demand more and maybe that's one thing that the russians can feel proud of is a the people here who feel slighted or at least kind of trying to do something are out to overshadow the people doing the occupy protests in america they are doing a lot right so we got about electing them interesting point spread out there i know you have that interesting perspective of growing up in ohio vote here akin and
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being in moscow thanks so much blogger and journalist tim curry and that's going to do it for us here but for more on the stories we covered go to our team dot com slash usa or you tube dot com for us our team america. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of kenya that. operations are rooted a. mother.
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