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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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arrays like that in fairies are looking to help movement but finding it difficult to ask if organized structures just aren't going to work from the sort. of. same. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. and we're still reporting from the place where you can hear behind me loud explosions. actually. gave her a. you
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know sometimes you see a story in the scene so you think you understand it and then you lived something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything is. going to charge the big.
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guys it's time for you said it i read it right so excited to respond to our brilliant and engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you when you got something to say i listen now last friday we interviewed former goldman sachs and boy and author william cohen about wall street guys going on the record to complain about their bonuses i want to say that much like william and myself are here isn't have too much sympathy for them or more like not at all just baldwin said on facebook and wall street is looking for sympathy from the american people they're out of their minds real gadson said on facebook they got bailed out got away with the biggest financial crime since the savings and loans crisis of the one nine hundred eighty s. they don't want to. hear it from these crooks and i also find it just flabbergasted
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that wall street bankers hedge funders and the like all the nerve to complain about their bonuses and how hard it is to be rich on the record just shows you how utterly disconnected from the rest of the country and the rest of the world they are only as americans have no jobs at all and i'm president and one in six are living in poverty they're complaining about having to sell sports cars and go on fewer vacations so if that doesn't show you there really are two americas i don't know what does else move right on to the question of what men are for which we spoke about on last friday's show it all started because james pullos asked what women are for a while back so then our guest last friday turned the tables and said that men were really worried about their own relevance so as usual our viewers that all sorts of cultural responses and yours if you need to said on you tube as a male my sole purpose in life is to be a woman's plate which entails a lot of smiling and nodding john calibers on facebook that exist to absorb a woman's wrath and to reflect her beauty which is certainly more like it if you
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ask me and then there's my personal favorite cyborg clown to put on you so a lot of things the only thing men are good for is sperm and she wishes men would no longer exist in the human race wow i guess it's pretty obvious that alone is a lesbian so yeah you got me i love to go to response or some men when faced with a woman with strong opinions that she must be a lesbian a man hater not to mention and he said i wish men didn't exist sometimes i like you guys and finally i want to give a shout out to ohio university students alexander carter who e-mailed into r.t.e. dot com he said hello r c m n one thousand year old male from ohio i would really like to get a hold of a lot of possible to tell her how awesome the show is i've turned all my friends on to it at the university and we sit around the laptop late at night together to watch the show with email a letter or maybe even a super short and sweet oh goal fingers crossed i would just like to have my voice heard and it would literally make my year i could hear something back from her that's would mean a lot to me so alex here you go response i just want to say thank you so much for
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watching the show and please keep spreading the word to all your friends my ranting tonight i'll be back with more as usual later in the week. now from the very beginning one of the defining characteristics of the occupy movement was that there is no hierarchy no clear leaders occupy is consider their structure to be horizontal want the very beginning they're also going to have politicians unions other organizations trying to co-opt the movement so let's talk about the latest development in the sense rename for the first time there is a fire one c three called the movement resource group so far they've raised about three hundred thousand dollars the bulk coming from the foundation of banco and of ben and jerry it's a nonprofit website mission statement reads as i wired you provide a single point of contact as well as accountability for how funds are expended for individual donors foundations and unions and they fund projects within the following guidelines messaging direct actions and recruitment projects to build the
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base locally and nationally but we have to ask if this very organization in of itself goes against what occupies trying to do so joining me to discuss it is dennis traynor jr writer video producer and host of acronym t.v.'s also has an upcoming documentary on the occupy movement that will be released on april thirtieth that it's nice to have you back on the show tonight so for starters let's to start with this group and margie they've decided to set it up and say that we are going to be this soul central point of contact for those that want to find the occupy movement but is that a problem in and of itself or the occupy movement first of all. and since there are people watching from the outside would be very frustrated dear that well here comes your musician that wants that don't pull bucket load of money into the occupy movement what's the problem you are showing and it's just a made for no strings attached you're not for sale just wrote an article in the
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daily beast that i think really perfectly kind of sums up your. feelings about this and this time well there's a lot of. money and i think that the money can be. all used. their seems to be a lack of consensus and that's the problem ben cohen and others who have tried to approach to a movement to grow it in their terms really seem to be wanting to funnel it into a specific idea or campaign that they have it's not about funneling it's about a growth start spreading groups about bottom up all right so but if let's say that you were ben cohen that you were wrestle simmons and you're one of these people that has taken a liking i guess you could say the occupy movement right that has been horribly showing support what do you think they should do should they just stay out of it or they not try to find anything. you know first of all i'm really grateful that ben cohen a step forward in doing what he's doing you know i mean he's saying that we're going to fund certain projects but we're going to limit those projects that are going to
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be funded to be red light or green lighted i'm sorry green lighted by a small group of people if ben cohen really had faith with the occupy movement stands for it is totality you would say here comes a butt load of money and here comes i'm going to hand it over to ga to decide how to do it the problem to be fair is that i think occupy wall street would be the first to admit they really didn't handle the nearly one million dollars that they had in the fall going into the winter so. where the money where the state money it all has become an issue within the movement and some people feel like money is a corrupting power and that they should do we would all together i don't myself think that you do need money to grow the movement and organize a ben and jerry and other people who want to support a movement that helps you grow we trust the horizontal consensus building process that has been in place that's the one non-negotiable thing that's the one thing that stands for people trying to create a new world using
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a different process that has been in place and is hierarchy process it think of it this way if you have a publicly owned company and you go to stockholders meeting the person who owns the most stock gets that most float same with the super pacs and the way the current voting system is run the most money gets the most thoughts the occupy staying you know that's not i was going to run it's more than one person one vote it's the rectum ocracy it's consensus and that's not what we call and this movement resource from present it to the our movement last sunday night in new york that's right and of course that i can look at the type of organization i pasted out here these by the one c three s. are basically a product of the citizens united ruling which are these now or he has a friends they take in all kinds of funding and hand over to the super pacs and that's where the donors are it's close and it's all part of the three have problems i guess you could say about well there are a super. back to the super pac the irony that you keep scrolling about it so definitely an irony about plano i have to ask you that because when you talk about the horizontal structure right and how this is something that's being from
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completely differently where do you think about my movement is right now that has been more than five months they don't really have a large physical presence anymore do you think that i know that you know you. you serve as an and media elements i think of the movement and if he that you do what else is it that they need to do to stay relevant they had actions last week but they weren't huge actions by a pac also didn't get the numbers it didn't get the media attention as they did last fall those couple of factors that come into play you know lead into the fall and early into early to the winter most of the occupations around the country rooted in there's a certain kind of pain or discomfort that what do you do after your twenty four hour physical occupation is this round it but what i wonder if they'd like to dispel is that the occupations just aren't that people camping in the physical space is that is an important tactic of the occupy movement but it is not the are the eye movement is not about camping in public spaces the occupy movement is about
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in my opinion creating real correct democracy real democracy now and so that then people have been working behind the scenes in offices from their homes from all different locations and including physical occupations so where the occupy movement goes from now is that the weather is about to get warm may is going to come a day is it going to be a very big event and we're going to go into a long season that's going to head straight into the election cycle where you're going to see a massive uprising much bigger than the fall because there's been a lot of work is being done behind the scenes in the so people it's like you realize that there are other ways to engage the occupy movement if you know if you don't say the time we're not inclined to just physically arkansas or twenty four hours a day there's not much movement is much much much bigger than the fact that in a development that we learned about that. g.a.m. and i as some as who are supposed to be held in chicago may have some of its own chicago but we found out the ga what instead of be held at camp david and base that
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they got a statement has made the united states looks forward to hosting the g eight nato summit seven celebrate a free flowing discussion with our close team partners the president is inviting his fellow g. eight leaders to camp david on may eighteenth to nineteenth for the summit which will address a broad range of economic political and security issues so when we thought a free flowing discussion i do think they're trying to get away from the protesters there because we knew that of course there were mass actions planned at the g eight summit not to mention that chicago had a lot of plans on clamping down on the protesters there well look at that is what you have is this movement that has no momentum it's horizontal it is by all nation media accounts irrelevant as for me of the six the eight most powerful countries in the world and their representatives to relocate their meeting to a military base so i say yes because we are and yes the i cried movies for all of this this is just transpiring in our city before you show it live so clearly you
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are right and has an adult response to this my hope is that they will go have some presence outside of camp that i know that before i started i was part of the protest movements across the whole military bases were progressively manic so it is possible to have some sort of physical action direct action it up and i hope it also opens up the opportunity and they are quick to realise that a massive showing in our nation's capital that illustrates the umbilical cord between wall street and the white house is necessary so perhaps it's time to consider people back beyond the national occupation of washington d.c. which starts may thirtieth and runs the entire month. so there's a there's a lot of opportunity to come out of it but yes definitely this response to move g eight summit to a military base is an occupy response to their interests they are identical thanks so much for joining us tonight. thank you. for last breaking the evening bell went
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from back his life in charge of the human izing muslim communities across america and that is of sept eighth he is revealing the spying techniques of the n.y.p.d. are no more are tools i met on a happy hour so there be quotas for women and businesses and a new york times reveals the gym where the top bankers voted on fire but they were offered too much the. same. people calling what you said for free and fair elections. can we are still reporting from the same place where you can hear behind me loud explosions.
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good it gave me. a. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly you think you understand it and then you lived something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you don't. charge is a big. our
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guys it's time for it and i it's tool time award adds and i are giving it to the man who has become the anti muslim mouthpiece of the g.o.p. after all he led the muslim radicalization hearings on capitol hill last year and has plans to continue them and this year so i guess that we should be too surprised he also appeared at a press conference this morning at police plaza in new york city to praise the n.y.p.d. and announce a these investigative series which is shedding light on the surveillance practices by police about it as a game series which we have discussed at length here on this show these help out
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thousands of muslims are being spied on by the n.y.p.d. for no other reason than being muslim and mosques universities stores restaurants some of those. even done with the help of the cia and extended way beyond the city limits of new york city surveillance was conducted in newark universities all across the northeast so yeah the n.y.p.d. is going way beyond their legal limits when it comes to protecting and serving but before peter king addressed a crowd of about twenty people to defend the surveillance methods here on fox news to explain why you think so highly of n.y.p.d. commissioner ray kelly i think we should probably the n.y.p.d. should model for they doing their carrying out surveillance of the areas where we expect the next terrorist attack to come from. all right so i think it makes it pretty clear king loves kelly but his reasoning really sound way to reconvince of the next attack is really coming from someone within the muslim american community because it is a lottery so very often because it was a few weeks ago we highlighted the triangle center on terrorism and homeland
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security for their reports on homegrown terrorism turns out there's really not much to report because well there really isn't any author report call that a minuscule threat to public safety and guess what that report isn't from the associated press but i think that peter king will denounce its findings as well but the lawmaker further defended the commissioner's record saying that king has managed to stop several potentially dangerous attacks for each other used on the stop thirteen or fourteen attacks already against new york we are the number one terrorist target. so let me take a moment to go over law enforcement's record when it comes to catching those cares right says thirteen to fourteen attacks how many refined facilitated by the n.y.p.d. you know what undercover agent works with a disgruntled person encourages them fund them plans an attack with them i close the intel or the new bridge for and let me take a moment to point out where all those millions of dollars in efforts and also fail things like the times square bombing attempt or if i saw suicide left his nissan in
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hopes of causing a major explosion well n.y.p.d. dropped the ball now and perhaps because they were framing too many other people to concentrate on the real lone wolf threats but here's the part that really gets me peter king defended the n.y.p.d. spying methods and call the a.p. is investigation slanderous everything is as legal it's constitutional and you can do york times and so she did press her discretion themselves by the slanderous attacks on the and what do you expect. all right so for starters let me just explain that what commissioner kelly has done is not legal the matter of spying scheme potentially violates and why he's own guidelines and york city law which outlaws racial profiling based on religion not to mention the first amendment and what the a.p. does isn't slander they're using actual best evidence they found to shed light on the actions the n.y.p.d. and the real problem here and the a.p. is investigation doesn't help peter king's political message so obviously he wants to attack that so we're calling out the media for actually doing real investigative
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journalism which is so rare these days and then praising the efforts of illegal surveillance program against muslims here in america all that makes peter king tonight's jewel time winner. our guide sign for happy hour and joining me this evening breeze from head injury and anthony red as the director of economic research for the reason foundation it was. i thought that he was wearing socks are you guys elise are. laughing so much ok let's start with this story makes me laugh i need to get one of those things where the law enforcement really tries to pump up some new gadget that they haven't talked about how cool it is and then things go awry so this particular bit is from montgomery county in texas and they had a really big a plan because of this fancy new drone take
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a listen. we can watch this put it over a fire put it over hazmat spill put it over a little barricaded suspect and literally give the incident commander the ability to look at the entire scene. with a bird's eye view. ok so what happened is it was dave you had a with a big shiny drone that call across and three hundred grand and basically. the drone crashed into a swat team when it lost control or contact the controllers console on the ground he mentioned all the things you can put it over and forgot the swat team and through through the swat team it's actually quite terrifying because if it hadn't been the swat team and like an armored vehicle people could have been injured or adult rather they want to have you know drones flying around to mystically everywhere but these things can go wrong well i mean it's very rare that you see like a helicopter crashing in to you know two cars on the ground but that's because you
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have people flying but only actually in the helicopters these drones the problem here was a lost signal with a person on the ground that's terrified to actually turn for the rebels are going to be very sickly playing with their like their airplanes or the little controllers on the ground and the odds of this happening again with cell phones and everything going out is like are you kidding me of course you know and how the odds are going to be very hard it gets better soon because knowledge of it lose communication with the person operating on the ground it didn't do what it was supposed to do when that occurs this really back out where it goes to autopilot just didn't do that iraq drones cities joke drones no one see this is the first warning everybody you know just you know everyone should be aware that this is warning number one because they're the first department to get these and it's. ok. but that was ominous and scary ok let's move on to something else so we all had to go through the really horrible tedious process of having to cite our sources we write
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a paper and these days are actually decided to give us class an assignment i guess you could say as to how to cite tweets one hundred schools now professors in the bay area are using wikipedia as a teaching tool or a goldman associate professor at santa clara university school of law asked his students to create an entry were finally example there was the concerns of getting a part. ok just kidding. larry backtrack a little bit though is about citing we can now it's no longer taboo. a little bit but there has come out with a way now that she tweets so it's connected to the story there's you know are getting it wrong yet tells the post i don't know the part that i've got more interesting is. i teach a course in new york and i would never let any of my students tweet in a paper i don't care that i'm always come up with a way to do this we could p.d.
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it was taboo i think it's still you need to go find original sources this is absolutely the feeling timing about like the anthony wiener tweeting inappropriate things out near discussing males in politics and going rogue you probably think about new york times stories or talk about it you can talk about so many things that discuss the spindle not going to address the actual tweet that seems kind of ridiculous we're going to go all the way around because you can't go to the actual letter where you know the idea. is. that's what happens not it's not research it's not hard data you need to be you need to be you know it's just this is why are you writing an academic paper about the first votes but it's a separate interview you're going to see here is here to me here is that emily didn't think it was important to include a link to the tweet has anyone ever tried to find it we like weeks later it's impossible so these professors would have no way of knowing and tweet ever actually
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happened so please do that right now we're going to be here we go. i'm very bitter about it. ok. let's move on to the e.u. because they often come up with things like this because we've learned lately there have been some charges out there showing that if you look at most of the major news publications major magazines in the u.s. it's really pathetic the amount of women that actually write the majority of stories there the results according to census bureau's information that told us that at every education level still in the u.s. women made less then and so the e.u. is now actually considering a female quota to look at this. today only three out of ten european entrepreneurs are women and women are underrepresented in senior positions only one out of ten board members of the largest companies listed on the national stock exchange's of the u.p.a. and union member states is
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a woman. apparently i have no. words as. the rector in the control room and i don't think our fans know that we have an all female team on the well that's ok we're doing the reverse here we're really making up for it we don't let men work with us so that works that way we do it my sons and you know you trot us men out for the occasional two or three minute little bit of your t.v. show. at one point so if if in europe it gets to the point were you not attempt systems are held by our women to all of us and we have to have a male quota in europe but this this idea that we're going to somehow rectify all situation by just making sure there's at least four out of every ten men are women to me seems a little we had time to do that but i'm not quoting what you say also what do you believe that really doesn't address the issue which is that it's a symptom of
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a larger issue and also got to keep in mind that you know a lot of times when you get to the age where you're going to be an executive or on a board that's about the time the time that women are having children and people don't want to promote women in those positions because you know they might go on pregnancy leave then i do and i'm sorry but that's the truth well these are all other elements in this discussion you know and like i said with women get paid less than where's the male quota for the show you know stuff right now. like a good deal. you know. you never know. thanks for joining me tonight but there are nights so thanks for tuning in admission come back tomorrow truthout contributor geoffrey k. is going to be on the shelf tell us about this suicide on time of day i mean time to forget to become a fan of the our show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any it's a nice or any other nights of catch it all. last year on show and coming up next.
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i mean the economy ambulance. people calling like you said for free and fair alike since i. can bear the reporting from the planet right you can hear behind me loud explosions in the family. homes the irony. gave me a. guitar
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sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.


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