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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EST

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syria's defiant president vows to keep foreign forces out of the country as washington dismisses a military attack and other countries pull out in protest at the violence. temperament to greece or nuclear talks about war hungry u.s. politicians stick to their guns calling for military action against iran and syria . an independent group of russian observers trying to follow the presidential election but except it glad to be in one of a georgia the both join me in a few moments for more on this.
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is uncommon broadcasting from the heart of moscow and parent well president obama has ruled out an attack against syria saying it would be a mistake after a leading u.s. politician john mccain called for airstrikes syria's president assad responded by saying he is determined to continue fighting what he calls foreign backed terrorism but pressure is piling on though in spain has closed its embassy in damascus while china has withdrawn most of its workers overseers for their safety and the u.n. is considering a u.s. proposed resolution demanding that both government forces and opposition fighters and the bloodshed be year long uprisings claimed thousands of lives and forced many to seek shelter abroad but there's one corner of syria that so far been untouched by the troubles and not has been there to visit. the muslim i guess the army you
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know we from the battles in this long running conflict time feels like it has almost stopped even the children here speak and ancient almost because language. now. there is a. place it's well known in the world as the only place on earth where people speak aramaic the language of this is christ it has troubled neighbors and nobody would be abroad as some perhaps we're going to hear is this twenty minutes away home and a hundred kilometers away but this place is one of few in the country that has not been any trouble a while and since the uprising began home to end of the strine and fall century catholic church and dozens of mosques based towers religious heritage is solid its residence like this is keepers have a specific explanation of this law. saying just this tragedy didn't come to us because god loves the city but it seems that god is not the only one carefully that
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is christian dominated community mostly whose area in home still we feel sad because people don't do this because they're covered it means a lot of we are free people will come here to try to disturb us and destroy our peaceful life as they did in the homes of many cities but we trust the army and security and state. for decades the government of president bashar assad who is himself from the shia islam minority allawi sect has protected the interests of ten percent of the country's population who are christians by enforcing its strictly secular program and by curbing the influence of radicalism and the cycle of we used to live in peace muslims and christians of course were afraid people from outside the city and the country may come and destroy disunity assad became more than just the head of state he's a kind of international symbol of this fight for our life here. when the time came
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the people turned good for good while the plagal distain speculum on a street says the people here didn't join the uprising not because they were scared of the regime but because they were scared to lose this regime. so there are over there were people here he wanted to push against the government the president the army if you hear the army enter the city and kill people believe me this is a mistake the army is here to protect people can't close our side he didn't want to protect this state and make it strong fears mount though that these athletes will not be enough within reason calls for foreign intervention and the arming of the opposition and no we'd fight would be tragic. our country before the crisis was developing now we are all losing jesus said any kingdom that splits will die fast these people are receiving money and listening to the orders that you want to rule in this country now that the lady is worth
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a record by the towers in mom with fifty i remember last april there were several men after friday prayers to try to persuade people to protest against the government encouraging them to go and make trouble we had a meeting with residents and the people then agreed to support the leadership the mom says they've never seen most of those people before and never saw their make again after the friday. we're not talking about people but people with an extremist way of thinking. in the towns charge the children continue to pray in aramaic arabic greek french but it's clear the prayers of the people of this unique town are a list to in any language. brief. syria. when intelligence expert told us that despite president obama's a lean towards diplomacy here's an out the one calling the shots and trying to
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remove the regime. well right now the only thing that's kept us out of a war with syria has been essentially the us military and intelligence community have completely opposed any kind of military action so obama himself is really not completely in charge and events are being manipulated around him which could lead him to take a very dangerous action but so far the u.s. military has prevented from occurring the situation inside syria has been there many outside forces including al qaeda including forces from libya where we supported including forces from iraq have moved in and the powers he is to try to force a regime change in syria and to get the force the russians have been to kill or to submit to that and if the russians don't submit to that then you can have a confrontation but there is no real intention by the obama administration or the
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west for a constructive policy. up ahead the roofless reaction to russia's choice ukraine's former top diplomat slams was you had a good sense victory we assess why british voters are left with leaders they didn't trues all the details in just a few minutes. israel is cautiously a welcoming of the newly agreed resumption of nuclear talks between iran and world powers to iran earlier said it would also allow nuclear inspectors to visit a secret military facility which has yet to be arranged the move follows israeli threats of a preemptive strike on nuclear sites the western allies suspect iran may be building an atomic bomb which it denies saying its program is only for peaceful energy previous visits by the u.n. atomic officials could not conclude on the existence of weapons because they were
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denied access to the facilities but political analyst gareth porter it's sure that the launch dong and ten are in for disappointment. it's the i.a.e.a. i.a.e.a. has made a great deal in its november two thousand and eleven report about the alleged existence of a bomb containment chamber a cylinder that they were told by an unnamed member state which i am quite confident it was israel exists or did exist at some time. at the parchin military base. it was constructed supposedly in two thousand but the fact is that the i.a.e.a. has no confirming evidence physical evidence of any kind that this containment chamber even exists let alone that it was ever used to test a nuclear weapons design so if in fact they go to parchin and find there's nothing
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there as i'm quite certain will be the case how will the i.a.e.a. respond to this situation i have a feeling that they will move on to the next piece of alleged evidence of a covert nuclear weapons program or a previous one and that the show will continue. and battle cries are ringing across the atlantic as we'll hear a little later on. if we use military action against iran and we should not only go after their nuclear facilities we should just store their ability to make conventional war they should have no planes that can fly you know ships that can float but trigger happy trio of american politicians continue to push conflict over just policy when it comes to iran and syria even as president obama aims to set a peaceful agenda. an independent body of russian election observers says waddy made a point senator clenched a dirty victory the league of voters except he won the majority of the vote but
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claims there were multiple violations during the poll the details now from our correspondent peter oliver in central moscow peter tell us who exactly are these people and how do they justify their findings. well the league of voters is an independent body made up of public figures people like bloggers here in russia and they've basically today refused to accept the legitimacy of the presidential ballot from sunday now. one of the reasons they've they've cited for this is they received four thousand five hundred complaints of electoral irregularities during the ballots now one hundred both of those only one hundred out of that four thousand five hundred referred to the number of ballots that had been cast. they also cited this. one hundred sixty eight votes in moscow had been added
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on to the eventual total. hooton now it has been pointed out that's one hundred sixty eight out of the millions of voters here in moscow it is really a drop in the ocean but it does follow on from words that we heard from. the u.s. backed n.g.o.s who also cited problems with the with the election but said ultimately that to me of putin would was legitimately a recollected as president did it even if they counted in the well they say that he would have received less percent each less than he actually did. even if you factor that in they still have him winning the fifty percent the all important fifty percent margin it would have seen him elected president the first hurdle now we are waiting we should hear from the central election committee later on today they'll put forward their findings but let me have putin has said that any alec all these
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allegations of irregularities occurring during the election will be investigated anybody found guilty will be prosecuted but we have heard from western and for the foreign observateur referred to these elections this presidential vote we saw on sunday as the most free and most fair elections that we've seen in russia yet and tells us anyone going to act on these claims. well the central election committee have been very dismissive of these remarks from the league of voters they'll be putting forward their their own official viewpoint on what happened. these elections we're hearing now happen later on wait in the state we'll hear their official report now they have ten days to compile that report after the voting is finished they're well ahead of schedule haven't done so the vote on sunday is wednesday today and they say that they will ever have that report for us late on wednesday their official report into exactly what went on cheering at the voting
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rights he is peter oliver and moscow thank you. now despite of the fact that more than forty five million russians voted for putin their self-support is still being dismissed by some countries former top british diplomat david miliband didn't mince his words when it came to the election results criticism as some political commentators describe it as ironic at best. has more. a ruthless dictator who's days are numbered not exactly the language of international diplomacy but that's what britain's former foreign secretary thinks of russia's president elect casting his aspersions even before russians cast their vote while david miliband as you see in these sort of expressions dictatorship conform to reality in a dictatorship people are not allowed to protest people are not allowed to walk around publicly with placards in the face of the leader of the country with derogatory terms written across the park cards we've seen this in russia we saw
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this last the same day after the parliamentary elections and we've seen this what we're seeing is that the moments after sunday's presidential elections david miliband comments appeared in a british tabloid the morning of russia's presidential poll long before it finished the m.p. accusing putin of reversing russia's reforms because of vested interests the sort of claim some experts say typifies the perception here of putin and russia one of the big criticisms i've had for a long time is that the coverage has been very stereotyped so that when bad things happen in russia then they get huge coverage and then when is it really good things or progress like a genuine economic progress that tends not to get reported david miliband may not be in government now but he's widely expected to feature again should labor return to power should that happen he'll face a tough job repairing relations with russia after such have been in this attack
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talk about getting off on the wrong foot as miliband is. the two of vital partners when it comes to foreign policy security and economic issues david cameron's reactions of putin's elections been far more measured until now the prime minister's haven't exactly been close didn't even make it on to cameron's extensive christmas card list last year but while cameron may not have congratulated person on winning he has the result it's clear the election has delivered a decisive result even the ngo polling data could put in above the fifty percent needed to win in the first round the same can't be said of britain according to the electoral reform society two thirds of m.p.'s elected in two thousand and ten lacked a clear majority thanks to the ballot method of first past the post is russia's electoral system perfect it's not but then our electoral system in the world is perfect let's not forget in britain no british prime minister ever achieved
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anywhere near fifty percent of the votes if you have a look at margaret thatcher's ninety minutes of free landslide election victory tony blair's ninety ninety seven landslide election victory but paraffin never got anywhere near fifty percent of the vote a protest movement against putin's return to the presidency is certainly loud but according to official election results it's a war by those in favor putin received almost sixty four percent of the vote miliband predicts that support won't last for long but while it does britain will have to like it or lump it if it wants to do business i bet it's art see the. at sixty minutes past the hour five police officers have been killed in a suicide bombing at a police post in russia's dagestan republic a female bomber blew herself up when she was prevented from entering the station reports identify her as the widow of a terrorist recently killed in the region in
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a separate incident elsewhere in the republic two gunmen opened fire on a police station in one officer and a local resident russia's north caucasus saw first regular attacks from islamic militants. senior members of the notorious computer hacker group with ties to the anonymous movement have been arrested and charged with cyber crimes by the f.b.i. the group is famous for attacking the websites of the cia fox news and credit card companies among others for more on the story now we're joined by robert harris from the political group pirate already hello mr harris some reports suggest the group was arrested after its leader informed on them does this signal that there is an ideological rift starting to appear within these groups and if so what could it mean for the anonymous movement. i don't know you'll. always be on any kind of. a collection online you know going to organizations.
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the most. elite and all that in any group you can have people disagree with. in the sense. that it's going to be with them it's all going. all right well the so-called hacktivists say that their actions weren't financially motivated and said they wanted to declare war against corrupt governments that cats and big corporations what reaction do you expect their trial will trigger. i think prosecuting any i'm going to write things these are people who resorted to direct action because they don't use them graphic structures. there would. be and i think prosecuting the lock in the rich but actors who actually called in could any significant damage. is something that makes them.
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so you know expect anonymous just. i'm ok you know what i don't know what their thoughts are when you. get people with a kind of dark got some movement getting prosecuted without any kind of formal political or democratic command of the gave the start date what normally happens is that the most direct action but what about the proposal of act of the anti-piracy agreement it sponsored widespread global protests and now the u.s. has opened up a treaty to online public scrutiny where do you see the initiative heading i think we're getting a lot of the more government dollars than actually engage with the online population and she talked down to me as well as of the act new york. and chicago happen you know the numbers. i don't think i'd like to see the government in the
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u.k. especially such web sites all over the world gazing with hot chocolate and you know one community to ensure the almost shades of gray in the internet is not just. a mandate from the top. it was robert harris a member of the u.k.'s pirate party thank you mr harris thank you. now look at some other news from around the world. france's president says the country has too many foreigners the system for integrating them is failing and a t.v. debate and nicolas sarkozy defended his campaign promise to reduce the number of annual immigrants and place tighter control on welfare benefits sarkozy's a trailing behind the socialist party candidate in the elections and those competing for conservative voters with that country's far right nominee. the man who confessed to the massacre on the norwegian island of oil last july has been
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formally charged with terrorism and there's grave dressed as a policeman and planted a bomb in oslo that killed eight before travelling to the island and shooting dead sixty nine more people at a youth camp his trial starts on april sixteenth whether or not he is diagnosed as insane. american and north korean officials are meeting in beijing to discuss the resumption of food aid to the north last week pyongyang agreed to freeze its nuclear and missile tests have recently decided to let you and nuclear inspectors back into the country the united states says it will provide two hundred forty thousand metric tons of food to last us food handouts ended in two thousand and nine when north korea expelled u.s. food monitors giving peace a chance and tackling syria and iran may be on president obama's mind but that's certainly not the case for some of his senior compatriots in congress john mccain's call for air strikes against assad is not the first time the better and so out of
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our house chosen troops over talks and as christian prayers are reports he's not alone. they stick together through thick and thin from the queensland to the holy land from the ball field and the battlefield they are senators joseph lieberman and the graham and john mccain seen frequently side by side both physically and politically the call for more war a song almost on repeat for them three have a metal war they don't like and they lead the charge to afghanistan we need more troops there are american troops by the attacks by the enemy have gone up about a thousand percent in the words of and all and time is not on our side and they've been called everything from the three amigos the three blind mice and the axis of error by the website downsize d.c. dot org things tend to work together as a block they're going to access and world of foreign policy covertly back to all
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axis of evil that we heard about that foreign policy not just limited to bush's wars but here they are meeting with libyan president nor mortgage darkie in august of two thousand and nine at a time when it was in the u.s. interests to call him friend mccain later tweeted this calling him interesting but a year later i wanted him gone but if you want gadhafi to go in one of the steps among many would be to establish a no fly zone over the world stand by and allow a leader like that of a sort of his own people an ongoing target for them iran if we use military action against iran we should not only go after their nuclear facilities we should just store their ability to make additional war they should have no planes they can fly and no ships they can float we can point the gun we haven't pulled a single trigger yet and it's about time that we did the two years on and that lack of the media and military action hasn't resulted in armageddon or anything like it still the calls for action expand now across the globe the iranian nuclear program
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is a threat to the entire world on military intervention. it is now the necessary factor to reinforce the suction assad needs to know that he will not win you know we find ourselves in commercial in the same identical to be your leader syria what's going on in syria what's happening and so should we respond to it and once again i mean almost with the response these guys come and say well we've got to go to war the mood of the american people may have shifted to ending the wars but the compatible lobby for war does have its supporters they're very popular with the military industrial complex which sees every new adventure every new invasion every new argued patient every new major branding campaign as an investment but an investment fewer and fewer americans are willing to make as they've already lived through the consequences of the previous military adventures in fact critics say
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those who continue to follow senators mccain lieberman and graham are blind themselves they may hear the drumbeat for war but they fail to see the bigger picture the very real possibility of pitfalls ahead in washington christine for our team coming out and our sports vaults and later this hour roiling to feed it learn how britain's prince harry be the world's fastest man to the finish line that's coming up in just about twenty minutes here on our team. we've been reporting about the presidential election here in russia but let's take a look at what investors think of the outcome to mitri is that the business desk for us to me terry what kind of reaction are you saying well on monday first of all there was a hype so basically there was growth about wasn't for long changed into a sharp drop yesterday but now we're seeing a pretty flat reaction will analysts say the investors really want to see what's the new government will bring and peter weston from out on capital outlines two
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possible scenarios. well the best case scenario would obviously be that we have a very full money put in coming in and that he also gets a cabinet that is filled with sort of liberal minded individuals like to dream may be profitable have a role in the government as well and i think focus on structure is choosing reforms also look at the state owned companies improving transparency that would be a major catalyst that would be tremendously positive for the market but a return to a police state would be absolutely worst scenario i think that's a very unlikely scenario but that obviously would mean that investors are better stay away from russia. markets right now we're seeing a flat to positive picture on both the r.t.s. and of my sex with the obvious grudge point two percent a nice x. around half a percent but trading is quite limited to not that much volume we're seeing on the markets today and there might be some selling pressure all because russia is celebrating international women's day in the a for march and on the ninth of march
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and these are days off and you know as weird as it sounds a sunday will be a working day when the markets will be actually playing catch up and that's actually what's moving the my sex and while shares are seeing some support from the high oil prices and ross nafta's up around one percent financials are still under pressure for example back still declining and one of the biggest gainers this hour is car maker asked about that stuff around three percent in europe also a reversal from yesterday's declines in the footsie and blacks are up around a third of a percent so not that much movement but yet again we're seeing as we're seeing buying in stocks which were oversold in the previous session these are going on for was a mining stocks now finally let's take a look at their currencies on the ruble is continuing its decline against both the greenback and the euro not that much as we saw yesterday whereas the euro is winning back from much the same positions that lost to the greenback in the
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previous six. now the first company from russia is the skolkovo innovation harbors planning to offer an idea sources close to this to group saying it's going to list on the russian stock exchange the company may raise around fourteen million dollars now this group is developing information systems in mining energy and telecommunications. also finally good news for high tech geeks with the extra money apple's expected to unveil a new i pad tablet later in the day now this third version probably will reportedly be slightly thicker have improved cameras on display as well as a more powerful process about those who think apple is expensive he's a rumors suggesting the company will come up with a cheaper i pad two church act penny pinching consumers that have opted for the cheaper tablets and some and so really saying and this will be called the i pad age people will have to wait and see this is the way the markets look best how we will be back in around fifty five minutes and would not.
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move. the.


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