tv [untitled] March 7, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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margetts. scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy is a report on our. series to find president vows to keep what he calls forum but terrorists as washington dismisses of military attack other countries though are withdrawing from syria over the violence between government forces an opposition fighters that's claimed thousands of lives. as president obama makes a move for peaceful foreign policy several wargrave politicians stick to her guns calling for military action against iran this after senator john mccain also fueled the fire by calling for strikes against syria. over the most polluted cities the forty five million votes the one is all the proof you need for an independent group of russian observers claimed the presidential poll was floored the league of voters
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reported violations take the allegations to call. those stories in full with me kevin zero in thirty minutes or an r.c. after more now from washington. and cyprus showing talent and i program the last time we spoke about the latest human rights watch report were shed light on the hundreds of youth that are serving life in prison sentences without parole in california and across the united states we want to know that if you thought that a sentence that severe as really appropriate for juveniles so pretty surprising to the streets of d.c. to find out what you had to say. i'm on the streets of d.c. to tell people in the nation's capital what our viewers on twitter facebook and you
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tube had to say and see which comments we should keep or delete. to juveniles be able to be sentenced to life in prison without parole i read your response from mike on facebook he said if they're old enough to knowingly kill violently rob and rape they are old enough to pay the price keep it or delete it keep it and know what they're doing to do something so violent are heinous if they're old enough to knowingly killed by lightly robbed and rape they are old enough to pay the price keep it rigidly that say keep it in my opinion it's no different than an adult making the same decision marina on facebook said it no juveniles should not be sentenced to life without parole what they need is better rehabilitation and social programs for rehabilitation services they want a lot of us deserve and need it's very often not so much their fault i think it's the fault of the family or society now malke on youtube said life without parole
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for someone that is not considered responsible enough to vote drink have sex drive or kill for their country is just plain moronic people without kids is welcome but if you have kids you have a completely different outlook going to kill somebody and then they should not have any rights at all when you ask people if the person who committed a terrible crime deserves a second chance many of you would say no but if that person who committed the crime was under eighteen years old it seems that people in d.c. are pretty split down the middle if that person should deserve a second chance or not. i will thank you for your responses and as usual as usual and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we spoke about mitt romney's belief that for profit colleges are a way to bring costs down and higher education which as we showed you isn't true for look at the statistics but if politicians continue to rally for the corporate or is a sion of education then will for profit colleges become the way the future the
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norm let us know what you think on facebook twitter and you tube and no is your response just my me. when new report released by the department of education raises a lot of questions about in school punishments and school related the rest as education education secretary arnie duncan put it the sad fact is the minority students across america face much harsher discipline the non-minority even within the same school so according to the civil rights data collection statistics from two thousand and nine to two thousand and ten more than seventy percent of students involved in in school related arrests or cases referred to law enforcement or hispanic or african-american although black students made up only eighteen percent of those in the role of the school sample they counted for thirty five percent of those suspended once forty six percent of those suspended more than once and thirty nine percent of all expulsions and overall black students are more than three times more likely as their white peers to be suspended or expelled and in districts that
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reported explosions understeer zero tolerance policies as panics and black students are presented forty five percent of the student body but fifty six percent of those expel i'll be statistics were gathered from seventy two thousand schools and seven thousand districts which means that they cover about eighty five percent of the nation's students so how do you look at this issue we can explain it and how do we change it to any need to discuss it as an experiment co-host of the young turks and thanks so much for joining us and i guess for starters when you hear statistics like this what's the first thing that comes to mind what's the immediate reaction that you have. well the first thing that comes to mind is obviously racism as you mentioned in those statistics seventy percent of the students they get sent to these juvenile detention centers and get harshly disciplined are either blacks or hispanics so that's the first thing that comes to mind but the a.c.l.u. has done an excellent job in really tackling this issue and it has to do with the school to prison pipeline and it's the zero tolerance policies that are used in new
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schools and how they affect minority students in this country and what they discovered is a lot of these high schools and middle schools throughout the country want to make sure that they have the highest standardized test scores and the way to do that is not remains to get rid of students that come from low income families who maybe didn't have the best education growing up and they will do the best in the standardized tests so you don't zero tolerance policies are really great way to find excuses and find ways to get rid of these students that won't do well on standardized testing so that's one of the things another reason for life's happening is because look a lot of teachers i think get. scared when it comes to certain situations they don't know what the proper way to discipline the students are so they think ok well we have a zero tolerance policy zero tolerance is zero tolerance we got to get rid of you because you brought scissors to school to work on your project when i got
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a question about first bit of ration from a.c.l.u. because if you look at it to some a sadistic survey provide are perhaps in schools where the majority of the students' rights are black or hispanic where whether or not a minority you also have less experienced teachers you also have a lower level of classes or i guess you don't have as high as high of a level of of classes that are actually available to the students for example a lot of them don't offer calculus so in cases like that it's hard to argue that what they're really fighting for in these schools are standardized test scores yeah i definitely see. you're saying i mean a lot of the schools going after the proper classes at a lot of that has to do with underfunding especially in areas where they use property tax in order to fund education and you know in poor areas you're not really going to get as much money as rich areas like let's say in beverly hills but you know a lot of this i think has to do with laziness on the administration's part in the
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schools and i think there's not a lot of people want to deny that racism doesn't exist in this country anymore it's a problem that we've overcome and even if race racism isn't as overt as it was decades ago there are other ways that people participate in racist behavior and this is a perfect example of that we don't when you look at the numbers the numbers don't lie the proof is in the plenty eighteen percent of these students are african-american but other huge majority of them get run into juvenile detention centers for minor offenses it's ridiculous and also keep in mind look if we have the type of juvenile detention centers or prisons jails in this country that work that actually rehabilitated people then maybe maybe you could have an argument but the recidivism rate here in the united states is ridiculous so you're putting these school age children in these juvenile detention centers they're not criminals they don't deserve to be in juvenile detention centers but they're put in there and we
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actually become criminals as a result so it's really a harmful thing for this country right now and we have this prison culture we throw everyone in prison for everything but vast majority of people in prison right now are there for drug offenses and nonviolent offenses. well you know i wonder what you think that the federal government's role should be in this case because if you also look back at some of these policies the zero tolerance policies that we see in schools a lot of them were thanks to first we saw a number of federal programs that were passed banning firearms banning products now to homeschool campuses but then the schools have passed easier tolerance policies in order to get more federal aid and so now it's almost like the government has helping to create this problem they weren't really monitoring this problem now the government is paid to gather statistics on a problem that they created and you know where to go from there well the first and the federal government should do is force all of these schools to get rid of zero tolerance policies zero tolerance policies do not work it's garbage whatever
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happened to human judgment you have to be a human and judge every case that comes your way so if for instance i brought up a situation where student brought scissors to class in order to work on an art project that's not a criminal got student has a great excuse for why they brought scissors to class you know you have to look at the context of the story is this student someone who has a history of violent behavior in the classroom now so why do you have zero tolerance policies when you can use human judgment when it comes to these situations so i think it's the federal government's responsibility to say zero tolerance policies don't work they're not making our schools safer in fact they're turning these innocent students into criminals so let's get rid of it that's their number one responsibility and i guess if you a she had that would probably be a hard pill for them to swallow to say sorry i guess that we kind of told you guys to do this and turns out that we are wrong because they are you know last but i want to bring up here which is interesting is that once they started actually compiling these statistics the civil rights collection then during the bush
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administration they just stopped doing it and so only now under the obama administration have they once again started looking at these statistics and they actually expanded it to look at this school to prison pipeline and the kids that go through and you know going into the excuse me to prison because of it and so you know what do you think that's about. well i think the bush administration failed on so many different things especially when it came to education in the country i mean every time you hear don't child left behind you just want to laugh because it was a huge failure and right now the obama administration is doing what it can to basically repeal those no child left behind law speeches didn't make any sense and i honestly you know there are so many things that the bush administration did they got rid of comprehensive sex education they start funding that and wanted to focus more on abstinence only education as a rock result more and more teen pregnancy started popping up all over the country
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so they feel they are not well they have so many different policies that were a complete failure so it doesn't surprise me that they start tracking the numbers when it came to the school to prison pipeline and i like that your public administration is looking at the numbers now and i really hope that they use this as an opportunity to get rid of zero tolerance policies because they just don't work. out i agree with you there i hope they do and say thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. are coming up next find your feet county is using an archaic kerry says to keep certain candidates off the ballot so they when are told time awards and on happy hour we have a breaking news update on the george washington chicken make that get and the least shopping survey ever for bills that americans are the worst of course all that with the back.
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all right guys it's time for tonight's full time award and this time it's going to the republican party of south carolina for trying to make purity a requirement for running for office the last week the lawrence county republican party passed a resolution regarding the qualifications of candidates for the primary ballot and apparently that resolution included a twenty eight point pledge for potential candidates to sign the pledge would be a promise by candidates to some of them are opposing abortion in any circumstance and doris the ideas of balance state and federal budgets not have previously engaged in premarital sex remain faithful to the spouse not watch porn up hold the
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right to have guns all kinds of guns oppose same sex marriage have a commitment to peace through strength in foreign policy and oppose affirmative action star looks like they forgot to include the white landowner or maybe that's one of the nineteen others that we don't know now initial reports suggested that any candidate running as a republican in lawrence county would be required to sign its pledge of bobby smith would you be county g.o.p. chair released a statement following those claims that they could not legally keep anybody off the ballot but smith also stated they have the right to ask if republican candidates share the same values as the party and south carolina g.o.p. chairman chad connelly told them that some kind of vetting process definitely needs to be in place and he referred back to this moment from the ninety's as evidence of that. search. so according to connelly clinton proved to americans that character doesn't matter
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but now we're finding out that character really does matter. i guess because only ms there's a racy allegation from newt's former wife that happened just days before he congratulated newt on his victory in south carolina said to him we've been married a long. he said yes but you want me all to herself calista doesn't care what i do. yeah nudes totally got a lot more moral authority than clinton does alex not forget of course the new the other candidates signed to marriage pledges you know to uphold the sanctity of marriage remain faithful to your wife oppose gay marriage for years and i thought buddy about the south carolina g.o.p. believes that a politician making a promise to allow them to enter into office actually means anything but actually things the lawrence county g.o.p. might not really believe that the evidence points to the fact of the pledge is really an attempt to just keep
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a local sheriff who had had an affair after this particular ballot cheers ricky chess jean says he had an affair with a woman who worked there on and off for two years and what started in two thousand and eight and two probably last fall. so here we have a sheriff who ignored pressure from the lawrence county g.o.p. to step down after the affair surfaced we have a sheriff who plans to run for his fourth term in the upcoming primary as a republican and the pieces start falling into place right back to the pledge itself remaining faithful to the spouse isn't the only noteworthy part of a promise to oppose affirmative action also kind of interesting right considering the lawrence county is the home of a controversial neo nazi clothing store run by a former k.k.k. leader the store sells white robes as well as other southern memorabilia but now i'm sure the race has nothing to do with that oppose affirmative action obviously not and the ban on premarital sex well i mean there's no words for that so for trying to make out of that flight an arcade period pledge then claiming that it wasn't mandatory when critics pointed out that it was illegal and actually just
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doing it all the possibly trying to keep certain candidates off the ballot the lawrence county g.o.p. is tonight's bull's-eye i'm with. our guys and sign for happy hour and joining me this evening archie producer jenny churchill and then cullen editor of the daily banter hey guys thanks for coming on . rick santorum as always kind of crazy stuff that rick santorum says recently though we've heard him say a lot about how the breakdown of the family really is that the root of all evil is the biggest problem in society here's an example. but the biggest problem with poverty in america we don't talk about here because it's an economic discussion and that is the breakdown of the american family you want to look at the poverty rate among families that have
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a husband and wife working in them it's five percent today a family decided by one person it's thirty percent today you can have the wealthy society if the family breaks down that basic unit of society and that needs to be included in this economic race i've got what i think here is about wealth and stuff but i think that if you just break that down and go back in one thousand nine hundred four when maybe he wasn't censoring himself a little bit because he wasn't on a national debate stage rick santorum actually said that we're seeing the fabric of the country fall apart but it's falling apart because of single moms it's no longer just the whole family it's legal moms and later he accused single mothers of simply breeding more criminals yeah it's kind of funny apparently rick santorum must've thought the ninety's didn't count because it seems like every absurd thing he ever said is like oh in the ninety's he said something even more ridiculous he also supported government run health care in the ninety's so he was off on some other planet and i'm going to thing i think is funny is hearing from republicans you talk
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about family values and. creating an economic system that makes it almost impossible to have a family you have to have two parents working two or three jobs. where people actually have time to have a marriage as well or even have kids these days so profoundly brody's them is. point raised they're saying that if you want to succeed then you have to have q. parents because they both have to work a job in business one parent is not good enough i think we want to point out to you i think this is on a lab or a ploy for men to feel better about the fact that they bail on their wives and kids and you know girlfriends when they get pregnant and this makes them feel a little better like no actually the women are terrible people who can raise their children on a journey mrs turn red. they want to stay and help raise their kids if they don't turn into a criminal that was the logic i mean i don't want to go it is crazy logic anymore because it doesn't make any sense let's move on to another g.o.p. candidate mitt romney we've seen him try to claim that he's the every man he's
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unemployed a lot of times and now looks like it's moving off on his wife take a look at what she said. we can be poor in spirit. and i don't i don't look and i don't even consider myself wealthy which is an interesting thing. she spoke out this morning on what is poor in spirit i don't get it but that that take it out of context it's kind of uncomfortable because she was talking about what she has in the us and how tough it's been and you know she does realize that there's more important things in her life however no matter how poor in spirit she is she still has two hundred fifty million dollars and all of that money to put towards her treatment for him and feeling better for him and it's also she has a mask that's ridiculous jump on the bottom like you've been talking to someone and it's so fun i just think. i'm i used every single talk to have a chance to put a certain if it is true that this is it every single read your pitch and see they
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have one of the romneys is making it to them so. you know that is all that is sure but it is the party line it is not just on how to talk about how she has the writing courses helps with her and asked well people who are actually poor can't afford to have horses oh and then she won't tell how many horses she has because guess what doesn't even know. your little bit between a rock and a whole place there's nothing they call it when you talk about any of this stuff without anyone jumping on them if she says you know she trusts she's trying to show empathy with. people. point of race if you're two hundred fifty million dollars and probably nothing that you have that's part of your life is going to be something the average american can relate to but i don't know like pretend that you like nascar instead of think you're only friends with the owners of nascar. that's just my take all right let's move on to really big breaking news ip breaking news like
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we did this story earlier about this chicken little nugget that this woman was trying to sell on e bay because it looked like george washington. it turned out things actually sold. for eight thousand one hundred. dollars when i named it or would you pay eight grand for that washington. story. the forms were. so sudden. maybe it makes. for a frozen chicken no for me. not trying to find out what. charity ben with i mean because when you get a really cool character watch it if you can well there's a few discrepancies in her story she claims that she kept the mc nugget in the freezer for three years there was no need to everyone knows that madonna does not decompose to be honest i'm a little concerned about that aspect also i never figured out what camp she was
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sending these thirty kids to i want to know like to this person and she sent them to a scientology can i don't. know maybe it for me the question to me. but. those that got through the motions in those places and i really agree because you heard here we were brought up a story and it was that what they had the last of course kevin had to ruin our part is. on our parade i don't understand. right. americans i guess the kind of americans we stand out when we travel around the world apparently here's a little clip from your trip. this time in the same crazy year you say it's on the c. . standard girl she just does like us looking for new girls. all right so the new survey conducted by living social and mandalay research americans
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are the world's worst tourists and it's not even other people are saying it four thousand out of fifty six hundred respondents of the survey were americans themselves. they said we were american so we could obviously comment on this as a brit and americans annoying i'm going to disagree i'm going to disagree with this . because i heard respondents when the germans i'm good i'm going to confess to being a citizen of the culture and the worst behaved people i've ever seen anywhere do you think the brits are that we're all. merkins our sergeant sort of experience i thought about it was really friendly but i spent a lot more they. like it when they go through with the brits on the drink. drive and i've seen a lot of that abroad too great i wonder if it's just more of like the recent you know the moore's college kids who have skating and every year the people are just getting used to more american height i was wondering was this specific to people
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traveling you know like i don't know i mean i think that it depends on what area you're talking about like americans in mexico awful americans in italy maybe not so bad well no but the jersey shore people just like exactly thank you and i studied abroad in florence too and they are so i'm. maybe put yourself clothing kind of thing right i mean i don't you know imagine i don't know i guess americans just want to be number one at everything i don't know i find it really strange i guess we got to wrap it up but thanks for joining us tonight. thanks for tuning in admission come back tomorrow cia officer jack rice is going to be on to discuss secretary of defense leon panetta testimony on what the u.s. approach should be to syria and meantime don't forget to become a fan of you want to show on facebook to get a pulse on twitter if there's anything you ever missed its all you tube dot com slash the a lot of show and coming up next just. wealthy
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british style aside it's time to cut back on. market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars are there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars report. the. blinds in russia would be soon which brightened if you need bounce song from finest impressions. who threw stones on team don't come.
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