tv [untitled] March 7, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond the brilliant engaging you were comments on facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got some to say i listen so tonight we have some urgent business to discuss and that is the winner of our lookout contest last week we had a fun little story with a story out of west virginia where the fusion center which works with local and national groups on national security issues rolled out a new mobile app that will let the people of west virginia submit tips on suspicious or terrorist activity and what they say they were looking for was quote any activity incident or behavior of the reporting individual feels could be a threat risk or a concern to the public safety and is not to be limited to known criminal activity so that's even a little bit broad to say the least so after taking some pictures of our own we asked you guys to send us your best non suspicious suspicious pictures with the hash tag lookout so here's some of what we got frank to the pick at us say happy
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alone to show women on my t.v. working very suspicious activity indeed calling the pats hash tag lookout elect now have your own asses posted this pic on our facebook wall with a very alarming description saying why is this puppy alone whereas the other job is someone running around kidnapping other dogs the puppy sleeping where is he ted if he's sleeping why is he so tired i hear all the training camps are pretty exhausting as a real puppy or a bottle of spyware god help us all. now justin tons of posted this pic on our wall which says if you can read it this way to china accepting applications tim david posted the following pic on our facebook wall explaining now this is suspicious aisle three has three items on a three sided sign three three three do i need to spell it out double that you got six six six people trial and travel sounds like terrorism to me and body lotion try taking that on a plane this store is obviously a terrorist group the drop location is probably in this section for pete's sake so
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i really like the commentary on that one too but last but certainly not least our winner for the most suspicious looking suspicious picture is price steven who posted this pic on our wall simply saying look out for making material so congratulations price you get a sign to show mugs will be in touch to figure out how to get back to you now moving on to more serious matters last night we interviewed the young turks and asperin about new data released by the department of education which revealed that minorities especially black boys face punishments a much harder in school than other students and one of our viewers commented on youtube saying he could boost set i hate race baiting like this it's stupid and dishonest race doesn't directly play a role only socio economic status i.e. poverty plays a role and i would wholeheartedly agree with our viewer here that poverty is the biggest factor in the type of education that a child receives in this country that's a horrible thing and what ann and i were doing last night was not race baiting but
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discussing for to stick in data which back up another very sad conclusion that in districts where black students made up only eighteen percent of the population they counted for thirty five percent of the suspended and forty six percent of those suspended more than once so this isn't a mass sample these are numbers from the same districts in the name same schools are minorities are being targeted within a school more than their white counterparts and finally i want to respond to a viewer that wants to know where all the fun went the evil. osmani posted on our facebook and said i liked your shows in two thousand and ten and still do now back then you would put these funny clips in big things to it that made it very interesting so i have a really good news for you say the fun is coming back with a few skits in the works so stay tuned that's it my rantings tonight but i'll be back with more next week. now while comprehensive immigration reform or even federal laws like the dream act are all in the back burner in this election year and members of congress have already admitted that nothing will get passed states
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are still actively legislating on immigration related matters and georgia just this week the senate passed as before fifty eight which would bar undocumented immigrants in the state from attending any university college or technical school currently undocumented immigrants are barred from attending the top five universities in the state have to pay out of state tuition fees to attend the others but if this bill passes through the state's legislative body then where will the students go well there is one option it's called freedom university it's located in athens georgia and according to the mission statement on the web site freedom university is a volunteer driven organization that provides rigorous college level instruction to all academically qualified students were guard less of their immigration status so let's find out more about it joining me is bethany morton assistant professor at the university of georgia and a professor at freedom university and to stop a magical and i'm talking to youth in georgia and a freedom university student i want to thank you both so much for joining us tonight and i guess so i want to start with you and i just want to get your opinion
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on what you think is happening within the state why you think that lawmakers are already clearly restrictions for undocumented immigrants there in attending university so why do they want to take it even further and bar it and how does that make you feel. well i think i believe that's the reason why they want to get you going further you know harvard. university this is return they there's real problems going on in the street but they don't want to address it and they want to scapegoat undocumented students and immigrants like me and say oh it's the person you know it's their fault that we're going through there is the least problem success and we're going to deal with them instead of the yelling with the real causes in the real problems that exist here in the state and now it makes me feel the way it makes me feel it's you know i don't i don't feel human i guess a i don't feel like i'm sure going to education but i mean being down i know that
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you know i'm a human being and i do this sort of education specially when i do what i'm high bethany why don't you tell us a little more about freedom university about how it is that you know they got started people like yourself got involved. well it was just a sort of sense that something had to be done at a level of just continuing to keep students connected to higher education at a moment where the state was making moves to and says that they had no business and are publicly supported colleges and universities at the time just at the most the five most competitive campuses which include. georgia and now through this new bill that would be extended across the state so i have full of those who simply. know i'm documented people are neighbors and and occasionally i think potential students decided that there were at least one thing we can do and that was continue to offer coursework while the students. now that this extraordinarily effective and brave
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protests had pushback against these policies are so it's an amazing honor to get people who want so badly to in a classroom and there's only so much we can do. we reach about thirty thirty five students but it's helped keep people who really want to get involved in learning while we look for a more permanent solution. at the state level and at the national level. are there any risks for you and terms of trying to attend freedom university you know do people know where it is going to be easier for the authorities to come in and say hey we have an entire classroom full of i'm documented students let's go get them. yeah i mean i don't i do the risk i mean you know the risk is always there we could always going to class and you know and get hit by the tea party here you know people behind that sport will be celtic's measures but for me you
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know i mean i mean undocumented student i'm going to document activists i've been out of prison my documented person is going to state of georgia for a while now and so i guess that risk is kind of you know sorts of this disappear. over time and you know i think i can remember when the second question was the first question was. like it's ok we're just asking about you know whether you think that it might be easy for an easy target for authorities because they know that this is a university where i don't know all of the students but where in the jordy of the students are undocumented yeah well honestly they can come in and try to do something they can't they can't do anything. you know being you know being undocumented you know here in the state of georgia you know i know that things go bad it will look for them if they come into the room and they say ok you guys are
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undocumented we're picking you up because you want to study because you want an education and that's something that we've seen nationally with all these coming out of the shadows. where people who are undocumented migrants come out and say they're undocumented in front of a cordy's and you know sometimes they do civil disobedience sometimes they don't you know the police know that when the cameras are around and you know we've been covered before that they can't really do anything to people who are undocumented. about twenty. you know tell us more too in terms of this school if indeed this legislation does get passed where there is this statewide ban on attending any of the universities do you think that you're going to see more students you think you might see more professors volunteer i mean this is your volunteering so you're not getting paid to do it you're taking out your free time to do it and at the end of the day the students don't get a degree from an accredited university that's going to help them get a job although i guess that being an undocumented student always faces that
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challenge right. you know exactly i mean this is is a band-aid on a huge plumes but what we have seen is more miss analysis support from other educators from alumni at universities in the state of georgia from residents in georgia and people all over the country saying this is terrific we want to help keep this going we exist entirely on donations that have come to our web site university of georgia that com and gifts of books all the books for this have been donated all the time we have yes seekers who are on their own nickel will fly down to georgia and the class people who are our part of the national level academic conversations and who want to help keep students aren't connected and learning and still be nice on legislative their ears have been removed so yes if this passes you're expanding the pool of people who are directly affected and i think what
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we've seen is plenty of people in the state plenty of educators who are delighted that there's a way to address this and understand what this is doing to the state that this is thriving talented students everyone in this who is watching this who teaches should be so lucky as to have a student like recital in a classroom at some point in their career and this is a young man who is not going to be allowed onto a public campus. in the state of georgia and people like him are going to be driven out of the state and take their talents and take their. church and situations. primary and secondary education with them and have to invest those elsewhere and i think what has been so encouraging for those of us teaching there at least i don't know how often students get to see this but it's just how much the work there is and how you are educators think that this is anything but outrageous
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and i do hope they're nice and will prevail i couldn't agree more with my. about what the sort of political drive here is is to use these students to bully young people and use them as scapegoats for huge systemwide problems with funding and allocation of resources in public both in georgia and elsewhere but sure there are limits to what we can do a song to yours and frankly none of us is interested in trying to replace the real need here which is for the students to attend colleges in your cities in the states where they and their parents work and live and pay taxes and i guess a comprehensive immigration reform one point would be nice as well i want to thank you both so much for joining us tonight and it really sounds like a great a great project to a lot of respect all the people that are involved thanks so much for joining us and you. are wasting our last break for the night a week in fact it's the return of the lobbyists at another broken promise from
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obama wins are told time to work on the happy hour not just japanese men that are over having sex seems like their alligators are too and sleep deprivation causes you to be more distracted idea that all that can be. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. again we're still reporting from the clintons if you can hear behind me loud explosions.
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our guy this time presides tool time award and tonight argument of the main man himself president obama think back when obama was on the campaign trail is really outspoken about putting a stop to the corruption in d.c. once it became commander in chief one of the things they made sure that everybody knew was that he didn't like the lobbyists the work over on k. street. this was to tell the lobbyists in washington that their days of setting. oh. it will not work in my white house but if you look at my track record not only do i not see federal.
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money in this campaign. and that. your voice is well and hesitant as united states. are it's i think we've made this point pretty clear obama's administration would not be run by lobbyists it seems so straightforward talking to our attention that obama's appointed steve or sherry as a counselor to vice president biden now percent is very well known amongst washington politicians because he spends a lot of time in the nation's capital as a lobbyist and obama knows it so he has had some pretty big clients like fannie mae g.m. eighteen t. just to name a few and are the words of dana milbank over at washington post he's also been through the revolving door more than a bellhop at the doubletree hotel so check this out for the eighty's he worked in the private sector lobbying on behalf of firms like blue cross blue shield and the ninety two was a federal government employees serving as a deputy chief of staff to president clinton up until he left office then reset he
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went back to the private sector where he started his own lobbying firm with his brother and estate on that side of operations until his most recent appointments so he did the he shifted gears quite a few times in the past two decades and in fact she was originally hired to work as a part of clinton's presidential campaign in two thousand and eight and then senator obama was giving hillary hell for not following his lead on the no lobbying front. cultures working the special interests and lobbyists. for the better. they have. to. learn what the all the way that you were. so that ordinary people can always heard it is if you stop thinking about it for love is like i still do. so now how is it possible that this well known lobbyist has a new gig in the white house well because he knows how to play the game so keeping
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to his word team obama made a rule that any lobbyist allowed to switch teams and work on the political side had to be out of the game for two years or apply for a special waiver and that rule was one of obama's first priorities as president ever shadi being the smart man that he is technically withdrew his name from all lobbying gigs in two thousand and eight even though there is ample evidence that he was still pulling all the strings for his lobbying firm behind the scenes but hey as long as his name is not in your paperwork and obama gave the thumbs up and i'm sorry but i just don't get it the president began his own rules and these simply choose to ignore them when they're no longer convenient we have an idea obama i should go back to your own web site white house dot gov read up on earth executive order one three four nine zero and specifically like the directing to sections two and three which elaborate on the limits that you set on lobbyists explaining what they can and can't do we even put the web address on the screen in case you forgot so you're welcome why would you waste everyone's time i actually writing out this elaborate set of rules if you're not going to follow them makes you look foolish
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and worse disingenuous so for everyone who's watching at home or should he isn't the only member of the president's staff who is listed as a lobbying firm listed a lobbying firm as their previous employer either i can picture is an image of obama saying hey you can't beat em join em so far over looking is on executive order and yet again going back on one of his campaign promises president obama is tonight's told time where. our guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening are to have writer andrew blake and mike riggs associate editor at reason magazine and reason dot com . i'll go in for the good mike i think you and i are always talking about the t.s.a. for some reason everything on line and he has a story out of the path right so this blogger basically has posted
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a video online saying that he's figured out a way around those really pesky and basic body scanners take a look and the samples of individuals are concealing metallic objects that you can see as a black sheep on their light figure again late figure black background and black threat items yes that's right if you have a metallic object on your side it will be the same color as the background and therefore completely invisible. i says name jonathan corbett he was the first person to sue the t.s.a. over these machines and he also tried this so a pocket into the side of a shirt can metallic object excuse me and then just did the whole thing and they walked right through the body scanner at the airport what do you think. i do but actually blogger bob the t.s.a. is blog responded today saying obviously we can't we can't yet blogger but that's just to say
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a name i. totally understand why it is not his last name on there because like who wants to be the guy whose job it is to explain t.s.a. he said you know they won't explain their practices because it's top secret and scanners are only one of thirty security practices they have such as training complete idiots and high school dropouts and how to spot a terrorist so i think they're like by refusing to engage the argument of can you put something on your side it's like a tacit admission that you can. what about cyc is new know how because so many people didn't like those images because they show the full body you know they have these other images that are just kind of this weird little like generic being and i had to go through an enemy brace on there just got a great circle that stuck out apparently i mean does that change it at all i wonder because the whole thing is always a game so i try to bring stuff on they have the time to see what happens security's again a little bit they're going to join. whatever happens the old fashion we're just
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putting it up there but yeah yeah yeah exactly like oh that's yeah i mean i don't think the backscatter machines can catch stuff from what i've read from what i've searched experience but what i'm let's move on to the next story here. so last night was not only super tuesday in terms of the presidential election but we also have to say goodbye to someone who has been on the show many times. many of you in this room. i've known me for years and you know i have lost campaigns before. and there's always tomorrow you know. you know don't cry any tears for me. so thanks to some redistricting. losing his seat to another democrat marcy kaptur. well i mean a lot of people don't realize that the first election he lost was to be viceroy of
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mars so i personally think there's concern she's going to get over this and he can go home and go back to his own plan right this. minute in his incredibly tall wife who's actually only a bodyguard and a woman suit your needs to go back ok yeah that's not nice at all i don't want to think of people like career politicians who lose their jobs like he should be temporary and i'm sure that's true ray i don't think that you should be capitol hill forever but it was nice to have somebody at least that was hilarious that katherine tried to actually claim that he was pro-war but he is pretty antiwar and it was nice to see like a real left you know he didn't also side with the party line and so i wore anti drug war which i loved him for pro it was i don't really care you know i was i think i was sympathetic until i saw that he wore a paint an election day thinks he's going to win like that it's not powerful who's going to tell everybody all right so he also sued over the olive pit which. i
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want you. ok here's another lawsuit which is kind of interesting take a look at this clip explains that lindsay blanc meyer filed suit saying a roommate sex life affected her mental health she appealed to administrators to move out and got nowhere her attorney writes blank meyer fell into a dark and suicidal depression after months she eventually moved back to new york state finished class working graduated. now the school disputes they say you know they tried to offer her lodging after that a private room and she never explained it was because of the sexual stuff but it's just kind of an interesting complaint to make. you know she said she became suicidal eventually had to go into a hotel because her roommate. please just tell you we're making you stop having so much sex i was just like sleep on the floor of your dorm in the hallway like i did my entire freshman year of college i mean come on there are steps you can take to
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make sure that i don't have to listen to your roommate run game twenty four hours a day you know no i didn't say the same i said same problem yeah actually i spent a lot of time sleeping on the hallway of my college dorm my freshman year but it was you know a great it made me stronger it was a good learning experience are you sleeping or you know no i was just sleeping i took a pillow out there and my bill yes i took a. look at that are you depressed because you're the roommate that's not having as much that's. maybe i don't know that wasn't me i don't know. i'm not saying i didn't know what sex was until my first college you know but yeah i don't buy the story i don't buy it i think what do you it's like a liar to me looks like a liar i didn't see it looks like probably a liar ok. thanks for joining me tonight and i thank you for tuning in make sure they come back tomorrow i mean time doesn't get to become a fan of the facebook twitter there's anything you ever miss you can catch the.
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flash yellow nischelle an interview this is well the show in its entirety there and coming up next. culture is the so much of a given to each musician the person on the mark when is it a case of wag the dog this is how some would characterize the current drumbeat for war against iran at the center of this campaign is the american. guitar sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's you some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't talk i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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