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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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they've already proved that they're willing to walk the walk on a constant tensions with iran but are they ready to talk the talk as a last ditch effort for diplomacy coming at the drums for war with iran be even louder. what's happening in syria is heartbreaking and gracious and what you've seen is the international community bubble was against the assad regime and from iraq to afghanistan libya and beyond u.s. intervention abroad doesn't exactly have stellar record and now u.s. lawmakers have such their sights on syria but are we just setting ourselves up for failure. there still it's a good sort of new forces
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a warrant term. begins right now can we get rid of these air defenses and it looks like the u.s. has a bone to pick with just about everyone on hundred eighty three armed conflicts over the span of two hundred thirty six years all of you do the math so which country is the war flavor of the day and will this us versus the world mentality come back to bite us in the end. it's thursday march eighth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching artsy. a shot adds a poem a scene iran has agreed to take part and nuclear talks the country willing to engage in face to face negotiations after facing intense pressure from israel and the west to abandon their nuclear program this comes as the drums of war are getting louder as israel threatens to use military force and target iran's nuclear
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site president obama has said that military intervention is on the table for lots of sanctions time to work and a promising a shot so as a diplomatic solution really possible at this point park failure to negotiate lead to more justification to go to war to help answer this dr paul craig roberts former reagan administration official joins me now welcome paul nice to have you on. the get go haitians are on the table are you optimistic that this is going to work what are they negotiating about this next letter read as is done in the combative tazer estimator united states government that is a net and supreme leader in the war sixteen intelligence agencies is there an abandoned nuclear weapons program i think they said in two thousand and three that would be known years ago. and they even had the international atomic energy agency
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inspectors in the country and they consistently report that there's a need to there isn't. uranium from the energy to weapons ship there to the united states and its command. is that a rare give up its rights as a signatory to the nonproliferation treaty if you send the nonproliferation treaty and agree to inspectors you are you have the right to have you can energy and the united states is insisting that a rare alone among all the other countries that have signed this treaty has to be excluded from not having nuclear energy because united states says that some time iran might decide to make a bomb so the whole thing it is just made up it's contrived we've got
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three or four nuclear armed captions they didn't sign the treaty they didn't pull it for eight and they're all in good standing with united states they receive all kinds of bait even you actually get israel pakistan and india present in these negotiations do you expect any breakthrough you think iran well really abandon its nuclear program altogether retro is right israel wants. i don't know what move around to do i think they would not do you plan to do that but of course you face if they read russia and china. as likely to. agree to another u.n. resolution against them that imposes sanctions or no fly zones or something of that sort of that. they matter and take they'll have to read russia and china the depression china sticks to the point. they've already made it will be very hard for
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us to attack iran because they won't have any cover we won't have a un resolution that they can use and so i suppose around have to pay close attention to what the russians and the chinese say the russians and chinese stick up for the rights and international treaty then iran will continue with this nuclear energy it seems to me until inspectors. diversion it's there's no case against iran so this whole thing is hype it's all china trying to create probably ganda against america and getting the public to think a rand is doing something for which there's no evidence and so that doesn't apply and the west does want a military attack on iran and is looking for some kind of excuse the other there is
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as you said a lot of hype surrounding these negotiations are potential mccarthy fronts as they're arrested that f.t.l. your answer rates and agreement or a diplomatic solution well justify going to war with a country well that depends on russia and china. i think the united states would hesitate to launch a war that was strongly opposed by those two countries. because they're both low key in a diplomacy but russia has tremendous power over your proposal in energy supply us and china other than for the federal reserve china is the largest creditor the united states and so they're not really out there aren't they decided to use. and i do want to bring attention to what iran's top leaders. helling president obama for advocating the primacy is calling it
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a window of opportunity he said quote this expression is a good word this is a wiser mark in the clarity taking distance from the allusion so does this provide baby's some hope especially since he does have final say on matters in the country . i think the hope has to be in the united states said because i don't think iran is doing anything i think it's united states that's trying to foment war and it may well be that one has been influenced by the large number of united states generals we warned against the war. and maybe he's trying to be realistic and to not be bullied by the new york conservatives and not be bullied by israel and so i think to look for movement you have to look position at the united states not to react because there's no real case against a rare it's the well you don't seem too optimistic about these negotiations in your
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opinion do you think that war with iran is inevitable and evan a. no i don't think that's the case because it really depends on christian china and then once if the neo conservatives can no history. russia or china would be next and i just think they're catching all of that for a long time and russians the chinese are in a terrible way would see it with the libyan resolution. and i think they're corazon and they're less easily deceived and so they're more likely to put some kind of resistance but i do think it's possible there is hope is that obama has learned that he's being stampeded into a potentially disastrous action and so it could be that it's a bottom up who's looking for a way out and fax a case then i would be optimistic about these negotiations all right well i'm
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certainly the whole world is watching and hoping that there is a diplomatic solution in sight thank you so much for coming on the south that was dr pollack robert's former raise up and ministration author. well still ahead here on artsy u.s. lawmakers are pushing for action in syria military commanders say they're prepared but are we too quick to jump on the intervention there and walk up that story next . welcome to the capital and i'm.
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put a picture of me when i was like nine years old and just get a look through. a confession i am a total get of friends that i've got to have coffee is that i'm pretty. that it was kind of a bit yesterday. i'm very proud of the world with its place. very much is burning gerard's right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything you do you buy a lot of. thousands of times more stronger than any one of the people you ever put
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. well the white house says it wants a diplomatic solution in syria but it's considering military intervention in the country and the pentagon has been order it's who review its options and according to officials this includes enforcement of a no fly zone defense secretary leon panetta says a long term sustained air campaign could pose a challenge because syria's air defenses are more sophisticated than libya's but as our team maria fun otieno reports foreign interference in the syrian conflict is raising fears of an even bigger crisis. as the syrian conflict stress just like it has also spread geographically a case of the rising of the country's borders what's happening in syria is
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heartbreaking and rages and what you've seen is the international community mobilize against the assad regime strategic analyst says one thing is clear though it's certainly gone far beyond the words of sympathy and according to those on the ground in syria that motor isolation has many more forms and officially stated. during the regular barmer the syrian army arrested fighters from both countries in afghanistan iraq libya and some european states their work was coordinated by tori and saudi intelligence officers as well as cia mossad and blackwater agents but it's also sees israeli weapons especially in taking missiles and israeli drones the us defense contractor formerly known as blackwater and now called academy was notorious for its heavy handed tactics during operations in iraq and pakistan while the us and many other countries have admitted a kind of link to extremist groups fighting alongside beyond opposition in syria dr
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salinas says some countries are using those groups to further their own interests. to get local players involved in order to hide there and this is why we hear mostly arabs like saudi arabia and qatar or iran these countries don't have democracy at home of course they cannot ask for stablish ing in syria they have another agenda. there are books and written sources where this plan is described in detail taking and had of course blogger and freelance journalist has been investigated for an important and serious crisis since last year she says this is a story with three main chapters weapons smuggled across the border overseas contractors and foreign cash. when you see a lot of money in syria when you really believe that this is comparable to what happened in the super war. there were plenty of money then you will find that there
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was a book about the local something nobody would get in so. now you would see now this is a big. city with more and more reports on international involvement emerging and calls to the opposition. even for those at the grassroots for the uprising the initial euphoria is turning. you can see we regret what we did but we don't want things to go down. so much militarized. and we never want to and don't want intervention now. but fears are. the could be too late to stop this all too far into flames of conflict. damascus syria so as the u.s. considers intervening in syria it may want to take a look at libya nato intervened there and today as
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a country remains torn apart just this week a region in eastern libya declared their semi autonomy tribal leaders decided their new state will come with its own parliament and police force but libya's national transitional council doesn't want to weapons happen and the transitional leader says he's willing to use military force to ensure that the country doesn't split up so as libya struggles to find stability as it always signed up foreign military intervention simply doesn't work well john glasser assistant editor for answers or dot com joins us now to talk more about this welcome to the show john so libya's future remains dangerously uncertain are they any closer to achieving democracy there. well it certainly doesn't seem so i mean the potential breakup of the country is an interesting development to some extent it's not i mean it should be expected the borders of libya are based slightly on you know a legacy of colonialism from the audience from the ottomans to the italians and
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then you know an era of arab nationalism too to follow and of course there are you know power plays that you have to take into consideration as a resource rich east which now wants to secede. in today's context though the potential breakup of the country is an indication of the weakness and failure of the nato the pact national transitional council they have personally no control over the country in well actually see as more relevant is the fact that the militia groups that the u.s. and nato helped oust gadhafi seem to be terrorizing the country when they have committed and wide spread torture arbitrary arrests extrajudicial executions looting and destruction of property and they've done it with total impunity and to the detriment of the libyan people the u.s. led intervention there seems to have been a really nice stabilizing force and i mean does this all serve and after the death
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of gadhafi we are seeing this turmoil and the country far from reaching any kind of or resolution does this all serve as proof that foreign military intervention doesn't bark. yeah i mean first of all when you intervene in this so-called humanitarian basis you have to realize that states don't care about humanitarian basis they care about interests and that's what their their interest was in libya to the interest about you know the perceptions of the arab spring and of course it's an important vital region with lots of oil and so forth. and what you ought to also have to take into consideration with these so-called humanitarian interventions is that you have to be on the side you have some pretty nasty people almost all the time so now we know that the militias that we supported the u.s. supported have committed crimes have been war crimes and you know various ugly
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things in this is this is what what happens and when you take out the power force which was the khadafy government you end up with a power vacuum and libya by for example you know i should say is like that is like a light version of what could possibly happen syria by any measure would be far worse and far more destructive now john if we see what's happening in egypt now in libya posts intervention why hasn't democracy promotion worked in these cases the united states is not interested in democracy promotion that is a code word for extending influence and military domination in control i mean wasn't democracy promotion when we put the entire twentieth century support for the dictatorship in the middle east. today i mean was it to mark. sorry i do
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want to bring attention to. separate secretary leon panetta said recently about how about this conflict yesterday let's take a listen. although we will not rule out any future course of action currently the administration is focusing on diplomatic and political approaches rather than military intervention guided by our approach from libya and elsewhere. guided from our approach from libya looking at what's happening there in libya is intervening in syria really a good idea i know it's a terrible idea and i'm appalled that people in the congress and the foreign policy elite actually have the gall to be calling for any sort of serious intervention it would it would by most accounts escalate the violence and put more simply risk and
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decides it's a civil war that the u.s. again has trouble taking sides on because of course there are crimes on both sides it would end very disastrously we should be happy that the obama destruction has been sort of reluctant to get fully involved oh there might be some involvement behind the scenes that we're not so sure now as the death toll rises and more bloodshed happens every day. foreign powers be blamed for allowing it to go on by not intervening. well they could and they probably will. if it if it is the case that more and more. death occurs and actually powers don't intervene but you know it's not it's not the proper are going to be made what is what we should recognize which is pretty clear among most experts is that violence in syria will escalate with
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intervention and it will be for the worse enough and better. thank you very much for coming on the show in a way and that was john class heiress an editor for answers war dot com. and we are going to take a short break but still ahead as the u.s. considers intervention in syria i'll give you one hundred eighty three reasons why that might not be the best idea back in a moment. is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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for free and fair elections. courting from. behind. the u.s. now in the process of weighing its options of intervention and syria can spot the
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dangers of iran getting louder and louder than the mainstream media with america's extensive war history we take a look at where the country has been and where it could be headed. in our reports. water for a fish are popular pet among us war veterans like napa sure wrote something the nerves of some of the roughly one hundred seventy thousand american soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder the u.s. army fried has one hundred eighty three campaign ribbons on those one hundred eighty three ribbons each represent wars when you compare that to the weather of two hundred thirty six years that we've actually been around as a country you're talking about you know a war on average once every year and three months serving americans are on permanent standby to deploy to carry out warfare on command as the u.s.
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has a bone to pick but one enemy after the other from the soviet union in the choppiness threat was the most useful enemy where we are legitimate and we are completely fantastical it was always available as a global conspiracy against which to justify anything to smaller and sadness after the cold war the list keeps expanding allied air forces again an attack on military targets in iraq and kuwait airstrikes against serbian forces are more on target. begins with al qaida striking selective targets on military importance to undermine saddam hussein's ability to wage war we should get out these air defenses with a defense budget that surpasses the military expenditure of all other countries combined. no other nation drums up war as consistently as america and while people are still responding and recovering from the violence that's going in one place or even in the same place we're launching new operations and more atrocities in
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different parts of the world play military industrial complex where billions of dollars is largely america's driving force. deeply rooted in the system it would serve no purpose if there was no one to fight if there were a number of enemies left there would be raw sort of a sense of mission a frightening thought to many as this would reveal the economic social and cultural emptiness at home i brought here by the poetry when there are no enemies who try to put together the evil empire again do in a syria what we're doing now in libya we've got to overthrow this guy the threat that iran how this is a year in and year out americans are convinced that the u.s. has to remain on the defense they're petrified of death by terrorism so should i don't think i think a lot of americans wish we spent more money on war finding the next target is never difficult we are inventing the nation of iran as an enemy of the united states
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says sister of nuclear weapons it does not exist nation that has not attacked another in literally century send has no capability or desire to attack ours but we do think the way of my part of the world with iran iran is the one that should be iran the us has been picking and choosing which countries to intervene in for centuries as the list of nations that america loves to hate expands the concept that no work or is also an option seems to have been forgotten as the. and if you thought it was interesting be sure to stick around for our five pm show we're going to have danny schechter the newsdesk sector on the programs tell us why the u.s. just might be addicted to war but the capital account is up next on our t. let's check in with lauren lister to see what is on today's agenda or going to be talking about the crisis in the eurozone a live one also revealed talking about this is what captures all the headlines so
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if indeed he in greece again ok this is how this is branded yet another time that we see a deadline for greece seriously though when it is going to be at the same time we see mario doggie's super mario as some refer to him he's the president of the e.c.b. he's out defending the e.c.b. the easy money policies we are going to take a step back and look at what's really going on look at the contingency plans that countries appear to be making you have switzerland you have germany taking steps to audit their gold to make sure their gold is in your country or at least they know where it is it's one move we're seeing are they worried about a nuclear option is gold the best protection in a currency war also we see china and other developing nations that make up the brics block they are looking to loan to each other in their own currencies so that they can get around the dollar in trade booze trade and lending in their own currencies particularly the renminbi so we're going to be impacted all of this liz all right a lot to look forward there but that's going to do it now for the news for more of
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the stories we covered you can head over to our to dot com slash usa and take it or you tube page it's you tube dot com slash our team america and you can also follow me on twitter as well we'll see you right back here at five. wealthy british style. sometimes the title of. markets finance scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars are there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our cheap.
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