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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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talk is cheap but it could spare the u.s. and israel from the cost of another war but is it too little too late for a policy with iran are the drums for war louder and the calls for peace. what's happening in syria is heartbreaking and rages and what you've seen is the international community mobilize against the assad regime and u.s. lawmakers are ready for action in syria but considering our history of one failed intervention after another at least really be diving face first into another conflict where strikes against so the forces are worn turn. begins america
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we develop these air defenses noticing a pattern here one hundred eighty three armed conflicts and two hundred thirty six years and counting that's an ominous reputation that has many wondering if america is addicted to war. it's thursday march eighth a.p.m. here in washington d.c. i was wrong you're watching artsy. oh a shot at diplomacy iran has agreed to take part in nuclear talks the country willing to engage in face to face negotiations after facing intense pressure from israel and the last to abandon their nuclear program this comes as the drums of war are beating getting louder as israel threatens to use military force and target iran nuclear sites president obama has said that military intervention is on the table but wants to get sanctions time to work and diplomacy a shot so is
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a diplomatic solution really possible at this point are a failure to negotiate at least some more justification for the toward the answer that they've got to read the. research director for the national iranian american council and after that negotiations have a chance at succeeding take a listen i mean i'm always cautiously optimistic but it seems we can be successful it's a process that if you invest in over a sustained period of time then the two parties will eventually be able to figure out how to a meeting of the minds can become possible but after three decades of little or no communication between iran and the united states there's no question that it's going to be a very challenging task that all sides are facing and you know i think being on the precipice of war has really focused the attention of various decision makers in various capitals and focus them specifically on the need for all parties to compromise and likely things like the introduction to the show said talking the talk is one thing but now it's time to walk the walk and in the run up to these negotiations taking place there's
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a lot of backroom politicking going on to see if we can make this happen so i'm optimistic they can do you think we can expect any significant breakthroughs i mean do you think iran will really abandon its and its nuclear program in its entirety like israel wants it to do its very question i mean there's a difference between what the united states and the international community is asking for and what the israelis would prefer and these negotiations are going to be an opportunity to figure out how to try and square that circle i think it's safe to say that any onus going to jump that analysts would agree that iran will not give up its nuclear program in its entirety but it will. greta limitations that are monitored to verify by the international atomic energy agency those are two very different things and you know moving forward it's going to be a process that predicated on trying to get on the same page figuring out what are the kind of compromises that all parties can live with and if we don't reach the kind of compromise that i think all parties would like then we're in a we're going to be in a lot of trouble because the push for war isn't going to stop and that is what the fear is that if these negotiations fail if there is not
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a diplomatic solution that will further justify going to war with iran that's true but i think it's a bit of a false premise some people put that idea forward because diplomacy isn't supposed to produce instant success you're supposed to invest in a process over a sustained period of time where confidence building measures that are reached in the interim can facilitate trust building because there's a huge trust gap right now between iran and the and the united states so it's unreasonable even president obama himself said it's unreasonable to expect quick success but investing in this process over an extended period of time can yield results and i'm confident that if all parties come to the table with the best of intentions which they should now given that the conversation has turned war we can reach a peaceful solution to this crisis and as you just said the time to see should take time will most likely need time in order to work but israel doesn't want time doesn't want to give iraq more time because they're afraid that more time means it's going to let iran develop their nuclear program and or actually obtain
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a rapid so they want this to happen quickly they do even when i was serving in the u.s. government the israelis were one of a handful of countries that were never really interested in giving diplomacy a fair shake and that's one of the many reasons why israeli interests don't align with the obama administration's interest on the iran issue they'll be there because they've done a very good job of trying to take actions that would lessen the possibility of diplomacy being successful but the obama administration understands better than anyone right now what's at stake and. he should be commended that over the last forty eight seventy two hours he's taken multiple steps publicly and privately to push back and i'm hoping that we're going to see more of that continue because if it doesn't they're going to continue to try to bully him and in the event that the talks fail could it speed up the process of military intervention but it certainly could i mean defining failure is going to be something that i think all parties i think go shooting table and the israelis who won't be at the table are going to try to do it the talks don't produce even
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a modicum of success in the interim but that being said because the parties realize what's at stake right now defining failure is going to be a lofty task for people that are at the table including the israelis and i think the parties that are after table are taking the necessary precautions and laying the necessary groundwork to try to ensure that as best they can that that won't be the case and we are hearing a lot of this very extreme war rhetoric coming from israel do you think that they really want to find a diplomatic solution to this or is it possible that they are pretty sad about wanting to go to war with iran but very interesting when you look at public opinion polling the israeli population near to sixty percent not supporting military action it's not done in tandem with the united states and that's very different than the words the rhetoric that we're hearing from in this and yahoo government in israel so there is a bit of a schism i think obama administration stands at the international community understands that and they're going to utilize it to its advantage to try to in a israeli pressure back
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a little bit and you know put the proverbial wild animal back in the cage now i do want to bring attention iran's top leader today is hailing president obama for advocating diplomacy he's calling it a window of opportunity he also said quote this expression is a good word this is a wiser mark indicating taking distance from allusion so does this provide some hope especially since he does have a final say matters within the country but things are so bad between the united states and iran right now to a. any little thing that resembles this could be considered a positive step like we were discussing earlier actions are going to speak louder than words and i think it's time for not only the supreme leader of iran but also the president of the united states and everybody else will be sitting around that go shooting to get serious and to invest in a process of peace because none of the governments involved in this crisis have been very honest with their populations about what the cost of war would be and i think if they were informed properly of what those costs would be or anything even close to what those costs would be they would adamantly oppose it all right well
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looks like this could be a step at least in the right direction hopefully the talks will lead to diplomatic solution and war does not. have actually happened thank you so much for coming on the show is that racism arashi research director for the national iranian american council. the white house says it wants a diplomatic solution in syria but is considering military intervention in the country and the pentagon has been ordered to review. according to officials this includes enforcement of a no fly zone so john secretary leon panetta says a long term sustained air campaign could pose a challenge because syria's air defenses are more sophisticated than libya was artie's moree of the notion of reports foreign interference in the syrian conflict is raising fears of an even bigger crisis. as the syrian conflict stretches like it has also spread your graphic i case will be rising so far from the country's
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borders what's happening in syria is hard work and wages and what you've seen is the international community mobilize against the assad regime strategic analyst dr something's says one thing is clear though it's certainly gone far beyond the words of sympathy and the cotton on the ground in syria but mobilization has many more forms and officially statements. during the radio barmer of the syrian army arrested fighters from gulf countries in afghanistan iraq libya and some european states their work was coordinated by qatari and saudi intelligence officers as well as cia mossad and blackwater agents but it's also seized this really well in especially in taking missiles and israeli drones the us defense contractor formerly known as blackwater and now called academy notorious for its heavy handed tactics during operations in iraq pakistan while the u.s. and many other countries have admitted al qaida linked extremists groups cite the
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armed opposition in syria dr salinas says some countries are using those groups to further their own interests. to get local players involved in order to hide their involvement i think this is why we hear mostly arabs like saudi arabia and qatar or iran. these countries don't have democracy at home of course they cannot ask for a status thing in syria they have another agenda. there are books and written sources where this plan is described in detail dated and had of course blogger and freelance journalist has been investigated for a new in serious crisis since last year but she says this is a story with three main chapters weapons smuggled across the border overseas contractors and foreign cash when you see a lot of money in syria i believe this is comparable to what happened in
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the war in lebanon there were plenty of money then you will find that the book about how there is no balance or something nobody would kill himself. now you would see now this is a big. city with more and more reports on international involvement emerging and calls to arm the opposition get louder for those at the grassroots for the uprising the initial euphoria is turning the tide. they can say we regret what we did but we don't want things to go back. to much militarized globalize going to boil and we never wanted and don't want intervention now but here's our says that this could pick too late to stop this cult of fire and flames of conflict raif an option r.t. the maskers syria. so as the u.s. considers intervening in syria and they want to take
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a look at libya and nato intervene there incident the country remains torn apart just this week i've read in an eastern leg of the clare their semi autonomy tribal leaders decided their new state will come with its own parliament and police force but i guess national transitional council doesn't want to let this happen on the transitional leader says he's willing to use military force to ensure the country doesn't split up so as libya struggles to find stability as it all signed or knowledge terry intervention simply doesn't work out help me answer this and more i'm going out into times correspondent have asked of our eyes to see you have a. for so libya's future remains a dangerously uncertain are they any closer to achieving democracy intact. it's a joke welcome but. anybody expect it but appear to sure look the international relations like cave in a few days ago of course not only lead yes because this is a second what the qataris in the house of so wanted the arc of it we scratched its
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surface interests in libya in syria and i count it it's going to be running or less like a mammary they have a lot of oil they have a connection with their mother she's in the persian gulf and guess is going to be the strong men behind this or the figurehead a relative or former king of libya. so this is a sector what was the plan from the beginning to build the persian gulf we have a little puppet in tripoli. i thought of the needle as we call it not was stuff. he's saying that he's going to intervene in so he's going to be what a couple of immigrants will come after two point zero is going to intervene against the people of syria nika all over again because they are splintering this is a tribal problem in libya we have been talking about this on our t.v. for months and i've been writing about this as on the other commentators the tribes in eastern libya have been antagonizing
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a central government tripoli for decades if not centuries and this is a second what's happening because of the sprinter nato doesn't care of course the u.s. the brits and the french don't care as long as they have contracts with tripoli what happens in the eastern part they don't care this is going to be more or less ruled by saudi arabia qatar so you don't think it off a lebia longtime dictator moammar gadhafi any better off than it was before and of course not and this is what you know for the faster eight ten months we have been talking about this deal only possible solution for libya if there is a violent overthrow of qaddafi it's a civil war a long a simmering civil war and this is actually what's going to happen it doesn't look at how leap you don't really these appears from the news cycle for the past true four months effect nobody because nobody cares the people who decide nato or the
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alliance between especially against between a washington a london in paris and the g.c.c. they want to take over and then distribute the spoils and who cares about the future of libya as a democracy it's not going to be a democracy it's going to be war warning. tribal feuds this is going to cool for ever now you decide we're not hearing a lot about libya but we are hearing a lot about right now as syria and the u.s. now trying to decide they're going to intervene and how they were and how they will intervene whether they're going to take military action has been defense secretary leon panetta said just yesterday. although we will not rule out any future course of action currently the administration is focusing on diplomatic and political approaches rather than military intervention. guided by
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our approach from libya and elsewhere. as guided by our approach from libya and elsewhere so i mean looking at what is happening there and let ya intervening in syria really a bad idea. well multiply all the problems we all klein about to maybe one million or ten million and you can that this is going to be a syria ruled by a needle puppet or a maybe a sunni hard core muslim brotherhood government ally with a house of solid make up artist this is going to what is going to happen so it's out of the question look your previous story was excellent because it showed what kind of people have been working inside syria we have been writing and talking about this for months in out once again there's graphic proof qatari agents british intelligence french intelligence this really mossad including supplying of weapons
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so this so-called free syrian army then these people who are going izing the. let's see the resistance in baba amr some of them were captured maybe as many as six hundred or seven hundred operatives and this proves that the this the syrian protests the indigenous syrian protest against this type of land which is absolutely legitimate into the long run was stupid hijacked by the interests of the u.s. nato turkey and specially qatar and the house of salt so you move to play this problems by an infinite margin and this is what's going to be democratic syria polls aside and the russians and the chinese know it that's why the russians have their own plan the chinese have their alternative plan chinese diplomats are in damascus at the moment they're discussing a transition and the referendum was a step towards. a measured solution to climatic solace it's not ideal but it's the
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best under the the circumstances. possibly the civil war now we are seeing what is happening in libya also another example is egypt egypt a far cry away from achieving a democracy there so does this all serve as proof that foreign military intervention doesn't really work well look at iraq. in that respect. well. we're going to leave it at that nice to see it happen that was a asco bar asia times correspondent. we're going to take a sharp break but still ahead as the u.s. considers intervention in syria we'll give you one hundred eighty three reasons why that might not be a vast idea that imo not. what drives the
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world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to create. who can you trust no one who is in view with appealable machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism school session so when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. argy is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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we just put a picture of the need for those like nine years old so she told the truth. i am going to get a sense that i was driving across the country. here's the district. i'm very. it's a place. the u.s. now in the process of writing its options of intervention in syria tense about the dangers of iran getting louder and louder among politicians and the mainstream media of america's extensive war history we take a look at where the country has been and where it could be had it is honest and i
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reports. from the water for a go fish are popular among us war veterans like map a sure row something the nerves of some of the roughly one hundred seventy thousand american soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder the u.s. army flag has one hundred eighty three campaign ribbons on those one hundred eighty three ribbons each represent wars when you compare that to the way the two hundred thirty six years that we've actually been around as a country you're talking about you know a war on average once every year and three months serving americans are permanent standby to deploy to carry out work on command as the u.s. has a little one enemy to the other from the soviet union in the choppiness threat was the most useful enemy where we are legitimate and we are completely ancestor built it was always available as
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a global conspiracy against which to justify anything to smaller untag it is after the cold war the list keeps expanding allied air forces again an attack on military targets in iraq in kuwait air strikes against saudi forces our war on terror. begins with striking selected targets of military importance to undermine saddam hussein's ability to wage a war we should get off his air defenses with a defense budget that surpasses the military expenditure of all other countries combined. no other nation drugs up war as consistently as america and while people are still responding in recovering from the violence that's committed in one place or even in the same place we're launching new operations and more atrocities in different parts of the world the military industrial complex where billions of dollars is largely america's driving force. people rooted in the system it would serve no purpose if there was no one to fight if there were no war enemies left
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there would be raw sort of a sense of mission a frightening thought to many as this would reveal the economic social and cultural emptiness at home i probably am rather country when there are no enemies who try to put together the evil empire again do in syria what we're doing now in libya we've got to overthrow this guy the threat that iran how is this a year in and year out americans are convinced that the u.s. has to remain on the defense petrified of death by terrorism so should i don't think i think a lot of americans wish we spent more money on finding the next target is never difficult we are in. the nation of iran as an enemy of the united states says it is gesture of nuclear weapons it does not exist nation that has not attacked another in literally century center has no capability or desire to attack ours maybe the wife might start to work with iran iran is the one that should be iran
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the us has been picking and choosing which countries to intervene in for centuries as the list of nations that america loves to hate expands the concept that no war or is also an option seems to have been for about the states. i'll talk more about why america seems to be so gung ho about going to war and in fact their filmmaker and blogger at new thought not that any earlier it's ok why u.s. interests abroad seem to always generate complex. will from the ship from the halls of montezuma to the shores of tripoli that's how the us marine corps and sun begins to sort of a global salute to its own war making powers that have gone on for you know well over one hundred fifty years in various parts of the world united states has become an empire really not just a nation it has interests all over the world it has troops and and bases and
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military relationships and in well over one hundred fifty countries and so this is really something that's not just the militarism but it has actually a concrete purpose it takes care of supporting american interests it creates and generates jobs for americans and this military industrial complex actually is very functional for the united states it's it's a form of pentagon socialism we're government funding creates jobs but there's nobody there to criticize it as you know as stimulus programs that don't work they want more pentagon spending the republicans do but so do the democrats then who benefits from going to war. well you know. in the short run people who are finding jobs in the military do they can't find jobs in other
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industries so many jobs have been outsourced so a career in the military seems at first to be very helpful and very positive a lot of young people are signing up that support here army because they're being told about all the benefits and the educational benefits to follow but then what happens is as they get into combat and into various conflicts around the world they suffer a higher level of casualties post-traumatic stress and the breakup of their families and this leads to all these violent incidents we keep hearing about about returning soldiers beating or killing their wives of the thing oh this isn't a kind of violence that is unchecked and it has a long history in america starting with wars on other nations right here the indian nations who were conquered by the american military at the very beginning you know of this of this country now what danny do you think oftentimes they said their
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version going to war is a diversion from the problems in our own country whether there are so shell or. we have plenty of problems today. well you know it can be it's interesting that donald trump poses you know certainly his right wing as as they come is accusing the obama administration of planning a war on iran to help his reelection bid others on the left have been saying something similar that if obama is not doing well by october it's likely that some sort of war might start as a way to unify the public let's hope not but there is strategic option you know nothing's been left off the table and there's a functional reason for that wars rally the population they give people a sense of importance a sense of power and you know often it leads to tremendous disappointment but
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a well that's going on you know we can point and see we're number one in america number one until we're not anymore well then you oh what is it ok to go to war when is it acceptable. well first of all war is supposed to be least in our country a defensive that is to see either we've been attacked or are being attacked congress then has to sign off on the war there has to be a declaration of war but what's happening increasingly is that war is being fought covertly secretly without the knowledge or support of congress or the support of the american people and we have these the poignance keep taking place in many countries that americans have never even heard of all of the justified in the name of national security but it shows our insecurity our anxiety about the world
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and about america's losing position of preeminence in it and certainly there's a lot of anxiety today when it comes to iran hopefully it doesn't get to that point danny thank you so much for coming on the show that was the ne sector filmmaker and blogger at newsday sector nat's. but as of for now for more on the stories we covered you can head on over to artsy dot com slash usa there you'll find a bunch of stories that we don't always have time to get to on the air today our intrepid team wrote an article about a new phone out that actually encourages people to spy on one another that's right authorities in west virginia are encouraging the community pictures of people they consider to be suspicious and send it to law enforcement so this could be your friend walking down the street a little too slowly or even a mother driving around the block and how their child soccer practice it's an interesting read and definitely make you question privacy in the u.s. . and you can also check out our you tube paid.


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