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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EST

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day. from the world wide web to a nationwide war extremist opposition groups in syria turn to the internet to encourage a bloody battle in a country called the u.n. arab envoy seeks a diplomatic solution. americans call for an overhaul of their unlike the old system ahead of this year's presidential poll probably more for that found millions of duplicated ceased and eligible voters. and reason the bomb squad deal with creditors gets more ball coming to brussels but is no remedy for the people in greece. and austerity measures are sending suicide rates sky high.
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it's five pm here in moscow this is art you coming to you live with me and so now i'm going to have you with us our top story this hour syria's exiled opposition has once again rejected a call for dialogue with the acid regime saying the crisis requires a military solution well the diplomatic appeal for talks this time came from the u.n. arab envoy kofi annan who sets were arriving to mask over the weekend and while the battle on the ground continues the war has moved on line the notion of reports. trying to become one of the finds course the arab spring countries in syria this new traditions has gone even further with activists online giving every friday its own very special name it both reflect the opinion of the street or the syrian
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people and to the. send a message to the external world of all of the syrian situation i mean people but the days of names like dignity and honor from last march have come to an end with calls to arm the rebels and kill the president becoming the main message from those protesting against the regime so a lot of torture people saw a lot of killing people and saw their families are being killed in front of their eyes so i mean this is just natural to ask who are coming is a cutie the president welcoming many however argue that these hostile messages are a tool to provoke more violence and the steering the country toward civil war is a way to. affect. people. you would think. this is the way to. go syrians who want to connect to
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violence. or symbolically in the history of syria and of course some purposes although anti-government protests here in syria have a very. rough few things but they usually go before the day friday the place last the time after the prayer and even because they're gathering for this logos they're chanting i usually make public. and this thing changes although with the basis. so exactly who is behind these messages. it is now the common subject among people in general not just on t.v. but i don't know specific source i heard from the people around me my friends but actually television. some yes. well and i'm like i don't know there are some people who name every friday but it doesn't interest me i think you should ask
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them. i think i heard something on t.v. not local t.v. the trail led us to a website called syrian revolution. it is here that the name of the coming friday is usually published supposedly after people voted for it it said it represents all of positions groups strangely enough the syrian national coalition committee the opposition within the country say they have nothing to do with this site also and other places where voting is carried out cannot be accessed from syria of course the voting is electronic voting. in the rubbish is real or not it's honest or not while it's not clear who really stands behind the idea some names like china is killing us or no veto suggest an agenda that's not looking to compromise on seek a peaceful solution to the conflict a little drools once ferrari called syrian national council represents me to try to
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change people's mentality for the for and guide when people feel unity with themselves has become a different moment now it eventually makes their people on the street weak. with the rhetoric growing stronger every friday many here are starting to question who is really pulling the strings trying to escalate the violence and reflection r.t. damascus. but to libya now in the country's interim prime minister is in washington a pillar for u.s. help to drive out remnants of the old regime but those new libyan authorities say challengers are holding the country together with powerful tribal leaders already declaring semi aren't hunted me from the capital tripoli political analysts are however thanks washington is no longer interested in the country's political future . we have a little puppet in tripoli you start but you need to as we call not will stuff up
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i'll tell you he's saying that he's going to intervene in so he's going to be what a couple of feet never talk about a two point zero is going to intervene against the people of syria back up all over because again. they are splintering to try to see mr levy a theme. a central government truthfully for decades if not centuries and this is the second what's happening because early spring third person care of course the u.s. the brits and the french don't care as long as the contracts which truthfully go alliance between especially against between washington. and paris and that you see the wallets of people over and distribute the spoils and who cares about the future of libya as are the markers. for warring. tribal feuds that is going to cool for ever. well sarah marusek a beirut based researcher for syracuse university says the new libya hasn't changed
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much from the gadhafi era state the only difference is the international community is now turning a blind eye to crimes against humanity their country is in chaos right now it's heartbreaking and outrageous as president obama said about the situation in syria no this iteration in libya is the way we hear about militias torturing people who are suspected of supporting qaddafi in the past and there was a hideous story about someone's getting cut off because he was horsewhipped on the hand repeatedly over and over again until his fingers were severed these are crimes against humanity that are happening in libya and there is no outcry by the international community the same international community that called for a no fly zone in libya to save civilians to save people's lives so really it's a very dangerous situation we don't know who has what capacity right now to attack other people and other tribes and so it's very difficult political solution is
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required for this certainly not a military one. well coming up here on r t nowhere to hide you case in the sense of being watched by big brother as the government aims to snoop on the private lives of the british public like never before. the health care catastrophe in india the ever increasing gap between rich and poor the scores of sick without any hope for. the first with eight months ago the race for america's presidency is already in full swing with republican rivals locked in a bitter struggle for the nomination but alongside smear campaigns and dirty politics is another problem and somewhat archaic voting system that disregards millions of votes. and i reports there's a growing demand for a revamped election process. one of these men could be president just eleven months from now this president even if i'm president as president i'd say you got is
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somebody who can actually get it done in washington as americans head to the polls in two thousand and twelve determine to take part in democracy millions of votes may end up rejected or thrown away kamo election night point two million votes were lost in two thousand and eight voter registration problems they've backer is the director of elections initiatives at the cue center on the states he says america's nineteenth century paper based a voter registration system has left the nation's registration rolls pleaded by a rooney is errors we found roughly twenty four million records that are no longer up to date mostly because people have moved in some cases because people have died and we found fifty one million eligible voters who aren't on the rolls but one in four of the old citizens united states a new report on america's quote inaccurate costly and inefficient voting system also found nearly two million dead individuals listed as eligible u.s.
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voters and nearly three million citizens registered in more than one state we're seeing voting problems during the two thousand and ten midterm elections resulted in the reported sixteen thousand votes being tossed out not counted i fish will say the misuse of new electronic optical scan machines was to blame yet again the biggest prize would likely be the integrity of america's free and fair elections we should assume that every citizen that is eligible to vote can vote and if there is some problem on election day there should be some way that they can correct so if they're not told i don't see you in the book even though you are a citizen even though you are eighteen your vote isn't going to count russia back in december u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton said the same thing following russia's parliament reelection the russian people like people and. everywhere deserve the right to have their voices heard and their votes counted and come this november.
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american citizens will be counting on us leaders to stand by their words. r.t. new york because here is u.s. presidential election is the main focus of the debate in cross talk coming up later today peter the bell grills his gaffes about the prospects of a largely unconventional republican lineup and the no holds barred blame game that's quickly becoming the norm. we don't have money to help provide health care for our people but we have money to basically destroy and then rebuild another country i think if obama returns to brat. optimism and manages to back it up with ok these are things that i have achieved or that we have achieved as a nation since i've taken office i think that can carry him because people get tired of negativity and people get tired of being angry and how he already started when he exploded or he hasn't achieved anything really i mean how do you think he's
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done nothing in your doubt at all here other than fox news you know you know that. do you ever feel like someone's watching you well if you're u.k. so just so the government is attempting to step up its public surveillance policy even snooping on your personal e-mails despite c.c.t.v. cameras are ready a major fact of u.k. life there are now plans to store personal data including information from social networking sites and bet it reports the taxpayer could be footing the bill. soon you could be watched everywhere you go in the u.k. even where the cameras can't see you all your e-mails texts and phone calls will be monitored under a new anti terrorist spy plan they government will know which websites you visit it will even snoop on your private facebook messages no matter who you are all your personal data will be stored for a year in
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a massive surveillance operation privacy campaigners condemn this is the first step towards the government taking control of the incident the only place in the world that's got that kind of regulation is china i'm sorry but britain is not child of britain's already one of the most watched societies in the world the number of c.c.t.v. cameras is estimated at nearly two million now the government wants the monitor all electronic communication as well including social media taking surveillance to a level never seen before just what you say in calls and messages won't be kept but the government will know exactly who you speak to when you do it and where you are it will be stored by broadband and mobile companies but security services will have real time access at the click of a button secretly living your life with you they just all rights groups say it will leave people living in fear of big brother but the problem here is really that good
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is intrusive and the sort of places where you can see that might be useful could be either it could be anything could be tax it could be to force it could be copyright infringement. terrorism and serious crime or a tiny subset of the possibilities that you could use this information for it's the ones being watched who are paying for it to cybersecurity experts predict it will cost taxpayers over a billion dollars to be spied on even then there's no guarantee they'll be safe from other prying eyes any person who guarantees. absolute security is in it and if you're dealing with information which might be required at short notice by law enforcement then that means that quite a lot of people need to be involved so although i suspect most of the time is going to be profound quote secure. but also it's highly likely that there will be
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failures as well if you're typing into eatings private for now the legislation still has to go through parliament previous governments wish for a surveillance where it was fought off in two thousand and eight so if pieces of data safety the greater fear this time we're told is the threat to national security or the vents like the olympics the government's justification so it may not be long before what you thought was personal reaches a much wider audience i didn't it r.t. london. well our website are today you can find plenty more news from the u.k. including why the country's politicians maybe instead looking after themselves but some british m.p.'s seem to be drunk not only on power as it were made in scandals in westminster become a regular topic in the tabloids. but . is the buzz ross is all geared up to show the world what old school means as
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a band of grammys is set from rock this series europe isn't contacts. avon's has a critical dance one deal with private creditors allowing greece to narrowly escape default opening the door for a bailout into action euro zone members were quick to rejoice what they call a major step to rescuing that that britain country but in paris should provide little optimism for the greeks financial woes continue to snowball as tom garden reports directly alarm brucey threatens to throw herself from her office window in downtown athens she and her husband have had their salaries cut have debts and a mortgage they can't pay and now they've just learned their jobs are under threat
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she was eventually talked down after many hours on the ledge. this is where the wrong person who worked for this organization tried to provide housing support for people on low incomes or they did until two weeks ago when the government announced this place was closing all over seven hundred staff here could lose their jobs. or frantic meetings in corridors and offices distressed workers trying to find out what will happen to them based organisation has been going strong for sixty years and it's not fair to send their money to other departments they want to take our money to cover other holes they want to take money for other necessities but all our families will be unemployed if we could save greece ok but there's no way that money will fill the gap with the old so stacked against them some desperate greeks even contemplate ending it all. and this is the only phone line in the country that's dedicated to stopping them line ten eighteen is greece's single volunteer
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run charity suicide prevention mine in two thousand and eleven calls here doubled calls like one the to leno picked up from a mother standing on the fifth floor of a building threatening to jump she had a family member it's out with it was handled and received the benefit and this benefit when it was about to be cut and she was about to lose her job and said there's nothing they can to what can i do to help me what can i do to help myself it's so they don't want to suffer anymore the charity to is short of money it's gone tears unsure of their future although many greeks grudgingly accept the need for austerity they're adamant that m.p.'s should combine compassion with the cuts the main program allows the funding is throughout the city because this one is the one thing it's like killing people like this before the problem of the market in the household everyone agrees that greece's road to recovery will be long and
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painful but greater and greater numbers of greeks worry that the debt the country is in could cost their families much more than just money from bottom r.t. . well the u.s. has reportedly proposed giving israel advanced weaponry in return for television to weighing a potential strike on iran bunker buster bombs and long range refueling planes were allegedly offered during benyamin netanyahu the latest visit to washington the israeli prime minister said his country hasn't decided to attack yet but signaled that patience with tehran was wearing thin barack obama in turn strasse the need to let diplomacy and economic sanctions run their course this comes following an agreement between iran and several international powers to restart talks on iran's alleged nuclear weapons program reza marashi from the national iranian american council says it's crucial for regional stability that israel's warlike cries are muzzled. after three decades of little or no communication between iran and the
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united states there's no question that it's going to be a very challenging task that we all sides are facing and you know i think being on the precipice of war has to really focus the attention of various decision makers in various capitals and focus them specifically on the need for all parties to compromise and there's a difference between what the united states and the international community are asking for and what the israelis would prefer and these negotiations are going to be an opportunity to figure out how to try and square that circle i think it's safe to say that any on it's going to give analysts would agree that iran will not give up its nuclear program in its entirety but it will agree to limitations that are monitored to verify by the international atomic energy agency clemency isn't supposed to produce instant success you're supposed to invest in a process over a sustained period of time where confidence building measures that are reached in the interim can facilitate trust building even when i was serving in the u.s. government the israelis were one of a handful of countries that were never really interested in giving diplomacy a fair shake and that's one of the many reasons why is really interested on the
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line with the obama administration has done a very good job of trying to take actions that would lessen the possibility of diplomacy being successful but the obama administration understands going to anyone right now what's at stake he's taken multiple steps publicly and privately to push back and i'm hoping that we're going to see more of that continue because if it doesn't they're going to continue to try to bully. overcrowding in public hospitals is just one of many elements the indian health care system is suffering with no sign of a cure the huge gap between rich and poor for instance scores of people to queue for months to get affordable treatment all that it may be growing discontent that the government's encouraging medical tourism and forgetting about patients at home . reports. it's lunchtime at this government hospital in delhi and hundreds of indians are camped outside the medical facility waiting hoping and praying that they might get let inside. goal posts thing hasn't been working for three months and claims that he was supposed to have an operation for
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his hernia today but now doctors are telling him that his operation will cost almost three times more than he initially thought i remember when. i've been coming to arrange hospital supposed three months early in the morning with an empty stomach for different kinds of tests are used to come in the morning to get an appointment time unit for five in the evening now i can get it done it's impossible but i will do. things story is that you need every year millions of indians wait outside of government hospitals hoping to get the treatment they need according to the supreme court indians below the poverty line are supposed to get access to free health care and government hospitals but that leaves many indians who are technically above the poverty line but still extremely poor with no affordable health care. there is a severe shortage of doctors in india with some study indicating that there could be a few with point six doctors for every thousand people in india compared to two point six in the united states that means doctors that private hospitals can charge
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a premium for their service that. on the other side of the sidewalk outside this private hospital are clear of whining when they. arise recovering from his operation and pay thirty dollars a day for a bed in its private hospital he says the extra cost is worth it it's easier to get treated here and also i get the medicine on time many say the indian government is actually widening the gap between rich and poor in their ability to act that health care by offering tax incentives and subsidized plans of private hospitals in the hope of attracting medical tourists promote. many indians believe however the government should focus on getting health care to its own people birth nor particular state government has succeeded in putting in the number of doctors there is there is no i won't go that far more resources are required this do significant capacities in translating those resources and direction. as new nation or ra is
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well on his way to a full recovery gopal thing is losing hope experts say it's down to the government to take care of the poor in india says that but as long as the country's public health funding remains among the lowest in the world it is due to lag behind preassure either r t new delhi india. twenty four minutes past the hour a look now at some other international news stories for you but army forces in south korea are conducting security drills ahead of a two day summit on the use of nuclear power around the world leaders from fifty countries are expected to return with last year's disaster likely to dominate the talks this nations will focus on how to strengthen atomic safety and prevent acts of nuclear terrorism. in italy's capital thousands have gathered to protest against government cots a general strike was posed by metal workers union feel against plans to scale back
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rules giving staff more job security becomes as part of a part of a raft of measures to overhaul the italian economy with changes to labor market conditions expected to be passed later this month. and internet so it is a pod of dolphins stranded on a brazilian beach has become a hit around thirty dolphins caught in strong currents washed up on the sor locals and tourists came to the aid of anomalous turning them around and sending them back out to sea. but coming up next hour for you it's moscow with host martin andrews submerging yourself in the exotic and somewhat costly world of beauty treatments. we're going to my feet and look for all those. while that strays are very sure it's kind of ticklish. so it's ok to go through but. i'm somebody who put their entire bodies in this. dead skin just about here.
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so what we're going to take a short break here on our team and i'll be back with our tops. artists.
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to a substantial degree and one form or another socialism has spread the shadow of human regimentation over most of the nations of europe and the shadow is encroaching upon our homes and. leave early twenty first century military bases a network of military bases all around the world forms the evil empire that the united states is trying to build that's astonishing most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million more than two hundred fifty thousand us troops stationed on these bases all around them. we don't have foreign bases in america we don't have any british base we don't have any korean base we don't have any french bases or you know we just all american bases in across our bases of iraq are the noises our norms and
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those bother us at all because they're all bases but for other people it's almost like a cancer here for these people. since the into world war two these races i've been through. we're here to provide a safe and secure environment for everybody. the questions the appeals just get everything you needed.
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spd. culture is that so much has been written on. the label is the republican party going along just march to november is very likely former massachusetts governor mitt romney for eventual capture the.


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