tv [untitled] March 9, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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top stories this hour on our t.v. from the world wide web to a nationwide war extremist position groups in syria turn to the internet to encourage a bloody battle in the country while the u.n. arab envoy seeks a diplomatic solution. americans called for an overhaul of their electoral system ahead of this is presidential poll for the report of millions of the sistani and eligible voters. the fitch credit rating agency downgrades greece too restrictive default sharing living optimism of the new leaders following a bold new deal pushed through by congress. more news stories more developments in this and half an hour from now and meantime let's get back to the i want to show
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from washington. we're hearing to see the massive keystone x.l. pipeline protests have died down a recent months but doesn't mean the battle over the keystone pipeline has died down in general and fact the pipeline has become a major focal point on capitol hill are the senate voted on a new measure designed to keep president obama out of the decision making process now their idea was to cut him out of the equation because the pipeline originates in florida and not in the u.s. but the measure needed sixty votes to pass and it quite literally sprung obama into action he and his team lobbied other democratic lawmakers into saying no this bill our ports are the obama phone calls himself so you can imagine the g.o.p. was not too happy about. this report this morning of the president's push for making phone calls for democratic senators. and asking them about.
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and frankly charged to even call her here in touch and plead out of touch on this issue. now those words were simply not convincing enough because the measure failed today if the six to forty two of the eleven democrats voting in favor of the measure now mitch mcconnell says of the president is out of touch he's referring to all the job opportunities that supporters say could come from the construction of the pipeline even a former president bill clinton has shown support for the pipelines capabilities and speaking of jobs has become a divisive issue for the labor unions on one hand some labor unions are in favor of projects of the projects potential for job creation touted in ads like this one. produced or three point. seven. seven. private industry to produce something really. the worst of the.
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north america. now according to union websites it turns out that more union members are actually opposed to the pipeline and those that are in favor of it check out this chart while three point three million union members favor keystone four point nine million have come out against it and those union members who signed the obama say the president has done the right thing putting the environment first and they believe that he's telling it won't be the answer for the growing gas problem. prices have risen even higher today's national average three sixty five president obama says his republican rivals are using the pain at the pump to score political points gas prices are up another three and a half cents just from yesterday twenty seven cents from a month ago. now some say the keystone pipeline can cause a spike in gas for the midwest region and bloomberg says that residents could see the price go up at least twenty cents a gallon or of notes that some of the oil supply will end up in foreign markets because oil producers are working side by side with texas refineries to move the
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product to the global market shipping the blackall to europe latin america and china but will side a lot of landowners solve concerns about how trans canada project is going to affect their property then r.t.c. spoke with residents in texas but i doubt if the benefits of the project i actually outweigh the costs one point seven million gallons can we really without triggering a real timely detection system and trans canada is request they will not add any additional ground patrols to look for those undetectible leaks you know that's a huge problem you know that much can be spilling daily into our water supplies into our creeks into our springs if i believe that this would actually lower the price of gasoline and diesel fuel here in the states. and heard about it. now while the texas land owners took their concerns straight to the politicians in d.c. native americans of south dakota took
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a different approach on several members of the oglala lakota tribe that were the trans canada trucks were trying to bring supplies to parts of the pipelines route last monday seventy five members decided to put their foot down quite literally. so my trucks loaded was enormous little pipeline components were sucked across the load territory sometime during the afternoon on march fifth hole where no digital media participants were mobilized or was sold to quarter for procurement gathering blocks the route with their bodies to bridge some of the trucks and pipeline components from crossing. at least five people were arrested when police were called in to break out that barrier like the people in texas the oglala kota tribe believes that the roots of the x.l. pipeline but contaminate their water supply and poison their people off of the sake of making a profit and keeping all of that in mind trans canada have a company behind the pipeline construction plans to refile and south occasion to build the northern section of the oil line within the next few months and protests are still binding in the midwest specially in parts of texas and south dakota
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residents want to make sure that it's known that they stand with obama and oppose the pipeline so all the measures around the keystone failed in the senate today something tells me that the battle for the pipeline is long from over. now unless you've been living under a rock this point you probably at least heard about a campaign to stop tony maybe you saw it trending on twitter as hash tag conan twenty twelve it's all thanks to a nearly thirty minute documentary by the nonprofit invisible children something that went viral by viral i mean that since being posted online on monday march fifth it's garnered more than thirty nine million views on you tube here's a short clip. our goal is change the conversation about cultures and give people the. josef we've printed hundreds of thousands of posters yard signs and fires that are right now today include of your cities all over the world. now documentary aims to bring awareness to just
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a leader the lord's resistance army which terrorized uganda for decades over the last six years has fled the democratic republic of congo in central african republic now briefly describe the brutal history of the l.-r. in uganda the thirty thousand children that have been abducted over the years boys turned into child soldiers girls turned into sex slaves and the film calls on people to support invisible children to donate thirty dollars get a kid with a bracelet stickers posters all included and it tells us that participate in a day of action on april twentieth to spread the word hang up those posters and stickers all over the world and the endgame here is to have arrested this year two thousand and twelve brought to the international criminal court and for the u.s. to keep one hundred military advisors that were deployed last year there to help it happen but there's a lot of critique out there a lot of people should learn consider before they donate so let's take a little bit deeper here this guy with me is christopher chambers author of the blog turner's revenge and lecture at georgetown university chris thanks so much for joining us tonight. first cars before we get into the details here the history or
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this organization thirty nine million views on you tube it's only been out there since monday and i think it has maybe another six million of e-mail i mean that is a viral video if a person like all. that's that's the very definition of viral and that's the whole point i mean this is you know the filmmakers couched this as an experiment and we are moving into another age with this i mean you saw it with occupy wall street you saw it with the arab spring i mean this is a new tool social media and people are using it this is a new generation of people that are creating this content and it sparks a lot of problems with the older generation the thing that they don't seem to understand the old generation that is that you know we different media has come along you know radio and then t.v. and then the internet i mean the internet was the prototype for this with or for i mean mia farrow actress mia farrow she said without the internet and blogs putting up in bed video nobody would have cared about this well this is just
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a natural progression you know so i mean now the problems however you know i have so maybe foreign policy intervention is right well i want you to get it but first you know finance wise right coming under a lot of heat they've released their tax records out there you know they're trying to be very responsive in this entire situation but it looks like they spend a lot more on the media the production part than they do you on actually giving you know donating or trying to build up but at the same time that's what they do right as the you know their food makers this is an experiment i'm not making excuses i mean i don't think this is going into the rome of say why cliff's on and yearly haiti where it was you know there was a lot of money that was moving around that was not going to where it was supposed to go here they could probably make an argument that money is where it's supposed to go because we are in the social media business we're out here generating here think people get balun they spent thirty minutes watching this documentary. i'm
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going to wear a bracelet and that makes me feel ok i'm going out i think so i mean you know let's face it i mean a lot of this is psychological a lot of people who are probably clicking and watching and do. probably don't even know where uganda is it probably don't know that there are a hundred you know u.s. military advisors over there and they're over there for a good reason but you know that's always going to happen we live in a disconnected society disconnected world and social media is the only thread that's holding all of this together these guys are just twenty going on through it and you know i don't fault them for that but yes in terms of background you know and you also have another issue i mean there is this there's always a racial component with africa where it's the old one thousand century white man's burden thing and we need white sea viewers to go in there and save these people from savages i mean there's that aspect of the ugandan people who also made sure i mean their number one goal from the way the video looks is that get colony it's
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going to happen in two thousand and twelve arrest him bring him to the international criminal court and then everything's going to be ok they make it seem so simple all right what happens to all those other child soldiers what happens to the fact that there is there is corruption in there is poverty there is disease in the west of uganda where the l r a hasn't even been a year and you can hear something saying that and n.g.o.s on the ground have been saying you have totally oversimplified this situation i think they understand that and one of the filmmakers john big hollywood director even sergio it had to be oversimplified because we live in this disconnected age when you're trying to get people who probably don't even know where you get it is to get engaged and this is what we do we engage people it's one thing to engage people and inform them that person is you know and this is where i start to have issues to where i think you see a lot of these liberal humanitarian crisis are we just want to help but it ends up being about intervention are we already have one hundred military advisers that are
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there they're not going anywhere so i don't know why they're freaking out of this video as if the obama administration is going to pull them out but it's this concept that you know that militarily you somehow need to engage they admit that the ugandan military is. also corrupt an earlier article allegations of rape and what not but they said we got to work with somebody well and that you know and again that's oversimplification angle that's where the n.g.o.s that are there and ugandan people are saying whoa whoa hold up but again i think these guys are not thinking that far ahead it's viral engagement that is there is a twenty first century younger mindset at work here and you see that in journalism and politics all over the place i don't think they're thinking that far ahead if they were maybe they pulled back a little bit but you know that's it i guess. you know they've i think if they're to see if they're gone they say that they have made because of tony famous and a lot. and diddy yeah everyone's talking about it you know forty five million views
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online combined it but then at the same time you know watch out what it is exactly that you're printing your because they would you wish for you might get it have another you know we have we have another. human interventions and where you know there has been a lot of damage and a lot of excess their lives that are mine ok thank you for your writing us tonight . i had five our last break that evening but when we come back are headed towards a one child policy that's a michele bachmann seems to think humans are told my lord and i'm happy our fans of santa ana for news they all had to sing country song at a solar flare headed towards earth this could be all that we can. get are some pleasure see a story and it seems so for life sleep you think you understand it and then he lives something else here sees some other part of it and realized everything you
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down the official ante up like a should chill on the phone called touch from the choose option. the job she likes on the. video on demand. keys money fuel costs an omission. now with the. shoes that so much of. which. i don't believe is the republican party going along this march to november is very likely former massachusetts governor mitt romney will eventually capture the. right guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and this time it goes to former g.o.p.
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presidential candidate and current congresswoman michele bachmann on tuesday she appeared on news on a news show called real news from the blaze airs on glenn beck's online paid subscription channel and she decided to tackle the g.o.p.'s war on women it has been reduced to a war on women right or wrong that is what is being read as in the public you think we've totally bungled this debate or will i think that it is a mistake for us to get caught in a trap that the left with love to have a stance and it would be a mistake to get caught in that trap michelle two things here i don't think it was a trap set by the left i seem to recall the right leaving themselves that little present and then circling back to step it up michelle's words dancing in it initiative twenty six would declare a fertilized human egg to be a legal person that would effectively banned all abortions and clipping those resulting from great or incest republican lawmaker is under fire in georgia for
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pushing a bill that says pregnant women should be put to death if they have a miscarriage is it. two days before congressional committees he she says that she must be paid. yet right virginia lawmakers passing a bill that requires a woman to have an ultrasound before having an abortion in pennsylvania is considering the same type of statute. yeah i'm pretty sure the right made that bed for themselves but then later in the interview michelle decided not to take your own advice and double down on the g.o.p. and sandy. it isn't far fetched to think that the president and states could say we need to save health care expenses the third world government will only pay for one baby to be born in the hospital per family michelle i've even talked with the duggar isn't that t.l.c. show nine hundred kids and counting because i'm pretty sure that statement is based
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on absolutely no impact whatsoever but again we are talking undersell bachmann here's the facts are kind of a rarity and michelle's favor was so over the top that it even shocked the blase crew check out this response congressman are you suggesting then that this administration or and next administration would actually advocate a one child policy like communist china yes michelle please enlighten us are you suggesting that america is headed towards a one child policy the president and it states unilaterally can tell insurance companies you must offer the morning after portion kill you must refer sterilizations you must offer contraceptives free to recipients of those products because we tell you to which means they're effectively setting the price as well that's that whoever the health care dictator could conceivably could make that order as well. well i mean that's pretty rich michel actually wants to argue
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because liberals want to provide women with more health care to ensure that the needs of women are met all across america and their rights are in danger of being stolen by a health care dictator even though obama is working to ensure that women have the right to choose when and how many children they'll have but eventually it's going to lead to them having fewer choices and being told how many children they can have makes perfect sense so for not standing up for genders right to make decisions about their own bodies and instead twisting this debate to fearmonger about communist style when tell policy is michele bachmann it's not still time warner. our guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening lauren lyster host of the capital account here on r.t. and comedian lafayette right hey guys how's it going. did you know
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that today it might be and not really but there's some scary stuff going on and take a look. listen to this a huge solar storm the largest in five years is already hitting earth today at four million miles per hour now look at the strong winds and deliver a knockout punch to your g.p.s. that will explosion right there that is where the other solar flare in it is all that radiation some of which got here at the speed of light which takes about an hour roughly other which travels at scale so between three and five million miles an hour. i get this point where ok i don't really think anything i just read that i thought of but biggest solar flare storm in your solar flare in six years or something like that would work which would have knocked out the rise in people who . know work take the. crowd of people was going to stop it you re now right yeah exactly. the first. thing that came from my mind was alone i must be doing this
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story today because she loves space stories and you were and the second thing that came to my mind was weight power grades g.p.s. is this going to be the next like solar flare or a dust real complex that is suddenly at the right that we need to guard against and build up industry against you know because for republicans we don't really believe in things like solar flares or global warming or climate change and we're scared of cyber warfare and hackers are hurting the grid this is just a little you never know how it started about how i would start that's my prediction ok let's move on to something that i just find really kind of creeps me out but there are some santorum fans out there that decide to create this song take a listen.
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and then. there's the remarks from in a little bit that is the exact opposite thing that i think when i see that video is that there is hope for our nation again my hope for the nation is that the super pacs are a little more powerful day and those singers and i can give us the bill of rights really really not according to them i just. i don't know those people for. speaking of being freaked out again i don't know if this ever happened to you guys but definitely there are was a class that i took in college that had a cool name called the violent universe and handy to get it on and it turned out not being as cool as opposed to b. and so there's something similar class called surviving becoming zombie apocalypse but the teacher at least made a video to get students. in. some. so
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the name is a hook and the class actually is about studying mass catastrophes and human behavior and life or death situations i mean the whole place on it is like i put a lot of thought into how to survive a zombie apocalypse because i don't get like so but not you prepared properly for that situation the one thing you need to do you just this is my philosophy you follow why you do why what are the poor white people to live in the middle of america people who don't have to then you got to guns i mean the big guns are not going to save you you need generators you know this is you know arsenal already have how many saw going to these if we are. going to survive this is what the funny thing is i should. really research behind this c.d.c.
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actually has gone the apocalypse campaign because what they found is if you're prepared for a zombie apocalypse you actually are well prepared for our hurricane or disaster or terrorist attack or whatever so i think this is along the same probably as you get it lined up that day and sides say it but i mean really not it not if you know what you're doing i got credibility ok i'm going to walk in there i watch the show i love zombie movies trust me i'm going to talk to you just some dude named dale that has like three c. and then you're good and like you're not going to hate you because you're black at this point because you know they can use they're going to sort of. legally they hate the. more all right i'll give you that way because i've seen all that money is obvious so you know not even to try to own that speaking. it's obvious actually to put it there is a new building. and basically it's this woman that has just revolutionized being
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able to wear take clothing for her women. cheryl blakely the inventor of spades she is the youngest woman to make the forbes list on her own with no help from a husband or inheriting spanx i never would've guessed you know years ago when spanx came out she would be a billionaire but they pretty much are the best thing ever but seems like dues are kind of trying to capitalize on this to tell you design house and believe me i designed a range of tights that it says are unisex and they're being snapped up by by men i don't buy that sorry he's trying to design houses or trying to ride this thing you know wave but what i've actually where he might have you seen infomercials for like they make the wife beaters that are kind of like getting spray lies that suck it all you'll notice those for men and there are evidently really popular according to the sales associate i spoke to the last time i was at nordstrom but those are actual tights to be worn outside your clothes with stars on them so when you got it
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what's your experience of spamming all the ladies you did you would you want to talk to or do. you know. there's going to be marks. broil somebody knows what i'm sort of i'm going to be alone here that's not just me don't embarrass me here don't you know they don't want you they don't know why they're there booty is good when they do they do not really disgusting there's a lazy you're just going to walk around with like we're going to do solar and you know it does and i guess it hurt over your tights and it's going to have the but i mean i don't know i'm just i'm just trying to offend anyone to your world no one of the others are but i don't even like skinny jeans but that's just me i'm trying to you know put myself in sort of the weirdos who we're talking see progress all right i think that we read it we've got to fire this. are you guys thanks for joining me tonight i've got to wrap it up that's it for tonight still thank you for tuning in and they can come back tomorrow barry white author of and brand nation is going to
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be on the show to discuss a monthly unemployment report the meantime forget to become a fan of you on the show on facebook you can follow us on twitter if there's anything you ever miss you can find it on youtube dot com slash he want to show us the interviews as well as the show in its entirety there and coming up next is that his. line in motion would be soon which bryson if you move the bounds from phones to impressions. these frames start on t.v.
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dot com. there's you know soon after i'm done i know. this is not totally not patriotic like the american flag but this song tells it otherwise. the worst through song is we will stand forever as a nation under the flag. meaning the red white and blue stripes. place is a salute to the trying to believe the quotes on the outside. but their heart is is from a anger. the heart. of all kinds of struggles and they allow the choose . to allow these things to stay there they choose alcohol or the choose drought. this is that people buy at our local store here and they. they open it and they fill it with water over there from the stick it and then and then i think it drink
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it because it has to because it has alcohol in it and so it is they drink it but it's actually hairspray. i could live their lives in and out here. nobody could. be. not my family. not a vocal all those who try nobody could stay the course to me i wanted. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to cope orations are.
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