tv [untitled] March 9, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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call it the comeback kid the job market is showing some small but significant game but no one is celebrating just yet i'll give you two hundred twenty seven thousand reasons why the public should be excited and a few reasons more why they're not. and it looks like the hacktivist group known as anonymous can't keep their anonymity forever because one of their own a real leader of sorts of actually been teaming up with the f.b.i. to take down the organization bring you the very latest in this bizarre. for twenty six years he has been kidnapping children interests rubble. a sad story strewn
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across the made stream headlines brought to you brought to light by a documentary that shows one side of a couple complicated story we'll bring you the other. good evening it's friday march ninth seven pm here in washington d.c. my name is christine and you're watching our t.v. . right let's start with the economy this evening talk about the jobs numbers jobs numbers for february are out today and let me lay them out there let me lay them out for you plain and simple the u.s. labor department says two hundred twenty seven thousand new jobs were created last month and the unemployment rate stayed at eight point three percent with a lot of people speculating that more people entered back into the sort of looking for a job category which is why the unemployment rate did not go down and up. we are in a time that right now called by many a time of recovery but we also want to look at what recovery actually means for
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home earlier i spoke to michael hudson an economics professor at the university of missouri and asked him with these job numbers who's winning and who's losing in the current economy here's his take. if. you talk about recovery and the question is what is going to be recovered there is going to an illusion that is jobs go up we're returning to a normal situation but it's not a normal situation at all the economy is still having debt go up and in fact the same day yesterday. there were going to be in these job numbers you have for the first four years consumer debt went up again. because the markets market is still going to get on. the other debts and you kind of get the you know the proletariat. the employment did go up for the reasons that you mentioned. in consumer intro didn't go up that's remained constant so that's not right as long as
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the jones is that. going up it's been a shift from the high paying jobs for the last let me get in here right now because we do have a on sort of breakdown of the jobs created and i just want to play that for our viewers here in terms of these new jobs created last month they were in the health care and manufacturing field but they were also in leisure and hospitality in that category so we're talking about maids and bus boys hotel and motel front desk clerks so in other words jobs that are often pretty low paying jobs and then if you take a look at last jobs those were in retail but also in the public sector and the construction jobs people who make and these are moving are construction jobs so i think that goes that sort of along with what you were saying michael with wages not going out and in terms of the type of johns that are actually coming into difficulty me. john that plug holes rather than help people sustain a like that right you're right that's exactly what's happening and that's just what the republican nominee mitt romney said yesterday he was. obama's trying to say.
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look what it is we're having people who used to have skilled jobs trying jobs they're not getting work the students are not getting work it's the one finding that that's so wrong with so you have the students graduated with a lot of the loans and they're not being able to repay the loan so lending a parent's. but that's going up and all they can get are exactly the kind of low paying jobs you're talking about nothing find that they took years to. get a job so and i know today's news is of course viewed as positive by a lot of people who wanted to put on the outside that last month also saw the worst monthly deficit in history according to the congressional budget office for the deficit in physically or twenty is already more than half a trillion dollars do you think this should concern the american people. what
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should really concern them is for the money it's all this money is going to bail out the banks it's not going to the people it's not helping the economy it's going directly into mr obama's campaign think job and the banks are have been bailed out . they're getting. a month ago let's throw a bomb like a forty five billion dollars and promise not to send them to jail so not only they're not well the justice department is refusing to prosecute a crime and says well we can't prosecute you because if we did get go under and you couldn't spread the recovery so we're not going to prosecute you we're going to give you forty five billion well you pleased again lending it out again and the banks end up doing it except they're saying they're on a bonus and they're and salaries but what is the money rod. the drain on the economy. in the finance sector in the real estate it's not so and in fact the position of the obama administration is you have to reduce wages thirty
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percent you have it assumes he's reelected you can be sure he's going to push the unemployment rate way up because he's basically the same i live in a liberal that you have in greece and in europe so i think we might look at greece is a dress rehearsal for us to be happening here and i think because you brought up race we could talk about it i know that news on the european debt crisis has not been you know major it's been a little harsh but i know an announcement came down today that greece is nearing its second bailout after winning that crucial dot flop in greece finance minister as well as the i.m.f. they're praising this part of the story that you think aren't being told. or it's not being told around the riots and. the condition of the bailout reach so all. this water system that it turned over was. foreigners to be able to make huge
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foreclosure on the property and all of the financial times wall street journal say look there is no way rescan repay this parallel money it just. banks by allowing money to the european governments so in effect the european governments they race they repaid their own banks and the governments in the last meeting. since then europe they don't raise their own money. so essentially it's another bank in the way in europe just like we've been having throughout the rest of the world and i think that's something that a lot of people don't really understand when they look at the european debt crisis and they look at greece let's bring in right back here to the u.s. just for just one more question for you there michael i want a lot of people talk about the economy and jobs wanted. the areas they look to is the auto industry are people buying cars what kind of cars they're buying i know back in the sixty's and seventy's cars were about comfort and luxury and for
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a lot of people now it's about what's cheap now i want to bring up something interesting the chevy volt is now out and it's a plug in car so people are talking about how much money it will save even though it's forty thousand dollars to buy what do you think you think people are going to buy these you think these are going to be the car of the future and how can that sort of symbolize what's going on the economy right now i. feel that although with so much yes that your decisions what are they going to hold off because they're not sure what you're like right. they're not sure. this is just. totally i know i just it's one of those areas people are talking about but we do appreciate you being on with us certainly a lot going on and a lot more to read than just what the numbers themselves say michael hudson an economics professor at the university of missouri. i'll turn now to a complaint many of the actual job creators have some of the difficulties they face
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when the idea is there and the money is there but the excess ability always isn't and the company's site harsh regulations is the biggest barrier to getting their businesses off the ground r.c. correspondent was wall looks at the bureaucratic waste that sometimes gets in the way of progress. america once considered the land of opportunity home of the american dream or the entrepreneurial spirit thrives but is all that a thing of the past now it seems a ridiculous bureaucracy has people jumping through to start a business can the government make entrepreneurs useless things for no. yes many business owners are finding today tanya edwards and bill main ellen sags in the city and the heart of washington d.c. important thing is before you get on the green light so that. they guide their customers on tours throughout the nation's capital a segue i want to bring your feet forward one inch but what they're doing is
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illegal because they don't have a license to speak to tourists. for ninety days for not having a life but he believes he shouldn't need a license to talk to people. first amendment overcome constitution. and they're not alone in fighting government bureaucracy to keep their business afloat want to become a florist in new orleans you must pass a test some say is more difficult than the bar exam to become a lawyer completely subjective test was evaluated by other florists who were going who you're going to be competing against or if you want to build a view in our own home in st paul minnesota but the government is forcing him to spend. that he doesn't want and doesn't need these are just a few of the many occupational licensing cases the institute for justice says they're fighting against we're talking about the rights and economic liberty or the . is the right of someone to earn an honest living in an occupation of their own
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true zing so how are these laws able to get enacted lobbyist special interest groups they infiltrate politics on the federal and local levels urging lawmakers to pass regulations that benefit them and keep the competition out the results in america growing increasingly regulated and the one nine hundred fifty s. one in twenty occupations require the government license. it's one and three and all this red tape is costing taxpayers billions the interior department is in charge of salmon well they're in freshwater but the commerce department handles them when they're in sake what. year it gets even more complicated. but it's no laughing matter a report from the government accountability office shows billions of dollars spent on bureaucratic waste in the federal government all the lyall president obama vows to fight unemployment by creating jobs it's not my message to business leaders is
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simple ask yourselves what you can do to bring jobs back to your country and your country will do everything we can to help you succeed but what the government needs to do save many business owners is get rid of all the red tape that's creating hurdles to reaching economic success and maybe too much regulation that's choking the life out of the u.s. economy. in washington liz wall. all right so how many of these laws are necessary and how much are instead bureaucratic waste earlier i spoke with the founder of survive and thrive t.v. george hamon or i started by bringing up the point that in our society there's been a change in the one nine hundred fifty s. just one in twenty occupations required government license that's about numbers today it's one in three so i asked him his interpretation of. well it's just a government growing out of control these bureaucracies are monopolies and
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government is the cancer that just will not grow until the love stop growing until it kills this country and i've talked to many of my subscribers that watch my channel everything from truck drivers to dentists are just sick of the regulations they're not only hurting small business owners they're hurting the people trying to get the jobs because there's less jobs because there are so many regulations to get those jobs so let's say this for example i think it's a great example that you bring up here truck drivers on there was a time when truck drivers were allowed to work and work and work more miles they covered it the faster they get to their destination the faster they can go to the next job but the fact is if a truck driver decides i don't need to sleep tonight i want to drive falls asleep at the wheel and gets you know an accident and that's a situation that happened over and over so the government comes forth with regulations you can only drive eight hours a day and i was there were whatever it is. you know there i i would argue there
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needs to be a fine line i know a lot of people conservative libertarians like to argue the government should regulate at all you know what businesses take care of themselves but don't you think there are some lines that need to be drawn here. well i mean those those lines could be drawn by the courts if if business does something that could be sued upon by someone else sure other businesses would take notice it's just it's an issue about freedom you know are we going to have freedom in this country or we're going to have over regulation and the problem with this regulation is a lot of the times it's coming from the business owners themselves that are trying to limit competition so in the end that's just higher prices for you and me it hurts all of us the best thing from my point of view is to have choices have multiple businesses now the business does something wrong you can choose not to buy from them or you can sue them in a court of law so there are you know without all this regulation there still are consequences for businesses that don't do things that people agree with for example
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you don't work in dryers to arden knowledge and go to sleep i think it's a really good point i know they get that it's really popular where you are in los angeles and also here in d.c. we have a you know the whole food truck movement and a lot of the regulations that have been put into place have been by you know long term restaurant owners that are cozy with lawmakers and don't like the competition and oftentimes there are the winners what do you think needs to be done george to make it so that just because you're a wealthy or longstanding restaurant for example. does goalie the competition around google we need to we need to stop the overreaching arm of lobbyists controlling our government i've read articles and seen videos of people that have visited washington d.c. and our democracy has been hijacked by corporations big companies that come in there and push huge bills huge legislation and are the you know they're behind the
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scenes creating all this over regulation so that small businesses can't be started in this country so we need to have a ban on all. all logging it we need to bring congress accountable to the people that vote for them and we need to house some sort of being and some serious consequences of logging i just there's no point to logging in i don't agree with that i think it's hijacked our democracy and our free market system that was george hammond our founder of survive and thrive t.v. . false new developments in the world of hacktivism we here at r.t. of course try to keep you up to date on the latest actions by anonymous and the earlier this week we told you that several members of the hacking group were charged by the f.b.i. lulz sec is a group within the movement of anonymous and the f.b.i. was apparently assisted in finding some of these suspects by
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a man named hector xavier months ago also known as somebody who is a twenty eight year old man a father of two who allegedly was the head of the operation conducted out of his new york apartment that involved hundreds of hackers from around the world and taken into custody by the f.b.i. he started helping them find others that they were looking for so government officials say they have now successfully chopped off the head of the movement but even since those arrests were made an anti-virus company called panda security was hacked into along with the website for the vatican protest according to anonymous against the catholic church itself and its positions on certain issues so clearly the hacking is not over well our own web team has been following anonymous closely and web writer andrew clegg joined me earlier today for more on this here's his take. unfortunately nothing on par with what we've seen over the last couple of weeks the last couple of months and actually last year but throughout two thousand and twelve they said that every friday they're going to keep going and things have
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slowed down a bit whether or not it's related to the feds have been going after people this week we don't know. but the previous fridays we've seen the cia actually seizing the land security as well i would say was their own keep in mind this is while the f.b.i. had apparently infiltrated the group so that's the whole there are so many questions coming out of the arrests the cooperation with sabu which was the operation of him working with the f.b.i. we just found out so. correct you know i'm sorry i was sure i was in so people across the world are getting involved in this and the f.b.i. is saying that we take five of them. so that's it but i wasn't it was apparently working with out of his apartment yes. but. people's not a lot especially out of the house and that's a very big number you know the f.b.i. is trying to say you know we've chopped the head up because anonymous certainly you know if there was no hope yet there is going to tell about that because that
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a lot of people don't understand this they see this is sort of an organization and now you know the president has been taken down so the rest were thought that's not how it is no difference your friend and i were quick to point out that the mainstream media was reporting that it was the leader of this movement was shut down but it's i mean to call the movement is even one thing that i would argue but there's one is itself calls itself a movement ok well i have a primary on a hacker group for a movement and what they're doing is the idea and you can't just. get rid of one guy and you think of five guys as we seen within hours of the news earlier this week web sites were already being attacked and like you mentioned security is that it can and this is in the three or four days since this happened and you know you would think that if the f.b.i. has used informants and they have used insiders that they would do something to not let this happen. to working with the f.b.i. during this trip or week. still that that what happened in
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a day and the you know if you look on twitter facebook a lot of people are very angry i mean there is a huge following and a lot of people are angry at this. parenting i mean what do you think is going to be do you think we'll see more fallout do you think i don't think so it's a very huge loose knit collective in that you know scattered all across the world but a lot of people that are heavily involved really consider themselves a family and they're saying so just a traitor is just like horrible you know how could you do this to your own brothers and i think that i mean obviously you're going to have some people that are going to want to part ways with the group regardless of what happened but let me put a tweet up from the anonymous you have that you actually showed me but we can put it on the screen for our viewers. trust us you think you've seen the four muscles of anonymous up to now now you ain't seen nothing yet get ready march twenty twelve
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so march twenty twelve we're we're in march we're in march twenty two are almost halfway through. i think we've got some time i think we're going to see some big things and i know you read a lot about this you're always on top of this has there been any hints about what's next i mean if there were hints and i was going to discuss them on the air that would be. so i mean they're not totally like trying to disclose everything i would . expect more things this month absolutely. no bearing any other of unfortunate circumstances like we saw earlier this week and you always do keep us up to date on that and i try to continue. so much. let's turn now to a video that's gone viral you may have seen it or at least seen a link for it and i watched it along with what was this morning at seventy million people it's a pretty moving video and a well produced one here's a little clip of that for twenty six years kidnapping children.
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turning their girls into sex slaves. and the boys in the child soldiers so according to the group's website code in two thousand and twelve is a film and campaign by invisible children that aims to make joseph coney famous not to celebrate him but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice now most people would agree that joseph coney is a bad bad man but the film advocates for u.s. involvement and direct military action and president obama has already sent in one hundred combat troops to try to help with the effort to get rid of just of county so we want to talk about some of the other global implications of the release of this video so earlier we brought on work correspondent keith hartman style to help us read between the lines this is absolute probably going to be not only is it full of lies it's simplistic and it's directing the american public to support her.
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military action in africa where we are already there well whether you say that this film is full of lies what is not true about the film for example that tony has thirty thousand children in his army this is not true over the last twenty six years of kone military actions against the government of uganda there have been supposedly thirty thousand children abducted who does it then it's not clear because seventy the president of uganda is we saw before a genocide in northern uganda and he needs kone to be able to justify continuing u.s. support and military support and now sending in troops which we've been doing for quite some time and one of the lies in the film is that cody is not supported by anyone cody has an office in washington d.c. the united states government has direct connections to coney if they want to get rid of this guy they could get rid of them very quickly are you telling me that in twenty twelve we don't have the sophistication that like technology to track down a single african warlord in africa not that it's look at jonas savimbi in utah in
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the guy we supported her for years and anglo the thing that the united states wanted him gone he was gone with his you know weak is the united states had israel send in special forces and eliminate jonas savimbi so kone is kept there to serve the interests of the united states at the center of the interest of the ugandan government because as long as they have a bogeyman to claim it is creating these atrocity and seventy can can share the blame for the genocide against two million a chile people on to this guy joseph kony and he can only death the united states and the pentagon for more military hardware more aid which is converted to military hardware and more troops and that's exactly what they've done i mean i think this criticism has been launched not just by you about by a whole lot of people if the u.s. government wanted to find him they could it is after all twenty twelve we have brilliant intelligence officers out there on the other hand that this is more of a tribal area and even you know afghanistan and a lot of parts of africa and you know think about how long it took to find
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a solid line and i'm defending not. it i'm just wondering i mean there have been a lot of criticism unleashed against this film since it went viral a couple days ago one of the one of the complaints also is that joseph kony hasn't even been in uganda for the last six years. invisible children has also been criticized for you know only giving a third of their money to actually helping children in uganda but the bottom line is their mission has more to do with advocacy and raising awareness and they've been you know pretty honest about this all along so why should it matter i mean you call it a propaganda film why should it matter that a couple of guys who raise a bunch of money are putting this out there. well you know what american public doesn't want to look at it their whiteness is all about whiteness that's why the film starts up with a bunch of white kids a white child in a white family and it connects our hearts to the white man i mean i'm the white man who went into africa in the beginning it was like i was starving and here i am in central africa on a bicycle when i was ninety ninety one now i work of genocide investigator looking at one of the things that we have to look at is the role of people like myself like
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invisible children like john printed graph and you see in the film dating another couple of wide net is that no one in the u.s. government is going to do enough to stop this problem or do enough he's mentioning the word enough enough is his organization enough it's funded by the intelligence sector but center for american progress than for american progress that's going to five or three organizations to create black around central africa one of these is stand taking action now one dollar for another one is invisible children on uganda the other one is the resolve group also i'm uganda and see hope for the congo that they raise rates hope for the congo that's another one all funded by the intelligence that there by the center for american progress and junker in the grass is the intelligence director in one thousand nine hundred with an intelligence operative in the national security council for william jefferson clinton at the very time that we were invading the congo from uganda and they could have eliminated tony then when we were spending all these c one thirty american military
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on the ground in uganda in one thousand nine hundred six but the invasion of the congo and since nine hundred ninety we've been supporting the sudan people's liberation army covertly in sudan and you see these guys from enough sorry from visible told me if i want to get in here it's like and here's the you seem to be saying that the u.s. actually has no interest in finding tony capturing county and that this is sort of just a distraction down connected to the u.s. government and the intelligence community and i getting that right absolutely they have no interest in finding tony if they wanted to eliminate him they could eliminate him any time it's not about that they need him. when he was with seventy the president of uganda came to power in ninety three ninety eighty and ninety eight that by israel britain and the united states tony came from a woman named joseph the kalina and i mean the facts are not in the propaganda thing because it's too complicated they say it's a complicated but he american public but if you look at the history we said we created these death camps and you kinda and the death camps had two million people
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in them in order to justify hurting be a chile people into the death with a policy a written policy for genocide against your chile people who seventy had to have somebody who uses the bogeyman the claim that he was protecting the people from him that was joseph conan but as part of this film as far as this this as you say propaganda film this film put out and that is now the jihad by millions by the group invisible children. were actually the problem with it i mean everyone that comes out with a film or a documentary has an agenda they leave out facts and put emphasis on other facts to get their message across why is it dangerous that this has been seen by so many people will people who see it couldn't even ten point you get on a map suddenly something this is the nature of reactivity suddenly something has provoked him to take some action for this invisible children has sold out of all of their propaganda all of their things that you can buy online so it's
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a profit making venture first of all i think it's a bunch of white guys who don't know nothing about nothing. well i mean they know i mean i've met these guys they're from my hometown and they're very religious and they do they look like they were like no they look like one surfer guys. and they're very passionate about what they do but when you say they know nothing about nothing i mean these guys have been over there do you think it's wrong that they've brought the issue to light for the american people or are you just saying they're painting a picture falsely. they're painting that picture both of that's how propaganda works that so journalists who are supposedly you know producing balanced articles were it's an internal mechanism of self-censorship propaganda is essential to distill it down to a few simple facts and in the case of this film they're not even correct all right all right now we we do appreciate your perspective we think it's really important to get that out there certainly if you turn on c.n.n. or fox today there's definitely only one side and that's why i wanted to have you wanted to kind of read between the.
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