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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EST

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welcome back you're watching r.t. live from moscow these are the top stories a change of tone in syria the arab league backs the international and was called for both sides to lay down their arms and start to get sheesh ns but the main opposition group has once again rejected the idea of talking to the us a government . a key test of resolve for russia's opposition crowds gather in central moscow to protest the conduct of the presidential poll but the long holiday weekend political splits lead to a smaller number than expected and these are live pictures that we're showing you
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there. also optimism about the greek debt write down proves premature as athens suffers a fresh downgrade from fitch ratings agency with moody's going even further at eclair in greece and default that's after the country seal the deal was private investors that reduces their great burden by over one hundred billion euros. all next the scandal surrounding greek debt is explored by our financial guru max kaiser and his co-host stacy herbert and kaiser report.
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i am asked guys are this is the kaiser report trickle down effect in the told. me start with stacey erb or yes max who are seeing financial crimes all over the place right well the feds have apparently acted they are able to act six charged in federal crackdown on hacking by anonymous sex groups. so we know of a little second member admitted to hacking sony and also the computer system used by fox broadcasting company rupert murdoch's news corporation according to u.s. authorities so these other defendants face as much as one hundred twenty two and a half years in prison according to the judge involved in this case yeah well one of of the hackers who hacked into m.f. global accounts but what about the hackers that hacked into the live or business
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multi hundred trillion dollar business they hacked into little goldman sachs they hacked into greece stabilize the country were the penalties for these people exactly because all these guys surcharged with in most of these cases in the sony and fox case that they just basically took down the site and they took some e-mail addresses and passwords ok that's the extent of it now who got involved with the feds the f.b.i. and with them apparently it looks like from the time line that they in fact hacked strout four and then the feds encouraged them to use the credit card information they stole and used that to purchase seven hundred thousand dollars on these credit cards so that is a financial crime but a seven hundred thousand dollars where are the same thing where is rupert murdoch in jail why isn't he facing one hundred twenty two years because according to u.s. attorney preet brought haar said in a statement the six defendants and their own identified coconspirators we need
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a deliberate campaign of online destruction intimidation and criminality as unite covered in our episode about the data and dust for a complex this is exactly what rupert murdoch's enterprises does to get a lot more hackers that they're going to seek a remedy where they have to give back the money they stole that's it the profits they need ok so here you have this group apparently they. responsible for missing seven hundred seventy thousand dollars so the penalty should be they get it back right exactly all they're profiting from it ok so whereas a double standard in the double standard is because the hollywood industry the m.p.a. the r i am they have millions hundreds of millions of dollars at work for lobbyists in washington the consumer protection bureau the consumer protection lobbyist protecting people from predatory bankers don't have anybody at work in washington so you could you see really clear how the the laws are written by the lobbyist these people who are for the copyright cartel they write the laws that put this guy
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in prison for a hundred years hundred twenty years the people who hacked into life for goldman sachs hacking into greece and f. global you being hacked into by j.p. morgan and those laws are were they write the laws for themselves or they simply get paid maybe a little bit of a fine they don't have to say whether they're guilty or not and everything is hunky dory when you mention m.f. global hacking into their client funds remember we covered that as well and e-mail shows that. it was a hack it literally was a hack that happened of a segregated accounts the transfer of millions of dollars from a segregated account to j.p. morgan and that happened with approval came within a minute the funds were deposited within fifteen minutes how is that not a hack but it is a hack except with a couple of martinis down to harrison and over after work and you know they cite ola we need to hack a hundred million dollars one hundred fifty million dollars or three billion dollars cura cheerio ok so i mentioned that who has admitted that he hacked sony
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so sony and anonymous are in the same headline here p.s.v. to add phones anonymous as atari teenage riot donate free so sony has inadvertently found itself funding free anon org after band atari teenage riot agreed to one of its tracks being used in a p.s.v. does martial play still needed to see the anonymous legal support group so alex empire of atari t.v. try it has some history with sony which i'll go over in a moment but he said he couldn't resist suggesting track black flags when the japanese company came looking for music for its new wii the advertising campaign the song contains multiple references to anonymous and has been used in several occupy wall street promotional videos oh yeah they're flying the black flag it's pirates versus the old hottentot it's in the potentates of the copyright cartel and this is what these to be supported because the packer groups the piracy groups they
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are filling a void that's been created by the legal infrastructure collapsing in the face of lobbyists who are working on behalf of monopolist undercutting competition hackers and pirates are providing much needed competition for the economy to grow worse the response from the central banks of the other banks is to just increase the debt load to make the economy grow that doesn't make the economy grow makes the economy shrink packer's and pirates are the true g.d.p. posters they're the ones we should celebrate this capital because. there is a rose that i wanted to turn to this blog posting from alec empire of atari teenage riot he's explaining why it is that he was going eating his fee to protecting and defending anonymous operatives who were arrested he said my name is alice empire and i am from atari teenage riot if you were new to my music or me as a person you might not know that i had some beef with sony in the year one thousand nine hundred nine over a camcorder advert in southeast asia a track of mine was basically used against my permission if you ever tried to find
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a corporation like this in court and in another country let me tell you you want to do other stuff with that time and money even though the things i settled in court kind of i never felt they paid what they owed so sony corporation was able to hack this man's music take his stuff and use it on advertisement and then he had to go through all the huge costs and emotional turmoil of trying to take them to court and yet had he done the same to them as did the sorry teenage riot alec empire would be facing one hundred twenty two years in prison right what you hear from the sony corporation another in the copyright cartel is that they're for artists they're for the music they want to help these people but in fact now the artists realize that they're not helping them they're helping to destroy them another fighting back using the tools of hacking piracy and the online digital revolutionary tools to fight back against these pernicious ugly monopolist cartel purveyors like sony and others in the industry and they're not helping artists
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they're artists artists let's get that clear holywood hates artists and lists are able to exploit them and take all their frickin lonely without giving anything in return now we're going to turn into a bet on fighting back against these tollbooths operators who are using them as propaganda to try to tell the world that we need these onerous copyright laws that we need the feds chasing down people around the world. order to defend the young artists right band tells fans to boycott its albums saying its label doesn't pay this is streetlight manifesto their music is awesome they're going to be on the rise reports soon and they said we're writing today to ask you to please boycott all streetlight related items by not purchasing any of our records or merchandise from victories website victory records and the traditional cd stores online third party retailers or any digital distribution service like i tunes amazon except for a victory has a long time reputation of pocketing all of the proceeds from the band's music and
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merchandise with shady accounting and generally bulliest behavior if you want to support street light our music and our ability to tour and continue to release music please make all s.m. related purchases from our own web store at the risk store our i se store dot com or come out to a show and buy a shirt or cd from us directly right streetlight manifesto realizes that they're fighting a copyright blockade there are this they want to get paid but the copyright blockade the copyright cartel is making that impossible so they're going to go all around the blockade and we should support both of these bands of all these artists to totally destroy the copyright cartel copyright law as it's currently iterated lifetime plus seventy years is immoral and it's completely economically unfeasible and these people these bands these artists are going to take on the copyright
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cartel were totally supportive and just as alec empire of atari teenage riot was when he was confronted by people who said oh you're just doing this in order to sell more c.d.'s he said no i'm not here's a link to the bit torrent of my song if you want to go download it ok and the same with streetlight manifesto they and speaking of bit metaphorically there is a torrent of methods to accomplish listening to our music and google is you're always. loyal friends. point market and you know we talked about louie c.k. is an artist in new york a comedian who put his concert up on a torrent for free download and asked for people to donate and raised over a million dollars because there's a huge pool of capital out there what's called crowd funding which allows people to help get around this copyright blockade being set up by the m p a r i a friendly stooges in los angeles and washington now again speaking of offers here's the
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story we're also going to be speaking to some of the people involved in this author's strike back against pay pal censorship of smashwords so smashwords is an online e-book retailer and they basically allow anybody to upload their own content and sell their books now there's a section of erotica which you know might not be in everybody's you know that they might think it's a bit too racy or whatever but smashwords in an e-mail to the subscribers explains that pay pal has asked them to take down two thousand titles from the erotica section and they said we believe it's wrong for credit card companies banks and other financial institutions to censor legal fiction we believe the censorship is targeting a small subset of erotica fiction and same censored themes are prevalent in much mainstream fiction we believe it would be unfair to authors and readers alike for any organization to censor what writers are allowed to imagine what readers are allowed to read if the pay pal restrictions were taken to the extreme many mainstream classics including lolita or gone with the wind could technically be
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banned even the bible could fall under the net since it contains scenes of rape and incest right remember pay pal was one of the first to jump in on the wiki leaks blockade which shut down funding for wiki leaks and shut down a major voice of independent voice freedom of the press and this was unbelievably. immoral and completely out of their men. date as a corporation and now they've extended it to just cherry pick items that they like and they don't like this it's erotica next thing they'll be saying well this author you know we don't like the his syntax you know we get frank rich from new york times review the books he doesn't like it so we're not going to be able to buy the paper this is why alternative currencies like bitcoin are on the rise because again it's a way to do a work around around the blockade by this fascist pay-pal nonsense and i want to cut to the final hacking story here goldman secret greece alone tries to sinners as
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a client unravels a greece a secret loan from goldman sachs was a costly mistake from the start on the day that two thousand and one deal was struck the government of greece owed the bank about six hundred million euros more than that two point eight billion euros of power rode by then the price of the transaction a derivative that disguised the loan and that goldman sachs persuaded greece not to test with competitors had almost doubled to five point one billion euros but so greece blew up twenty five percent of greek g.d.p. in one day one day it was it accounted for twelve percent of goldman sachs its profits that year but this was greece's nine eleven the day they met goldman sachs it was them packing the sovereignty and the future of the nation of greece penalties no martinis yes say sarah thanks mainly cause a report thank you max don't go away much more coming away so stay right there.
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you know sometimes you see a story and six so you think you understand it and then you've lived something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry is a big. look . to the. science technology innovation hall the list of elements from around russia. the future. welcome back to the kaiser reports on now to go to new york city and speak with journalist terry bull of cherry bull dot com jerry is crowdfunding for next
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big piece of investigative journalism terry poole welcome back to the kaiser report climaxes great to be here all right terry bull you're a journalist it was published in many major publications in america and your latest piece is being crowded funded why you know max say to say that it was time to ask the readers what they wanted to see and pay for. this is my first time to try to crowd find a story and it's been an amazing success i have the chance to choose my own editing style and the way that we're going to present this story based on reader feedback so we're going to focus on a new keenan trader who was once beyond the c.c. in the c.f. t.c. who's now doing some maybe shady operations overseas and we're going to look at how that money we're talking millions lost to lots and millions how that money is
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punting his alternate sex life ok so the title of the piece is swinging new canaan and it goes by the symbol swing is on my film dot com if people want to help dissipate a crowd funding your piece so get into some of the particulars here it sounds pretty sexy. let's just say when i tell anyone about this story they just want to hear more of this this story first started though when mitch vance quest in new canaan trader went and turned in his personal assistant his go friday gallery for stealing one hundred seventy thousand dollars from. she was arrested today she's currently charged on some felony charges but when she got caught. she told the new canaan police that you know he was actually paying her to have sex with him and his live in girlfriend chiasson pamela's the sister of change in say traitor who's now in jail daniela chassis so we first saw this story and it was reported it taken for
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headline was like sex and checks right and i noticed that there was probably something a little off about the trader story. so right now what we're looking at is who's telling the truth does she really steal was he paying her for sex for three sums and you know he just doesn't want to admit it knew what what else is going on here and how is money used is he lying to the new canaan police this story was highlighted by john carney as c. and b. c. net that. early january we i had i don't know fifty thousand unique viewers read it within the first twenty four hours and from there it snowballed more people just kept reaching out to me within the community people who had sued mitch has closed over cizik specially in police because they believe that as a client of his trading operation g.c.a. trading that they they've lost the last thousands of dollars. there's x. assistants who have come to me. political leaders in the town and you canin are
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reaching out and talking about the situation and we looked into you know what's really happening here how long has this been going on how long is this bedroom wall street wealthy community even having a very active sweeny life right let's put this on the counter service because people assume all of this you catering in the financial markets and banks it occurs on wall street people don't understand is that actually wall street for the most part are order takers the real movers and shakers are the hedge fund guys in greenwich connecticut in new canaan in this hedge function unity so this is why i think it's important for people to understand that these says fund what they're not ransacked in greece where they're not destroy me. merican economy when they're not destroying this apologies when they're not acting outside of the law stealing money from customers of m.f. global they're out there and came in the game of connecticut owner and threesomes having orgies you know lit up like rome or something like this tell us about you've
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been to your investigation now the subject of investigation has tried to silence you correct how they've done this you know you're right. at the end of january and max mitch bounds quiz hired a famed greenwich lawyer his name is mark sherman his father used to represent the mob unfortunately his dad also played guilty to tax evasion he just didn't pay a million dollars in taxes so so he hires this kind of you know in between the grail lines attorney and they sue me and see n.b.c. for defamation. they disowning else really where in a legal move the does something called a temporary injunction and the goal there was that mr vast quote thought he could just stop me from writing anything else about him while this case which will it will take months to litigate is moving forward they also tried to get him to take his names out of the story in something called the google tag so he wouldn't come up in
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a search and i mean sorry it just goes to the foundations of free speech to stop speech before speech has ever been decided that the speech isn't ok what it is called the harvard digital media law center they jumped right in immediately they were wonderful it did take about two weeks but they found me a top lawyer pro bono which means for free to represent me the lawyer carol head is from. and she also helped to represent the boston globe when mitch and his attorney mark sherman found out that i had this top lawyer the day before the hearing for the temporary injunction they pulled it they ran away. they're still suing me and c. in d.c. for defamation which interesting is. we deny all claims i don't think anything i wrote is libelous considering makes himself a method to the charges that the c a t c the the currency and commodities regulator and the f.c.c.
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securities and a stock regulator who both banned him for five years he's image to these charges but he's upset i wrote about it i think he's really worried about what's coming next and he's worried about the current four x. business that he's operating in somewhat third world countries preying on mom and pop investors who think they can get rich off of trading currencies with this firm while he cyclons off allegedly siphons off monies from these accounts you know and i can't tell what he's afraid of i'm i just keep getting more information and he's got a nasty divorce there's drugs involved i mean you name it luckily you know i have some great excellent legal representation and with the help of my readers you know we're now able to start a new donations coming in to help make sure that the story is going to move forward and it is i'm going to print this story no matter what mitch mountain because tries to do it right so the harassment that you have been suffering it sounds like
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a very similar to slap cases p.p. whereby powerful interest silence bloggers and critics to burdening them with legal bills it's been very effective in silencing those reporting of financial crimes your thoughts well you're absolutely right unfortunately in connecticut where i live the slop laws are not that strong if this if i had been sued in california i likely would have had a lot more legal rights to go and sue mitchell back for a frivolous lawsuit i'm not in that situation right now unfortunately thank goodness though this insight since i have pro bono and free legal representation mr bad guys will not be able to stop this story by burning me with legal bills he might try to scare and intimidate me all right now. the story you're currently investigating of course overlaps with the story of a senior banker at morgan stanley from connecticut who has just been charged with hate crimes tell the audience about his bizarre crime and how he relates to this song in new canaan story you're working on well mr jennings who is
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a managing director was he's on leave now i have morgan stanley. in december he got a cab ride home from new york and he didn't think that he should pay the fare that the cab driver told him that he needed to pay and according to the police reports he started to slur an enormous amount of racial or angry words at him the cab driver drove off tried to go find a cop and allegedly mr mr jennings went to stab almost in the neck it's unclear he put his hand up and he cut his hand this all stabbed up so there was a soul there is a larceny charges and there's there's someone of a hate crime angel here guineans that's interesting you know he lives down the street here from us maybe five minutes away from me as close house he chose an attorney who i understand is his next door neighbor jean. who is from but from my
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investigation is actually part of mitch quests wings see in fact he we recently married. me like a year ago maybe two thousand and ten he narry manches backs assistant. mentors existence from what we understand besides cleaning the fish tank and walking the dog and doing his go friday errands are also allegedly paid to have sex with him his guest his girlfriend pamela chaos. it's amazing. just come out that's a major prostitution ring has been broken. and apparently senior bankers are involved in paying for sex for minors have you been tracking this story at all as it relates to swinging. and you came in the project you're working on now you know i did i just see that come across my radar so far in this story we do not have any situation. with miners involved in the swing scene. what i
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what we are seeing and i you know i don't want to give away everything of this amazing story that's going to come out but there are questions about some of the adult participants if they are. if they are being drugged or if they're of sound mind when they're involved in his party so they he tries to manipulate them to get them to participate yeah well you look at some of the clients of these firms like greece a client of goldman sachs you wonder whether goldman sachs drug them before they took on some of these onerous products and it just totally bankrupted the country now finally we've got a middle of terry investigative journalist here you're right in the belly of the beast up there in the hedge fund community in greenwich in new canaan where really the the movers and shakers of the global economic crisis live and breathe they're involved in scandalous sex capades that you're covering it's quite a testament to the moral depravity of the characters and all right so now crowdfunding the project is swinging in new canaan it's on fire by film dot com
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it's more than two thirds funded already on the exchange it happened within a few days to a testament to your pull your drawing power out there in the journalistic community do you think crowdfunding will as a potential to change the way investigative journalism is funded i hope so max i mean right now what we raised two thousand dollars in a matter of three days when you know thousand dollars more. because because of the money that we always really fast i was able to get nic for a bit of blue chip films who's the director of the bear stearns movie called confidence again he signed on he's excited about it and i think we're going to build a blow up in a story like i have never been able to write it on a new york magazine or fortunate forbes any of the pub. occasions that i regret and for i think this is going to be the zhawar tells and it's going to change the way that we look at you know how can we get news out that is truthful and interesting to our readers face as they go around the time terry bull journalists the terrible
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dot com thanks so much for being on the kaiser report by max all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser and poor with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i want to thank my guest terry bull of terry bull dot com if you want to reserve shares of new projects weighing in in new canaan check out my film dot com going to send an e-mail please do so at kaiser reported r t t v are you until next time x. guys are saying well. the . company.
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