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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour the war on unions is coming to a fast food restaurant near you what is a popular fast food chain had to do with new anti-union legislation also we all know mitt romney is a mormon are going to space prevent him from being able to govern a nation and incidents of daily take freddie macin fannie mae are supposed to help american all owners so why are they leaving millions of us in the dust. in the rest of the rest of the news what does the restaurant chain waffle house have to do with the war on unions the answer can be found down in georgia by
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republicans in states farther up north like wisconsin ohio and indiana are trying to break unions by getting rid of collective bargaining republicans in georgia are trying to silence unions by outlawing one of the most basic forms of union protest picketing and let's just say one of the lead advocates of the legislation as a certain affinity for waffles joining me now to tell his story is that giuliani communication and outreach coordinator with united republic and writer for republic report zed welcome back to the program and thanks for having to have you here with us first things first of what what is this anti picketing law proposed in georgia shares so it's actually no it's a really radical law what it does basically is it outlaws any sort of picketing by anyone perhaps in a labor dispute or a union member at the private residences that's a company executive you know that doesn't mean obviously you can never come on their property it's already illegal but let's say you want to take it outside on
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the sidewalk or if you want to have a demonstration on a street nearby it's actually written into the law that you can't disturb their peace like you can't like you know have be noisy or anything that could that could sort of disquiet and sort of what they're doing at home well i remember during the two thousand election during the recount in florida there was a large group of republican operatives who had circled the naval observatory were were al gore lived and shouting twenty four seven showed with bullhorns get out of dick cheney's house his children were terrified it's. this is kind of the this would make that illegal but he would even make just standing with a sign it would write. what. what if he's behind this. mass and i have some friend in the legislature there who thinks that maybe in aleko but they can't prove it obviously they've closed doors on this and it's not actually something that you're seeing in other states and it's really a radical new frontier in georgia but the legislator who's pushing it the senator
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is pushing his name is don balfour and he's been actually an executive with waffle house for twenty five years he's a vice president really you know it's sad to see only at the moment still you know he's sitting vacant end he's also on the board of the georgia chamber of commerce so you know it's fairly obvious that they've been pushing it that executives you know process they have georgia gleeful that they've already broken unions they've already killed collective bargaining in the state but now they're actually going up you're very right to protest against corporations first you can't formally organize against and they can't even speak up against them you know in the proximity of someone's home well and legally speaking they actually could pass a lot of this effect because the first amendment the constitution says you can't be stopped from petitioning your government for redress of grievances but not you can't be stopped from petitioning eighteen teeth because it's minus and so i think they plan to have constitutional challenges to it but i think you might be correct and that's to me is the most scary thing and personally i don't think i don't think
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of it as a conservative or a right left thing i think of this as an authoritarian thing they're literally trying to take away your liberty to do these demonstrations i mean it's the it's the same thing that if you actually go back to the founding of our every country you know you had a group of people and the founding fathers who started a group called the sons of liberty and one thing that they would continually do when the founding days of the revolution was they would picket the homes of british tax collectors to protest against just tax arrangements those people would all be criminals and i mean there is sam adams in jail under this law in georgia i mean this is how radical this is what's being proposed here well in fact many of those tax collectors were actually employees of the british east india company that had you know the british. advertised a lot of government functions including in many places tax collections so they were picketing against a corporation. although you could argue it was. were this is law fit into the broader war on free speech that we've been seeing waged against wall street you
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know it's it's fascinating. the senate hopefully doesn't go any further than that but you know i'm not optimistic but you're also seeing some other laws around other sorts of activism i mean there's one called people are calling it the ag gag bill and it's basically agricultural industry is doing heavily the legislators and they're passing a law making it illegal to biddy a tape you know undercover let's say a factory farm so one if you're an animal activist you're upset about that because you're not being able to see abuse of animals but if you're just someone who wants to see what's in your food if you want to see it's being made well if you don't want diseases and germs and all these bacteria in your in your food the undercover investigation is going on. you know you should also be really angry about this law because it's also attacking your free speech an attack in the public's right to know on behalf of corporations and what corporations are doing right now has nothing to do with being conservative or liberal or progressive or moderate or whatever it's simply an attack on your liberty on behalf of their profits and upton sinclair would be in jail. thanks so much here to have you with us aside from
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making eggs and waffles it appears as though waffle house wants to reverse the american revolution to something to think about the next time you snag some breakfast. so sometimes you know what you know and sometimes you know what you don't know and sometimes is the firesign theater says everything you know is real. i don't think you you mean you're you're right. to say that you're right. as the presidential primary says as the presidential primary season continues it appears the net romney will likely be the republican candidate for president come election day and romney his supporters will say that his mormon faith will have no impact on his ability to commander chief some aren't so sure so if you think that mitt romney mormon question will go away before the election everything you know about mitt romney and mormonism is wrong joining me now is trisha erickson political consultant crisis manager and the author of the new book can mitt romney serve two masters the mormon
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church versus the office of the presidency of the united states of america trisha welcome thanks for having me on i can count thanks for joining us you argue that romney's devotion to his mormon faith would prevent him from being able to serve as president. that's a long story i'm going to try to shorten the answer he has made a blood oath in the secret mormon temple ceremonies to put his church first before everything he has an eternal goal that goes much further and past when his life on this earth his name go. after his presidency is when he goes to the next life he believes that he is going to become a literal god is this true that he will have to give an award in his own planet in which he will call his wife and on to her secret name that was given to
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him in his in the secret mormon temple ceremony that only he knows which will put him in charge of her salvation actually when he calls an on his way and then they will have relation to populate their planet was spirit children as they believe that our god has a wife on his planet and that he did this saying we are are god's children from our god mother and god. look at all the stuff that you can find in the book of mormon and some would argue that you can take a literally or metaphorically much is that much of the stuff that's in the bible how do you know if mitt romney actually believes all this stuff when he you can i get more and more men than mitt romney and i have been through the same thing for example ceremonies making. my name from ear to ear. open and going forward for my gauthier or whatever to fall out on to the ground to follow the church first before anything else and there is
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a goal for the mormon church that. they want to become the government of god became a on earth that they believe that when jesus comes back to earth in the millennium then he's going to come to jackson county missouri where they believe that that's where the garden of eden is. and when they get they will brain equal we're god eat treasure jack kennedy jack kennedy every sunday used to go drink the blood of jesus and eat the body of jesus i mean that's that's you know if you portray it that way it's pretty gruesome and pretty weird and if he really believed in catholicism then he had to have read the book of revelations and he thought that there were four horsemen coming and you know jesus coming on the sky and all these horrible things are going to happen and and you know if there's like some genuinely weird stuff that christians and catholics believe and many of their practices are and you know well when the catholic church there are no women priests. you could
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extrapolate an awful lot from somebody being catholic jimmy carter was a was a born again protestant and you know the same thing i mean i could give you a dozen examples of whack a doodle protestant ministers have come up with various things you know from slain in the spirit to the importance of if you know full body immersion baptism how does somebody being a member of a church that has idiosyncratic or weird beliefs or what might strike somebody who has grown up in another church as a weird believe you know how does mitt romney's mormonism represent any more of a threat to america or disqualify him as president any more than john kennedy john kennedy's kampala cism or jimmy carter's born again protestantism. well i guess the system imposes its kind of citizen is maybe more acceptable and in the bible you don't have to because there's more cloud of something catholics in the united states i mean there there's actually there is there are equally weird doctrines but
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no they're not equal i don't know of any religion or i'm sorry islam that you know you get your own planet and you become a god i don't like islam you get your own planet islam is a neighbor i'm a religion based on the oldest of the afterlife in the album version the opposite of doubt and mormonism is based you get your planet and you become a god equal to our god and all mormons believe that they will get their planet if they follow the church first before anything else they will get well nigh gorman's belief that you know not all catholics believe that the drinking gillmore a lot of me and i had mormons believe that i wouldn't care i'm a former bishop daughter i trust me they believe they may be suspicious but perhaps it's the bishop there are secular mormons out there there are mormons who just kind of don't have a clue and they just go to go to temple on weekends and go where they can get in their temple you know they can go as far as more indifferent as mitt romney has
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gone and i read. you have to be interviewed by the bishop to be able to get into the secret temple ceremony so you're saying this is like the masons like you're getting inducted into the higher orders. to go on that is your vision of the mormon church yes he was a bishop and went to church and he even went thought of going down the i'm a bishop governor mitt romney mccain but then he even got promoted sta katie president recently he was the boss there were about were held warren you can't get more mormon and indoctrinated in mormonism then the family of mitt romney and mitt romney thank you so much for being with us tonight thank you very much now everything you know about mitt romney mormonism and the presidency is right maybe. coming up in tonight's daily take i'll tell you about the inside man the republicans have in the obama administration working to do you rail the economic recovery.
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says. the for. the official. enjoy a phone line called touch from the. john c. . video on demand all season long cold calls. and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com.
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take my take is your chance to send in your questions comments branson observations about anything we talk about here on the big picture or during my radio show our first comment i comes from an anonymous caller our viewer rant rod he had this to say about a book recommendation i gave on a previous show. tom i wonder your vision of doc i read the authoritarians the book on the right way for terry white i just want to really say appreciate that a lot and it occurs to me that the single biggest in preventing terrorism play fair with the war and israel this time it should be to find ways to cope with this internal threat people that have basically are against the concept of civilization i really appreciate the tip mark thank you. thanks a lot for your call i'm not sure that they're opposed to civilization i think they just think that civilization should be ordered hierarchical patriarchal with a small group of people in charge and everybody else saying yes sir yes sir all the
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time this is this is the essence of authoritarianism there's another good book if you've read the authoritarians was inspired by that book john dean actually the former white house counsel nixon administration wrote it he's a brilliant fellow and it's a brilliant book it's called conservatives without conscience and i strongly suggest you check it out this is also a topic i talk about in my book cracking the code and we're going to send you an autographed copy of the book so you can learn more about it our next comment of the night comes to us from ron our thom hartmann facebook page he had this to say about the u.s. soldier who murdered says six sixteen afghan civilians over the weekend tom he wrote many people have thought this was p.t.s.d. from way too many terms served by some of our troops what if it was some kind of crusade by some of our troops what that. that would be truly horrible and and frankly i doubt that i would be astounded if this was some you know christianity gone wrong or some you know religious. reports from some of the people on the
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ground to the local afghans is that it was two or three american soldiers who appeared very intoxicated it was two o'clock in the morning and they just came in and shot the place up that makes a fair amount of sense to me they got drunk and this is you know as robert greenwald said it earlier tonight you teach people how to kill how to murder and then you tell them not to kill doesn't always work out so this is what happens in war and this is why we shouldn't be declaring years unless absolutely necessary and offensive and our final comment of the night comes from our facebook page also comes from a face page delroy posted this about him my discussion about iran and he said tom i often disagree with your apologist notions concerning the democratic party and blah blah blah ministration there but i love your smack down on those i and rand does on these you know what's amazing to me this happened today on the radio show we had
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a expert on about iran randon and actually it was george monbiot the british journalist who wrote this incredible piece about iran and how she's corrupt american politics and it got all these calls from these iran zombies young p. i think somebody posted tweeted out and people going what i read atlas shrugged and it's just wonderful yes we should let the billionaires control everything all the workers they're just leeches it's amazing and one last thing we broadcast a half a billion homes in over two hundred countries around the world and we want to hear from all of you that's why actually it's one hundred countries not to it that's why there are two hundred countries that's who created our big picture world map our goal is to receive a comment from every country in the world over the weekend we received a comment from ireland telling us to check out our movie i haven't seen the movie yet but you can find a link to it on our message boards last week somebody from the u.k. wrote was fired by our own message board to tom hartman dot com as well so you can go there or our facebook page and leave a message for us and be sure to include where you're from this week we're calling
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on the fine folks of argentina. it's just. it's the good the bad of the very very soon to epigraph asli oddly the good f. sure word roland roland passed away this weekend at the age of eighty four he was a chemistry professor who warned of the world in the one nine hundred seventy s. the man made chemicals could destroy the ozone layer as a result he was largely responsible for starting the global initiatives to help protect our environment and fight global warming in one thousand nine hundred five he was awarded the nobel prize along with three other scientists for their work in discovering the role of people played in destroying the ozone layer global warming has become a serious threat to our environment it's important we continue to expand upon one's groundbreaking work and not let it be for naught. the bad conservative
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misinformation it appears the constant misinformation spread by conservatives is actually starting to have a greater effect on the american public poured into a new public policy polling poll over half of mississippi republican voters and nearly forty five percent of alabama republican voters believe that president obama is a muslim so when the president has repeatedly told the nation he's a christian he publicly attends church services still being able to use their misinformation campaigns to influence the american voting. for newt gingrich to talk a lot about shari'a law or his campaign down solve it and it seems these writers and a very very ugly can griffin griffin a hedge for hedge fund billionaire and one of the four hundred wealthiest americans told the chicago tribune this weekend that america's ultra wealthy citizens don't have enough influence in government and in the political process that's right even though billionaires are bankrolling presidential campaigns and corporate c.e.o.'s
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are influencing registration all across the country griffin thinks these people should have more sway in our democracy the fact is america is ultra wealthy and the constant shelling out of politics money into politics ruined our political process spending more than three hundred million bucks and twenty thousand alone to elect the most corporate friendly house of representatives in history griffin's wish to see money have even more control over our government piri piri. right now more than eleven million americans are underwater on their home mortgages meaning they owe more money than their houses were there's an easy solution so somebody has a house with a two hundred thousand dollars mortgage on it because of the bush crash houses only with one hundred fifty thousand dollars. if the book if the bank were to write down
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the mortgage to one hundred fifty thousand dollars then the homeowner could refinance if it is lower rates or sell the house both of which would naturally stimulate the economy banks of course don't want to do this because they'd have to come up with the fifty thousand dollars to make the spread between the two but there's a mechanism already in place that takes that load off the banks and that's for fannie or freddie who backstop about eighty percent of us mortgages to take the hit themselves there's even a law that lets them do it to get the economy up and running immediately and overnight republicans in the senate are blocking it and they're succeeding because they have an inside man on the job meet ed demarco the acting director of the federal housing finance agency which oversees mortgage giants fannie mae and freddie mac. and according to huffington post business editor peter goodman demarco is the single largest obstacle to meaningful economic recovery and a man who knows americans and probably never heard of with eleven million americans
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locked in their homes because they're underwater and millions of them staring down foreclosure and we're demarco holds enormous power and the fear is he's using his power to hinder any efforts by president obama to repair the economy economists know the best way to save the housing market is to refinance mortgages for underwater homeowners writing off principal balances and lowering interest rates within months that would allow people who. to move out of their homes they can't afford to buy new homes elsewhere sparking another real estate boom plus since america will no longer be paying into an underwater mortgage blackhole will have more money to spend elsewhere and stimulate the economy president obama has insisted that much of the recent twenty five billion dollar mortgage fraud settlement the banks toure's should go directly to this kind of refinancing our governors like jim john cases in ohio. will use of other things. president's housing security secretary shaun donovan is also calling for widespread home refinancing and democrats in congress are pleading for refinancing assistance for
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struggling homeowners as well but none of the people i just mentioned can actually do it and none of them can actually force refinance however ed demarco this guy can since fannie mae and freddie mac. are currently backstopping all of these mortgages in america including more than three million underwater mortgages it's up to those two agencies to sign off on reef eyes since they're the ones who are primarily take it i mean it's up to ed to marco as the head regulator of fannie and freddie and the market was saying no way basically tomorrow is saying this is his job is to clean up the books at the mortgage giants he shouldn't be letting them spend money on refinancing plain and simple he's looking at the bottom line in the ongoing housing crisis is like refusing to put out a fire in your kitchen with water from your sink because you don't want your water bill to go up and despite all the pressure coming from the obama administration coming from congressional democrats who are collecting eighty five thousand
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signatures in a petition they have to marco removed from office and marco isn't budging it's as though he got his marching orders from mr our job is to make obama a one term president senator mitch mcconnell who by coincidence is making this whole fiasco worse you see president obama made the mistake of appointing a marco was acting director back in two thousand and nine a decision the president immediately regretted doing demarco turned out to be just a shill for the bankers in the republican party. so the president last year now i'm a native north carolina banking commissioner joseph smith to replace the marco and finally give aid to struggling homeowners in the way i just described unfortunately mitch mcconnell's republican senators you know those guys and said hey our first oath is to the republican party and to make sure that president obama is a one term president doesn't matter what's best for the people of america the homeowners they have refused to confirm smith was keeping to marco in his
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temporary acting job he's not even the director right there good smith the guy that they want to have as the director the republicans won't have a hearing in the united states senate to confirm him into this position so the market was standing in the way of a housing market recovery in other words there's like this giant boulder in the road to economic recovery and the republicans are saying to president obama when he says that let's move his border let's get this new guy in here the whole way we want a bad economy it will but you know that job numbers might be improving in recent months but if american homeowners don't get the relief they need in this recovery it will be short lived it's a call your republican senators and ask them why they're blocking health help for homeowners ask them why making the president a one term president is more important than helping out eleven million american homeowners ed tomorrow needs to go and the president is trying to get rid of it.
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that's the republican the senator saying no way this guy's keeping the economy in bad shape we need to put pressure on republicans to let his replacement take his job. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we've covered visit our website to tom harkin dot com for space dot org an archie dot com also check out our two youtube channel is there a link to tom hartman dot com also tom hartman our contract at all the different ways you can send us your feedback please remember that my radio show is now live from three to six pm eastern on free speech t.v. and radio stations across the nation and around the world and don't forget democracy begins when you get out there and get active show up occupy something tag your it sort of our.
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