tv [untitled] March 13, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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keep. the old. technology innovation all the lives developments around russia we've got this huge earth covered. book that you are with r.t. and here's a look at the top stories the syrian opposition wants foreign military forces to staff it out of mit's weapons are coming from abroad and security council foreign ministers met to try to break the deadlock amid reports of escalating violence. militants attacked a government delegation visiting want you out down villages where the u.s. soldier allegedly went on a shooting rampage over the weekend the incident prompted a raft of apologies from the u.s.
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but also a pledge that it would not leave troops to leave sooner than planned. and greece holds its breath for rescue cash as the eurozone financier's give next bailout a green line but a lack of e.u. help on matters like illegal immigration take a toll on the indebted nation. up next the story of a british intelligence officer who spent most of his life spying for the soviet union. his life was shrouded in secrecy and he left a remarkable legacy. he received decorations from the spanish dictator franco and queen elizabeth of britain. he shook hands with a hitler and swiftly rose to the top of the british intelligence service. but the whole time he was in fact a soviet agent. many saw to one rebel that kim philby enigma
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during his life and a quarter of a century after his death is still the subject of continuing debate. the cambridge graduate realizes what's in store for him when he agrees to go to regents park in the center of london for a secret meeting. but he couldn't even imagine how dramatically his life would change after that talk with a stranger. an economic crisis breaks out in the west in the one nine hundred thirty s. stock exchanges have collapsed heralding the beginning of the great depression the british labor party suffer the defeat hunger marches follow on the heels of one another in britain progressive minded young people begin to sympathize with
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communist ideals. there was a hunger about it came through cambridge in in february i think that before so this was the first time that these privileged students had actually seen working five people they felt guilt about being third privilege they felt horror at seeing the poverty in britain in the early one nine hundred thirty s. . kim philby is among the aristocracy cambridge students helping to provide food for the hungry unemployed he's reading economics of trinity college philby becomes a member of cambridge university's socialist society where communist tutors have a good deal of political leverage with the students the economics was the most radical third character in cambridge in the twenty's and that marked the economics with being disco. hitler comes to power in germany in one nine hundred thirty three europe becomes infected with nazi ideology. after graduating from college will be
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his to a restless austria for the first time he sees the horrors of fascism with his own eyes will be helped smuggle disgraced communists out of the country. sunny's shah in a first cyclops nonassertive he's a typical bookworm he's ready to anything for his widow the further consideration by nature she's prone to pessimism so she needs cheering up. the soviet intelligence headquarters received that summary of character of the potential recruit from its agent arnold deutsch after his first encounter with kim philby. the second meeting was to moscow decides to recruit him their timing couldn't have been better this fill the isabelle to join the communist party of great britain a soviet intelligence has very different plans for him. so age you must change your. perception people have you way from being left wing possibly
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communist. the recruit to exactly the opposite you have to build up my fashions front and then you can proceed to lifelong son of the russian intelligence penetrate the british intelligence of. philby greens without further consideration the cambridge graduate takes on the role of a fascist but upholding the cause of communism. he joined the anglo german fellowship heavey young to cover himself off from these socialist wanted friends. and gradually formed a new persona for himself. with the help of new contacts philby heads for germany where he meets with foreign minister von ribbentrop. when soviet intelligence decides to send philby to spain
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a country being torn apart by civil war it was ribbentrop himself who helped get him the visa. and the times newspaper accredits philby has its report that with franco's own forces the young journalist and intelligence officer reaps the benefits of beginner's luck and christmas eve of nine hundred thirty seven he was writing and a jeep other jeep was hit with a near it a mortar shell there were four of them in that cheek three were killed kim philby was not history would have been so different if he had died with the other three that day franco personally decorates the young journalist and the medal for valor he doesn't even suspect that the man is only too willing to assassinate him. i can appreciate your original plan was to kill franco the job was intrusted to feel that he was supposed to shoot him or something like that but the plan was aborted the reasoning was that in order fastest would simply step into franco's shoes or near
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wheel begins to enjoy more trust from both soviets and british however he isn't recruited by british intelligence until the start of world war two . in one nine hundred forty poland is occupied and france surrenders. fill the joint m i six where he give lessons on sabotage and subversion philby once he gets into m i six positions himself in a way to get as much information as possible and housing through it and gets access to the archives there is virtually nothing six archives during the second world war which will be does not have access. to whitfield who is in charge of the n.s.a.'s archives i become quite a friend of mine he had a liking for pink gins which i shared this friendly connection paid off and i was usually in a position to get files rather more quickly and easily the many my colleagues. the
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rev of the rose to be. the british intelligence representative. in charge of the whole of the iberian peninsula which was quite an important job because all the peace favors it came from germany towards britain during that difficult period when it was doubtful whether britain could stand the nazi attack came through the iberian peninsula. during world war two leslie park is a top secret location in britain the most valuable information comes from this including center. british forces can decode into said. the german radio messages faster than anyone else. but they're not prepared to share much information with a soviet allies. britain possesses several german made the need cryptographic machines they can only decode messages if they recognize the key the problem is
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that the germans change that every day in a bid to prevent others from listening to their secrets. when you set up the machine to a key there are a huge number of possible ones you could use that huge number the figure that he often quoted is about one hundred fifty eight million million million different ways. british mathematicians solved the problem by inventing a machine called bomb for the express purpose of identifying the keys. it works around the clock processing millions of combinations in search of the only correct one oversees doing is creating a whole process up and able to write that code within approximately fifteen to twenty minutes where it would take you several days doing a pencil and by. bicycle korea's take information to london as soon as it's
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processed in fact still it quite often receives as many records decoded eventually as churchill sometimes he's even the first to get them. to come redstone and if europe has come to the conclusion that the rapid campaign against the soviet union is necessary on the grounds that ukraine should be in german hands before harvest position of southern russia is essential since it allows for the return it base for advance towards iraq. over the course of world war two fill the sense nine hundred fourteen documents to moscow even though his reports are so valuable that they're immediately sent on to stun instead there are times when moscow is distrustful of its. fish agents notably kim philby they believe that he must be simply because nobody could get hold of material as good as it is and they even send something to the person to follow him or. to try and see him making contact with the british deceivers who are deceiving us having.
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a turning point in relations with the british agents follows a defining moment in the course of the war philby is the first to alert stalin to operation citadel plans german advance against course the largest tank battle of world war two would involve twelve hundred tanks in a head on crash having been given the funds morning soviet troops mount an offensive leaving enemy forces no chance of success. the germans call back after losing about half a million lines of the battle the soviet troops then forge ahead no longer retreat . and were still going to do so above everything else he reveled in the outcome of the course. i did it he would say he was proud of the fact that he had supplied very detailed military technical and strategic secrets that helped win that the size of battle the way in is that i think it's. of no less importance is
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the fact that philby supplies dispatches about the situation in the allied camp as well as about the enemy if thoughts of the current union of allies would not last. long before the end of the war with germany the secret intelligence service began to turn this force towards the next enemy between the walls the greater part of the service his resources had been devoted to the political of the soviet union when he defeated the axis was in sight a serious thinking reverted to its old channels. m i six sets up a special division for soviet studies moscow give the talons of british intelligence officers of the topic of penetrating into. kim philby exceeds expectations in less than six months the soviet agent becomes head of the division charged with the soviet threat. in other words he's the person who is in a position to look at everything that we know. what the soviet union and
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soviet intelligence is doing. not simply in britain and the contacts that it has with people in the communist party so that was an extraordinary achievement. by a twist of fate philby's us recommends him for an award for his services to britain during world war two the queen personally decorates him with the most excellent order of the british empire the career of the intelligence officer continues to rise and becomes one of the candidates for the post of head divan i six the highest rank in british intelligence.
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philby a sense to washington in nineteen forty nine to promote concepts between u.k. and u.s. secret service it's as a result of the soviet agent finds himself at the heart of every british and american intelligence operation during one of the most tense periods of the cold war. he is well aware of all undercover operations against countries of a socialist blog in particular he learns about subversive plans in helping india and the soviet union itself or groups of seven turns were regularly airdropped into those countries. british and american exchange precise information about the timing and geographical coordinates of their operations i do not know what happened to
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those groups but i can make an informed guess. the biggest breakthrough rifle of american intelligence during the period where he is in washington is to great wartime soviet codes. came philby looks on as the americans pinpoint the source leaking intelligence about the development of a uranium bomb to the soviet union in one nine hundred forty three the united states is ready itself to become the world's first superpower with the help of the nuclear bomb but it soon turns out that the soviet union had created an exact replica when the americans eventually to create a soviet radio grahams they learned that the nuclear leakage originated at the british embassy the circle begins to narrow field he finds the soviet agent donald mclean on a list of suspects he felt obliged to tell mclean partly to protect himself because he didn't know how much mclain knew about his role. so he tipped
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off. philby thinks help from a friend and fellow soviet agent guy burgess like philby burgess is working in washington at the same time moreover he's even living in philby's home. burgess's task is to meet mcclain in london to help in fleet of the soviet union before he can be interrogated one of the things that kim philby had said to bird is go back and alert him but do not affect yourself because it will bring out attention to me here in the united states what horrifies philby is that it is goes well and what it is promised him that he wouldn't go as well and from that moment on woods will be as under this is special shortly afterwards philby is recalled to london to face a series of protected interrogations and british station on and off mock trial over the course of five years but they fail to uncover enough incriminating evidence to
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prosecute philby as an insider and a seasoned intelligence officer he knows all too well how the system works the prosecutor cannot. give away the reason that he is suspicious of you without also giving away. he came to receive that information as he said they would say how do you play he would say i can must just be coincidence and he stonewalled block. the investigators a lot of words interrogators a levels i couldn't pin him down easily niña will be suffered from vertigo he often said but if british counterintelligence attempted to torture him with heights during interrogation in the early one nine hundred fifty s. he would completely spill the beans. even though the investigation into filby is closed he's fired from his job at the intelligence service in one nine hundred fifty five
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washington insists that the case be reopened the media he's in broome they will be . philby as a victim of persecution the british foreign secretary is compelled to make a public statement clearing him of all suspicions phillipe also has to make a public appearance up there was a third man we're back but no i was not. after several years of interactivity philby rejoins the british intelligence service former fellow officers don't question his innocence to find a job for him in beirut where he fishley works as a reporter for the observer and the economist. for covering. syria jordan egypt. most of the time of traveling from beirut as our base we're covering thought occurred in war richard beeston is one of those who maintains close contact with philby in beirut the two men often drink and picnic together no doubt local britons have already heard
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a lot about the reputation of the men who had helped soviet agents to defect. but nobody musters enough courage to ask the question point blank however the curiosity of beast and wife eventually gets the better of her. without thinking a lot and she turned to him and said are you really the man and he said what would you do if if you happened to a great friend of yours who is going to get into trouble with wario law it's your country. also your friendship. so you really gave it away. it's not until nine hundred sixty two the demo six gets hold of credible information from a defector kim philby is finally revealed as a soviet agent. nicholas elliott his fellow officer travels to be read to interrogate him and fielding makes a partial confession. what he admitted was being russian agent two hundred
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forty six you know a great time and so well not after nine forty six. and elliot and m i six believe that they actually the head of m i five and the head of a bicycle joint three write a letter to the head of the f.b.i. i j edgar hoover saying we believe that phil b. has told the truth only work for the russians until forty six the few days later when for believes russia they realize that it's all really rather embarrassing. philby's escaped the country he spent thirty years spying for is now we gave it to them in january nine hundred sixty three he set foot on soviet soil so philby spends his fifty first winter in moscow. is surrounded with care and attention and secrecy. in the us as the englishman becomes come under a view of the rich mountains. the interesting kim philby has never
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waned there was very significant efforts to try to monitor what he was doing and so union he was leading a comfortable life. eleanor's flats in the center of moscow to be in the apartment of the foreign service offices he had k.g.b. people to carry on these everywhere we want to go to the bolshoi tickets were raw and one of the table restaurant was done for. phil b. enjoys the perks but he's aching to get back into action. he seeks work to fit into general but instead all he gets is a general's pension. filmy seen as a hero and is even awarded the order of lenin the country's highest decoration. yes he's not let out of his golden cage. he would tell me that he had been overflowing with information he would write numerous memos but later he realized
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nobody needed all that you can imagine how that ground knowledgeable man must have fellas it's no wonder he was prone to drinking bouts once he remarked that hard drinking was the easiest way of suicide i suspect that initially he might even have been doing it with that same interview. tries to help him overcome his destructive habits kim coles other woman of his life and boasts about her in letters to friends radio journalist derek to morning is one of them. posting or a basing myself when i see that her mother is ten days younger than i am anyway i can attest that the giving of my life is called a. ravine or was put off by the fact that she was twenty years cancer junior but she succumbs to his english charm kim proposes to her after just
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a couple of dates. he told me right away he wanted to take me to siberia. i thought it was a funny proposal it's not that anyone would laugh at the prospect of spending one's honeymoon in siberia it's like go into exile. they travel a lot together both across the vast soviet union and in several socialist countries . gary a is their favorite because of the cuisine the. game is a talented cook but he's unable to show off his skills to the full given the widespread shortages in the soviet union. was we tried to buy goods we were told each of us was entitle it only to one half of a goose there was the rule in those days i still remember the miserable expression on kim's face but i can't cook half
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a goose he explained so i had to plead with the shop's top manager to sell us an entire goose and she complied that was our joint a victory. while living in the soviet union will be mrs some of the home comforts of england the k.g.b. set aside a special funds to pay for them. before each trip to denmark i would sit it out of the intelligence department to get his permission word to buy thousand dollars worth of goods for philby or for him not to be asked for a trade pieced tweed jackets and of course whiskey or some of his favorite things. in the one nine hundred seventy s. nicholas behind the k.g.b. his decision to open a school to train young men to be secret service operatives classes a hell of a secret location and downtown moscow at long last kim philby has been given the
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opportunity to lecture and grateful audience on the operations of the british intelligence service and teaches them how to analyze political events. i love the brain teasers he gave us i remember philby posing as someone representing the fabric and we were supposed to spot a tiny piece of very important information in what he was saying as it turned out it was contained in the pope's recent circular letter some of the political accents there could change public opinion and all of latin america something that would be a complete folly to ignore what he really was a great analyst and scholar business school. phillip knightley is the only western journalist to be allowed to see kim philby the opportunity comes only in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight when perestroika is the order of the day nightly spent nearly a week with philby allowing him to make up his mind about the former agent it was
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an ideological and anybody who says it was not a logical commitment. didn't understand. all the stories about living in poverty. going back to being known simply to rubbish as an unhappy. i'm going to wonderful wife. wonderful colleagues not only in moscow but. wherever i go i wasn't that to be a burden for june and the country which i considered three my own country ever since nineteen thirty nine thirty three. he was disappointed with brezhnev but he thought well under both things were going well and that the future for socialism was bright. he didn't live to see the collapse of the soviet so it. had to look at the he once told me he wanted to become an orchestra conductor that
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classical music inspires him he always won his arms while listening to it. we often listen to frank sinatra's my way together that. kim's life his character and his aspirations for in harmony with that song. god. and the. soil. of find. his treasure he's an extremely able try to see we're going to suppose the names they call him i think the english are proud or feel great to them only an englishman could be a man of such stature and such integrity who could in the long run who were new way to use their contribution to the intelligence who was. a major player
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