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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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are you guys thanks so much for coming in and i thank you. all right time for another break and we come back and said it i read it and then is germany occupying and you speak with author william black about the plight of the countries they gave up their economic. top stories this are not see the u.n. forces ahead in this effort to mediate peace in syria with russia backing the push for a diplomatic solution to the syrian opposition. from abroad while some countries continue their calls for military intervention. in attacking afghan government delegation visiting the site where sixteen civilians were killed by a rampaging u.s. soldier leaving one dead and three injured we can now see there was led to widespread fury with american rallies across the country. approves the second bailout to greece which will see the country stave off bankruptcy for the time
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being while the eurozone crisis rages on the nonstop flow of regulations from brussels continues forcing firms out of business. for me those stories unfold in the meantime we're heading back to washington for the second part of the any other show. the world with. its technology innovation all these developments from around russia we've. covered. our guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond by brilliant engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because we've got something to say and listen now first i want to respond to many of our viewers that are upset about a comment that our tease christine for his hour made on our happy hour segment on friday here's what as collision comments on you tube and said o m g did r t get
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bought out this is the worst crap i have ever seen for they quote they hate the military are you kidding me brawn pawn the supporters do not hate the military we have always supported our military it is our current foreign policy that we oppose there is a huge difference first off you know our team didn't get bots got a lot of negative feedback you guys about that statement but i would urge those of you that are upset with the context of christine's combat the coverage that both receivers out r.t. as a whole have given to ron paul and his supporters nobody can ever believe that ron paul hates the military or the supporters do in fact quite the opposite you notice are one of the only or what if not one of the only networks that actually covers ron paul support within the military but the whole point of the our casual sometimes i think statements need to go unfinished got a little sloppy i can assure you that ron paul hates the military was not what christine intended to say so how little faith don't act like one comment invalidates all the coverage next i'll respond if you're the watched our interview
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on the coney two thousand and twelve video produced by the group invisible children who are set on facebook there is no right side in this conflict from so far away i can't tell if there truly is a lesser evil and i think that's why this video really has caused such a stir and been effective to make everything quite simple for the viewer just good versus evil unfortunately while cody is certainly an evil man nothing is a symbol of that seems especially when you're advocating for international intervention as least taken out and final. i want to respond to a new viewer a.j. pape tweet us to show way to bring it to michelle. mn first time i've seen your show well done so i just want to say thank you for watching all of them and making fun of bachman is always a good time so keep coming back and spread the word and i'll set my rantings and i are back with more as usual later in the week.
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hey guys well guess what this week is sunshine week and even though spring is in the air here in d.c. so isn't about the weather this is about shining a light on a government secrecy the sunshine week was created in two thousand and five by the american society for news editors and it's designed to highlight the public's right to know what its government is doing and why and ever since the society first came up with this idea or journalism groups have expanded the concept to create sunshine week as we know it so this week we're going to be hunting scouring i live in a few issues on how transparency comes into play now here is the first one here is . so here's the first thing that i would like to talk about it's senate bill twenty one o five aka the cyber security act of two thousand and twelve it's legislation even
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the first attempt by capitol hill to crack down on cybersecurity but it's the latest one of the support of much of congress and the backing on the part of homeland security it was introduced by joe lieberman and susan collins before going into the details of the bill let me just remind you how cybersecurity is one of the roots issues just think back to when we were going proposed the internet's killswitch here's how we explained a cyber security threat to c.n.n.'s candy crowley. this is a matter of national security a cyber attack on america can do as much or more damage to the person. or communications or our. transportation as a conventional war. gasol event is loves to fearmonger about cyber security issues and it's not too surprising that he's behind this year's cyber security act if this bill would put the part of homeland security in charge of creating requirements and guidelines for some government and many private websites both government and
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private companies would be subject to these requirements including those deemed as critical infrastructure information and so guess what anything that satisfies the critical infrastructure information act of two thousand and two isn't subject to four other freedom of information act which is pretty important because right now we still don't know what type of information what type of communication is created as a result of the bill are going to be put under the ever expanding guise of critical critical infrastructure and therefore will be exempt from for it and so that's got a lot of people talking putting myself and it's got a lot of them concerned open government groups are calling on lawmakers to take the emphasis off of past tracking this bill so that politicians can weigh out the safety versus the transparency aspects of the writing an open letter to lawmakers group highlights how the bill would keep even more government information in the dark section seven zero four g. is too broad according to the group and that's a part of it explains how limiting public knowledge about information shared in the
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cyber security exchanges would be a bad policy so there you have it the cyber security act aimed at protecting infrastructure which is currently run in some open space with not only expanded definition of what's critical infrastructure making sure the public's out of the loop on what's happening but it would also violate n.d.a. and keep whistleblowers exposed so call me crazy but the outcry over fast tracking twenty fifteen seems to be appropriate just as one example of your right to government transparency being trampled on and sadly we're just going to have more examples for you throughout the week. now in order to secure a second bailout and remain solvent greece implemented the biggest debt write down in history today vulcan's privately held bonds have now been swapped with new ones worth less than half of their original value but despite the move fears the greece will still be saddled with far too much that remain exactly what the greek population has been forced to accept austerity and wage cuts really needs to hear
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but is it time to start talking about alternatives other ways out and just what happened at and t. or modern monetary theory summit in italy so the world ready for a fresh perspective to get out of a slump joining me to discuss is william black associate professor of law and economics at the university of missouri kansas city and author of the book the best way to rob a bank is to own one thanks so much for joining us again and i guess first you know i want to get your take on this big his debt write down in history the happened to today the way that you wrote it you compared it to the occupy movement here in the u.s. wall occupiers are trying to occupy wall street and you say that the entire country of greece is occupied by germany right now yeah reoccupied of course they did it world work too with the aid of the puppet government and this time and they're even more efficient because they're being in. a typical government there's even talk of german tax collectors to germany to crack down in the latest
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occupation. but i guess they have seen this coming right i mean if you're going to sign on to be in the eurozone and be in a monetary union and give your economic sovereignty as you wrote it then what do you expect. well i agree that the euro has been a disaster waiting to happen and need my colleague stephanie chelton wrote a decade ago about precisely this problem that once the periphery goes into recession there is no. answer left within the eurozone system we didn't though believe that europe would take such an insane austerity approach it would actually throw these nations into ever deeper recession but then i guess you have to get into the reasons as to you know why i think it is that
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europe did indeed decide to go with this approach of austerity well i mean it went in contravention of everything that is known in economics so it went on the basis of just extraordinary ideology that has been proven wrong consistently and they have managed through austerity to put the entire euro zone back into recession. and they've sent unemployment in much of the periphery twenty percent percent youth unemployment above fifty percent in a number of these nations and the leading export of nations like ireland and greece is now the irish and the greeks so now let's talk about you know what it is that you and other economists are trying to discuss is there are therapy isn't the way the it has to be or that had to be you know one of the other options not only for greece but for spain for portugal for italy. well austerity in the face of an ass
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of recession is a sick joke made living of you know the gaily floggings will continue until of morale improves around here so they are gaily flogging the economy which already has insufficient demand and making it worse what they ought to be doing is giving people jobs and having them work and productive things and they cannot do that effectively under the euro structure so the periphery needs to get out of the euro it needs to regain its economic sovereignty by going back in the talent face and developing the lira again and what we're really seeing is when you give up your economic sovereignty it's only a short step to giving up your political sovereignty and freedom as well as you're seeing in greece right now is what you're saying that so. you know i'm also curious
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do you think that this invalidates any monetary in the end you think the euro as i just happen to be a horrible failed experiment or should there never be a monetary union should you never give up your economic sovereignty you should rarely give up your economic sovereignty you can have a monetary union of nations that are have very similar economies that might be the core of europe at the core plus the periphery of europe so the earth free leaving the euro doesn't mean you're a witness and certainly die it would be a euro germany france of abundance and perhaps some of the scandinavian agents although as you know not all of them even joining the e.u. bunch less to europe so in the meantime if let's say greece or italy were to exit the euro zone as they are saying there are going to be some type of short term consequences right now is that going to have to trickle down as well as i can affect us. well the primary concern of course is how it affects the greek people
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and kalyan people and such. and the answer is there is no answer right now that the periphery has been sent in can a severe recession completely gratuitously it didn't have to happen and so you are quite correct if they go and get we the euro system there is going to be a problem in greece but there's already a massive problem in greece and really the only way to recover is to develop their own currency again in terms of the united states i agree with you that the leading threat to the u.s. recovery is a real meltdown in the e.u. and the current e.u. policies are precisely what increased danger. but so regardless the greek people are either dealing with austerity or they want to try to go back
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and get out of the vero zone they're going to have to deal with them so i guess it's a it's a lose lose at least in the short term william thank you so much for joining us tonight thank you so much. when we come back he doesn't think the wealthy have enough influence over our political system so romney supporter. but i'm happy our cars are being reined in and the homeless are being used as internet hot spots at south by southwest all that with from that.
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explicitly funneling. just see. where the floors are going to limit if. she goes to the. where. developed from across. the street.
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where. turn it into words of. village newspaper hi jim. screens in russia close up on our key. our guys it's time for tonight's tool time ward and this one is going to billionaire kenneth griffith for then you have money doesn't have enough influence in politics here the weekend the chicago tribune published an interview with griffin the founder and chief executive of the hedge fund company called citadel
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now in that interview griffin was asked whether he thought the super rich had an inappropriate amount of influence on politics and this was his response he said i think we actually have an insufficient influence those who have enjoyed the benefits of our system more than ever now owe a duty to protect the system that has created the greatest nation on this planet spoken like a true ego does to go billionaire only somebody totally detached from reality to believe that the richest people in this country don't have enough influence over politics over the last few decades wall street's political contributions have increased by over seven hundred percent thanks to citizens united that's put outside spending on ads rise to over sixteen hundred percent so far and today's politicians are raising more money than ever before and you better believe that six figure donations come with strings attached between a chokehold and the military duster a complex how about our government and the revolving door between the hill and he street who has spoken about countless times seems to me like i don't know at least
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like the importance of wealth in our political system has never been greater but that's not the only absurd statement the griffin made during that interview he also decided to delve into class warfare he says this is a very sad moment in my life this is the first time class warfare has really been embraced as a political tool because we're looking at the ministration that is embrace to class warfare as being politically expedient so yeah he can tell you there's griffin but there might be a little more of the so-called class warfare as you call it than just political expediency so griffin might not feel the effects seeing that he's one of the four hundred richest people in america but the truth is that the wealth gap in america is growing and the middle class is shrinking and it's not just something that conveniently surface for this campaign that's a true. and that's when taking shape for decades so-called class warfare the group and references the american people are waking up to the fact that those of money have used their influence until to scale in their favor and the reality is that the wealthy have been waging a shadow war against the american people for years now but now they've been exposed
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they try to paint the very big terms of their actions as the insurgents so griffith isn't just a billionaire with a few political thoughts he's also given a good millions of dollars to candidates and political groups which makes me wonder if donating millions of dollars to candidates is enough influence for a group in what would be maybe having one of his own in the white house perhaps maybe somebody who thinks like that. corporations are people my friend we can raise taxes and of course they are going to corporations sure it also goes to people so. our group has donated one hundred fifty thousand dollars to the pro romney super pac restore our future and that's on top of donating a maximum amount allowed directly to romney's campaign but apparently have still not enough progress but he believes that making it to the top makes you smarter and better equipped to make decisions regarding america's political future so for believing the money gives you the right to dictate the course of a country agenda griffin is tonight's full time when.
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our guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening r.t. producer jenny churchill and mike riggs associate editor at reason magazine and reason dot com are you so far away you are far away. on a different kind of. time or t.v. everywhere can start it's ok. are you guys big chest band the like not you like to play chess but you actually go over chess. actually yeah yeah fairly people like to go watch chess tournaments and sometimes there's some really sexy stuff that can be. but. that's going to be sexy
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but obviously we just love that clip but apparently there is a little problem with cycling as because there are new rules now that dictates that female players and the european women's championship and turkey. can't show any cleavage and apparently this is a women's championship so it's not like there are male you know playing partners or being distracted it's the fans. but i'm really sure there's like a really professional dress code for the entire tournament like i have to dress like preach these bags and i'm no flip flops no but. that's like going to idaho leaving your clothes there's only not only two buttons only and then skirts have to be a certain length and yeah i'm sorry three point nine inches how many is totally reasonable chess becoming sexy is the best thing that could ever happen to it and other states feeling it this is a revolution. yeah like i said i mean if you're out there who are watching i don't like how you judge like no cleavage though i mean. i'm probably not the best person
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to ask that question but i don't know i think this makes sense to keep the game classy and boring boring i don't know the action is i do not take this position that i was a one shot. actions on the board wow that's on the board i was going to say that over and over but i'm. ok. i'm feeling that he might be lying. there is a. change there's. something you could use just because. that ever actually happens in your body in real life but this software might try to do that there's a study team at the university of buffalo and they're working on video analysis software analyzed movements to spot liars basically so that's something the
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horrible idea it sounds like the worst idea ever i mean can you imagine if there are becomes an i phone app from the us every crazy girlfriend ever is going to say that again you. know how their own personal handheld i've got a two way street i love being lied to especially when like somebody's spangly wonderful compliments i don't want to know the truth i don't want to my old ladies like you look great today i don't want to know if she's lying i just i'm just going to play now this is going to be like maury povich except for just you know it and i point out for everyone it. i detect there's a mobile this is going to be the western civilization as we know not which is built on dissent is that it's not going to so i mean it's bad i mean i'm stocking up on spam gold or i would like some of his again and you know this is the scenario is that you know you're going to snap your i mean how are we going to have water if people know when like i'm telling the truth you know. people that was the crazy we
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you guys were having if we would use this on our politicians we wouldn't have any politicians they couldn't function if they had ok this is a pipe dream journey really this is not good for us it's not good for us lies ok so basically we want to stop doing this. study out we want to know you love all. right so that by southwest is going on right now and apparently you know there's some stuff with homeless people in hot spots and this is kind of a crazy concept take a look. if an initiative i mean today that employs thirteen people who are homeless to carry four g. wireless routers for south by southwest interactive they're not affiliated with the festival attendees can access these strategically placed hot spots by donating directly to the carriers. so. there are thirteen by the way thirteen homeless men that are hanging around the conference wearing those things pay pal donation. but i think i personally think that this is awesome i know people were outraged by this and saying you're objectifying homeless people but you're
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giving them an opportunity to go out and do something and and get money for providing a service and one guy was joking it's my small business for that i think it's wonderful i don't understand why everyone so outraged right i think that is right the biggest objection i saw was saying we should say i am a hotspot instead of like i'm carrying a hot spot or i can paint a hot spot i don't know hot spots are people too. my friend as mitt romney might say so i actually think this is a great idea and it's a lot better than. most people newspapers that they sell because like when i buy one of those allies like france right here on three cents right which is not a successful business model you know it's being propped up by you know but it is good because these are actually you know it's almost people that actually write the stories and help and it's nobody who reads them so there's like i've seen white people give like five dollars to speech and sells and then i take five copies it's like you know i feel bad for you i don't actually want to read about your life you know whereas the soft spot thing like there's something i actually want to some of
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you guys are yeah so i can ignore you and just keep browsing the well you know easily i don't know if you have to go again everybody you have a transaction with this is how capitalism the right was going to have a service that's supposed to help homeless people that doesn't work in the real world newspapers not working around the world they're failing responsibly every day so why is that then why is not then what people go to and just the other day i was thinking well if you can get streets and saw mine and i was like oh wait that doesn't help the homeless people so this is something that actually was there and again nobody would streets because the bigger they're staying here now that a pretty good. jenny churchill the one person i'm sure you. understand so maybe we should go talk to the. chaplain. this generation celebration started putting it on my world saturday but i'm not i don't know how most people get the money because they buy the papers from st francis and make the donation about it's they don't like all bloggers get like one cents for every dozen article don't read
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your stuff you know so all right the business model needs a little bit of work but i figured out that's it yes ok we don't have time for other stories guys we got to move on but thanks for joining me tonight that's a pretty good show thanks for tuning in and make sure to come back tomorrow michael hastings rolling stones interesting editor is going to be back on the show i mean time don't forget to become a fan of the long show on facebook don't forget to follow us on twitter if there's anything you ever missed you can catch it at youtube dot com slash the long show we'll find the interviews as well as the show in its entirety and coming up next is the newest. nearly a trillion people in the world are going on. in the united states even our trash cans or food that. you just have to go get it all of these perfectly good eggs
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because one was crap didn't even get all over the other ones just threw him over with no shoes from the german oh yes we really like that up with. the dumpster at one am this morning on three pm this afternoon on the grill the cake is made from one dozen dumpster egg whites. delicious breakfast for the families bake some toast for about a week every year in america we throw away ninety six billion pounds of. wealthy british style. is not tied to the type of.
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home. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars or run no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our team.


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