tv [untitled] March 13, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT
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here's some other part of it i realized everything is. hard because the big picture. top stories now here are. the audio and forges ahead in its efforts to mediate peace in syria with russia backing the push for a diplomatic solution to the syrian opposition admits it's being abroad while some countries continue their calls for military intervention. the gunmen attacked an afghan government delegation visiting the site where sixteen civilians were killed by a rampaging u.s. soldier leaving one dead and three into the weekend massacres led to widespread fury with anti american rallies across the country. and the e.u.
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approves a second bailout for greece which will see the country stave off bankruptcy for the time being while the eurozone crisis rages on the long stalled flow breakaway sions from brussels continues forcing firms out of business. with more or less stories in full in half an hour from now in the meantime max and stacey debate whether or not you should turn your cash into gold because report is next on r.t. . because of this is the cause the report. never max what happens when peak debt makes sources telling and it's called the white man's burden of the white man's burden. the burden of course being all those people around the world outside of the empire whose resources must be taken well first we
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have the situation of gold reserves we see germany and switzerland asking about their gold reserves that are held in new york but it all started august two thousand and nine germany's gold is in u.s. custody to spank confirms this is based on a documentary made by max keiser called brown's bottom and you were investigating why gordon brown sold off the u.k.'s gold supply and as part of the documentary you travel to the buddhist banks to find out why it is that they held theirs and they refused to sell their little did you know that on march seventeenth two thousand and eight that weekend bear stearns would have been collapsed gifted to j.p. morgan and ben bernanke you on that sunday night would have slashed interest rates on a sunday by seventy five basis points you showed up at the bundesbank let's turn to this little clip here undercover you're talking to
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a buddhist bank executive little did i know that i'm a very day burst terms of collapse interest rates have been slashed and goal was skyrocketing you know waiting to see somebody have to go to school. been told that they're now in lockdown there's a crisis. like the red alert they're afraid to talking to anybody because of such. in the school market. it's quite remarkable really you know we made the case that maybe they should be talking to the press. they were told we were told the situation is much too sensitive. situations like. this fear is that the banking system itself is comparable. to submission. you know you do.
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you don't know it's coming what's coming next yeah that was a shocker then they revealed that most of their gold sixty percent of the gold of germany is held in new york and this then subsequently became a big story went around the world well of course and gets the gold antitrust action committee pursued this story as did rob kirby in canada and they got a statement from the buddhist bank which is a report documentary maybe sensational for getting it on dollars from and from the german central bank the buddhist bank that germany's gold reserves are actually in the custody of the united states this is a detail of the buddhist bike longest deny to others who have inquired and it's potentially a matter of great controversy in germany to research the question of whether the german gold reserves are actually intact at all or whether they've been used by the us government as part of its long time gold price suppression scheme or have been commingled and diminished with gold reserves of other countries held in the united states and this is written in two thousand and nine max the term co-mingling yes it
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could very well be that ever since the m.f. global scandal. germany and other banks and central banks are very concerned that their gold reserves that are held in new york and in other locations could vaporize and as these various countries pump up their money supplies and base the value of their currencies now brazil saying it's going to debase again. aggressively and with japan looking to the base again aggressively america is trying to debase the euro needs to debase these countries are very concerned because they realize that eventually it will go toward a global gold standard but has been pointed out by the likes of jim records under that scenario the u.s. could declare martial law over the global gold supply that they hold in fort knox and in the new york bad in other locations and become the biggest gold purveyor in the world through a new kind of a global fee added certainly the m.f.
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global scandal sets that up when you have a bank or they can just steal a billion dollars without any accountability at whatsoever then why not take a few billion or hundred billion and all right and again and now they're starting to question. are we ever going to get our gold back and the gold treasure of the germans in new york this is from build the largest circulation newspaper in germany so they're calling it the incredible gold candle they found out that the buddhist bank has not actually audited their to ledge gold reserves in the new york fed for over three years and they're supposed to audit every three years they were supposed to audit in two thousand and ten apparently they have not done that also germany is looking what happened to greece as part of the troika the i.m.f. the world bank the e.c.b. . trolling for assets in greece they've already seized one hundred eleven tons of gold that was held in the greece the greek gold reserve the central bank that's now
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gone it's the property of the troika so they know that people are looking for gold around the world and so they're very very nervous as they rightly should be as we reported at the time and we got confirmation within the blinders bank itself confirmed face to face that in fact the gold was not there also you're seeing an awareness of the citizens in this post world war two era where we've had this explosion of debt they're wondering what's backing it all now that it's all falling apart so alarmed by the build report the christian democratic union member of parliament philip misspelled there is demanding the list of gold gets from the president of the german federal bank younes weidman he told build quote i was shocked first they said there is no list then there were a list but they were secret then he told me that inquiries endanger the trust between the german federal bank and the u.s. federal reserve what does the federal bank want to hi and you know as we've been
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talking about we've hit peak debt this three thousand four hundred tons of gold which about two thousand is in new york they say so if this is spend re hypothecated lent out madge. plea to create two hundred thousand tons worth of gold that you could see as the knock on effect and we could see major turmoil in a major collapse of this empire of debt but one of the more the most. grossest missed conceptions in the globe today is that the world is not on a gold standard the world has been and will always be on a gold standard the fact that right now you've got six or seven hundred trillion dollars of derivatives just means that the amount of paper backing the gold has never been in greater volume you have to look at it in terms of an inverted pyramid throughout history sometimes there's
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a one to one ratio between gold to paper money sometimes like we have now there's a one to seven one hundred trillion a relationship between gold and paper money it always revert back to the mean it always corrects back to gold or something it warren buffett knows in his heart that his dad howard buffett tried to instill upon him the truth about gold but being a rebel that he is he's going to go down in flames with the paper mountain so max the locals the natives of germany and switzerland are uppity they want to know where their gold reserves are they think they have a certain amount of independence from the empire they don't apparently their gold is in new york now the most important thing though backing the u.s. dollar is not necessarily those gold reserves it's the oil reserves of all the other countries around the world which the american military and the american government are burdened by whether it's libya whether it's iraq whether it's yemen somalia we are burdened by taking care of these people and their oil reserves like
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. over there bill gross says the price of oil is the new discount rate he's referring to the oil as the defacto currency of the globe the petro dollar took over in the seventy's so low and behold here comes the white man's burden the white man's burden that's a record crippling referenced live i think you're right it was the kind of a. home he wrote for a magazine and it was in order to encourage the us teddy roosevelt to go see the philippines by taking them so on invisible children's coney twenty twelve campaign unless you're asleep under a rock somewhere you will not have been able to miss coney two thousand and twelve is this video by these three white evangelicals and their little blond child who are saying that we need to send troops to uganda we need to assassinate this guy
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joseph koni from the lord's resistance army so the court here is if there was a prize for the ngo who best commodifies white man's burden on the african continent and more specifically in uganda invisible children would when they recently struck again with a new video and campaign titled coney twenty twelve well i understand the first video is something like fifty million views yeah well over that you know. in private and the kid in it is not justin bieber but the child and it is not just. for those like parents. exactly and now the point is they're asking for the population of america to force obama to send more troops to well to send troops to uganda. time magazine makes us inconvenient point they say the u.s. military is african command afrikan has deployed its assets against tony since at least two thousand and eight
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a fact that goes conveniently on bench and in invisible children's video and max. wright is africa always such a burden to us white people because they go resources the us like people want it back so our debt uganda's oil could be a gift that becomes a curse that was only four or five once ago in the new york times lo and behold uganda's oil is now big. it sees the u.s. combat troops there because in two thousand and six over two point five billion barrels of oil were discovered in uganda along the border with the congo which is where conveniently tony is yes well this is the burden for sure whenever there's all in the air there that's of koma rudyard kipling well the public as well were of course also burdened by the resources and people of afghanistan under tendered irony from the new york times the new york times today
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has an article lamenting the stream levels of corruption and afghanistan's ruling class a narrow business and political elite defined by its corruption they say and explains how these unchecked improprieties are impeding u.s. goals for post withdrawal stability yes apparently the american taxpayer in our army are burdened by these corrupt afghanis and according to the new york times the players include people tied to president hamid karzai inner circle many of whom have profited from the crony capital. lism that has come to define afghanistan's economic order and nearly brought down khalil bank despite years of urging and oversight fired merican advisors mr karzai government has yet to prosecute a high level corruption case so here's the new york times the paper of choice for empire not making any connection they did it once in the article point out that the
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us also fails to prosecute their bankers so and yet they're talking about the burden of having to stay there and take care of these afghanis because they can't figure out how to get rid of crony capitalism that burden but what. it is telling trees and then they've got the burden that the white man's debt burden on a white man there's some debt oh iraq here's a look at this of debt oh africa i have seen more debt in middle america a few trillion dollars of that greece three trillion dollars in debt because of what burden i ses and every well we'll have to say goodbye for now thanks for being on the kaiser report thank you. so i go away much more coming your way so stay right there. this respectable british gentleman's choice was. always jackets and old whiskey.
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a much younger wife. and more than twenty years of intelligence service in profits of the soviet union. killed these choices on our t.v. . welcome back to the kaiser required on the nice guys are time now to go to the state of washington to talk with david morgan of silver hyphen investor dot com david morgan welcome back to the kaiser report. max great to be back with you all right david morgan the silver investor first you have the exact so recalling that ron paul
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recently held up to ben bernanke he during congressional testimony tell us about their confrontation and how you came in possession of this coin thank you max this is the coin right here hopefully i got a good camera angle it's called the silver circle it's impreza mind it have a movie talking about the collapse of the economy and silver's role post collapse it's called silver circle movie dot com you can go that website and check out the trailer they gave one of these two to dr paul of course he held it up during the testimony and there's quite a bit of news around that on the internet especially those that are you know awake and aware from people like yourself max of are telling the truth about the financial situation right now talking about server and silver liberation army and so were a circle and all these grassroots campaigns last year of course we had krasniqi
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morgan by silver now i see the some bloggers have taken up the cause tell us about why announce given announce this is a lady that i know that does a very interesting blog sherri question in all dot com she's blogs on all kinds of things in fact she called me this morning with some updates that people might want to check out regarding goldman sachs and their position at the economy collapses i guess the bankers get paid first that's based on hearsay average the article yet but going back to what we want to talk about by an ounce give an ounce it's piggybacking on your bill by an ounce and take you to morgan down and she's basically saying you know you've got to understand that the physical realm doesn't equal the paper around me what it buys an ounce u.t. leveraging those bankers roth roughly one hundred one and this is something you should own it is something you can give away as a gift and also think of it as some kind of a situation. give something of value to somebody else not only maybe a barter transaction but as
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a gift so i like it it's piggy back again on what you started and she has your video up there again so maybe you'll circuiting a lot of new people that wake up the back skies are going to start to eat you'll have unheard of you but you never know i have them more of an imagine that the race yeah physical silver paper silver is about one hundred so one hundred times more paper at least i mean if you look at the derivatives markets out there and then you look at the balance sheets of these banks that are not even counted in the account in the overall look at what they're holding the ratio is even more astronomical paper that physical now recently there was a smash of the silver price one hundred ten thousand paper contracts are still more were salt in less than an hour so how many ounces of this is there in one hundred ten thousand contracts and is this unusual they had one very unusual and maxence kind of backup if you allow me but you know just christian is the one that during
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the testimony about manipulation the silver market testified before the see if you see that the paper to physical ratios roughly one hundred one and we usually have jeff out to the silver summit here in spokane every year and he get an interesting presentation last october a said you know really it's not one hundred one it's four hundred one any put the chart actually out that for our members and the members part of the morgan report but anyway boyd forward yes the stash down it was roughly one hundred ten thousand contracts five thousand pounds per contract so you're looking at about five hundred fifty million ounces of fine silver which is roughly three quarters of the amount of silver mine in a year and all that took place during one trading stay session on the c.m.e. and yet the authorities just look the other way what's so striking to me is the amount of people that get so upset by this me being one of them. but yet they feel that the epping want to give up that they have no recourse and you can't control
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that of course because the c f t c won't patrol mandate says it should but to me i want to make the point that eric sprott who started the p.s.l. be the physical silver trust recently did a shell fall of one point five billion ounces. not that long ago that shell probably down in the issues about three hundred million dollars to buy roughly ten million ounces of silver when that physical ten million ounces of silver was bought the price shot up from the point it was announced to it was collected roughly two hundred dollars yet it took fifty five times that amount on paper to take it down the same amount in price so i really feel that we're winning max i mean that again shows the point of what you started with to buy an ounce take down j.p. morgan this by an ounce given ounce it's all about taking the physical and holding onto it because that is what do you leverage is the system it's a fixed fifty five to one to get the system down the same amount of price and it
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shows you that buying something physical really has me well as far as these grassroots campaigns like passively morgan buy sell or buy an ounce given a chance that i've been involved with i really gone to school on eric sprott eric sprott the guy who has come to the market and said look here's what the annual production is here's what the annual above ground supply is here's what the demand is and this thing is going to go higher and of course that eric sprott we're not talking about by an ounce given ounce we're talking about a billionaire one of town it is leading billionaires is talking about buying a billion dollars worth of silver at a time but now you probably have more time i know you must have more contact eric sprott but i do personally but it's see you know i think of him as a silver vigilante like a clint eastwood character going down to the silver pit you know and then just firing away at these paper of silver bugs but do you get the sense that he's
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genuinely has kind of a. burning in his belly to go after this these paperbarks. well he's never told me that really talks about the pay system initially and how unsafe it is and how safe it is to own a metals and that's really your only asset class you can hold outside the banking system we're not exposed to these banking problems that exist so that's number one number two yes he she saw were similar surprise she is probably the best investment over the next ten years and really close to his numbers which are very similar to mine in this reasons why what you can are similar and i really do believe that he put up a shelf filing just to have the ammunition ready so far away there's one point two billion dollars left on that shelf filing so you know at the time of your price but he could have bought roughly fifty million ounces or so really quite ten million so far so i believe that any time somebody gets in the under thirty range he's
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probably going to take take a shot at it meaning is going to buy more physical so i see it as very bullish as i said and i think that we are also talk about another precious metal gold for a second because there's some very interesting crosscurrents going on and some international dialogue happening based on what we've been saying on this show for quite some time that is to say that a lot of the european central bank call is not held in its european central banks it's held in u.s. federal reserve bank in new york as one of the main repositories for german gold for example as another start to freak out in germany and that way we want our gold back and we see this all over the world venezuela repatriating gault we see repatriation of gold now being talked about in switzerland what's this trend all about david morgan is a p are these countries finally waking up the fact that they don't have the physical nerve also they don't have it actually i think you were instrumental in getting people where are they. now to following through the action
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you know it's all the schools not money i mean grenache you testified i think ron paul asked him about gold he said well it's a tradition. it's not money regardless banks know what it is in fact if you go back in history not that long ago on going back roughly ten twelve years the bank of international celebrants the bankers bank you actually used to be able to be a stockholder in the uk now it's totally private again they used to account for every asset in gold only in other words they don't care what member banks again this is the top is this is the highest bank that exists at least to my knowledge a list of some black banks somewhere and no one knows about bank of international settlements accounted for everyone in gold already so they know what it is and they know how to account for and they know what it means and these countries do as well and they're scared again i think you were instrumental in getting that started and now these banks are getting worried and they say you know if something really takes place we don't want to recall in the new york fed i was in new york oh i don't know
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a couple years ago had two hundred fed took some photographs to a little video for members but i'm on the street walking on the sidewalk and as i'm walking right past the the fed there i'm thinking to myself you know i'm walking over who knows how much percentage of the world's gold right now and how many people you've been aware of it and how many people realize what explore all you know surface area this is relative to the whole planet gold is where gold is scarce gold is valuable right now i imagine that b.-i yes the bank of international settlements they also came out with a report last year as a recurring ongoing look at the positions in a derivative markets because they are in fact in fact in these markets and that's where the data came out originally about j.p. morgan's three billion ounce of short sell for they've got a pallet see that looks like mt vesuvius the day before blows up it's over get over fifty. j.p.
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morgan stock is worth zero that's what i thought my work's tells me what is what do you see on that front david morgan. ok well not to pick an argument max i first of all everything you said i agree with secondly i mean they're totally insolvent they're totally broke right now i mean they are absolutely insolvent so how do you blow up a bank that's totally blown it sucked up already it's just no one seems to realize it other than those athol it works like yours but what will happen if it goes above fifty or one hundred or whatever in my thinking it'll just be another too big to fail to print more funny money and try to cover it over but i don't think that i think that's very relevant of what eventually will happen i think more importantly is it doesn't have to get to that price of thing for people to wake out and the whole financial system to crumble in other areas i mean this whole idea that you can help out much of a short position is ludicrous i'm actually ok with hedge you know i mean all of my coin dealer or bullion dealer friends need to hedge in the market because it's
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a margin business so you've got to hedged off their daily activity in a mine might hedge off a year or so but the hedge off like five or six years of total global supply and when you see what they have in the public domain as far as how much sort of habits pathetically small i mean this is just ridiculous and again i go back to the authorities and where are these people you know it's obvious what's going on and you know they've been looking at missing for years now and have yet to make a statement and then this happens just recently one of the last smash down again no comment i mean i think people it has people are awake and aware of certainly had it and it's just frustrates me they even more again rather time but will think again soon thanks so much for being a report thank you max it was a pleasure to be with you all right nothing to do it for this edition of that has a report with a nice keyser and stacey have i thank my guest david morgan from haifa an investor that he is these guru make no mistake about that it's not the same e-mail at kaiser
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