tv [untitled] March 15, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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the machine would be soon which brightened if you move out sam from france to pressure. these planes cantante dot com. the security of water all afghanistan will be in local hands next year as a british and american leaders confirmed account of their meeting in washington. syrian troops of course the several flashpoint cities in iraq that call it the ruptured your position calls on foreign forces to move in. the illegal immigrants trapped in a vicious circle in the u.k. as the search for work lands them in the midst of poverty. and in the business bulletin you crave threatens to buy gas from germany if russia refuses to offer
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significant discount to find out why experts refused to take this idea seriously and about twenty minutes. ago and welcome to our team well used and much more twenty four hours a day on carriage last plans to exit afghanistan are taking shape with the british and american leaders confirming that foreign forces one hundred for security next year there was no strategy shift announced a meeting in washington but a gradual move towards an advisory role before combat troops leave in twenty fourteen stations also pending into a possible assassination attempt against the u.s. defense secretary his visit to afghanistan. president obama was talking about pulling out responsibly within the next two years so no change of plans there the british prime minister basically echoed what the u.s.
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president said the two main contributors to the war in afghanistan are coordinating a timetable for withdrawal it becomes increasingly clear that this is turning into a face saving operation for the leaders especially in the wake of the tragedy that happened over the weekend when a u.s. soldier apparently murdered sixteen innocents afghans in cold blood including women and children nonetheless prime minister cameron and president obama were talking about real progress in of get is that but it doesn't quite look like the right time for the leaders to pat each other on the back really and celebrate success when so much speaks to the contrary insurgency in afghanistan is rampant afghans clearly want the allied forces out incidents like the latest murder of innocent civilians are used by all kinds of extremists to recruit even more people to their ranks opium poppy and herion production in afghanistan has increased dramatically in the last ten years of the war as far as other crucial international issues the u.s. and the u.k. have been pretty much on the same page on everything on syria both want to see
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regime change as prime minister cameron put it not through revolution but through transition both leaders the military intervention. undesirable and say they're looking to work with russia to bring about a peaceful outcome on the red president obama said the window for a diplomatic solution is shrinking but most experts agree a war will not solve the problems but will create a million new one. for barack obama invaded cameroon the have been stressing their country's special relationship throughout the visits with the state did is that true to a basketball game british risk that journalists are willing to thieves hiding secrets about the so-called war on terror. i think it's strange really i mean you know ever since nine eleven and the war on terror began first of all we had you know a labor prime minister cozying up with a republican president and now we've got a democratic president cozying up with a conservative prime minister it doesn't seem to make much difference maybe all
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that demonstrates just how interchangeable these people have become certainly there are you know pretty terrible reasons for obama and cameron to be close but it's you know they're both deeply involved in this. horrible wall that has gone on longer than any wall that anyone can remember. that should have ended long ago they're also you know they were the country's at least were you know were hand in hand shoulder to shoulder with each other in countering terrorism and there in the involvement in torture and rendition in the darkest days of the war on terror ministration has not wanted to open up about what took place in those years only cameron administration here having initially appeared to favor transparency is now clammed up as well. the so-called war on terror it's just one of the reasons the west says it gets involved in conflicts support the other is bringing democracy u.s. and its allies criticise other countries for their lack of freedom and human rights
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by failing to notice matters closer to home as we put mark spates. the u.s. and its european allies have many things in common security politics and a familiar practice of scolding outsiders about the pillars of democracy the iranian people have a universal right to assembly and free speech this is the creasing suppression human rights democracy is a big step towards democracy rule of law human rights these are our values and we believe these must be respected by the egyptian authorities in russia we've seen crackdowns on civil society groups as western leaders wag their finger around the world. wouldn't good times and brutal force have been used to quell public protests at home. and right police handcuffs and iron fists have repeatedly been used against unarmed
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demonstrators in greece spain and london where thousands flood the streets to protest against austerity measures and unemployment they should focus on getting their own house in order and practice what they preach rather than know anything about countries and trying to you know grandstand on an international scale rather than deal with you know they are there are very serious democratic deficit as public anger continues to be inflamed u.k. officials may fight public fire with a barrage of water cannons which senior scotland yard officials are reportedly trying to get hold of along with taser stun guns in tear gas to break up unruly or unwanted candidate against hundreds in car testing against a controversial ruling. on the other side of the atlantic uprisings against economic inequality and corporate greed have left countless occupy wall street
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activists covered in blood temporarily blinded. behind bars the movement is currently planning to draw tens of thousands of demonstrators to the upcoming g eight and nato summit in may. but this week the u.s. military is unveiling its latest non-lethal weapon to members of the press. like opening up a door almost next to this sting from about my sternum to my. new active denial system can repel crowds using an invisible electromagnetic beam that delivers a blast of intense heat up to one kilometers away without a sound a smell or even a warning the weapon promises to disperse crowds and reinforce security while the military weapon is in currently intended to be used by police critics say ray guns like water cannons could eventually be ruled out in the land of the free we're
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seeing an intensification of repression because people are challenging the system and challenging it in europe a challenge to get in the united states and it's easy for our readers to point the fingers somewhere else revenue take responsibility here in america do anything differently lecturing others on democracy and human rights has become a branch of western foreign policy like this course that claims to be based on the highest of standards but as we sit here i've shown it's a lot easier to spoil others when everything is why. these protestors it. or injured students in europe might suggest that their leaders do a more before i time thing to be a teacher of the mob prosy. artsy new york. but still to come the program that you might be forced to dance to china's chain if you want to see that brussels and
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beijing professor trade economic concessions you know it's a very chinese deck's a rather dry. also. this. it's so much more than just a simple stew it's the thing i hold dearest to me and then to marvel metalwork we travel to the russian region of minerals hot stuff. syrian government forces are gaining ground in several flashpoint cities a year after the conflict escalated in the country the opposition which wants a military intervention by western states says recent army gains are unlikely to quell the revolt as for a diplomatic solution president assad has responded positively to peace proposals put forward by the league and. they include an immediate ceasefire by both sides access for humanitarian aid and start a political dialogue despite that opposition leaders admit that some foreign
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governments are sending weapons to support the rebels political analyst chris bambery says it shows that neither the opposition or later states have peace on their minds the opposition no senseis they have support from the west from the gov states and saudi arabia and not just going to go back although they themselves are quite fragmented and the solution is called a fragment of fragmentation we're already seeing arms coming in from saudi from probably told from the west the french the americans and i suspect the british as well i think of the move and more death row is in this group of friends of syria met in. their all these i said advisors been sent military advisors been sent to the free syrian army arms are coming coming in with saudi arabia has been involved in stalking sectarian tensions itself there is a western intervention in my opinion already underway into the civil war in syria.
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well president obama has warned that the window for talks to solve iran's and make at this point is shrinking a new round of negotiations over tehran's nuclear ambitions in the pipeline despite the threat of a strike by israel and later we'll hear why his approach towards iran the change from offering dialogue in the early days of his presidency the confrontation we're seeing today. it's a story of a president that enough in my assessment was genuine about the promise ian wanted to pursue it but also knew that he had a very limited political space and political time to do so and that political space was very quickly eaten away by several different fuck you some of them he had no control over there was pressure from israel there was pressure from congress there was pressure from saudi arabia even some of the europeans were very concerned about the extent of the diplomacy that obama was willing to engage in by the time he
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managed to get everyone to the teeth in of the over two thousand in. the policy according to one senior obama administration official the rains have become a gamble on a single roll of the it either had to work right away or not it dropped the bomb a quick result because he had only one year in his own mind to prove his critics in washington that diplomacy could yield something by the time he got to the table ten months of his presidency has passed and he needed a quick fix or he didn't get it and as a result four weeks later but i wouldn't stray she says she abandons diplomacy and there's the sanction trap. because you can catch the full interview with parsing and stay right outside here not. well the search for a better life is the door for thousands of illegal immigrants who fled to the u.k. where they are left subjected to more degrading poverty and they left behind is
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either bennett now reports for some promise land is a point of no return. it looks like nothing more than a dumping ground the squalor plain to see harder to spot over signs of life this is what forty illegal immigrants call home under a motorway bridge in london's outskirts penniless and without sanitation the place is infested with drugs disease and destitution many risk their entire family's fortune to get here dreaming of the riches that await instead they found a nightmare they probably are looking for a better life they've been told in fact they've been told the fact that if you come to the u.k. . it's like the streets are going to be paved with gold this man paid traffickers in india over fifteen thousand dollars to smuggle him to britain in the back of a lorry like most he destroyed his passport when he got here to make deportation
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more difficult but it means he now can't escape even though he wants to he was promised he'd find plenty of work money and accommodation but he's now trapped in poverty worse than he left behind oh i have a large goal. it's. very all of where do you sleep. i went through we have looked at all it's been in the it been in years when we've no official identity and then like locked in a stuck in a bureaucratic no man's land britain went to poor them unless they can prove who they are and where they came from. each case has to be dealt with individually and some can be complex with many not having trouble documents or not wishing to comply with the documentation process in the cases of indian nationals we continue to work with the high commission to speed up the time it takes to return them to their home
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country nearly thirteen thousand illegal immigrants left the u.k. voluntarily last year a courtroom pulling in numbers over just six years such is the desperation to leave this car park used to be a busy pickup spot for manual labor but now there's nothing this is where the men wait looking for work every morning hoping to be picked up and paid for a day's labor today though like most days they wait isn't this before the downturn was earning up to three hundred pounds a week now he's lucky to get fifteen pounds a day doing jobs you never thought he'd stoop to older guys. thinking about doing learned you know. really too much money going to go no one have been here because the real reality is there just. as we didn't you know do in india. dinner from
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a good family the men are expected to send money back to their families in india no wonder most were reluctant to appear on camera either bennett r t london. well r.t.i. dot com has the world at your fingertips is what's being covered for you only live and something to share that occupy wall street protesters the top of goldman sachs executive quits in disgust or in the bank heartless toxic and destructive. rant levison patrick's party begin the process which is a week of irish attendance. some more world news for you now the south a fragile truce between israel and palestinian militants has been shaken by more exchange of fire that israeli armed forces said a rocket was fired into southern israel which responded with an airstrike on gaza casualties are being reported by either side and least twenty six palestinians have
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been killed in the worst violence in a year it was sparked by israel in a high ranking palestinian militant. family and friends have attended a service to remember the victims of a bus crash in switzerland that killed twenty eight people most of them children because it was packed with students were returning to belgium from a skiing trip and it crashed in a tunnel the italian police have ruled out speeding as the cause now looking into whether the driver suffered a heart attack or. dozens of illegal gold miners police for control of a regional capital in peru at least three people were killed by gunfire and more than thirty others injured the miners tried to seize public buildings including the airport. resisting government efforts to regulate small scale building struction which officials say is destroying the rain forest. troyer
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is in need of urgent political and economic reforms if it doesn't want to plunge into chaos according to the country's prime minister beijing is also facing a battle of the world trade organization as washington and the e.u. challenge its restrictions on exporting minerals used to make high end products but the conflicts could use prospects of getting that help from china as a test ourselves with china's three trillion plus dollars in foreign currency reserves it was only a matter of time before debt limit and europe came knocking on its store from the chinese side of the leaders always feel cable willing to show their willingness to power so actually you can see this kind of acute. reality only is very good not putting in practice may be we want some kind of a deal for me well it's not even a maybe now china's clout is clearly on the rise and so is its confidence this time
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around china has no qualms letting the e.u. know that it is well aware of its truck card and that any help will come at a price top of its list of demands claiming the status of a full fledged market economy and lifting the one nine hundred eighty nine ban on its purchase of military weapons from the e.u. . and for the first time china has openly used its potential cash card to lash out at the e.u. for a recent anti subsidy and anti dumping investigations into imports of chinese made steel products precisely because the chinese know that there is a danger some forms of protectionism what they want to do is have a company isn't bases in europe factories manufacturing products or. companies in europe so that a lot of their products will be labeled made in germany made in france mean grease and so on so they will not be considered to be implications from china and the
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plans already in action just last month the first chinese automobile assembly plant opened it will be area aiming to produce fifty thousand vehicles per year for the whole european continent raising more fears of china's far reaching influence it does would emerge. as. you know. he's it's time cards where you can but europe has and thrown in the towel just yet it still has the power to grant china's wishes and as a country's second biggest trade partner the fall of one is the fall of both the e.u. also has its own demands for one backing on syria and iran part of the political game but international politics given that they have been played is very much mixed in particular pool natural resources but behind the gates of cash rich china it's fighting its own battle trying to sell the idea to its people chinese internet
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forums were abuzz with annoyance at what they see as poor ordinary chinese pain for rich europeans so that's why they can use prime minister when you go try to persuade its people and people and. colleagues in their government. thing that. helping the european union is how i also help ourselves not all the chinese are convinced but if business must go on one local commentator wrote don't hand over a dime without asking for the world and return yes or sell your r t brussels. some adventurous exploration next as we take you to another corner of the largest country in the world in russia.
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and today we travel more than fifteen hundred kilometers east of moscow the city of covering the itself for the urals that provides europe and asia and it's those mineral rich downton's that makes the beach in the heart of metal not a factor for many locals it's more your profession there it's a passion as tamati has got. russia's ural mountains have a long history when it comes to metals and mining for centuries they provided the raw materials but it allowed russian industry to grow and now they're trying to adapt and the steel mills and industries around the mining are trying to adapt to modern conditions and the modern steel industry is those things that i be examining in markets. and metal surroundings of blacksmiths for thousands of years and over alexander louis cough and his fortune russia's mountainous euro region for the past thirty he's now as much
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a part of this world as the hammers and tongs fancy iron work and fence posts but he still remembers the very first thing he made this is true. it's so much more than just a simple spoon it's the thing i hold dearest. but i view it. but whereas alexander is content hammering one piece at a time the urals also contains smelting operations on a truly industrial scale this plant turns thousands of tons of molten steel into thousands of kilometers of oil and gas piping this isn't about craft and skill any more say engine is here it's about science and needs detailed education. technical specialists here need computer and math skills to work this increasingly complex machines sadly the russian education system isn't turning out skilled enough people so we have to train them up here these vast holes are the direct descendants of the
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first four which is in the euro's dating back to the eighteenth century and metal working in all its forms is still widespread in the region the furnace is here pour out three thousand tons of molten steel a day it's one of the around a dozen such plants scattered across the urals but the steel you have to heat it up to one thousand six hundred degrees to get the globe like this not with all muslims gold the stuff that's made while it's fat guys greedy since time immemorial these men smelt it into its iconic gold bullion form but they say to them it's just another metal. you know if you think too much about the price you can't put out a decent product we don't actually value workers highly it's a huge responsibility look at it. gold small thing is about the most carefully humble metal operation there is. not to knock alexander of course and his enduring
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passion for his age old art the passion he say's is just as present in all metal workers no matter how nonchalant his gold silting contemporaries may seem. he's alive he's alive of course they feel something working with gold and all the wonderful nettles they're just not admitting it to themselves. whether in a small forge or a vast complex metal workers here are following in the footsteps of many pioneers in their trade and at least according to alexander they all share the spirit of this man and his metal. from bottom to be. here what it started to get latest the business of. ukraine's got its sights set on buying less gas from russia we understand was that well as usual they wanted discount ukraine threatens to buy gas from germany if russia fails to offer a significant discount russia's ukraine's supplier has been refusing to cut the
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price of its long term contract ukrainian prime minister michael laws are on wednesday said why gas from germany's or w e n may help ukraine save some money but experts actually doubt this is going to work they see if it happened the volume of such supplies would be very low certainly not enough for key have to start buying gas from russia not to mention that ukraine's transportation network is designed to pump gas in the opposite direction from russia to here up and stay with gas looks like russia will be able to use the full capacity of the north stream pipeline its newest route to europe the e.u. regulators say pipeline that links north stream with europe's gas infrastructure have how to now reserve up to half of their capacities for other suppliers now who those other suppliers should be is unclear but analysts say the decision is their reaction to russia charging a high price for its gas delivered to europe what russia's says it's the oil price
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that serves as the basis for its guns prize for me a lot more on the price of oil crude is being very choppy trade on wednesday is actually higher at the moment two factors they are no one had crude stockpiles in the united states actually approved last week which puts pressure on the price of oil but on the other hand the international energy agency on wednesday said that global oil supplies actually decreased last month and that's despite opec boosting prozac. and obviously tighter supplies put pressure and pushed the prices higher now let's take a look at the equity markets in asia they are mixed just sour in tokyo the nikkei is managing to stay quite upbeat mainly thanks to a weaker yen that's pushing exports higher but in hong kong the hang seng is actually shedding value this hour down two currencies the euro is ever so slightly
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higher against the dollar the russian ruble is gaining was gaining on wednesday against both the euro and the dollar and now on to the russian equity markets as well it's less than one hour ahead of the opening bell here in moscow it was a pretty good day for the russian equities on ones they both my son the r.t.s. ended up getting about one and a more percent each and that's despite some reports that said capital outflow reach the levels we haven't seen since two thousand and eight but traders didn't seem fazed by that as they were mainly focused on the positive global sentiment now next month and russia could see the biggest privatization deal of the year veteran see daily says the country's top wonder is their bank will offer more than seven a half percent of the chairs to the public in april the deal is expected to raise more than four hundred twenty million dollars and that's all we have time for in
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