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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2012 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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you call me a good. deal i'm. all she's mine old girls. are asians for you know in the palm of your. calm. thanks for being with us on how to pass the our parents here are your headlines plus rallies both for and against the syrian government marked the first anniversary of unrest in the country and it comes as britain's guardian newspaper releases what it claims are promises of leaked e-mails from president assad's private accounts. probably go up the pressure they knew was wants india to stop buying iranian oil trying to persuade the country to go elsewhere for its crude militants meanwhile president obama has warned about the window for talks over
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iran's nuclear program is trying to. bust the taliban suspends peace talks with the u.s. and president karzai says he wants nato out of all the religious after an american soldier and run down sixteen civilians in cold blood from washington and london maintain they'll hand over security responsibility to afghan forces next year before coalition troops pull out in two thousand and fourteen. up next al gore speaks to the russian president's special envoy to afghanistan in a week when nato campaign appears to have faltered even further.
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oh yeah walk them through spotlight the infant shell colony arts and i'll do an hour of day for the program is said near kabul. the nato forces in afghanistan seem to have a loose straight through koran burning incident at a u.s. service calls a proudest massacre killing at least thirty this week to troops out he said alert after a u.s. soldier sixteen afghan civilians the diplomats are on alert to try to calm down the international scandal it is evident that the coalition is getting less and less popular among the algos but doesn't necessarily mean it's doing more harm than good can the mission finally be completed or is the time to change the strategy and just terminate we'll discuss the latest news from kabul with the russian president's
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special envoy to afghanistan certainly a couple of. anti u.s. sentiment is extremely high against them after the cold blooded murder of sixteen civilians on sunday american soldier left his base in the country got region and went on a shooting rampage village three houses a trundle killed everybody inside including children the soldier has not been me but reportedly custody. has promised a full investigation of the soldier in question brings the full force of the war. this is not enough either afghan officials or the taliban both are demanding an open trial in afghan soil the taliban has also vowed to take revenge killings and will apparently use the case in its propaganda war against the government of president karzai.
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a welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us. first of all it just occurred to me that your name sounds exactly like the name of the afghan capital. well well well does it mean anything to you with this kind of coincidence and and what kind of a name is it. this is. a lobby group many other oriental names and nothing to do with kabul of course but it has become my best friend. did you go from the very beginning when you were a kid so of course you knew what what was the capital of the so you know you already entered there because of you need to do to do this play any and you wrote with your i suspect the. international institute of international relations give more i was good idea suspect the persian language of the first one
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because of my name but it was not my choice. so so again instead chose you say ok well now let's turn to the latest news well can you clarify the status of the arab. spring which is supposed to serve the u.s. military traffic to against my knowledge show there is no. base. doesn't talk about talking about. i will write to simplify. i'm not. to force one to have. drawn will exit transit exit from our going to stump. in order to expand its transport position of their goods and other things. requests that russian federation troop for a wide open. airspace or airports. they
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want to bring. our loads from afghanistan into orleans. in order to some good by free. for all of us the nation that's all there is no and he talks about the base. anyway if russia is ready to provide the us military with logistics on our own soil this it means that moscow is no longer nervous had out of the american air base in kyrgyzstan. first of all russia or has already provided not just extra american some for its territory you know about that of transit by the same trains coming from europe in prague honest gun for all the central asia besides americans has permission to fly all of the rusher so it's nothing new i very much surprised why our every everybody is suspicious or
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not of much interest at the least knew we were. there before four hundred thirty or so we called the return of the americans to give them logistic grounds it. gave them partially the same ones nothing special so but still has there been a change of attitude towards the cuties base. well no personal kid gives bass if you're spotting a problem on all smarmy it's between the government of kyrgyzstan and the united states of america. bishops are told remember straight on the new president of korea stand that he is not going to prolong the conflict on that so. it's rather be perhaps curious government wants to change sure there are more than welcome ration of these base want to have camo szell. santoro something like that well
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let's turn to another news i mean the killing of the sixteen again against civilians including children in their beds by a united states army sergeant well everybody in the world when where we were very fast to react to that including the u.s. and of course russia well what's your opinion as not as a politician but as a person deeply involved in the matter in this again situation do you consider for yourself that this was isolated case committed committed by by insane of a troubled person or those that reflect a deeper process does that reflect the the general psychological effect seek out the u.s. personnel in the region i think your last proposal is from this much more more the truth of course i don't know completely different but who am i talking about feelings i mean certainly you know why i believe it's not then been in kind of the
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actions by the u.s. military in afghanistan when it comes to the surge and of course it's an isolated event but we had that chain of isolated accidents in our guns from falling for the last year remember are going to go. some years ago or bombardment or we would share in the suburbs so all of our herat province where more than seventy serial. and swear to you it's. almost every month we have some accidents killing a shooting i agree that there is sort of thought he was an american and other foreign military forces but of the same time i just want to draw your attention to the reaction i've gotten so of course everybody was shocked by these so tragedy but of the same time you cannot see and of widespread demonstrations and protests so take an all or gonna stand. this also sort of psychological for thinks exists not
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only was foreign forces but also says well you know for the last ten and me one more years i'm going to sue if i may use of this what got you into casualties and deaths and bears p.v.t. to share prejudice is not so high as perhaps health care could be everywhere because the generation has grown a little eastward for for whom it's just very much just like a common practice i mean people dying in the watching people die during lesson but we we are are live in a world of images every time we hear something we see sadly we we get pictures and images that we have already seen this time i think it states the apocalypse now the couple is well do you think that we can compare this syndrome of what's going on in afghanistan we will what we've seen in my accomplice film where in the d. hunter. of course there is
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a little relative signal bearing pay your distance of is down syndrome is very afraid and i have feeling if my personal being all that americans are losing the war in afghanistan and they cannot find a right strategy to prove. the sliding door alone into care or search in this country. if they cannot do read. in the forthcoming. i'm afraid there will be a meteor crater we can we can also remember for example the burning of the qur'an a couple of weeks ago well the reaction to these incidents among the ad going public among people among among the afghan military is very violent is very very it's very outspoken to this day it reflects can we say it's a reflection of the fact that the now the foreign military presence is becoming more and more unpopular among the vast majority of them dance i think. i
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believe the birth of this reaction to the burning is indication or what the critical mass of tolerance or in poland's you know of the society is very much right. and and small of big incident or accident can blow up the station here i agree with you are there any major groups any major groups of the population and if we understand who supports the further presence of western troops for example women or maybe educated educated citizens are the whoever i figure sure that many serial surance may be our army man of course or women they will certainly support so because they cannot see you there for a phrasal for the future a list of the top of the taliban and of course our first of all it's well for the
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right for the room and the women because so they were deprived of the mineral rights of the process of the gullible regime and about the same issue comes from one comes from a businessman. very intelligent what we call intelligentsia they me feel themselves very uncomfortable and can reach him as they believe that alabama come so so so so so so it's not it's not as such an easy situation in which about a finds himself today when deciding whether to withdraw or yourself well i just realized that we talking to a couple of russian president's special envoy to afghanistan spotlight and will be back shortly after a small grade cell to stay with still. wealthy
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british science is not. the time to explain. markets why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our.
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welcome back to spotlight i want to know when just the reminded that my guest on the show today is zenyatta couple of russian president's special envoy to afghanistan. we just talked about different groups of people reacting differently so possible to draw all of our american troops from afghanistan or two to two to the prolonged presence of western troops and also the. do you think that
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this afghan reaction and that that what is what is being said what is being announced inside they have been society may really influence the u.s. withdrawal strategy or are there to go central and everything's decided in washington. i believe that americans also of course is it your central. sort of response or wielders global responsibility or americans of the like to see them so was. i believe that they will take certainly into account such sentiments and so they're going to stand but when you say withdraw. you perhaps mean that americans want to completely leave out the programs i don't. feel that americans want to leave behind some five cents a. certain number or person not maybe for him to solve on may fourth of the
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soul. of this operation they're not going to leave for group are going to start they will would like to stay there all of base isn't what we see here isn't patrolling the country i mean well he did say that it's a different thing whereas of course live they do have a military base and in cuba they are water based in japan but i mean they look at trying to treat a japanese city exactly the bars in spent the better much or interesting of those bases you are mentioned in some other states not to control law and order in the country something else i'll settle this country of that's exactly. very important ok now about my hears. spoken in a television interview on monday and he said that the killings in afghanistan underscore the need to handover. sponsibility for security to the avoca us.
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do you think the afghan army today in the state that we see it is ready for such a responsible i don't. know i support what president obama said about that but before and ingore were security responsible for the afghan army and police they should have spanned efforts to create. a stronger army and probably is stronger not only in sense of the size and number stronger the equipment training and knowledge of which is not there where we will and i don't think that our gun our government i can do will be able to provide budget for its army in the long run that's why under this circumstance difference. would support president obama's statement but so far we can not see you there as they spent almost ten years ten years ago building are going army and police but
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there is increased ten years will be quick north failed to create a strong army to take responsible dog the country where the american soldiers are trying to american personnel it's their policy to try to teach the afghans and teach their security forces but we are getting more and more reports stand that the americans themselves are worried by the fact that the afghan police that they're training mainly to shoot in the back and they and we have seen such incidents in more than ten thousand in in the in the recent months so how friendly are the afghan troops towards the nato troops and was the karzai government i think it's very difficult to just about all of gun army and are going to police especially families staying i'll cycle are going to stand but there are certain problems i was in the afghan army and michel first of all about the quality of the three ning. if
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they see their training. but say ten years was in ten years normally any military college in the world can grab you at least two during the racial mix of skillful officers for four or five years even especially in times the pilots are very complicated professions builders are professionals so to do ration time has passed my grandson but we cannot see officers. as one second because one of the. low quality of our gun army and police is not only because of loss of submarine and maybe poor equipment. of morrow i know that many officers privates one three are fighting for the national corps and i got to stop. they is some of them believe fighting for somebody else interests uncle sam you learn from sam's interest in this region and
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they can see all those descriptions and so like movies killing shooting violation of local provisions and they're part of the society and they of course don't like it's face coming out of form false or maybe a vets lie of a view and look at the foreign forces as a hostile one i've got a lot of quotes here for you we've gotten bin laden and if we we can al qaida were in a stronger position now to hand over security control to the afghans and this is another quote from from about do you agree and that the us army has achieved its goals and afghanistan and did did you believe that taliban is a less serious threat today than it has been ten years ago i think the taliban today are much more stronger for it through
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a gun mr than they were in two thousand the one. no they are i mean maybe they're not in conformal control of many problems are solved . they are night time i thought ok you are going to storm almost all or got a storm. they're part of a very strong position not only in the saw from east of dallas but on the. sun if you remove the non-venomous process you say that taliban is a threat gamester and well i believe the taliban can pose a threat to neighboring countries but when you say tell about is going to think it sounds like you remember for decades the west said communism is a threat to russia so this only kenya but we were ok with that we don't feel the threat so maybe the taliban isn't isn't such a big threat to get us there maybe they should live with it for a time being maybe all right let me rephrase when i see the current i'm going to
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learn as a foreign military force for the brits are gonna start when with. people they may be second force and. i do yours let's we used to call these. insurgents. taliban but all of them of course all of them are ashton so local park it is or they belong to the same society. many of them. fighting not for their religious course they're fighting against the foreigners who they are and they want and you really think if we take. a wider view on what's happening in the region in the middle east and africa we see that there is some radicalization going on during your and sometimes it's considered a sort of a national in this movement i mean the radicalization of islamic forces so so maybe
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these countries should lead through the loop through this period and then later come to sort of their own style. democracy who you're right so there is sort of resignation or religious and national identity of the spirit of course a government i know you have been into this with the karzai government do you feel that there are strong and confident enough to to still stands even if the west leaves until the moment i told you already of the reasons behind besides army and police so i'm gonna stand the next stronger economy which can produce. and support of the story straight from social structure. doesn't have these infrastructure economy little is the question at his disposal that's why it's very difficult to portray him as a stronger are the regional powers including russia and europe present russian foreign ministry of course i'll be ready to to move into the support of the afghan
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government in case the the west leaves and withdraws i don't think short one comes forward to russia i'm sure that russia is not ready to move in prague honest on this you've heard enough we've heard off. and i think others are also watching here both americans and nato are also things twice before i do get the what you suggest since americans and nato are already inside we tell them you start delights militarily and other the same time. into us and to develop on the other country on these powerful we can help you will because in that and to all that be only the relevant of going to them can help stabilize it and taliban can bring the rate on the normal life because so there are a lot of the pride will be a force international radical force i feel that the current taliban the because.
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followed one up eating from well you know when you said we've had enough of course you man not only not only the military operation but even years and years after the war that the never ending drug traffic from afghanistan to russia it still is going on is there is there so i'm optimistic news about that one it's the case and we still can't can't find it for the time being it's really difficult to say that we have for any optimism or that but that doesn't mean that there are not the brains to go i'll bust about oh i mean on this one i was speaking about the russia russia's got tensional is quite limited so we are trying to interest some sort of drug trafficking here i flopped on the remote of afghanistan on the borders thank you your excellency thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that right yesterday was that me
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a couple of russia's president special envoy to advance and that's all for from all of us here but i will be back with more press on comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on party and take.
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