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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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thanks so much for joining us tonight ok thank you great to be with you. i will take another break when we come back he said i read it and i will ask what you can do to keep the internet free from the face of governments and corporations trying for control. top stories marty at ten thirty pm moscow time for a cut off already in frankfurt blacklisted by the worldwide system which runs global into bank transfers the swift organization says it's taking the action to comply with the new measures against iran's nuclear ambitions as western pressure on the islamic republic grows. mass rallies both fought against the syrian government mark the first anniversary of the rest of the country comes as britain's guardian newspaper releases what it claims are thousands of leaked mails from president assad's private account. and the taliban suspends peace talks with the
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united states and president karzai says he wants nato out of all villages after an american soldier and sixteen civilians in cold blood washington london maintain their hand over security responsibility to afghan forces next year before coalition troops pull out from trenton fourteen. i'm kevin i would back to you to use in full for moscow in thirty minutes but return to washington d.c. and just a few. well . that's technology. all the developments around russia we. covered. our guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you too because
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we've got some to say i listen and i want to start off tonight you said i read it with some thoughts from our viewers on afghanistan our audience is long advocated for an end to the war but the latest tragic incident which led to the death of sixteen civilians seems to have pushed them like many americans more quickly or passionately towards a speedy and who all and i need to say get out of afghanistan don't go to uganda don't go to iran just come home and pardo three sixty one said afghanistan is nothing but a great american must leave as soon as possible if not sooner rather alpha said get out of afghanistan get out now and i can tell you there are many more comments in the same vein so it seems like most of our viewers feel the same page here next i want to respond if you were the watch last night segment on the excessive secrecy surrounding bradley manning's detainment and subsequent trial and we've seen you commented i wonder how the us military slash government will react when they find out bradley manning has been nominated to receive the nobel peace prize the same award obama won who is the bigger patriot here very interesting question and one
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looks of the facts it's a hard one to answer so let's break it down a little bit under president obama the war on terror has expanded across the globe into yemen somalia pakistan leading the first the first targeted assassinations of american citizens over thousand u.s. troops have died in wars continued under obama's watch and untold number of civilian casualties in iraq afghanistan and our shadow wars as well so far there's been no evidence of any harm being done to americans to people were. with americans or anyone else for that matter as a result of the cables the gravity manning is accused of leaking so there has been a lot of information or there has been a lot of information gleaned about the way the united states and its allies conduct foreign policy so saying all that i'm to let you decide finally i want to respond with you that has quite an interesting idea about everyone's favorite warmonger three one one one said also i have a period that john bolton's mustache is the external part of the furry creature that is controlling his warmongering brain that's
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a really interesting concept after all he's usually fim so absurd because it seems like there must be some foreign entity leading him along all the fox news that pick up on it and stop putting him on air that's it by rantings for now and back with more as usual next week. now talk about the brutal truth for minorities in the united states and african-americans in particular the system is rigged against them last week on the show we gave just one more example how we spoke with and despairing of young turks about the latest statistics put out by the civil rights data collection which show quite definitely that minority students receive more harsh punishments in public schools than their white counterparts now these are just the latest statistics that reveal one thing the dream of a post racial society is still very far away and years and i have to say on the matter. a lot of people want to deny that racism doesn't exist in this country more it's a problem that we've overcome and even if race racism isn't as a virtue as it was decades ago there are other ways that people participate in
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racist behavior and this is a perfect example of that. all right so just what are some of these other racist behaviors all the center for american progress put together a list of ten seriously shocking statistics many of which are spoken about on this program that show just how much race still affects how want to be treated in almost every part of our society from education to criminal justice to employment and it reads like an extremely depressing top ten list so we have to highlight a few of the most disturbing points for you are one people of color make up about thirty percent of the united states population and yet they account for sixty percent of those in prison also the prison population grew by seven hundred percent from one thousand nine hundred eighty to two thousand and five a rate that's outpacing crime and population rates according to the bureau of justice statistics one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime african-american youth have higher rates of juvenile incarceration and are more likely to be sentenced to adult prison once convicted black offenders receive
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longer sentences compared to white offenders and after their release wages grow at a twenty one percent slower rate for blacks compared to white x. inmates every single step of the way african-americans come up against a racist system and even experience it after getting out of prison when they simply won't make as much as their white counterparts so simply put the numbers don't lie and the sooner the policymakers start paying attention actually addressing what cap writer sophia kirby calls the civil rights issue of our time the better. last year has been incredibly incredibly important showing us the potential of the internet it has to be used as a tool by the people to organize to spread information and certain cases like tunisia or egypt to help fuel revolutions but it's also highlight of the downsides how governments can stifle control all these things through censorship how when they're given the opportunity many of those show no restraint and there's also a third element comes into play in our world today and that's the role of private corporations the tech giants like google twitter facebook as well as other
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companies that create censoring and monitoring technologies but they and they sell to the governments so ends up being this complex web of interest power dynamics that highlight a fundamental problem people around the world need to recognize that the internet is a human creation but it's not going to remain free flowing and democratic unless we actually fight for it our guest tonight has written a book looking into how technology should be structured and government to support the rights and liberties of all the world's internet users so here to discuss with me is rebecca mackinnon senior fellow at the new america foundation and author of her newly released book consent of the networks the worldwide struggle for internet freedom thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you so much for having me first is tell me you know why it is that you decided to write this book that you have some kind of a revelation and realize there's something that we all take for granted when it comes to the internet yeah well that's absolutely true that i was noticing that activists policymakers and people in internet companies sometimes just make this assumption that the internet is kind of like freedom juice if you just have enough
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of it if you have enough of this technology somehow democracy is going to spread and people are going to be freed and it's not the case it's not that simple and i actually spent nine years working in china as a journalist and i've been following what's been going on with the internet in china and i was really initially inspired to write the book because i've seen how authoritarian regimes adapt to the internet and managed to survive and also co-opt the private sector into doing a lot of their surveillance and censorship were. for them and while china is kind of the extreme you're seeing censorship actually spreading around the world in a lot of democracies as well and you're seeing surveillance and particularly unaccountable electronic surveillance growing in ways that are very troubling in addition to western companies like you said selling censorship and surveillance technology to overturn regime will so that's who's the biggest villain in this scenario is it the companies that actually could say you know right that might have
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more power over governments or is it the governments that always want to have more power of the people i mean when you can really expect these private corporations to have any type of moral compass well it does vary from country to country in terms of who's the biggest villain but where you see the worst of the worst happening it's when you have an accountable government combined with unaccountable corporations basically doing what they want and it turns basically private networks that citizens depend on for all aspects of their lives these days into an extension of state power and and the corporations are sort of doing that. but you know as you said you know do companies have any responsibility here i think they do just as we've seen that companies have come to recognize you know through movements over decades that they have responsibilities towards our
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environment and to ensure that we have and sustainable planet selene now fast enough yeah there are times now let me bring it to you know a few specific examples for you too because a lot of these companies are based here in the united states you write if you want to talk about google for example currently the justice department is trying to argue that everything that goes on in the relationship between google and say should be kept secret at the same time you have twitter that recently changed their policy to where censorship will apply across the board on two. but on a country by country basis and so in situations like that do you think that the companies are giving in should google say no we're not going to submit to the secrecy they don't have a choice is twitter submitting yet what i think we need as voters to also be demanding government responsible behavior and we need to be demanding that companies be transparent and responsible and so in the case of google one of things that they have done that has been actually useful is that they release something
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called the transparency report where they actually publish on a country by country basis the demands they've been getting from from governments for user information and the percentage that they've actually replied to you know complied with and so they're at least trying to be a little bit transparent about how their relationship with governments work but with this particular case that is troubling and this is the problem that our laws actually make it hard for companies to be transparent even if they want to because oftentimes you know with the national security letters and the gag orders that companies can't inform the users about what's going on how they're working with the government and then the government itself is being ok and so we need to demand that the laws actually work in the favor of transparency rather than preventing companies from informing us about what's going on so you know what you will the next step is that is getting people to be interested raise getting people to demand
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as i make a really interesting point here that you know the future in this sense is going to look a lot less like one nine hundred eighty four and a lot more like brave new world who are basically just going to submit because you know because of security or because of entertainment and these things that seem so attractive to us that find you know will become some type of submissive population and so how do you fight against that you know you also mentioned that a lot of the times people who are willing to stand up for something that is has entertainment value for them that might be fine like our sopa and pipa example. example were people were worried that their ability to share cat and baby pictures was going to be affected by the by this law in addition to their ability to organize and and conduct dissent and so on but you know the old adage goes in a democracy you get the government you deserve we're going to get the internet we deserve and the way it works in a physical nation or community is that whoever is most active in shaping that community or nation to that to their interest you know is going to get the outcome
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they want and so people have to be active and act like you know we're not just users of this technology this is a space on which our public discourse depends on which our ability to conduct dissent and organized and so we need to fight to make sure that the internet evolves in a way that's compatible with our ability to use it politically and defend our political rights because you can't assume that the internet is is necessarily going to evolve in that way and companies are making a lot of decisions about their futures in their services that work in their business interest but make it harder for us to protect their privacy make surveillance easier and so on and that's very troubling so i assume nothing basically because there are a lot of different elements here that are all fighting for control of like thanks so much for joining us tonight and very interesting book as well thanks so much. are we going to take our last break of the evening but when we get back once a boss require you to prove that you're using your birth control for health reasons
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and not sex flood maker pushing that bill and are told fine award and i'm happy our congressman peter king wants to go to cops and santorum appeals to plants to break down the case for climate change. wealthy british soil sign. on to the title. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to a report. on.
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the lose. close up she's being to do we on the street where the floor my fours are made and can be tested to the limit. not only are she goes to the europe. where lights me. develops from a crash into an industry. where rough wrong turn into words of beauty.
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and where a village newspaper hi jimmy. russia . our guys it's time for tonight's tools i'm award and this time it's going to arizona state representative debbie lesko let's kill the author of a bill that's passed in arizona house and is expected to pass in the senate as well and i won't say what is wrong with arizona but this is just the latest in a long list of bills attacking women's health care that are popping up across the nation so back to the specific arizona bill here is less kill herself explaining it . twenty six twenty five allows arizona employers to opt out of the contraceptive mandate if they have a religious or moral objection. so even though arizona already has
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a law that allows churches to opt out of contraception coverage let's go along to make sure that any employer is able to deny coverage if they have a moral objection blunt amendment which failed in the senate earlier this month but again as we're seeing over and over again the most dangerous the crazy this legislation is really being brought up on the state level and according to lascaux it's all about people's rights she says my whole legislation is about our first amendment rights and freedom of religion and it's pretty clear here that lets go of things the first and then make his employers not only the right to freedom of religion but also the freedom to impose their religious and moral beliefs on their employees than to violate their privacy he less than says that she understands that some women have medical conditions that force them to take birth control and she thinks the in those cases contraception should be covered for using birth control just for the sole purpose of contraception which the g.o.p. has made it very clear lately they think makes it a dirty slut but it looks like you're out of luck women will have to prove to their employer what beer using the pill for so basically the have to show their papers
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seems to be a running theme in arizona these states and basically wesco want to protect people's rights to freedom of religion infringing on other people's rights to privacy not to mention that she wants employers to be able to judge you based on what you use your contraception for less because bill got us thinking employers can opt out of contraception coverage should they be then opting out of the agriculture does well and lucky for us bill o'reilly already cleared that went out during a recent visit to the view. the centers for disease control basically categorize things and they say this is a malady this is a medical condition this isn't. comes under the government's guidelines for medical conditions contraception now even with o'reilly's logic there the reason for an employer denying to cover contraception is because they believe that sex should only happen for the purpose of can feeding a child then doesn't stand to reason that men are being prescribed by i guess you have to take a lie detector test one to prove that they only intend on using buy agora with the
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intent of making a baby you think you have a boulder in a pill just for a good time now and there's nobody you can't now i'd love to see how debate like this would play out by the way if biologically exerts a little differently over the men that took birth control but the sad thing is that less goes one of the women that turned against her own gender realistically this legislation wouldn't stand up in court i think there are arguments that can be made questioning its constitutionality the sheer fact the lawmakers are actually spending time and money drawing this stuff up and then using absurd logic to justify it really have to be brought up so here's one of my favorite quotes from lesco in this whole matter he said we live in america we don't live in the soviet union the government should be telling mom and pop employers and religious organizations to do something against their moral or religious beliefs it's just not right well debbie as you so rightly pointed out this is america country people have the right to keep their medical records private accounts are a people have the right to choose what they do in their bedroom country where a doctor of employers should have a final say over your health care country where no one should be able to tell you
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how much sex and with whom you can have it or not there's something about saying that we're a free country or something right so we're offering a bill that allows any employer to deny all of their skanky employees birth control and then trying to force women to share their private medical history with their bosses the b.l.s. co is tonight's top time winner. hi guys time for happy hour joining me this evening archie producer jenny churchill and j.p. freres senior communications strategist with new media strategies so let's just continue talking about sex birth control all that fun stuff. and something that's going on in wisconsin the mother take a look. the bill requires state sex ed teachers to stress abstinence over
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contraception democrats argue the bill is on realistic but it passed tonight along party lines. we already saw a similar bill in utah now in wisconsin but the thing here is all these health experts have now said if you pass this bill expect sexually transmitted diseases or as. infections these days to go way up to skyrocket and they even found out from two thousand to two thousand and nine wisconsin psi thirty two percent increase in reported cases of s.t.d. eyes and basically that's because kids are just getting them younger because they're having sex younger probably way before they ever had to take effect that glass like in high school kids are starting to get as high as in middle school sixth grade if the refreshing obviously hasn't doesn't work very well i think what's frustrating here is i mean in my personal opinion i can't imagine having to talk to my own children about sex much less having someone else do it for me i think it's really something that's happened in the home but the problem is it's not
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people aren't doing it and their kids are having sex and so it's very this is the current issue too is that if you have a spreading like wildfire you can talk to kids about it well sure i mean i. i'm a bit troubled by a couple of these things one is that this report is taking place and want to go county and it's called winnebago county we should address that it's going to be good because the areas but the thing is that there is this belief that teachers are going to be able to teach sex ed pretty well but if you remember your days of going through sex ed i mean i remember being in high school and i remember how completely ineffective it was i mean it supported me i watched the crazy videos of what herpes is going to look at me her life ok well now we know what your situation is so you were not there watching me but service scary. the birth video what everybody what if that carried out with either video ever made you know i think. you could probably call ok so clearly you're. no you can go to class you know you are going to have an impact on you know what's important is that it's not just
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about kids knowing that i see these are out there because i think that most kids when they're your says oh you could get herpes they think want to get her i think that parents have to have a conversation with their children and say you know there are consequences for being sexually active and you need to know that and you know some of those diseases there are really really dangerous not to mention transmetal orally not necessarily through just regular sex but we're also not real so not taking seriously the question about whether or not we're gallaudet behavior right i mean there is there is a reasonable place where we could be like you know what it's talking about at this age i mean we should be willing to talk about everything and educate people everything but you have to think about it at that age that we have to that intimate only we have to be willing to at least entertain the idea that at a certain point it's inappropriate inappropriate to discuss the ballot we want to make sure people aren't engaging in something that's because we don't want to take it a step further than you know why don't we say that we should have contraception contraceptives because they validate sex and sex is what gets people on t.v. i mean. you know condoms in sixth grade i mean i don't i don't know where to go
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what the whole point is they're telling you that in high school you know these kids can no longer have sex ed classes they have to detox and it's just crazy let's try this let's move on progress in our viewers out. but it turns out that you know all the kids are getting it on i think that there are a lot of really bored and lonely housewives out there because there is this e-book called this one is this one just the fifty shades of grey or about a whole trilogy it's really it's a trilogy ok but anyway this one is just like topping the charts and the moms are passing it on a doctor is really concerned to cook. there's a lot of violence against children of this country and people like various kinds of physical abuse and whatnot of people who are subject to those kinds of experiences or especially by these kinds of images and i'm not saying that everyone i'm just saying it's especially rosen. says something socially about us that's
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a little bit disturbed that's what i. write so it's a trilogy the teacher is a twenty seven year old billionaire who seduced is a college graduate into becoming his submissive sex slave do you think that says something about you know this is no different i don't know how small business side you know they want to read something about being thankful who says this is no different than the market i mean this is this has been with us for quite some time . is it really that shocking claims that are now the question is whether we validate it whether we teach it to children. this is this was a real problem i what i have trouble comprehending with this i've never gotten kind of the book porn thing i don't get it you like the real you are into porn why do you not watch porn why do you have to read porn it doesn't make sense to me like the fan fiction things for people who read harry potter and sexual and everybody everybody everybody talks about how you don't use your imagination everybody talks about how folks don't read enough and this is
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a way of getting people out of the rough or they're just watching t.v. and they actually start with myself lies across america reading in confidence on everything i do are passing around visibly worn porn blogs i'm just arguing with your lives your last story here which is rick santorum once again things that being that really just makes no sense to collect. what it was tough to see that stuff on the ground is an asset not a liability i stood up and said the science is bogus i said this isn't climate science this is political science the dangers of carbon dioxide. tell that to a plant how dangerous carbon dioxide. i can't take. the marriage is like beer but legs blood or you know who i think we have to tell them how rick santorum might not know that you can actually converse with the klan it is a possibility that he's not aware that you can't have
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a conversation when one just love it is very. worried we're in a terrible economy right now we're in a slow recovery there's problems we could talk about contraception we're talking about whether you know plants need carbon dioxide if you just like we're so far afield from the things that should actually be driving this election and people that say why can't we just focus on the real issues and years ago they were saying why can't we just focus on the real issues now are here it's like well you know so long as it benefits them credits for you know and i've got a record i was running out of time sorry we will debate this later thanks for joining us that's a very nice show thanks for joining me from back tomorrow in a senate foreign policy analyst at cato is back on the show in the meantime to forget become a fan on facebook for yes some twitter find everything at you tube dot com slash me on the show and coming up next he's. going to take three. three. three.
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