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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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tonight an artsy further cutoff for radio and banks a blacklisted by the worldwide system which runs international into balance transfer. denies a sense as it's taking this absence of comply with a european nations against iran's nuclear ambitions i'll have more on this breaking story. mass rallies both for against the syrian government marked the first anniversary of the country's unrest also a media reporter was accused of early fueling the fire. britain's guardian newspaper releases more to be thousands of emails from president assad quite happy
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but are they true. more for me in just a moment. plus the taliban suspends peace talks with the u.s. and president karzai says he wants nato out of rural areas after an american soldier gunned down sixteen villages in cold blood. below you watching r.t. live from moscow it's eleven pm thursday night here now my name is kevin owen and first further isolation for iran tonight this time in finance with the country's banks so many you blacklist being cut off from the so called system now which runs international transactions middle east correspondents called the latest on this developing story. what we're looking at here is a major company that deals with the bulk of class international financial
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transactions announcing that it is severing ties with iranian banks what this would effectively need is that iran will be cut off from the international global market now the organization known as swift which stands for the society for worldwide into banking financial telecommunications in its announcement did say that it was unprecedented and extraordinary for it to disconnect from gangsta did say that it was the result of direct international and multilateral action to intensify financial sanctions against iran now the move the wall go in effect this coming saturday and what we also know is that all the uranium banks that will be affected are those that have been blacklisted by the european union in late january it was agreed that and oil embargo would go into force in july so that would be the next major focus on sanctions and that together now with this announcement that iran
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will not have access to the global market will have severe consequences for the country effectively isolating it even further from the international community now there are those who are also saying that this latest move by the swift organization may be an effort to buy time for the united states to dissuade israel from launching any kind of preemptive military strike against iran of course there was the call earlier this month vigeland power was for a resumption of long stalled nuclear talks but we haven't yet seen any recent on that so they will be these two avenues happening sanctions reaching unprecedented levels although in the background still some countries calling for talks to be resumed meanwhile president obama was born with the window for talks to solve the dispute over iran's nuclear plans. but while the u.s. and its allies are increasing the pressure a veteran u.s. statesman is adamant the really true confrontation must be avoided. if there
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is a war there's some not any inhibitions about it we're going to be along the international community is not going to be joining that and that's i think makes it all the more important that president obama persist in the course on which i think he has embark which is to try to dissuade the israelis from doing anything unilaterally and to give what has been described as give peace a chance serious negotiations with iran but then what does serious negotiations with iran mean. what the new me is that you do not want to give the iranians the choice of either humiliating capitulation or social economic strangulation that is to say either really totally and for example on the pride of the right to have a nuclear program which under n.p.t. they do have or because they're not accommodating we really shut down their economy
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which would then have the effect of unifying the extremists with nationalists and probably even precipitate so sterrett go crazy reaction militarily by doing. so we do have to be very deliberate in our conduct and try to use the alliances that we have plus china and russia and others to create a situation in which the peace process is given a chance and my last point is and we have time to do it. the syrian president remains in power a year since protests against his rule of violence gripped the country according to league team alles now allegedly from his account by cheryl assad's under rainy and guide in the city ridicules his own reforms was asking for a smith reports next is considerable doubt about the credibility of the claims which come from splintered opposition groups. well there's a variety of things that refer to in his sort of professional life and also in his
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personal life these e-mails it's claimed were intercepted by some hackers belonging to one of the opposition groups the supremes council of the revolution between june and early february said you know last year early february this year it's significant that they're being released now obviously they're bound to receive quite a lot of media coverage because it's the first anniversary of the uprising in syria so we should certainly look at the timing of that and to some of the e-mails refer to communications that assad has with iran and with the rainy and proxy he was giving him advice to use powerful and violent language when he's talking to the people also to show appreciation for friendly states and to leak more information on syria's military strength to suggest to the people that it's serious it's come a time under any kind of holmes norton includes defend itself now that really plays
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directly into the hands of old from the opposition groups in syria which are very fragmented there are at least four different opposition groups that we know of and it has been known to be quite to the loose with the truth before they have released a very top figure far as any other organizations concerned of the number of people who have been killed during this syrian uprising so we have to be a little bit careful about how much credence we give to these allegedly leaked e-mails nocioni today show the political order they allege to show the political workings of assad's mind but they also show details from his personal life after scenes links from you tube videos he even forwards to one of his aides to link over you tube video of the home seeds reenacted using toys and biscuits so a little bit of a look into the into the inner workings of the relationship there. laura smith a correspondent in london well in syria itself the first anniversary of widespread
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protests and rest against the assad regime was marked with war demonstrations across the country thousands of also been rallying in the capital in support of the president there hailing ongoing democratic reforms which include parliamentary elections due in may but opposition leaders say the initiatives are really a gesture and they want to subject quick government troops and pushed armed rebels out of several flashpoint cities meantime we've both sides taking losses the u.n. estimates the violence has claimed at least eight thousand lives now since last march political analyst christopher hall still in damascus he told us the rebels fighting your sad and damaging syrian democracy hopes. most of the syrians see three things first we need continuous reform yes this corruption i tell you even government officials tell me the face other people see the leadership reacted too late and others see well in the beginning with the whole
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you know how praising in the shade. took the wrong measures they were too brutal in not pressing at the start of listening to the people early on these things are very clear but what is also clear right now today is that in the face of very happy you know constitutional reform in the face of election deeds set by the president on me said it is very clear that anybody who is now picking up arms against this government which obviously is indulged in all this freefall and really since this person these persons are not serious about the constructive it in the internal dialogue in multi dog in syria it's quite clear they're not on his part the proper process they're just kids and there's a bit it's usually. and we'd like to know what you think about the situation in syria it's a question i. websites night if you'd like to take part in the latest poll this is
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what you've been telling us to this question we're asking a year on the conflict in syria is being fully put tweens good question what's your answer this is what you're telling us this hour exactly half of you there saying it's world superpowers you think in need of natural resources but a quarter of you believe these propaganda peddlers the media outlets even less of you compared to last are suggesting it's power and really since syria just ten percent think it's a fight between freedom loving people under an oppressive government you can still go online plenty of times you'll say it's because. watching r t with me kevin zero in i had this maintaining control at any cost. good job like opening up your almost mixed with sting from about my students might find out how far the u.s. is willing to go to disperse demonstrators and then force authority despite lecturing other countries abroad human rights. thousands of illegal
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immigrants who come to britain in search of a better life found their dreams of a good job good money instead becoming a nightmare many pay big bucks to traffickers to make the journey but end up in destitution bennett's met some people living on the streets and find themselves stranded now with no means of returning home. it looks like nothing more than a dumping ground the squalor plain to see harder to spot other signs of life this is what forty illegal immigrants call home under a motorway bridge in london's outskirts penniless and without sanitation the place is infested with drugs disease and destitution many risk their entire family's fortune to get here dreaming of the riches that await instead they found a nightmare they probably are looking for a better life they've been told in fact they've been sold the fact that if you come to the u.k.
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i is like i the streets are going to be paved with gold this man paid traffickers in india over fifteen thousand dollars to smuggle him to britain in the back of a lorry like most he destroyed his passport when he got here to make deportation more difficult but it means he now can't escape even though he wants to he was promised he'd find plenty of work money and accommodation but he's now trapped in poverty worse than he left behind oh i have a large job. it's. very you know all it where do you sleep. i only sleep well have a look at all of the bin in the indian deal. with no official identity and then like locked in a stuck in a bureaucratic no man's land britain won't deport them unless they can prove who they are and where they came from each case has to be dealt with individually and
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some can be complex with many not having trouble documents or not wishing to comply with the documentation process in the cases of indian nationals we continue to work with the high commission to speed up the time it takes to return them to their home country. nearly thirteen thousand illegal immigrants left the u.k. voluntarily last year according to pulling in numbers over just six years such is the desperation to leave this car park east to be a busy pickup spot for manual labor but now there's nothing this is where the men waits looking for work they're here every morning hoping to be picked up and paid for a day's labor today though like most days they wait isn't this before the downturn kura was earning up to three hundred pounds a week now he's lucky to get fifteen pounds a day doing jobs he never thought he'd stoop to older guys who are thinking about doing learned you know money's gone. way too much money you're going to be don't
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know what happened here because they realize the reality is there. as we didn't you know do in india here we. are from a good family the men are expected to send money back to their families in india no wonder most were reluctant to appear on camera either bennett party london. a lot more of our news about more stories besides from qatar to bring you here on the t.v. on our website r.t. com tonight a leading figure in the russian anti-government protest movement is going on a hunger strike in response for being sentenced to ten days in prison with the backstory their father was getting on his son a website and see how citizens of an italian town could no longer die because it's against the law of the work that one out when you can find out of our team. and red square going green whatever next moscow launches
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a week of irish and italian headers and patrick's day. western nations will be pointing the finger at countries who don't share their ideals but america and its allies are always practicing what they preach when it comes to human rights and democracy some believe that western politicians should first lead by example before lecturing the rest of the world that is more important as well. the u.s. and its european allies have many things in common security politics and a familiar practice of scolding outsiders about the pillars of democracy iranian people have a universal right so assembly and free speech this is the creasing suppression human rights democracy is a big step towards democracy rule of law human rights these are often news and we believe these must be respected by the egyptian authorities in russia we've seen crackdowns on civil society groups as western leaders wag their finger around the
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world. wouldn't good times and brutal force have been used to quell public protests at home. riot police handcuffs and iron fists have repeatedly been used against unarmed demonstrators in greece spain and london where thousands flood the streets to protest against austerity measures and unemployment they should focus on getting their own house in order and practice what they preach rather than nosing about in other countries and trying to you know grandstand on an international scale rather than deal with you know they are there are very serious democratic deficit as public anger continues to be inflamed u.k. officials made public fire with a barrage of water cannons which senior scotland yard officials are reportedly trying to get hold up along with taser stun guns in tear gas to break up unruly or
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unwanted crowds on the other side of the atlantic uprisings against economic inequality and corporate greed have left countless occupy wall street activists covered in blood temporarily blinded. and behind bars the movement is currently planning to draw tens of thousands of demonstrators to the upcoming. and nato summit in may. but this week the u.s. military is unveiling its latest non-lethal weapon to members of the press. it cold like opening up in your almost. from about my sternum to my. new active denial system can repel crowds using an invisible electromagnetic beam that delivers a blast of intense heat up to one kilometers away without a sound a smell or even a warning the weapon promises to disperse crowds and reinforce security while the
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military weapon is incredibly intended to be used by police critics say ray guns like water cannons could eventually be rolled out in the land of the free we are seeing an intensification of repression because people are challenging the system and challenging it in europe the challenge in the united states and it's easy for our readers to point the finger somewhere else rather than take responsibility here in america to do anything differently lecturing others our democracy and human rights has become a brand of western foreign policy discourse that seems to be based on the highest of standards but as recent years has shown it's a lot easier to spalls others when everything is why. these protesters. or injured students in europe might suggest that their leaders do what mark before
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i tempting to be a teacher of democracy. party we are. at least ten civilians have reportedly been killed by a roadside bomb in afghanistan meantime the taliban suspended peace talks with the united states and americans to changing the terms and conditions of a road to peace this comes as the afghan president slammed the nato campaign in his country calling on alliance forces to leave rural areas he was responding to. massacre of sixteen civilians by an american soldier last weekend not long after the coffins of the qur'an were discovered at the u.s. air base in the country the western leaders of the war u.s. president obama and spritz promise to david cameron of confirmed plans to hand over security responsibility to local forces that transitions to take place next year in preparation for an end to the combo coalition mission but the end of twenty fourteen but activist journalist chandan told me he thinks washington already has plans for a post afghanistan. the history of afghanistan for over
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a century is a history of colonial adventures gone terribly wrong that's assuming that things can go right which they can't so i don't think that the pulling out of troops will result in that much more bloodshed that's been occurring anyway for the last you know couple of decades in afghanistan i think the west what they want and then the in the end game with the taliban but what they want from the taliban is assurances and this i'm sure the hard bargain is this that the taliban stay basically hostile to all their neighbors in the region and that's what the west won't last in the west one is any kind of functioning government and infrastructure national infrastructure in afghanistan is at peace and not to mention you know mutual kind of respect with its neighbors they want to understand the china especially to iran now now they're coming up to the attack on iran. up ahead on the program the land of blacksmiths in a few minutes we travel to your rules read in central russia to see how the aging
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process before you're still very much alive and kicking. world news update before that though egypt's chief prosecutors charge seventy five people including nine police officers and two minors with murder and negligence over last month's deadly soccer riots at least seventy four people were killed in the coastal city of port side on favoring the first well fans of rival teams clashed after a match a violent sparked angry riots across the country. a free trade agreement between south korea and united states has come into effect five years after it was signed it's the biggest such deal for the u.s. and sixteen years and is a bit slashing tariffs and other trade barriers south korea's opposition democratic united party says the plan will trigger a backlash against the government claiming it favors the us over the country's workers activists have staged rallies in seoul calling for the protocol to be scrapped. its national monetary funds approve a twenty eight billion euro loan for greece on thursday the cash is part of the
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second one hundred thirty billion euro international bailout for the struggling country intended to keep it from the top twenty fourteen greece has been hit by protests over the austerity being altered in return with widespread and employment and poverty because of a downturn from the massive national debt. next as promised just no room for some adventurous discoveries as we take you on another trip to another corner of the world's largest country russia in our close up series. just where are we heading well let's look at the map today we travel to the city of there it is the catherine border which is located at the foot of the ural mountains dividing europe and asia the mineral rich mountains of made the region a massive center for metal manufacture and is artist tom barton found that from a local thing no more than a profession it is a passion. and metal the surroundings of blacksmiths for
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thousands of years and of alexander lucic of in his forge in russia's mountainous euro region for the past thirty he's now as much a part of this world as the hammers and tongs fancy ironwork and fence posts but he still remembers the very first thing he made this spoon third it's so much more than just a simple spoon it's the thing i hold dearest of it whereas alexander is content hammering one piece at a time the urals also contained smelting operations on a truly industrial scale this plant turns thousands of tons of molten steel into thousands of kilometers of oil and gas piping this isn't about craft and skill any more say engine is here it's about science and needs detailed education. technical
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specialists here need computer and math skills to work this increasingly complex machines so we have to train them up here these vast holes are the direct descendants of the first fortunes in the urals they think back to the eighteenth century of metal working in all its forms is still widespread in the region the furnace is here pour out three thousand tons of molten steel a day it's one of the around a dozen such plants scattered across the urals but the steel you have to get up to one thousand six hundred degrees to get to go like this not with all metals gold the stuff that's made while it's fat and eyes greedy since time immemorial these men smelt it in to excite comic gold bullion form but they say to them it's just another metal. you know if you think too much about the price you can't put out a decent product we don't actually value it pass highly it's
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a huge responsibility put out its gold smelting is about the most carefully handled metal operation there is. not to knock alexander of course and his enduring passion for his age old art a passion he ses is just as present in all matter workers no matter how nonchalant his gold silting contemporaries may seem. he's lived he's lived of course they feel something working with gold and all the wonderful metals they're just not admitting it to themselves. whether in a small forge or a vast complex metal workers here are following in the footsteps of many pioneers in their trade and at least according to alexander they all share the spirit of this man and his metal tom bottom r.t. . well what a character on earth if you are in the much more from the from the region in the next couple of days as well if enjoy that you're on our team as the adventure continues but present though it's twenty five minutes past eleven at night here
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moscow business that means dimitris here and dimitri all prices are tumbling why is that radius of today well there's rumors that the u.k. and the u.s. might release their reserves of oil and therefore there will be more supply but right now white house has already denied these rumors and therefore what we're seeing is that brant is declining more than a dollar light sweet is down three cents. let's move on though look at the markets a bit later prices are of course very much connected with gas prices in europe has been complaining about the high levels of gas prices that russia is shipping to europe and therefore what we're seeing right now is the e.u. regulators are trying to make a link linking pipelines between north stream a major russian pipeline project and the european gas system well that link you pipeline should reserve fifty percent of gas to other suppliers now winter's hall
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the company which builds this linking pipeline says that this in turn could lead to even higher gas prices. this would be a stranded investment if fifty percent of the capacity isn't in terms of efficiency it would not make sense at all that we don't use fifty percent of capacity we have existed for i cannot find any other single shipper who wants to book the capacity because he has no gas he wants to transport to that location when this is reasonable i think we have a good chance to find a new dream and. but this could also mean that the north stream will not be using all of its capacity secular the stock markets and of course they're looking for positive in the united states the nasdaq is up almost half a percent but the outsider of the day is apple's stock you used to be flirting with the six hundred dollars per share level well right now it's down around half a percent one day before the release of the new i pad tablet. over in europe the
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session ended mixed with the footsie down a notch the fish said it could actually take away the triple a rating that the u.k.'s had for such a long time the dax is up almost two percent and in russia it was also make session with the r.c.s. continuing its winning streak into the fourth session in a row for the my sex and the session down point three percent the main drag on the my six were financial shares notably sperm bank it was down two point six percent the most liquid stock on the market was down on news that a good go ahead with an additional share placement as soon as next month actually whereas energy shares were feeling a bit better. and finally figured currencies and the euro and the dollar are barely changed while the ruble continued strengthening versus for.
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now russia has seen a budget deficit sharply rise in the first two months of the year reached eighty point eight point three billion dollars double the official forecasts finance minister consumer. love says that's due to grown spending by local authorities and spendings up almost seventeen percent of the annual budget compared to fifteen percent last year in the same period. and that's it from the business that's the headline the next time i see. the. wealthy british style. sometimes i don't. like that.


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