tv [untitled] March 15, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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perino we're not artsy new york and that's going to wrap it up for the show for more of the stories we covered you can head on over to our team last usa and check out our youth page at youtube dot com slash artsy america you can also follow me on twitter liz wahl closely right back here at seven. you know sometimes you see a story and seek so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here so you saw the part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't. charge for the big picture.
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max kaiser this is the kaiser report let's talk about yogurt kamikazes stacy or everett max kaiser there's a war on you need to be armed that's a younger kamikaze go for it go. then if they lose falls victim to yogurt attack yogurt seems to be the name of the game in greece these days as more and more people are using said their e product to express their bubbling contempt against any parliamentary representatives they happen to come across finance minister passata would be the leader even jealous then was the latest victim of the yogurt kamikazes at a convention on saturday now the man who threw this yogurt at him was an elderly
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citizen who was using a crutch to help him walk up to the finance minister threw some yogurt at him and said that he was upset with his pension being well the thing about this yogurt is that you know eat a lot of it and you live to ninety the problem is now open so now you're. mentions been stolen by the trumpet so all that yogurt is no good people getting rid of it like what you're alluding to i don't it go for the past fifty two years ago when the yogurt in the face of the technocrats of stolen all the money rightfully so well just so others out there understand what you mean by true that's max keiser pronunciation of troika. so you know here's one weapon in the financial war which is greek yogurt however the banks have far more weapons in their arsenal financial repression back to stay says carmen m. rinehart on bloomberg as they have before in the aftermath of financial crises or
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wars governments and central banks are increasingly resorting to a form of taxation that helps liquidate the huge overhang of public and private debt and eases the burden of servicing that debt such policies known as financial repression usually involve a strong connection between the government the central bank and the financial sector sort of financial repression max. could be called financial apartheid i like this one because you know apartheid he built a wall between the ghetto and the rest of the people many of people in the ghetto you treat him wrong here with financial apartheid or refined initial repair action it's all based on interest rates the people on the inside who peddle the credit default swaps for example their interest rates are negative two percent and of course they can just print money all day long they give themselves huge bonuses and they don't care what happens to all that money because inflation because they themselves are plenty of money to buy whatever they need to buy no matter what the
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prices because they're printing all the money those people living in the ghetto the new ghetto the virtual ghetto ghetto of high interest rates are paying sixteen seventeen eighteen percent of those people are living of course in the high interest rate get enough people say that well you know if you can't pay back your loan you can't charge a higher interest rate that's not the case here for people who don't pay. back their loans like the banks are constantly defaulting on loans themselves they can charge low rates the people who actually paid back their loans are being charged high rates so it's a complete bastardization of capitalism is financial apartheid and it's happening right now in the place you just mentioned well all over the us and europe and you know for those trolls out there here's the troll away thing because they're going to say max keiser there's no such thing as negative interest rates well that's what the financial repression is according to bloomberg in the us as in europe at present this financial repression means consistent negative real interest rates yielding less than the rate of inflation that are equivalent to a tax on bondholders and more generally savers puts
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a negative real interest rates it's not there also negative nominal interest rates as the idea floating around that selling sovereign bonds a discount so that they would mature a loss this type of way so you're guaranteeing losses and the reason people would sign up to a negative interest rate is say u.s. treasury bond pays a negative one percent is that they can still use it they would prefer to use as collateral because it is very liquid they hope that they can invest or put the collateral into an investment that would exceed the negative interest rates the stated coupon negative interest rate of one percent they think of four or five percent remember the scam with the wall street bankers the fed would lend them money at one rate interest rate that they would immediately lend it back to the fed a two or three percent higher right so these interest rate boondoggles are going on perpetually and interest rates are a completely fungible item there they have no relation to any underlying economic
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activity whatsoever they're just completely pulled out of the tat of the central bankers based on their own constituents needs to remain in power and now as bloomberg points out their reason for this financial repression for the negative rates is the alliance they say between government bang. the fire sector finance insurance real estate are. going to eventually past a certain part of the population so that brings me to this next headline max a continuation of this theme of financial repression five hundred thousand pound mortgages backed by the taxpayer as new buy guarantee scheme launched so up to one hundred thousand people in the u.k. will get government support to buy new homes worth up to five hundred thousand pounds in a coalition move to revive the middle class dream of home ownership so the new buy guarantee scheme launched by david cameron is where the government guarantees part of a home buyers mortgage allowing them to take out much larger loans than they might
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otherwise be eligible for however it could also raise fears that the state could end up guaranteeing more risky borrowers but this is another gift to the banks from david cameron. moron. and it is absolutely a misallocation of wealth misallocation of assets the money should be allocated to create jobs real jobs they should be allocated in ways that increase real wages of course people say well this is going to increase some construction jobs but compared to the speculative bubble that will be imposed upon the system that will need another bailout in two years time and the printing of another trillion dollars of pounds of bailout money which will cause even more inflation does not justify the piddling a number of destruction jobs it does give away by cam moron is giving to the banks once again this constituency in georgia is more therefore the bronx this is another
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bank giveaway well actually it's also mollycoddling a certain sector of the population that is on the house and louder they do mention that the new house buyer is now in the u.k. average age is thirty seven in certain parts of the u.k. because they can't get onto the ladder and they also said that actually for the. first time there are more buy to let mortgages being issued than there are mortgage for occupier owners so you have this emergence of a rented a class this is something that you've talked with with das with steve keen with michael hudson and this is the exact opposite of the capitalism that adam smith said should happen well this should lift the market clear the demand for housing is such that the price should reflect the demand the supply should reflect the demand that the man supply supply and demand but you know that's not for cam cameron on this isn't good enough for him he needs to insert himself into the into the market and so you know i know better of the market and i need central planning to help me
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figure this all out which of course is just putting the economy even more aggressive i've got five trillion pounds in debt on the books right now and they're going to double that so again the global financial crisis one of the causes of it was the global housing bubble so here he is stoking it again the other element to the global financial crisis was the forex market currency volume surpassed pretty lehman peak bank of international settlement estimates so currency trading may have risen to a record five trillion dollars per day in september suppressing the peak reached before lehman brothers collapsed in two thousand and eight according to the bank for international settlements foreign exchange trading has surged as central banks including the federal reserve flooded markets with cash to combat the global financial crisis japan intervene to help its exports after record earthquake and a tsunami a year ago while the swiss central bank imposed a cap to stem frank straight in september when the root for fraud of five trillion
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per day for us market is enormous and this is only again empowering and rewarding the worst amongst society that becomes a caucus stock r.c. of the worst qualified in the most corrupt rise to levels of influence and power and they have. total contempt for a free market there's absolutely no need for a five trillion for x. per day unless you're trying to it's like you get a cut on your skin and the pus starts to lose and this is the forex market is the financial pos trying to run into the cut this been made into the global finance by insider trading and market manipulation from cam moron and mervyn king and ben bernanke gave the whole their every dime in the whole list of of who's wanted the most wanted financial terrorists in the world well the article goes on to point out that it's part of a currency war as brazil has called it and as of course jim rickards has called it
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but remember john authors who we also interviewed from the financial times about a year ago on the show we guarding his book about the financial crisis is he specifically mentions the four x. mark and that that time is only three trillion a day now it got up to five trillion it's a zero sum game it's a genuine just war ground there are many losers for every single winner while john authors wrote a great book and the thesis of the book is that markets are all tending toward correlation and that everyone is basically on the same bet for example over two hundred fifty hedge funds all own apple computer for example there's a tremendous concentration in that one name which leads toward incredible instability so the and they represent the crashes of course is increasing so the next crash they will have will be bigger than the last crash but of course it'll shake off more of the bottom ninety nine percent off the decks of the boat of the
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good ship global economy and they'll end up disenfranchised we won't hear about that many more except that. in greece for example my understanding is that they're starting to build more prisons so we have before extreme ruling the global financial markets at the moment now remember the first country to collapse. cuz of the financial crisis was iceland because of the yen carry trade iceland will adopt euro or other currency prime minister says iceland will either adopt a euro after joining the european union or drop the crow not in unilaterally adopt another currency as the situation can't remain unchanged since prime minister johann a secret daughter she said the choice is between surrendering the sovereignty of iceland in monetary policy by unilaterally adopting the currency of another country or become a member of the e.u. so either way it's giving up your sovereignty these are the only choices our leaders are saying that we are presented with this is the only option you have is
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give up your sovereignty or give up your sovereignty yeah well the strategy won't work because remember greece joined the euro and the the troika and other bankers from putting it off and killing its sovereignty and turning a don't vassal state the only thing that'll save iceland if it really wants to remain free and independent has to go to war with them mark. declare war on them are then immediately all the arms dealers in the world would start writing the checks and they would be off and running and they'd been independent sovereign nation but if you don't declare war on somebody then you're just live and you know you don't live in the big house anymore all right so here we're thankful to be on cause report thank you max all right don't go away stay right there much more coming your way. for.
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sunday. your welcome back to the cast reports on how to go to dublin to speak with mark o'byrne from gold core hello mark welcome back to the kinds report i saw it on again marc's all right mark the people of germany in switzerland want to repatriate their gold from new york is this game on for the global currency wars and will germany and switzerland get their gold back if they ask nicely for it yeah it is going on for global currency wars stopping right in the crowd for a few years now and it's only if you don't personally that the mainstream in recent months it was reported or spiegel will bear our titian's it was over actually there at the federal reserve. write new york and ask questions perhaps german gold
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holdings your gold service or sos concerns are the transparency about where exactly are the german reserve stores and then also some of the. movements growing there are people have sort of a website under under getting people to sign up in order to get transfers with r.c. cisco progress so when we look at rico parker not who knows because we don't know. who actually owns the gold have some gold and software or lens it's a marketplace it's a very big very on some spiral sector central bank gold reserves and i think you're misunderstood cripes very powerful nations economically i mean it would have quite a bit higher than where i was so i think yep it could possibly we're going to have a stronger oncet security and rights of the smaller so-called nations who might have a little bit more difficulty in getting their go there as well imagine a so-called peg nations in the case of grace the adult some big you know pretty
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sizable gold reserves but now they don't own it anymore do they basically it was it was in the will who was recently in the small claims where the basis interest from berkeley political to go. crease owns may not longer be their own words of the national action may be given away but it was funny and that was in the small produce agreement by the new york times arms a source of concern is greece's bankruptcy you would expect to be on sale but i think we're concerned is the block transparency or the lack of oversight was on and basically very little of the said it was a small piece of i want to be agreement people almost as there it is sort of a small part of new york times very rough it's host a whole really. it starts sort of. like respect for that group of law and this parents should know exactly what's up over the years with their arms table which which will be put on the table every which we were under the. irrational one
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might expect. you know mark i was reading david mcwilliams this morning and he was talking about the fact that greece just a fault and there are markets are rallying and whereas he contrast this with ireland who for some reason paid off a tangle irish unsecured debt of more than a billion euros and in tin is to dance to the bankers tune in just discoursing all of us money what do you think of david's then he claims point here that it's in and ireland's best interest to default and go the way of greece actually and not to keep it to scorching their hard earned cash to these corrupt bankers who grew very quickly and it's very hard to argue with him and he has been buying on the money in this arc along the years and a number of other people such as i have a number and i respect her for the very notion of rational argument that's why i should not eat at these obvious that's. basic economic rationality uni we can't
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afford. and these are certain measures of. becoming much much worse seen in greece so you know we want to send them and basically what's happened is. the man asked you know we're all told that armageddon is in our results in the unsecured debt right in our spike that work in a backpack that we like to grow in the country you know many a. classic home and and then greece all of those it's a huge market the problem not just providing it but others that are started as arms the stock markets rally nothing is materially change the greek people are still suffering massively but nothing has changed every beat of the post before so that's a lot of scaremongering by. most people and in fact checker senior people in going to be the i.m.f. or the e.c.b. or destroy them you know and they communicate this to our politicians who basically bought into a supply and sinker and i'm very scared of people have been saying well the last
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question you know we have it all back but i think precisely shown that the way forward i do think we will have to have fallen a full service purpose because ultimately the debts are their own elders no way no weakness in the economic growth i hope it's two three four percent which is not going to happen anytime soon you know that's not possible if i can actually oh. yes i think it's just a matter of time before we act first of all we should. be we should before on the i grew up sorry that i go irish at by and that's on security only to look at the security net and then maybe you know as i say then we look at the sovereign debt but i think we need to be careful with that a little bit and just see what's going on in the restaurant a little bit suspicious about a cause you knowledge that there are risks you don't sleep with no risk whatsoever there are risks with us research on the risks are far far less than that then. in
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the manner of you know financial armageddon if we do the bulk of betrayed by bankers. so i think that's where we'll have to to go. yeah it's funny in ireland relationship with his creditors if the idea that if you default you're going to cause an economic collapse and there won't be cash at the a.t.m. machine meanwhile the forex market has jumped to five trillion dollars a day out there is no shortage of liquidity out there if ireland were default on all of its debt it's a basically a pimple in the entire file on the on the on the on the brunt of the global money markets i mean the entire forex market trades seven eight nine ten times ireland's g.d.p. every day you know if the entire country were to fall nobody would notice much there being a catastrophe you know it's when our when i'm in dublin i hear people talking about
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i have anger or irish as if you know it's their mother and their mother would stop loving them and then instead of understanding that i know irish is a whole other is a prostitute a prostitute still remember you the next day they don't remember fondly that what you shared with them the day before you know they're just prostitutes who are but very in ireland they seem to be wanting to have a relationship with anglo-irish who is not interested in a relationship they just want the money so you have heard it said right across america biker arsenal segments and it was going so contributor and sort of where it's. going over and ponchos mark. and that's the actual problem and wrote out the . leadership over it better you know when it's all this minute storage system and yes you know are smaller and are going to create armageddon or it's our again i think we spoke about this last time it's there are foreigners permanent governments not just in ahmed i would say in most of our finance. they're being
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basically advice from. big investment banks. i'm a who are protecting our own interests not interests are facts are facts are in the country now we've seen the very visible results of austerity in greece and not just the riots muhamad suicides also an economic death spiral what are the applet numbers in ireland these days and unique circumstance consequences that we see in our win as a result of the austerity we're seeing similar things to greece we're not not house but on a scale of greece where it's us those form of pre-sliced. we do have a safety valve emigration which after all this year. i mean i don't know her peers are probably have a bit too many people the young men are emigrating usually with an expletive asked be there people working abroad and he were queuing at site or hundreds of thousands
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of people to get if this conference in order to find out that options were brought so that's one for say well for four of our officials will abuse registry. suicide increase the figures in our increase quite remarkably figure out your romanist well. arms yeah it's. all isn't lost right but it's interesting to hear i mean i live and work in the city center it seems to me to have been through the war for the sort of you're probably going to get yourself back you know the city center but this parcel. post of all restaurants and so all that you would know that restocking from this awesome awesome air session you know but it's more it's more in the countryside it's also in in sort of on the north south side of one of them is much much higher at the warehouse and are getting. more. then many to the us i think that's hard to do with the process so it's good teachers and nurses cigars
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housing and a whole lot of pain in that sector and reporter think you're going to make sure our part. beckmann challenge facing its onstage. meeting at the service of. the season the roster of the pay out of breath so there is a. unfortunately i'm going to look at what should be looking at first so should look at all of us expected at first and then we'll see if they can ferret then who should be. the say public sector. so that if it goes really into it with a little bit insulated under this still a lot of complacency and a reliance paschal risk there picayune for some relation to the still remote risk of a very good point there is that risk and i think it increases increases but it's still quite remote but also more long term the euro itself what we value is in the
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wrong hands you know when you see the man that he has been creating recently and that is going to pay for inflation i see years written deflation or non-serious. let me just ask you about iceland their former prime minister is our trial now for israel in a financial crisis and do you seeing anything like that happening in ireland one leg let's say sharpish patrick for mangal irish if they get him on trial for financial terrorism the anything anything going down this path hopefully we will i mean i think that's what we need and what we need to learn a lesson from this summer and people who have been involved a secret bankrupting the country should face trial in all. its icelandic primacy and heart of manner he's on trial you mentioned shots i think. ace of spades so to speak is berger who was the openness for finance and he was the. man he is the man
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who are i would think most our people except this i marry stossel the paramedics are south korean there's a tribunal now that's only if it's evident i think it's a crying scar thirty years on and they're going to give their evidence and he's basically asking for her daughter who gives us and see what our clients are of course you know i mean. we the scholars are still in the actions of he was a member of congress and you have a problem there. i mean this is the moscow that was on. this call blank check who has proof of money certainly around you know where the money came from and he said that money came from placing bets talk horses so i mean the fish rots the arabs under the i think you are right there at the coroner's office and he is ultimately responsible and that's remember who we should look for what the people most of the honor on looks are so it's a poor child i would never be my persecutor has been recruited in the wealthy but that's i think that makes absolute sense you know and we need to learn the lessons
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of what's happened. so for this cause the. right to burn thanks so much for being on the cars require rather time slots all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max hazare and stacy herbert on thank mike o'beirne of gold core dot com going to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser reported r t t v are you not nice guys are saying buy off. submission and free critique should be free to store charges free. maintenance free risk free stooge life free. free blogs counseling videos for your media projects for free medio dogs r t dot
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