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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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storage. returns three. stooges three. revolting videos for your media project the c.e.o. gondar teton song. it's been called of blood sucking vampire squid a toxic destructive and to crack it to fail and now a former goldman sachs employee is spilling the beans about his former employer in an op ed piece yes the business practices are legal but are goldman sachs executives morally bankrupt well explored. so we know that mitt romney rick santorum they are part of this two man race there for this republican race apparently is going on that is mitt romney tries desperately behind the scenes to end it. it's a three way race to the finish or so the mainstream media and the establishment
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what have you believe a ron paul is still calling in the crowds and the vote so what's with the media blackout. and feel like we're living in that we're hearing government hospital because at least in places like the middle east you know they you know that you're living in a dictatorship you know that you're living in its origin or you know like rich. and yet there's the land of the free might only be intended for those who are brave enough to be arrested while exercising their first amendment rights journalist david seaman will tell us a protest might become a thing of the past. thursday march fifteenth eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching r.t. . well it's not just the occupy movement enraged at wall street these days wall
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street's own are calling out the greed and corruption that plagues financial firms today and in office written by a mid-level goldman sachs executive who quit the day it was released dished all the insider dirt and the new york times in the piece and titled lying and leaving goldman sachs he says the financial firm is driven solely by profits even if it's not in the best interests of its clients he goes on to describe a bit of extreme greed on talk about whether or not at pixar going down the drain on wall street i was joined by peter schiff president of euro pacific capital here's his take. well first of all you know there's nothing wrong with making a profit grow working to make a profit i mean you're not working for russia today for free you're collecting a paycheck so we all want to make money and i think when it comes to the brokerage industry because i own a broker we manage money we have a program dealer i think in the long run the way i make the most money for myself
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is by doing a good job for my clients i think if you put your client's interests first that's the best way to make the most money for yourself but i do believe that sometimes and certainly in our industry the brokerage industry you could make more money in the short run if you're very short sighted by sometimes compromising your customer's interests and putting your own interests ahead in the short run and i think that's not the best way to go about it because maybe you make a little bit money in the short run by putting your clients in investments where you gain at their expense but in the long run that is not the way to build a good reputation and that's not the way to maximize the long term income potential of a brokerage firm over brand know whether goldman sachs is actually doing that or not and i have a lot of sympathy for this letter i found myself in similar circumstances when i first entered the industry the firm that i work for no longer exists but it later became lehman brothers which collapsed and i started off there and the reason i quit and i did stay there about well but the reason i decided i wanted out of that
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environment is i didn't think that they were putting the customers interest first and i thought that they were specifically trying to sell stocks that they knew were overpriced and they knew it were going to go down simply because there was a bigger spread there they had always hated and commission and the brokers were getting rich at the client's expense i didn't like that and ultimately look i mean i'm from isn't around anymore and this might not have been widespread throughout the entire firm it certainly was going on in my office but my limited experience or with the mainstream well street firm is what led me to open your pacific capital and start my own firm because i thought i could make. the most money for myself if i did a better job for my customers and so that was my goal and of course you know morally i did want to recommend things to my clients i didn't believe in that i thought would work was not a narrow interest but my branch manager wanted me to sell it because you know this is how we could make money to burn took down a big block of stock and they did need to get rid of it and of course sometimes in
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wall street you can you can try to look out for one customer by punishing another you might well street might have one customer that needs to sell something and so they have to convince one of their other customers to buy it so one customer gains as the other customers expense and i don't want that i don't want to i want to help all costumers i don't want to it want to give another now i do want to read a portion of that here. he says quote that makes me l how callously people talk about renting their clients over the last twelve months i've seen five different managing directors or for their own clients as muppets sometimes over internal e-mails that we see not much respect for their own clients and does this surprise you to see to do that or i've heard a lot worse than not that i've been buffett could be their kind of enduring right some muppets are kind of cute so i don't probably worse ways to refer to clients. as other than muppets but look i remember i said when i got started the brokers
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were really excited when it was a big credit stock and they could buy a stock and it was a bullet verite it was a dollar which is you know the brokers would sell a stock for five dollars in a dollar of it would be commission and they knew these stocks were bad they would be excited you know there were some brokers in there that would say you know creditor forget it i remember there was a motto when i first started working but i would talk to the brokers and the brokers would say with a smile the firm makes money the broker makes money two out of three ain't bad i mean that is an attitude that is there sometimes and i don't like that attitude that i got out of it but there are plenty of credible people in honorable people on wall street that really care about making my. for their clients i'm not saying they're saints they want to make money for themselves too but they want to do it the right way not that that's not the way that some of the people in this industry have bought it now i think there's a lot of them at goldman sachs and i've never worked there so i don't really know what's going on but you know i think there is a hell of a big connection between goldman sachs and the government i mean certainly
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a lot of goldman exacts work in the government work with the treasury department you know and they go back and forth and i don't like this relationship but i think goldman sachs a lot of other firms have been on the receiving end of giant government subsidies big balance goldman sachs is able to go to the federal reserve and borrow a bunch of money real cheap i can't go to the federal reserve i can't borrow any money at at those lows rates and if my firm goes out of business no one is bailing me out i'm going to i'm going to fail i don't have friends in washington that are going to come to my rescue so i don't think there's a level playing field i think it's back and i think firms like goldman sachs have helped the stack and some of the three hundred s. so you'd figure on the f.c.c. the regulators go after the small firms to keep them from competing with the big for and some of the reason that you just cited are why some people are a lot of people these days aren't too fond of wall street in fact some see them as below at some of the low is that
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a fair stereotype and they are kind of oh man i mean most of the people that i know that work in this profession are good people but the good guys in their special and you know the worst of the ones are the ones that are tied in with the government and wall street is not the problem it's government it's the connection between last free to govern but that but that was the root of the problem is government power and government influence we got to go after that and then you go as i say if you want to if you want to kill the state that you've got to go after the head and it is seen in washington. but as far as this particular individual allocation look i go but of the things that goldman sachs is accused of doing i think. they paid a settlement although it doesn't mean they were guilty but one of the the fun's that henry paulson was betting against or john paulson about the right to paulson's big stuff was betting against was a fund that goldman sachs all put together but paulson helped pick the mortgages and they were they picked the ones that were the most likely to fail and yet when i
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think the allegation is when goldman sold them to its other customers it didn't point this out at pretended that this was structured to be a good investment not to be a bad investment so somebody else was was betting that they would fail and in fact goldman themselves was betting against some of the very products that they will recommend that their customers buy but the reason that some of that is able to dial on it the fact that these that last we have so much and we'll end on washing. down that's what we've got to stop i'd like to open up first of all we need to get rid of these regulatory bodies i don't like i don't think that a brokerage firm or an asset management firm should be licensed by the government you know i think that individuals should be able to decide who they want to work with and they should be able to work with any broker they want the way they want to not the way some bureaucratic agency says that they have to do it. and so if we had that we have more vibrant competition we'd have a lot more firms out there competing for investor dollars i think would be
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a lot harder for brokerage firms to abuse their clients if it was a more highly competitive market and i think we have to sever the link between the government and wall street we've got to sever the lake between the government and every street that is the problem there's corruption throughout this country because government power is for sale to the highest bidder and the problem isn't that there are people bidding for what else can you expect the problem is that the government has the power to sell taking power out of washington and all the influence peddling all the lobbying goes away. well that was peter schiff president of euro pacific capital. well it seems the mass media has officially given up on one republican presidential candidate ron paul who has consistently attracted a very passionate and dedicated following reportedly has only had one embedded reporter throughout the entire campaign but now he has apparently none because of this n.b.c.
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poll be sold as bad off the bus now when you see video of paul he's usually swarmed with a very at our giants fan base yet he hasn't won a single caucus yet and this has the candidate raising suspicion. as we hear people like these i'm sick of the polling believe it we will wind up with the talk . of our supporters are very suspicious that. the strawberries have been very good i mean you read the paper on the me. you just learned that it was never read the you never read it just right that was the piece that really wrote what they were so it's a case that has been suspicious. so the candidate getting a fair shot in the race to be the next public and presidential candidate well to dig deeper into what's really going on here i was earlier joined by mary willis and volunteer organizer for the los angeles libertarian liberty headquarters and
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a ron paul supporter i first asked her if the media is actively biased against ron paul here's their take. completely there doing absolutely everything in their power to give less coverage and make him seem unelectable they're the ones the media is the one who started the whole rumor of an electability and actually ron paul is highly unlikely bill and that's why they're not covering him he's drawing crowds of you know three to five thousand on a daily basis sometimes multiple times daily or he'll have a. conference in one place and then you know fly over to another and yesterday spoke to a crowd of more than five thousand in illinois and took them to the polls right afterward and the media can't cover those sort of things because. they are the kind of government sponsored organizations that get taxpayer bailouts a g.e. the parent company of the. c. and b. c. got over one hundred eighty two and a half billion dollars in taxpayer bailouts and you know ron paul does not support
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bailouts and that's why. i kind of want to pull up an example of this this was a poll that was on c.n.n. where ron paul he was wearing the highest in this poll fifty two percent so significantly higher than some of the other candidates there get if you see all the way on the bottom there so that doesn't really seem to make much sense off the bat . what do you make of that and what else would this ever happen. only only one ron paul wins would the winner be listed at the bottom of the page and we saw much worse not much more blatant attempts you know in almost all of the debates you know we would have a debate watching party and you would see that the way that the camera was framed they would put the other three candidates in the together and put ron paul off to the edge and the camera would frame on just the three candidates as if ron paul wasn't even in the room on the same stage and in one debate he only had eighty nine
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seconds to speak and in another one i think it was an hour and a half. debate and they cut off the second half hour where ron paul had the opportunity to speak and here is somebody that is trying to shine a light on. jon stewart let's take a listen. survey showing rick perry running back and romney going down the aisle for a show off. because. of the libertarian ron paul become the fourteenth floor you know hold. so mary why would there be it after it's a silence why what is the motive behind ignoring him. exactly as i mentioned you know ron paul you know he's not the establishment candidate he does not represent the things that. benefit these big corporate core
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pot corporate government sponsored organizations and the corporatocracy you know ron paul is the exact opposite he's the patriot for the people and you know that's why they don't give him any coverage because he actually can win they like to misreport on his delegate when they like to misreport on his caucus wins in the size of them so you know nobody gave him any cracking credit for winning the caucus in the virgin islands and that's just and say so if they want to call mitt romney the winner for winning eight delegates in the virgin islands and i guess that we can call ron paul the winner in maine is out of colorado where he took all the delegates now it's already earlier we played a clip there of ron paul he was raising suspicion of election fraud and he pointed to the fact where wherever he goes he is surrounded by so many of these very vocal passionate people and you don't see this kind of following for the other candidate the same time he has been one any caucus says and to him and to many of his
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followers something doesn't add up do you think that there is there is fraud going on. i think that the establishment g.o.p. . has been told which candidate and has you know has a candidate that in mind and they're pushing forward for those candidates you know mitt romney is the stablished choice and doing whatever they can to steal away ron paul's momentum if they had declared him the winner in the u.s. virgin islands as he was rightfully so then that would just help to propel him into the next states and keep things going for super tuesday but they did not want to give him that when and you know by doing that it kind of this is momentum and you know supporters sometimes fear. throwing the vote away if it's some some people are are very loyal to the republican party and they fear that you know i'm not sure why that if they gave it to the other candidate in most cases or as i feel it they
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would be throwing their vote away if they gave it to the lesser of two evils rather than sit with the one candidate who's actually standing up for them now in terms of reelection for mary do you think that could indeed be going on i think it's a possibility and you know a lot of the ron paul supporters who have come to the caucuses a participant and become delegates have been turned away there's been a lot of rumors about it i'm not on the ground and i'm not with the official campaign i'm a grassroots supporter and but there is definitely a lot of a lot of. information that comes out of some of these and we've we've informed the voters to participate in in the caucuses and to be a part of the public tally that people can call for a public tally of the vote and when they've done that i think it was in iowa you know they reported that you know they had to they had counted out the public votes and then it was you know the the those results were not even turned in by the
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g.o.p. you know in maine where eighty four percent of the vote was counted and several precincts in counties were not counted their votes you know and they claimed mitt romney was the winner with only i think one hundred seventeen votes apart from wrong paul so now whether it's an accidental or. whether it's an act that in our effort was intentional and it is raising sons and suspicion among ron paul followers i do want to poke a quote from an editorial this is in the daily bell it says quote it is time for it is time for a groundswell of ron paul supporters to quietly respectfully but firmly make their position clear to the mainstream media and the g.o.p. establishment simply put no call on the take it means no vote for the g.o.p. and november now married you think that that's what needs to be done in order for
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him to be taken seriously for some of its followers to put their foot down and say hey we can impact the outcome of this election. you know i don't know how to answer that question i'm unsure of how a third party ticket would run i think if i don't think that people don't want. you know that's a tough question i think that ron paul is on the republican ticket because there's finances there to run up against obama i think that people would be doing themselves an incredible disservice if they don't vote for ron paul because in my opinion the other candidates have no chance of winning this race against barack obama because these other candidates support everything that barack obama has done wrong since he's been in there as far as louts are concerned increasing the debt ceiling preemptive barriers and things like that where any time but thank you very much a pleasure to have you on the show as always that was very well said well in terror
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and i was there for the los angeles liberty headquarters and a ron paul supporter well as the u.s. and its allies criticize other countries for their lack of freedom and human rights it seems those very rights are being threatened here at home the latest example a law recently passed or a bill recently passed that limits where and how people can exercise their freedom of speech and i reports. it's a country that extols the virtues of liberty unlike no other. since september some six thousand seven hundred americans protesting against economic inequality and corporate greed have been arrested and silence. a police offensive aimed at crushing occupy wall street has succeeded in shattering america's global market brand of freedom but it's make people realize it's the kind of devastating states
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or our ability to be in a place of dissent or america and how to challenge that and help press that is i think people thought they were free or to dissent greater until they tried. as anger over a corrupt politics fractured communities and us foreign policy grooves federal anti protest laws are all so lightly expanding. in america it is a criminal offense to exercise freedom of speech i have been deemed nationally significant such as presidential conventions and debates. protesting in areas where the u.s. president or anyone protected by the secret service may be visiting is considered a felony punishable with the fines and up to ten years in jail the federal buildings and grounds improvement act known as h r three four seven is a lot most americans don't know about but you don't have to do
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a lot to feel its force we represent people who are charged with felony offenses soley because they put up posters they put up signs asking people to join in demonstrations and they've been arrested by the police detained held on twenty five thousand dollars bail in charging felons with nato and protest posters popping up nationwide u.s. lawmakers are tightening up recent active men's include keeping protests around the white house and broader language to make progress and prosecution easier i think this is a specific response sort of the fear that we're actually going to factor here and you know like. transforming the clinical landscape katie davison was arrested twice last year while taking all in legal nonviolent occupy wall street in new york i feel like we're living in an earthworks american government and it's awful because at least in places like the middle east you know they you know the earlier being in
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a dictatorship you know that really we're going to sort of cherry you know like you're be sort of like. democratic you know like. words all over everything as if you know like we have all these freedoms that we actually don't buy new reality where it's here that just about any american engaging in political protests oh you can be prosecuted wages for into civil liberties and the first amendment and. i have my personal personally have been arrested several times protesting. have been misdemeanors and now would be a felony and it's just unconscionable that the congress passed this america on its korea's leader for its victory i wonder if we reached consensus when it came to clamping down on constituents only three elected officials voted against expanding federal restrictions on protests all u.s.
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leaders can't resolve issues like national debt and always the wrong on the scene each when it comes to how to handle the citizens flooding the streets to demand change and accountability. artsy new york so is a long tradition of protesting in america being threatened might help answer this earlier i spoke to david seaman journalist and host of the d.l. show and tell me why he thinks that this is a threat to citizen's right to freedom of speech talk a lot. this is a sacred protected constitutional right this is not something that should be infringed upon that's why it is in fact the first amendment of our bill of rights it's very important to us it was very important to our founding fathers and just to be clear with your viewers this bill which is now a law because obama has signed it it does not say protest is now legal in the u.s. move along citizen that's not what it says which is part of the reason why it's not
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getting more attention what it says is actually far more insidious it outlaws certain forms of peaceful protests if you happen to be within close proximity to high ranking elected officials who are receiving secret service protection that can be considered a felony and the problem here is if you take away somebodies right to get the government's attention that's a really big deal i mean we saw the civil rights movement in the sixty's that was something that really emerged because of peaceful protests this is traditionally how american influence policy on the individual level is you go out and you peacefully protest for something you believe in if things get bad enough and to take away that right is really quite criminal and it's troubling i mean a.c.l.u. is analysis they're there so they sort of agree with me they're saying that it's an incremental thing that's happening it's not as if somebody's protest is a legal everywhere but we should fight this incremental aside because it's extremely dangerous if you can't protest in your own nation's capital what kind of
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constitutional republic have we become now some are calling this bell the anthea occupied now do you think the occupy movement have something to do with us. i think it's all a part of their fears the occupy movement and then you have shadowy groups like anonymous which are very hard to track and then on top of that you have the tea party on the right there are a variety of movements and then government is cracking down on all of them and they've also seen what happened in the middle east with arab spring and they don't want anything similar to happen here the problem is they're actually making this worse you're radicalizing people out there who just hear about this on the news and might not really care about occupies message you know that might not interested interest them their economic message but then when you see that the government is quietly taking away these core constitutional rights you know have citizens who are upset and actually do have a grievance because they don't want to see those rights go away even if you don't
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plan on protesting you like snow that you do have that right here thank that kind of ad feel for the occupy the occupy fire and incite people to get angry and protest even more that i think it does give them out in the gym to see to some of the peaceful movements out there that there is a problem and one of your previous guests was talking about ron paul and how our republic has strayed very far from our founding principles and i think that's something that a lot of people are waking up to and it's something we need to address i mean you can be addressed the legislation to just roll back all of these things we need to get rid of that trespass bill h.r. three forty seven it's pretty un-american we need to get rid of and da we need to talk about letting the patriot act retire which it was supposed to do these are things that have really destroyed our core rights over the past decade and it's going to the can fix that's the good news but the problem is most people don't know and those who do know don't necessarily care now how this last fact protests
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outside some of the big events that are coming up for example nato and the g. eight summit bear just around the corner. yeah so these big events where world leaders come together in one location this can be one of the only opportunities for your average person out on the street your average joe or your college student this is one of their only opportunities to grab world leaders attention and to influence their views and if you're suddenly criminalizing protest in these areas then you don't have a feedback mechanism and that's a huge part of our democratic of our democratic system is that you have the right to speak back you have the right to speak out and to take these things away is extremely troubling and i think in the long term will lead to more problems than if they just left these rights in place now but right about. now in the name of security in the name of safety what do you think about that purpose now
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well i think the secret service already exists to protect our elected officials high ranking elected officials in washington and they already have considerable resources i think to take away a peaceful protest doesn't make them any safer and also i mean there's a chilling effect that's the first problem is that protestors who know that they can face a twenty five thousand dollar bail and they could be charged with felony they might not come out in protest in the first place so instead of seeing thousands of people you'll see a dozen protesters the other problem is that you can see selective enforcement where if somebody is in front of the white house and they're supporting president obama's policies on you know whatever on the war in afghanistan or. if there's a group that support of the secret service my turn a blind eye to that but if there's a group that's negative and critical they could crack down and it's really selective enforcement that could be a big issue because the.


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