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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and hear see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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our guide to time for showing talent and i program earlier this week we spoke to an author that said that there's a whole cache become obsolete in coming decades i want to know if you think that we really could ever be a cashless society says go to producer for treason a sunday find out what you have to say. i'm on the streets of d.c. to tell people the nation's capital what our viewers had to say on facebook twitter and you tube and see which commons we should keep or delete. more people are becoming less reliant on using cash every day so people would even
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argue that we are becoming closer cashless society so i'm going to read your response from don i knew he said we may be able to use plastic cards coupons or even barter but sooner or later it will always come down to having the cash you want to keep it or delete it he. wrote you know you really don't need to carry around paper folded money not in my lifetime but in my kids' lifetime you'll see that we will no longer need a piece of paper currency miles are going to say cashless society will never emerge because cash talks louder than plastic you want to keep it or delete it delete it i think bad everybody has to carry cash with them and just actually as a matter of fact i just had to cross the street and go get somebody to paper stuff because they're still beggars on the street. just to seize more than that you know piece of plastic so i would do it until we're conditioned not to we're not really going to change do you have cash on you today yes i did. do you think you go the
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whole day without using it. i could you know i used it for tips. it's got it so you couldn't go today without using any cash now while lot of people may want to envision a utopian society where cash is trash a lot of people like us who live in a crowded city like to think i can still talks. to. our guys thanks for your responses as usual and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we spoke about a plan in the works between hollywood and internet service providers to fight piracy so do you think that we're going to see a burst of internet activism surrounding this plan the same way that we did was sopa or is there something less nefarious if the government is taken out of the picture was that we think on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows response just might make it on air. now anyone who is computer savvy out there might be interested in the new operating system that's been released by anonymous according
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to a tumblr page was set up by the hacktivist the web site is designed for educational purposes and check the security of other web pages so this operating system is based on which is a form of line x. and it comes prepackaged with apps like tor the deep. sea and her role of past password generator kind of sounds like applications that are synonymous with the group and so far the one point five zero s. has been downloaded at least forty six hundred times according to siena thirty six people recommended the system twenty two said don't waste your time but if you're interested in seeing the software for yourself you can find it on source forge as a free download now before you go and start putting this on your computer we should warn you that some members of anonymous are saying don't click there is a tweet that was sent out by the moniker anon ops that read the nano s. is fake it is a rap intro to reach to eat the tweet didn't really give any explanation i details of how they learned about the alleged viruses and meanwhile sina points out they require a quick outcry over the trojan accusations with the following response saying
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please people in our world inline x. and open source world there is not virus with any user believes that anonymous o. s. is wrapped in trojans or back door to us by any law enforcement company or hacker please don't download it but don't mislead the world the line exchanger is and has trojans out several different tech sites of already started on started work on debunking at this trojan theory ferguson who is the director of european security research efforts i think greeted though as it does work he found several that were described by anonymous in their press release so the big question now is which members of the activist group actually designed it endorse it and which are the ones that are opposed to it can i say they were too surprised after all the organization is so loose knit it's hard to tell who's working with who at what time but it does come on the heels of the federal crackdown of anonymous offshoot lulz sec several legible as leaders were arrested after one. became an informant for the fats and settled the hackers made it clear that they were going to get revenge next question of course is would this be their way of making that threat
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a reality have to say at this point but hopefully we'll learn more soon about the literally a little bit of the anonymous operating system. yesterday the fed released the results to their latest round of their stress testing for the big banks nineteen banks admitted capital plans to the federal reserve as mandated by dodd frank and of those nineteen fifteen passed with financial met life sun trust and most surprisingly safety group failing a test aim to find out if the big banks have enough capital to weather an extended financial crisis reportedly even worse than that of two thousand and eight this includes a thirteen percent jobless rate a fifty percent drop in stock prices and a twenty one percent decline in housing prices so three be happy with the result sleep tight knowing that the big banks are ready to weather another financial crash or should we look to the past as a warning or discuss it with me as laurie lister host of the capital account or thanks for joining us tonight thank you for having me ok overall how should we feel about these tests right have they really done so well in the past according to
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people i've talked about oh no we should not feel well and if we want to use the past as a model part of the two thousand is we had banks and i think i think stress test with the lying callers we had fannie mae freddie mac. . all passing stress test before they were either failed banks or bailed out banks or institutions so if that is any indication according to people i've spoken to today we should not be much more. reassured by these most recent stress tests have been fed has done or how stressful is it right because the banks are going to say that this went too far thirty percent unemployment twenty one percent drop in housing prices and of course a lot of people say this go far enough and if you think about it right now we rely on employment currently is higher than thirteen percent when there's a problem to make the whole assumption that a stress test should be based on economic assumptions which is one of the things i was talking about with a guest earlier today a senior managing director at tangent capital partners was saying the first rule of
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financial analysis is you don't merge apples and oranges you don't do financial analysis in economic analysis and his basic criticism is. economic analysis is just you know speculative mumbo jumbo when you you know you can't really account for what would really happen and also to do it factors and all of these kind of subjective and bizarre off base assumptions by the fed which we can get and give me what those are but also just to give you an example of things that the fed can factor in these kind of nightmare scenarios one that you've blogger and it make a calculus and gave me yesterday is derivatives are something that our heads that's the big way to mitigate risk there but it's not something that just ok you have to you walk away you know they're moving parts you're constantly hedging all day long so when markets seize up suddenly you can't head when you're losing money on that but then you're losing money on the initial investment so that's something that accounted for a lot of the losses reportedly that lehman saw so that's something that you can factor in not just when things get crazy when markets seize up and suddenly
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everything's moving you can't move the way you need to know who i mean what else you're there other examples or i mean i guess to rivers is a good example is you could have two that we know there are completely others there was a lot of criticism over the methodology and one of the vaguer ones according to people i've spoken to is real estate saying that basically ignore us real estate and saying that you know in the united states banking balance sheet how about thirteen trillion dollars is real estate and if that managed to get losses to below a hundred fifty billion dollars in the stress scenario for real estate that's just a glaring example to them that the fed has completely ignore that another one is litigation alone when these big banks acquired other ones after the financial crisis when j.p. morgan to buy or bear stearns when bank of america acquired country right of merrill lynch they're getting sued in all sorts of directions and these are lawsuits that by now are in this stage where they're moving forward because it's been several years and according to hedge fund manager investment banker i spoke with earlier he was saying that they're moving along it looks like in the case of
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m.b.i.a. which is going up against bank of america they're playing and the bank of america is going to end up possibly he predicts with this double digit billion dollar payout seven. i need to spank of america needs to restructure and go bankrupt so no i mean there's all these different when you're telling me that sounds like the stress stress stress excuse me are absolutely worthless but are there any real time or real world effects for citigroup for example i think that probably a lot of people were a little shocked or surprised in a certain way that they failed what happens as a group they just have this mark on their record well i mean maybe their share price will go down a little bit maybe investors will be wary from people that i've heard from not a lot of people were surprised if the banks that did fail was lost right there as the market going along with the ones they did because as i pointed out a lot of skepticism over these stress tests the only reason i think that the market would buy this kind of bogus government programs are concocted stress tests is if they're all banking on the assumption that everybody is just going to pretend that
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they buy it and that's why they see a little boost there or live fire or whatever but for the coming months i mean maybe there's a lot about i mean what about the federal reserve they're supposed to be a political but you think you have. to do with very. little yeah that public private partnership is supposed to be a political with you know big banks on their board of directors but to your point there is absolutely criticism that the federal reserve is a real estate not a big deal the fed is making rates at a low levels part of this was because of real estate housing and you know a figure i saw today from from the guest i spoke to how people have not been able to refinance their mortgages and get loans and refinance and that's obviously you know one reason maybe why the fed wouldn't want to acknowledge real estate as much another is that the federal reserve wants to justify its policies over the past few years it allowed big banks to pay out dividends after the financial crisis so they the analysis of my us to make sense right maybe we need some actual independent
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agency that to run these stressed out of the federal reserve but you know one other thing here too is that this wasn't supposed to come out that it is going to release of day. and then j.p. morgan and it once they got the results yesterday he decided to obviously leak them i know we see i kind of stuff happen all the time because everybody wants to get information out there but i mean if. he had to go to work i don't know you know i haven't spoken to mr bernanke today one or jamie dimon for that matter but you know i mean it's been characterized as this and i don't know jamie dimon just kind of seems like i knew about or he was just didn't care. i don't care i mean it's all good border why don't you put out that letter to his employees today right after we have this goldman sachs employee that is to quit in such a public matter right this scathing op ed in the new york times and then he releases a letter to his employees saying you know don't take advantage of our competitors woes but i was probably just spending a silent. warning not to do the same thing who knows if. you don't do this
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to our laurie thanks for joining us. are going to take our last break that evening when we come back we'll be handing out our daily tools on wards to achieve that of things that have used to take a stroll down memory lane of heading for the hills and on happy hour if you want to be a states rick santorum they think you need to speak english in the u.k. i think the hunger games violence. the same. people calling what you said for free and fair elections. can be are still reporting from the right as you can hear behind me loud explosions. i mean.
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i get it gave her a. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then he lives something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture .
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all right guys it's time for our tool time award and tonight the honor goes to wisconsin state senator don pride more pride more as a co-sponsor of the bill and wisconsin state house that wants to label thing all mothers in the state as child abusers now here's the bill's author glenn grothman explaining the reasoning behind this bill. i think most of those mothers would try and they could do a better job if they were married to the father of their children. oh man there are
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just so of anything that i would like to say in response to that but let's move on to the next part because that bill in and of itself is already old news the grommet has been getting a lot of negative publicity over the bill which has been thrust in the national spotlight but looks like co-sponsored on pride more didn't want to miss out on all the fun so just listen to his response when it was consonant porter asked if he thought that women in abusive relationships should stay for the sake of the children. hard to get catch that pride more things that women who are being abused should really find the reason they get back to why they got married in the first place i should be a really helpful coping tool for all the women and men so forget them to have spouses who choose to beat the crap out of them in order to show their affection but it's obvious isn't it this is a real romantic way of looking at the world they should just renew their vows say i
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swear to remember the good times every time you doubt my teeth out remember why we got married every time you beat me within an inch of death i swear to remember these things for the well being of our children i mean let's be honest is not the stuff that dreams are just made of i just love how it is an area where woman is being abused not only is she supposed to stay but it's on her to rectify that abuse makes complete sense oh wait that's right no it doesn't at all so let's step away from the sheer ignorance for a second break down some facts according to the national women abuse prevention project and homes where domestic violence occurs children are seriously abused or neglected at a rate fifteen hundred percent higher than the national average of the general population these effects can transfer into adulthood through a stronger inclination to commit suicide i've used drugs and or alcohol face unemployment or even continue the rippling effect by committing violence against their partners and interesting right children that are in homes where domestic violence occurs are not only more likely to be abused but also more likely to grow
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up to be abusive and according to the mayo clinic two contributing factors in child abuse abuse are marital conflicts and domestic violence but the fact that in the way of the nationwide g.o.p. war on women never just be a shame i just had a new battle erupted in the u.s. senate over the violence against women act six female senators took to the floor to urge the senate to reauthorize the act which would provide one point six billion dollars to help investigate prosecute violent crimes against women which seems like a no brainer right we do want to be anti abused women other than wisconsin of course. but it turns out u.s. senate republicans just might be forced to be anti abuse with it all because the reality or ization will give more temporary visas to abused immigrants and would allow gays into domestic violence programs immigrants and gays together in one bill that's just one jagged little pill the republicans cannot swallow and according to senator jeff sessions the inclusion has nothing to do with helping gays and
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immigrants it's really are just a part of a vatican serious conspiracy being concocted by liberals he said you think they might have put things in there we couldn't support that maybe then they could accuse you of not being supportive of fighting violence against women so they want to help women but only if they have sex with men and aren't immigrants talk about being forced to look fat that's not the only conspiracy floating around out there going back to wisconsin and all the single ladies turns out good legislation targeting them is rooted in conspiracy as well last year roffman the author of the bill put this on his website the takeaway here basically is that the government is encouraging women to be single mothers so they in their children can remain dependent on the system so we've got grothman who thinks that women are being encouraged to leave their baby daddies in order to keep the bureaucracy relevant and then don pride more who supports graffman and wants women to keep getting knocked out by the ones that knocked them up so for being the co-sponsor of
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a bill that would vilify single mothers reinforcing the cycle of abuse and for playing as part of the g.o.p.'s ever expanding war on women on pride more is tonight's top time winner. hi guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening r.t. correspondent christine for sound and medicine roll calls heard on the health reporter hello ladies an evening. let's start i just can't get enough of this interim step yesterday we played the great plague of rick santorum in just a childish sometimes. as the plan about c o two and this time he has something to say to the rico as to whether or not they really want to be a state take a look. you're asking to become state. it was is vitally important to be
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integrated it is the language of opportunity of the united states. i have another clip to play and then we can really talk about it so he's telling puerto rico that you have to embrace english as the language you want to be a state but then he tries to use a little spanglish to make himself sound political to this. this is one of your colleagues in the united states where. you can go. both english makes everyone. you know what i mean why why would you go to puerto rico and tell them to speak english well i mean i think the bottom line is he's not necessarily talking to the puerto rican zero i think he's sort of using that fact to the make sure that the rest of the country knows his policy on immigration his policy on english is the only legitimate real language. i think that i don't think
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works and doesn't like puerto ricans i just don't think that he is counting on their vote in november should he become the nominee and he wants to use this opportunity to send a stronger message right which is something that we knew before he went to puerto rico it was just it was just an interesting choice to go there to say yeah because we could i mean i don't know the way they're saying to call me he said i thought it was but again. i just like saying that it's ok. i mean here's an opportunity where like let's at least give comes up to being rich because his spanish is much better there is a lot of bilingual happening in the g.o.p. by the way french in the u.k. and jon huntsman. who would attacking him because we're so scared of somebody that might speak chinese to lord what is this country coming to. all right let's move on this story we just have to do because i don't know if our viewers are but i'm obsessed with the hunger games and i'm really excited for the movies to come out i
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think a traitor. should we. let them stew. it's just to show you a little bit of a difference of cultures countries whatever you want to call it he. here is it's rated p.g. thirteen and the u.k. they gave it a twelve a rating but only after they made them cut some footage because they said that there was too much violence when it's twelve a rating that's a good question. twelve. but they made the. clips of the movie which is interesting though because have you watched television because there is i mean. i mean greening you're not talking about violence you're talking about a class of drug use and sexual situations are the same thing i mean i do think it's kind of interesting where the british kind of draw the line and islands and
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subsects is what you're saying yeah i mean i think sometimes i mean there's plenty of british movies that are plenty violent or british television shows it's just yeah that does seem to me to be we have more difficulty with sex and drugs and. more difficult i think it stems from our peers have a whole roots not sure i haven't read the books but i can't wait. to get on that i know i know. but i mean i think it's interesting but i can't totally come down on it because their rating system is a rating system and i know they're trying to get towards a younger audience because younger people is often who read the books so i think they're trying to make it so more young people can come to the movies make money off of this movie so more younger people can sort of course of course well i'm curious to see how they do so but if he has any gardens of violet anyway a very dark it's very christian don't tell me anything else ok let's move on obviously there was
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a lot of outrage when they were trying to pass this ultrasound trends badge and probing bill thank you for this. they say the republican led male dominated legislature is trampling on the rights of women with both the personhood and ultrasound bills don't get pregnant you know min. they have transrational of full senate ones don't have to do any of these things but they feel that it's their role to not make that determination for women. all right so the backlash continues i like the ladies are fighting back here by the way and so senator bryan we do go back to this bill in virginia and so now his facebook page is basically just getting full of full of lots of comments in the style of the monologues where women are just saying you know making jokes about how he must know so much better what women's bodies are like here's we have an example of one some of them are really graphic two this one says i said there macdougall i just wanted to let you know
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since you're so concerned about women's health and my period started today color looks good flow not you have a cancer pretty manageable but don't worry i'll make sure to let you know if that changes thanks again for caring so much about women and our bodies. facebook page all day long and it was so funny i mean you know in nonpartizan fashion it was just a literary and how people are really good areally creative about i mean that sometimes what you have to do to get through to is a lot of these people whose views that frankly seem so immense acquited you have to use humor to make to show how ridiculous and even if you don't get through to them you'll get through to some other people who are like wait a minute this actually is absolutely ridiculous yeah hopefully hopefully it's wake them up ok last story here i don't i'm an i phone user. you have an i phone now i have it you have a jury ok so basically we found our wired found out thanks to a court document. showing f.b.i. agents were trying to access the phone of a suspect in san diego pam and it turns out that they didn't need warrants to
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search the contents of the cell phone and basically the android is a lot more secure than the i phone in the sense which is all they're saying and when they're saying it's more secure because of this that we're showing on the screen here a other i guess there's a sort of a finger pattern that you get you programs that only you. you know what it is but isn't that the same if you have a password on your i phone i mean the police would have to try on million combinations i find that it's not a security i guess that it's only four digits right if you want to have a lock on your i phone right is this pattern or however many i don't have that on my mind at all johnny there's not anything in here as you know i don't have all the great security there is there are going to rest of the police will be able to read all your text messages it's a five line i walk daily if they're going to pander to katherine and up but are you guys i got to wrap it up thanks for joining me as a finite so thanks for tuning in admission to come back tomorrow foreign service officer peter van buren van buren is going to be on the show to tell us why the
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state department is we're going to fire him i mean time don't forget become a fan of your own show on facebook don't forget to follow us on twitter if there's anything ever miss you tube dot com slash the on the shelf and coming up next is the news. down to your social anti hopefully cation joy on the phone called talk from the old she jumps to. the child she like on the. video. keys month old car. ownership streets now in the palm of your. machine. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so it's more like you think you understand it and then you
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glimpse something else hears you some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charged welcome to the big picture. please.


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