tv [untitled] March 16, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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iran's banks get booted out of the global payment system appears growing europe but the sanctions could backfire on the e.u. nations. russia says it hopes western and arab countries don't bring the u.n. arab league envoy peace mission into syria ride on the findings and bring world leaders together to find a solution to syria's twelve months of turmoil. around thousands of egyptians protest against police led to that amid swelling frustration out there even leadership is failing to bring change.
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you're watching out here very warm welcome this. russia says it hopes western and arab countries don't you an arab league envoy peace mission to syria the un's most powerful group take on the syrian crisis on friday and kofi annan has hoped to breathe new life into a strong focus on ending the year long rockets and this correspondent joins us now with more on this paula just how much change is on kofi annan mission. well this mission by the former head of the united nations kofi annan is the latest attempt to solve diplomatically what is happening in syria and later today friday and then will brief and update members of the u.n. security council but guarding the latest proposals on the table and these include
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an immediate halt to the fighting in military assistance to civilians who've been caught up in the crossfire as well as political debate and political involvement not last weekend kofi annan was in damascus where he met with the syrian president bashar assad as well as the opposition and he went on record after those meetings in say that the board was open to a diplomatic solution and at the same time the syrian regime has indicated that its response to announce proposals is positive now the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has urged all members of the international community to back this mission with lavrov saying that russia puts its weight behind it take a listen if. it's going to give us those special english i hope this mission won't be ruined and that all sides will support kofi annan just like we do every time we have a feeling that we managed to achieve some positive change in the stance of damascus there's an immediate counterweight reaction and any steps forward are dismissed so
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i hope this will happen with the attitude of countries in the middle east and some western states to the mission of u.n. arab league envoy kofi in arms and it was very strange that two days after is first visit to damascus the opposition syrian national council claim the mission had already failed i think it's irresponsible we're sending definite signals to damascus to cooperate with mr anon and we hope that other members of the security council will also demand the opposition does not provoke the escalation of violence and cooperates with mr nance missions. now this weekend the united nations will be sending a humanitarian mission to syria the delegation has been lit by the syrian government and they go really is to assess the reality on the ground but you do have a differences of opinion in the u.n. on the one hand you have the united states france and britain and on the other hand
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you have russia and china what we're hearing from washington is that the blame for the violence in syria is firmly to be put on the shoulders of the syrian president bashar assad and his regime they are calling for his resignation they saying there is days are numbered and they're upping the pressure on him to step down what russia and china are saying is that the layman was once ability in terms of what's happening in syria needs to be shared between both the regime and the opposition and they're saying that here that any kinds of calls for regime change and one sided sanctions and the mulling over foreign intervention will only lead to an escalation of violence at the same time moscow is saying that he needs to be some kind of investigation into. the various armed factions and look they need to be brought into the fold and spoken to. her out as middle east correspondent update.
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political analyst and share which was of course lisa's foreign powers and her support to just one side of the syrian conflict could hamper any peaceful solution . they are special forces on the ground from nato countries and. this is all sources incidentally it's not it's not hearsay it is actual fact british special also is a met up with members of the free syrian army and they are training because of the free syrian army from a base in turkey british air my six operatives have reportedly been training the rebels they. know what it is that that means. the western military alliance staveley nato on the rug inside syria. and they are complicit. in our city which is not an opposition
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which is fighting government also is. but we want to know what you think about the situation in syria with our website voted r.t. dot com we're asking you a year on supporting the fighting in a conflict in syria. or an offer here the one percent say it's world superpowers and they demand from natural resources so record to believe its propaganda peddlers claim to be its ten percent saying it's here's one slightly fewer say it's a fight between freedom loving people in the press of government dot com is playing your parts. well ron is facing further isolation as the world's biggest and it traffic banking system when a swift prepares to cut off thousands of financial firms blacklisted by the e.u. in spite of a broader effort by european nations who also plan to impose new bug iranian oil this summer to pressure iran over its nuclear program so for ports the missions are likely to ricochet back. spain is among the biggest import is
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a radio oil but all that fame is when the sanctions come into force in july spain haven't tell their. causes of crude supply but the bad all around thing a real risk to the country that found out has fueled by iranian oil. prices are on the rise and there are fears that they're about to be even higher with the iranian oil embargo eliminating the e.u. in place ban kansas the west in making waves if you are runs nuclear program is take that sitting around or you'll read unease in the country to the plug in cable even assuming the case against iran is a strong sanctions right now. exercised by countries like spain or greece or italy that much those countries more than it will damage iran was countries like france and britain and for thingy a very small percentage of iranian oil and supported the band is the country
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struggling the west economically right now spain greece and italy but again to feel the effects of the sanctions the most we have to face we can't refuse that pressure from the u.s. it is still the foreign minister actually said that if you check the sick person feel sick can even be even if. you couldn't hear about the fact that you can't be forced to make the decision once you get in a healthy economic situation a rise in oil prices might be problematic coming at a time when spain is on the brink of a second recession is proving a nightmare for the population. it's terrible that we should pay for decisions taken in brussels is not known for but certainly not for simple reasons. certainly should trigger a rise in prices which i'm fond of you example of the us to tighten our belt and people used to have nuclear weapons and parts to revive our economy. of course i'm
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afraid because they are already too high if they go any higher and will be able to afford gas. here's advance a rise in prices have been made for you radio says it's good enough oil to make up for the loss of around supply when the in vogue comes into force because she's like spain will still be paying the price of loss trade with iran and the cost of replacing those oil contracts ironically think imports of oil from iran have increased since the e.u. backed libyan war now the prospect of his thirty's with iran is causing huge concern. while those new war prices collation students. and problems will come. again you could see a real crisis. now countries like spain elect at the mercy of a situation no one wants to see ignites so.
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well plan to head to this hour including unveiling the enemy every two years. bradley manning and i'm named for government prosecutors pharmacy. case against the. i'm going to take you to. business. next stop you know. still deep anger in egypt with thousands gathering in cairo over a football stadium stop killed seventy four people last month thousands of people travel agents former security chief police officers. compounding the despondency a revolution was meant to bring better lives. revolution happened just around the corner these truths are really closer to here and have always been and if i mention interests help of the city but over the past year with the protests critically
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breaking out these shopkeepers have seen their lives mashed and their livelihoods broken repairs and cleanup in the wake of protesters clashes with police brought many businesses to a halt meaning they're already small income was hit. after the revolution there's been less work because of all these events we shut down early and go home because there's no business we had to stay closed for several days immediately following the op rising on january twenty fifth last year. the security situation in egypt and capital remains on easy in fact many residents say right now it's even worse than it was at the height of the uprising last year there are one out of every top you can you meet investor you under the age of twenty five who doesn't work and this is the. fourth problem the angry unemployed youth often choose to sweep in after the protestors losing and stealing from damaged shops does the above the
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block everything we have here other businesses in the neighborhood were also looted or houses on the street or near to your square either broken into or robbed everyone suffers in an attempt to keep the protests under control the government installed cement walls blocking off the area around the talkie or square it may have made things easier for the police but it's only made matters worse for locals . the barricades they built on the streets they've really affected us as well as the huge protests we haven't worked for seven days since and afterwards had to clean up a lot. yet most egyptians believe the main problem is not the mess which follows the protests but the absence of jobs which turns many desperate people into looters it was the country's flailing economy which forced thousands out into here's where . in the first place the first slogan that was here in tahrir square was the word blood because it was. it was actually getting ugly people were killing each other
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in the long run. it was hoped their allusion would turn all of that around bringing more jobs to people and food on their tables but as things stand more than a year after the uprising even those who did have a livelihood are now struggling to stay afloat even if i was quite see cairo but world news online when you want to r.t. dot com here's what we've got iraq yet another violent crackdown on a people to test his headquarters in miami security forces apartment mostly women and young children were living illegally but the footage in full. and dine and dash the story of the city customers in the restaurant drank a few cocktails and then from the fifty fifth floor in that party dot com.
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the u.s. led strategy in afghanistan is taking a beating from both sides with those coming from the afghan government and the town of back is the most militant group has suspended peace talks about and describing america's position in the conflict as erratic and vague on the afghan president also battling the nato campaign calling on forces to leave rural areas south of last week's massacre of sixteen civilians by an american soldier the instant has intensified calls for an early exit of nato troops i mean cause i don't think its forces to take control of security by next year nato plans to muster all by twenty fourteen today crosstalk hears from experts who take on america's military strategy . and when we talk strategy strategies military this country doesn't succeed when it uses its military if somebody fights back except for world war
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two when you go through all of the other wars we don't have the staying power we're not going to get the staying power ultimately we're going to leave if not this year then next to the year after and everybody knows that. it's near christian nato what about taylor was. i was just you know there is already being at the table against him but it's no waiting for history if you look at all the places where the u.s. military has intervened it's been a story of remarkable stability you know these places don't resemble switzerland necessary but iraq has a nascent democracy it's violent we exit in too quickly kuwait is free persian gulf oil flow those are very interesting areas you can see that. if you look at the instances where we've located gretchen you want to jump in you want to disagree thing at the end. i just want to say that you're wrong i'm saying when people fight back we don't do well.
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but attorney for u.s. soldier bradley manning who's accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of pages of classified information was asked richard judge to dismiss the charges he argues the government mishandle certain documents in the case said natural forces have finally said enemy i mean is charged from assisting so that if convicted the soldier could face life in prison a spokesman for the groups that says he's already been subjected to unlawful punishments. they can make these claims and go on with this fear mongering as they have been as much as they want but they're entirely baseless and we know that they're baseless because we know for a fact that the government conducted a number of internal impact assessments that found that the wiki leaks materials did not pose any threat to our national security that our troops were never put in harm's way it reminds me of growing up in school going to civics class you know you
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learn these basic concepts that you know trial tends to proceed punishment you know these are basic foundational concepts of you know western law and justice and that's been completely thrown out the window in this case and that's a clear violation of his eighth amendment rights that's a clear violation of articles one in sixteen of the un convention against torture that's a treaty that has been ratified by congress in accordance with the constitution and these really aren't optional standards these are basic rules of the road that the administration needs to play by and if they're not able to do that then they're not qualified to govern. us take a look at what else is making news around the world so the lawyers and relatives of the victims from tuesday's bus crash have returned to brussels. they are going to find their loved ones going to make war on the plane twenty eight people mostly
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children. reported seeing. just. which police in the vicinity. leeson surely have detained the people who are thousands of students rallying for the conscience and you commission system three officers were injured in clashes security forces are. really using tear gas and water cannons the protests are expected in some little things and it. but time now to explore one of russia's biggest cities what it has to offer. mineral rich your own mountains. has always been there and across the country for its precious stones but begin this tree have metal it's unlikely in this town
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barton now reports that the shine off the jewels from its beginnings as an outpost of the fledgling russian empire you could terran birth has grown up as a city which exploited the mineral wealth of the ural mountains it's gone on developing on that line throughout its history and it's those themes the exploitation of the region's rich mineral wealth which i've been examining in my report the fairy tale of the mistress of copper mountain it tells of the mysteries of the legendary greenstone malakar it hidden in russia's ural mountains but now a kite that's not. this looks like a pile of rather dull mountain rocks but step over here and we have water we can see something of these rocks natural beauty these are the stones of fuel the legends and fairy tales of the urals and they also freed the skill hands of local
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craft these men are cutting and polishing precious stones and cheap among the treasures the most famous greenstone of them all emerald. fulfill it should be large one hundred percent translucent could mean properties being color quality and weight it also depends how often the precious stone is found in nature. most of them will find their way into jewelry and display pieces but as the non mrs these don't seem with the urals the vast majority don't even come from russia that is the winner no one works with locally developed precious stones here it's very sad and i even feel sort of been because they do their business is there on the stones it's not of the urals the short of these gems quite the opposite in fact precious stones were so easy to find while the cottage industry grew up here around them that nobody bothered to invest much in surveying
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what deposits exist let alone extracting them and once metals would discover such as beryllium which is used in military applications little was thought of destroying the emeralds in which it's normally found. there are still thought to be enormous deposits of emeralds and other precious stones within the euro's and no matter where they come from the region still has craftsman that spend their working lives creating masterpieces from them who knows maybe one day if the mistress of copper mountain allows it and these marvels in stone could be made from part of the country they represent. we're going to discuss a little bit more about you have to turn burke's past and its development as the capital of the urals is maxime hummock all of he is vice rector here at the ural federal university that seem if we start off back in the past the discovery of the huge mineral wealth that there is around here perhaps you could talk us through
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the development of the city from its early origins right well the the history of mining here and into those here goes down to the way seventeen early eighteenth century and we can train it up to me this family one of the most to reach people here in russia and they built a lot of factories here you know not only in the you're getting will rot in the region then in silty this you're in the soviets who in you considered words they created a lot of heavy engineering fracture is so this was the it starlin's industrialization so we take that up to them if we call it this the region's moments of crisis really after the fall of the soviet union in the ninety's and the region i think it's probably fair to say found itself at the last
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great well of course when you have so many you know factories and then you know the whole we call them a collapsed you know the the city was in the crisis i mean and the whole region was a crisis it's actually even warped enough to weigh all of repudiation of the criminal capital of prussia in this time for the moment i think strategy of the raising of the state or through business is working quite well thank you so much in honokaa from the university here you can turn burke has been a city that's never been afraid to push business opportunities whether they come from the ural mountains or from all the the shopping malls that are springing up here and it's that future that will be looking at the development of yeah you can turn bourke in the decades to come. come back in there well tomorrow. with more from the to come next hour but our intrepid adventurous sets out to
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well is dominating the market news right now exactly right all eyes are on oil this hour energy today this week this month this year and today the recent news is actually coming from britain the prime minister david cameron he's poised to cooperate with the u.s. with barack obama on getting into reserves oil reserves to really kind of take the pressure of the prices at the moment because they are indeed so high when that news came out we saw the prices just just lose a fraction but now we've heard news from an obama officials saying that there is no agreement and it's not necessarily going to happen as you can see the prices are indeed high this hour and if this agreement does go through we will see the prices drop as i say we're going to be watching to see what happens now i've also been reading quotes from mr roubini this morning he's known in the world of finance has to do and he's saying it all depends on oil prices the global economy is really on
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guard and that's because of the political conflicts we seem to be in israel and iran now if we go through the markets we get on to asia and see that there had a disappointing day japan was heading for the last big gains this week pardon me but they ended up with a five fraction of a gain that. dropped at the end of their trading day the russian markets have had a mixed session and that's largely coming off from asia as you can see it's pretty flat with the r.t.s. and the my sex there if you look at the stars we can see this burbank has managed to gain back some of its losses that have yesterday when it announced it was going to initiate its eight percent of its shares to the public investors are all the problems that are out that they seem to have come around the idea that majors they are indeed down as well if we move into the currencies we can do you see the dollar is higher against the euro and that's ahead of inflation. industrial data coming out later on today is also proving to be lower against the ruble
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also and that's largely because the us economy is doing rather well at the moment and therefore risk appetite is improving and therefore the ruble is becoming more popular as we get over to gold is a different story but that precious metal a. third week of straight a loss is and that's because of the united states kerry better and therefore people of parking their money elsewhere as you can see gold is indeed down there over cents and so about my personal favorite is doing a little bit better. now today it's become a world of have and have nots but you've got an i pod apple or not that's the case we've seen people key year end up all over the world today gearing up for their new edition of the third edition of the i pads is purpose be particularly popular this one. if we go back to two thousand and ten cells of the first i pad were below expectations with some consumers calling it just an expensive netbook since then
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apple's marketing efforts have paid off and the i pad is now more of a fashion statement the third generation is being launched in ten countries the buzz boosted apple shares to an all time high on thursday shares of the world's most valuable company jumped thirty families percent this year that gives you an idea as to how corporate out i will bump i would be prepared to sleep on the floor i must say but there you go that's good news now we've got about fifty five minutes with all the latest market updates.
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