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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2012 7:00am-7:29am EDT

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understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't i'm sorry is a big. russia laws against arab and western countries do railing coffee and peace mission to syria outposts ride on world leaders coming together to end syria's twelve months of turmoil. iran's banks get booted out of the global payment system but here's where oh in europe the sanctions could backfire on beleaguered e.u. nations. thousands of egyptians protest against police negligence amid swelling frustration over how the new leadership is failing to bring change.
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thanks for joining our king on charon taraji three o'clock here in moscow and russia says it hopes western and arab countries don't ruin the u.n. arab league envoy for peace mission to syria the un's most powerful group will get an update on the syrian crisis on friday from kofi annan on its hold his findings mike rieves new life and to stall talks on ending the year long violence our middle east correspondent paula slayer has more on how much hinges on a nonce efforts. let's listen by the former head of the united nations kofi annan is the latest attempt to solve diplomatically what is happening in syria and later today friday and none will brief and update members of the u.n. security council who are guarding the latest proposals on the table and these include an immediate halt to the fighting humanitarian assistance to civilians in
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course had in the crossfire as well as political debate and political involvement not last weekend coffee and i was in damascus where he met with the syrian president bashar assad as well as the opposition and he went on record after those meetings in saying that the door was open to a diplomatic solution at the same time the syrian regime has indicated that its response to announce proposals is positive now the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has urged all members of the international community to back this mission with lavrov saying that russia puts its weight behind it and it's because of this those fish and i hope this mission won't be ruined we have a feeling it every time we managed to achieve some positive change in the stance of damascus there is an immediate counterweight reaction and any steps forward are dismissed i hope this won't be the case of how countries in the middle east and some western states treat the mission of kofi anon it was very strange that two
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days after his first visit to damascus the opposition syrian national council claimed the mission had already failed standing definite signals to damascus to flog rate but mr in arms and we hope that other members of the security council also demand the opposition does not provoke the escalation of violence and it was greeted with mr nonce mission but you do have a differences of opinion in the u.n. on the one hand you have the united states france and britain and on the other hand you have russia and china what we're hearing from washington is that the blame for the violence in syria is firmly to be put on the shoulders of the syrian president bashar assad and his regime. calling for his resignation they say meccans days are numbered and they're upping the pressure on him to step down what russia and china are saying is that the blame in the responsibility in terms of what's happening in syria needs to be shaped between both the regime and the opposition and they saying that here any kinds of cause for machine change and one sided sanctions and the
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mulling over foreign intervention will only lead to an escalation of violence at the same time moscow is saying that he needs to be some kind of investigation into in hades that the various armed factions and what they need to be brought into the fold and spoken some political analysts michel chossudovsky says foreign powers who plough support into one side of the syrian conflict could help or any peaceful solution they are special forces on but rather on from nato countries my six and cia operatives of they are business got their own sources and. it's little hearsay it is actual fact british special forces have met up with members of the free syrian army and they are training because of the free syrian army from a base in turkey british m.-i six operatives etc have reportedly been training the rebels that. know what is that that means that operatives of the western province
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realize staveley nato on the drug inside syria. and they are complicit. in armed guards at sea which is not an opposition which is fighting government forces. we want to know what you think about the situation in syria with our web site r t dot com we're asking you to supporting the fighting in the conflict in syria as our more than half of you fifty one percent say its world superpowers and their demand for natural resources almost thirty percent believe it's propaganda peddlers claiming to be media outlets eleven percent think it's serious power hungry elite while slightly fewer say it's a fight between freedom loving people and doesn't press of government archie dot com is where you can go to add to your voice. iran is
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facing further isolation as the world's biggest electronic banking system known as swift prepares to cut off dozens of financial firms blacklisted by the e.u. it's part of a broader effort by european nations who also plan to impose an embargo on iranian oil this summer to pressure iran over its nuclear program but as sara firth reports the measures are likely to ricochet back. spain is among the biggest importers a rainy and oil but all that famous when the sanctions come into force in july spain hasn't tell them so i don't tend to sources of crude supply but a bad all around closing a real risk to the country that intel route has fueled by iranian oil. prices are on the rise and there are fears that they're about to be even higher with the iranian oil embargo eliminating the e.u. in place ban comes as the west's been making waves nuclear program is shaping
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shitting around the oil revenues will bring the country to the bargaining table even assuming that the case against iran has a strong sanctions right now. exercised by countries like spain or greece or italy that much those countries more than it will damage iran was countries like france and britain and poor thingy a very small percentage of iranian oil and supported the band is the country struggling the west economically right now spain greece and italy but again to feel the effects of the sanctions the mace yes because we can't risk it trashing the u.s. pre-cancerous he's still the foreign minister actually said that if you're sick you should feel the sickest person will seek unique even if you do if you believe you're about to become a big force make the decision once you get in a healthy economic situation a rise in oil prices might be problematic coming at
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a time when spain is on the brink of a second recession is proving a nightmare for the population and it's terrible that we should pay for decisions taken in brussels is not. simple enough a simple residence. should trigger a rise in prices should follow the example of the us to tighten our belt and keep the issue of nuclear weapons. to revive our economy. clears i'm afraid because they are already too high for you to go anywhere and won't be able to for example. attempts to calm fears about a rise in prices have been made very arabia says it's good enough oil to make up for the loss of around supply when the in buggery comes into fools because she's like staying will still be paying the price of loss trade with iran and the cost of replacing these oil contracts ironically spain's imports of oil from iran have increased since the back libyan war now the prospect of his thirty's with iran is
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causing huge concern the. prices collations due to sanctions can be corrected the problems will come if. the. countries like spain elected the mercy of a bullet trial situation one was to see ignites so. stay plenty ahead for you this hour including on bailing anime. nearly two years after a few hundred whistleblower bradley manning up aiding and named paul government prosecutors finally say who it is as they build a case against the soldier. and later we take you to your company in bored to dust off a precious business tucked away in russia's ural that's the next stop in our series . there are still deep anger in egypt with thousands gathering in cairo over the four ball stadium stampede which killed seventy four people last
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month dozens of people have now been charged with murder and negligence including a former security chief and eight police officers as a reman goalscorer reports it's just compounding the despondency over a revolution that was meant to improve their lives. revolution happened just around the corner of the streets and i really close the door here and have always been and if i mention interest of the city but over the past year with the protests predicate breaking out these shopkeepers have seen their lives gnashed and their livelihoods broken repairs and cleanup in the wake of protesters clashes with police brought many businesses to a halt there already some. after the revolution there's been less work because of all these events we shut down early and go home because there's no business we have to stay closed for several days immediately following the uprising on january twenty fifth last year at the security situation in the egyptian capital remains on easy in fact many residents say right now it's even worse than it was at the height
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of the uprising last year there are one out of every people you meet in the street under the age of twenty five doesn't work. and this is the. fourth problem the angry unemployed youth often choose to sweep in after the protestors losing and stealing from damast shops. everything we have here other businesses in the neighborhood were also looted or houses on the street or near tahrir square either broken into or robbed everyone suffrage in an attempt to keep the protests under control the government installed cement walls blocking off the area around the top tier square it may have made things easier for the police but it's only made matters worse for locals right here in the barricades they've built on the streets they've really affected us as well as the huge protests we haven't worked for seven days since and afterwards had to clean up a lot. yet most egyptians believe the main problem is not the mess which follows
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the protests but the absence of jobs which turns many desperate people into looters it was the country's flailing economy which forced thousands out into here square in the first place the first slogan that was here in tahrir square was the word bread because it was. was it actually good for god to do that or killing each other in the long run it was half their aleutian would turn all of that around bringing more jobs to people and food on their tables and as things stand more than a year after the uprising even those who did have a livelihood are now struggling to stay afloat even if. cairo. going to be a world news online when you want it r.t. dot com here's what we've got for you there now. yet another violent crackdown on occupy protesters headquarters in miami with security forces storming an apartment
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where mostly women and young children were living illegally we've got the footage in full online. and to dine and dash the story of the stupid customers who entered a restaurant drank a few cocktails and then base jumped from the fifty fifth floor at r t. thanks for joining us at thirteen minutes past the hour a nato operated helicopter has crashed into a house and kabul killing twelve turkish soldiers on board and at least two civilians on the ground it's the latest setback to the u.s. led operation in afghanistan that's being rounded on from both sides with blows coming from the afghan government and the taliban the islamic militant group now suspended peace talks with washington describing america's position in the conflict
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as a radical and the afghan president also rounded on the nato campaign calling on forces to leave rural areas after last week's massacre of sixteen civilians and american soldier the incident has intensified calls for an earlier exit of nato troops with karzai wanting his forces to take control of security next year nato plans to withdraw it by two thousand and fourteen and the next hour crosstalk hears from experts who take on america's military strategy. and when we talk strategy strategies military this country doesn't succeed when that uses its military if somebody fights back except for world war two when you go through all of the other wars we don't have the staying power we're not going to get good staying power ultimately we're going to leave if not this year then next to the year after and everybody knows that i don't want to do a lot of the idea we're going to do this new. nato what about pay out of all.
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i was just you know there's already been i think it is good but it's no waiting for history if you look at all the places where the u.s. military has intervened it's been a story of remarkable stability you know these places don't resemble switzerland necessary but iraq has a nascent democracy it's violently excited too quickly kuwait is free persian gulf oil flow those are very interesting areas you can see that area three or if you look at the instances where we've ok gretchen you want to jump in you want to just agree to get the answer. i just want to say that you're wrong i'm saying when people fight back we don't do well. and attorney for u.s. soldier bradley manning who is accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of pages of classified information has asked a military judge to dismiss the charges he argues the government mishandled certain documents in the case also military authorities have said the unknown enemy manning
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is charged with assisting is al qaida if convicted the soldier could face life in prison a spokesman for the group supporting manning says he's heard waiting for the subject unlawful punishment. they can make these claims in go on with this fear mongering as they have been as much as they want but they're entirely baseless and we know that they're baseless because we know for a fact that the government conducted a number of internal impact assessments that found that the wiki leaks materials do not pose any threat to our national security that our troops were never put in harm's way it reminds me of growing up in school going to civics class you know you learn these basic concepts that trial tends to proceed punishments you know these are basic foundational concepts of you know western law and justice and that's been completely thrown out the window in this case and that's a clear violation of his eighth amendment rights that's
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a clear violation of articles one in sixteen of the un convention against torture that's a treaty that has been ratified by congress in accordance with the constitution and these really aren't optional standards these are basic rules of the road that the administration needs to play by and if they're not able to do that then they're not qualified to govern all right now let's take a look at what else is making news around the world. north korea plans to launch a satellite to mark the state's founder kim il sung the u.s. and south korea and then the move as a disguise for carrying out a list of missile tests which the north it's prohibited from doing under u.n. resolution young insists the launch is part of a peaceful space program. police in chile have detained about fifty people who are among thousands of students rallying to urge reform of the country's
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education system three officers were injured in the clashes security forces broke up the unsanctioned rally using tear gas and water cannons more protests are expected to start now that the summer holidays have the. survivors and relatives of the victims from tuesday's with a bus crash have returned from brussels family members spent thursday identifying their loved ones who died when their coach hit a wall inside a tunnel killing twenty eight people mostly who were children one of the young survivors who reported seeing the driver trying to change and d.v.d. just before the crash which police are now investigating. all right time now to explore one of russia's biggest cities and what it has to offer and close up.
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nestled in the mineral rich ural mountains a cutting board has always been known across the country for its precious stones but big industry has metal on its mind when it moved in and as tom barton reports about took the shine off the jewels. from its beginnings as an outpost of the fledgling russian empire. has grown up as a city which exploited be mineral wealth of the ural mountains it's gone on developing line throughout its history and its those themes the exploitation of the region's rich mineral wealth which i've been examining in my reports the fairy tale of mistress of. it tells of the mysteries of the legendary greenstein current he didn't russia's ural mountains but malik right it's not something. this looks like a pile of rather dull mountain rocks but step over here when we have water we can
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see something of these rocks and natural beauty these are the stones of feel the legends and fairy tales of the urals and they also feed the still hands of local craft these men are cutting and polishing precious stones and cheap among the treasures the most famous greenstone of them all emerald. should be large one hundred percent translucent with the main properties being color quality and weight it also depends how often the precious stone is found in nature most of them will find their way into do re and display pieces but as synonymous as these stones seem with the urals the vast majority don't even come from russia. no one worst locally developed precious stones here it's very sad and i even feel a sort of pain because they judy business is build around the stillness it's not that the euro was
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a short of these gems quite the opposite in fact precious stones were so easy to find while the cottage industry grew up here around them that nobody bothered to invest much in so vain what deposits exist let alone extracting them and once metals were discovered such as a really i'm which is used in military applications little was thought of destroying the emeralds in which it's normally found. there are still thought to be enormous deposits of emeralds and other precious stones within the euro's and no matter where they come from the region still has craftsman that spend their working lives creating masterpieces from them who knows maybe one day if the mistress of copper mountain allows it these marvels in stone could be made from part of the country they represent. we're going to discuss a little bit more about yucatan burke's past and its development as the capital of the urals is maxime hummock of he is vice rector here at the ural federal
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university. maxime if we start off back in the past the discovery of the huge mineral wealth there is around here perhaps you could talk us through the developments of the city from its early origins right well the the history of mining here and into logi here goes down to the late seventeenth early eighteenth century and we can trade it up to the new the family one of the most to reach people here in russia and they built a lot of factories here you know not only in the kitchen and watson to rejoin them in silty is you're in the soul b. it's a room in your general repatriates it's a lot of heavy engineering factories so this was the it all stalin's industrialisation so we take that up too if we'll call it the region's
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moments of crisis really after the fall of the soviet union in the ninety's and the region i think it's probably fair to say found itself a bit lost. well of course when you have so many you know factories and then you know the whole economy collapsed you know the city was in the crisis i mean and the whole region was in crisis it's actually even gold it's not true well it would be a shallow sea criminal capital of prussia this time for the moment i think strategy all for a raise as they go through business is working quite well thank you so much simpler mccall from the university here you can turn burke has been a city that's never been afraid to push business opportunities whether they come from the ural mountains or from all the the shopping malls that are springing up here and it's that future that will all be looking at the developments of the turn bird in the decades to come. well tomorrow we wrap up our journey to get that in
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board but we have more to come from the year olds to later today when our intrepid adventurers sets out to explore another major hot the city of perm. a little.
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i don't want your business the latest news hi katie latest apple offering still flying off the shelves you know what karen it really is it's now been a year at the shops have opened and they're loving it this morning we saw sydney shoppers they were just completely ripping off of the shelves that we had they were doing this is the same year as every well. it's all about those people that are going to have the latest thing on the market is indeed the i pad three today as far as investors are concerned it's good stuff because they're already posting big it's all positive so you saw but when you go back to two thousand and ten it wasn't such a positive thing when you think back when it wasn't even that popular how bad reviews are believable what's happening just couple of years now let's go into the markets we'll talk about oil because that's dominating headlines as far as the
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market is concerned and that's because david cameron isn't saying that now is the time prices of that level but it's time to did. however barack obama hasn't. actually said it's not going to happen however there is an election of a shift so he's going to be for a reliance of low up or prizes you know is this get the device as far as persons concerned. the aaa ratings as far as david cameron's concerned is he needs to move he's economy as you can see europe is a mixed review today greece. full to billion dollars that i'm all. about is going to get them through parity so they say as far as the states is concerned it's financials mine is that are doing sticky well if we stay closer to home for a few minutes you can see it's also for the russian market share moskos friday afternoon so typically trading is not much going on the best is holding their ground that it's completely makes if we look at stocks not much.
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but you just all this six billion dollars. to the public investors were very happy to have the dust come around or sniffed in the right despite those high oil prices risen oh let's take a look at how the ruble is bearing then at this hour polluter a describer the dollar is still out as far as the u.s. dollar is going so though it is stronger against the ruble now gold is still on its losing streak it's just going further into the red they want quantity of easing they want them for nike to start buying up more debt because that was how that commodity and the problem is at the moment because the u.s. economy is so strong investors more confident about looking out for riskier assets in gold the ultimate safe haven well as you can see see the silver as well is following the right that so that's how the markets look at this hour later on that we're going to be talking about u.s. inflation as industrial data big cases of the u.s.
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economy we'll have those details and lays it out so for now. there is the same reason to maybe you should be sitting on the market three killing spree by u.s. soldiers the burning of korans in the ditch appreciate the taliban quarters the u.s. says it remains committed. wealthy british style polls not. markets
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by now can only. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports. the financial science technology innovation all the list of melons from around russia we've dumped the future coverage.


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