tv [untitled] March 16, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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tonight the u.n. arab league envoy to syria calls on the united nation's most powerful body to speak with one voice when it comes to syria while moscow hopes kofi annan peace mission won't be the israel. sparing no expense of iran's exiled from the global banking system setting oil prices soaring and western nations rushing to open emergency domestic reserves. and the controversial tradition of remembering s.s. a veteran says heroes latvian nationalists gather for an annual march condemning by half of the population and seen as an inspiration for young neo nazis.
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hello and a very good evening from moscow for me kevin owen it's now nine pm here watching r.t. our top story the un arab league envoy kofi annan surged the un security council to break the political deadlock on syria he said unity over the crisis will help his peace mission comments he made during his briefing to the party about his findings following his recent visit to damascus let's talk more about this now and join our correspondent in new york report. even now this video conference between new york and geneva were announced office is based is now over in the last hour what do you know about what was said. what we know so far kevin is the fact that. special envoy kofi annan said that he will be sending his team to damascus as early as this weekend to begin to scarfing plans his plans to deploy international
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monitors there he said the first objective is to of course stop all the violence and bloodshed taking place in syria and to establish an impended humanitarian assistance for all those in need in syria he said if the syrian conflict is not handled properly and handled quickly the end result could be disastrous for the entire region kofi annan the u.n. arab league special envoy to syria also pleaded with u.n. security council members to finally break their deadlock and come to a consensus and speak with one voice he said that will not only. give credibility to the international community but it will also help establish peace in syria and help his process a process that he said is very difficult very challenging but one that he is committed to now just last weekend he did travel to syria he met with syrian
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president bashar al assad he also did meet with members of the opposition group he said that while there are clearly are differing opinions and ceasefire has not been established yet he is making all the efforts that could possibly be made but once again underscoring the fact that the security council must unite and speak with one voice and some good will hunting. with the international community houses. well although we have seen that the security council has been divided for a year now we do know that russia has called on all security council members to support kofi annan is efforts in syria we have we have seen a member members of the security council the u.s. and european countries that have essential he said charlotte sides days are numbered and have been pushing for before process of regime change in syria also
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arab countries of the arab countries support that move russian foreign minister sergei lavrov said that now is not time to point fingers and cast blame on our one side he said both sides bear responsibility for the conflict and violence taking place right now and the most important thing is that all members of the security council support kofi annan mission and to not undermine it take a listen to what mr lavrov has to say it's because of this those fish every time we have a feeling that we managed to achieve some positive change in the states of damascus there's an immediate counterweight reaction and any steps forward are dismissed so i hope this will happen with the attitude of countries in the middle east and some western states to the mission of u.n. arab league envoy kofi anon and it was very strange that two days after is your first visit to damascus the opposition syrian national council claim the mission had already failed so i think it's irresponsible. we are.
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now earlier this week there was a high level ministerial meeting taking place at the security council resort mr a lover of them his counterparts meet russia and china or both said that they believe military intervention or any sanctions on syria right now would only exacerbate the problem in the violence ongoing there for a year now so we see that their efforts are being made continually on on the international level at this point if mr are not gets the support he is asking for from the security council maybe eventually will see some some peace process coming to syria but at this point there is going to be a mission heading to damascus this weekend to continue this plan. to do with it what's been happening in new york here at the u.n. let's talk some more of a. conversation william f.
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. and author of the book full spectrum dominance totalitarian democracy the new world order it's a good book but it's a mouthful to say sir he joins me now on the line from frankfurt very good to see you ok i think you were listening to what. our correspondent in new york was kofi annan the u.n. security council member should overcome the differences and take a unified stance over syria how realistic is that do you think. i don't think it's realistic at all right now because the standpoint of france rather of russia and china is diametrically opposed to the standpoint of washington which is for intervention and regime change they've made it abundantly clear because this is a as i've said before and i documented in the full spectrum dominance book it's a part of a long term pentagon strategy the arab spring is it is a pentagon strategy to accomplish regime change throughout the islamic world and reorganize state so that for example syria there's
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a map that exists pentagon map that exists showing that syria under the proposed changes would simply have no access any longer to the sea to the mediterranean which is rich in oil and gas is recent discoveries of confirmed but it's being financed the opposition so-called opposition inside syria is being financed and weaponized by saudi arabia by the emirates especially qatar the propaganda coming coming out of. syria and the qatari owned outlets is very one sided and it makes it appear to be a black and white situation which it is not at all it's interesting you mention cat so there of course only today all six out of the league state said they're going to close the damascus embassies because of the violence roy impacts that going to have on the new base than proposed by russia and the arab league what's the knock on effect going to be. well i don't think it's a constructive move the saudi agenda seems to be to pit sunni against the shiite
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and the other way the regime of bashar is is a division of the shiite branch of islam so there's a much larger agenda there soul office or bite radicals been inserted through turkey and other places into syria according to reliable reports they're being armed there is even alcohol qaeda so you have the specter of washington supporting the syrian opposition which is working hand in glove with al-qaeda and so-called arch enemy of the united states of led to believe what sort of clothes are really a bizarre what should hold no system as we had no correspondents report there for kofi annan and going to mask next week to discuss a proposal to deploy international monitors there what's your prognosis for that trip well i think what she said at the end is exactly the relevant point that the
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syrian national opposition so-called denounces the coffee and on mission within hours of his leaving damascus indicates that they're not about to have any dialogue for a peaceful peaceful resolution of this war as long as the arms are flowing in as long as the opposition has been trained. by the french intelligence british intelligence u.s. intelligence. to make this insurrection we're going to have fighting and the news reports are going to slide on the west and we've talked about this well without for this moment have we over the last year or so i mean. for a while in a year or what are your thoughts now looking back at what's happened what do you think is going to happen over the next six months will this violence set be overcome through political means and dialogue is there no room for it now and there was six months ago. well let's let us pray that that would be the case i'm a little bit pessimistic because i think the forces the external forces especially
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washington the national endowment for democracy the state department the pentagon they have a long term agenda and that agenda is is for a massive redrawing of the map of the middle east and militarization of the middle east to control the oil flows to countries like china to central europe to the european union and so forth it's part of a militarization of the entire. islamic world that's underway and that i don't think is going to lend itself to a peaceful resolution however that being said i think that we can look at the record of what the arab spring has wrought in terms of so-called democracy and it's a catastrophe because as could have been predicted as was predicted at the outbreak because if you go to egypt if you go to libya you have arm bands that have been armed the so-called opposition national council and they're shooting each other to fight for the picket so it's total anarchy and chaos is going to be
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a picture year of the forests it's always good to have you on the prize or not to get your reform thought when you have kind of or said to an author thanks ever so much for joining us there from frankfurt thank you. well as the fate of syria hangs in the balance another middle eastern nations wrestling with the consequences of a successful revolution egyptian authorities desperate with more on crackdown on police brutality is an employment poverty disillusionment stokes tensions across the country more on that for you coming up also this half hour of news as well on r.t. we travel to the heart of the urals we show you more of russia where precious gems . heavy metals in days gone by don't miss the chance to explore a land that is rich in resources coming up just a couple of minutes time. next though attempts by the u.s. and its allies to bring turnaround to its knees through sanctions are intensifying after swift the company that handles global banking transfers says it's cutting off a rainy and banks that news sent the price of oil the lifeblood of the world's
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economy soaring forcing the u.s. and the u.k. to tap into their own crude reserves resulting sara first reports many nations simply don't have that luxury. spain is among the biggest importers iranian oil but all that things when the sanctions on iran come into force in july they haven't tell their. sources of supply and order around facing a real risk to the country found out has been fueled by iranian oil. prices are on the rise and there are fears that they're about to be even higher with the iranian oil embargo eliminating the e.u. employees band comes as the west's in making ways if you are runs nuclear program its shape it shifting around the oil revenues in the country to the bargaining table assuming that the case against iran is a strong sanctions right now. exercised by countries like spain or greece or
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italy that much those countries more than it will damage iran was countries like france and britain in fourteen years very small percentage of iranian oil and supported the band is the country struggling the west economically right now spain greece and italy but again to feel the effects of the sanctions the maced is we can't refuse the pressure from the us it is still the foreign minister actually said that if you check the sixty five percent of the sikh community even if you keep it in your account the fact that you can't be forced to make these decisions once you know that in a healthy economic situation a rise in oil prices might be problematic coming at a time when spain is on the brink of a second recession is proving a nightmare for the population. it's terrible that we should pay for decisions taken in brussels is not known to conform and certainly not for
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a simple residence. certainly should trigger a rise in prices we should follow the example of the us to tighten our belt and keep the issue of nuclear weapons or parts to revive our economy. clears i'm afraid because they're already too high if they go any higher would be able to forget this . fears about surveys in places have been made radio says it's good enough to make up for the loss of around supply when the in vogue comes into force she's like things still be paying the price of loss trade with iran and the cost of replacing these oil contracts ever likely think imports of oil from iran have increased since he backed libyan war now the prospect of his teeth with iran is causing speech and the world has new warm prices collation stupid sanctions can be corrected the problems will come if there is a war with you can see a real crisis. now countries like spain elected the mess of
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a volatile situation no one wants to see ignites. state. take a moment out to let you know about our web site our team dog great resource for more background all the stories in a little we don't have time to show you a half hour of news every hour these stories get more clicks tonight what the u.s. presidential campaign feels for the country's electronic voting system presented as impregnable interviewed way forward they said gets. less than two days after the test launch of the best stuff also and i agree cultural company criticize over its harsh treatment of small time farmers gets the go ahead for a massive biotechnology contract in the united states but it's threatening even more independent businesses there's a lot of worry about that among the stories online from us.
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now there are nine police officers have been charged with assisting a murderous war before paul found in a rampage that killed seventy four opposing team supporters last month police have been largely of moon from prosecution in the country for decades even after the revolution last year out of fear of upsetting stability but now that is really the reports that current karmas unlikely to last. their evolution happened just around the corner these three things are really close to death here and have always been in a financial interest half of the city but over the past year with the protests predicate breaking out these shopkeepers have seen their lives gnashed and their livelihoods broken repairs and cleanup in the wake of protesters clashes with police brought many businesses to a halt meaning they're already small income was hit. after the revolution there's been less work because of all these events we shut down early and go home because
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there's no business we have to stay closed for several days immediately following the uprising on january twenty fifth last year. the security situation in the egyptian capital remains on easy in fact and many residents say right now it's even worse than it was at the height of the uprising last year there are one out of every two people you meet in the street under the age of twenty five who doesn't work and this is a potential for probably the angry unemployed youth often choose to sweep in after the protestors are losing and stealing from damage shops the book everything we have here other businesses in the neighborhood are also looted all houses on this street or near tahrir square either broken into or rob everyone saw footage in an attempt to keep the protests under control the government installed cement walls blocking off the area around the top tier square it may have made things easier for
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the police but it's only matters worse for locals here in the barricades they've built on the streets they've really affected us as well as the huge protests we haven't worked for some days since and afterwards had to clean up a lot. yet most egyptians believe the main problem is not the mess which follows the protests but the absence of jobs which turns many desperate people into looters it was the country's flailing economy which forced thousands out on to here square in the first place their first slogan that was here in paris square was the word broke because it was. it was actually getting ugly people were killing each other in the line. it was hoped their allusion would turn all of that around bringing more jobs to people and food on their tables but as things stand more than a year after the uprising even those who did have a livelihood are now struggling to stay afloat even if i was cairo.
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remembrance for of waffen s.s. veterans is being held in the latvian capital riga. features s.s. supporters nationalists and it's condemned by about half of the country's population is glorification of not see a nazi ism but nonetheless as artie's jake agrees reports now its influence on young latvians sparks fears that neo nazi support is growing. scenes like this have concert carrot arrives legionnaires day in latvia it stands to commemorate the around one hundred forty thousand people who fought on the side of the waffen s.s. part of that being legion aiding nazi germany's war effort they maintain their fighting against another the soviet red army also guilty of committing crimes itself against the last few evil but it's not just those in attendance at the youth tenements and it's that many of zervos with so often some nationalistic
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and ultra nationalist far right undertones that's brought about another protest an anti fascist protest as well they don't want the lobbying government to even allow this demonstrations to take place in the first place that they want and i mean going to be doing more to actually planets now the president of latvia he's already being criticized large percent of his words on this saying that no taking part in those demonstrations is a criminal well the russian foreign ministry retaught is saying that in fact this will do nothing to stem the flow of xenophobia in latvia on that issue just a hundred yards away from here there is a conference an international conference convening about the rise of the far right not only in latvia but also the rest of europe. an afghan parliamentary investigation team says that to twenty u.s. troops could be implicated in the massacre of sixteen civilians in kandahar that claim contradicts netas account that one rogue soldier was behind the attack
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meantime the u.s. military has confirmed the defense secretary leon panetta was the intended target of a suicide bomb at a british base in southern afghanistan because he's president hamid karzai has called on nato forces to leave rural areas following last week's shooting saying he wants them to withdraw entirely before the current deadline of twenty fourteen all this in the wake of the taliban suspending peace talks with washington now on cross-talk at nineteen thirty g.m.t. on this channel the panel tonight will be taking on the whole issue of america's military strategy and when we talk strategy strategies military this country doesn't succeed when it uses its military if somebody fights back except for world war two when you go through all of the other wars we don't have the staying power we're not going to get that staying power all of them only we're going to leave if not this year then next to the year after and everybody knows that whatever way you
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want to go to this year. what about caleb or. i was just you know there is already being at a little bit of snow eating history if you look at all the places where the u.s. military has intervened it's been a story of remarkable stability in all these places don't resemble switzerland necessary but iraq as a nascent democracy is a violin we exit into quickly kuwait is free in persian gulf oil flow those are very interesting miracles you can see that there are three or if you look at the instances where we've. gretchen you want to jump in you want to disagree. i just want to say that you're wrong i'm saying when people fight back we don't do well. taking a breath away from from there we're off to a europe needs asia to explore russia's fourth largest city that stands on a natural boundary between the two continents that is a good tonight's close up. and
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just the focus is in a bit more here it is a destination is a katherine book it's nestled in the mineral rich ural mountains home to renowned jewelry specialists but despite areas around the city teeming with germs local craftsmen are importing precious stones from abroad begs the question why he's talking to try and find out. from its beginnings as an outpost of the fledgling russian empire you could terran bird has grown up as a city which exploited by the mineral wealth of the ural mountains it's gone on developing on that line throughout its history and it's those themes the exploitation of the region's rich mineral wealth which i've been examining in my report the fairy tale from mistress of copper mountain it tells of the mysteries
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of the legendary greenstone malecon it he didn't rushes you around mountains but now a kite it's not some room this looks like a pile of rather dull mountain rocks but step over here when we have water we can see something of these rocks natural beauty these are the stones of feel the legends and fairy tales of the urals and they also feed the skill hands of local craft these men are cutting and closing precious stones and chief among the treasures the most famous greenstone of them all emerald. it should be large well hundred percent translucent with the main properties in color quality and weight it also depends how often the precious stone is found in nature. most of them will find their way into jewelry and display pieces but as
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synonymous as the stones seem with the urals the vast majority don't even come from russia that's interesting it but you know what no one works with locally developed precious stones here it's very set and even if you are sort of being deposed they do their business is built around the stillness it's not that the urals the short of these gems quite the opposite in fact precious stones were so easy to find while the cottage industry grew up here around them that nobody bothered to invest much in surveying what deposits exist let alone extracting them and once metals were discovered such as but really i'm which is used in military applications little was thought of destroying the emeralds in which it's normally found. there are still thought to be enormous deposits of animals and other precious stones within the europe and no matter where they come from the region still has crafts and that spend their working lives creating masterpieces from them who knows maybe one day
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if the mistress of copper mountain allows it these marvels in stone could be made from parts of the country that represent dumbarton r.t. . and if you join that we've got more of artist closer from the cattle region coming up for you tomorrow as well tom in the table we're back with a report from a village with a headline grabbing name all reveal tomorrow then r.t. let's go to some of the business that was just for you six minutes past nine at night dimitris got the update for us to retrieve world's biggest television companies found replacement where for its former chairman he's got the top job then his name is barry chong is coming in to replace big but a vessel buried one of russia's richest men as chairman of roussel barry chong has been in the company since two thousand and ten as an independent director also the head of the hong kong mercantile exchange baxter greg left his position at the world's biggest enemy of producer on tuesday. amid a gale of angry rhetoric where the company's main shareholder leg did he pass in
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particular the two men were actually sharply at odds over selling a major stake in russia's biggest miner normal cynical now looking at the market reaction to it it seems to south is doing the right move while the market was down as you can see there by around half a percent at the close on friday a very long week six days of trading roussel stock among the main movers on the my sax was up three point three percent stake a look at that financials were actually better than the market would be to be up one point seven five percent on news that it could go ahead with a secondary public offering in september october to rake in another three billion dollars from private investors and lukoil was down one point four percent on disappointing fourth quarter results in two thousand. so what's going on elsewhere in commodities markets light sweet and brant showing some very sharp gains as the rumors have been denied that the u.s.
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will be opening its reserves of oil into the market and also an escalating tension between the west and iran iran's banking system has been disconnected from swift and now let's take a look in the united states barely any movement as you can see there on the nasdaq apple shares are also flat on the first day of the sales of the new i pad tablet. and moving on to europe but it's looking more positive over there was the point four percent of the close the dax point two percent on a slightly growing industrial output in the united states and the little news coming out from europe. and in turn the euro is gaining a versus the dollar this hour and that's reflected in russia's ruble. weakening versus the year as you can see there by twenty copecks a bit stronger versus the dollar. and that's your business update this hour be back into it was time with yet another update the headlines and i start.
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