tv [untitled] March 16, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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headlines at ten pm moscow time the u.n. arab league envoy to syria calls on the united nations the most powerful body to speak with one voice when it comes to syria. peace mission. also headlining from us crude tactics a ram's exiled from the global banking system setting the whole prices soaring and western nations rushing to work with emergency domestic reserves. and the controversial tradition of remembering s.s. veterans as heroes last week in the action is gathered for an annual march condemned by half of the population and seen as an inspiration for young. i'm kevin
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allen here in moscow studios tonight thanks though back to washington d.c. for the next sixty minutes it's the alona show. culture is that so much that you should be sitting on the market for a killing spree by a u.s. soldier the burning of korans images of creation of taliban forces the u.s. says it remains committed to its. welcome to the lower show at the real headlines with none of the mercy or come alive in washington d.c. now it's not really all details on bradley manning's case the defense is calling out the government for not handing over documents the prosecutors have labeled al qaeda as the enemy that manning was allegedly aiding and kevin costello is going to give us the full breakdown and
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a situation in afghanistan continues to deteriorate scars i want all u.s. troops confined only to bases by next year and how should we look at the bank stress test that was done by the federal reserve fifteen out of nineteen banks passed but two thousand and eight look kind of similar or a lister host of the capital account here on our team is going to help us sort it all out of all that morphy tonight including a dose of happy hour but first took a look with the mainstream media has decided to miss. all right so we all know that they're the big news stories of the mainstream media covers every day right we've seen a lot of campaign coverage we've seen to their credit a lot of afghanistan coverage this week as well and of course we've seen a lot of this. john hamm says he does not regret not for one single solitary moment calling concurred dash and immediate heads up to all use ilya's the people out there who have an i phone i california man had one blow out it is hand in many
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households across america modern day more women than ever are becoming the primary breadwinners of their families the pressure to get right back for her part she defended herself on twitter she called hamm's remarks careless and pointed out how someone of her success could hardly be an idiot especially made brack she searches for the next two or three weeks yeah exactly so we're talking about march madness obviously everybody's excited about it jarvis dixon says he was just playing a game on his i phone it overheated it exploded bruising his hand he says he's also lost some movement in his fingers in more and more families the woman is becoming the primary breadwinner for in ten women entering men in two thousand and nine you know with this you're going with a girl use their own as a dot to do child use the problem of a healthy baby boy named jackson. now of course some of the stories travel but i really don't think the most trusted name in news as they like to call themselves should be spending so much time talking about jon hamm and charlie's their own
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especially because this week something else has been going on we've been covering it for you every single day it's sunshine week and week devoted to advocating for greater government transparency and he's talking about media organizations asking the department of defense to unseal court documents for the court martial for bradley manning we spoke about cyber security legislation to open government groups are warning could have a chilling effect on areas for which we're able to file for requests we look at the obama administration's record overall in the war in whistleblowers keeping the wind at the state dinner a secret so there isn't any outcry over the price tag which we can all say was probably pretty high and unfortunately i haven't seen the mainstream media dedicate any time this week they're talking about the fact that it's sunshine week no time devoted to calling out the government breakups. it's of secrecy and calling on them to do more and especially unfortunate because all these are news organizations right journalists that we're talking about who somehow seem to have forgotten what their real purpose is being
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a good government launched so i guess should come as no surprise and they also didn't report on the following story but i think it's worth pointing out because we hear a lot about the rules the regulations that are put into place we don't hear nearly enough about all of the loopholes that are out there to let people of boy those rules case in point the obama administration's rules on lobbying last week we told you about obama's own hypocrisy after all this is a candidate they campaigned on getting the influence of lobbyists out of washington he signed an executive order regarding lobbyists and the revolving door between working for the federal government after you represent a specific interest and then last week we found out the white house that hired seaver shadi a former lobbyist to work with vice president joe biden because for a shady used a loophole to get it he had the registered as a lobbyist and after two years he was able to work for the government again. but this individual example overshadowed it's really a much larger problem there are a lot of loopholes out there and the american lobbyist league has not written
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a letter to president obama about one very specific rule p.c. this administration created a rule that individuals who spend less than twenty percent of their time lobbying don't have to register with congress as a lobbyist problem about of course being that there are people that are actively lobbying and yet they don't have to call themselves lobbyists because it's up to them to police themselves on this entire twenty percent think now the president of all which is the american lobbyist league howard marlo says that this particular rule has resulted in a free for all on capitol hill and it makes sense why create a rule and then have the people police themselves i don't think that i'm the only one who have a hard time believing that a rule like that is just down to get abuse in a place like washington d.c. and i'm pretty sure the rest of america would be with me after all congressional approval is that all time lows. polls show that americans think that money has too much influence over our political system and there's a rule the relies on the integrity and honesty of lobbyists to tell us how much they're lobbying i mean that is just plain stupid but the problem is of course it
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just creates more of a shadowy culture we end up knowing even less about who is influencing our laws and the american lobbyist league has some other ideas out there suggestions for other rules that should be put in place things like having lobbying lobbyists report specific individuals that they meet with on capitol hill and said i'm just saying whether it's somebody from within the house the senate or the executive branch i like that idea but let's not leave start the one that really stands out here just to bad that most americans that don't know about this example of corruption because the mainstream media doesn't feel that at thirty to report on it there's just far too much leverage gossip going on this week so sunshine week lobbying loopholes that stuff they choose to miss. well today was day one of two another hearing in the case against bradley manning army private accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to wiki leaks members of the bradley manning support network waited outside of for me
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today with science but what do we learn on the inside of military prosecutors finally have to define who the enemy manning is charged with aiding is and it's what we've cleaned up before al-qaeda al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula the defense also filed a motion to dismiss all charges against bradley manning after arguing that the government violated manning's rights by failing to overturn certain evidence so let's get more of the details are discussed is it me is kevin costner let's civil liberties blogger for lake kevin thanks much for joining us tonight and ok let's start by breaking down some of these details in terms of what it is that the defense is arguing that the government has been withholding from that that that violates manning's rights so they're trying to get the government to disclose certain evidence that they feel could be really helpful to. defending manning and so some of these things in clude for your requests related to the two thousand and seven apache helicopter attack which was in the collateral murder video. all of
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damage assessments such as people looking at the information that was released by bradley manning allegedly and determining whether national security was harmed or put at risk and they include. forensic computer images to. showing the sort of software that were on the computers in the facility that bradley manning was doing his intelligence work and and also include the sort of you know the just the government doesn't want to disclose this over tips that coombs believes could be helpful to you. manning and there's a disagreement over the legal rules all right it totally makes sense to me that that the defense would want to see some of these assessments that are made by intelligence agencies by whoever to prove or i guess you can say you know to assess whether or not they think there's been any damage dance national security because of the release of these leaks and so why is it i mean what's the argument from the
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prosecutors you know what is their defense for not actually giving them this information you think about would be a big deal in this case well it's similar to what we've heard from critics of wiki leaks who say it damage national security but we learned nothing new you've got the prosecutor saying that the defense hasn't been specific enough as to what information they need but yet they could go back and cite how this information might not be able to be released because of certain legal rules and then you've also got them saying that they're not really sure if they exist they used the word allegedly they say allegedly damage assessments but fifteen minutes later they stood up in court and were able to detail which agencies or departments have these actual damage assessments so it's all sort of games those those things that are going on that make you wonder you know just how corrupt is this trial so far but
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today and that case you know how is the judge reacting you mentioned there is this game going on and one minute they're saying that they're not even sure these dams that's exist then they actually directly refer to them you know is this judge at least critical how you know how is the judge reacting to this entire motion to to get rid of the case of your audience three words whose adrian lamo and she said that from in the courtroom today which leaves here i'm getting leave that she is not familiar with the case material yet and there are some basic details from the article thirty two hearing that she doesn't know about so. she's able to challenge the defense and she's also able to challenge the government when it comes to military law but she doesn't seem to have the grasp of the wiki leaks story or the bradley manning story she doesn't seem to know what actually went on in the facility that bradley manning is accused of committing and she's still getting
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a grasp of all the material that has been brought to the forefront so far she actually said who is eighty three and right i mean this is i i'm baffled by this you know this is something that's supposed to be ruling on this kind of a case that's just absolutely crazy to me all right let me ask you a few other things that why do we want this boy request in terms of you know the video that being a collateral murder. video that wiki leaks released i mean how do they think that that is going to hurt or excuse me help me i can only presume because they the defense didn't really exactly state but i can guess that other institutions organizations or media were trying to get those details and they were able to tell why they were denied then perhaps you could give some sort of background as to you know whether bradley manning should be charged for releasing the collateral murder video as he's alleged to have done ok because there also may have been some cover up going on there right now we're trying to figure out what exactly happened with
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that strike i know that the families of the reuters journalists were trying to get all the details from the military and you know it was tough for them to do so also isn't the defense claiming that there is a video from antico that shows that when what is this person shows if the conditions that manning was held in his cell do we have any idea we don't know we can presume that maybe it was interrogations was it the strip searches as it is it when he was you know ordered to you know stand stark naked for twenty four hour period for those few days you know we don't know but we do know is that in order to get the judge to budge and force the video there's actually a good chance that bradley manning might have to testify and say yes your honor i remember being recorded i was in the cell i was in prison they were videotaping me . is there any reason why manning might not want or for this case to be dismissed you know i mean my obviously he would want the case to be dismissed it doesn't mean the government is going to come back and try to do it again and so does that just mean more of
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a waiting game for him you know i don't know the the charges the defense are asking to be dismissed i don't know if they're asking for the entire case to be dismissed they're just asking for charges that have prejudiced because the government has wholly failed to produce evidence that they feel is necessary for their case ok can we talk about you and i are laughing about this before the show to a little bit of an ironic story i guess which is that the prosecutors are claiming that they didn't get he emails relating to the case can you tell us why so apparently there's well as one motive as one would expect for a government agency they have a spam filter to protect and part of the spam filter it appears is that if you have the word wiki leaks in your e-mail it's not going to get through to the people who are supposed to receive your mail so there was a huge work well for all last time around the arraignment because they were saying we didn't get these e-mails we don't know what's going on and that seems to have been the case so now they've gone through this huge lengthy process of having
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someone every time at ten am of the day they're going to check the spam filter and make sure the mail instead of letting wiki leaks get through it appears they're going to do it actually to police the e-mail bureaucracy work i guess right and finally you know aiding the enemy is probably is the most serious charges being brought against bradley manning here in the prosecutions that they won't go for the death penalty they're going to try to go for life in prison but what do you think of this notion that they're saying that he aided al qaeda or al qaeda in the arabian peninsula or other related terrorist groups and organizations i mean i i find it to be kind of ludicrous right because then how about every single news source out there the report on the leaks you know around the cables might not. i just i find it very dangerous i know you know this being a military case versus a civilian case i'm not sure what the difference here would be but i don't have
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a tough time seeing it morphing into this thing where eventually five or ten years down the road if they can successfully charge manning with aiding the enemy some blogger like myself maybe who has managed to obtain caused by information and publish it which should be allowed into the first amendment could be a target for prosecution i just think it's very easy if the government successful with what they're doing and while all the more reason that this should be a big deal people relation paying attention to it kevin thanks so much for joining us i know that you've been you've had a long day of going to the hearing and everything and thanks for keeping us updated with all the details there. our time for a quick break but when we come back sofa is dead for now but it doesn't mean at our age to be to write in detail their plan with i asked be used to make sure the copyright gets in force the way they see fit and then things seem to be unraveling even further in afghanistan in the wake of the massacre earlier this week so we can talk about the continuing fallout since we come back.
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don't come. well for those of you thought that the war over the internet is over think again because on july twelfth i a species are going after pirates right according to seen at major internet service providers like comcast cablevision horizon time warner cable and more they've all been secretly plotting behind closed doors with r.a. and the n.p.a. to find a way to stop copyright infringement and apparently they've been plotting this since last july these people know how to keep a secret that is until this week a c.e.o. cary sherman decided to spill the beans and reveal that the major i.s.p. is will all be on the same page and ready to attack by this summer this even though there's ample evidence that policing the web for pirates isn't the best way to handle this issue but of course not surprisingly sherman doesn't see it that way and in fact he told the tech site seen at the companies have been working behind the scenes to develop a streamlined method of finding infringers firm explained each he has to develop
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their infrastructure for automating the system they need this to establish the database so they can keep track of repeat infringers so they know that this is the first notice or the third notice so there's a good to know the i's speeds been working behind theirs customers backs and simply didn't mention their plan during the entire month long debate around sopa and pipa and just to show how thoroughly they've worked out there's a plan there's even a penalty system that's going to be implemented called mitigation measures which can range from your internet connection speed to completely suspending your access altogether because who else is behind this master plan wasn't just the big wigs in hollywood but washington d.c. you also knew about it and i guess we can't be surprised after all lawmakers actually thought earlier this year that they could pass the stop online piracy act or protect intellectual property act until of course every major tech company millions of internet users all convince them of these bills have no place becoming law if you were so opposed to sopa and pipa and even stage in all my blackout and
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guess what it worked it looks like hollywood is playing the long game here and they're covering all of their bait. they went to both the government and the private sector to make sure they had every tool in the box on their site so clearly they're not going down without a fight so people mark your calendars to my twelfth it is hollywood is coming for you again and this time they're using your internet service provider to help them carry out their plans. and the fall continues after the shooting of sixteen civilians in afghanistan and can president hamid karzai is now demanding that the u.s. can find troops to major bases by next year early statement said not a single foreign soldiers should enter afghan homes and the entire attention should switch to the country's reconstruction and economic assistance and you cannot do that but a taliban statement was released saying that they are suspending its peace talks because the u.s. turned its back on its promises so clear the situation here isn't getting any better but just how much worse could it get when we discuss it is robert farley
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system professor at the university of kentucky and blogger lawyers guns and money robert thanks so much for joining us tonight and i guess for starters you know what do you make of this announcement that was made by cars i specially considering that defense secretary leon panetta was there for two days clearly this is a tense trip and according to karzai office he said it to panetta. well this is a this is a significant change in the u.s. for structure in afghanistan and it would be very difficult for the united states to carry out its operation without. being able to own homes without being able to go under orders and so far as i want to confine u.s. forces just to major bases and politically that makes a lot of sense for karzai but at the same time it's very difficult for the united states to do what it's supposed to be doing at least from our point of view with regards to plotting the war if were confined to major bases is it just difficult or is it completely impossible to do what you are trying to do i think i can find a basis there are there are some things that you can do there are some situations
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especially in parts of the country where the taliban move more or less freely where united states forces engaged them in what amounted to a basic set piece battles away from villagers away from houses and so forth. even from major bases the u.s. can still conduct those kinds of operations but that's totally detached from the sort of counterinsurgency warfare that you know it's been talking about for the last three or four years in afghanistan which involves close contact between u.s. forces and the population and it's also hard to say how the u.s. is going to train the afghan police and the afghan national army or it's restricted from some of the most basic tasks involved with the project with the afghan population so i guess we just see this whole idea of winning hearts and minds thinking a little more because basically they're saying you know why you coming anywhere near the population anywhere it's taking that request you do not have u.s. forces there i night raids and only have you know at that security forces to now just don't even leave the base period but at the same time cars i also said that he
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thinks that the afghan security forces are ready to take over right now is there anybody you can think that that is possibly true. well nobody in the u.s. army seems to think so nobody in the united states seems to think so. but then we should remember that we don't always have the best perspective. well and how exactly afghan forces are going to perform and we certainly don't have a good perspective on how they're going to perform when they no longer in the united states to rely on it right now when they have americans to rely on their performance isn't great when they don't have americans for a while it's entirely possible that their performance name. they'll still be some levels of support some levels of training and certainly support in terms of weapons and reconnaissance and so forth for the afghan national army. so i think it remains to be seen exactly who's right on on how capable and competent the afghan national army is we're going to have to wait until the americans are gone to find out i saw that what do you think about this statement coming from the taliban say because
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they said that they suspended tox which i guess gives us the idea that they might be ok with them starting up again which then makes the question of this is just a way for them you know to pile on because clearly there's a lot of negative p.r. in the situation right now. right and it's interesting that. they focused on the question of how the negotiations had been going so sort of pre-arrangements between the united states and the taliban but that child on top of the american set up and. killing and they didn't concentrate so much on this most recent incident with the u.s. staff sergeant and so you know it's really hard to say because we don't have a good sense of how the taliban think and how their organization functions and so it's possible that they're simply bargaining for more space that they feel this has been a victory and that they can take advantage of this victory by figuring out just how badly the united states wants to go she ations but it's also possible that there is genuine disagreement about about how far negotiation should go and all. and of
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course we're going to see a lot of disagreement here at home see whether that there's always been a lot of disagreement i guess you could say over the war in afghanistan but now suddenly we've seen this shift where it's ok to say that we shouldn't get out and we should wrap the war up and you have one horrible incident after another happening but then at the same time next week general john allen is going to be testifying on capitol hill and so the way the is looking so far from reports is that we see this breakdown between the military officials the generals that want as many troops as they possibly can and they want to keep them for as long as they can and so while thus far for ten years congress has been willing to do it do you think that we've seen some kind of a shift some kind of a turning point where that's just not going to work anymore i don't really think we're approaching that well i think we're getting to the point where the only people who want greater engagement in afghanistan and our generals and it's not even all the generals right get certain parts. of certain parts especially the army and some folks from
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a group of marine corps but want to remain in afghanistan and want to continue engaging in what we're. hearing public doesn't seem to want because you know most of congress even republicans don't seem to want to see any more major republican candidates getting rich and santorum approach this would be a fairly clear. downsizing of u.s. forces there and so we are coming to see a significant divide on afghanistan and between some parts of the military on one hand and almost everyone else on the other then it's hard to say where obama directly calls on the you know what you ordered and the surge into afghanistan many people are going to want to so we'll see exactly how that plays out. but you know this is. now if you asked me i don't think there was ever going to be a graceful exit from afghanistan fortunately that's that's what the situation is but just looking back at all of the events that happened in the beginning of this
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year do you think that it's going to be. worse than they imagine it you know quoted some way have been a more smooth transition or are these events that are really going to mark you know that or that are going to play out in history because it's and it's you i think it's really hard to say. here we will know if they were all from afghanistan it was graceful five years later the karzai regime or who are actually of course i still in power and maybe they are still the mayor of kabul. but i would consider taking control become true but this has really put us into a position where i think that the american people are so eager to get out or increasing what you think you know that we're sort of going to leave grace that we we don't need to leave gracefully at this point we just need to we probably will say this didn't have to happen this way. decision so it sort of brought us the support and i just want to hear from specter you know when defense secretary leon
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panetta was there there was of course an incident with driver of the tried to blow up a car which they tried to downplay and then at the same time i have seen so many people e-mail me this report that they made the marines disarm you know leave their weapons before going into the tents where defense secretary leon panetta would be and so you know is that really that i mean usual is that some sign that there is a lack of trust or just here after this incident. one of the units are with us i don't know i don't know if they're special in particular but i want to say exactly why the marines were hard to sort of you know certainly took some you would have a private car onto the tarmac basically were printed it was going to be even if it's a surprise landing really does create some trust issues because the u.s. presence depends on friendly afghans and actually sort of the incidents may not remain completely friendly when unfortunate stuff like this happens. i remember i
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thank you so much for joining us tonight and of course well keep following it here but we'll see if we are going to see some major shift if we're going to see this with happen faster than everyone expected thanks tony thank you for having me. all right still to come tonight show intel is coming out and then anonymous has a new operating system for its users to try and we're going to ask if you should be stressed about the latest round of federal reserve administered stress tests for the banks for disputed argues lauren lyster about what if anything the around this latest round of testing tells us about the health of the banks and whether we should even trust it since it can be. wealthy british soil the sun. sometimes.
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