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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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it's. six. feet. our guys it's time for tonight's tool time ward and i have quite a special occasion because the winner is that once again cue the presidential hopeful rick santorum and if in fact the fifteenth time that santorum has been
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honored on this stage as a standalone winner so just to mark this special occasion we decided to put together a little tribute to see all of her time here as the tool time or. all time precise tool time award and we're going to give it to former republican pennsylvania senator rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum rick santorum. rick you know sometimes i really wish for your own good that you would just stop talking but then again that would make fighting our winner so much harder so i guess keep up the good work now it's in iraq has earned the honor once again for injecting himself into your bedroom this time he's decided to go to bat for the children by taking down internet porn recently discovered stated on santorum campaign site express that santorum is intense desire to put an end to internet porn or actually
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this is how he put it he said while the obama department of justice seems to favor pornographers over children and families that will change under a santorum administration what's pornographers over children and families thank god santorum is here to rescue america from people having sex with each other on video you know how to be out there that's shocked as and where i would go out to the internet you should be just listen to his thoughts about the internet in general. the internet is not a. free zone where anybody can do anything they want to but the idea that you know anything goes on the internet where they're told from. kill. the internet are badger a break why on earth would we think that we have the right to do whatever we want in those places they cannot but wonder if a little of santorum is distaste for the internet you know might come from a personal vendetta one stemming from the redefining of his name perhaps it's unfortunate that some people thought that there would be
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a big joke to make fun of my name. little ricky when we got this feeling sorry by the big bad internet why don't even take the whole your name is now defined as a gay sex act being too personally because when it comes to santorum is crusade against the internet and porn people are going to get whipped up into a frothy frenzy if you contrary to rick's squeaky clean america view more than one out of every three people with internet access check out porn on a regular basis that's a lot of voters to vilify and alienate don't you think i would write about them gay activists were able to mobilize to smear his name in a shocking wages to wait until he sees the backlash from this one but you know as imaginary president he can always do the popular thing but unfortunately for rick his anti-porn statement contains straight up lies like this part is that pornography is toxic to marriages and relationships that contributes to massage any and violence against women. rick i think it's obvious that over the last twenty years internet access has increased therefore internet porn availability is
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increased but guess what courting of the census bureau over the last two decades divorce rates are down twenty five percent according to the bureau of justice statistics it currents of rate is down eighty six percent and clear there are other factors that play into this is well but there is an argument that everybody gets along a little better when they're able to shall we say release and stress occasionally but i guess that we should see all this coming given that rick wants to tell us what to do with every aspect of our lives especially those that involve sex in i'm starting to think that maybe he's a little obsessed with people's sex lives almost to an unhealthy degree maybe he should seek treatment for it but anyway for trying once again to force all americans to be as boring sexually as he is and value to stop the pandemic of pornography rick santorum is tonight's top time winner. all day two of the latest bradley manning hearing meet yesterday we saw prosecutors put a name on the label and me boyer's lawyers officially accused manning of aiding al
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qaeda and al qaeda in the arabian peninsula we also learned the defense lawyer david coombs wild several motions including the use of depositions from witnesses who were denied by the prosecution icon's a said to not only was the defense team denied access to key witnesses but the government is also denying them access to the people in charge of determining what's labeled as classified which is really important to highlight because one of the cruxes of manning's case here is the question of whether or not the documents that were leaked actually harmed national security of the united states in any way and since the defense has so few materials to help build their case they filed a motion to dismiss all charges against the army private for the most shocking part of yesterday's hearing came from the judge and will. explain why. whose. pain she said from in the courtroom today which leaves here on new day leave she is not familiar with the case material yet and there are some basic details from the article thirty two hearing that she doesn't know about. that's
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right even the judge for this hearing hasn't done her homework so i think it's safe to say that in order to come to a well rounded decision she should probably know a role adrian lamo played in manning's current attention which brings us to today when everyone convened again and he blinked you might have missed what happened because after a long delay this whole thing wrapped up in about twenty minutes we did however learn the fate of the motion yesterday the judge ruled against the defense's motion to gain access to classification authorities he says he's quite happy with the way the authorities have determined who the defense can and cannot use as a witness and her reason she said the government a bang up job during article thirty two hearing in december and if they did their job then then she trusts that they've done their job well this time around to now this would be a good time to remind you that the government only allowed ten of the forty eight witnesses requested by the defense during the hearing in december so i think that would be debatable to hear how good of a job and it was also revealed today that bradley manning is going to be back in court on april twenty fourth but we're not sure what exactly he's going to be
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litigated linda explain to both sides have to submit what they want to be litigated in a final decision will be made before next month so in short these are this judge who isn't completely up to speed on the case feels that manning's lawyers have ample materials to build their argument and the government hasn't done anything to impede on the process without a fair hearing perhaps you should be the judge for now. and now we've got a breaking news update for you tonight the suspect in killing of the killing of sixteen afghan civilians has been identified as army staff sergeant robert bales because officials of the confirmed the name of the suspect and we'll bring you more details as they come in. now he's talking about the f.b.i. monitoring a veyron metal an animal rights activists many times before here on the show but new documents even more instant insight into how pointless some of these investigations event pointless in the sense of people are being monitored simply for being an artist or a militant feminists who planned rallies for of subarus and went to farmers' markets and support and take notice and highlight these issues of course because it
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shows how far the f.b.i. will go under the guise of terrorism to monitor people despite no suspicion of wrongdoing and thanks to the freedom of information act requests john cook has been able to glean information on a three year long investigation called seizing thunder wells a nationwide investigation called operation backfire so let's see just how big the feds are keeping themselves and supposedly protect us from those with strong political beliefs joining me from our studio in new york is john cook senior writer for golf. john thanks so much for joining us on the first i guess to tell us how it is that you ended up you know trying to look into this filing a freedom of nation act request. well i've read a lot about the animal rights movement and rights extremism and the federal government's response to it over as especially during the bush administration and i had filed some requests just looking at the animal liberation front and in some of those documents i go back in the f.b.i. saw no bleak reference to an investigation called seizing thunder which sounded
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kind of cool so i just filed off for qwest about three years ago for that one and it took him three years see it back to me and it turns out that season thunder was an investigation run out of the portland oregon office of the f.b.i. and it had at its root a sort of legitimate you know there was a legitimate foresman interest they were they were looking for some extremists who had committed some arsons across the pacific northwest and also a notorious one in vail colorado in the one nine hundred ninety s. a cause about twelve million told me dollars of damage to a ski lodge. but the investigation quickly metastasize from trying to find these specific individuals to literally just the f.b.i. agents sitting in a car outside a farmer's market yeah i mean far less happy i mean a lot of i briefly i briefly mentioned you know the subaru the farmer's market but tell some of the other examples that you found hundred stopped in its. well there's
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a lot of instances of informants just telling agents about the little giving in the the license plate numbers of every car that park out of what they but what they called parked outside of what they called a known interest hangout and you know there's nothing illegal about being an anarchist a shortening of federal law against it so it's just bizarre that we've got you know federal law enforcement resources especially in the wake of nine eleven this is going on two thousand and two to two thousand and five. federal law enforcement resources devoted to you know just keeping track of what cars are parked out of known anarchist hangouts there's a lot a lot of instances like that there's instances of people you know a warning that one agent received from an informant saying that the the local homeless groups are aligning with anarchist groups and are going to create a homeless camp as though there's anything the f.b.i. should be involved in there there's cases of agents monitoring it's
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a war protest protest against the i.m.f. and world bank and the agents you know find out about this memo where an agent very proudly recounts how an informant told them about an upcoming march against the i.m.f. in eugene and he informed the eugene police department and he writes a memo saying i averted a riot there was going to be a riot and because i warned the eugene police department about it there wasn't a riot well no it was a march and there was going to be a teach in and some bands were going to play so they just these are sort of clueless agents who don't understand. you know the political activism and think it poses some kind of danger and so they just sort of you know what read amok well i mean i went to hand you know a little funny at first when you listen to some of the things that they did and you are so scared of. them home with the lions or people going to punk rock shows but you know if it's not funny right this is posed to be
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a democracy and so how dangerous is it when you start being monitored by the f.b.i. sometimes very stupid thousand agents like you mentioned solely for the fact that you're practicing your rights that you're expressing their political views. well i mean it's not quite up to the standards of you know the stasi or the soviet era k.g.b. or than or the nixon era f.b.i. for that matter i think a lot of it's motivated by this you know what happened in the in the two thousand as the bush administration said our top counterterrorism domestic counterterrorism priority is animal rights and environmental extremism that was the number one thing . and domestically and a lot of resources internally in the department justice and the f.b.i. went to the environmental and animal rights extremism and you know as of two thousand and five there are one hundred fifty active federal investigations and i think what happens is just agents who want their careers to succeed look to what
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their bosses priorities are and they go with it and i think that's what's behind a lot of it and there's not a tremendous amount of of indications that any of this intelligence was was used. in a pernicious way was just it's just sort of the the just kind of run amok although the one thing that is there definitely was some chilling i think that went on there was a deliberate effort in in the run up to the two thousand and four political conventions two thousand and four and see in new york there was definitely a concerted effort by the f.b.i. and other federal law enforcement agencies to keep track of anarchists leftists and he asked them are you going to are and see what are your plans and develop intelligence and i think a lot of that was aimed at letting people know we're watching you don't try anything thought and you know i mean i'm partially regulate we hear these stories a lot right we've seen a piece of investigation and then my t.v.
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and our surveillance program and cons a muslim population in the northeast and unfortunately i always find out about these things very often after the fact right it took you three years to get that information through a boy request but you. also mentioned that you know in fact the f.b.i. inspector general has issued a report saying if they went too far here to take a guess they think anything's changed or they still doing the same now they think they now are going to aren't going to d.n.c. this year to you and we know that there's worry the occupy protesters are going to be there well that's what i mean one thing that is very clear from these these documents and other sort of cases of f.b.i. monitoring political extremists i think it's very clear that there are f.b.i. informants in occupy camps that the f.b.i. is keeping tabs on on these on these people especially the enter the you know what the they call they regard as the enter kissed movement they're paying attention to them and they regard them as for some reason the federal law enforcement priority
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and so would not surprise me although we do know in fact that there are gawker coworker ajor in china gawker has reported on. audit that informant who was sending forwarding. occupy e-mail list serv information to the f.b.i. but i'm sure there are people in the camps who are. reporting back to f.b.i. agents. probably exactly makes for a point to find out exactly extent of all of it john thank you so much for joining us tonight my pleasure thanks for having me. hi it's time for our last break in the evening but away from that fireside friday and that happy hour the co-founder of invisible children masturbated in public and if the government could get ultrasound against your will one lawmaker suggests that you just close your eyes.
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wealthy british style. sometimes the tirelessly. markets why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars report on r g. the sun.
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to tonight's final. he weeks ago i covered a report by human rights watch report to highlight of the incredibly high numbers of youth juvenile offenders that are facing life in prison without parole three hundred in the state of california alone or behind bars for life with no way out nationwide that number is twenty five hundred but next week on march twentieth supreme court is going to hear oral arguments in two cases to decide if sentencing juveniles to spend the rest of their lives to die in prison is unconstitutional and these two cases are jackson versus hobson miller versus alabama two cases where
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fourteen year olds are convicted of murder sense life in prison without parole and this is a subject that the vice a lot of people we saw within our own audience so we posed this question to you we went and spoke to people on the street well it might seem that if a kid is capable of committing heinous crimes they must know what they're doing they can't have the child the mind of a child anymore the evidence just doesn't add up the rulings of the supreme court in the past just don't add up and let's not forget one of the few countries out there especially democratic nations the still have capital punishment thankfully the supreme court ruled in two thousand and five that juveniles can now be sentenced to death in two thousand and ten they ruled that juveniles guilty of non homicide crimes can't be sentenced to life without parole based on these two prior rulings they should say that even in cases of murder sentencing a young person to rot away in jail without any chance of rehabilitation is wrong and that's because in past rulings we've seen supreme court justices argue that juveniles are less mature that they're not fully developed they're more vulnerable
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to external influences and they have a greater capacity to change and for rehabilitation their psychological studies out there to back that up neuro science can back it up and despite the fact that we treat kids like kids and have legal boundaries for what they can and can't do. until a certain age in so many other areas why is our criminal justice system different we don't trust people to drink legally in this country until they're twenty one years old but we believe that age fourteen they can be capable of being completely rational and fully of where their actions and the repercussions in cases of violent crime and there's no definitive way to say yes or no what's going on in that person's mind but the studies show what they show if we believe them elsewhere it's hard to imagine why wouldn't apply them here as well and perhaps it's because americans have been conditioned to buy into this tough on crime logic and thinks that we have the largest known incarceration system in the world we've given up on rehabilitation as a country which means that we're giving up on people we'd rather lock them up throw
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away the key and deal with them like human beings and it's worst of all if we do that too are you saying that doesn't mean that you don't think that people deserve punishment for their crimes it's simply about believing a baby have the capacity to change and at least giving them the option to prove it to start over after serving their time so be covering this case for you next week i'll be keeping you updated with all the details but in the meantime just think about let's hope the court has the right. god time for happy hour and joining me this evening r.t. writer andrew blake and kevin glass managing editor at townhall thanks for joining a guy's are going to be. talking about the company twenty twelve video on this show before and we were going through some of the problems that we had to highlight but
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there is quite a p.r. scandal today but first let us remind you of this looks like. our goal change the conversation of our cultures and get people to house joseph county we have printed hundreds of thousands of posters stickers yard signs and fires that are right now today being put up in major cities all over the world. all right so there's a lot of critique about the video the finances of invisible children and whatnot but whatever there are christian dudes from san diego that want to come off as children saviors they can do that jason russell one of the co-founders was did say in the pacific beach for being drunk in public and masturbating and also i think there was some vandalization involved and this all happened eleven o'clock in the morning. this is our goal is to change the conversation and to get people asking who joseph cohen years but obviously their brain just negative attention upon
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themselves you know if you're asking me who are invisible children who are these guys behind it and through what kind of you know organizational founder is drunken public masturbating in public going to be let go they even though they were not so much right he's been everywhere they're getting all the flack from everybody maybe he's having a breakdown because of all the negative xander so they say that he was exhausted but i can't masturbate when i'm tired so i don't so i'm assuming drugs probably m.d.m.a. i was going to jump to conclusions but but. yeah it's funny. but i thought the masturbation big thing if you just put me on the spot i thought i thought i was going to hear a little more from you got this thing when the video came out everyone on the internet apparently except for me yeah yeah and they're really callable who are these dudes and then they started saying all these dude's they're bad and there's like this conspiracy that these these do this these invisible kids or whatever it. they care for their retirement or going to the guys the guy is invisible kids or
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children invisible children yeah so that people are saying they're just low on people's money all these people are like oh this coney. and they're giving out money to these kids do. the identity i'm running out. people are saying they were just blowing their money and now we know that at least it wasn't like going right up the dude's nose he was just boozing themself hard all morning and was blowing that i mean yesterday look at this reply. pennsylvania's. ultrasound bill they also have an ultrasound veil this is different from the virginia bill because it's specify what type of ultrasound but when people you know who had a problem with this ask the governor this is tom corbett this is what he had to say . i suppose it's not obtrusive. but i'm still waiting to see the water. or. make anybody watch
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ok because you tend to have to close your eyes. to close your eyes works i'm not going to defend his statements here but they do specify it's supposed to be a non-intrusive type of a bit of ultrasound and you know i've had enough domino ultrasound it's not a huge thing to go through what it really comes down to i'm pretty is it a pennsylvania's bill doesn't specify what kind of ultrasound it says it has to be a non-intrusive ultrasound the language is vague to say that they can have to wear a lot of critics and says that it's too vague and under certain circumstances there might be transactional sure sounds involved but that's an easy fix if if the house and the president of the legislation well in my eyes if you say you know the sound doesn't provide enough information to the mother who is going in for an abortion you can say well then we can we can't give this kind of information but and then he
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said in some of the your i guess you can still close your eyes it was getting kind of cool is it always understaffed because the doctor has to give you the ultrasound images you get two copies of the printed image that you have to tell you about the number of heart. that you have to you know the paper if you bring the ultrasound images to your doctor and you know your eye you know it's a simple as if you don't want to close your eyes you should just masturbate on the streets of california eleven o'clock in the morning and you wouldn't be getting an abortion don't have that fat there you go is your answer there you go go and do a lot of really quick discovery about i think like. rise with living writing for. resistance that alcoholism in their early to use their. medicine us and slowly to kill off the parasites that are growing with their blood so essentially we found the riser using alcohol as a medicine and their self medicating. right not only self medicating
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but they did this whole experiment where they put a fruit fly than a jar with like some female they just made it so she went down and started drinking because of the lack of sex yet another experiment this confirms humans and animals are not so different as a guy clearly wasn't doing anything the fruit fly good was out of the bar he drowns the sorrows just like any of us think it's the fruit flies drunk and put him in a jar with a girl for life but this is like the worst frat party that we got of crap they are up ok this is really uncomfortable we are going to have a good night thank you for joining them back on when they have a great weekend. the
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