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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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it's friday you ready to rumble joining me tonight for the big picture rumbalara anthony home republican strategist sam bennett president and c.e.o. of the she should run foundation and nicholas ballsy senior video reporter at the daily caller thanks for all of you forget it was a very tough week for the u.s. military in afghanistan tough week for the afghan people we had this staff sergeant robert bales he's been identified. apparently went nuts all alone although in afghanistan today they were taking earlier today taking testimony from eyewitnesses
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who said that there was at least two or three soldiers and they were all drunk. murdered sixteen afghan civilians karzai is calling for us to withdraw from all the rural areas of the country which is like ninety nine percent of the country and the taliban has not only are they cutting off negotiations with us but they are no longer going to have this office and qatar where they could meet us on neutral territory isn't it time that we should be looking at just getting the hell out like we did was only after saigon there was a crash i actually knew someone who loved saigon as a seven year old a month after we'd left and most of her family had been murdered. do it the way that we pulled out of germany instead of by saying with the marshall plan ok this is this is a country of the two billion dollar your economy that's their g.d.p. it was the second poorest country in the world here's another two billion year old twice as rich or another four billion or ten and we're spending fourteen billion dollars you are right now give them enough money that they can build themselves
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rather than making some amount in south carolina and ship it over there so this makes sense but i'd love to dive in i actually lived inside on vietnam during the war stepfather ran a plastic surgery unit for injured children and so we were there after the tet offensive and i think the marshall plan absolutely. provides a clear example of how you can disentangle yourself from some of these things but lay the groundwork because clearly unless we make some types of investment that are functional we're asking for trouble so we do need to make some investments we can't just dump money on the problem when to learn and haiti we drop seven billion and three million people and didn't lift them up and give them what they needed to be enough so there's infrastructure to so they told you what afghanistan is infrastructure they didn't actually go to the page look there's a couple different things going on here one is a tragic event occurred and sadly around the world we have them some crazy person goes and kills children goes on to university we have them here we have them in
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scandinavia now the question is do we pull out perhaps we should pull out i'm not are you alone or the other but this is not because one crazy person on a scale as it is variable tragedy i don't think we should have been there in the first place but this is the longest war in the history of the united states even george washington where president obama has a lot of political capital at stake here in this war i mean he ran on let's escalate the amount of troops there we happened to see if we took our eye off the ball so to speak in iraq we need to focus on afghanistan and now the afghan president is saying it's time to get out we can secure our selves when the literacy rate for example among the troops the afghan army is really low still but they say they can secure themselves so the issue is does president obama and congress say ok you know we're going to get a year earlier that it's actually there's a pay raises an interesting political issue and that is that if you know gerry ford isn't generally blamed for being the guy who was president when we left so i got
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you know for in fact for some reason democrats complained for the jury for it was president but if the president were to withdraw before november wouldn't the conservatives become in other words saying he just lost afghanistan. well sure they're going to attack him on whatever they can attack him on an election year but the fact remains what's the most functional reasonable thing to do and if this incident unfortunately has created such cultural dissension we may have our hands forced on this one we may have to leave me the only practical solution but the tradeoff is we went in there because they are harboring terrorists who are trying to harm us who are not brought there but maybe maybe not number one we don't know that support military intelligence service members are under those right and we can see here in particular the military decision that the debate over talk about n.x. and you're asking about what would happen if obama pulled out before november to making a political just by the question who could be the one of their live plots right that he's done so i consider as a rally don't have leaders that there's
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a political dimension to this but speaking of politics listen let's turn to wall street this week actually there's a there's a political piece of this this week former goldman sachs exotic executive director in fact he was in charge of selling all u.s. based derivatives in europe asia and africa is a pretty big deal job greg smith resigned and then wrote this op ed saying that basically goldman sachs is that vampire squid. they call their customers muppets lays scramble up and then another was a blow or a fellow at the education management corporation second largest private college corporation in america said that the company is quote motivated by profit rather than student success or raids well of course it's a for profit company they're supposed to be motivated by profit which raises the question why do we allow for profit educational institutions as a whole second secondary thing they're also he said engaging in predatory lending we now have student debt over a trillion dollars is larger than credit card debt do we have an economy that's
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based on another bubble and shouldn't we be doing something about this. wants to go back you know. i think if you look at the influence of wall street you have to look at the influence it has on politics in general the political system and you have a group of senate democrats who are saying we have to go as far as amending the constitution to keep corporate money out of politics like goldman sachs money which has a lot of influence but the problem is their own party isn't winning on that issue you've got president obama with his super pac but right now the democrats are making the case that hey you know we want to compete we have to give it right we have but we hear that here we have real problem there let me just look you just get you guys to respond this is you know from after world war two right up until the reagan administration manufacture in the united states we had manufacturing policy and this is the banking industry the finance industry and then all of
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a sudden in the eighty's they flipped and manufacturing went into a total nosedive and finance now is over twenty one percent in fact i think it's up to around twenty four percent now and in manufacturing now is below ten percent this is two thousand and nine numbers this is the destruction of an economy where you can have an economy where you don't know it coming least lack of political will to make sure that our manufacturing component our culture our society where the heck you are connoting is preserved and so one there's been a lack of investment let them try to pursue this is the evolution even though i disagree is that it is unable to actually write this year she was sorry was you know many in the absence of them no i haven't said they're doing that look what government does is a government making that's why we have fayemi and freddie and laurie hundred billion has us look at the read every case in a ford ford had a gifted c.e.o. he said i'm he he negotiated with the head of u.a.w. here and said listen if i keep the plants here yes and don't take on the mexico can
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you roll with that if we make a few concessions you. need to do with private banks needed. and you do not think it is going to drink you when you exhibit the political will to preserve manufacturing you keep it that and here it has you know that is political so sad illusion lakhani you know that that is a change in our trade policy this is the there was a lot of blacks a black i know that over the last this and this is. and i'm sorry because that's what i mean there's there's so many issues at stake here but i mean are we focusing on how the government can can do this because i mean the democrats talk about make it in america make it in america on capitol hill all the time but you know are they advocating how are they advocating for that it's not clear from wall street to the government lending but the truth of the matter is that there are certain very vital roles that governments need to play the collective part of the argument should never be are by no i'm just not what i'm
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saying look at fort ford was in a position where they didn't have to get government bailout right but what they did was they were g.m. is paid all their loans back then what i know what is lacking here what is lacking is the government should be in the business of education because when you let business in the business of education you get the kind of results which they use and i know more of it has to do with the general than you but there's a certain. way you and as we get to play and the government can negotiate in say the contract to the unions to say you know all the government has to play. well and save jobs i'll go with that moving out of the war on women if this is going to i'm talking this whole place i'll just sit down i do you run there's been over your taxes. that state is losing taxes is losing their medicaid funding for women's health programs because they cut off funding when ferreted in arizona republicans are considering legislation to force women to tell to give their entire life medical records from their employer to their employers to the guy who runs the
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company gets to go are sure what would be incredible in pennsylvania doctor. director. governor corbett tom corbett the republican governor says if women don't like the ultrasound the state sanctioned rape i call it then they should just quote his words just close their eyes and quote if they have a problem was three n.b.c. wall street journal n.b.c. news poll says fifty one percent about being asked americans who should be controlling congress after the next election fifty one percent of americans said democrats thirty six percent of americans said republicans are republicans committing suicide with this and limbaugh and everything else that's why they are committing suicide rick santorum is results just speak for themselves he lost by six points when you among republican women alone and what's going on i would argue tom what's going on here is here we are i always beat this drum we're going ninety seventh in the world in the number of women elected office and where is that most evident is that legislation is being written right now and where is it even more
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evident if you miss congress is only seventeen percent women guess what fourteen percent of them are democrats only three percent of the republican and you see the results right there more women in government would mean that would be prevented and more women in the republican party would mean legislation like that wouldn't be happening so was this nicholas was this bad strategy on the part of the republicans or is the big can't help themselves or crazy for inge that's wagging the dog what's going on but i think if you look at the root of the issue it started with the health care law a provision in the health care law that would that would require religious institutions to pay for contraception actually you know exempted religious institutions it required corporations that are not religious but are owned by religious right institutions well exempted churches in the in the health care well that was the provision in that sort of the conch the controversy happened books or anything else. i don't know how to put it and it started at one bookstores not
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a church. and whether the republicans one wanted to take. the their eye off of the health care law and make it specifically about women's issues that is the decision of the messaging of the republican party in congress and the republican national public employee but i mean this all goes back to i mean at least what i'm hearing on the hill the health care law is a limiting that has people clearly lost in the conversely that's only. thirty seconds is how you know it's not ok there are seven states who have this there are seven more trying to get it that's twenty five percent of america is that a bad political issue for republicans clearly you see that in the electorate and what is occurring here is incredibly political obama being the ultimate one percent around millionaire went to harvard and power i don't agree with you states' rights who has the opportunity on to withhold the money you're not getting on my man wagon i'm going to punish you with money. that's pushing allowed to go you had zero and you're not answering the question that's. asked me or any i will be back with more
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on the left.
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is. it's.
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called a macro guide big picture rumble joining me tonight are anthony home sam bennett and nick ballasts e let's get back to it according to reuters britain is. set to collaborate with us to release a strategic oil reserves in fact a drop in price oil three dollars right after the announcement. i don't think that this is going to be the big thing the price of gasoline is at a record high and yet right now in the united states we have more gasoline than we've ever had we have so much gasoline in fact that the number one manufacturer export for the united states is not cars or computers or bluejeans it's gasoline we're exporting more gasoline than we ever have in the united in history where we would become a net gasoline exporter for the first time since the one nine hundred sixty s.
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and which keeps prices up right ship the stuff off shore and then on top of that in the last year and a half we've gone from. gasping to block eighty gallon and seventy percent of all futures trading being done by actual intraparty. traders gasoline manufacturers and gasoline users are airlines and oil companies so now just over the last four months seventy three percent of all the trades being held by banks on wall street where they're basically pulling all that oil off the market and the prices shooting up should we be doing something about this shouldn't there be government intervention . so there are so many things we can so you just find that the best years later seventy five cents out of every gallon of gas is about that may be government's taken sixty cents on average roughly in taxes to the problem here the road you drive isn't the cost of oil that has gone up as the input it's the buying power of the dollar that has gone down we have gone from ten billion or ten trillion rather in debt to sixteen buying power in the dollars eroded so your core commodity costs
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are all up and by the way and yes i can do these and so these are current gas prices these are average national gas prices this is exactly more it was close very close to where they were in two thousand and eight four years ago and so you know that doesn't go exactly like or how it was a dollar i agree with jack waits relative to the yen relative to the euro the dollar has been dropping you know relative to other currencies it hasn't dropped as much but that that doesn't account for you think wall street is doing this you know i do wall street to them it is clear that is that it's clear that that wall street's doing this right because if you have more supply then the price of gold can own it's not but you know if i'm going to have to agree with them i don't think the government should intervene because the best thing that's happening to us in the long range let those prices go as high as they want because that spurs alternative energy quite frankly which has been stymied in this country and the other the rest of the world and you know it's. costing the democrats passed dodd frank to rein in wall street and they keep advocating for it have to crack down on
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near speculators because that's what's keeping the price high republicans. i want to expand drilling because though that will send a message to the markets we're serious about relying on our own oil here in america not. foreign oil but you still see the price high so i mean what is the answer there the democrats have already started frank in implementing that and we haven't seen results i mean i probably have dodd frank has been under funded by congress and it has put into into place no regulations or there were no i mean it's the future or nine hundred thirty s. recently or nine hundred thirty five and so we got blown up with the commodity futures modernization act in one nine hundred ninety nine or two thousand by phil gramm during that entire period of time you couldn't have more than twenty percent of all futures trades in any commodity done by people who weren't either actual buyers or actual sellers phil gramm blew that up because his wife when he was on the board of enron and this made a fortune for ken lay literally made forty million bucks like that forty billion
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dollars and and now we've got bankers who are old and seventy percent of our competitors if we don't i think we should go back to what worked from thirty five to two thousand and i wouldn't argue with that because me again speculators are the problem it's just there you do a regular job and i know what i'm saying xander for i was wrong it's better for us in the long range if we let prices be high because the alternative energy which is our future is pure which is our future also if your view is that if they were going to get to know you would be over seven thousand times i don't know what do you have it. last question this week president obama's re-election team released a new documentary highlighting the president's successes over his first term take a look. and time again we would see rewards from two of the solutions. for quick political gain. but for long term and enduring change.
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so when we remember this moment. and consider this present. then. let's remember how far we've come. and look forward to the work still to be done. in case you didn't recognize that was one of america's most adored actors tom hanks narrating that thing so not to be outdone by the president tonight the republican candidates for president tapped to narrate their own documentaries a mitt romney takes robin leach famous for his lifestyles of the rich and famous for being a rick santorum is to santorum picks teen heartthrob turned rapture enthusiastic her camera who else could invade it convey the urgency of the coming religious war in america or see pics of america's favorite godhead snoop doggy dog truth you know all the republican voters who call themselves libertarians is because they want to get high and get laid. so what is that where they are my pick is clint eastwood
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he's not one of those but that he can redeem himself in the republican party for causing all that kerfuffle before so i would pick clint eastwood ok being the only one here going to advocate a woman can car dash and of course hollywood tries to elect yet another president and i don't know which president well they did it four years ago we got word i could see jon voight or kelsey grammer ok and my guess is the new gingrich is going to pick buzz aldrin because he can convey the words of having a moon colony ok and i mean sam nichols thank you all for joining us tonight i think you did he was. if you want to know a massachusetts senator scott brown got his mojo back and should ask this guy karl
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rove this is not program that's current. political ran a piece this week that'll how scott brown got his mojo back brown was getting decimated in the polls by progressive challenger elizabeth warren just a few months ago but is now sitting pretty nine points ahead of once a day and politico concluded the brown is polling better thanks to some savvy there's a quote some savvy legislative moves that it put democrats on notice that i was in the first term as just a republican will be anything but easy even with the first class challenger end of quote but nowhere in the article does political mention the real reason behind brown getting his mojo back and that real reason is karl rove's super pac the same with this is a long article titled scott brown's triumphant make over which includes the massachusetts senator has pulled ahead of elizabeth warren in the polls by running away from the tea party now that about karl rove anywhere in the article or this
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piece from the boston globe titled democratic jitters in senate race has made no mention of rove either but tied brown's resurgence to his success these past few months in crafting an independent bipartisan image but all these journalists seem to be missing its call roast takedown of elizabeth warren back in december. from the for the for the moment warren jumped in the race for the more she jumped in the race she started making up ground on scott brown in the polls and by december she had opened up a seven point lead on the incumbent conservatives got worried so they dispatched their top political hit man to massachusetts karl rove and his corporate super pac crossroads g.p.s. to smart start smearing warren and on december eighth rove put out this. the first thing i'm better promise is that i'm going to be a voice in the room on behalf of middle class families really congress that war and
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oversee how your tax dollars were spent bailing out the same names that helped cause the financial meltdown bailouts that help the big bonuses to think that he did so well middle class americans lost later morning went on a charm offensive with some of the same banks who got bailed out tell professor warren we need jobs not more bailouts and bigger government. bizarrely karl rove was able to paint elizabeth warren someone who's going to champion for the middle class all her life as an agent of wall street warren responded to the ad by saying i can't find the right words to describe how wrong it is factually wrong and morally wrong despite the ad being morally and factually wrong it worked and it worked immediately warren's poll numbers tanked right after that ad you just saw it ran in just one month from those of over to december of last year rose super pacs spent over four hundred thousand dollars targeting warren in just the city of
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boston alone and after the damage was done and had brown pulled ahead of warren with rove's help he reached out to warren of the energy to make a pact with her to bar outside money from their race by then brown it opened up a ten point lead on warren thanks to rove's attack that's a political hit jobs work in our post citizens united nation and it should have been the lead in all of those stories that is mentioned about the broader war and race messengers it's a super pac flies and it sound aired airdrops tons of negative ads funded by millionaires and billionaires swings the polls of pull the alliance in favor of their guy and then gets out of town expect to see a lot more of those a lot more as we will roll toward november if four hundred thousand dollars spent on ads filled with lies and innuendo can take down elizabeth warren in massachusetts then imagine what hundreds of millions of dollars will do to progressive democrats and president obama this fall and make no mistake that money and those ads are coming karl rove will raise over one hundred and maybe several
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hundred million dollars u.s. chamber of commerce's place to spend over forty million dollars most of it were almost certainly be for ads to destroy progressives and the president and by the way don't expect the corporate media to blow the whistle on this or on the billionaires who are funding the republicans in their primary i didn't hear or see or read about rove attacking me aren't anymore than you don't hear about the corporate here the corporate media referring to gay marriage as show. since man or santorum is foster freezes guy or romney as well saying we're in john polson spam because the corporate media are the ones who end up with all that super pac money via t.v. radio print or even internet advertising it all goes to the media and we're talking big bucks here as election cycle can well see over two billion dollars almost all of it through the media which seems so reluctant to report on are that super pac money heading their way as americans concerned about the integrity of our electoral process we all need to be paying close attention to what's going on in
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massachusetts and we need to be talking about the media's refusal to cover the real story because the unelected because of five i don't like the right wingers on the supreme court our nation is now in uncharted waters for democracy keep your eyes and ears open and call these the spenders out when you learn about them. that's it for the big picture tonight please remember that my radio show is now on live three to six pm eastern on free speech t.v. and radio stations across the nation and around the world and don't forget democracy begins when you stand up and speak out it begins when you say hey and you see that newspaper article you see a washing post article it didn't mention anything about karl rove swinging the electorate in favor of scott brown what would that be and how to get out there tell a few people pass a law get active and your it will see an expert. well
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for british science. that's what i'd like for.
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all. markets why not us cannot. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my skies are run no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our key.


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