tv [untitled] March 17, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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two deadly terrorist bomb blasts rock security compounds in the syrian capital killing twenty seven and injuring almost one hundred people it comes just a day after the u.n. special envoy to the country kofi of non reported back on his efforts to broker peace between the warring sides. and bell a russian man found guilty of last year's deadly metro bombing in minsk has reportedly been executed his death sentence had been condemned by international human rights groups. and he will march in regard commemorating those who fought on
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hateful or side jobs and the nation from both inside the country and abroad but gets backing from the lothian leadership. telling us identifies the soldier suspected of killing sixteen civilians in afghanistan but an afghan investigation claims he wasn't working alone. thanks for joining us three o'clock here in moscow on charon taraji well twenty seven people both civilians and police have been killed in two explosions that hit security complexes in the syrian capital damascus ninety seven were wounded state television says the attacks appear to have been car bombs are middle east expert correspondent rather polis lior hostile latest. preliminary reports of vehicles had with explosives were decimated targeting the security complex and hitting the
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police and intelligence buildings now the government is calling this the work of terrorists and state television has shown pictures of charred bodies vehicles and blood stains to the streets these blasts come after a string of recent suicide attacks just last month of the ability of the n.t.a. people were killed in two thousand blasts that hit the security complex and the government is strong. and since december there has been three suicide bombings in damascus is the last also countries two days after the one year anniversary of the uprising against syrian president bashar assad there is ongoing and spiraling violence in syria and we are also receiving reports that al qaeda is in operating there calling for the opposition groups to unify their effort and the fight against the syrian regime the latest effort at a diplomatic compromise comes from the former head of the united nations kofi annan last weekend he was in syria where he met with both assume president bashar assad
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and opposition groups and he is urging all members of the united nations security council to give the nod to the proposals he's put forward on the table now the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov has urged members of the u.n. security council to come forward and give his support russia is also calling for a political dialogue that will see an agreement between the syrian regime and the opposition around you but you promised i have to stress that russia is not supporting the syrian regime we support the launch of a political process a cease fire is really true that in the first place russia will do everything for their opinion and in the coming days there will be a delegation from the united nations visiting syria to assess what is the reality on the ground and this is the latest effort to reach some kind of political agreement between the sunni authorities and the opposite. u.n. special envoy kofi annan has urged the world body most powerful group to support
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his peace mission but rob lyons from the online news magazine spiked believes some countries may create serious hurdles for announce diplomatic efforts spray difficult to see how far kofi america can get because america britain and france have been very clear that they want effect of the regime change in syria they're not really prepared to settle for anything less than five as a result obviously the syrian government doesn't want to be replaced so there is a basic vapor lock in that situation with russia and china seems to be hoping for some kind of in between so the solution there is personal most of them were grounded in solid and so forth and not you but not made a step forward but fundamentally the. attitude of major western governments. is to go much much further in terms of replacing the regime and i just don't see the room for compromise on. we would like to know whether you think kofi
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annan mission to syria will bear fruit you can cast your vote on our web site r t v dot com currently the vast majority of you are saying the mission will fail because the u.s. and its allies want to see a solid out and are not ready for compromise less than a quarter believe it's too late for a diplomatic solution six percent think anon will manage to negotiate a cease fire in the conflict and four percent say the mission will be difficult as the syrian opposition is too fragmented archie dot com is where you can go to add to or voice. one of the two belorussian men found guilty of last year's metro bombing in minsk cals apparently been executed one of the man's relatives say they've received a letter from the country's supreme court although there's been no official confirmation for more on the story let's cross logs now to r.t.c. to bring up a less than a year since the attack took place the case appears to have been fast tracked can
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you take us through it. yes of course now we're talking about the blasts which occurred in the minsk metro in april of last year and now one of the things which a lot of people found interesting or notable about this case is that both men have been apprehended and very quickly and of course the higher legal procedure has also gone through extremely fast they were actually sentenced to death just three months after the blast took place and a lot of a lot of the officials in europe and. in europe in particular found that to be the stomach does this vicious now one of the men music and of all of that was actually has actually did not did not did did not plead did not plead innocence as opposed to the man who is now reportedly who has now reportedly been executed now all these this man has actually even appealed to the president all belorussia. for a pardon but apparently that appeal of was used and now of course the bellows has
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found itself in some deep in some rather murky waters when it comes to really comes the situation there in relations with other countries in fact all twenty seven. twenty seven members of the european union have recalled their investors from bella ruse which just did not leave the president alexander lukashenko clearly on the shaky grounds but again i what we're hearing what we're seeing here now with this particular incident is that's all we have two men who have been sentenced to death one of them reportedly has been has been executed but of course there's still no official confirmation on that case we have yet to hear from the russian officials. thank you for that update our teams are reporting from moscow. it happens every year provokes the route of those who remember nazi atrocities over a thousand lot hands have held their annual march commemorating those who fought
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for hitler's waffen s.s. divisions the gathering is condemned by many both in law and abroad as a misguided inspiration for young neo nazis archies jacob greaves reports. there's been decades of change since the world where nazi germany dominated despite their bloody legacy in some quarters of europe that you still have an audience come are you referring to jews are crying about the holocaust with very few forty nine hundred forty one they were recruited and killed i think they received would reduce her. nephew part of your business as one thousand five hundred people gathered to fishy commemorate those who fought alongside hitler's armies joined the waffen s.s. the meeting stoking fears of a neo nazi resurgence in latvia we can not be silent when the people
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are all knowing the memory of the nads east of the earth and they are marching in the streets of a member of the european union those in the crowd to spend their start saying the so-called legionnaires for fighting for liberty at a time when tyranny faced latvia from all directions it was a military force folded in nine hundred forty three volunteers and members of the disbanded lapindo series police responsible for the mass killing of jews concerns have been raised about these public displays typically on the messages being heard by today's youth this image of that is youth lining the streets to welcome in veterans commemorating legionnaires day is one that has become commonplace it was also something that is increasingly warring observers if it may represent a rise of the thought writes those same commentators are asking why this message is being supported at the very top of the country's leadership. i love being president
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and just because inch has argued it is foolish to assume that s.s. veterans are criminals saying they deserve the public's are suspect is a star that has many opponents worried by the direction the country is headed people who are in charge in the in positions of authority should not be setting examples where young people start to believe that a buffet s s is something that you should wish to follow you know the fact that they're also near nazis groups who use these marches opportunities to promote their xenophobe are so xenophobia that anti semitism and so forth is also not correct echoing such sentiment and fascist groups govern it by in a protest to be agile march the recognition of the latvian s.s. units has been slammed by the european commission against racism and intolerance but no action ever been taken to stop the parade if any government wants to endorse
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these kind of actions and i think it's called for concern. there's a right to free or for freedom of speech but one doesn't have to welcome it so if the government's involvement supported with any way of anything here and i think it's appropriate for europe to make some intervention on the rise in far right rhetoric is not unique to latvia but a continent which by financial crisis ultra nationalists and has been growing throughout europe you've got what i would call two groups you've got a fascist right people of are proud of being sort of at retro and or whatever and you've got the fascist light the people who probably marine le pen in france are actually coming from that kind of coming from that kind of position kind of toning down their policies because it puts off some of the voters but in many senses are just as dangerous as the growth most apparent in marches that celebrate those who
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are the strong be them. accompanied by personal messages such as this well made as a lesbian t.v. station they stand as a striking image of europe's lingering past. that could have an increasing impact of its future degrees c. reagan did about. coming up this hour and through wind rain and snow it's always the season for protests there may be only symbolic turns left in washington but occupy wall street protesters say it's just the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next and also. demoralize police in kurdistan make way for a new security system that many fear that private firms will defend only the private interests of the new authority is rather than the public. the u.s. has identified the soldier accused of killing sixteen civilians in afghanistan as staff sergeant robert bales earlier the suspect was flown from kuwait to an
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american military prison no charges have been brought against him so far however an afghan probe claims he was not acting alone up to twenty other u.s. troops may have taken part in the massacre and international affairs commentator rick ross off believes the cold blooded killing of civilians by american forces is just history repeating itself. we have reason to believe go around you know received no drive at all we have to recall seven years ago in iraq in the city of the for the twenty four hour iraqi civilians were killed by nine u.s. servicemen none of them were prosecuted for their crimes the leader of the group was simply charged with dereliction of duty and broken and ran. you know which is is hardly commensurate you know. but there's a difference between so-called collateral damage and targeted kill another part of the special somebody several houses in the village were a factor people around it often people in
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a sense of the afghan government state seventeen or more before the seventh of nine children three women and so forth listen just first of all of the one person good hearted we're concerned about crime in this on this is a very deliberate you know action and then for us to try to prevent others anything else is going to move around us aren't his military contributor currently of danica shove believes the u.s. military is trying to shift the blame in the wake of the shooting rampage focusing on the mental state of staff sergeant robert bales instead of its own foreign policy. they're raging debates about punctuation massacre has been taken apart into two it's trees first the shrinks both civilians and military alike claimed that it has nothing to do revive the war or the policy in afghanistan and try to shift the blame on to the psychological and mental state of her particular individual on the other side through white house and the panted in trying to
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present the see it another carver incident as just an exception does not represent value of the united states armed forces well the truth is sound where in between it's totally in the great civil war to portrayed all the victims of p.t.s.d. as a potential mass killer cycles who are looking for any opportunity to kill innocent civilians likewise it would be totally misleading to present the latest case of this mass murder as an exception. i r t dot com we've plenty more on that story just log on to check out all the latest also there for you now. sacred science pope benedict the sixteenth the orders his own individual cologne following in the fragrant put stubs of madonna and stain discover the secrets of the aroma on
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our web site it was. a titanic effort film director james cameron is attempting to break a world record for submarine diving find out where the challenge is taking place at r.t.e. dot com. if you're just joining us sixty minutes past the hour and it's been six months since the occupy movement set up camp in the united states from new york and washington all the way to oakland california a protest has shut light on issues from wealth inequality to police brutality archies christine looks at the movement through the eyes of a man who's been on the front lines since the very beginning. never doubt the free will but still believe it's a global the state should before examination a soul why a need to get saturation we first met joel northam in the early stages of the
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occupy wall street movement oben out here since i think october second i'm angry a little bit just a whole. hell of a corruption of the last week by most of the really incestuous relationship that they got a lot of. my good stuff it's responsible for multiple atrocities all why a former children's mental health counselor position was cut and he was left without a job and instead found a place and a purpose here still. this is the will supplement that we just i'm directed to protect us from the outside conditions and those conditions not all thanks to mother nature every night or something and there's always some fights there's always some kind of drama happening a lot of i swear the police have been telling my junkies and drugs they want to get us but they all go to the first. big fierce and square one of the longest lasting
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occupations ended up becoming a microcosm of society itself with similar issues from family nuts to crime. still joel and many others here remain undeterred or today is january the third two thousand and twelve. year the revolution as i'd like to call it. it is close to. maybe twenty six twenty seven degrees outside but it wasn't the cold but these addiction notices that were posted on the occupiers tents setting off a firestorm of both anger and support and the construction of this tent of dreams that. most people did end up leaving joel included i guess the thing that maybe stopped would be there was the raid. that was i mean that was i mean they had infrared helicopters flying around at night you know having like little formal vision on the tents to make sure that people are in the tent sleeping but even police crackdowns have not meant the end of occupy wall street and this is nick
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pearson square today nearly six months after the occupy wall street movement began a few tense remain but it's largely symbolic though and the others say the occupation aspect of this movement is simply one chapter of a longer story many more still yet to be written so that we do the dirty work for them the desire for radical change and a new found belief that it can actually be achieved is strong enough not to be subdued in the brought it here was that feeling that something was incredibly was with society in the system in general and everything that we you know are you know should be naturally against the human beings and. i think i found that there is actually something that we can do about it in washington christine for is now our team. so to come here on r t the next hour in our close up series on cutting burke . we take a trip off the beaten path to highlight our russian village with
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a small population limited resources but with one very unique name. with two bloody uprisings in just seven years both of which resulted in leaders being toppled from power it's no surprise that security has become a major concern in the central asian republic of kyrgyzstan but amid accusations of police brutality and violence the task of maintaining peace has been taken over by vigilante groups flooding the country's cities however as it's on a boy who reports there are fears they're not just serving the interests of the people. perfecting their blows and kicks in bishkek downtown this young man a constant reminder of the violence that apparently shifted just on street politics for the past decade. this is. the punch line stretched to the heart of the country's security problems two years ago during the last third is revolution the police opened fire if protesters. almost seven forcing the president
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to step down and since then the country's north origins have effectively replaced the police get a cohort of vigilante groups will move here move i told you the movement of drugs iniki or people's guards counts tens of thousands. who one is ready this man patrolled the streets at night and just a phone call away during the day organized in small cells there more while and is a limb eligible and increasingly they're being trained by the very same security forces they're supposed to be filling for. ministry in the ministry of defense whole train or volunteers and in time of need when police and the more allies we are ready to defend our country the new security arrangement was in full display during the recent presidential elections in addition to observer and regular police each polling station had a group of heavily built man who called themselves people's guards all candidates
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actions extolling the virtues of democracy and the rule of law but to make sure the base for graphic values work in their favor many of them chose to rely on natural rather than political. the country skier interior minister says rewiring the regular police allows than enough courage is an excuse to maintain their own private armies and keys the public discontent pulls over once again. under the pretext that the police would be moralized orators are creating their own security your primary goal is not to protect the law for all. but rather to protect the private interests of the bosses and. the succession of the revolutions has also led to a rise in the number of private security agencies here in the center of this character gar strain we see he targets. during the last the revolution protesters raided several depots and many of their weapons are still at large and such and you know
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that it's treated all business grows in terms of use to be getting really tired of all these revolutions that's what we need to stay economic development evolution. and be spread aleutian there are fifty plates well into the new york authorities hands he may have been brought to power a great a popular uprising with thousands of well trained guards on their back now and they should hope not to leave the office in a similar fashion it's not going to artsy here just. now we take a look at other news from around the world a sour hundreds of egyptian protesters have rallied in cairo against the country's military rulers they were outraged at a recent court ruling that cleared a military doctor of charges that he forced a so-called virginity tests on female detainees so i made him my young female activist who followed a lawsuit against dr was one of the seven when subjected to the procedure members of the ruling supreme council of the armed forces justify the tests are
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a way to protect the army from ray allen few shows. it would star george clooney has been arrested at a protest outside the sudanese embassy in washington who was released on bail said his main goal was to raise awareness of the emergency situation on the border region between saddam and south sudan where demonstrators accuse the sudanese president of provoking a humanitarian crisis by preventing food aid from reaching those in me. time to discover more of the world's biggest country now in our russia close up serious. we wrap up our journey to the city of kirkuk in bourg a situated in they are all mountains there is famous for its precious stones and metal industry today though we had to remold village where artist tom martin finds
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out about the harsh realities of life. you can turn back is one of russia's biggest cities but a few hours away it's a different world where we were going even tarmac would be a luxury that's the end of the road from here to the village it's just forest time for me to go even further off the beaten track. eventually we saw it welcome to the village of newspaper population ten people two horses two cows no running water no electricity and one rather strange name it was founded in one nine hundred twenty four by a group of collective farm workers who wanted to branch out on their own but they had a problem. to establish a new village they had to have permission so they plowed through it through the
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local paper when the permission was granted their name to a newspaper in things. spread lerner is one of only two people to have lived here all well life the other is galina after her husband died she continued to live here alone every winter snowed in so what if they need help. you don't get help if something happens you were on the road and if you can't get through the phone no one will come. said blown up with her two horses is essentially the taxi says it's the twenty one year old son lives here too and for the moment is content working on a site. he doesn't want to leave in the town he likes it here but i'm not sure i shall stay here that long it might be fun for he wrote he's still young but i think you might get bored of it. the cows can roam freely.
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dogs don't need to be locked in fact apart from tending the livestock the only newer and older necessary here is to stop the dogs fighting but newspaper is incredibly small to swarm i wondered to survive i was surprised to find it was a leaner who disagreed with me but for him the village has a future it needs to hold on it's a hard place and that's why i say to residents here we even need some houses so it looks like far from dying out alina's granddaughter could be joined by many more visitors i wouldn't hold out for the road there some bottom party. well i'll be back with their minder of our top stories in a couple of minutes don't go away.
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