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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of kandahar. trying to corporations rule the day. thanks for joining us half past the hour now and here's a look at your headlines. twenty seven people have been killed a ninety seven mailrooms it into terrorist blast that hit security complexes in the syrian capital damascus it comes just a day after the u.n. special envoy to the country kofi annan reported back on his efforts to broker peace between the warring sides. and go rushing around found guilty of last year's deadly metro bombing in minsk has reportedly been executed his death sentence had
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been condemned by international human rights groups. and annual march in riga commemorating those who fought on hitler sign on the nation both from inside the country and abroad but gets backing from the lothian leadership. and the new ones identifies the soldier suspected of killing sixteen civilians or not but an afghan investigation claims it wasn't working alone with western nations imposing more sanctions the standoff with iran over its a legit nuclear program is intensifying r.t. talks of iranian ambassador to the russian federation to get take on the situation perhaps and spotlight after a very short break. hello
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yellow welcome to the spotlight big interview show on part two i'll do it out and play my guest on the program is that is that suggest. to strike or not to strike that is the question dominating the middle east like the standoff with iran concerning its nuclear program is getting tougher israel prepares to attack in a month or two and urges washington to do the same the worst two countries are in world bastile yet but keep in close in more and more economic sanctions on. a new round of talks on the ready to shoot is due in april and as said by the u.s. space x. three this is the last shot for turnaround to avoid a war the world media mostly highlights the worst from point of view well what's
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the present is terror and ready for poor asking and raining and fast to russia for their ration reside sajad. iran's economy has been hit hard by international sanctions but now the stakes are high and a u.s. massive recruited listened to t.v. on a russian mediation is this will lose if the next negotiations will miss will come the talks will be held sometime in april when iran who once again have to prove its nuclear program is peaceful tehran's reluctance to call great with the international atomic energy agency continues to inspire international mistrust several sets of talks with the six world powers britain china france russia the united states and germany have soo far done little to change iran's hard line stance on its enrichment program k.
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runs a refusal to allow inspectors into the military base. has become the focus. israel's reaction is the most strident it is. back to. your actual see thanks very much you're welcome welcome to the show first of all i want to ask you about the economic situation in iran today is living through difficult set of sanctions imposed by the west in january you oil and the state finances that usually by condit by the west so what consequences does it have on you as a colony or how the people there from the game in the name of god the merciful the compassionate. i would also like to greet you and your viewers and thank you for organizing your since your view. for the past thirty three years they
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have a lapsed since our revolution we have been under pressure and sanctions from the united states. and we have learned to turn the threats into opportunities. when the revolution first happened domestic production accounted for only five percent and we imported the other ninety five percent of the goods we needed in exchange for our oil revenues. to dean we produce more than ninety percent of what we need and we only important some heavy machinery. because it would be economically unfeasible to manufacture it and iran. and other words economic pressure prompted us to develop our internal capacity. as you know the ease let me republic of iran launched its third settle out recently mr
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nunn and taken. also we have our own production in various advanced areas like biotechnology and then it's acknowledging that software development information technology we even explored some of those products. so i can say that sanctions have turned us into a strong advanced and successful country in many areas of the economy of corn and instead of merely importing of goods and we are now it thought a little different the country. well you do sound pretty diplomatic but he also sound optimistic at the same time the newly elected parliament in your country has harshly criticized. for the state of the economy does that mean from your point of view as a diplomat that your country may try to soften their relations with the world in
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order to improve the economic situation. but. you know there's never been our desire to have poor relations with other countries push to push in fact i think it is the west was putting pressure on various countries seeking to isolate us for sure but it we have always been working to develop good relations both economically and politically with our neighbors. and today we caught parade well with many countries. and. you mentioned the fact that the parliament is not happy. with iran is an ambitious country. sixty percent of our people are under thirty years of age. and we expect that soon in iran it will be much the top twenty nations of the world. so because of these high
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expectations people could pressure on their parliament and the parliament puts pressure on the government but in reality if you take a look at statistics. you will see that despite the global economic crisis and high unemployment rate our government has performed quite well and. you speaking about the support from many countries what about russia do you think do you consider russia to play a special role for iran its international relations can russia. be an effective mediator say on the upcoming april talks. there are several factors that have had a negative effect on our relations in recent years. for example the russian government relied on false information it received from the us and israel.
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and it was under the impression that iran was developing nuclear weapons. being iran's neighbor russia wanted to use international mechanisms to put in now those efforts that. fortunately i can see about a year ago russia became skeptical about the information it receives from the west . recently russia has been standing delegations to iran and iran to russia in this respect this situation has improved with many russian officials now say that there is no reason to believe that overran a single developing nuclear weapons. for western pressure and sanctions are a largely politicized us their purpose is to influence the people of iran.
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we owe the russian foreign minister a visit to the united states last week you know the jury in his talks with the sec treyf state clinton she asked lover of health to to to to tell them to translate to the iranian side that talks may be a last chance to avoid a military attack how scary is that. for your people. of course we have often received similar threats over the past thirty years. to a cation so i think they even ahead as specific details for attacking iran. should but we know and americans know that throughout the five thousand years of iran's
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history the people of iran have always defended their country they're really two separate feist's their lives for their homeland his father's from default. i think such threats are intended mostly for domestic consumption their purpose is not intimidate us. but if you visit iran today actually you will see crown so if people in marketplaces shopping malls this is because on the march twenty first we will celebrate new year's i mean this and this is the first day of the year in the iranian calendar because of course many other countries will celebrate the roost as well. so people pay little or no attention to those speculations and that's the way it has always been. says. to russia spoke like we'll be back shortly after
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a break so stay with us. nearly a billion people in the world are going from prison every day. in the united states even our trash cans or food. you just have to go get it all of these perfectly good eggs because one was cracked didn't even get all over the other ones just threw them all the way out and she's from the german alps you clearly like the upper cut off. from the dumpster at one am this morning on three pm this afternoon on the grill the cake is made from and one dozen. egg whites.
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delicious breakfast for the family a some toast for about a week every year in america we throw away ninety six billion pounds of. i.
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was. pleased to. welcome back to spotlight i'll be in over in just a reminder that my guest on the show today is that is that sajad the bastard to
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rush you or actually see we've started talking about the the april round of negotiations of the group of six do you think a compromise is possible. well i think their youth only out france in the p five plus one group were to observe international arrangements and moral principles in dealing with. a solution would be easy to find. but unfortunately in the past we have seen the western nations international use the nuclear issue as a pretext for exerting pressure on iran. i will give you an example at some point the west made a proposition to or am suggesting that instead of producing our own three point five percent enriched uranium we could acquire twenty percent enriched uranium from
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that stuff that was seen as a very promising confidence building measure with help from turkey and brazil we've got to do a resolution in tehran and issued a declaration signaling our agreement. we considered such an exchange perfectly feasible and quite rational. however some ten days later we saw yet another anti uranium resolution adopted by the un security council just so there's therefore the past conduct of the west makes says doubt whether they indeed merely seek to address their own security concerns or whether they are still pursuing the same political agenda they have maintained toward iran for the past thirty years since these lawmakers evolution. if it is a matter of trust of which talking maybe maybe they can see. the
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inspectors are the kitchen to visit the punch in which something something that you haven't been. to. did deny all winter maybe this may be a test of trust i just don't think that. you know yes the i.e.e.e. visited the porch inside twice in two thousand and thought it should only shane and then deputy director general of the i.e.e.e. a human in ounces at the time that the parchin controversy was now history and. so we suggested that we jointly develop a product called a certain framework for settling the remaining issues and then deal with them in a package. i.e. representatives came to iran twice to deliberate with us on the framework.
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step one of the twelfth brought the cole was a visit to parchin. but upon instructions from director general amano the i.a.e.a. envoys requested that they be admitted to the porch in a facility priority to signing the product. we found it similar to asking for an advance payment for a real estate with no purchase contract signed in that this is illogical you have to sign a contract first and then as step one onto the contract the wire made forward in advance payment. we offered the i.a.e.a. an opportunity to visit a fortune while inspecting the studio from our you've on where mr amano had claimed a suspicious explosion in his report it to be a board of governors. we said we would provide an i.a.e.a.
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team with a plane to visit mari von and then subject just signing with a product called we would make parts in available for inspection. unfortunately instead of that we saw false statements and propaganda circulated. it was denying access to porcine. i'd like to emphasize that this was initially a document per posed but he agency we had had our own draft but we really ought to go with their proposal nevertheless following instructions from director general amano. go she refused to sign the product and went to vienna before it was even finalized. this all sounds very diplomatic they're very political but well let's be commonsense
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listen. the supreme leader ayatollah khomeini he once said that a nuclear weapon is anti islamic and i think you really meant it well as far as i understand islam in your part of the world the government of an islamic country could never do something that's against the will of well then why are you this special why can't you believe the world make the world trust you what's what's the problem i mean if you're going to do that why is this. i think that before we answer such a question the p five plus one member states really answer it to you. we have signed the nonproliferation treaty and i.a.e.a. inspectors have spent a total of four thousand man hours touring various sites in iran we
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admitted them and we also installed i.e. surveillance cameras at the facilities. who rants political military enter religious leaders have stated officially that our defense doctrine does not provide for nuclear weapons. why is it that other nations who call themselves the international community do not trust us to do what more can a nation do you know heat i.e.s. reasoning prompted by the united states is the same as telling a person you are admittedly f. free man but since we have doubts about you why don't you stay in prison for a while. we know you have committed no crimes and but we consider you suspicious so any go and we'll see later. that is how the west treats us
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they see we are suspicious. meanwhile both russian and western intelligence services have admitted they have no evidence of iran's alleged nuclear weapons project. all they arranged facility is that the i.a.e.a. had announced curious all relevant agencies have provided them access to the. inspectors came onsite with their equipment and samples if you produced your aenima reached beyond a specific benchmark there will be detectable traces left for decades to come no such traces have been spotted in iran. therefore i believe it isn't iran who should answer that question. we have an impression when you clear it to be is merely political instrument in this case. you must have heard claims
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that the iranian government has no legitimacy and no support with the people. meanwhile we mark the tenth anniversary of the islamic revolution on february eleventh this year and all across iran there were millions of people in the streets in celebration. who had a parliamentary election which ensured if you're a voter turn out. as you see the people of iran manifest their interest and participation in governance through various modalities and yet the west keeps spinning their lack of legitimacy in merits of the same goes for human rights. we could name a few nations today that are great friends with the united states and they have no elections whatsoever. we see countries invaded by foreign troops that suppress the
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local population just because there is a u.s. military base where they are. limit your to your local citizens face oppression and have their rights violated merely because there are american interests at stake. and i think we're all being misled by the double standards and the trickery employed by the united states and its race for supremacy. to sort of. these countries so countries want out of these countries can you name them oh yes i can name them it's the united states great britain and france. these are the three nations that pursue their political objectives while peddling them as the demands of the international. community. through political pressure and logging they seek
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to use international institutions to impose their will on other countries you know you can see for yourself the crimes these three nations have committed in libya. forty thousand libyans were killed by airstrikes launched on the a prefix of protect and civilians they have accused him or more of khadafi of killing a total of four thousand people countering their would tell you but what about the forty thousand they've murdered themselves. in syria you can seen these nations attempting to impose their will on a people similarly using international institutions as an instrument. i know this may sound speculation but still what do you think is the driving force behind israel's will to go to war with iran. nuclear program your military program what
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are your support to hamas and hezbollah. what's the reason for it i actually think these rallies are perfectly aware that iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons even if we had nuclear warheads we would not be able to use them considering the manse nuclear arsenals held by the united states and britain and france. and we believe israel's attitude stems from our non-recognition of the zionist regime and its occupation of palestine for this we consider israel to be a racist state similar to the apartheid regime in south africa has made likewise it will also fall some jane because such regimes are essentially cancer rechy human nature of. the launch codes global development and justice spells oblivion for these really receive.
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thank you thank you very much your excellency for being with us in just the reminded of my guest on the show today was and is that sajad the bastard to russia and that's it for that from all of us here if you have yourself spotlight what if you want me to interview someone else i think you can always give me a college drop me a line and i'll get up at ip three dark areas and let's construct life interactive we'll be back with more than comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then they are r.t. and take care. thank you.
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