tv [untitled] March 17, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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and. that's all story smart to tell you pm over two thousand people have been killed and many more injured in a double bombing against security compound in the heart of the syrian capital desperate attempts of the u.n. to try to bring the conflict to a peaceful resolution. two men from guilty of last year's terror attack in minsk have reportedly been executed despite calls from international human rights groups for the death sentences to be reconsidered. and the s.s. marches inside the you not see soldiers heralded as heroes in latvia in a rally enjoyed top level support for triggering public outrage. i'm kevin here in
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moscow tonight handing you now over to the u.s. for the hottest headlines in palantir analysis of the show just moments away. rokeby alone show we look at the real headlines with none of the mercy or come alive in washington d.c. now it's not going to speak for whistleblower peter van buren just got a termination notice from the state department for charges like linking to wiki leaks and using poor judgment when speaking about hillary clinton's we're going to
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get all the details then three in ten young americans now live with their parents so we're going to see what doctors aside from the economy are playing a role in what some are calling the going nowhere generation and thanks to a cory request we get a glimpse into f.b.i. surveillance of environmental and animal rights activists over the last decade let's just say that they're targeting people for no good reason so we have all that and more fit including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. so if you were watching the mainstream media today there was one really big political news story for the release of a documentary about the obama administration. last night the obama campaign released this documentary called the road we've traveled seventeen minute documentary campaign for mayor it's a white house bio pic if you want to call that most notable in the film is the defense of the health care bill domestic accomplishments it includes the auto
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bailout his health care overhaul and the stimulus which is all part of this seventeen minute video there's that seventeen minute documentary that's coming out traveled the president there is being a few successes are being touted the film focuses on the president's republican critics in the tea party become somewhat of a scapegoat this is again this is not about movies and fantasyland you know this is about real people's lives is it smart is it slick is it both is it going to fire up the base when that came out i thought to myself this is something you normally see that in the summer right before an election they're basically saying look we've got we've come a long way we have a long way to go but let's not forget in this day of instant messaging and instant everything let's not forget of the successes that have been achieved docu ganda aggressive week part documentary with a piece of propaganda. i mean i think that's a pretty good indicator of where our mainstream media is priorities that interest lie when they're more discussing
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a movie that talks about the obama administration's policies and the administration's policies in general that of course they're more interested in the responses to the movie but the democrats are saying what the republicans are saying this is an election year it's a campaign gimmick and clearly with film is that you create this sort of divide but what happens if we only focus on that left vs right democrat versus republican world we miss some of the biggest issues that should worry us all that have nothing to do with your political ideology what you think the role of government should be i'm talking about the basic values that are trying to the constitution i'm talking about your civil liberties an issue that of course this movie doesn't touch considering that having a former constitutional law professor as president one that's resulted in such a massive shredding of the paper that he's supposed to be helping million. it's probably not a great selling point or achievement but anyway let me highlight two other political stories out there for you today that didn't make it into the mainstream media some of the chuck grassley asked at a recent speech for the full legal memo the obama administration used to justify
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killing anwar locky thrown strike in yemen without any due process now i'm happy to know that senator grassley also found the attorney general's speech the other week to be complete b.s. and this is what he said he said if the attorney general's going to justify targeted killings based on robust congressional oversight he needs to follow through make these documents available to congress not just give us the cliff notes in a speech to lawsuits and personally i couldn't agree more example into some of those ron wyden argued all of written letters to attorney general eric holder once again expressing their concern over secret interpretation of a portion of the patriot act that they warned about last year that they warned would make american stunned to see how this administration is carrying it out now they're not going down without a fight either and this time they even said that this operation is not as crucial to national security as executive branch officials have maintained they could've branch officials maintain so let's thank them for that as well but once again these are issues that clearly didn't make it into the movie these are the issues that
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will make it into the partisan fighting that we see play out in the mainstream media these are moves to counter some very serious offenses by this is ministration that the mainstream media has chooses to miss. ok let's revisit the story of peter van buren state department employee whistleblower i guess at this show and here has been a diplomat for twenty four years but he came under fire for writing a critical book on the iraq reconstruction effort also working for the state department a book which he submitted for your review follow the rules which the state department a rejected to after the review period passed based on passages have begun to contain a classified information out that point and you're in a strip of a security clearance ban from his time from the state department headquarters and transferred to another job last week he received a termination notice based on a charges and those charges include linking to make it leads on his blog failing to
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clear ija blog post and using bad judgment for criticizing hillary clinton and michele bachmann but is this just another example of the government retaliating and going after whistleblowers her disgust with me is peter van buren foreign service officer and author of the book we meant well how i helped lose the battle for hearts and minds of the iraqi people and just one radek national security and human rights director of the government accountability project the nation's leading with of the organization and i thank you both for joining us tonight you know for starters peter did you know this was coming or was this a shock to you it was something that i expected i expected the state department would increase their retaliation against me up to the point of me seeking to fire me so it wasn't unsurprising that it was still quite a surprise you look at obama documentary i wonder if they also feature that he's from more whistleblowers into jail than any of his predecessors under the espionage act that may not be in the documentary but it may certainly be something voters want to think about this fall also good point so in that sense do you think you're
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being unfairly targeted absolutely my book was approved by the department of state and more importantly the constitution of the united states prepared free speech with the state department is trying to terminate me for calling it bad judgment is in fact core political speech of the very basis of the first amendment the right of people in america to criticize their own government when i took my oath of office twenty four years ago it was to the constitution not the hillary clinton. just think when you walk us through you know some of these charges things like that using poor judgments are bad judgment of their languages towards hillary clinton well it's ridiculous i mean clearly this is about the book which the state department pre-cleared by default because they let the thirty day time period for apps and it realize their mistake and it's about peter spurlock's now unfortunately for the state department the f. is a first amendment and they it's
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a dirty word and they have studiously avoided throughout each of their italia tory actions taken against peter pham here and if studiously avoided mentioning the first amendment which clearly prohibits all of that as it is a prior restraint to require him and in actual impossibility to be able to pre-clear every. tweet and facebook update but this blog is as far as i understand it and an authorized blog right is the way that people describe it is that normal there are a bunch of other state department employees that all have blogs and do they not get their blog post cleared before they write want to read other hundreds of street important blogs this is the era of the internet and many of our young people we're coming aboard have lived their life on the internet they don't will walk out of these hundreds of blogs in fact the state department chooses to link on its careers website to about twenty or thirty of them and never expects pre-clearance on any of those things because those blogs so you things that the state department likes
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dissenting speech but they don't like and they bring out their guns prior restraint so what is it that you said that was so bad about hillary clinton or something more conversations about the scrutiny of mrs bachmann this week than i've ever thought of before this is at the time that more could off he was murdered. over his death she said on camera and it's on my website if anyone would like to see it we came we saw he died in that she started laughing. to me that was one of the most on diplomatic things i've ever heard a u.s. official do laugh at the death of a foreigner however vile a man he was that's simply not what one does and so by using words that some people might find offensive to describe the secretary i was trying to draw a contrast between an act of laughing at someone's death and naughty words that we've all heard before and asking the question truly which of these is more seen in the state department's new party talk is more obscene than laughing over the death
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of world leaders and that's what i've you know from a legal perspective and i've seen you say this too that you think that if you work in a private company and there with them it came off as insubordination and if i go ahead fire me you have the right to do that but you think that's different if you work for the federal government yeah it's definitely different and i think most government employees would be appropriately outraged if they found out that our permanent and their agency was monitoring their internet activity during their private time on their personal home computer it's outrageous and they've admitted to the way that we are monitoring you twenty four seven now in a private corporation make a priory oh yes they say you had the president fired general stanley mcchrystal right because of things that he said that were then bring in a rolling stone article what's different about government from private companies is that you don't really have a choice with government you can vote for some of the people but most of the folks
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in governor including myself are never voted for more importantly with private companies who can take your business elsewhere if you don't like the way they do business if the people inside the government don't tell you the people about what we're doing you have no way to know if i didn't write a book about waste and mismanagement in iraq who could tell you that who would tell you that and that places a different obligation on government employees an obligation that president obama in two thousand and eight said. was something that was very important to the federal employee you speak out and it's funny how we strangers call it we don't we all remember that statement only when he believed that whistleblowers really play a very important role in exposing waste fraud and abuse so i also read to you that there was a report done by an investigation of the office of special counsel and you think about might have something to do with the timing here well the office of special counsel would be simply interest to be filed the complaint with them and neither side is to refer and prosecution and it was only after that that the state
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department proposed the removal of mr behavior and so that's a suspect and then as part of that proposal we found out that the state department's internal office of investigation has been investigating not the state department's first amendment violations against my client mr van buren himself are you. do you have any regrets you know do you wish that you hadn't written this book had written this blog said what you did and then you wouldn't be in jeopardy right now in the short trip in the short term this is been a lot more difficult than i ever anticipated i did not expect the full force of the united states government all its electronic tools in its nastiness to come after me because i wrote a book i thought the american government was stronger than that that they were afraid of words that the state department organization i probably worked at for twenty four years was not going to stoop to these mccarthy like tactics yet at the end of the day i don't regret what i did i did what i did because it was important
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for people to understand what was going on in iraq so that americans can understand why things went wrong there so that they can judge why things are going wrong in afghanistan and other places i felt that i was uniquely placed to tell that story and at the end of the day i chose to take the hits and make the sacrifices to tell that story i think you know you are there twenty four years but it took matt you've been to both iraq and afghanistan obviously inside i want to get your take on what you think is happening right now right out into afghanistan ok you haven't been to afghanistan so what's your take on the way that people are looking at this war effort in the way that we're suddenly seeing the opinions change right there from people that for years have been saying we need to get out of afghanistan that this war is not working that counterinsurgency has failed and unfortunately do you think that it took a horrible event like this this shooting of civilians to really change the tide it's unfortunate that it does require a horrific tragedy like what did occur in afghanistan but sometimes it does need
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a bit of a shock to get people to change their thinking sometimes you have to say dirty words to get people to realize what's going on sometimes you have to bring to their attention a horrible massacre to reveal number one that our time in afghanistan eleven years and counting has been too long with very few results and to draw attention to the fact that the system is breaking down when soldiers commit. acts of violence like this it's sign of discipline breaking down of command structure breaking down it indicates that there are internal problems that have come about after so many years of war i am i thank you both for joining us tonight and i will be sure to follow your case to see to see how progress is in your your battle versus state department i think it may be in your government thank you very much. our time five first break the evening but when we come back with a look at almost six months of occupy movement through the eyes of an occupier and are the youth of america simply going nowhere fast the young turks and despairing about factors contributing to young americans stay at home on the public's.
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here on the show we've been covering the occupy movement since day one from its inception in new york city is a comedy park his transformation into movement less about mass protest and more about targeted actions by being pro closures closing down bank branches on the eve of the six month anniversary of the occupy protests we'd like to take some time to reflect on how this movement is a vault from the point of an occupier who's been to make pearson square for the last several months archie's pristine present has been following twenty four year old joel northam here in d.c. so here's a look at the movement through his eyes. never gets a free wills but they'll meet at the plough but the state should befall time and make sure the soulfire need to get separation we first met joe northam in the early stages of the occupy wall street movement and out here since october second degree
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a little bit that's just the whole. hell of a corruption the felt like most of the really incestuous relationship that they got a lot of. like it's thought it was possible for multiple atrocity role why a former children's mental health counselor position was cut and he was left without a job and instead found a place and a person here. this is the come like a full time job you know i mean a full time job you don't get paid for course but you know if you love something enough that's kind of. you know you just stay on the hospital and stay he did. as the air cooled. and the rain and snow and freezing temperatures came. this is the supplement that we just wrecked it to protect us from the outside
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conditions and those conditions not all thanks to mother nature every night or somethin there's always some fights there's always a some kind of drama happening a lot of theft a lot of ice where the police have been telling my jockeys and drug dealers they want to get a spot to hang out going to face a. big fear since square one of the longest lasting occupations and it up becoming a microcosm of society itself with similar issues from cleanliness to crime. still joel and many others here remain undeterred or today it is january the third two thousand and twelve year the revolution as i'd like to call it. it is close to . maybe twenty six twenty seven degrees outside but it wasn't the cold but these are vision notices that were posted on the occupiers tents setting off a firestorm of both anger and support and the construction of this tent of dreams. most people did end up leaving joel included i guess the thing that maybe stopped
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me or was the way. that was i mean i was going to have infrared helicopters flying around at night you know having like a little thermal vision on that tends to make sure that people are in the type sleeping but even police crackdowns have not meant the end of occupy wall street and this is make pearson square today nearly six months after the occupy wall street movement began a few tense remain but it's largely symbolic joel and the others say the occupation aspect of this movement is simply one chapter in a longer story with many more still yet to be written so dirty work for them the desire for radical change and a newfound belief that it can actually be achieved is strong enough not to be subdued in the brought me here was that feeling that something was incredibly well with society in the system in general and everything that we you know are you know should be naturally against this human beings and. i think i found that there is
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actually something that we can do about it in washington christine frizz now r.t. . according to a pew research center report released yesterday three in ten young people are now living with their parents at the highest rate since the one nine hundred fifty s. but it's not just about moving out of your parents' house it's about being flexible to move to another city maybe even another state according to the census bureau the likelihood of twenty somethings moving to another state is dropped over forty percent since the one nine hundred eighty s. now some clearly point to the recession high levels of unemployment the housing crisis the reasons why but in an op ed in the new york times last week the heart of victoria buckles who dug this generation or don't know where generation asks if young people just become too risk averse to send terri to happy home checking facebook and i find an increasing number of teens not bothering to get their driver's license or the popularity of the word random pointing out the idea that
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kids who grow up during tough economic times tend to believe that less plays a bigger role in their success so which one is it is a combination of all of the above and what will the consequences speech join me to discuss as an experiment co-host the young turks and thanks so much for joining us tonight and i mean you and i have spoken about this before but it's an issue that isn't going to go away and it's important right because it's an entire generation that we're talking about if our generation i know that i know a lot of people that are still living at home with their parents or have moved back in after college do you. absolutely i mean look no one in our generation is excited about living at home with their parents but a lot of people in our generation don't really have much of a choice you know i was lucky enough to go to an affordable college pay out of pocket how going to student aid to pay for it but a lot of people that i went to college with weren't go lucky so they had no choice but to move back home after they graduate and a lot of people got to get a master's degree move back home and save up enough money to pay off their student
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loan debt and then find a place to live so i don't think that this has to do with laziness or complacency this really has to do with this horrible economic situation what was interesting is you know when you read the new york times article situation. you'll see that. forty percent of young people i'm sorry yeah they were forty percent less likely to move out of their state or out of their city after the night by the one nine hundred eighty s. and what's interesting about that is that was obviously before the recession that was before the economy hit the tank and people are wondering well what's going on here why are people less likely to do it and the article doesn't really focus on the internet and how more and more people are getting jobs on the internet now they don't necessarily need to move out of their hometowns or move to another state in order to work another thing is the fact that you know you're seeing more urban is urbanization in several different areas so example of that is the san fernando
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valley where i live right so compared to los angeles it's a much smaller area it's in the los angeles county but it's considered like a small town but what's interesting is i can just drive to los angeles to work so i don't necessarily need to move out of my county so it's really interesting because i think this article looks at this whole you know kids staying in the area that they grew up in in a very simplistic way they don't take into account a lot of different elements. well you know but what about how about the idea you know you mention that of course a lot of people probably can maybe find ways to work from home if their work has to do with the internet but then what about the idea that people aren't moving from let's say nevada with a thirteen percent of primary rate to a place like north dakota with only a three percent unemployment rate i mean is it just because it's horrific. i think that plays a huge role i mean i know that it's kind of funny to say that but who really wants to move to north dakota i'm not trying to say north dakota is a bad place but most people are not willing to move to locations like that just for
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work and also keep in mind like north dakota has the population of washington d.c. north dakota isn't going to save us from the economic crisis or the huge financial burden that people in our generation have right now thanks to student loan debt there needs to be a better solution to the problem so and also people will be a little how expensive it is to move to another state moving to north dakota is also going to be a financial burden just because the cost of housing alone and also people from small towns necessarily don't have enough money saved up to relocate to a big city like los angeles or new york i can speak from experience last year i was considering a move to new york you know to further my career and i was like yeah that's not going to happen i just do not have the money to pay for rent in a five hundred square foot apartment so i think a lot of people in our generation really feel that anything will the financial
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burden of edge you know the education that they pursued and it's a lot trickier to get up and move today than it was let's say forty years ago when i hear it also do you think that we have to take into account the housing bubble and the crash and what happened you know maybe it seemed easier to move from one place to another because it was also easier to get a house and to get a mortgage and then to put other things on your mortgage and you had to leave the notion of more money however bubble like and faith that was. yeah i mean the housing bubble has a lot to do with that i mean when you really think about it are banks really going to loan any type of money or any amount of money to someone who just graduated college has a lot of student loans and doesn't have a really great job if they're not going to get the loan for that and then also keep in mind that even renting is expensive and out of reach for a lot of people you know in our age group so i can totally understand why they wouldn't move and
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a lot of young people right now are looking to the internet to find work you know so ican bally you know is there an online company that they can get involved with and maybe later on if they create or save enough money to do so they would move to san francisco and maybe work for an online company that way i know from speaking to a lot of college students that they're looking for other ways you know non conventional ways of making money right now because they're looking to see that the job market just doesn't make sense right now for them you know right now people who have a tremendous amount of experience are having a hard time getting employed so if they're having a hard time college students or people in our generation are not going to get hired by these companies they need to find a different way to work and in a lot of cases they look to the internet and they don't see a reason to move away and unfortunately you know if you look at certain statistics out there to just show you that every step of the way now this generation is going to be affected by this right there they're going to have earned fifteen percent less than counterparts that would have graduated there enter the workforce not
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during a recession you know but i think we also have to ask one more element here which i thought was interesting that they brought up and this new york times piece which is that if you think about these generations that you end up having to enter the workforce during a recession there is this element of luck that they think that luck plays more of a role than just genuine hard work and with your take on that. i completely agree with that i definitely do i mean look at the people who get awarded in our country right now there are people who work on wall street it's celebrities who were able to enter the entertainment industry because they had family members who worked their luck was a huge has a huge role in success in this country and it's really unfortunate it has to do with connections it has to do with being in the right place in the right time so i don't blame news kids for being discouraged and also keep in mind that we no longer have this great american dream in this country where you go to school and you work
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really hard to get a great job i mean it's still possible but it's becoming more and more out of reach because a lot of people who get rewarded in this country with great jobs are people who have the connections for it and at this point even affordable education is out of reach so it's really a really big problem and it's it's hard to shake these kids out of that you know discouraged mentality that that they have right now but i definitely can relate to that and i totally understand what they're going through now it's definitely disheartening but i guess everyone's going to have to figure out a way out of it together and i thank so much for joining us tonight thank you. i will take another quick break but we come back now that obama cares more about foreign aid as children statement on rick santorum as website or in some articles i've worked and the f.b.i. is working hard to keep you safe flying on environmentalist's and radical feminists are going to be the gawkers of john doe.
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