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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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stories that shaped the way carol r.t. as far instance syria shows no sign of abating a year after it began the methods being used in another damaging battle are exposed but this time targeting people's minds. the u.s. names the afghan massacre suspect making profuse apologies for the shootings physics of civilians but experts warn washington will have to brace itself for a backlash. also this hour further isolation for iran as the country's banks get booted out of a global payment system the fears grow in the e.u. these sanctions could ricocheted back on its beleaguered members our top stories
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this hour. with a look back at the last seven days top stories and the latest this is the weekly on r.t. syria marked the first anniversary of its crisis this week violence is spiraling out of control in the middle eastern country but there's also another battle raging on for by media spin doctors working to shape public opinion on the turmoil their efforts are being helped by unconfirmed reports and footage from the combat zone that's difficult to verify if an ocean it takes a closer look at the methods of syria's hidden conflict. clashes in the streets of syria have been raging for a year now but behind the scenes there is a media war that's just as damaging as the one taken syrian lives rafi claude's
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freelance investigative journalist from damascus says he's found what he thinks is proof of media manipulation of the conflict in syria in this video from the syrian town of holmes the camera focuses on the city's all the refinery the shooting begins seven hours before media viewers around the world see a pipeline explosion allegedly caused by assad's army bombardment you can clearly see that something is slowly burning in the distance when the smoke has thickened english speakers correct their cameras position for a better shot of what's going on they shake it to make it look like amateur video. it's clear it's not an explosion the people reporting it we do need to see it. in another video from a hospital in holmes someone behind camera talks to a doctor and the corner we see a little knock him. out when he should tell bush our good will punish you and talk
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about his wife ok let's recusal again after some thirty minutes awaiting the crew starts to get nervous and let's go under a beer maybe the whole on can read no we need al-jazeera why life on al-jazeera eventually the girl will forget some details. called punish you bishnoi and your children and this footage we see danny holmes activist known for his exclusive reports from the very epicenter of the conflict carry him to go live on c.n.n. he's relaxed and calm. and there is no shooting until he asks for it was simply to choose a target. no worries just do it but i am i there are five. so should i say that i hold dear.
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god tell them the reason buildings collapsed and we're taking buildings away. he did it could be a miniature finger and get their help in the last hour or two the sad two hundred that they love reality the finale. but never really got the deal up on. the activists to become journalists trying to make a chaise as hard as possible the more blood and death the higher the price but not everyone is happy about it the politics of the channel were changing at the word firm on high that's leftist and progressive was is a just mind we're not going to be his welcomed anymore obviously the qataris have decided to check the picture and use little more than he is jewish that's always a mistake. well known war correspondent hashim used to report to al-jazeera from the world's conference hot spots but syria has become the rubicon he couldn't cross
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he mentions armed groups fighting against assad's army and his bosses and doha told him he needed a vacation he has just resigned because of biased coverage he says it's like hugo. egypt tunisia or whatever but i don't think for example the revolution and. this is just a proxy it's a proxy used by its third party by. the government by the west fueled this war. with law and look proof emerge in all of the international media is involved in the arab spring revolutions the question remains open to what extent they influence events and how much responsibility do they therefore share for what follows. r t beirut lebanon. damascus is preparing to host a un technical team to discuss a plan for international monitors in syria
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a group as part of special envoy kofi annan priest mission aimed at establishing a ceasefire and giving talks underway between the government and the opposition russia gave strong support to the efforts and want to get any attempts to the relevant. because of this those fish i hope this mission won't be ruined we have a feeling that every time we manage to achieve some positive change in the stance of damascus there's an immediate counterweight reaction and any steps forward are dismissed i hope this won't be the case of how countries in the middle east and some western states treat the mission of kofi annan it was very strange that two days after his first visit to damascus the opposition syrian national council claimed the mission had already failed we're sending definite signals to damascus to cooperate with mr nods and we hope that other members of the security council will also demand the opposition does not provoke the escalation of violence and cooperates with mr nonce mission. dr marcus public. from the online magazine
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politics first says that owns mission should be hailed for its balanced stance in syria but could be undermined by those seeking regime change in the country well i think first of all kofi announced mission in syria needs to be applauded by the international community for having approach the situation in syria with impartiality in that he spoke consume members of the syrian governments including president assad and also members of the syrian opposition the same cannot be said about the american british and french governments who have made regime change their policy from the very beginning as regards what will come out of. the time that the united nations when kofi annan relates the findings of his mission i suspect it's going to strengthen and it's going to add credence to the five point peace plan put together by russia and the arab league that's a week or so ago however the stumbling block really is going to be the permanent members the western permanent members on the security council who have made it very
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clear that president assad has to go from power so i think whatever kofi a man's findings will be it's going to be limited by the western response. you with r.t. we live here in moscow this is the weekly still ahead in the program that are hoping to hold the debt stricken e.u. is in desperate need of chinese money and the country's leadership agrees to cash in on the european crisis but with conditions. plus the western nations are quick to point the finger at others who don't share their same ideals it leaves some to wonder if it's democracy they preach or hypocrisy. and story still to come first this week the u.s. named the soldier accused of killing sixteen civilians in afghanistan last sunday so i didn't robert bales is now in a military detention center in kansas following the latest deadly incident involving american troops it sparked outrage. the afghan people and another round of apologies from u.s. officials and saudis got its conduct towards afghans are not convinced by the
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excuses. of the. sixteen innocent afghan villagers slaughtered in cold blood nine of them children u.s. officials are going out of their way to present the american surgeon who apparently committed the massacre as just one bad apple. this incident is georgia and shocking and does not represent the exceptional character of our military and the respect that the united states has for the people of afghanistan this is not who we are in no way does he represent. the ethics and morality of the american servicemen and servicewomen and i think afghans understand that but afghans don't seem to be buying that at all. the rage and humiliation felt by afghan people appear to be way beyond what apologies can make up for they've heard them all before in the last few months all too often and each one very similar to the next
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just weeks ago the white house apologized for the burning of the copies of the koran by u.s. troops an incident that triggered a surge of violence this was a deeply unfortunate incident that does not reflect the great respect our military has for the religious practices of the afghan people and weeks before that in january apologies again over footage showing u.s. marines urinating on dead afghans but he's actually as do not represent the values of the vast majority of coalition forces some of the nations honorably contrary to what u.s. officials say some analysts believe that those incidents are symptomatic of how the military operation in afghanistan works it is increasing the case that this is looking like. a brutal occupation which is killing a large number of our fans were afghans film selves humiliated insulted and instance like this will be regarded as a symbolic of exactly what is wrong with the american occupation it is an
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absolutely cynical operation to say that they don't think think in afghanistan for another three years how many more people will die how many more instances like this the only solution to this is to bring the troops out a month for these for these governments just opens of meaning in countries where they have absolutely no right to intervene copious apologies handed out by the administration don't seem. even to appease war critics back home let alone the afghan people but what about the whole idea of in aiding a country and occupying a country and disturbing their country creating hundreds of thousands of refugees and suffering this it ever get to a point where apologizing about the qur'an is rather minor and some of the other problems that we have have created the taliban has doubt it will take revenge and analysts expect a fresh surge of violence children shot in the head women slaughtered it's incidents like the latest soldier's rampage in afghanistan that extremists of all
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kinds used to put new people through their ranks those new recruits go out to kill not even the most heartfelt apologies can change the minds of people that said on revenge it becomes a vicious circle that breeds even more danger spreading far beyond the borders of afghanistan i'm going to shift our reporting from washington. well later this hour actually so if you're not so talk to afghanistan's finance minister on the cost of war both economic and social. we do not want the international forces to be enough time to start fighting for us. even in our longer of the indian you get the what i have. a lot it's not i don't think you can put a god figure on this one. million two hundred million three hundred billion it's tell me again why the deficient of the ark was beyond. diversity is the thought public offering diversity its. state institutions putting both together
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. it's a little easier on r.t. that interview with. iran came under a severe financial blockade on saturday after the world's biggest electronic banking system known as swift cut off dozens of financial firms blacklisted by the e.u. is part of a broader effort by european nations who also plan to impose an embargo on a rainy an oil that summer pressure to iran over its nuclear program but a sort of first reports the measures could well backfire. spain is among the biggest importers a radio oil but all that saying is when the sanctions come into force in july spain haven't tell their. sources of crude supply and all around placing a real risk to the country that in turn route has fueled by
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a rainy and oil. prices are on the rise and there are fears that they're about to be can't even higher with the iranian oil embargo eliminating the e.u. in case ban comes as the west's been making waves runs nuclear program it take that sitting around while revenues in the country to the plug in cable even assuming that the case against iran is so strong the sanctions right now. exercised by countries like spain or greece or italy that much those countries more than it will damage iran was countries like france and britain and pulteney a very small percentage of iranian oil and supported the ban country studying the west economically right now spain greece and italy really going to feel the effects of the sanctions the most things we can't refuse to pressure the u.s. it is still the foreign minister actually said that if you seek you shall.
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receive seek even if. you couldn't hear about the fact that you can't be forced to make the decision once you know that in a healthy economic situation a rise in oil prices might be problematic coming at a time when spain is on the brink of a second recession is proving a nightmare for the population and. it's terrible that we should pay for decisions taken in brussels is not known for but certainly not for a simple residence. should trigger a rise in prices. of us to tighten our belt and keep the issue of nuclear weapons a punch to revive our economy. of course i'm afraid because they're already too high if they go anywhere and won't be able to afford gas. attempts to calm fears about a rise in prices have been made fairly arabia says it's good enough oil to make up for the loss of around supplies when the in vogue comes into force because she's
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like saying we'll still be paying the price of lost trade with iran and the cost of replacing those oil contracts i will at least think imports of oil from iran have increased since the e.u. backed libyan war now the prospect of hysteria he's with iran is causing huge concern. while there's no war prices collations to sanctions can be corrected the problems will come if there is a war with then you could see a real crisis. now countries like spain elected the mess the volatile situation that no one wants to see ignites. r.t. spain. parlor a phone whose a crisis management specialist in brussels says the sanctions including swift decision to block iranian banks are unlikely to force to iran into a corner. the swift system is more used in the european or transatlantic terms. as we know from the news. iran is already making agreements with india and china
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to have exchanges. currencies and for other systems and so what will not be sold to europe will be sold elsewhere this core of these probably wanted to be pushed to call seriously on the negotiations that is all a number of issues that have been under discussion now for several weeks if not months that involved in the middle east and creation the issue of sunshine in iran is something that comes from the united states and europe following because there is no other way out for you republican i mean they can increase this to try to facilitate the negotiating table but it will not magically change the course of action. will be taken in tehran anyway. staying with the region and israel maybe seeing a seismic shift in relations with its once close ally egypt the recently elected
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egyptian lower house of parliament this week named to live as the country's number one enemy they call for courage to revise all relations and agreements in the protest with israel against its attacks on gaza of latina journalist with the jerusalem post says the situation between the two countries is only set to get worse. the more islamists take power in egypt the worse relations will get between the two countries because islamists have never had an interest in peace and fruitful proper ration with israel they've only been interested in damaging israel and actually seeking its destruction and in their overall ideology the sudden lifting of the old governments and the sudden. eviction of these governments in societies like egypt where the islamists have been preparing for decades to seize power will more or less guarantee the fact that the islamists the dangerous elements will cease to seize power and i think that israel views this
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development with a great amount of concern for the near future. the latest developments in the middle east are on our websites. as they happen some other stories in store for you there at the moment john demjanjuk a nazi war criminal convicted only last year of killing twenty eight thousand jews in the suburb or death camp has died at the retirement home at the age of ninety one to find out about his trial. also the moments from an eerie blood red lake in iraq incredible siberian that scapes stunning satellite photos from the most amazing sites around the world you can check out more of them right now at r.t. dot com.
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that greece is set to get its first portion of the new package on monday almost six billion euros will keep the country afloat while it continues to reform its economy and concerns over the massive greek debt and the e.u. crisis still remain as europe looks east for help however. reports the assistance from the far east will come at a price. with china's three trillion plus dollars in foreign currency reserves it was only a matter of time before debt europe came knocking on its store from chinese side of the leaders always feel ok they are willing to show that we can reach the power is right good not putting in practice maybe we want some kind of a deal for me well it's not even a maybe now china's call is clearly on the rise and so is its confidence this time around china has no qualms letting the e.u. know that it is well aware of its truck card and that any help will come at
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a price top of its list of demands gaining the status of a full fledged market economy and lifting the one nine hundred eighty nine ban on its purchase of military weapons from the e.u. . but for the first time china has openly used its potential cash card to lash out at the e.u. for a recent anti subsidy an anti dumping investigations into imports of chinese made steel products does. so as. you know. he's it's from cards where they can with your hasn't thrown in the towel just yet it still has the power to grant china's wishes and as a country's second biggest trade partner the fall of one is the fall of both the e.u. also has its own demands for one backing on syria and iran part of the political game the. politics game that is being played is very much on
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a mix. of resources but behind the gates of cash rich china it's fighting its own battle trying to sell the idea to its people chinese internet forums were abuzz with annoyance at what they see as poor ordinary chinese pain for rich europeans so that's why they chinese prime minister when galba mr winter try to persuade its people and people and. colleagues in the government. helping the european union is also helping ourselves not all the chinese are convinced but if business must go on one local commentator wrote don't hand over a dime without asking for the world in return yes or sell your r t brussels. taking a look at what else is making news around the world this hour a world update five people being found dead aboard
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a migrant ship off the southern coast of italy fifty two others were rescued safely from the boat which departed from libya the italian coast guard says many on board the ship would be hydrated or suffering from hypothermia according to the u.n. around sixty thousand migrates migrants landed in italy last year most of whom were africans who fled their countries when the conflict in libya began last year. to brazil now where prosecutors plan to charge seventeen oil executives from the us based chevron and drilling contract to trans ocean after another spill chevron has suspended production of the coast of brazil off to the recently it was discovered last week those facing charges aren't allowed to leave the country until the investigation is complete the new leak is in the same area where a major spill occurred last november. it's been a turbulent few years in the world with revolutions and protests sweeping the globe well western nations have been quick to criticize countries who don't share their
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same democratic views they're not necessarily leading by example when it comes to human rights as were important explains the strong arm of the lord is leading some to wonder if they're preaching hypocrisy instead of democracy. the u.s. and its european allies have many things in common security politics and a familiar practice of scolding outsiders about the pillars of democracy the iranian people have a universal right to assembly and free speech this is the precinct suppression human rights democracy is a big step. for democracy rule of law human rights these are are we believe these must be respected by the egyptian authorities in russia we have seen crackdowns on civil society groups as western leaders wag their finger around the world. times and brutal force have been used to well public protests at home.
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right police handcuffs and iron fists have repeatedly been used against unarmed demonstrators in greece spain and london where thousands flood the streets to protest against austerity measures and unemployment they should focus on getting their own house in order and practice what they preach rather than nosing about in other countries and trying to you know grandstand on an international scale rather than deal with you know they are there are very serious democratic deficit on the other side of the atlantic uprisings against economic inequality and corporate greed have left countless occupy wall street activists covered in blood temporarily blinded. and behind bars the movement is currently planning to draw tens of thousands of demonstrators to the upcoming g eight and nato summit in may. but this week the u.s. military is unveiling its latest non-lethal weapon to members of the press. it felt
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like opening up in your almost next meeting from about my sternum to my book the new active denial system. can repel crowds using an invisible electromagnetic beam that delivers a blast of intense heat up to one kilometers away without a sound a smell or even a warning the weapon promises to disperse crowds and reinforce security while the military weapon is in currently intended to be used by police critics say ray guns like water cannons could eventually be rolled out in the land of the free we're seeing an intensification of repression because people are challenging the system and challenging it in europe a challenge to get in the united states and it's easy for our leaders the point the scene or somewhere else rather than take responsibility here in america to do anything differently lecturing others on democracy and human rights has become
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a branch of western foreign policy i discoursed that claims to be based on the highest of standards but as recent years has shown it's a lot easier to scold others when everything is by. mesa protesters it over or injured students in europe might suggest that their leaders do a bit homework before attempting to be a teacher of the marker see or not artsy new york. with a recap of our top stories in just a recovery minutes from now this is the weekly here naughty stay with us please don't go away.
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with the boer war and the going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared. the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake especially nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. focus of the winter he was he says it's all over you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons adventure you're going to blow everything up you you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see it people don't wake up to
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nuclear weapons or a bill. that represents all the firepower of the second world war this. is the equivalent firepower of the world's nuclear arsenal today.


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