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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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accusations over who's behind the weekend of bombings in syria fly between rebels and the government claiming that saudi arabia left traces of their involvement at the crime scene. post revolution the old ways it still dominated in egypt with critics accusing the new islamist strong parliament of turning the constitutional assembly into. plus. surface over america's cherished images of democratic bastion as washington gets. silence of homegrown protests.
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it is good to have you with us here. live in moscow the syrian regime has pointed the finger at saudi arabia and qatar saying the arab states who are involved in the chain of tara blasts in syria's largest cities the gulf nations have been accused by assad's government of whoever carried out the attacks i wish left around thirty people dead and dozens injured. on a bike i know who is in the region has the latest. the two sides involved in this conflict the opposition and the syrian government obviously blaming each other for the twin suicide bombings that took place in damascus and syria second largest city often left over the weekend now opposition sours that everything has been staged by the syrian government to sort of in or defrocked at times from its own crackdown on
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its people the syrian government office and disagrees with that and sad that this latest example of violence is yet another agadez that armed gangs terrorist groups are indeed present in the country that they're being financed and supplied by major world powers particularly saudi arabia and qatar a high profile arab diplomats have just to go over the weekend that saudi arabia has been sending ammunition to the syrian rebels mainly through jordan just this morning major clashes between gunmen armed gunmen and the syrian army to place in damascus and they're pretty obvious cayle a neighborhood that houses namely embassies and this is really a new development because up until now it don't ask this was pretty much spared all those opened clashes. joining you know here in order to use a sort of a place for such
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a from syracuse university ok to see you so that the syrian government has accused cuts in saudi arabia of supporting the recent terror attacks in damascus and aleppo but if this is the case what are these are states have to gain by backing off with what is terrorism in syria. this is a very good question and really it's not just a question of backing violent extremist acts in syria but also dividing the region and perhaps this suits some people's interest these are two states that are very autocratic they have strong relationships with the west and they get a lot of funding militarily from the west so perhaps it suits them to sow the seeds of discord not only in syria but you know it's spilling into iraq it's spilling into jordan and of course it's spilling out here in lebanon on and so they've made it very clear over the past several months that they want the assad regime to
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topple that they're willing to do anything that they can to make it happen whether it's bullying in these diplomatic arena is or whether it's funding the militant groups in syria and unfortunately the biggest losers of this are the syrian people because those who are engaged with peaceful protests which is what this this whole situation started some people willing to use nonviolent civil resistance in order to engage their own government on their own terms and now they're being used by these international players whether it's the saudi arabia or whether it's the west or whoever they're being used and their conflict is worsening because these arms are coming in in these. hearings the grosser of the non-aggressive minority in some ways or another being held hostage by these rebels as you mentioned moments ago talking about the rebels relationship with certain western players are they trying to work together in some way but it's interesting
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because you think of how the west has dispatched. the special envoy to try and resolve the syrian call for what could be gained by do you really a peaceful approach to syria. well i think one of the problems is that some of the syrian groups that have the power given to them by the west given to them by the gulf states are not actually representative of the syrian people and so when kofi annan goes into syria and starts talking to people he's going to realize that they don't have people who represent politically. who are negotiating table right now and so certainly some of these groups like the syrian free peoples army or even the syrian national council which is seen quite a lot of division recently and it's splintering because it's being accused of as very undemocratic not representative of the syrian people so it behooves these organizations to sort of terror in syria in order to try to win support from the
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syrian people themselves but unfortunately it's the syrian people who are suffering because not only are they dying in nice violent attacks but the government then has any every right to try to you know institute law and order in its own borders and you do so. about the syrian national council or syria's exiled opposition sitting should we say rather comfortably over and chalky the un so you see us through the syrian national council so that the regime. there we can any grounds for those claims. absolutely no grounds and this is what they've been saying time and time again and you know even the americans who would be happy to believe such claims continually come up with out in other groups armed groups being encouraged by neighboring countries are committing such acts and so really it's getting very tired to hear these same all claims and i think it just shows that if this is going to go forward and in a reasonable way the syrian people have to be engaged with not these groups that
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pretend to speak on their behalf and you know this is what the west should be doing right now it should be encouraging those people in syria to negotiate with kofi annan to try to arbitrate this crisis before it goes out into a full blown civil war and also takes eleven and jordan and iraq into where it's really a crisis needs to be defused understood of the sort of massive regional implications are do apologize we absolutely run out of time here. from syracuse university wish we had more time we don't thanks for coming on arts and supplying. egypt has unveiled the line up of a long awaited government tasked with creating a democratic inclusive constitution but already human rights groups are unhappy claiming islamic factions have banded together in order to dictate just who gets to write the document just a year since the revolution the hopes for change of about evaporated reporting was
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artie's or ridiculous. khalid telling me i could be a poster boy for egypt's revolution young educated a t.v. talk show host and politically active he was among those whose protests on the two square toppled the regime of president mubarak last year but like many others who were on the streets with him he doesn't feel things in egypt have changed for the best girl merely one rule against mubarak as a person we were against the whole system against oppression and injustice a lot of scarcity were program lucia their actions should apply the same techniques used by here. the ruling military council or staff replaced hosni mubarak who rejections accused of corruption and nepotism economic mismanagement and human rights abuse but a thorough look at scarfs policies unveiled a situation eerily similar if not worse now you get progress perhaps or spend it with live ammunition in
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a sort of rubber bullets as was the case in the last you get. more strikers who get a third to military buglers of the courts in the halls here you have more than thirteen thousand egyptian citizens who are processed through military orders that's where you more than what the board did during these thirty years of all of this truth of cairo dealing with tourists before their revolution i now consider dunseath even by those who have lived in the egyptian capital all their lives in you can find the police in the street and even if they are there they don't truly help anyone. you know it's like a kind of they are punishing the people because the idea of the revolution so they're not doing their or their work they don't care about what happens and deliberately neglecting. every single crime that is happening and they just didn't chose to turn their back on some believe revolutionary guard is to say turned their
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backs on the military council is questionable policies seemingly comfortable with the way things are. and so a lot of revolutionary forces sided with the military council and started making deals and forming coalitions with even more ground and ignore them in demands of the revolution most of the political elite. fixing things not changing them a real possibility now is the revolution entering the second stage this time prompted not just by the young and the educated but by the poor and the unemployed whose numbers have been steadily rising since the military council came to power and the economic situation is really getting worse and i believe that these people who are really suffering nowadays because they can't even. afford to work to feed their or their families and these people are really they're going to leave the sky and there's no wave of evolution if you can what you want to call it like a second wave of revolution but it's going to be really really aggressive and
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really really violent and bloody these days that are here squares filled with vendors souvenir sellers idle youth and a few tense but from time to time things get heated up again those who have spent their days and nights here are just a little over a year ago toppling the regime see their job is far from over and the revolution continues it goes quiet here cairo. dr jamal from the center of political studies in cairo says there is still a lot of uncertainty ahead for egypt. the nineteenth of march. i think it was a big mistake there is a tribute been denied the end of a clear roadmap to democracy is it in a lot of political manipulation i think the scare of the military council ruling the country cried out smart everybody manipulating the different political forces but the irony is that it came on the losing end of the revolutionary more democratic forces also came with the living into this and only the muslim brothers
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and the seller is. the winning side not on the other hand there is still a strong forces and voices within the military itself who have doubts about the ascending power through the muslim brothers of the seller fees but they are not certain about what kind of moves could be taken at this point so there is still a lot of uncertainty a lot of. us here and so i could have you with us here on r.t. today still to come for you in the program of the academics questioning the right to life the two professors come under fire in the u.k. advocating the use of what they call after birth abortion. and india's silent killer how the use of a special force in the country's homes poses a threat of disease and even death. u.s. police are investigating death threats they received via twitter after hundreds of
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protesters marking occupy wall street's six month anniversary clashed with offices in new york scenes of police brutality towards peaceful demonstrators made many question america's image as the guardian of democratic values and freedoms as our things are in a fortnight or explain recently expanded restrictions on the protests are only fueling the criticism. it's a country that extols the virtues of liberty on like no other. since september some six thousand seven hundred americans protesting against economic inequality and corporate greed have been arrested and silence. a police offensive aimed at crushing occupy wall street has succeeded in shattering america's globally marketed brand of freedom but it's made people realize it's the kind of devastating states
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oh our ability to be in a place of dissent in america and how to challenge that in our press that is i think people thought they were freer to dissent and great sense until they tried. in america it is a criminal offense to exercise freedom of speech and events deemed nationally significant such as presidential conventions and to be. protesting in areas where the u.s. president or anyone protected by the secret service may be visiting is considered a felony punishable with hefty fines and up to ten years in jail the federal buildings and grounds improvement act known as h r three four seven is a law most americans don't know about but you don't have to do a lot to feel its force we represent people who are charged with felony offenses solely because they put up posters they put up signs asking. will join in demonstrations and they've been arrested by the police detained held on twenty five
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thousand dollars bail in terms of felonies with nato n.g.a. protest posters popping up nationwide u.s. lawmakers are tightening up recent active men's include prohibiting protests around the white house and broader language to make arrests and prosecution easier i think this is a specific response to sort of the fear that we are actually going to have you know like. transforming the political landscape katie davison was arrested twice last year while taking part in legal nonviolent occupy wall street demos in new york i feel like we're maybe getting earthworks american government here we sort of like sprinkled democratic you know like we're dollar everything as if you know like we have all these freedoms that we actually generate by new reality where it's feared that just about any american in gauging in political protests. can be prosecuted unsound or wages front to civil liberties and the first amendment and i have my
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personal personally have been arrested several times protesting. have been misdemeanors and now would be a felony and it's just unconscionable that the congress passed this on for us we don't worry it's because i want to we reached consensus when it came to clamping down on constituents only elected officials voted against expanding federal restrictions on protests while u.s. leaders can't resolve issues like national debt and it's there on the scene each when it comes to how to handle all the citizens flooding the streets to demand change and accountability. artsy new york. to head up to a website r.t. dot com for any features you may have missed plus the latest on the world's top stories some of the items we've got that lined up for you right now including. failed to investigate scores of civilian deaths during its military campaign in
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libya this according to she was widespread understood international dissatisfied by apologies from the. chaos and violence erupts in greece once again though this time it's not about the economy as a regime football fans set fire to a stadium you can watch the full footage it all to you doctor. coming your way soon but for now our two professors have created a public storm in the u.k. over an article advocating the use of so-called after birth abortions they say it merely in response to me is rather an academic discussion now with the medical journal which published the article that defending the debate but for some the idea
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is simply a step too far as artie's are the bennett reports. actually through course was eight months pregnant when she found out her son would be born with down syndrome even as late as that the only advice she got was to have an abortion doctors tried to persuade sam's condition it would be a struggle not worth living but six years on the only struggle mother and child have had was ignoring that advice i could start all over again and i was choosing not to and i was treated as something something. at all nancy actually i was treated as if i would just. say. it is very sad to think that they are the people who are giving advice their mothers they have a duty so everyone may take to preserve life and a day i looked at them i thought i failed a field our children. preserving they're not worth saving they're not happy and that really isn't the case that stereotypes just been taken
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a whole lot further by two ethicists who argue that it's ok to kill babies even after the born the controversial comments were published by the oxford educated professors in a leading british medical journal they dismiss newborns as potential and not actual persons they see killing them so no different to a normal prenatal abortion but critics branded infanticide it was a speculative case that article has been defended on the grounds of free speech but would we accept for example an article advocating that jews or blacks were not persons only potential persons and they could also be asked the question is a newborn child any less of equal member of the human family than a member of a certain race or of one gender or the other what really is the difference the authors of stoked an ethical storm by advocating after birth abortions in all cases
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. even if the baby's not disabled abortions are only permitted in britain or non medical grounds during the first twenty four weeks of a pregnancy the authors of now received death threats and say they were merely making an academic discussion they refused to give an interview but it's a lie in the journals editors defend our job is to publish arguments for and. issues so that people can if my arms in the long run some of these issues are very complex and personally for example i looked agree with. the conclusions of a pig or i would like to defend people's right to express their views and other people's right to respond to them academic discussion or not the articles prompted outrage not only amongst pro-life groups but also mothers of children with disabilities who declined the option of abortion it was
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a hit with us it was horrible they definitely seems to be a trend now it to say that. in a these children shouldn't be here it's not something terrible it's not awful just because it's not what you imagine it doesn't mean it's not something fantastic but having sam in our life it's amazing absolutely amazing sam's a member of his local swimming club and plays football to seeing him here it's hard to believe how doctors can say his life would be a burden either bennett. london. i've nearly time for daniel with the markets for there are some other international headlines in brief with the r.t. . starting with france a man has opened fire outside a jewish school in the french city of toulouse just before lessons were due to begin he killed four people three of them children and injured one teenager the gunman then fled the scene on a scooter the tragedy comes days after three paratroopers were shot dead in two
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separate incidents in the same area. speculation centers of opened a northern parts of new zealand ready to react to heavy flooding in the region more than two months worth of rain has fallen there in just two days cutting off communications and covering roads and farmlands with dirty water several stranded residents have already been rescued more rain and strong winds are expected within the next twenty four hours and locals are advised to stay indoors and avoid traveling. india could have a silent epidemic on its hands because of the use of a dangerous chemical inside people's homes are specialists is still widely used in the country with foreign importers quick to offer supplies of the substance as are his previous reader reports the consequences carried out. the residents of this slum in south carolina have no idea that the routes they live under are contaminated with a toxic mineral called earth that's joe's once widely used in building projects for
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insulation against heat and fire today absinthe is banned in fifty two countries around the world because if it's proven dangerous as those doors by going to. cause incredible lung diseases like outburst was the little kid your lung cancer in fact royal one of the it isn't as this was this is if you didn't make. but it's still being used in india and studies show that it could kill as many as one million people in developing countries in the next eight years the indian government has been the mining of especially those but the importing and manufacturing of it is still legal and the is growing economy has led to a construction boom and alternatives to especially those costs almost double that's why many indians believe it's worth it despite the health risks of those of us of a prakash rica is one of the three million people involved in the eight hundred fifty million dollars
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a year business in india has been selling its best to its roofing for twenty five years and says he's aware that it could become one of the country's biggest killers . i knew it was harmful with those two suits because i have to support my family while activists campaigning to bannister in india acknowledge the government needs to do more to stop it they say blame also has to lie with their biggest importer of the toxic fiber canada the north american country is one of the world's largest our exporters the best bastos even though it's illegal for it to be used inside its own borders. the standards is quite mean if you just don't get one hundred because they wanted to be a house of commons. because of causing what you did when because they can do this is if you would read what. activists are trying to inform indians about the danger is that it's passed those but even the ones who have heard about it feel like they have no option but to live with it but
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a. government should pay attention to the way poor people are living with it we're living in a healthy safe environment. using the toxic chemicals shipped from the west to make their livelihoods even though it might cost them their lives preassure either r t new delhi india. straight to the business desk and over to daniel hi daniel last hour we're speaking with your colleague natasha she had no good news from the markets perhaps things have changed in the last forty five minutes i'm afraid most indices are tumbling as all gold in the equities oil is our main focus is rising prices recently was threatening global recovery let's have a look at the numbers now it fell into the red a couple of hours ago and then your concerns of slowing global economic recovery also saudi arabia announced a boost you know put easing fears on rainy and supplies with tensions growing in the gulf e.u. markets now they're also on the slide moving into the off the banking stocks all leading the footsie lower the dax is shedding value as well but mobile operator vodafone is bucking the trend as it moves closer to
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a takeover of rival cable loyalists here morse going now they've also slipped off to a positive start this morning the falling price of crude is weighing on all stocks now when all the news goes proms expanding partnerships with e.u. companies energy joint plans to swap russian energy assets with germany's top boiling gas producer winters how gaining access to north sea deposits in return. reports from there. we run top of. the platform in the north sea the developer of this field is german. gas producer winces hall which is planning an asset swap with russia's gas from. get up to twenty five per cent share in some of russia's gas projects in the summer with options for fifty per cent while castro wire and. shares in the us holds all share of projects like this one.
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is very interested. to see. the two companies have been part racing for decades they jointly build the world's trade and now are intensifying their for its constructs of the south trade routes they turn central real gas transports which distributes the russian gas in europe has just been made independent and renamed cascade get older to comply with the current energy charter this break him is a producer from also owning the means of supply gastro which invests billions of dollars in pipelines loans to keep control of the rapidly changing rules mean that . the local operate says may be the best way for gastro so access customers in
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europe's new liberalize gas markets. are to see from the north sea. we'll have more in fifteen minutes. to.
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fewer chances but full of life. limited time. more optimistic. the theater where the ingenious open their hearts to the rest of us. are real limits. on our chief. he.


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