tv [untitled] March 19, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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maggie big picture i'm tom arbonne coming up in this half hour who are the dogs out the dogs against romney have any effect on mitt's presidential hopes come november also the u.s.d.a. is charged with making sure the food served to us and our children is pure and safe so buys the u.s. the knowingly allowing thinks why are we good enough for dog food into our hamburgers and in tonight's deal we take a strong manufacturing sector is crucial for the healthier economy so when will america throw out all those made in somewhere else stickers. are the best of the rest of the news things are looking up once again for mitt romney he won the puerto rico primary on sunday and is expected to add the
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territory's twenty delegates to his widening lead over rick santorum and looking ahead at tuesday night when republican voters in illinois i will at the polls in that crucial primary it looks like romney's another win polls show that he has big leads in the state rasmussen reporting and nine point edge for romney over santorum in public policy polling reporting a fifteen point lead this is welcome news for romney who is beginning to or hoping to begin to heal soon from the rule republican primary season featuring millions of billionaire dollars in super pac funded negative ads but as romney strengthens his grip on the nomination prices are circulating about whether or not voters can trust a man who thought i was trying to strap is to the roof of his car for a twelve hour road trip in fact rick santorum made in issue yesterday in an interview with a.b.c. . for a seamus the dog outlook i would say is you know the issues of character important the selection and we need to look at all those issues and make them
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a simulation as to whether that's the kind of person you want to be president of states all right santorum isn't the only one making seamus the dog an issue the wall street journal the washington post the daily caller in the huffington post have all reported on dog on roof gate just how big of a problem right this been for mitt romney heading into a general election joining me now is scott crider the founder of dogs against romney scott welcome. i'm there thanks for having so what have you thanks for joining us what is dogs against romney already accomplished wow well it's it's it's accomplished things star beyond my wildest imagination that's for sure we've we have our bloggers getting a four to eight thousand people a day on it just depending on emmett's media coverage we have we've had international media coverage from about six or seven countries that i can think of
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right now and in our facebook page is growing rapidly with over forty thousand members on it so we're getting a lot of a lot of word out about this story it's adding a bragging mystery on the air in over one hundred countries right now has the group as your group stage any protests. yes we did that we had several smaller protests some more notable than others the largest in terms of media coverage so far as been a protest we staged outside of the westminster dog show in madison square garden. last month that was covered very widely everywhere and and one bit didn't get as much attention is that i think it says that one of our pack members in littleton colorado went to a romney dog crate strapped to the roof of his car and actually didn't make it because he was stopped by a police officer on the way first suspected animal abuse. which raises the question
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are you motivated by. being more on the peta side of things in other words you're concerned about mitt romney's abuse of an animal or are you motivated by one liking republicans or not liking specifically that romney part more partisan motivations. i'm personally and independent voters vote more toward the person than i do party and i've been. on both sides of the equation in my life this particular thing i started this blog actually in two thousand and seven the very night that i read the very first story about this came out of one of the boston news i started the blog because it is the story struck me as be particularly something particularly cold cruel to do to a pet and that's last. and it does seem. at the very least odd and i think cold and cold and specially after the how is the dog down six
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hours into the trip because it had evacuated all over the car in this then driving off a wet dog at sixty miles an hour scott thanks so much for being with us going hey no problem thanks for having us good luck something tells me the long departed seamus the dog might get the last laugh this year the story lines here's what's really going storylines create reality for people especially for low information voters which tragically is the majority of americans they don't need to be true story line they just need to be storylines howard dean's scream for example could be heard by most of the people in the room actually couldn't be heard by most of the room a fact that the media probably didn't tell you it sounded quite normal in that room what he said it's just that in the microphone that the cameras picked up it's out of love al gore actually did work and vote for legislation he helped develop that legislation that created what we today call the internet. michael dukakis was photo
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in a tank in opposition to reagan star wars fiasco cause people think he was weak on defense and actually served two years in the army was very strong on defense george mcgovern who ran against richard nixon in one thousand nine hundred eighty two was portrayed by next as people say if he dove in fact he'd been a bomber pilot during world war two successfully completing thirty five missions including one where plane had one hundred ten bullet holes in the fuselage and wings lost his hydraulic power had an engine on fire yet he made an emergency landing on a strip that was so short it killed many pilots before him but he pulled it off and was awarded the air star with three oakleaf clusters bottom line in politics perception is more important than reality and while you can come up with instances of republicans being stuck with such wrong perceptions republican political operatives love to spread this stuff about their their enemies in this primary republican strategist working for santorum and gingrich have been happy to label romney this way so would be interesting to see if romney can overcome the perception of a guy so weird not
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a touch that he'd strap his dog to the roof of his car and meantime there's some food for thought for the obama administration. you think you knew me i made a lot of money i've been very successful but you don't really know that made it to you that chivas and mitt romney's dog. i bet you think romney love seamus think you're good. on a twelve hour family trip there was no room for seamus in the car so romney made or seamus right on the roof of the car in a cage that's right the republicans nominee for president meet sweet little seamus run on top of his car for twelve hours a cage my dog likes fresh air. in fact seamus loves fresh air so much he ran away to canada immediately after the trip where he'd be safe for mitt romney's it's like a night agenda this is how you trouble with your dog inside the car safe and sound
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like he's one of the family if mitt romney doesn't even care about shamus then how could he possibly care about you. i'm barack obama and i think you would approve this message. so so now you know it you know and sometimes you know you don't know and sometimes it's the firesign theater says everything you know is wrong and i don't think you'll go what you want to hear your right. to make. sure. you know it's wrong. every day millions of parents across america went to school cafeterias to feed their kids safe and good food still have the energy they need to do great in school from fruits and vegetables to proteins in dairy it's expected that our nation's forty after is serving the best and healthy and safe meals to our kids right. maybe not as a fright in disgust a new type of meat in crowds taking over our children's lunches so if you think
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that the meat used on taco day is safe and good for your kid and everything you know about cafeteria food is wrong joining me now to talk about the news cafeteria concoction is sarah seltzer associate editor with alter net sarah welcome. hi tom thanks for having me thanks for joining us we're showing a picture or will in just a second of some pink slime and you know here it is frankly which is pretty gross can you tell me to describe to our viewers what pink slime is. it is pretty gross but it is the part of the cow that are otherwise and usable and absolute about a decade ago are only used for things like dog food or cooking oil they're a little bit clinging to the skin in the goans then they're taken off and by profit using centrifuges and then once they're off of there they're sprayed it with ammonium hydroxide gas to take away this in fact that because even factor the
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parts of the cow that are most susceptible to things like eco lie and other infections you know really sort of the rotten parts and then they're sprayed with ammonia i would use the gas form basically have what we all know with a household cleaner and then they're repackaged and at thirteen point in the last decade made up seventy percent of the brief beef products that are being sold and math market so the people who are true to clarify they are there added into the hamburger kind of. as a small percentage of the hamburger sort of like filler as opposed to being seventy percent of they have about seventy percent of the hamburger out there of the meat as this pink slime in it. that exactly right so so why who are the u.s.d.a. approved for this and when and why. ok a few weeks ago it was proved floor and read back not just a pretty but recommended for all of the nation's public schools and now this is
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after a couple of months ago a number of fast food chains publicly said that they were not going to be using this product which is a type of thing called lean finally textured beef that is now commonly called pink slime and they were going to do that anymore but the u.s.d.a. recommended that all schools use beef that that contains. pink slime and then there was such an outcry after reports began to circulate in the media about this but the u.s.d.a. now think as well schools have the option of not acting. filling this order basically but the problem is that it's a little bit of too late you know too little too late because a lot of schools that are to place their orders for last year wasn't the syringe and only allowed in through our food supply technically a reagan appointee in the last months of the george herbert walker bush administration i wasn't aware of that but that's definitely the era when it first
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came into the food supply right i don't recall her name but i'm quite sure that within a week after she made this decision she left that job at u.s.d.a. and went to a job with a meat company where she was making big bucks. this is a very and. this is a story that more americans to probe of this is just totally totally creepy. sarah thank you so much for its thanks so much for dropping by and for sure i'm sure it was sure great to see you take care ok well might make you sick now you everything you know about the meat served in a school cafeteria or maybe even a restaurant near you or maybe even store is right. coming up in daily take without a strong manufacturing sector of the country is always brazil working to protect its economy in america do the same thing.
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your take my take is your chance to send in your questions comments ranson observations about anyway talk about here on the big picture or during my radio show and i was calling because when i was caller our viewer rant like she had this to say about the tea partiers i'm crying from foxy killer night probably for your show piece talk about. republican tea party seeming get their entire adult and title because they couldn't write christians to a character back intellectuals our president thinks talk about the entitlement that these church people fear oh thank you for your reporting. well i think what you're really describing there is not so much in title man as it is racism and it's tragically alive and well in the united states right now in fact we just we just
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learned that one of the best selling bumper stickers from a website that promotes pumper stickers says it's got the obama logo and then says don't re are easy dash and i g. in the second one says in two thousand and twelve i mean this is just throwing out the n word and people putting these bumper stickers in their cars are all over the side this is this has a long history in american politics way back before reagan used it in philadelphia mississippi in one nine hundred eighty was his first official speech when he was running for president and when you call it out that's it for your take my take tonight remember we're trying to get a comment from every country in the world we want to hear from you so if you'd like your comments and questions for this segment of the picture listen up. we want to know your take send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore hartman or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at heart and you can also leave a message on our rant line at two to three six fifty three zero six agree disagree
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sound off its all welcome or remember that your comments may be used on the air. it's the good the bad and the very very zen says that is only ugly good former president jimmy carter and an interview with him post carter discussed his support for marriage equality in america he said that homosexuality was well known in the ancient world well before jesus was born at christ was born jesus never said a word about homosexuality carter went on to say that jesus never said that gay people should be condemned in that carter's words again i personally think it is very fine for gay people to be married in civil ceremonies and the quote hopefully more people will listen to president carter and work america make marriage equality a law in the united states the bad the t.s.a. the t.s.a.
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is inability to properly conduct airport security has truck again t.s.a. agents at o'hare airport in chicago subjected a very young boy who was in a wheelchair to an invasive pat down take a look. here and he did sure if you don't want to hear the. very. next night. you could you hear me. on this here. this is just a little fragment of a bird very long quote for kids what do you do it barely t.s.a. agents thought the spirit and innocent little boy was a terrorist mastermind there's a reason that x. israeli security officers some of the best in the world have condemned america's airports truly whereas our government going to learn that our airport security
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process is out of touch with reality and needs to be overhauled and a very very ugly paula smith smith is the owner of a website which is currently selling a highly offensive bumper sticker directed at president obama sticker reads don't really and i g in two thousand and twelve play on the n word which invokes one of the most horrific racial epithets used in american history even worse smith seems nothing wrong with show forbes magazine and according to the dictionary the n word does not mean black it means low down lazy and sorry person ever really makes it so much but the ground smith also said she thought the bumper sticker was cute and that the n. word was not offensive attacking the president as states over his race and calling one of the most horrific words in english language cute now that it's just very clear.
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without a strong manufacturing base a country is rude that's because as adam smith pointed out back in seven hundred seventy six is what wealth of nations only manufacturing produces new wealth for a nation service sector is important for an economy we need somebody washing cars or repairing computers but without the manufacture of that car or that computer the nation has no real or original well. every time you look at something in your house or apartment that stamped with a made in fill in the blank country sticker or made in any nation you know that's one less product manufactured by an american factory by american hands generating jobs and real wealth for american government brazil knows this which is why they're taking steps this week to protect their manufacturing base is this weekend's financial times reported in an article titled brazil vows to protect manufacturing
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the brazilian finance minister guido mar men tend god is taking new steps to protect their own domestic industries from a flood of cheap goods manufactured mostly in asia as finance as the finance minister told the financial times we don't want to lose our manufacturing sector and twenty ten brazil's economy grew at a blistering seven point five percent rate and then a slowdown last year just two point seven percent and in january this year brazil's manufacturing sector actually declined to two point one percent after a flood of asian imports puir into brazil's retail stores cutting demand for products manufactured in brazil by brazilian workers creating real wealth for for brazil as the financial times reports the government fears that employers will try to maintain their competitive business by cutting workers' salaries hampering domestic consumption domestic consumption is the key phrase here the brazilians
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know that demand drives an economy and the vast majority of demand in the economy comes from workers having good wages in money in their pocket that they can go out and spend for they're creating demand for more goods and services. brazil is absolutely committed to not making the same stupid mistake the united states made by embracing the now totally discredited supply side reaganomics which says that when rich people do well the money trickles down to everybody else they want their workers to make the money their workers in their country so those workers will stimulate the demand side and they're also committed to not making the stupid mistake we made of becoming totally defenseless against foreign manufacturers the idiocy of so-called free trade meanwhile back here in the united states we're still stuck with reaganomics and free trade and transnational manufactured corporations have laid off two point nine million americans and hired overseas workers to the tune of two point four million workers just since two thousand sucking all the
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stimulus that those jobs and wages once produced here in the united states out to foreign countries and free trade deal after free trade deal the united states is committed itself to a suicidal race to the bottom falling wages and collapsing domestic manufacturing instead of doing what we should have done which is to protect a mystic manufacturing like brazil was going to do with a mix of new monetary policies or new protections for domestic industries the finance minister of brazil is working to revive brazil's manufacturing base first and tend to is given a tax break to manufacturers like the textile clothing industry that employs two million workers in brazil so brazilian companies don't have to cut wages to stay competitive he's also imposing higher taxes on imported cars import tariffs so the foreign car manufacturers can't undercut domestic car manufacturers curse the free traders who come from trans national corporate boardrooms and benefit the most from so-called free trade are hysterical administer manzanita is holding firm saying
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brazil is not taking protectionist measures brazil is taking defensive measures we are in favor of free competition but we cannot keep our borders completely free while others are using noncompetitive reckons. brazil knows how an economy works and just so vital a strong and protected manufacturing sector is to help you. unfortunately our policymakers don't know that's why every month over the last ten years fifty thousand manufacturing workers in america have been laid off every single month fifty thousand workers gone tens of thousands of once booming manufacturing plants are now shuttered lining amtrak's northeast corridor broken windows crumbling walls and graffiti stained facades in time it takes me to tell you all this five minutes or so well over a million dollars of american industry mostly manufacturing will been sold off to
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foreign investors to generate profits for foreign economies instead of for the american economy in fact more than four thousand dollars of american industry is sold every single second of every single day twenty four seven three sixty five as a result of his liquidation sale of america's manufacturing base and the resulting massive trade deficits the united states has in just thirty years gone from being the world's largest creditor to the world's largest debtor instead of being the world's largest exporter of manufactured goods as we were thirty years ago before reagan came into office we become the world's largest importer of them we've gone from being the world's largest importer all materials to becoming the world's mining pit now standing is the world's largest exporter raw materials and minerals in just three decades we went from being the world's premier first world nation to becoming the world's largest second world nation all because we forgot what it means to protect domestic manufacturing we forgot alexander hamilton eleven point
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plan for protecting domestic manufacturing tariffs and subsidies it was put into place and seventeen i need a read and lasted nearly two hundred years. as the united states went from being a rural and agrarian nation to the world's economic powerhouse but other nations like brazil are developing or developed thanks in large part to adopting parts of alexander hamilton the plan the united states has spent the thirty years since reagan undeveloped in a way that has never before been seen in our nation's history ross perot that crazy old who the big years the charts and graphs he was right if we don't wake up to this economic disaster soon and begin protecting our manufacturing base like we did from seven hundred ninety three until reagan people in our nation will continue to slide down the bumpy road toward third world status. that's the big picture for
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tonight for more information on the stories we covered this in our website the tom harkin dot com free speech dot org and our team dot com it also check out our two youtube channel through the links at tom parker dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and you can visit thom hartmann dot com download the audio podcast of our daily you know through radio show or it's actually through the six and we have a. free trial our but i pad and i phone app at the app store you can send us feedback at twitter at tom underscore arbonne on facebook at tom underscore our open our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at tom hartman dot com and if you think that ronald reagan's policies and for that matter bill clinton's causes the whole free trade the whole free trade echo reagan bush clinton bush if you think this is insane. check out a book i wrote called rebooting the american dream the first chapter starts out with george washington. before he was sworn into office saying i want to be sworn in you know in american made suits there's only one guy in america doing and he got
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a suit for it's possible don't forget democracy begins and you get out there and get active your. wealthy british style sun it's time to. market why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy which might stronger the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our cheap. illegibility
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