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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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russia says it's ready to support a un resolution on syria. un arab league's and voice mission which calls for a ceasefire dialogue between the sides. of your rights groups discovered the u.s. is still sending afghan detainees to prisons which have records of torture. and pain for justice with their jobs british construction workers livelihoods of the funding of the police were involved in money and in legal blacklist.
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worldwide news around the clock this is our duty of life in the russian capital with me. moscow says it will support a un resolution endorsing the peace plan drawn up by the united nations envoy to syria kofi annan but russia's foreign minister has said moscow will not back the mandate if it contains an ultimatum let's get more on this now from joining us live from central moscow sara russia has taken a firm line with the u.n. over syria so far are we starting to see a change there. certainly i think this is going to be seen by many people is perhaps a toughening of russia's stance towards syria russia is that me out it is voice. of concern in recent days to you know just came in and said that in the country even to say to the guy who's for humanitarian trees in syria now later on today the
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security council against anything to discuss a draw statement was forced by france now that's going to cool the possible further measures if president bashar al assad fails to implement like a fiend on six point peace plan and now we had foreign minister sergey lavrov speech in today at a meeting with his lebanese counterpart and he said the russians are ready to back that statement and not just the statement that actually thought this was a resolution of that crucially once again in the wording they did say that only in the wording that's new also made since not really what we're going to come down see once again the previous t.v. tape that russia has wielded at these u.n. security council meetings has been because of the wording how will they see as one sided resolutions say they get if there's anything in the wording that they feel nonce in all states and then the not won't get head say that's really going to be once again what it wrestle so well to have been these increased words in the last
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couple of days i will say one very much a city statement can be tilted later on today that's going to be what the sticking point is again so you talk about kofi annan six point peace plan of course of the u.n. special envoy to syria we're talking about here a six point peace plan is there any optimism that this mission could actually work seeing that all previous attempts have more or less failed. will save any stumbling block to the security council's efforts to try and be food and again is he staying this as sort of back and full day for the wording of the resolutions to think that the statement today is not a strong as a resolution as he had lovers that it would be. willing to back its presentation if they can meet food and get some consensus on what that's calling for now we need a cape town six point plan who's the ferry much the stimulus things to what the arab league mission had cooled for when they were in the country that's the whole to the final humanitarian access that's the big one right now police if. you were
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me the security forces from some of the protest areas now i was in the country when the arab league mission was going ahead to those very much a feeling among some of them that the syrian government but necessarily taking some of these points seriously and. it was in some senses a little bit of the fun in that sense now ok finance mission i would say have added weight behind it given that russia is being seen to increase the pool to some of the statements to be made in recent times to do things that arab league mission essentially these things equate key to the lack of cooperation in some of the polls they say that's going to remain a fold until we've heard from the u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon saying that there's absolutely no time to wait one minute one hour delay means more people dead and that's very much the feeling is the same going violence within the last couple of weeks ago i mean suicide bombings and to me it seems that this life of great even the captors day i mean it
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absolutely bites still this some sort of consensus is reached and of course this big this thing creates concern and makes me international left to find a solution in syria what i write about is i live in central moscow thinking. well i mean time syrian opposition leaders are admitting that some foreign governments are sending weapons to the rebels independent journalist james corbett believes those outside forces have no thoughts about humanitarian aid and are only concerned with regime change. well unfortunately the cycle of violence shows absolutely no signs of abating and absolutely those are blasts are particularly worrying because they were of course targeting the air force intelligence and national security buildings so it does seem to prove the point that assad been making for some time that there is clearly some international coordination and arming of these so called graham taig rebels who are who are supposedly doing this it would seem to point to that
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there's been more reform in syria in the past year than there has been in the past fifty and if that's not enough to to at least to bring the sides to the table and start some sort of negotiation then one would have to imagine that nothing will so regime change seems to be absolutely you know visible course that you know the west and others have set their eyes on that certainly arming and giving weapons to. the insurgents is it is absolutely designed for nothing else than to cause more bloodshed and and the idea of doing that in a humanitarian fashion i think is laughable on its face and once again strike goes to prove the point that really diplomacy isn't the end game here in the end game is to get rid of assad and unfortunately we see that from the playing out right now someone has to hope that recent initiatives like me there the red cross call for the cease fire on a daily basis and things like that could have some sort of effect at this point it really seems the cycle of violence is just escalating. now the u.s.
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has continued to send afghan detainees to facilities where prisoners had previously been tortured despite batting such transfers rushed by other report comes from the afghan human rights commission assisted by international open society groups evidence of new torture had already been covered by the details after writings guy . every year air national forces detained thousands of afghans and a good number of those are transferred to afghan interrogators now the report by the afghan independent human rights commission and a new york based open society foundations were heels that what awaits the detainees after being transferred is often torture and denial of due process the report refers to very specific cases and testimonies and basically asks whether the u.s. is complicit in torture there we're talking about some gruesome reports of abuse detailed in that report beatings suspension from the ceiling electric shocks of threatened or actual sexual abuse and other forms of mental and physical abuse
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which are routinely used to obtain confessions or other information the research primarily focuses on how the afghan intelligence agency does business and that it says that the u.s. the business of the u.s. forces is just to hand over those detainees but for years america's own network of secret prisons in afghanistan has provided ample material for various reports rampant torture and all lawful practices have been reported at so-called black side interrogation centers by the way the u.s. government has admitted the existence of those secret centers but the admission confirmation came after many years of denials so now as the u.s. is in the process of handing over its presence including the infamous prison on dog or a mayor base to the afghan government though these reports come out about what happens to the detainees after they were handed handed over by american forces to their afghan colleagues this pullout operation is becoming increasingly challenging for the united states at times plain embarrassing because of the bad news coming from
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afghanistan on a regular basis the american soldier who apparently killed sixteen innocent civilians the gurning of the holy muslim books u.s. marine you're an aging on dead afghans and more broadly the surge of violence there rampant opium production which terrorists around the globe feed off yes journalists tend to focus on populum spitting in afghanistan it seems there are more problems than time to report. that was our he's a guy in a chicken there reporting on how the u.s. is allegedly transferring afghan prisoners to facilities where they could face abuse. now iran's supreme leader says the country can withstand the economic pressure from abroad including expulsion from swift drive out of the global bank payments network around so he could retaliate by blocking a vital oil route in the persian gulf american and israeli intelligence are meantime reportedly agree that iran is not developing nuclear weapons but political
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analyst and historian a peter rushton says the pressure is unlikely to ease any way. what we're seeing at the moment has been is the culmination of a long term effort by ron zonen is to force the iranian government to work order to force them into a position where they are left with an invidious choice between normal one having to steer a course between on the one hand seeming to be bullied and giving in and appearing weak and on the other hand alone themselves to be provoked and allowing themselves to be forced into a confrontational position diplomatic and intelligence professionals are hunting for their reports having their would of beauty just for political and or geological reasons there's a political ideological agenda in washington and tel aviv to an extent here in london as well to willfully misinterpret intelligence slung torture spin to
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use the term that's become used recently to spin intelligence in a direction that forces people on the path to war we saw it in iraq where they were they were there were absolutely disastrous consequences for the intelligence process being abused and i think we're seeing it now here in iran. it is a time it is part of the hour here in moscow you're watching r.t. and coming your way in just a few minutes under a watchful eye about election web cams may have uncovered more than intended the videos have given the russian authorities an idea of how to use the pricey project for the good of the people. these are the images. from the streets of canada. giant corporations are today. it's so good to have you with us here an artsy construction workers are demanding
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justice after some of them discovered campaigning for safer jobs had landed them on a secret blacklist investigation found some of the information used to identify so-called troublemakers came from the police with details now as artie's laura smith. banned from working for speaking the truth these trade unionists and whistleblowers all fighting back after years of wondering why they couldn't get a job these skills and jim is now know their names were on an illegal blacklists. in two thousand and four former union organizer steve hadley was mysteriously sacked and for the next four years he wanted why he couldn't get another full time job then a friend told him about a plaque placed held by a private company and accessed by some of the u.k.'s biggest construction firms sure enough he uncovered
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a sixteen page file on himself goes into detail. what my political my political views were. reported it was clear. they were there the employers were distributing the small stem cells with this black list of organizations. basically not on the paper form of much of the information in hadley style it's clicked spread left wing newspapers and union magazines but some comes from a different source altogether the police i was and their name as a participant. this information doesn't come from their employers could only have come from a place i mean we don't agree with the employer's keeper blacklists it's not legal for any. mention when the security forces involved in this it it almost marks of a place that working on
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a building sites one of the most dangerous jobs in the u.k. last year alone there were fifteen deaths in the construction industry many of the workers say the reason they're on the blacklist is because they blew the whistle on poor health and safety standards to cut they say construction company. make increase profit filed held by the now shut down consulting association so the police are complicit in companies exploiting workers and destroying anyone who stands up to dave smith from the blacklist support group believes collusion comes from the very top of the force not some you know on the plate who's just happened to have found and passed on this information because why would any on the buy such a thing as a console association even existed i believe it's at the most senior levels in place colluding with the directors of now international companies and people that i don't like because. it really is because we raise concerns about why it isn't over
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because of politics blacklisting devastates the noise that it's big to highly qualified people unable to use their skills steve hadley his marriage breakdown. from previous support. when i was contracted for part of the cause of the call for a. start you can imagine it's a culture horsemanship really approach of. your relationships and. you can't pay your bills anymore the company that held headley style has now been closed down but he and his colleagues believe there are more blacklists that happen yet. they say they'll fight until they know the extensive state security involvement in their persecution norris may r.t. . if you are insisting r.t. world are a minute or so to preserve our home page or to dot com for more news and videos
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online twenty four hours a day. waiting for you there right now at r.t. dot com that of greek inferno after a football fans clash with police and the stadium. and a lot of. the first strike against the sun is the website of a russian t.v. channel the poor costa film claiming opposition protests are funded from abroad i get that full story at all to talk.
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this is starting with iraq we'll get to the world update for you now a series of blasts of rock almost a dozen iraqi cities are killing thirty nine and injuring more than a hundred a car bomb hit a crowded shopping and restaurant area in karbala that's about eighty kilometers south of baghdad other attacks in the capital the northern city of cook and two
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southern towns largely targeted police headquarters of the bodies comes a day after the ninth anniversary of the u.s. invasion of iraq and ahead of the arab summit in the country. french police say the gun used in a deadly attack on a jewish school in toulouse was the same as fired in the in last week's killing of three soldiers of african descent a massive manhunt now underway for the killer of french interior minister says the man at night factually filmed the attack he shot dead a teacher his two sons and a schoolgirl relative boy was seriously injured a country has declared a so-called scarlet alert for the first time in its history which allows tighter security including military patrols. the u.n. nuclear watchdog says north korea has invited it to resume monitoring parts of its controversial atomic program the move comes amid escalating tension after kyung
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yang announced it was planning to test a rocket by launching satellites and north korea agreed to suspend enriching uranium and missile tests last month in order for return for food aid from the u.s. . heavy rain falls in southern peru triggered a massive landslide that is threatening local households at dozens of homes have already been destroyed by mudflows and farmers saying they've suffered serious losses casualties have been reported before we can say it's not the first major landslide in the region since the rainy season began in january. i would like to stay with us for katie with the markets but for now thousands of election web cams were installed to monitor russia's presidential voting but they also provided people with hours of entertainment up and i'll be your thorens have decided to give the multi-billion dollar project a second life. in our checks out how exactly that big brother could be of use.
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those videos went viral from cultural dancing in chechnya some quite impressive workouts five hundred years worth of light video recorded on one single day was part of electing the next leader of russia but cameras were installed at all polling stations and want to tour any possible fraud but the relatively few violations were overshadowed by beans tame and provided some have already dubbed the election the most expensive live show in russia's history the system cost half a billion dollars. the most advanced software to the most remote regions of russia if not for the elections could take another five to ten years now we can do video conferences scholars can be lectured by diverse professors from russia and abroad. that's just one of many ideas about how to use the two hundred fifty thousand cameras the interior ministry's investigating a police station and
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a trim and died from serious injuries sustained in custody a string of such incidents gives way to the argument that there can never be too much monitoring and while russians may still be undecided who they want to keep an eye on they definitely want to control not entertain the all seeing eye of the web cam will make things harder to hide under the carpet and russia's police stations are so where critics have argued for a while we need to come under greater scrutiny particularly after several people died recently probably injuries received while in preliminary. i suggest we move cameras from polling to police stations they should be installed in preliminary cosily cells directed at policeman on duty and in the rooms were suspects are questioned it would not violate the rights of those detained as their faces. will be hard to see but it will save the detainees themselves from police
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abuse. meanwhile parents want to protect their children from another type of abuse corruption in schools with the annual nationwide state exams due to take place in june they are lobbying for classrooms to be equipped with c.c.t.v. . it's crucial for us that all children during all types of exams on equal terms that they do their tests without help or that they don't use the internet names otherwise those who don't cheat have a worse chance to get into a good university there had been numerous complaints in the past about unfair competition and there had been no proof now there will be. a war with so many ideas on the table authorities have launched an official competition for the best project to use the costly equipment and with everyone allowed to have their say peoples big brother looks set to stay if you graduate r t more
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scale. computer giant apple has announced it will start rewarding its shareholders with a dividend and will be acquiring back some of its shares at the same time but sales of the new i pad tablet hit record levels our financial crisis speculates on the future of the main. people in america two camps one. example computers the other group is gone. now there's a lot of similarity here it depends on how you view the future unfolding either it's a. goal larger goal nirvana where the more computer power you have enduring hand the more processing speed and pixels you had in your hand the more power you have warranted dystopian nightmare of food and energy shortages where the more magnum the more bullets the more guns strength you have the bigger glock in the
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better but i don't see these two co-existing it's either going to be one or the other. cars reported i just over an hour's time here in our city but for now it's time to check out the markets hello to you katie i know you've got all the information at your business but i must say yesterday just a day of doom and gloom do you have a any good news for us today. on mondays no it's very nice is the same page you're actually to be honest. i'm going to kick off way that you can talk about that and the mining stocks that are being weighed after a senior executive at the hate people in ten said the chinese demand i know it was nothing else is those starts that are really suffering say also. under pressure will be into the now around five and a half percent a down often fishwick china satiation of car making
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a sales one. this is cool calls in twenty two hours so that is the concern in all the news in the region the course is due to the european commission for blocking his eighteen billion dollars merger with new york stock exchange the german operations as a duo would not be home full two compositions there's no sentiment going on in that region let's have a look at the russian markets and again. i'm as you can see the markets are down this hour about following the negative sentiment coming out of china if you look at the individual sham as you can see that gas market gastro is down the companies reportedly aim for a twenty six percent price hike was near ft is also doubt its net profit rose nine point five percent last year but that is according to russian accounting standards a part of us now is a great different story for them so it's not all day. they've got some good news if we have a look we can see that they drop their plans to move to london and that's it since
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you've made the decision comes after delays are receiving approval from russia's foreign investment commission the company had planned to list seven and a half percent stake in london raising a potential seven hundred million dollars us here is money that so far on the top let's hone it how gold prices of this hour and i've been struggling it say they've been struggling this week as you as you could say they are indeed down a c. . at this hour there's all sorts of sentiment i mean as the economy gets stronger we oppose the sentiments coming out of the us the safe haven isn't quite so popular if you look at the prices for this we can see that they have jus up. to after three weeks on signs the us achree supply is getting better it's rising and also the fact that saudi arabia has said that they're going to boost their supplies also imports from canada also increasing we've had reports from china saying that they've increased their prices up to seven percent that's
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a concern for their economy. occurrences that have a quick look at how they're faring this hour we've got the poll is appreciating that i get most of the major viable z. prepared you can see down if we look at the ruble we can see that it's foreign press against the u.s. dollar and it's down against our us that's how it is but now i'll be back in about fifty five minutes probably some better news. going to. be. the.
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wealthy british style but. that's not the type of. car. markets finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy which might structure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r g. fewer chances book full of life. limited time. more optimistic. the theater
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where the ingenious opened their hearts to the rest of us. what are the real limits . on our teams. with the end of the boer war and the going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared from the risk is not zero love something might be going off by mistake especially the founders of the nuclear weapons on hand. trigger alert. the focus of the victims produces i think there's a through it all as an extra bit but you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons of venture you're going to blow everybody up you could you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see if people don't wake up to the nuclear weapons you know bill they knew. that represents all the firepower of the second world war and this second sound is the equivalent.


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