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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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three. three. three. three. three. four year media project free media. breaking the deadlock russia says it's ready to back u.n. action on syria endorsing the peace plan put forward by the world body to the country. but that's not just the. dozens are killed and over a hundred injured in the latest spate of violence across iraq just one day after the ninth anniversary of the start of the u.s. led invasion. and thousands of workers in the u.k. left struggling to find employment. after learning they were placed on
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a secret police blacklist. news from the world economy the business is in twenty minutes. good to have you with us today here on r.t. . live in the russian capital moscow's ready to back a u.n. resolution on syria as long as it contains no ultimatums of president assad's regime that's according to the russian foreign minister voicing strong support for the u.n. special envoys a road map for peace in the conflict torn country the u.n. security council is set to consider voting on a draft statement on syria later on choose day. as these details. russia remains very much focused on what it said all along which is that it is calling for
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a cease fire to hold to the violence in the country that is not going to back anything is seen as putting in ultimatum on the syrian government to. back a resolution is seen as simply backing one side and now we know the foreign minister lavrov was meeting today with his lebanese counterpart and he's thinking about the trough resolution this is going to be discussed later in the security council does tend to play from. that that i used to back a pin on six point peace plan calling for much the same things that the arab league observers mission had been asking for the whole to the violence the whole its security forces from some of these conflicts areas the release of political prisoners we need to take financing ready been to syria to discuss this with president assad that is he did it the security council can later on today i come to some sort of consensus and put there it's just a point behind that plan but of course it is very much as we said going to come
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down to the wording of that plan and whether the security council will be able to carry on the times before russia has voiced support not only for a few nuns a peace plan in the fall she would also for the growing calls the humanitarian ceasefire within syria we saw the foreign minister meeting with the heads of the international red cross yesterday backing these plans for that cease fire within the country so that's absolutely essential if there is a lot of faith now that the security council itself can me full pass these barriers that they've been meeting over things like the wording of these resolutions and casein on sesame fi perhaps is a mediator between the west and russia is strong we've had foreign minister level saying that if you don't fund doesn't put the ultimatum it doesn't put the pressure just on one side and say if this can now put pressure on both your position on assad to push the cease fire the study there's a lot of play that some sort of consensus can be reached. oh he's sorry for the
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poor thing right there but it's a get some more now on the latest developments around syria and let's speak to jacob hornbook live in washington d.c. the head of the u.s. based nonprofit organization the future all freedom foundation good to see you today the u.s. is hailing russia's latest rhetoric on syria but what moscow is saying is just been speaking the same breath all the time along which of the two sides do you think is more desperate for a compromise at the u.n. i think it's impossible to say you know each side is trying to maintain its control over the regime its influence over the regime the u.s. would love to have regime change in syria the russians would love to maintain regime the regime there but let's face it you know a cease fire leaves the dictatorship in power and that's exactly what the syrian rebels would like to get rid of so i'm not sure that that really accomplishes anything with respect to the what the rebels want. when you when they're trying to
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get rid of the dictatorship i would let's let's address the issue all of the u.n. security council if it passes a resolution on syria how much could it really affect the culture that i think people want to know is if the u.n. does parts of resolution what kind of action could we expect to see it taking with syria. well i think it depends on how the resolution is phrased because as we've seen in the past what the u.s. government does is it takes these what seem to be innocuous nice sounding resolutions and then drives you know a mack truck through them and says oh well this justifies military intervention this justifies bombing attacks no fly zones and so forth i would assume that the russians are going to be very cautious about the wording of that resolution but i think we should keep in mind it no matter what they do with these these resolutions these interventions they always end up with a worse situation there's much more death and destruction and so forth if there is
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intervention my position is just leave this to the syrians to resolve it's not a it's not a nice situation it never is when you have a dictatorship and people are trying to oust said dictatorship but it's best left to the people of that country to resolve leave the united nations and the u.s. government out of the equation as well the russian government now germany has reiterated it's against military intervention in syria as have many many countries in the world but why is the u.s. still refusing to take that option off the table what is what is america's motivation to deposing the regime. it's the same motivation that guides us foreign policy and has for many decades is regime change where the dictatorship is not a pro-u.s. regime i mean you know that the us likes to perm it to make the impression that it's favoring democracy but when you look at it they favor the military dictatorship in egypt that's a brutal dictatorship they have funneled billions of dollars into there for years
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in fact let's not forget that the us the cia used the syrian torture regime to rendition mad canadian citizen or for the purpose of torture so they were actually employee in serious dictatorship to torture a guy on their behalf so that's what guides us foreign policy is getting their people into public office around the world and it's led to the to the disastrous consequences we see in iraq and afghanistan elsewhere around the world with people despise the us that's why some of us are saying it's time to dismantle this whole regime change foreign policy of interventionism in undeclared wars one of one of the facts are there are certainly many international analysts have been drawing attention to is that when it comes to washington's motives in syria as you were saying earlier about so forcing a regime change there are many that say well it's not so much about the syrian
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regime brother that syria is more strategically important too confining and isolating iran your thoughts on that. well it's very possible because they would love to have regime change in iran too i mean that's what they did in one thousand nine hundred fifty three when the cia in engineered a cood that ousted the democratically elected prime minister of the country i mean the us destroyed iraq's experiment with democracy installed a dictatorship an unelected dictator the shah of iran trained his secret police force the sadat helped him tortured the iranian people and so now that resulted in the iranian revolution in seventy nine and eighty u.s. regime and so the u.s. was never forgotten and that's what the whole iranian foreign policy is around even around is how do we expect regime change in iran and certainly syria may be part of the equation that there are so many many reports as it suggests of the syrian opposition is fragmented by the moment with several umbrella groups seemingly
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competing for control tell us this how exactly who exactly is the assad government supposed to negotiate with there's the guarantee that all rebel forces will stick to whatever agreements brokered here certainly seems that there's infighting factions that all call themselves part of the resistance. well that's the part of the part that comes with a revolution or a civil war is that the whole thing becomes very messy i mean jefferson pointed out in our declaration of independence that people will put up with a lot of tyranny before they finally revolt because there's so much death and destruction in the endgame is never clear and so people should move very cautiously before they take up arms against their own government but you've got this brutal dictatorship it will not stand for elections or fair elections and so if people want to oust a dictatorship the only way they can do that is violence how does this all get resolved simm possible to say i mean it's like rather you know while tiger you told
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no words getting into it's impossible to say how this is going to end. the head of the u.s. based nonprofit organization the future of freedom foundation live for us in washington d.c. many thanks and these becoming an art scene you're welcome. continuing here turning our attention to that of iraq where a series of coordinated blasts have rocked nearly a dozen cities there killing more than forty injuring almost two hundred three car bombs exploded in the northern oil rich province of code of cook killing nine i thought the two car bombs hit a predominantly shia city of karbala one bit south of baghdad killing thirteen other attacks in the capital and two southern towns targeted local police headquarters of the latest violence comes nine years are good the u.s. led invasion of iraq began and just ahead of next week's arab league summit to be held. and he will campaign david swanson says that despite u.s. efforts iraq is
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a country in tatters. he demolished their country will destroy what was one of the most advanced civilized country split the highest standard of living in net region we've destroyed it for over twenty years that a pair of wars and in lisp are mean and sanctions and it's we lost in million six lives just in the past nine years we've killed over a million people in created four million refugees the refugees in the world are now from iraq or afghanistan we've ruined their infrastructure trillions of dollars worth of damage to infrastructure to the natural environment. as you know higher to answer than hiroshima everyone in giving birth asks the same first question is it normal any we have to destroy they're trying to treat. human rights groups are pointing to a wide spread torture in the countries prisons the claims also state that some of
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the detainees are subjected to abuse were handed over by america despite a ban on transfers adopted last summer these allegations which afghan officials deny comes just weeks after several atrocities were committed by u.s. soldiers in the country with details on this as our teams got a check at. every year international forces detained thousands of afghans and a good number of those are transferred to afghan interrogators now the report by the afghan independent human rights commission and a new york based open society foundations were deals that were awaits the detainees after being transferred is often torture and denial of due process the report refers to very specific cases and testimonies and basically asks whether the u.s. is complicit in torture there we're talking about some gruesome reports of abuse detailed in that report beatings suspension from the ceiling electric shocks or actual sexual abuse and other forms of mental and physical abuse which are routinely used to obtain confessions or other information that the research
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primarily focuses on the afghan intelligence agency does business and that it says that the u.s. business of the u.s. forces is just to hand over those detainees but for years america's own network of secret prisons in afghanistan has provided ample material for various reports rampant torture and unlawful practices have been reported at so-called black site interrogation centers by the way the u.s. government has admitted the existence of those secret centers but the admission confirmation came after many years of denials so now as the u.s. is in the process of handing over its presence including the infamous prison on dog or a mayor base to the afghan government though these reports come out about what happens to the detainees after their hand handed over by american forces to their afghan colleagues this pullout operation is becoming increasingly challenging for the united states at times plain embarrassing because of the bad news coming from
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afghanistan on a regular basis the american soldier who apparently killed sixteen innocent civilians the gurning of the holy muslim books u.s. marine you're an aging on dead afghans and more broadly the surge of violence there rampant opium production which terrorists. around the globe feedlots yes journalists tend to focus on problems put in of ghana's then it seems there are more problems than time to report. if you can reporting right while you are with r.t. it's good to have your company today coming your way in just a few minutes here that of a black listed person. run out of money start you provided it's a choice of jeopardy culture from where they from jeopardy your relationships and see if you can pay or pose any more find out why union workers are whistleblowers in the u.k. are fighting back after being kicked out of the workplace. and we report on how russian authorities are planning a new lease on life for the two hundred fifty thousand webcams installed during the
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recent presidential vote. a quarter past the hour here in moscow the greek parliament is set to approve the country's new international bailout deal later today as more protests against austerity measures in return for rescue funds are planned things that received a second bailout this year combined with its first rescue package the country stands to receive over one hundred seventy two billion euros in loans from eurozone countries and the i.m.f. but greece's creditors claim the country's most recent austerity measures could be quote accident prone experts say the country may fail to lower its debt burden to the specified targets later requiring yet more rescue loans greece is in its fifth year of recession and many believe it needs to recover before debt reduction plans can have any effect attorney and professor of constitutional law at george cut from god also says the bailout money still isn't doing much good. but the new bailout
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is not the solution needs first of all it is not becoming such they are the best the scenario and now we do not have the best scenario usually we have there was scenario coming through in two thousand we're going to cut this in level of that house before this mechanism was. rescue as they call it on the other hand we are in abusive so. to me. by twenty five percent it is the additional risk of the recession and to the society dissolve it is a kind of for a slow death of a downward spiral that does not seem to come up with then for us all of this new money is not going to kill the economy recover is practically going to back to our lenders if you look at the math this bailout has reduced our access.
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that by about one hundred five billion euros and we cover taken at this for another one hundred thirty billion dollars of new debt so actually state of having our debt if you feel that this is a loony and it would be a good thing if all this money was going to kill the greek unemployed people all the economy but it is not going there. in about her seven minutes time it's the market update here on r.t. for an hour the world updates and other global news in brief we'll start with france where one of the biggest manhunts in the country's history is underway after four people were shot dead in the southern part of the country a gunman on a motorbike killed a rabbi the rabbi's two sons and a young girl the two jewish schools in the city of toulouse police have linked the attack to last week's shootings which resulted in the death of two soldiers of north african descent the country has issued
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a scarlet alert for the first time which allows tighter security including military patrols. for the first time in three years north korea has invited u.n. inspectors to monitor a nuclear freeze deal with the u.s. the agreement includes the suspension of uranium enrichment and missile tests however there have been complaints south of the country and also plans to launch of rocket carrying a satellite washington says the move will break last month's deal in which the u.s. offered food aid in return for a partial nuclear compromise. italy's prime minister has begun a final push for a deal with the unions over of revamp of labor laws mario monti wants unions to abandon rules that make it virtually impossible to fire workers for misconduct italy's largest labor group is resisting the changes claiming the deal is impossible monti needs to convince union leaders all risk of mass strikes within his coalition parliament. now thousands of construction workers in the u.k.
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have discovered they were placed on a secret employment blacklist which enjoyed police support the illegal files deemed the victims many of whom had complained of safety standards to left wing and troublesome and led to their sackings that made reemployment nearly impossible our correspondent laura smith reports. banned from working for speaking the truth these trade unionists and whistleblowers all fighting back after years of wondering why they couldn't get a job these skills engineers now know their names were on an illegal blacklists. in two thousand and four former union organizer steve hadley was mysteriously sacked and for the next four years he wondered why he couldn't get another full time job then friends told him about a blacklist held by a private company and accessed by some of the u.k.'s biggest construction firms
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sure enough he uncovered a sixteen page file on himself goes into detail. what. the employers were distributed amongst themselves as blacklist an organization. basically for normal people for much of the information in hadley style is clips from left wing newspapers and union magazines but some comes from a different source altogether police i was and they're named. a participant. this information. could only have come from a place i mean we don't agree with blacklist it's not illegal. but a. mention. of forces involved in this it it almost marks
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a place that working on a building sites one of the most dangerous jobs in the u.k. . fifty tested the construction industry many of the workers say the reason they're on the blacklist is because they blew the whistle on poor health and safety standards so they say construction companies make the. increased profit filed held by the now shut down consulting association so the police are complicit in companies exploiting workers and destroying anyone who stands up to the thief smith from the blacklist support group believes collusion comes from the very top of the force it's not. you know on the plane who is just happened to have found and passed on this information because why would any on the base such a thing as the console association even exist and i believe it's or at the most senior level taking place colluding with the directors of now international
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companies. because of a tragedy. because we raise concerns around quite why it is an open society and because of politics blacklisting devastates the law is that it's a big highly qualified people unable to use their skills steve hadley his marriage breakdown. of the way to support. when it was contracted for part of the. start you can imagine it it's. from a guy from jeopardy your relationships and. you can't pay your bills anymore the company that held headley style has now been closed down but he and his colleagues believe there are more black myths that haven't yet been uncovered they say they'll fight until they know the extent of state security involvement in their persecution north me r t. o's are always there for you twenty four hours a day at r.t.
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dot com of course that's our website let's have a look at who was waiting for you there right now it's no longer the golden age for gold the precious metals users shoppers drop in two months signaling a red light for investors. and cubans may soon be forced to start out their famous cigars. as restaurants across the country opt for a healthy way to dine all that and more waiting for you online at artsy dot com. thousands of web cams were installed all across russia monitor the presidential election earlier this month but now with even the most remote regions of the country having the most advanced software you are already is have decided to give the billion dollar project a fresh focus. now looks at where the cameras could be shooting next. those videos went viral from cultural dancing in chechnya to some quite impressive
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workouts five hundred years worth of life video recorded on one single day was part of electing the next leader of russia but cameras were installed at all polling stations and wanted to hear any possible fraud but the relatively few violations were overshadowed by the entertainment provided some have already dumped the election the most expensive live show in russia's history the system cost almost a billion dollars. we've brought the most advanced software to the most remote regions of russia if not for the elections it could take another five to ten years now we can do video conferences scholars can be lectured by diverse professors from russia and abroad. that's just one of many ideas about how to use the two hundred fifty thousand cameras the interior ministry is investigating a police station and after a man died from serious injuries sustained in custody
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a string of such incidents gives way to the argument that there can never be too much money train and while russians may still be undecided who they want to keep an eye on they definitely want to control not entertain the all seeing eye all the webcam will make things harder to hide under the carpet and watches police stations are somewhere critics of argued for a while need to come under greater scrutiny particularly after several people died recently probably received well in for a living. i suggest we should move cameras from polling to police stations we should be installed in preliminary custody cells we should be directed on policeman on duty and in the rooms were suspects a question you would not violate the rights of those detained as their faces would be hard to read but it will save the detainees themselves from police abuse really . meanwhile parents want to protect their children from another type of abuse
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corruption in schools with the annual nationwide state exams due to take place in june they are lobbying for classrooms to be equipped with c.c.t.v. . it's crucial for us that all children during all types of exams on equal terms that they do their tests without help that they don't use the internet means otherwise those who don't should have a worse chance to get into a good university there had been numerous complaints in the past about unfair competition that there had been no proof now there will be. the war. any ideas on the table authorities have launched an official competition for the best project to use the costly equipment and with everyone allowed to have their say the people's big brother looks set to stay if you grab our t.v. scale. over to the business doesn't go to r.t.
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is it done your bushel i hear another stinker on the stock market that's right we have suffered for a second. with the market is there wall street percent is some weak a commodity prices and take stock adobe's down three percent off the first quarter profits slumped on to the markets which are continuing a miserable week with longer no frankfurt down one percent stocks of dragging off the b.h.p. billiton said good morning for chinese oil always flattening out also is suing the european commission for its merger with the new york stock exchange russell says that would damage competition this void to open higher more school followed europeans of the red in being one point seven percent let's check movers on the six goes probably finished lower after reports it was the height industry prices oil majors rules for montauk loses one a week of crude price. was also on the slide today it comes off the russia's top gold miner suspended play. join the footsie one hundred the firm blames delays in
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getting approval from russia's foreign investment commission. plan to list seven in the hopper since in london raising some seven hundred million dollars and precious metals are under pressure with some holdings suffering too much record fool's gold down after a strike by jewellers in india boosted fears of a demand slump in the world's top consumer crude is shedding two dollars today down from a two week peak in new york on size u.s. supply is rising and funnily exchange rates the dollar's pretty flat against the euro this sell off clawing back some recent losses of the rubles losing against both major currencies at the moment and that's the latest in fifteen minutes you can find more stories on our website dot com slash business and the headlines are next.
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wealthy british style. is not on the side of. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our cheek.


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