tv [untitled] March 20, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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market why not. come the. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our. book i'm not sure studios here in central moscow talk to your main news stories here on r.t. breaking the deadlock russia says it's ready to back u.n. action on syria endorsing a peace plan put forward by the world bodies envoy to the country but most go warns it will continue to oppose any draw off the force is an ultimatum on the syrian government. dozens are killed and over a hundred injured in the latest spate of violence across iraq just one day after the verse three of the start of the u.s. led invasion comes ahead of a key arab league summit to be held in baghdad the country's first since the
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american troop withdrawal in december. and thousands of construction workers in the u.k. struggling for employment and on justice off the learning they were placed on a secret blacklist supported by the police they believe it was singled out for whistle blowing about safety issues on building sites. so those are the headlines now let's go back to part two of the earlier in the show in washington. hi guys it's time for you said it i read it i take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube you got something to say i listen at first i was thought of your the watchtower interview with r t's very own lauren lyster on the latest round of big bank stress tests courtesy of the federal reserve john calibur comments on facebook they should be authorizing stress tests for the long suffering of bank customers and you know what i agree is
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a long overdue at the federal reserve start acting in the interest of the average american customer is that of the interest of the big banks themselves because start by doing a stress test that would actually predict how the big banks would fare in a massive financial kras that's that's just an idea for those of you that visit on friday we've pointed out many of the ways in which this stress test was virtually worthless so go back and check the interview out the next day i would respond if you were watching my interview with gawkers john cook on the f.b.i. spying on domestic activists over the past several years not to tease comment on you tube this is a great opportunity for government cutbacks at the operative's too many of them obviously with too little to do too much time on their hands and it does seem like the f.b.i. has an awful lot of time on their hands i don't know they have a massive spying operation to monitor muslims in america but in their spare time they find a b. they find to be concerned about an alliance between the homeless and they and artists and they monitor radicals that shop at those evil farmers' markets have a sense that few billion could probably be shaved off that domestic surveillance
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budget and the us would be just as safe like that the i would ever admit of course they need to keep their fear level up so they can justify all that money but finally what would you said i read it be without something from rick santorum responding to our tool time about rick santorum that war on porn three one one one commenter on you tube the only thing dumber than running against birth control is running against porn and you know. i think i have to agree here you see even massive and completely justified and proper reaction to the g.o.p.'s war on women while contraception should need to be an issue every man should stand up for women's health and rights person that's not the case but you mess with porn and then you'll be waging a war and then do so much out as of my rantings and i will be back with more later in the week. now last week we joined in on the sunshine week he spent each day calling for more transparency in the government on every level but said mostly on the federal level so guess what there is actually more because the center for
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public integrity released their latest study today which focuses on the state level and after doing research on all fifty state houses c.p.i. determine that all of them lack transparency and accountability on some level and they're all still at high risk of corruption and c.p.i. issue degrades each state based on factors like campaign finance executive legislative and judicial accountability lobbying disclosure redistricting and pension fund management just to name a few and it turns out that none of the states out there not a single one receive help to pick the highest scores are actually b.s. and those went to connecticut washington state california nebraska and new jersey so it turns out that states that have a very public history of corruption actually more likely to enact new rules to keep it from happening again kind of makes sense now those who didn't fare so well michigan north north and south dakota south carolina maine virginia wyoming and georgia all of you think for
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a year and biggest problem with those states was lack of teeth a lack of enforcement for anything that i say house has been and the problems vary from a state house that holds too many members to keep accountable to very small seances the hold so much trust in their lawmakers if they're just virtually is no oversight and i think these findings are certainly sad but not surprising unless you've been watching one too many republican stump speeches where the take is states good federal government all that you can super politicians love to get up claim that if we just returned all the power to the states everything would be perfect. i think i like the way you worded it because it's not taking a national control of an issue and say all those things for doing what we're really doing is returning to the states and trying to treat marijuana like we treat alcohol my health care plan by the way is one that under our constitution we're allowed to have the people in our state chose a plan which i think is working for our state at the time we craft it i was asked
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time and again is this something that you would have the federal government do i said absolutely not i do not support a federal mandate i do not support a federal one size fits all plan i believe in the constitution that's why the attorney general here is saying absolutely not you can't impose obamacare on the states this is a great city of never question but the state has a right to that it's not a it's not a constitutional right of the state has been has the right to suppress whatever whatever stance you say there's a joint federal state program to save what's left of the everglades would you commit to continuing that federal financing of the everglades mr i don't i don't see any reason to go after that i would still look into the details on whether that could be a state issue or not let's take that money bundle up south carolina's fair share it every other state fair share senator them and say you care for your people in the way you feel best listed at the state level. so whether it be health care birth control gay marriage education everything would be better if only it were in the
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hands of the state ok back to public integrity report or state governments really to be trusted with every single government function after all it's the states that have been passing in fayetteville arkansas and bill on collective bargaining immigration abortion that's the name on that i mention all the states that bailed c.p.i. study were also moderates to very conservative when it comes to the voting season so i just thought i'd throw that last little tidbit of knowledge in there so that every state missing the mark on transparency i think that it's time we all have a more balanced a more adult conversation about the role of state governments versus the peril government because states good better or government bad it's just too simple and it simply isn't working. now the cia or the central intelligence agency prides itself on being the best spying machine in the world or as david petraeus described it the cia is a national treasure but i'm sure new technologies that you know we're all going to love going to depend on making the job easier for them it's social networking
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a variety of gadgets that we all news use that are now connected to the internet like your playstation your smartphone your g.p.s. so they're not even more devices inside your home as petraeus said at the summit this month or in tell him the digital transparency of our world we have to quote rethink our notions of identity and secrecy and it's not necessarily true let's take a look at what plans the cia has in store and who it's working with to get their christoffersen going fellow at the open society nations is here joining me to discuss christopher thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you ok first can we backtrack a little bit and i said where was the country said this at this summit for inc you can tell our viewers what that is who that is short so if you so is a venture capital firm that the cia funds but is not the only founder all of and invest money into companies but it bounced the cia's mission the mission of course being to spy on foreigners and to protect the country so this is really interesting it's like the cia has this whole other business wing you know i mean general
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petraeus or no longer i guess former general petraeus started out saying i met with a bunch of butter capitalists and had dinner with them last night i mean how much of this do you think is part of his job to which is just finding businesses that want to create new technologies they know that the cia is definitely going to unwind best and i don't think it's his job he's obviously the director of agency but certainly you could sell it but he does a lot of schmoozing you think now sure everything right for every agency though schmoozing but he's not individually going on between companies and say ok we should invest in these guys i'm sure he's receiving pitches on occasion but you know those pitches from firms and when they think that the mission of the cia matches the mission and their company. you know throw some money in there think it's a has a lot of money and companies in silicon valley are always looking for venture capital funds i mean not think it'll isn't the only venture capital fund in silicon valley there on the that are out there but getting investment from a new cell has a certain cachet because it means that the government thinks your investment is
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important ok so it makes you feel like here are your top notch i mean that let's also just segue to and talk about some of the basic technologies that we all depend on these days you know whether it be using your i phone or something else how much is the of this is really helping the cia in terms of what it is that it wants to do you know in terms of gathering intelligence and where the legal boundaries start because obviously they're not supposed to be spying on u.s. citizens shores so over the last few decades we've increasingly come to trust third parties with our private data whether it's the phone company whether it's companies like google and facebook to whom we use online e-mail and social networking services whether it's the video game system in your living room your exports your play station the g.p.s. device you have in your in your vehicle that helps you when you get lost all of these companies have been trusted by us we bring them into our homes we bring them to our most private places and they're collecting data about us in many cases and storing it you know in the cloud or in some data center and once the data leaves our possession it's really up for grabs for the government now you know there are
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laws that exist that protect that data and at least place some limits on what the government can get money they can get it but those laws largely protect americans and so when foreigners are dumb enough to trust their personal data so u.s. companies i mean it's really just a gold mine of information for the u.s. government but how much farther do you think it's going to go what new kinds of applications are technologies or little gadgets a real going to start to use that we think make our life so much easier pipe and i guess may make all of your information that more vulnerable so certainly one of the things the cia is looking at and rubbing it's going it's the smart grid technology so this is the idea that you know traditionally your put your power. he has known how much power use each month now do you know in some states how much power you're using at any given moment and there are certain crimes that the kind of large amounts of power in someone's home and you can imagine if you're using a twelve hour on twelve hour off cycle that that would give a signature that law enforcement or other other persons might shut for an interest
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and certainly as we move from a model where the power company just knows how much you have to which the vices you have in your home and when they're on and which room they're in that provides a wealth of information that could help both the intelligence community and traditional law enforcement i also want to bring up on another thing here issue which is you know clearly the cia now they've realized that you have to monitor or you can monitor social media on facebook you should monitor twitter and i might help you figure out what people are thinking and saying and doing around the world one of the things that he has to do that general petraeus you know betrays that we have to do is figure out how to protect the identity of our officers who increasingly have a digital footprint from birth and moreover have to figure out how to create the digital footprint for new identities for some officers and so matt hayes i mean let's talk about facebook right let's talk about this timeline feature that we have . that it's just ok for them to try to exploit these technologies figure out how to create a whole profile so let's actually unpack that's what he's describing are two completely
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separate issues and the first one i think is one where the cia's interests actually line with ours those of us who care about privacy what he's saying here is that you know a parent will put their kids' photos on facebook and keep uploading photos as the kid ages and eventually you know that kid may go to college and then you know doing a dance degree a minute by the cia and then go undercover while they have a problem which is that there are all these photographs tracking the kids progress through life that are linked to a photograph that can potentially be you recognize using advanced technology that the cia may even be funding and the cia has this problem ok well how do we keep our agents undercover when their life up until their cia was it was public they don't have a solution for that he said over sharing parents right. right and and that student when they were in college and when they were you know when i school and they just want to communicate with their friends we have a problem now which is that our entire lives are linked to something that we cannot change nothing being our face and there are a lot of technologies that are coming online either now or soon that will really make it trivial for someone to be able to just with
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a face to find out everything that exists about you that's online so that's one problem but trace identified the other one is of course that they want to be able to create detailed back stories for agents and so given that a real person is going to have a year's worth of social networking information they're going to need to populate social networking profiles with junk but convincing john this raises several days from a lot of young kids out there might even know how to do it this but i think somebody that's just growing up you know with facebook from high school but so they kind of i mean they want to play both sides are right on one hand there is the privacy concern but then they also just want to learn how to exploit it to go to their advantage because they got wrapped up thanks for joining us thank you. are we taking our last break of the evening but i think that the first amendment if you take it away that's according to the chicago police officers that the army things are still fine award tonight and i'm happy hour and forms insulted by questions about joe paterno protecting rapists and i got. that's received.
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all that. well. it's technology innovations all the developments around russia we used to cover. with the end of the boer war and the going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons facility and. the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake special of nuclear weapons on hair trigger a large. numbers of the victims were using a day as a threat all as an extra. you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons of venture you're going to blow everybody up you can't you know
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people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see if people don't wake up to nuclear weapons or bill. that represents all the firepower of the second world war this second sound is the equivalence of fire power of the world's nuclear arsenal today. emissions free accreditation free zones for churches free from richmond free sri stooges free. old free born just slaughtered in video for your media projects a free media oh god our teeth on top.
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our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we go to the chicago police department for the trampling on the rights of local journalists here over the weekend of her talk of her and a reporter were arrested trying to cover a story outside of a chicago hospital and yet another shocking because her guard for americans first amendment rights is journalists are covering this story covering the story of a six year old girl who was shot and later died typical to local news form they were camped outside of mount sinai hospital where the girl been transported and that's really count her officer ward of the chicago p.d. and that is where the battle for the median happened kind of a he said she said to be honest but there is one thing that does not lie and that's video and luckily for us photographer dante williams had this camera rolling through this altercation with officer officer one of them off the median sidewalk in all the way across the street and i say lucky for us because without this video we wouldn't have the evidence that the chicago police department believes they are
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the judge and the jury when it comes to journalists first amendment rights check it out. like. if you're really good police work. your first amendment rights can be terminated wow well that's news to me if any officer in any town just decide on a whim and you no longer are entitled to the rights given to you by the constitution then what exactly is the point of the first amendment and i have to say that i feel so secure knowing that my rights to be taken away when one man decides that i'm causing a scene or whatever i mean i wonder what whatever actually means is whatever me but i can lose my first and i'm right it's obvious reward as out of coffee this morning maybe whatever means i can lose my first event or right of his life isn't giving him any this week when we're using the term but ever an application to a scenario of rights being taken away tonight whatever really have need whatever
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the person who feels like taking away your rights like that to me at that moment but i'm sure the only people who are doing really bad whatever is that have their rights taken away right of that's not our job to lard it continues with his rock solid logic when the journalist challenged him on his statement the right. thing to print three she's. looking. at you to be exaggerating. yeah their presence is creating a scene so by officer words reasoning just being somewhere it can be creating a scene and creating a scene can result in your first amendment rights to be revoked so when exactly do we have our first ever rights when we aren't somewhere because i'm pretty sure if i'm not somewhere i don't need my rights to allow me to be there now we don't want to single out the chicago p.d. because they're just the latest department to arrest her unless they're attempting to do their job for you remember back in november when seventeen journalists were arrested by the n.y.p.d. trying to cover the occupy wall street movement so is this stirring here once again
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of cops arresting journalists threatening journalists simply because they don't want them to be in a certain place at a certain time so for arresting a photographer and reporter and for causing a scene or whatever and being the latest example of police trampling on the first amendment rights chicago police department is tonight's trial time when. i die time for a happy hour and joining me tonight are too pretty for jenny churchill and at reason i give the mike riggs all right how leno. are you guys the little video probably the cutest thing i've ever seen but these paraders gotten trouble because for fifth grade you shouldn't be gambling this is columbia elementary in omaha and they shut down an n.c.a.a. tournament pool put together by this eleven year old kid take
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a look. so. it was my friends and we had that money like five weeks for five dollars each. and my god five although five dollars that's criminal mastermind right there seriously he sort of now is a criminal for a wife i mean every time you google the kid's name from here on out college application prep school you know what he decides. policy would be like a sperm donor or something like this of a dream i was like i don't want to pass along a gambling gene the kid's life is really i also like that he was quoted to the local newspaper as saying i guess it's kind of like a legal i think anyone is that anything really illegal when you're that age and i guess you know i know that yeah i know you know you know. this really really ruining sports something not so here we spoke about rick santorum and his like
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crazy weird war on poor and he's waving now here's a clip of him last week take a look. you draw your conclusion well you're whether the administration has not put a priority my conclusion is they have not put the priority on on prosecuting these cases and in doing so they are exposing children to tremendous amount of harm and that to me says that they're putting. their foot in the unfortunate of this law and putting children at risk as a result of that. are trying to claim the obama d.o.j. cares more about poor and it has children and families which i find hilarious but so despite all of this you know he has made numerous statements that wasn't the only claim then he was on a chicago radio station being interviewed and i decided to ask him a question about the turtle. if we were to replace barack obama
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with the name joe paternal could we see joe paternal seem to be favoring a child rapist over the penn state football program i'm. sort of it is open question segment and it is so it's meant to try to track gun rights is it the history it was question or and i'm not any answers. i have to point out really fast this is like the first time ever rick santorum has kept his mouth shut which i find really enter here what was holding on to other people in the world are you scared too and you know you probably why don't you try being turned over you know. but like yeah and it's also it's just plainly not true i mean one of the first big cases of the obama d.o.j. prosecuted was john. mann a pornographer and granted they didn't put a whole lot effort into that but they took the guy to trial and if it won he was going to prison so it's just simply not true. i also find this so fascinating because the g.o.p. is so big on you know stay out of our home stay out of our business you know
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whatever and then he's like oh but i need you to parent for us because we can't keep our kids from watching porn so it's really the obama administration's fault that jimmy's in the other room watching explicit you know i mean the good news is that this is now a fringe position to take i don't think twenty years ago or twenty five years really are all this progressing our headline here in this country at least like he's got now actually you know from the right to come out to defend him and say why not defend his position but rather defend like why is everybody jumping on him for this now i mean there's not even like a real conservative defense of his position because now he's trying to be president of the united states. it's so it's a thing that you can't say if you want to be president i progress i know you say around the world war and being president that's this is you know it's more a microchip yet because it's french or is it french because santorum is approaching it we don't know i think i. sometimes in that year was going to point to straights and point somebody that's compared to. i know right there let's just wait there's
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a quick update in the case of kim. take a look. him dot com builder of the file sharing website make upload is a free man at least for now he will judge granted bail for the thirty year old man and released him after more than four weeks in cause i'm relieved. to see my family my three little kids and my prick. a while since he was arrested and turns out he got released because there was a paperwork mistake the judge had said the order had no legal effect basically what they were concerned about letting him out because they thought he was a flight risk and then they let him out and then there's a mistake and he now has all of his money and assets yeah kinda camas if i risk the way going to finance a flight risk there's no airport in any country in the world that's going to like me like is that can not come now is that can back on so i come on i mean the guy sort of way difficult to miss in more ways than one he's not going to hurt him he
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wants to go see a spammer and it's ferrari lamborghini and all that money you know i think they i think they are kind of overestimating the. fame when it comes to airport security i mean just i would i would i would tease him or pat him down if i worked for the t.s.a. or the equivalent agency in some other country and he just looks like a scumbag these are going. really. really not are you need i felt bad because you know who are not your peers i don't see how to say i did he was you know i do so i just i just i guess why risk being for somebody who committed a financial crime is just like totally bogus not to mention that the task force that busted him was international where can he go but where you know why you're so eager to pat down camp that you know that's enough of them to really want to know i do say he's aren't going anywhere the whole thing must be real ok yeah they. are done things are talking about you guys but i think the tonight show thanks for joining and have a come back tomorrow lou in the from cato is going to be on the discuss the latest
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news of applications in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of your live show on facebook and follow us on twitter or anything you are mistaken by the way to the. hill on a shell and coming up next is the news. fewer chances. of life. limited time. more optimistic. the theater or the ingenious opens their hearts to the rest of us. are feeling that it's.
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