tv [untitled] March 20, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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get ready for a game of monopoly president obama is passing go and collecting all of our national defense resource says in times of emergency anyway we'll tell you how a new executive order means the u.s. government and run the board whenever it wants. and if you thought lawmakers were raking in the dough wait until you find out how much money they make when they start lobbying let's just say they make richie rich poor. and ron paul supporters are fighting back sick of their candidate always being treated as a second string player in this political contacts as
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a republican field narrows all broad poll ever at ten ten or respect you deserve. it's tuesday march twentieth five pm here in washington d.c. and was well you're watching arts. well an executive order signed by president obama has sparked controversy on both sides of the political aisle the national defense resources preparedness executive order was signed quietly friday night it gives the president the power to control u.s. resources and times of war and peace and this includes food water or oil and transportation now some are concerned this could lead to the executive branch having absolute authority over the nation's resources and others question if this is all a preparation to go to war with iraq here is white house press secretary jay carney
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is answer to that question at a press conference. with the it's. not exactly a reaction to it i think it was a fairly. standard in which. piece of business. so is this just business as usual or does it give the executive branch and i'm president amount of power on joined now by trying to grab the founder of the white awake news dot com so look deeper into this welcome to the show charlie so you just heard the white house press secretary jay carney there he's kind of downplaying this saying it's no big deal but should americans be alarmed at how this executive order. yes i mean absolutely i think we should be alarmed about this executive order as well as you
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know legislation that has been rammed through congress and or and or executive orders that we've seen in the last several years you know just truly goes all the way back to nine eleven and a patriot act ever since then we've seen one piece of. liberty destroying legislation or another the latest of course being this executive order absolutely if you read this thing it you know he can allocate the resources they can commandeer resources and equipment and personnel war time work piece time if it reads like a cheap military novel on how it a government could take over and declare martial law and impose it with the authority of an executive order as cover and talk about the significance of that because similar orders have been signed by previous presidents but what really separates this apart from the other ones is the fact that he can exercise these powers and war and peace time so what does that mean that when can he exercise absolute authority it seems like it's not necessarily just in times of emergency or
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or what does this all mean. well it's a really good question liz and i think that's why we're talking about it you know we know that eric holder has just rationalize killing american citizens you know they sent hellfire missiles in order to get rid of computer computer rabble rousers that was our walkies title before they made him some kind of leader you know kind of before they murdered so we don't know we don't know what the executive branch how they can exercise disorder that they're giving up so you know but i think it's clear and it should be clear to everybody even the people who are sold out that the government is righteous and the government is doing everything on their behalf if we look at just the past four five years worth of legislation and executive orders it paints a pretty grim picture of what is happening to this so once great republic. now well you heard we said earlier we heard that we heard the press secretary white house
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press secretary jay carney kind of laughed at the fact that. the fact that this could be used and preparation for war with iran what do you think that this could be part of the picture that i could be the motivation behind the order well that's a great question liz and that is what we should be asking why why do we need things like this executive were why we need things like national defense authorization act point twelve why do we need legislation that prevents people from protesting or make it a federal crime you don't because the government understand and realize that we're heading into a lot harder more difficult times then they're already there we're already hearing right now so they need this legislation in place so they can put the boot heel of a tyrannical government on the people we're pushing back so i mean it's a good question and i guess time will bear out what all these puzzle pieces are put into place for well another thing that is raising eyebrows is the timing of this order it was signed late friday night before st patrick's day do you find the
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timing strange absolutely absolutely but we see that we've seen a lot over the last couple years where pieces. legislation or as the same washington were sausage will be made by stores they'll both come out and then try to sell it as a good thing for the nation but apparently inevitably when your liberty is stolen from the people of this third free it is done behind closed doors when your boss people are enjoying something in the pop culture and this legislation obviously has major implications for the rights of all us citizens but we aren't hearing much about it and the mainstream news and why not i'll fall back on the standard answer which is you know you have a handful of corporations that control eighty to ninety percent of the news it's disseminated through either printer computer or television and absolutely there is a an agenda around that reporting of the news and i think that's why you know the things that are sensationalized are author trivial and meaningless to the future of this country at least to the future of the individuals in this country and the
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damning piece of legislation get it passed it's absolutely insane you know we see the same thing from legislation through the political arena you alluded to it there in the earlier clip of how ron paul is forgotten by the mainstream media so i mean it's not surprising that all these things are being done to usurp our future usurp our liberty destroy the constitution of the mainstream media in my opinion is somewhat culpable for giving it a pass on all these pieces of legislation now charlie we're seeing things like the national defense authorization act going to suddenly this vella propose this and some protests with respect to how people can protest to where they can protest now we're seeing an executive order like this with all of this accommodating a what do you think it has to say about the administration. maybe and what what this means for fundamental rights americans fundamental rights. funding rights are gone i mean if you think you live in a country that's a government by constitution wake up because you don't you know that the fact of
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the matter is you were not having this conversation over the internet rather than you know i could be labeled a belligerent actor because i'm speaking out against my government because of the authorization of national defense authorization act twenty twelve i could be black bag drug addict one part of all and gotten rid of that is a terrifying prospect in this once land of the free and charlie why do you think something like this we're not hearing too much about that very controversial but yet something like this is not we're not hearing too much outrage over our well you know it's funny i mean like we have groups that we're supposed to associate with a party that like interlaced protesting to the u.n. about our election process you do have a very large number of people that are not being reported on that are awake in alternative media with media like art that are protesting and there are speaking out but it's you know if you don't if it doesn't have a voice on the mainstream media then unfortunately the vast majority the people
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don't hear the message but as we as we continue to march forward lives and i think this is one reason why we have this legislation to place we are going to see an expansion of the occupy movement we're going to see it expansion of frustration in this country because economically things are not getting better militarily we're still projecting ourself around the world and now we have the government with the tools in place to basically tell us to shut up and take it or else charlie thank you very much for coming on the show pleasure to have you on as always that was charlie baker out founder of wide awake news dot com well still ahead on our t.v. getting rally for ron paul supporters across the country are disrupting everything from debates to papa says trying to draw some attention to this republican candidate is this the only way ron paul will be recognized some answers next. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions.
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made who can you trust no one who is you know you with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called nationals when nobody dares to ask you r t question more. r t is the state english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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we just put a picture of the need when i was like nine years old when she told the truth. to confess and get a sense that. she was kind of yesterday. and very. well that it's playing. well supporters of republican presidential candidate ron paul feel like they're being ignored and they're getting angry about it take a look at the chaos that broke out at the missouri caucuses yesterday.
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steve. well you see paul supporters clashing with g.o.p. officials who are denies or say paul backers were being loud and obstruct if apos crowd say they just want to be heard and police there are arresting two of the paul supporters so are they willing and fact being disruptive or is this what they need to do in order to get their voices heard and i try to find out what's really going on investigative journalist and publisher of the brad blog brad friedman joins me now from the new york studio he has been following these events very closely and i see you brad so things got illusions you things got pretty heated there in missouri paul supporters they feel like they're not getting a fair shot do you think that there's an effort to silence or silence that rather well the fact is they weren't getting a fair shot this was not a matter of ron paul supporters were making trouble this was a matter of the party establishment there in st charles county missouri actually
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trying to hijack this caucus putting in place some rules that they're really not allowed to do according to the republican party rules they. started off this thing saying well we have to turn off all videos all recording devices now there was nothing in the rules about that whatsoever and the ron paul folks know that as soon as you shut down transparency democracy goes away and they were not happy about it they spoke up as is their right in a caucus like this they tried to follow the rules in fact from our reporting in from the folks that i've talked to and certainly from the videos that you can see at brad blog dot com it wasn't the wrong poll folks who were breaking the rules here it was the g.o.p. party establishment and happily the ron paul folks stood up for themselves it was good to see but then they get angry and then it turns out that they did demonize
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her for causing trouble. well they get demonized yes but again that's not their thoughts that might be the media's fault the corporate media spot for reporting it that way but the nice thing is we have the video we can see exactly what happened we can see the leader of the ron paul folks brant stafford being arrested by state police out in the parking lot after they had shut down this caucus without holding a vote without doing anything you can see when he was arrested you can see that he was doing absolutely nothing when he was handcuffed and hauled away and if ron paul ron paul folks are furious about this frankly they have every right to be and i should also add by the way this is not an isolated incident what happened out there in st charles county missouri we all saw it in clay county missouri we also saw it in athens clark county georgia just one week earlier i've got the video of that up
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at brad blog dot com as well and again it was not a matter of ron paul folks causing trouble it was a matter of the party establishment who was running the delegate convention in that case was a county delegate convention basically shutting out what appeared to be the majority of people at that convention completely ignoring robert's rules of orders the parliamentary procedures they're supposed to use at these events and basically railroading the entire process shutting it down and doing whatever they want to do no matter what the people there the democracy that has gathered. what they wanted to express i think the power folks have every right to be outraged about this and i'm glad they're speaking up to be frank now really are pointed out ron paul. especially that there is frog going on as you point to the fact that wherever he
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goes he has this loud following. so he obviously has a very very big network of supporters that he hasn't won a single caucus that and he is raising suspicion that perhaps there is fried. didn't really give specifics but when you have things like that fair caught on camera to what extent do you think friday is possible so far and that's what i here's. here's where. here's where i'll be a little bit critical of the ron paul folks they do have a tendency to yell fraud simply because they lose elections now i give them credit because they do try to oversee their electoral system which is really important that's next to impossible when you're using touch screen voting machines it's damn near impossible when you're using paper ballots that are counted by computers and in fact there has been fraud where you saw for example in maine in the maine caucus where the state g.o.p.
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party chair there charlie webster comes out and announces mitt romney as the winner of the maine caucus by a hundred ninety four votes before two entire counties have even held their caucuses yet so i mean this was a you know they were blatantly robbed in that case and we've seen other cases that are similar to it but i would caution the ron paul folks while it's important to do everything you can to oversee your election to be as transparent as possible to not yell fraud every time you lose an election unless you have the evidence to prove it and now we're seeing more and more there is evidence to prove where these people have simply been robbed as they were in st charles missouri as they were in clay county i'm sorry clark county georgia in athens georgia. so you know rather than turn the other way and say oh it's those crazy ron paul
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people i think the media. do well to pay attention to what it is they're complaining about and what it is but they are trying to oversee with our own democracy so for the hearts of her. it is obvious that there is some kind of an effort to l e n a or it's who at least silence paul supporters well there's an effort to steal caucuses out and out steal caucuses steal delegates it's on video in this case this isn't something we have to speculate about caucuses are a lot more transparent than primary elections where the you know they're counted by computers and the citizenry can't see ballots are counted correctly at all but here in caucuses they're very transparent and we can see what has happened and you know you can look again i'll point you to brad blog dot com we've got a lot of video there. showing the republican party establishment blatantly stealing
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these caucuses stealing these the delegate conventions from ron paul supporters you know i get the feeling between this between these polling place photo id laws these restrictions that republicans are putting in place i get the sense that the republican party establishment hates democracy really and now you can see it on videotape at brad blog dot com and you tube and every were else where transparency reigns and brad you're saying stealing the caucus says and you're saying that because our president doesn't like democracy. i'm not sure about that but this whole notion of stealing caucuses isn't this kind of contradict the whole point of a democratic election process where everyone's voice is supposed to be heard that's the whole point of voting. of course it completely undermines democracy and look when it comes to elections i'm nonpartizan on this stuff i will support
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a republican or democrat or an independent who has been screwed by the electoral system you know a candidate i'll support a republican a democrat independent voter a legal voter who has been disallowed from casting their legal vote but that is what we are seeing we are seeing a concerted effort by the republican party to keep people from voting generally to keep democrats from voting this year and we're seeing it within the party themselves trying to keep iran polls of voice out of these caucuses all right brad sorry to interrupt you were just out of time but pleasure to have you on the show that was a proud friedman and best to get a very a list and publisher of the brad blog well apparently selling out pays off at least a fair congressman lawmakers they serve their time make their connections and when they get out get lucrative careers as a lobbyist or take at take a look at
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a few examples on grisman former congressman billy tauzin a republican from arizona once he jumps of a private sector has salaries shot up seven thousand one hundred and ten percent and while he was in congress he voted for the bush prescription plan and now he lobbies for pharmaceutical companies and then there is former senator chris dodd a democrat from connecticut once he got out of congress he went on to lobby for the motion picture association for america and it paid off his salary increased by seven hundred sixty two percent and then there's former senator tom daschle he's a democrat from south dakota he found a more lucrative career as a law lobbyist raking and one thousand two hundred and twenty percent more than he dead as a member of congress. earlier i spoke to rad deline communications are not required or for united republic and out his opinion on rather the change of roles for
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lawmakers where a conflict of interests here. how exactly is actually two conflicts of interest the first one is that when you're actually in office you're allowed to continue to negotiate with people for your next job so if you're retiring member of congress you could be talking to the n.p.a. or to the drug industry and saying well i want to become a lobbyist for your organization or for your lobby after i leave office and the various the time you're doing this you could be potentially overseeing legislation you can seriously affect their lobby or their industry i mean put pro quo they're technically illegal but there's very little real oversight or regulation of this and unfortunately that he's called that even just in the other one of course is that once you leave office you have all those connections within the executive branch in legislative branch and you can continue to have levels of access for those industries that ordinary people wouldn't have which is why lobbies love to hire former members of congress i how often do you think this goes on and it's really interesting the sunlight foundation which is the transparency of your back she looked at the careers of everyone who lost their retired in two thousand and
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ten and the people who are employed now who have jobs. over fifty percent went into some form lobby in terms of the people who left congress in twenty ten. how do you think of this fact a lot better pass. well you know you can affect you know so much with one really good example is judd gregg judd gregg with the senator from new hampshire republican senator and at the very same time that he was overseeing sort of this financial reform law he was being courted by goldman sachs where he works now doing sort of government or government affairs committee relation sorts of things so you can see that these people have huge pennies on the side of this sort of plead the lobby to get really great employment after leaving office which is always much more lucrative than their current careers now what right do you have lobbyists that are congressmen that then go into lobbying. as you say that conflict of interests who have interests that are lawmakers serving well they're supposed to be serving the
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public now exactly i mean the the oath that they take when they enter congress is an oath as a constitution is not no it's the drug lobby or chamber of commerce or any other sort of special interest group but what sort of our system does which allows them to legally become lobbyists and in time dashiell case he's not registered lobbyists and he still more or less influence is congress as a consultant you know what it allows them to do is there's a very close that they took to the public is instead they're just sort of private interests who are paying them right it's not the money now you know america we're supposed to be a democracy we elect our leaders but doesn't this make the voice of the average so that said you're right what that. well know it's very interesting you know you know in the united states we want to one of the freest country in the world we have excellent free speech well that's what i was and it was the right of assembly but unfortunately we still have elections which are fairly privatized meaning to make a campaign yet enormous amounts of money that crosses this and that way and we
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really allow our legislators to become lobbyists you know we have no b. and we have cooling off period where you have to wait a year or two depending what your position is or if you're a staffer but you're still freely allowed to lobby and to join up with these private insurers and that to me is a perversion of what our country's about because when you're serving a private interest it's a form of tyranny because you're not you're not as highly thought of people who elected you sort of people who pay you money and it's a tiny group of people paying you money have more influence over you and then your constituents then it's not really democracy and how does this happen most of it does happen it happens behind closed doors and secret. sure there are a few in terms of negotiating when you're still a sitting member of congress to become a lobbyist there are a few sort of disclosure requirements on the house but unfortunately there's no public disclosure requirement you have to tell the house ethics committee and the public can find out significantly later on the senate side there's tougher requirements but still after the three month period called the lame duck period where they after the election happens you basically have free reign to negotiate
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with people you know not to disclose immediately. the kind of laws that are there for alito than honestly it's probably intentional it happens that people in the retiring congress has become lawyers of course they don't want rules that will now let the public know what they're doing so would you say that that a lot of lawmakers are that motivated by special interests and making money when they get out of office you know and i think they absolutely are and most of them don't want to admit it i mean for example chris dodd he gave an interview in two thousand and seven when he was so senator you're running for president he told glenn greenwald that's a line you know who would ever want to become a lobbyist or have a trade association isn't a good thing and then you know lo and behold after he left office he joined the e.p.a. i think you get like a millionaire have to our salary is its first year and he is pushing all sorts of laws for the for the movie industry that really honestly does not champion the public interest and that we see things like super pacs a barrier you have more special interest money going into politics they were to what extent do you think super pacs also contribute to this problem where you know
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the more money you happen or you can in fact be political politics the way things are running the country and i think you would pack so absolutely terrible and in the sense that they allow an unlimited amount of spending by corporations and also unions to sort of impact elections at this point they've been utilized to their fullest extent i mean we've seen them to some extent in twenty's and into some extent and the republican primary but i think they're really going to start to ramp up in the presidential election which many democrats and republicans as they both try to outgun each other to get as much cash as they can to make super pacs well what do you think needs to be done how can this be regard. how do we restore our democracy where you know america is supposed to be where everybody's voice counts for something your vote counts for something. fundamentally the changelog they need to make much much either money you know a combination of much richer reporting requirements or they needed to outlaw the ability of members of congress to become lobbyists and there's a lot of people who want to do that or some state legislatures that i think do similar things we're running an independent effort united public and public report
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where we are asking the thirty five members of congress to declare that they were tiring to publicly disclose anything goshi ations there that they're that they're taking place right now with lobbyists and if they choose not to do that we tend definitely go after them more in demand that they do this because the right now you know with such a weak system of laws the only thing the public can do is pressure these people individually to sort of do the right thing and let everyone know what the conflicts of interest are so it's not having a secret do you think that there needs to be more transparency more disclosure and less of a motivation for something to get down from going in congress to the private sector and lobbying congress you know absolutely i mean as long as you know individual members of congress i think need to take the initiative to be as transparent as possible and to not try to sell and be corrupt morally corrupt in this sense but i also think that at the end of the day when you're in a system where all your colleagues are doing the same thing you're more pressure to do it we need to reform the system as a whole to sort of fix this behavior of individuals all right thank you so much for
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sharing your views with us that was the giuliani communications an outreach coordinator for united republic. well the alona shows coming up in just half an hour let's check in with a loaded to see what is on city's agenda alone or what can we look forward to a live wall first of all the reports coming out of the pentagon decided to do a war simulation of war game to see what would happen if israel were to strike iran's nuclear facilities and surprise surprise they determined that this means that the u.s. would also get involved it was spread to a wider regional conflict so we're going to talk about the results of the class and also maybe ask why it is that they decided to leak it to the press if they're trying to send a message there and that is coming up next be alone a show that's going to do it now for the news for more of the stories we covered you can head on to our t.v. dot com slash usa and you can also check out our you tube page it's you tube so.
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