tv [untitled] March 21, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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edging towards a syrian solution u.n. members agree to soften a statement with moscow ready to put its weight behind a resolution with no anti regime at the maidens'. mission incomplete russia's un envoy warns nato it's too early to pull out of afghanistan which is still plagued by insurgency and drug production. and the u.k.'s show of military might of the disputed falkland islands almost three decades after the war has argentinians against what they say has revived colonialism.
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eight am in moscow i mad très a good to have you with us here on r t our top story u.n. states have agreed to tone down a proposed security council statement on syria in a clear sign the world body is moving towards a united stance russia says it's ready to back a resolution as long as there are no ultimatums aimed at the assad regime moscow's lending its way to the efforts of the u.n. the syria envoy kofi annan to broker peace or his middle east correspondent paula sleep. the united nations security council is expected to vote on was a draft statement about syria the statement as such is a statement that would not be legally binding and this is we close over the violence in syria has been ongoing for more than a year in let us high and security council members had on the naval to agree on a resolution on a resolution by comparison is binding a statement is not but it does have the potential to become a resolution at
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a later stage now as russia is that's making the statement and has it it will back a resolution that will be formulated from the proposal being put forward by the former head of the united nations coffee or not he has a six point peace plan but moscow has made the point that any kind of statement any kind of resolution can not blame so you need syrian regime for what has transpired in syria now but we don't have any details of course. we do understand that includes elements such as are calling for hope for violence such as humanitarian access such as the withdrawal of security forces from quote cities and some cities that are under siege and also for the release of detainees with moscow saying that that's because it should be put on the table they should be discussed and debated at united nations as soon as possible not a day goes past without reports of dozens of people killed in the game those losses are being experienced by both soldiers as well as in opposition as well as the
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opposition goes it is a fragmented group then it's not quite clear who is in control of the road the united states and other western bodies has backed the syrian national council which is the greater the range of political exiles in turkey russia from the beginning at the point in the same position of as china has feared that it needs to be investigated from exactly are these rebel scene reports that they have funded and continue to get promises or funding from saudi arabia and. we now see on the human rights group that it has that mean. to you since you as well as the cleanings insists it need both sides it's a grave this has been the position that moscow has been put forward some the beginning it really needs to be some kind of accounts in terms of both sides being responsible and both sides to book washington based activists jacob hornberger
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warns when drawing up the un resolution on syria the security council should be mindful that some members of a history of using mandates for their own purposes so as we've seen in the past what the u.s. government does is it takes these what seem to be innocuous nice sounding resolutions and then drives you know a mack truck through them and says oh well this justifies military intervention this justifies bombing attacks and no fly zones and so forth i would assume that the russians are going to be very cautious about the wording of their resolution but i think we should keep in mind that no matter what they do with these these resolutions these interventions they always end up with a worse situation where there is much more death and destruction is so forth that if there is intervention my position is just leave this to the syrians to resolve what guides us foreign policy is getting their people into public office around the world and it's led to the disastrous consequences we've seen in iraq and
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afghanistan and elsewhere around the world where people despise the u.s. and that's why some of us are saying it's time to dismantle this whole regime change foreign policy of interventionism in under cleared wars. the editor of a london based arabic newspaper says we should be looking at the bigger picture with syria being a stepping stone to the possible goal of iran. i have a feeling that. i'm silly syria from iran and therefore as a full definitely it would be easier for the west to intervene in iran because it means they managed to see cool front is the israeli because neutralize thousands of syrian mid-size syrian warplanes which actually put up to speed in any war against iran and all the through that you have to invade syria to include syria is very very complicated adventure could be very costly i have a feeling that the worst is not intervening in syria because they are weak to
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determine what they are going to do with. programs are they going to bomb iran if he decided to bomb iran i think iran and seated together and hezbollah i think we will attack each war and i believe. the war will take place the question is when. a full interview with one editor in chief of the london based al could the arabic newspaper coming your way or more than twenty minutes so stay with us. moscow says the u.s. base your u.s. led coalition forces should not pull out yet from afghanistan is the mission there hasn't yet been fully accomplished rushes to be un stressed the problem of drug production is a rabbit with trafficking money being used to fund terror or. has more from new york. according to international law it is the security council that house to give
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approval and write a report before all the troops withdraw from afghanistan what ambassador churkin indicated is that the fact that there is an escalation in violence that's ongoing and terrorism continues to be us for he said it is ill considered to establish arbitrary deadlines for withdrawing troops if the situation in afghanistan right now remains very critical and very unstable ambassador churkin said that security viable security needs to be a stablished before international forces leave one of the many concerns that churkin raises the fact that the production and illegal sales of drugs continues in afghanistan he said the production of opiates increased by sixty percent in twenty eleven and the fact that he said that there has to be stringent measures taken to eradicate the drug fields and drug crops in afghanistan he went on to paint what we
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could consider a very scary picture of this circumstance in afghanistan with many civilians still being killed by airstrikes led by nato forces and an upsurge in violence still taking place there so the point that has been made by the russian ambassador to the united nation is that the nato forces cannot just withdraw on a specific date of a specific year if afghanistan is not stabilized recent incidents which include a u.s. soldier shooting did sixteen afghan civilians and copies of the koran being burned to the u.s. military base the campaign anti-war activist richard becker says americans are still far from reaching their objectives despite plans to withdraw in twenty four. about one fifth of all of the u.s. and nato troops who killed this year have been killed by people wearing afghan military or police uniforms and that's indication that the so-called
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preparation of these forces to take over from the u.s. and nato is very very far from being a reality and there's no sign of the u.s. war in afghanistan has really been going on since nine hundred seventy nine and some breaks. had started and it's now the latest phase been going on for two and a half years and no one can claim i don't think they are any closer to the objective of a military victory which is then the real objective and there's no such thing is in sight the united states is the charm and to keep some bases and key bases particularly to try to as part of this drive to surround both russia and china and they want to do that but it's there's no question ability i don't think that there can be stability without that people of afghanistan being able to exercise their
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right to self-determination and to take matters into their own hands will stay with us here on our key still to come in the program a decades long dispute between britain and argentina enters a new phase with london making the most of its distinct corners still can. but first a series of blasts have rocked several cities in iraq killing at least forty six people and injuring almost two hundred latest violence comes nine years after the u.s. led invasion of the country started and ahead of next week's arab league summit in baghdad anti-war activist michael radel says the nato has left a deadly legacy in iraq. what the what we have to remember the back is it's probably still under occupation. we may have seen the withdrawal of combat troops but there are still tens of thousands of western media would refer to as private contractors but we all know that these are paid mercenaries hired killers and it's in their interests and it's in the interests of the leagues around the world to
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keep this keep this conflict going there won't be any change in these countries until not only to the soldiers and the armies leave but all the probably contractors gone through and also the puppet governments no currently being put in place by body americans and the british think we've. destroyed a country we've destroyed its culture we've also destroyed its future its children in the last nine years the u.k. in the u.s. military have dropped over two thousand tons of depleted uranium on iraq. places like fallujah. cancer spreading in the region. childhood child birth effects just washing off the scale this is a really contaminated the ground contaminated ground water so for the for the foreseeable future the iraqi population and not going to have a future that we can be optimistic about it's all been more than a year since the start of the uprisings across the middle east and while protesters
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initially rallied under a banner for democracy many in the arab spring has curtailed rather than broad and civil liberties are so out of work are reports. no shortcuts the kearny sjambok meant in beirut stretches for over seven kilometers giving exercises plenty of room to test their stamina is the only do most popular jogging venue across the arab world for some lebanese it's actually a symbol that their democracy is up and running freedom may be a great political concept but to most ordinary people usually means something very concrete to me for example it's an ability to go for a tour without being harassed or lebannon is the only arab country because these that. these three of them. were destroyed to go for a job in egypt last year i was physically threatened when i tried to do it leave because ultimately gunfire roberson my own figure that made me sweat. the plight of female jogger as may seem miniscule in to ground scale of things but ultimately
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it's about living your life as you choose susan in no other arab country she says we should be able to dress like this let alone enjoy the outdoors with your boyfriend this softening of social norms didn't happen overnight but for susan it is just as valuable product of lebanese homegrown democracy as being able to avoid the political opinion i was born here said i suffered a lot there because it's it's too too too limited i have to cover my thesis my eyes my whole body what i'm hearing being over here please look at me what does democracy mean you is it just to walk around and have fun with bills and talk in the way i love to the things i love no it's not about that it's about having to share things with others while the arab spring sprout under the banner of democracy for many it came at the expense of basic freedom to choose your lifestyle your dishonest taking over politics in egypt no really just women are increasingly
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forced to cover their heads in public to protect themselves from being harassed in libya militia now want to control not all. in the future but also the past saying something positive about the gadhafi era can get you killed but we can look at the record of what the arab spring has wrought in terms of so-called democracy and it's a catastrophe as as could have been predicted as was predicted at the outbreak because if you go to egypt if you go to libya where you have arm bands that have been armed the so-called opposition national council and they're shooting each other to fight for the pick and so it's total anarchy and chaos in syria where armed rebels are also calling for western support of their democratic aspirations fighting for freedom all but killed a normal life sending your children to school without fear or not having your house destroyed this is what freedom often means for the average person according to these syrian leaders this is what was sacrificed when the opposition took up arms
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many across the arab world a longing for social and political change there is a widespread conviction that overexuberant western rooting for the opposition quite literally heals the genuine democratic movement you cannot export democracy people can achieve a former participation in government that is consistent with their values or when you try to export in from abroad into a contrary you very often end with the results that we saw in libya where before there was any foreign interference in that country there was an estimated at the highest five thousand people killed after that the highest estimate so that there are hundred thousand people killed but the west arab democracy may be one of exercise a project to get done and over with but as lebanon's example shows the real freedom like a muscle needs time and sustained effort to grow and avoid the artsy beirut lebanon
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. they always showed archie dot com for the latest news blogs and videos here's what's a click away right now a u.k. student will stand trial for posting what's been called a grossly offensive message about the afghan war on his facebook page. plus russian drug users may face up to two years in jail as authorities step up the battle against addiction the full story at r.t. dot com. he.
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be official. called talk from the top story. on the go. video. calls. and says feed now in the palm of your. question on the call. for a long running dispute between britain and argentina again heating up ahead of the thirtieth anniversary of the falklands war this time it might not be about the sovereignty of the islands but oil explorer exploration off their shores as artie's our credit reports. first the prince and the warship all apparently routine but to watch and tina the message is clear when i got it's a regional and global issue because there are militarizing in the south atlantic one more time try as we meet we can't interpret any other way they are sending a destroyer the word itself that is huge in my. along with the heir to the throne
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we would have liked to see him in civilian clothes not in a military uniform. the island sovereignties fiercely disputed argentina claims them as last mile venus the u.k.'s latest show of strength comes at a delicate time less than a month before the thirtieth anniversary of the war that claimed over nine hundred lives six hundred fifty of them argentinian and ill timed coincidence or deliberate provocation whether there's an anniversaries irrelevant to us here it generally is routine there's no attempt to escalate anything but i do recognize the argentinian president is seeking to put a different interpretation on it for fighter jets rapier missiles and its state of the art the stronger the terrence enough to argentina it's like a red rag to a bull flag burning and protests against what it sees as a colonial hangover the empire may be dead but the sentiment still very much alive
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in britain today because like lord stanley a celebrated here is the man the island capitals named after the portland themselves maybe small and distant but they're the last whispers of wants extensive reach giving them up is simply out of the question written refuses to negotiate on the island sovereignty and till the people who live there want to know wonder with the three thousand inhabitants direct descendants of britain's colonists the four clans belong to the four planned as they are precious we have a right to self-determination and shined in the un charter. were happy to talk to argentina about anything except sovereignty our sovereignty is not negotiable but the u.k.'s posturings left its subjects their high and dry argentina's blocked supply ships in retaliation this lump of rock may not seem worth fighting over its thirteen thousand kilometers from britain and cost seventy million pounds
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a year to. defend but with oil exploration just beginning off the coast they suddenly a lot more to lose spoil gas respecting has become more widespread in terms of exposure then i think it's it's helped to ratchet up the crisis between britain motion tina. point of view if the folks with some the waters to the north contain lots of oil and gas reserves the commercially exploited will then of course there's a fear that britain in the falklands beauty would never wish to negotiate about the future argentina claims it's being robbed with britain sets a yield up to sixty billion barrels of oil from under its nose no surprise the u.k. still refuses to negotiate then after margin time protests and others are now listening the islands are monks just sixteen territories left in the world the un says need the colonizing for now though britain's making the most of its distant corners lost it still can either bennett's r.t.
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london. stake out some other stories making headlines across the globe a seven point two magnitude earthquake has hit in mexico shaking central and southern parts of the country damaging as many as five hundred buildings tremors were felt hundreds of kilometers away from the epicenter in mexico city where a pedestrian bridge collapsed crushing a minibus and downing a telephone and power lines authorities savior quake would not cause a destructive tsunami. mitt romney has won the republican primary in the u.s. state of illinois it's the presidential polls the latest winner is way to do so on the way to deciding who will stand against barack obama in the battle for the white house come november he got forty seven percent of the vote while another victory in a key industrial state has left his main rival rick santorum gliding behind santorum favored by religious conservatives now has almost no hope of overtaking granny. two french police have been injured in a shoot out in a raid on
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a house in toulouse where the suspect. killings at a jewish school were hiding that's according to reuters news agency a french t.v. channels reported suspects were linked to an islamic group on monday a rabbi his two sons and a schoolgirl were shot dead while a teenage boy was seriously injured but the manhunt for the killer who is also suspected of shooting dead three soldiers of north african descent is ongoing. bellerose has come under sharp criticism for executing two men found guilty of a deadly terror attack in the capital minsk the e.u. is preparing to adopt new sanctions and issue a resolution against the country the metro bombing in the capital in april last year the fifteen dead and injured more than three hundred two men found guilty of carrying out the attack were executed by firing squad last week president alexander lukashenko dubbed europe's last dictator refused to pardon them despite you missed pleas for both within his country and abroad human rights groups have questioned the fairness of the trial but lucian cohen says everything was done according to war. it was absolutely transparent the
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investigation was laid for the new head of the company's investigative team which is toward the prosecutors also russia's federal security service the f.s.b. israel's mossad interpol all two part of this investigation none of these organizations had any questions reading quietly i'm just to process most importantly of my personal request every step of the investigation since the first interrogation was recorded on tape with not one since the arrest of the defendants claimed innocence testified to everything and charges have been supported by evidence from the trial itself was held in open court absolutely no doubt about the fairness of the person. and you can hear more from the russian president alexander lukashenko in our
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international spotlight throughout the first day here on r.k. it's time to get the latest market news from the business press with katie i understand china is setting the tone once again for the business exactly right. commodity stocks around the globe taking an absolute saying after china raise its fuel prices by the most in two years and executive from the h.p. business and also acknowledges that china's demand i know is something else i would bet that says tom like i just three percent you can see the stock figures on the screen right now they are declining for a second day as mine is i'll make use of the building no quick number treated on concerns over the chinese. if we take a look now the u.s. markets you see how they finished up yesterday and they're falling from his store a call high we had housing starts in the u.s. falling from a three year high ball permits for future building rose to the highest levels. two
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thousand and eight if we look at the oil markets we can see the. pounding from their biggest decline in the re. crude stockpiles in the u.s. and also saudi arabia have said that they go to boost their supplies. we take a look at the currency markets we can see the dollar is now dropping almost against all its major rivals are actually over the chinese growth of the sun and improved hopes for europe after the greek parliament tree improvement of the buyouts the ruble dropped against both the year on the greenback and climbing up tight race if you look at the russian markets will see under two hours now until the end this is how they finished up it was a disappointing day yesterday struggling to gain momentum after a disappointing a week if we go gold it's gaining value as a cheap shot makes full of prize money too such as the billion more attractive to buyers are listed gold and may regain its crown from plant them as the more
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expensive metal within six months as you expect prices are going to mom investors of alternative stocks in the news general electric says it sells well at the pole in russia when the u.s. withdraws soviet era trade restrictions the president of the russian unit says jackson valley amendment blocks us from a rapidly growing market. right now the u.s. exports to rush to about four percent vs east asia twenty nine percent and european union about forty three percent so the us has a big opportunity to increase its trade if we have. the jackson vatican member and grand plan to your will be able to take advantage of it so reduce the tariffs for equipment coming from the united states and also give us a little playing field against our european and asian counterparts if we see jacksonville and it being repealed in a rush of being granted by the united states we expect our sales to triple by two
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