tv [untitled] March 21, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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great felt week and that is that i read it and then keep people locked up in the money making enterprise it's going to get more lucrative for an experience of the young turks about a leak presentation to investors for the corrections corporation of america a largest for profit for. the same. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. and they're still reporting from the. if you can hear behind me loud explosions. i get it gave me. a.
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guys it's time for you said it i read it right they kind of respond to my brilliance and engaging they were comments from facebook twitter and you tube and you mean to say i listen now on monday i dedicated my opening mainstream this segment of the thinking victims of the massacre in afghanistan taking time to read the name of each victim. spoke about the need for the media to talk not only about the man accused but to care about those whose lives he ended or saved a lot of positive feedback from our viewers on this the forty four prods that on
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you tube thank you for respecting those tragically murdered and the loved ones suffering the horrific loss jeff. all that said on facebook i was shocked to see alona get the names of those victims after all they're people too and let them treat them like that just takes all they're worried about is the tabloid aspect of this story a rogue soldier killing innocent civilians makes their day and makes good copy an earnest welker said on facebook excellent take on the perception gate was unfortunate victims are not a collection of numbers after all they're not numbers they're people and so you're only alone a show will continue to cover them. and next i want to move on to something a little more lighthearted last night we joke on the show about ben bernanke gave a chance to win over the american people through social media and so we had a little fun with the story you know coming up with some tweets of our own that we think that he might send out but our viewers had a few ideas to bamboo for it seems here you wrote on facebook i said we're doing god's work never said which god hash tag hail satan learner learn said we print
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fake money you think is real that's the best way to enslave and seal bag b. once you've kind of been there now i think we our viewers are much more kind of our very own jenny churchill looks more to read about it at below show i noticed a distinct lack of jenny's the on today's show although it was as always outstanding jenny she is really and so i'm so very sorry for jenny's absence on last night's show but i just did news for you jenny is going to be back on happy hour tonight but that my ranting this big i'll be back with more as usual next week . oh ben bernanke is taking to the podium to defend the actions of the fed to educate americans about the many follies of the gold standard one branch of the fed is a decidedly different message for america if times of break up the big banks now and no that's not a few high wall street it's not of wall street whistleblower this is a branch of the federal reserve itself
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a letter introducing the annual report which advocated the breakup was written by the president of the dallas federal reserve richard fisher was a wise and all over business insider characterizes as one of the most hawkish and conservative president out there and he starts a letter out with bank announcing to readers if you are one of the too big to fail banks alternatively you known as systematically important financial institutions or die size i doubt you are going to like what you read in this annual report you probably also wellnigh it if you're a dog frank supporter the letter read dodd frank does not eradicate d.v.d.'s you take to fail indeed it is our view as adults that it may actually perfect perpetuate an already dangerous trend of increasing banking industry concentration and the never has certainly show a massive increase in the power of the big banks five eight banks and nine hundred seventy five banks controlled seventeen percent of industry assets before only forty years and the top five banks control fifty two percent now the report goes on
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to characterize the too big to fail banks as the culprit and that define the financial crisis the reason for the lackluster recovery andy who grab a perversion of capitalism affecting blame deflecting see the blame for the economy from the fed directly to the base themselves out of dallas bad things that there is a crisis of faith in capital i think that capitalism requires the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail capitalism requires government to enforce the rule of law and capitalism requires businesses and individuals to hold it. countable so the consequences of their actions are all fairly obvious point so what is the dallas fed antidotes or answer to this crisis you might oh you know just a little bit of creative destruction which they advocate for why poetically by quoting economists on meltzer think capitalism without failure is like religion without sin now a lot of deflect almost all the blame for the slow recovery from the fed and put
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the directly on the banks and life think that the fed also deserves their fair share of blame in fact abraxas openly calling for a breakup of the banks because of a breath of fresh air and something that i can guarantee we will not be hearing and one of ben bernanke these lectures any time. now he's spoken a lot about for profit prisons on his show from lobbying states of how strict immigration legislation to recent offer to forty eight states to sell their public presence on exchange for twenty year contracts and a ninety percent capacity guarantee hearing seat so it's a money making industry is on the right and this month we've got a new glance into the mind of corrections corporation of america the largest for profit driven company and a slideshow intended for investors c.c.a. describes why this is a market that you'd want to think your money into a seventy four billion dollar industry at the moment is only ten percent privatized now the statistics they show are scary and because they're true one graph shows
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that historically despite economic conditions in their populations have grown another looking at demographic trends points out that one in every one hundred adults in the us are in prison or jail the recidivism rates are high and if the population grows so does the number of inmates and finally just one more page of the fifty three page presentation show that c.c.a. believes the demand from federal agencies will only increase in the years to come so this is another scary reminder that locking people up in this country making some people rich joining me to discuss it is an experience co-host of the young turks and a thing. but you're joining us tonight and this is a topic that you and i have spoken about so many times before but there's always just another dirty piece of information getting thrown out there so you know after looking at this presentation it's easy a gave to the investors what are your thoughts you know what really stood out to you. i was really disgusted about it because they are basically banking on the
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destruction of the country in order for them to profit keep in mind that they are the ones pushing the on crime laws that imprison nonviolent offenders and also keep in mind that they are telling the investors that during an economic downturn they are going to make more money because during economic downturns you see more crime so they're like hey a bad economy means that you're going to make more money so don't worry about it invest in us so you know they're incentivizing all of the negative things in society put more people away even if they're nonviolent hope for a bad economy you're going to make more money and also keep in mind that they're not funded privately a portion of these for profit prisons are funded privately however the state still gives them money under this but thought that the state is actually saving money are not the reality at all in many cases they move money because they're funding these for profit. i mean can you think you know if you if you go through and you really look at this presentation all of it as such now how don't worry about economic
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downturns because it's going to keep on growing don't worry because the demand for more beds in the prisons is going to keep on growing the demand coming from the government is just going to keep on growing how many other industries are there out there do you think that can almost guarantee this growth to their investors. not very many that's why this is a very lucrative business and the fact that they are asking forty eight states to sell their state prison so that so they can manage it is a really scary thought however there is a tiny piece of good news in this because what you're seeing is in states like california believe it or not texas georgia they have actually denied c.c.s. been to purchase the state prison so that's actually a really good piece of news it means that you know at least a few states have their standards who knows what's going to happen with the others that have been offered the same thing but you know it's already had really horrible implications in the country so far you look at arizona and s.b. ten seventy the for profit prisons played
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a huge role in question for that legislation and they were successful and the reason why they do that is because they want to put more and more people behind bars you know if you look into the statistics it's amazing out of every one hundred people in the united states one person is behind bars i mean we have more people behind bars in this country than any other country in the world and that's a scary thought but you know i have to be brought up to this deal with the states which there are some states that have rejected it as far but that in the case of ohio. ohio actually did a prison to c.c.a. but c.c.a. wanted five of them and they only got one because in community the local activists got involved and people actually said no so i think that we can take that as a little bit of a grain of hope as well and then you know they're really banking on ice immigrations and customs enforcement being a big customer of theirs in the future as the as they start thinking that you know the more strict immigration law passed around the country then the more people were
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going to have locked up and in these beds but do you think that there's you know what's going to happen in their plan before oiled if these immigration laws don't go through you know if the courts actually turn them down if let's say after this upcoming election we see a change in the legislatures. the only way that their plans can be foiled is if we do real campaign finance reform because what's happening with these for profit prisons like c.c.a. as a specific example between two thousand and three and two thousand and six they donated three million dollars to lawmakers in order to push their agenda and look money talks regardless of how we vote and regardless of what you know occupy wall street can do politicians are going to listen to that they're going to listen to the amount of money that's getting thrown in their pockets so unless we get real campaign finance reform nothing is going to change and also keep in mind that these core profit prisons have their eyes on two different groups of people and documented immigrants and also those who are using drugs right nonviolent drug
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offenders back in the one nine hundred eighty s. and you saw this huge boom with for profit prisons and the reason why is because the government became even tougher on drug violations they started putting more and more people away all these prisons were over capacity and poor profit prisons were like hey you know what this is a great way to make some money why don't we create our prisons and help the states by putting these nonviolent drug offenders away the drug war isn't going to end anytime soon so as a result of that use for profit prisons are always a little matter what you now have a way of making money so that's another disastrous aspect of it the war on drugs a whole nother story that we need to focus on but it's lucrative and look i think that there are people because they're like i said rooting for the demise of this country but at the same time you know they're fueled by greed and if they're going to make money they're going to do it any way they can regardless of how horrible the processes. yeah i mean if it's
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a business when you look at the slides it makes sense and it's taken sad that they want to make a business off of walking people up to writers you know a lot of it we have to talk about in terms of lawmakers pushing this tough on crime and drugs legislation thanks to all the money that's out there but you know even when you talk about attitudes amongst people and this desire for punishment i think . we also have to be honest with ourselves and see what that's leading to and i thank you so much for joining us tonight thank you alona. all right time for our last break and we come back extends his war on food for the homeless so when virtual time award not happy hour president obama on the keystone pipeline and ron paul says that using a secret service detail is taking government welfare. and . part of.
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completely disconnected from the viewers and from what actually matters to the u.s. and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . r t is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and i went to new york city mayor michael bloomberg announced in secret the bloomberg has waged a full on war against who i read labels for the calories and more so than the solstices study and contents i will admit whether it's helps my waistline is a debatable wind up with a lot less sodium in the food what we eat is really crucial to our health and our government levels must make healthy solutions with social. now recently gloom found a new or demographic to force his food regulations on the homeless and now look i get it there's a very real obesity epidemic in america people are shutting their faces with food eating themselves and that it's hard it's incredibly hard to get access to healthy food but don't you think that of
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a little too far when we're trying to monitor the sodium intake of the people who live their lives on the streets never knowing where their next meal is coming from now apparently bloomberg has really think that it's too far new regulations in new york ban the donation of food to homeless shelters and you heard that right it is now illegal for churches and other businesses to donate leftover food to people that are homeless and hungry and the regulation was discovered when a man trying to donate leftover bagels from synagogues in the area to a local shelter and was told it is food it was not want to have a man it in taking left over to food to the shelters for over ten years so what mayor michael bloomberg had to say for himself when he was confronted about this new regulation well check it out for the things that we run because of all sorts of safety reasons we just have a policy of my understanding of not taking donations. they just have a policy of not taking donations could be trying to distance themselves anymore now
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i guess if you want i didn't want he didn't want us to get the impression that this is an extension of his war on food but i'm fortunately for bloomberg the city's own department of homeland homeless services commissioner basically explained this new policy as an extension of bloomberg war on food he says the regulation is consistent with bloomberg emphasis on improving nutrition for all new yorkers the regulation is that if the shells were can access the salt fiber other nutritional content of the food and that food must be turned away now if you ask me this is beyond insane and we look at it this way we have an obesity epidemic in this country and it needs to be fought and it needs to be confronted by applaud the efforts out there to get more nutritious food into our schools into our stores into our bodies but we also have an epidemic of poverty and homelessness the rates have been rising drastically in the last few years he can't just lump them all into one let's solve hunger before we start controlling what it is that those who have no money to buy any food can eat and i really feel like with this of bluebirds babies
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are getting lazy maybe it was just too much work trying to take on people who had the ability to fight for you just decided to micromanage the diets of one group that doesn't have any say which are the homeless it's pathetic and it's not the first time that we've heard is targeted the homeless population of new york last year we tried to put a lot of plays that would force almost people to prove that they had no other options before being admitted to a shelter for the homeless shelters in new york city was such a coveted getaway destination and last month a judge struck down that law so i guess the consumer can keep the home most of their cushy dig heated food police are settling for controlling the serving size salt content the calorie count of the food they put in their mouth so we're saying no bagels for you to the homeless new york city mayor michael bloomberg is tonight's tool time either.
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hi guys it's time for a happy hour and joining me this evening r.t. producer jenny churchill and jake brewer she the strategy officer and mission strategy thanks for joining me guys doing q ok let's start with that this one i just find it crazy but apparently it's happening in more than one place employers asking for your facebook password take a look. the boone county sheriff's department is one of many employers that definitely look at the social media sites of job candidates during background checks and maybe if you log in during the actual interview to check on those let's say eight hundred contacts and about seven hundred one of their friends posted a picture of a plot point. you know or a bag of pot and you see why that's not appropriate in the one first mid-field. well i mean how many. people space i mean these are the people are checking you
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know your facebook profiles before you apply for a job but this is a clear privacy violation if you ask me that's like saying consigning your g.-mail really quick and i can look through everything like you know that's been written to you can you bring me your home video recorder and show me any tapes you've ever made i don't know i think of an h.r. manager asks you for your facebook password you should say you know what salute i will do it as soon as you give me the bank account number and routing number so this firm and you have full access to my facebook that's actually not even necessary that some poking around it and i found out that it is against facebook's terms and conditions to give anyone your password or access to your account you know those crazy terms a confession is no one really. but no i mean that's that's actually like written in print on their terms and conditions you can just say you know i'd love to but unfortunately i read all the terms and conditions for all the websites. but unfortunately no one actually ever reads all the terms and conditions and if you really need a job with an hour you would necessarily in a position to say like you know like go show because this is
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a violation of my privacy really viable find plenty of other candidates and if you want to do it the whole point is that is being challenged in court i hope somewhere smart about this. immediately. this one is the creepy creepy thing about how i get the text we're getting through our phones nokia filed a patent for ted to think i think we have a news clips explaining. oh just kidding we. so right so they filed a patent they basically proposes creating a vibrate able to design that would vibrate every time i guess you get a phone call or text message but i just don't even understand how it works i actually think if you follow guys like ray kurzweil if you have any kind of understanding of the exponential curve that technology and biology are kind of i don't know how they're merging how they're converging and in what's happening i actually think we're not that far away from this being more normal than it is weird and scary yes i find it creepy just like if you kind of be going something normal
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if you're going to attach my phone to my body i want to be like implanted in my head and contact lenses i can just go about my business i want to get a stupid tattoo to vibrate like my phone vibrates thank you oh that's john that's why i'm saying we're going to gather wood so i act to be a lab it sounds ridiculous only wrong i find it creepy and stupid as i like the idea but i did read their hands they are going to function very well they. want to hear it will be like oh i'm surprised you don't have your for your vibrating own thing or whatever but i think that's yeah right here it'll be like a different kind of people with these days probably right and i'm. going to let. you know you made it through if you still want to raise or we're sorry. let's talk about. because i don't know about you guys but i've pretty sure that we all kind of grew up on these movies and they were and so here's a little lighter for everybody.
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ok so i got a member to come in do a new. thing and he wants to turn them into aliens in the plot and this is causing like a total uproar not only. on lying and people are saying in a letter open letter to michael bay. the rape of our childhood memories continues people are saying that he's saddam izing the franchise by forcibly inserting his own interpretation breastplate penetrating it with his alien angle while ripping out the they want to protect our collective original image is not is right michael angelo have the original movie. but there's little that makes me more
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uncomfortable than hearing the words and he's going to charles in the same sentence and i'm feeling really awful right now but i do think michael vick should be stopped he should be stopped and the only way we're going to talk to mr and go see this movie is when you get on when we're going to like four hundred million over there anyway and have everybody it's going to go well i don't i just will continue and will have to do you have a whole new generation now you do that under there is that where you really. want to actually want to go see a ninja turtles movie are the people who love the ninja turtles already and he's ruining it for those people and i think it's the product that they can come up with new movies in hollywood but clearly they really want to have him be. there. in mind reading it but writers. really means that organizations that's a little little mice with more nicely worded in there. yeah obviously it's never a good thing when someone you know talks about a movie and reference to a rape that's never a good person i mean all right let's just finish there ron paul who was on jay leno last night talking about the secret service to. the secret service code names i
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think it was named for romney with javelin santorum as a mentor was what would i know you don't have secret service what would your what would your secret service code mean be. pulled a. big spending oh why did you reject a secret service protection seems like that would be you know it's a form of welfare you know you're having them in the church they are they take care of somebody i'm an ordinary citizen and i would think i should pay for my own protection. but i mean what do you think should the taxpayers have to pay until you get elected i have to pay for her i agree with you there i don't want any of my taxpayer money going to anything rick santorum is doing ever anywhere i think that ron paul knows that he is like obi wan kenobi and if he is struck down he will become more powerful than we can possibly imagine and he knows his ideas will live
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on in martyrdom and i think that's really nice and they'll be ideas now they are very about it and that makes a very good night that's a good night show thanks for tuning in come back tomorrow night he was going to be on it meantime you know where to find it online on facebook on twitter and on you tube and coming up next many. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly is that you understand it in any glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. download the official see how placation job on the phone called touch from the
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